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THE TREATY WITH SWEDEN- PARIS, DECEMBER 20. The Montienr publishes the treaty concluded on the 21st of November, between France, England, and Sweden. It is declared that the treaty is concluded to prevent every complication of a nature to trouble the balance of power in Europe. By Article 1, the King of Sweden engages himself not to cede to Russia, nor to exchange with her, nor to allow her to OCCUPy any portion of the territories belonging to the Crown of Sweden and Norway. "His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway en- gages himself, moreover, not to cede to Russia any right of pasturage, or fishing ground, or of any other nature whatsoever, as well for the said territories as for the coast of Sweden and Norway, and to reject any claim (pretension) Russia might raise to establish the existence of any of the above-named rights. Article 2. In case Russia should make any proposition to his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, or auy demand with a view to obtain either the cession or ex- change of any portion whatever of territory belonging to the Crowns of Sweden and Norway, be it the permission to oecupy certain points of the said territory, or the ces- sion of fishing and pasturage rights, or of any other, on those same territories, or on the coast of Sweden and Norway, his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway engages himself to communicate immediately such proposi- tion to his Majesty the Emperor of the French and to her Majesty the Queen of England and their said Majesties take on their part the engagement to provide his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway with sufficient naval and military forces to co-operate with the naval and military forces of his said Majesty, with a view to resist the claims or aggressions of Russia. "ibe nature, the importance, and the destination of the forces in question shall, the case occurring, be decided by a common agreement between the three Powers." HAMBURG, DEC. 19. The Borsenhalle states that the treaty just ratified at Stockholm concedes to France and England the privilege of establishing depots and hospitals on Swedish territory. In return, the Western Powers undertake to maintain the integrity of Sweden against Russia, should the latter treat the conduct of the Swedes as a breach of neutrality, and declare war. BRUSSELS, LEC 19. It is believed that a treaty of offensive alliance exists between England, France, and Sweden, but will not be made public until the time for active co-operation in the spring. The return of Reschid Pacba to power, and the forma tion of a new ministry at Constantinople, are considered probable. Baron Prokesch-Osten, the Austrian Internun- cio, was expected there on the 14th It is rumoured that important dislocations of troops in the Crimea are about to be made. 3,000 troops of the Egyptian Contingent have embarked for Asia. The weather in the Crimea has been most severe. The Tchernaya has overflowed. A succession of violent tempests have levelled some of the army huts, but no loss of life occurred. On the 14th General Mouravieff summoned Kars to sur- render. A Council of War was held, General Williams presiding. They requested delay, and sent Colonel Thomp- son to Erzeroum Selim Pacha who was expected to re- lieve Kars with 10,000 men, had not moved from Erze- roum. Three thousand Egyptains, part of his force, embarked from Eupatoria, were too late. Colonel Thompson re- turned on the 22nd. The garrison was reduced by famine The horse-flesh even was reserved for the men in the hos- pitals. On the 24th General Williams had an interview with General Mouravieff. They agreed upon the terms of an honourable capitulation. The 8,000 surviving Turks were surrendered prisouers of war.



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