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MESSRS. TOOGOOD & BECKINGHAM, RAILWAY WAGGON BUILDERS, SOUTH WALES W AGGON WORKS, Newport, Monmouthshire. N.D.-Repairs by Contract for a Term of Years. DAVID DUNCAN, RAILWAY POINTS and CROSSINGS MANUFACTORY, OAK FOUN- DRY, OAKENSHAW, near WAKEFIELD, Yorkshire, and HOPE FOUNDRY, NEWPORT, MON. PRIVATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, at WHITCHURCH, near Monmouth. MR. MILLARD, SURGEON, & RESIDENT PROPRIETOR, I (licensed 1834), has Vacancies for either sex. Terms moderate. FOR GOOD & USEFUL IRONMONGERY go to ASTON'S, 139, COMMERCIAL-STREET, New- port, and 4, HIGH-STREET, Birmingham. BERLIN BLACK CAST FENDERS, WITH wrought Plate Bottoms, commencing at Is. 6d. each, at ASTON'S, 139, COMMERCIAL-STREET. KNIVES AND FORKS FOR THE MILLION. A GOOD STOCK of IVORY, SELF and BLACK TIP, STAG and SCALETANG, at ASTON'S, 139, COMMERCIAL-STREET, commencing at 2s. 3d. the single dozen. JOHN G. WILLIAMS, ROPE, TWINE, SACK AND BED-SACKING MANUFACTURER, 43, COMMERCIAL-ROAD, NEWPORT. BEST HOPS, Is. 9d. per lb.; large Quan- tities less price. Apply to W. R. MATTHEWS and Co., 19, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. Co., 19, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. SIR WILLIAM BURNETT'S DISINFECTING FLUID. FOR the destruction of OFFENSIVE SMELLS in HOUSES, ON BOARD SHIPS, and for the PREVENTION of CHOLERA, has now become so VALUABLE that none should be without it. It is the Only Disinfectant used on board HER MAJESTY'S SHIPS, at the HOSPITALS OF SCUTARI, and at the CAMP IN THE CRIMEA. Sold by all Chemists and Druggists, and at the Office, 18, Cannon Street, London Bridge, in gallons 5s., quarts 2s., pints Is., half-pints 6d. each. N.B.—The public are cautioned against AN IMITATION of this article. RAILWAY WAGGONS, COMBINED AND RAIL- WAY WHEELS, GOODS' CRANES, &c. MR. JAMES MURPHY is prepared to supply Wagons, Railway or Combined Wheels, Rubber Springs, Drawbars, &c., at a short notice. Broad and Narrow-guage Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Wheels, repaired and turned on their axles. Several Wrought-Iron Goods' Cranes, of the most ap- proved construction, capable of lifting Two to Three Tons, ready for delivery. Dock-street, Newport, July, 1854. CIDER STORES, 3, SKINNER-STREET. J J. GALLIE <fc Co., in returning thanks • to the Public for past favours, beg to inform that they have just received a quantity of Prime HEREFORD, DEVON, and SOMERSETSHIRE CIDER, which they are now selling at their usual low prices, Newport, April 26th, 1855. THOMAS T. DAVIJTIIS, HAULIER AND LIME MERCHANT, No. 3, CHARLES-STREET, NEWPORT, begs to return his sincerc thanks to his numerous Customers for their kind support during the past, and begs to solicit a continuance of their favours for the future. Best ABERTHAW LIME constantly on Sale at Malpas Kiln, or delivered to order to any part. IW All Orders punctually attended to. CIDER STORES, STOW HILL. SIMEON SCARD respectfully invites the S attention of his numerous Friends to his Stock of Prime HEREFORD, DEVON, and SOMERSETSHIRE CIDER, which he can with confidence recommend as being of first-rate quality. He has also some good Cider, suit- able for harvest purposes. 1 QQ f^OMMERCiAJL ST-> NEWPORT- lOt/j ALFRED ASTON, IRONMONGER, has on Sale a good selection of WIRE DISH COVERS, at the following low Prices :—Small, Is. 4d.; Middle, 2s. and large, 2s. 6d. Also, every other description of Farnishing and General Ironmonery, at the smallest remunerating profit. 01 0° MILNERS' HOLDFAST & FIRE- "Vl/O RESISTING SAFES (non-conducting and vapourising), with all the improvements, under their Quadruple Patents of 1849 51-54 and 1855, including their Gunpowder Proof Solid Lock and Door (without which no safe is secure.) THE STRONGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS MILNE EXTANT. "P/w RS'PHCEN'IX(2120)SArE WORKS, LIVER- POOL, the most complete and extensive in the world.— Show-rooms, 6 and 8, Lord street, Liverpool. London Depot, 47A., Moorgate-street, City. Circulars free by post. FOR SALE, OR HIRE, FOUR CANAL BOATS, either at Newport or Cardiff. Apply to JOHN RIXON, Ruperra-street, next door to the London Porter House. O'BRIEN'S MERCANTILE AND MATHEMATICAL DAY & EVENING SCHOOLS, CROSS HOUSE, STOW HILL. Day Schools from Nine to Twelve, and from Two to half-past Four o'clock. Evening Schools will bo opened on MONDAY, the 3rd of September next. Hours of attendance, Seven to Nine o'clock. Evenings—Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. A Dancing School will be opened on TUESDAY, the 4th of September next. Evenings—Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hours of attendance—Tuesdays, Seven to Nine; Thursdays, Seven to Ten o'clock. This School will be Superintended by Miss O'BRIEN. The number of Pupils will be limited. Newport, 21st August, 1855. FOR SALE, A NARROW GAUGE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE and TENDER, Cylinders, 13 inches Diameter, 18 inches Stroke. Wheels 5 feet Diameter. Four Coupled. The above having recently received very extensive re- -airs, is well worth the attention of parties requiring an line for Light Goods or Passenger Traffic, or for Col- ~ciy or Contractor's use. Apply to the LOCOMOTIVE SUPERINTENDENT of the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, Newport, Mon. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. EORGE BATESON (the V J Original iEiated Gingerade, Lemonade, and Soda-Water Manufac- turer, of Newport), deems it his duty to caution his friends and the public, that in consequence of the machinations of unprincipled parties, making use of the bottles formerly m ade for Mr. Bateson, and which were manufactured expressly^for him has been induced, by the advice bottles'. The bottles are now i n sen bed Original Manufacturer," Newport, without which none, is genninr. N.B. The PORK BUSINESS, in all its branches, carried on as usual. Farmers and country feeders will do well to give G. B. a preference in the sale of their pigs, if of the best quality. BARTLETT'S WEIGHING MACHINES, IB WEIGHTS and SCALES, &c., kept in Stock for Sale, at the Maker's Prices, by J. S. STONE, the Agent for Newpoit and District. Agricultural Implement, Smithing, and Wheelwright (Works, Great Dock street,, Newport. Idol t SOUTH WALES AND VALE OF NEATH SOUTH WALES AND VALE OF NEATH RAILWAYS. EXCURSION TO LONDON AND BACK. Up on the 13th SEPTEMBER, and BACK on the 20th SEPTEMBER, at 8-0 a.m. calling as under:— FARES. Covered Time. Station. 1st Class. Carriages. 7- 0 Haverfordwest 33s. 23s. 7-30 Narbeth Road 32s. 22s. 8-15 Carmarthen 31s. 218- 9-15 Llanelly 30s. 20s. 9-50 Swansea. 28s. 19s. 9- 0 Merthyr 30s. 20s. 9- 5 Aberdare 30s. 20a. 10-15 Neath 27s. 18a. 10-30 Port Talbot 25s. 17s. 10-55 Bridgend 24s. 16s. 11-55 Cardiff 22s. 15s. 12-10 Newport 21s. 14s. 1-15 Chepstow 20s. 14s. Tickets are not Transferable. For further particulars see Bills, which are procurable at the Stations. SOUTH WALES AND VALE OF NEATH RAILWAYS. PARIS INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. REDUCED FARES FOR WORKMEN AND MECHANICS. ARRANGEMENTS having been made with the South Eastern and Northern of France Railways for the conveyance of British Workmen and Mechanics between London and Paris at Half-Fares, workmen resident in South Wales, desirous of visiting the Paris Exhibition, are informed that on presentation of a Special Passport (obtainable from the Mayor or Superin- tendent Registrar of their town), an ordinery 2nd or 3rd Class Ticket for London will be issued, available for the Return Journey within 3' days from the date of issue, at a Single Fare for the Double Journey from the follow- ing Stations, vi z. :-Chepstow, Newport, Cardiff, Bridg- end, Port Talbot, Neath, Swansea, Llanelly, Carmarthen, and Haverfordwest, on the South Wales Railway, and Merthvr and Aberdare on the Vale of Neath Railway. For further particulars see Bills at the Stations. Swansea, August 27th, 1855. CHEPSTOW FLOWER SHOW. THE SECOND SHOW for this Season, will be held, by the kind permission of his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, in CHEPSTOW CASTLE, on TUESDAY, Sept 11, 1855. The attendance of the BAND of the COLDSTREAM GUARDS will render this show particularly attractive. Admission, by tickets only, 2s. each.—Doors open at 1.30 p.m., and closed at 5 p.m. Refreshments may be had in the Castle. The Wye Company's Steamers will leave the HOTWELLS this day, at 8 a.m, and return from CHEPSTOW at 5 p.m- The Steam Boat at the Old Passage Ferry will ply every hour in the day. Arrangements have been made with the South Wales Railway Company, for the issue of EXCURSION TICKETS from Carmarthen and all intermediate stations, to Chepstow, by the train leaving Carmarthen at 6 45 a.m., available for the Return Journey by the Train from Chep- stow, at 4.18 p.m also, from Gloucester, by the Train leaving Gloucester at 10.25 a.m., and returning from Chepstow at 7.8 p.m. A SPECIAL TRAIN will leave Cardiff at 10 a.m., for Chepstow (calling at intermediate Stations), returning at 8 p.m. The Great Western Railway Company will issue EX- CURSION TICKETS from Cheltenham, and all inter- mediate Stations, by the Trains leaving Cheltenham at 6 30 and 9.30 a.m., available for return by any of the or- dinary trains on that day. <?* The Tickets for all these Trains will be issued at a single fare for the double journey to 1st and 2nd class passengers. These arrangements will enable visitors to view the Tubular Bridge, Wyndcliff, and Tlntern Abbey, and to return in time for the show. Persons wishing to become Subscribers to this Society, may obtain schedules, &c., from Mr. J. F. HARTLAND, Secretary, Welsh-street, Chepstow. JOHN LEWIS BALDWYN, Honorary Secretary. PURSUANT to an Order of the High Court P of Chancery, made in a Cause ROLFE against JONES, the next of kin of RACHAEL MORGAN, late of Pant y Goytre, in the county of Monmouth, spinster, who died in or about the month of September, 1854, living at the time of her death, or the legal personal representatives of such of them, if any, as have since died, are by their Solicitors, on or before the 19th day of NOVEMBER, 1855, to come in and prove their claims as such Next of Kin, or legal personal representatives, at the Chambers of the Master of the Rolls, in the Rolls Yard, Chancery Lane, Middlesex, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Order. MONDAY, the 26th day of November, 1855, at 12 o'clock at noon, at the said Chambers, is appointed for hearin" and adjudicating upon the Claims. ° Dated this 16th day of August, 1855. GEO. HUME, Chief Clerk. TO BUILDERS. SUCH persons as are desirous of TENDER- ING for the ERECTION of the proposed NEW CATHOLIC SCHOOLS in Cardiff, may see the plans and specifications, on application to the Rev. F. SIGNINI, St David Street, Cardiff, or at our office in Clifton, from Monday, the 3rd of September to Saturday the 8th, inclusively. No pledge is given to accept the lowest or any other tender. J. H. HANSOM, Architect. 4, Park Place, Clifton, Bristol, Aug. 23rd, 1855. SAXON FIRE AND GENERAL ASSUR- ANCE SOCIETY. 25, OLD JEWRY, LONDON. CAPITAL £125,000, in 500,000 SHARES of 5s. each, fully paid up on Allotment. The business of this Society embraces :-— FIRE ASSURANCE, in all its branches. ASSURANCES—against ACCIDENTAL DEATH, and Per- sonal Injury. MARINE ASSURANCES. ASSURANCES against Accidental Death or Personal In- jury to TRAVELLERS and TOURISTS, by Sea and Land, in any part of the World. PLATE GLASS ASSURANCE. GUARANTEE for FIDELITY of TRUST; with or without the combination of Life Assurance. Prospectuses and every information may bo obtained at the Head Offices, 25, Old Jewry, London, and of the So- ciety's Provincial Agents. R. W. ROBERTS, Secretary. Agents wanted in the principal Provincial Towns, where the Society is not at present represented. To SOLICITORS, LAND AGENTS, AND OTHERS, POSSESSING LOCAL INFLUENCE. THE LAW UNION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY is desirous to appoint Agents in Spme of the principal Towns in England, and the Secretary will be happy to receive applications on the subject from Solicitors, Medical Men, Land and House Agents, Managing Clerks of Solicitors (with consent of xneir principals), Secretaries of Local Institutions, and Thf n Sood social position in the country. Thi VTmiS310ns allmv*ed are liberal. and in <»i?hnCleS two classes, viz., Public and Private, on the Policies^6 Agent is entitled to the Commissions fouSftiroY'Xch^a^i1131^1 One Million, moro than Hundred Membersof th^T^T. r J 'rT l throughout the United Kin°-d Profession, distributed The Direction, of which -n I • n Chairman, and JAMES PA™) T?OSTEK> ?,LBE House, Essex, the Vice-CWm Esqulre' °fT Baaddow MANNING, Q.A.S., and oth" P C?IFPNS^ ¥RL.SE?-GT' together with about thirty distinction, The business transacted by the u, T7- and Life Departments, has been verv +>, T? 1 is confident that any energetic Agent may make hf con nexion with this Company of considevai.fi ™ j vantage to himself. °nsiueiable pecuniary ad- The Life Tables have been calculated on l + of the Registrar-General for England the last icturn The Discount on the Duty alfowed by i8 in all cases returned to the Insured the rftWf annually on the premiums payable upon first-clasfrisks Apply to FRAISK McGEDY, Secretary? 45, fall Mall. .r,lAD.u.1;:)ll.CJ.IJ XC-CiOOJu I XUXI iuAxillN iiiKo. ARINE LIFE AND CASUALTY 1VL MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Offices, 60, FENCHURCH-STREET. TRUSTEES. Sir James Matheson, Bart., M.P. Major Moore, East India Company. Capt. Mangles, Director of the Royal Mail, and of the Australasian Pacific M til Steam Packet Companies. Duncan Dunbar, Esq. DIRECTORS. Chairman-P. D. Hadow, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Deputy Chairman—Capt. Mangles, Director of the Royal Mail and of the Australasian Pacific Mail Steam Packet Companies. N. B. Ac worth, Esq., Director of the General Screw Steam Shipping Company. James Allan, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Ori- ental Steam Navigation Company. Samuel Cunard, Esq British and North American Mail Steam Packet Company. Capt George Denny, II.E.I.C.S., 29, Great St. Helen's. William Fane De Salis, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Capt. W. H. Hall, R.N., Managing Director of the Sailors' Home Institution. James Hartley, Esq., Director of the City of Dublin, and British and Irish Steam Packet Companies. Joseph Malcomson, Esq., Portlaw, Waterford, Director of the Cork and Waterford Steam Packet Companies. Robert Rodger, Esq., Tunbridge Wells, British and North American Mail Steam Packet Company. Capt. Henry Shuttleworth, Director of the General Screw Steam Shipping Company. Arthur Anderson, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Auditors-W. S. Lindsay, Esq., M P,; C. R. Colman, Esq. Secretary and General Manager- W. C. Morgan. Assistant Manager-Henry Heath. Established for Assuring the Lives of, and Granting Superannuations to, Officers and Seamen of the Naval and Mercantile Marine. A Assuring the Lives of Passengers by Steam and Sailing Vessels. ° Assuring Baggage and Personal Effects, and for General Life Assurance in all its branches. All particulars may be obtained at the Offices of JONES, BROTHERS, and CO., Great Dock-street, Newport. LEA & PERKINS' CELEBRATED PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT of a LETTER CONNOISSFTTRQ 11 FROM A MEDICAL CONNOISSEURS, H.| GENTLEMAN at Madras, TO BE THE to his Brother at MtimiiM WORCESTER, May, 1851. ONLY GO 0D SAUCE" « Teu LEA & PERRINS AND APPLICABLE TO that their SAUCE is highly esteemed In IndIa, and is AVERY VARIETY r\T? TVTOTT most wholesome Sauce that U* ms»N. is made." W ORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Bold univeraln, by the principal dealen In Bamota. L AVERT ON and CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS, J" Bristol, invite purchasers requiring any description of Furniture to inspect their Stock, which is the most exten- sive of well-manufactuied articles west of London. Their \> arerooms contain every article requisite for furnishing, from the kitchen to the attics, and can furnish an eight- roomed house for £138 12s. 5d., in a neat and respectable style, with good modern Furniture, including rutchen, Hall, Dining-room, Breakfast-room, Stairs, Drawing-room, Best Bedroom, Spare Bedroom, and Two Servants' Bed- rooms. KITCHEN. £ s. d. £ a. d. Deal Table, 8s. Gd. large one-flap do., 12s. 6d 110 Four strong Chairs, at 3s. 6d 0 14 0 Large Clothes-horse, 7s. 6d.; small do., 5s 012 G Knife-box o 5 G-^ 2 13 -0 HALL. Say seven yards4-4Oil-cloth, at2s. 9d. 0 19 3 Cocoa Door Mat and Stair-foot ditto.. 0 8 G Umbrella Stand and Hat Rail 1 5 0- 2 12 DINING-ROOM. One Set of Damask or Moreen Window Curtains, 3H yards long, fringed dra- pery, polished mahogany or gilt pole, 6ft. 3 10 0 Super Brussels Carpet, 18 BY 15R,FT., 42 YARDS 7 7 0 Hearth RUG, to match 110 Mahogany SLIDING Table, with extra leaf, to dine eight 4 15 0 Six solid Mahogany Hair-seated Chairs 4 10 0 Mahogany Sofa, hair seated 5 5 0 Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard, 5ft. 6in. 5 10 0-31 18 0 BREAKFAST-ROOM. Super. Kidderminster Carpet, say 5 yards by 4 210 0 Hearth Rug, to match 0 14 0 Mahogany Pembroke Table, 3ft. 6in. square. 1 5 0 Six imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane seat 1 4 0— 5 13 0 STAIRS. Strong Dutch Carpet, say 20 yards, at IS. 4D. 16 8 Thirty-six Stair Rods and Eyes 015 0- 2 1 8 DRAWING-ROOM. Super, Tapestry Crapet, 18ft. by 15AFT., 42 YARDS 7 7 0 HEARTH RUG, TO MATCH 1 Q TWO SETS RICH DAMASK CURTAINS, £ 1, yards long, Window Drapery, and G|TWO 6TT. Gilt Poles 7 0 0 Rosewood CHIFFONNIERE, plate-glass back and marble TOP 5 Q Chimney Glass, in gilt frame, best British plate, 40in. by 30in 4. 5 A Rosewood Loo Table 4. JQ Q Rosewood Couch, iu Damask, as Cur- tains 5 15 0 Six solid Rosewood CNAIRS, ditto 6 0 0-42 3 0 BEST BEDROOM MAHOGANY four-pollt Bedstead, with cornice, poles, rings, &C 4 10 0 Moreeu or Damask Furniture, with fringe drapery, COMPLETE 4 15 0 MATTRESS 1 5 0 Good Feather Bed, Bolster, & Pillows 5 15 0 One pair best Russia SHEETS 0 18 0 Three Blankets, 27S.; White Counter. pane, 14s. 6D 2 1 G MAHOGANY WASHSTAND AND Table 3 0 Dressing Glass, large SIZE 0 16 0 Mahogany Towel-horse 0 4 G Threeimi tation Mahogany Chairs, eaue seat. 090 MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS, FRENCH POLISHED 2 15 0 Bedround CARPET, yard WIDE 0 18 0 Mahogany Night Commode 0 14 6-28 4 6 SECOND BEDROOM. Japanuedfull-size Half-tester Bedstead 2 2 0 Good Dimity Furniture, with fringe DRAPERY 17 6 MATTRESS 1 1 0 GOOD MILLPUFF BED AND BOLSTER, FEATHER PILLOWS 2 12 0 One pair RUSSIA SHEETS 0 12 0 Three Blankets, 24S.; White Counter- pane, 10S. 6D 1 14 6 Painted Washstand and Table 015 6 Chest of Drawers, large size 1 12 0 Three Chairs, 7s. 6d.; Dressing Glass, 10S. 6D 0 18 0 Towel-horse, 3s.; Bedside Carpet, 8 yards, 16s. 0 19 0-13 13 TWO SERVANTS' BEDROOMS. Two full-size BEDSTEADS 1 1 0 TWO MILLPUFF Beds, Bolster, & Pillows 2 0 0 Two pair of Cotton SHEETS 0 10 0 Six Blankets 116 0 Two large coloured COUNTERPANES 010 0 Two Painted WASHSTANDS 0 11 0 Two Painted Chests of DRAWERS 210 0 Four Painted Chairs 0 10 0 Two Toilet Glasses 0 5 0- 9 13 0 Total £ 138 12 5 Now Ready, LAVERTON and CO.'s FURNISHING GUIDE for Families Furnishing. Free by Post for Two Postage Stamps. LAVERTON & CO., CABINET MAKERS, BEDDING WAREHOUSEMEN, AND HOUSE FURNISHERS, 36 and 37, MABY-LE-PORT-STBKHT, BRISTOL. CABINET MAKERS, BEDDING WAREHOUSEMEN, AND HOUSE FURNISHERS, 36 and 37, MABY-M-FOBT-STBMT, BRISTOL. ÆATS AND CAPS AT REDUCED PRICES. "T\T M. JACK is now SELLING OFF JJ 0 the remainder of his SUMMER STOCK, previous to making extensive alterations in the shop and premises. No. 6, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. AUGUSTUS WEBBER, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENT, ACCOUNTANT, AND BOOK-KEEPER, Fire, Life, Plate Glass, and other Assurances effected MR. A. WEBBER'S Commercial Register is open daily for the Registry of Businesses in every Trade for disposal, and for the Sale of Houses, Land, and other properties. Private Persons and Men of Business are particularly invited to this Register as a ready medium to accomplish their object, in the Letting or Purchasing of Businesses, Warehouses, Private Houses, Villas, Building Ground, \ards, &c., &c. Householders and others having Offices or Apart- ments to let, and Persons requiring the same, will save themselves much trouble, inconvenience, and annoyance, by making use of this Register. Clerks, Porters, Workmen, and Domestic Servants, requiring situations, will do well to have their namos inserted in the register/ Every information given to per- sons in want of the same. Accountancy busiMsstransacted, and Tradesmen's Books kept on the most reasonable terms. Valuations made, and Sales by Auction in Town and ^°Loans' from £ 50 upwards, in connexion with Life ^&6^ark^Place, Newport, and 80, St. Mary-st., Cardiff. CAUTION. THE Public are hereby again Cautioned against Persons in this town who are in the practice of taking Orders for Guinness's Porter, and executing those Orders with other inferior Porter, which they represent to be Guinness s. CHARLES SMITH begs to remind his Friends, and the Public at large, that he is Messrs. Guinness and Co.'s Sole Consignee for Newport and the greater part of the County of Monmouth and that all Porter sold as Guinness's, and not supplied by him, is spu- rious. Those who send it out show their conscious- ness of its inferiority by thus dishonestly using ano- ther person's name to enable them to pass it off. C. SMITH avails himself of this opportunity to nform those who have recently come to reside in the neighbourhood, that he has constantly on hand, in first-rate condition, GUINNESS'S EXTRA STOU r PORTER, BASS'S & ALLSOPP'S BITTER ALE AND BURTON ALE, THE NOTED STOGUMBER ALE, AND THE CHOICEST DEVONSHIRE AND HEREFORD CIDER, any of which may be had in Caskor Bottle; and ROY'S SCOTCH ALE, AND RED PEAR AND SQUASH PERRY, in Bottle; also LANE'S CORK DRAUGHT PORTER, BATH AND BRISTOL OLD BEER, ALE, &c„ and SCHWEPPE'S SODA-WATER & LEMONADE. C. S. is quite sure that to those who know him, he need say nothing respecting the goodness of those things that he sells; but he begs to assure those to C, whom he may be a stranger, that they may rely upon every article that lie sends out being strictly what it is called, and perfectly pure and unadulterated. Bane's Well-road, Newport, June 21st, 1855. NELSON STREET GLASS WORKS, BRISTOL. THE PUBLIC, by their PATRONAGE, appreciate being supplied with Table Glass, direct from the above Works, thereby saving all intermediate Profits. The finest and best Specimens of Cut Flint Glass are executed on the Premises, equal to any this country can produce, and suitable either for the Nobleman's or Trades- man s Table. Extensive Show Rooms are fitted up and well-stocked with lab e Glass, of the purest colour, most modern de- signs, and unique shapes. All marked at the lowest Cash Prices, in plain figures. '0I^1Pany respectfully invite public inspection. BmUMt-Mt Ornamental Window Glass. Ornamental 1 *fmPs0- Electro-Plated Cruet and other Frames, with Glass, &c. MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. Gilt CIUMNEY GLASSES. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. BRITISH PLATES, i INCH THICK, WITH GILT to „ FRAMES Slv°hv 24 i V Size of Plate- £ s. d. ff It ? s A 48 by 36 6 10 6 38 by o 8 0 50 bv M) 7 no S S S I- S gllEiHs 44 by 06 6 0 0 60 by 50 12 0 0 of very superior Bedroom, Cheval, and Gut Chimney Glasses, always in stock. LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY, Nelson-street, Bristol. MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. BISHTON FAIR. BISHTON FAIR. THlh FAIR will be held on the Second TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER (the 11th) There is T TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER (the 11th) There is every probability of some First-rate Stock being offered, and a good attend an ce of Buyers. a There will be convenient Pens provided for Sheep. A new station has just been opened at Llanwern, within one mile of Bishton. ORE 11 GENERAL ADVERTISER is the oldest Newspaper in Liverpool, having been published in 1765. It has for many years been supported Generally by the Mercantile and Shipping Interest of the "own and its circulation has, conseqnently, been consider- able 'among the Merchants and Manufacturers of the Country. As a medium for advertiring Sales of Estates, Timber, &c-» offers. Peculiar advantages, from the fact of its being taken principally among Shipowners, Mer- chants, and other Capitalists. The ADVERTISER" is posted every WEDNESDAY EVENING, and may be read simultaneously in London and the Provinces on the day of publication (every Thursday), as in Li verpool. THE BRITISH HONG KONG TEA COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1842. THE high estimation which the Teas and Coffees supplied by this Company have acquired with the public, for those unequalled delightful and wholesome qualities which stiengthen the digestive organs, calm the nervous system, clear tlieintellect, and exhilarate the whole frame this, and the immense trade they are conducting through their agencies, in every part of the kingdom, place the Company at the head of all similar establishments, whatever may -e their pretensions. The Teas are in catty packages of Two Ounces, Quaater pound, Half-Pound, and One Pound, at 3s. 4d., 3s. 8d., 4S 4s. 4d., and 4s. 8d. per lb. DELICIOUS COFFEES, Is., Is. 21., Is. 4d., and Is 8d. per lb-, packages of Two Ounces, Quarter Pound, Half- pound, and One Pound. ONE HUNDRED MORE AGENTS ARE NOW REQUIRED For Terms, apply to THOMAS STRAND, Manager, 14, Little Tower-street, London. T AGENTS FOR Cwniavon John Davis. pontypool W.G. Golding,Watch-maker, Goorge-street Monmouth I. Bourne, Grocer, St. Mary's-street. Caerleon r^rs Matthews, grocer. Caermarthen.D. L Mortimer, druggist, Cross. St. David s Ebenezer Williams, druggist, &c. Cardigan Jas. Clougher, bookseller, near the Town- hall. Pembroke Dock. W. H. Lewis, draper, Pembroke-street. jjuilth .i. P. Gwillim, draper. Ditto .Mrs. J. Jones, Shop, West-end, near Turnpike. j CAERLEON. TO BE LET and Entered upon Immediately) JL that Old-Established Double-Licensed Ion, the KING'S HEAD." The premises are in a good state of repair, replete with every convenience; would be a highly advantageous opporttmity for any party requiring a respectable establishment. In-coming made as moderate as possible, the sole reason of the present tenant leaving being the decease of his wife. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM PRICE, Maltster, Caerleon, or on the premises. L5 REWARD.. STOLEN, from a Field, on the Farm of MR. S JOSEPH PHILLIPS, Peny\an, in the Parish of Mynyddyslwyn, near Crumlin, on the night of the 22ad instant, a BLACK CART MARE, seven years old, in good condition,about 14 J hands high, with two white marks, a little above the fetlock a few white hairs in the fore- head, resembling the figure of five inverted the mane and tail long. The cart-saddle has worn eff off the hair from the withers, and the bieachband likewise the hair off the near buttock. The Mare has been traced from Aberbeeg to Pontypool turnpike-gate, and onward acresa the Newport and Usk turnpike-road leading on to Newbridge, in the parish of Tredunnock. The above reward will be paid by the Superintendent of Police, at Newport, upon conviction of the thief, or bis accessory. TO INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS. > PIERCEFIELD INN, in the village of Saint P Arvans, about two miles from the town of Cbep- itow.—TO BE LET and Entered upon Immediately, the ibove well-known, old-established, and much frequented House, containing seven bedrooms, two parlours, bar, imoking-room, tap-room, with suitable out-offices, toge- ther with stables, yard, productive garden, and fruitful orchard. The Stock and Fixtures to be taken at a valuation. To an enterprising person, with a moderate capital, the above presents 3. first-rate opportunity for entering into business (the House being situate near the Piereefield Do- main, and within one mile of the far-famed Wyndcliff) a large trade may be done, with the surrounding inhabi- tants, visitors, and tourists. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. GRAHAM and EVANS, Auctioneers, 162, Commercial-street, New- port, Mon. or to Mr. A. B. CHAMP, Solicitor, New- port, Mon. August 22nd, 1855. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE LET, and may be entered upon imme- diately, a Genteel and Convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, situate at the Top of Hill-etreet, and adjoining Victoria-place. The House contains six rooms, and convenient offices, with a small pleasure garden. For particulars, and to view, apply to Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE, Auctioneer and House Agent, St. Woollos House, Slow-hill. Newport, 17th August, 1855. COUNCIL HOUSE STORES. TO BE LET, and entered upon immediately the extensive, convenient, and well-ventilated CORN STORE, No. 2, under the Town Hall, late in the occu- pation of Mr. John Davies. Rent, 15s. per week. The Premises may be viewed, and full particulars ob- tained, on application, at the Town Clerk's Office. Council-House, 15th August, 1855. DRAYTON VILLA, MAINDEE. TO BE LET, ■with immediate possession, the above Commodious Residence, in the occupation of Mr. Carr. For particulars, apply at the house; or to Mr. W. Graham, Jun., No. 60, High-street, Newport. GROCERY.—AN ELIGIBLE OPPORTUNITY. A GOOD GROCERY BUSINESS is now TO BE LET the premises being No. 1, corner of RUPERRA-STREET, Commercial-road. The Fixtures to be taken at a valuation. The neighbourhood is rapidly increasing in population ind the present excellent Business may be considerably increased. The proprietor can give satisfactory reasons for leaving. Apply by letter, or personally, at the Shop, where all particulars may be obtained. CAPITAL MALT-HOUSE AND BREWERY TO BE LET. THE Extensive Premises, known by the name of the CROES-Y-C'EILOG BREWERY, compris- ing a MALT-HOUSE, capable of making about Five Thousand Bushels in the season, and a Five-Quarter Plant BREWEBY, are now to be Let, with immediate posses- sion, for a term of years, if required. The neat Dwelling House, Kitchen and Flower Gardens, and all the requisite Offices and Outbuildings, are also to be Let. The Plant and Fixtures to be taken to at a valuation. Application to be made to Mr. RUMSEY, on the premises. DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY. A LARGE, respectable, and most convenient PREMISES, situate in the centre of Caerleon,^ and at present occupied as a Dwelling-House and Ladies Semi- narv, is now to be Let, on advantageous terms; the present occupant removing to another part of the county. A Lady, conducting a seminary, desirous of securing a residence in every way calculated for a Public Educational Establishment, (making up fifteen beds for boarders), would find this a most desirable opportunity. The Stable attached to the premises, is let to a good tenant. Apply by letter, post-paid, to Mr. CORNELIUS EVANS, House and Estate Agent, Newport. MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY. TO GROCERS & PUBLICANS, rPO BE LET, with Immediate Possession, if JL required, a Good GROCER'S SHOP and PUBLIC BUSINESS, situated in the principal thoroughfare leading to the Dock, in the improving town of Newport, where an extensive trade has been carried on in the Grocery and Beer Trade for the last seven years. The present proprietor will give every satisfaction for leaving the same. Apply to Mr. SLADE. Accountant, near the Post-office, Newport, Monmouthshire. The Stock, Fixtures, and Brewing Plant, to be taken at a valuation. Newport, August 15, 1855. PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. T0 BE LET Oil SOLD, now in the course of -1- Erection, and to be completed in August next, a most commodious HOUSE, situate in Dock-street, and on the corner of South Market-street, nearly adjoining the Dock, and almostopposite the Western alleys Station. The house is intended ioran Hotel, and from its position, will be likely to command a good business. Also, adjoining the same property, Six Good TENE- MENTS, which will at all times command readv tenants. For particulars, apply to Mr. CHARLES JORDAN. Royal Oak, Newport. TO BE LET, WITH immediate possession, on the Free- hold Estate, a convenient VILLA R SI- DENCE, replete with every requisite for a respectable family. The House contains kitchen, pantry, and cellar a drawing-room, and two parlours, with china pantry, and four bedrooms. A small garden attached. Rent, very moderate. Apply at the MERLIN Office, Newport. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. FOR SALE, two-excellent NARROW- GAUGE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, in thorough repair, and may be seen at work. No. 1.—A FOUR-WHEELED COUPLED ENGINE, by Banks. Diameter of wheels, five feet three inches cylinders, thirteen inches stroke, twenty-two inches. No. 2.—A FOUR-WHEELED COUPLED ENGINE, by Hawthorne. Diameter of wheels, five feet; cylindeis, fourteen inches stroke, twenty-two inches. The above Engines are being disposed of, owing to the near completion of the contract. Further information can be obtained from JOSEPH FIRBANK, Contractor, Newport, Mon. CUNARD, BRETT, AND AUSTEN, BROKERS FOR THE SALE OF SHIPS, At 150, LEADENHALL-STREET, LONDON, TAKE this opportunity to announce that their next SALE of SHIPS by AUCTION, -will take place, as above, on WEDNESDAY, the 5th September next, when, in addition to those Ships already in their hands, they will be happy to submit any Vessels intrusted to them before the 1st proximo. August 22, 1855. BEDWELLTY HOUSE, MILL PARADE PILL- GWENLLY, E MESSRS. CORNELIUS EVANS & SON will SELL BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY next the 4th day of SEPTEMBER, 1855, on the above premises, the remaining Household Furniture aud other effects, of the Misses Homfray, who have removed to Clifton, com- prising feather and millpuff beds, mattnvsses, bedsteads, washstands and ware, toilet tables, swing glasses, three sets of mahogany hair-seated chairs, kitchen and rush- seat<nl ditto, mahogany, dining,loo, and other tables, maho- gany cases of drawes, sofa, couch, clocks, fenders, with the usual assortment of kitchen articles; dairy utensils, including an excellent set of milk leads brewing requi- sites. A few thorough bred black Spanish fowls capital fast trotting pony, with nearly new gig two three-year- old cart colts, cart mare and colt, one cow in calf, saddle and bridle, &c., &c. The Sale will commence at Two o'clock precisely, Auctioneers' Offices, 61, High-street, Newpert, and Brook House, Llantarnam, August 30th, 1855. ABERGAVENNY. Carriage Horses, Carriages, Cows, Heifers, Rick of Hay, &c., for Sa'e. C R. PHILIPPS begs to announce that I • he has received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on the PREMISES, at Penypound, in the occupation of Henry Vennor, Esq., on THURSDAY, the 30th day of August, 1855, the following Valuable STOCK, viz. One bull, three well-bred Aldernev cows, two ditto heifers, eight sheep, two carriage horses, one lady's pony, barouche, with lamps, &c. complete, dogcart, double set of silver-mounted harness, one set of single ditto, ladies and gentlemen's saddles and bridles, driving and riding whips, cart harness. carriage jack, pikes, rakes, garden roller, stove, two saddle stands, trolley, water butt, pigs' trough, garden tools, dairy utensils, cheese press, box. churn, cheese cowl, milk trin, cheese vats, scales and weights, cheese rack, butter prints, five milk tins and measures, milk pans, &c. One Rick of Prime Hay, which may be taken off the premises Also, the Lattermath or Grazing, from the day of Sale until the 25th day of December next, upon three fields, containing respectively, 8A. 2R. lip., 5A. 3R. 20P., and 3A. 2R. OP. Sale to commence punctually at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, and there will be no reserve on any lot. ABERGAVENNY. Important Sale of Valuable Household Furniture, Plate, Linen, China, Glass, Books, kc., &c. CR. PHILIPPS has received instructions to offer FOR SALE BY PUBLIC COMPETITION, on THURSDAY, the 6th day of September, 1855, and follow- ing day, on the Premises, at PENYPOUND HOUSE, Aber- gavenny, the residence of Henry Vennor, Esq., all the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLATE, LINEN, CHINA, GLASS, &c., comprising handsome mahogany and rosewood dining-room, drawing-room, and breakfast- room furniture, Brussels carpets and hearth rugs, damask window furniture, with gilt cornices, chimney and pier glasses, paintings and engravings in gilt frames, handsome oak hall furniture, mahogany and birch four-post bed- steads, with damask and moreen hangings, mahogany wardrobes and chests of drawers, feather beds, carpets, &c. also a quantity of plate, plated goods, china, linen, ke, &c. The Sale to commence each day at Eleven o'clock, and the whole to be sold without the least reserve. Descriptive Catalogues may be obtained on application to Mr. DENTON. Stationer, Cross-street; at the Greyhound Hotel or to the Auctioneer, Castle-street, Abergavenny ELIGIBLE LEASEHOLD INVESTMENT. Commercial Street, Newport, Monmouthshire, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs. GRAHAM & EVANS, at the House of Mr. JOHX LLOYD, the King's Head Hotel, in the town of Newport, on THURSDAY, the 6th day of September, 1855, at 5 o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then produced. All that MESSUAGE or Dwelling-house, Shop, Ware- house, and Premises, No. 117, Commercial-street, New- port, lately occupied by Mr. HYAM FIENBCBG, as a Clothing and Outfitting Establishment, and beJd on Lease for a term of 21 years, of which about 10 are unexpired, and subject to the Annual Itent of R23. The above Premises, from their central situation, offer a favourable opportunity to any person desirous of possess- ing commodious business premises, in the best part of the Town of Newport, or for the purposes of investment they are equally worthy of attention. A portion of the purchase money may remain on secu- rity of the propeity, and immediate possession will be given to the purchaser. The Premises may be viewed on application to the Auctioneers, and for further particulars, application may be made at the Office of MR. GEO. BLAEEY, Solicitor, 162, Commercial street, Newport, Aug. 21, 1855. Monmouthshire. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, under a Deed of Assignment, for the Benefit of Creditors, by Messrs. GRAHAM and EVANS, at the KINGS HEAD HOTEL, Newport, Mon., on THURSDAY, the Sixth day of September, 1855, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall be then produced, (unless pre- viously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), and in such Lots as shall be deter- mined upon at the time of Sale, the following highly desirable LEASE HOLD PROPERTY, situate at Newport, Monmouthshire All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and BEERHOUSE, called or known by the name of the Dolphin," situate and being No. 11, Dolphin-street, let to a yearly tenant, at the rent of £ 15. All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, being No. 13, Dolphin-street, with an excellent brewery, malthouse, and stabling adjoining, now in the occupation of Mr. John Williams, maltster and brewer. All those three MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, being Nos. 15, 20, and 22, situate and being in Dolphin- street, as aforesaid, and let to good tenants, at a gross rental of zC40 per annum. The above Property is held under Lease from the Tredegar Wharf Company, for the term of 53 years, from the 25th day of March, 1850, at an annual rent of 1'6 8s. 9d. All those two MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, being Nos. 2 and 4, Baldwin-street, Pillgwenlly, let to tenants, at a gross rental of £17 10s. Od. per annum. This Property is also held under a Lease from the Tredegar Wharf Company, for the term of 59 years, from the 20th day of March, 1842, at the yearly rent of e2 9s. 2d. The Auctioneers beg to call the attention of capitalists to the above, as a Profitable Investment the propei ty being in the immediate neighbourhood of the Docks, will always command respectable tenants. To parties desirous of entering into business as maltsters and brewers, a portion of the above offers a first-rate opportunity, as an extensive trade may be carried on by a person of moderate capital, the premises being replete with every convenience. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, 162, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. or to Mr. A. B. CHAMP, Solicitor, Newport, Mon. August 23rd, 185.5. 11, BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL. To Wholesale and netail BOOT ami SHOEMAKERS. MR. JOHN NASH lias received instruc- tions to SELL BY AUCTION, at his SALE-BOOM, No. 11, BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL, where it is Removed for the Convenience of SJe, on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 5, 1855, and following day, upwards of 2,000 PAIRS OF BO JTS AND SHOES, Of every description, amounting to cost price, to about £4-00; being the Stock of one of the most eminent makers in Bristo'i Comprising Wellington, Cambridge, Oxford. Elast'c Gore, Albert, Balmoral, Exhibition, and Fancy Boots aLd Shoes; Patent, Felt, and Carpet Slippers; "Ladies and Children's Golosh, Leather, Cloth, Cashmere and Fancy Boots and Shoes, &c., &c, &The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of the Public tb^1 igh^est reserver' *hok be without the slIghtest reserve. Sale to commence precisely at Eleven o'clock each Co A FIRST RATE PRINTING AND STATIOXERY T BUSINESS, vi and if not Disposed of \tq- PRINTTNP SEPTFMBER ne^t, the whole of the HOLT) FI i>vrTr together with HOUSE- an,l s?YT ^-IT U Wlli bs up in suitable Lota, «f sjvP AUCTION, on THURSDAY, the 13th day Ol bEPXEilBER, 1855. Any parties wishing to treat for the same, can be fur- nished with particulars, on cr after Tuesday, the 28th August, 1855, on applying to Mr.JJOHN DAVIS, Auc- tioneer, Chepstow. Also, a House in High-street, in winch is a life interest, of which particulars will be givea.