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in wi iw i I —MIIIIM.........asAAWI…


in wi iw i I — MIIIIM asAAWI FOKEIGIJ INTELLIGENCE. FRANCE. The first of the fancy balls so long announced, came off on Saturday ni„ht, at the Tuileries. It is described as be- ing very splendid. The Emperor appeared in the uniform of a Colonel of the company of the Garde du Corps, which is in course of organisation. The Empress wore the cos- tume of an Albanian lady,and looked remarkable well in it. Vely Pasha, the Ottoman Ambassador, was habited in the gorgeous and imposing costume of a Turkish Pasha of the olden time. His turban of the richest cashmere, the tunic covered all over with gold embroidery, the rich pelisse lined with fur as delicate as tho most delicate down, and the diamond-hilted poinard, and scimitar, were truly cha- racteristic. The Emperor spoke for some time with the Pasha, and said, among other things, that he hoped he was satisfied with him as he was about to send 10,000 turbans to Turkey—alluding, no doubt, to the Zouaves. The Am- bassador replied, that he was most gratified at the sympa- thy and co-operation of France; that the 10,000 his Ma- jesty spoke of, would be received with enthusiasm by the Turkish people and army, and that whether they appeared in turbans or not, and whatever was the uniform they wore, they would be received in Turkey as Frenchmen. The other costumes were varied and rich. General M'Mahon, who has been in Paris for some weeks past, is preparing to leave, and will probably take a com- mand in the expeditionary force to Turkey. Several officers of the staff ar company him to Toulon. It is s lid that the loug-talked of modification of the French Ministry will be earned, but as soon as war shall have been positively proclaimed. A war-like manifesto is about to be published, hut it is not quite determined whe- ther it shall be in the shape of an address to the Legisla- tive Corps on its opening, or as a proclamation to be pub- lished in the Jlonitctir. It is now stated, and upon apparently good foundation, that the visit of the L'uke and Duchess of Brabant to Paris, is abandoned, or at least postponed. It appears that the parties concerned, feel some alarm at the idea of allowing an Archduchess of Austria to visit Paris. It is now re- ported that it is the King of the Belgians himself who will come to Paris. Some wags got up the report on Saturday, that no less a personage than Prince Menschikoff had arrived in Par's. At the Bourse, the rumour was so current, that some people actually believed it, but at length it was dis- covered that the Prince Menschikoff in question, was not the bully of Constantinople; but a much more harmless animal,thc bcenf gras,aho ws to perambulate the streets cf Paris on Tuesday, and who has been called Prince Mcnschi. koff, by the facetious farmer who had the honour of rearing him. When the true version of the story came out, the -capitalists who speculated pour la hansse on the news of Prince MensehikofPs arrival, hastened to liquidate their ac- counts. Orders, it is understood, have been sent from the War- office to the military authorities in the departments, that all soldiers or officers elonging to the army of Africa, who are now in France on leave of absence, shall forthwith join their respective corps. In official quaaters, tho nomination of Prince Napoleon to be Commander-in-Chief of the expedition to Constanti- nople, is considered very probable. RUSSIA AND TURKEY. The Rnssian Commissioner-General, Budberg, has or- dered the confiscation of all the pcrtonal property of Gre- gory Storrza, son of the ex Hospodar, because he has of- fered his sword to the Sultan, his sovereign. This order has produced the worst possible effect on the public mind. It is known at St. Petersburgh, that it would rsquire two months for a force of 200,000 men to be sent into the Danubian principalities. The Emperor addressed, on the 27th ult., to the Hetman Cholutoff I. of the Cossacks of the Don a letter, in which he thanked that corps for the felicitations which it had aent on the occasion of the new year. The letter is couched in the following terms:— In the war which has broken out for the Christian faith, my bravo Cossacks of the Don, have given fresh proofs of devotion and valour. The glorious history of their faithful services to the throne and country is well known, and I am convinced that they will be this year, as ever, the terror of the enemies of Russia and of the Holy Cross." Military preparations were being continued in Russia on an immense scale, and with the greatest activity. On Monday, January 30th, General Baraguay d' Hilliers, the ambassador of France, gave a ball at Constantinople, in honour of the anniversary of the Emperor's marriage. It was remarked that none of the British or French Admirals were present, though the other officers of both squadrons attended numerously. Lord Stratford de Redcliffo, who .had been rather indisposed, and obliged to keep his bed for the last few days, was likewise absent. It was believed that General Klapka, who had been named general of division in the Turkish army, would not proceed to the army in Asia, now that the Seraskier has been changed. A good deal of political intrigue it was thought was go- ing on in the Sultan's harem. The man who marries the Sultan's sister,stands under her influence, and owes his rise in the world to his matrimonial relationship with the chief of the State. Mehemet Ali is in this position, and it is not likely that his wife sees his fall from power willingly. Her influence with her brother the Sultan is very great, and will be assiduously applied in his favour. It is said that the two Greeks, who were accused of be- traying the plans of the Turkish General to Prince Gorts- chakoff, have been sent by Omer Pacha before" a court- martial, at which the Greek Bishop of Shumla, and ano- ther prelate, were present. The two prisoners were proved to be guilty, and were sentenced to death. ANSWER OF THE CZAR TO THE LETTER OF LOUIS NAPOLEON. The Moniteur of Sunday, makes the following importanl announcement:— The answer expected from St. Petersburgh, arrived yesterday evening. The Emperor Nicholas does not accept the proposals for an arrangement which were addressed to him." Tnis intelligence will give the final impetus to the pre- parations for war; everything will now be pushed forward with the greatest rapidity. In Paris, on Sunday, the greatest excitement prevailed, not only in the army, but throughout society generally. The last accounts from St. Petersburgh, state that all the Turkish consuls in Russia were about to give in their re- signation. Turkish subjects were placed under the pro- tection of Austrian agents, but only for six months, dating from the declaration of war by the Porte. The English and French ambassadors were still in the capital, but it was daily expected that they would demand their passports and leave. There did not appear to be the slightest appearance of more pacific intentions on the part of the Emperor, and all idea of a settlement of the Eastern question had been aban- doned by those who had hitherto looked upon war as next to impossible. The Czar Nicholas was considered as fully determined to maintain his present attitude, and to look upon himself as sufficiently powerful to carry out his pro- jects of dominion against all Europe. The warlike preparations were incessant, and the return of Count Orloff from Vienna, was looked forward to with great anxiety. The war was far from being popular in the capital. Foreigners were leaving St. Petersburgh and Moscow in numbers. A financial crisis was at hand, and the govern- ment was about to raise a forced loan. Money had become extremely scarce, and most of the transactions had been adjourned. Nothing but paper was seen, and the principal houses avoided engaging in any im- portant operation. The best troops had been marched to the seaports, where immense quantities of munitions of war were being ac- cumulated. If a collision takes place, it will be terrible dTir3ive' ^or "^uss'a i3 displaying all her resources. In Moscow,the war party is predominant, not among the upper classes, but among the people. The Czar is greatly esteemed bv the multitude, who have been persuaded that the Anglo-French are determinad to destroy the Greek re- ligion and the maritime prosperity of the empire. Enlist- ments are easily effected; provisions are everywhere abun- dant, but arms and uniforms will soon be exhausted in the government stores. DISTURBANCES IN ALBANIA. Accounts have been received at the Russian embassy at Vienna, that that the Greeks had revolted against the Otto- man Porte in Thessalcy. The primates of Rodoviza had published a proclamation, encouraging the Greeks to defend their faith. The following is dated Corfu, Feb. 6 :— Perfect tranquillity has been maintained through these islands, in spite of the intrigues of the Russian and Panhel- lenic Propaganda, with the exception of a trifling riot in Cephalonia, occasioned simply by the dearness of provi- sions, and wholly of an unpolitical nature. It was put flown by the police, without the intervention of the mili- tary. Colonel Tylden, commanding the Royal Engineers in the Ionian Islands, has been ordered off to Constantino- ple. Lord Carlisle is staying on a visit with the Lord High Commissioner, Sir H. Ward. A serious outbreak has taken place in Southern Al- bania, where the Christian far outnumbers the Mahomme- dan population, and is also excited by the vicinity of the frontier of the Greek kingdom. The Turks are said to have lost 60 men in a first engagement; and it is reported that the small Turkish garrison of Arta is besieged by a force of from 1,200 to 1,400 Greek insurgents. Arta is a town of some importance, on the site of the ancient Am bracia, the capital of King Pyrrhus, and only a few hours' journey from Prevesa, the chief seaport of Southern Al- bania. Movements are also talked of in Thessaly, and in the mountains of Suli. The truth is, that Russia, isolated as she is, finds it only the more necessary to rouse the Greek Population into action, in order to cloak her own views tionnl>0nSta^noi)1.c' under the mask of religion and na- whiri, ■ eJe 1S now a Russian naval force at Trieste, to onr'Tr"1 Ca'Se M"ar» ™sht have caused some annoyance or three En°^SS10TvTeret^ey not Protected by two ^ng'ish snips, lately arrived from Malta." motTthafthp6!?"1111 J°™ls> of the 15th, mention a ru- lum to keen his lwf Vt 8Uch a ?tate as to °°mPe ecp ms bcd< Thw ™»our, howeyer, does no j agree with the account in the St. Petersburgh journal, of the Emperor having given official audience to Count Ester- hazy, the Austrian Ambassador. The Wanderer" of Vienna, announces that the Emperor of Russia, in order to revive the courage of his soldiers, who are completely disheartened, is about to go in person to the army of the Danube. A despatch from Berlin, mentions the arrival on Sunday last, in that citv, of Sir Hamilton Seymour, the British Mi- nister at the Court of St. Petersburgh. The French Minister, M. Castelbajac, also arrived at tho same time in the Prussian capital. The authorities of Warsaw lately arrested a tailor and se- veral other persons, who had in their possession English and French journals, containing the diplomatic documents on the Eastern question. They had been introduced as packing paper. The latest accounts from the Danubian provinces, state that General Schilder and Prince Gortschakoff had made three reconnaissances aUlvalafat, two at night and one in the day time, and had ascertained,that it could not be at- tacked" in front without great danger to the assailants. It was reported that these generals were of opinion that the position must be turned by passing, with or without consent, by Servia. It was not believed that the attack on Kalafat would take place for a month. According to a telegraphic despatch from Odessa of Feb. 2, the first and last divisions of the Russian navy were then cruizing in the neighbourhood of Kaffa, observing Baioum. The third division, it was supposed, was probably observing Varna. A letter from Bagdad, announces the capture of Khiva by the Russians. A letter from Berlin, of the 15th instant, states that a re- port current relative to the intrigues of the Emperor of Russia, to excite an insurrection among the Greek subjects of Turkey, is fully confirmed. Letters from Servia., state that Russian intrigue is ex- tending itself in an extraordinary degree in that country. It is believed that Austria cannot look with indifference on those proceedings. The opinions of the government of Aus- tria during the late insurrection in that country were com- j pletely opposed to those of the Emperor Nicholas. Letters from Malta, of the 15th, state that the greatest activity reigns in that part. Transports laden with military stores of all kinds were constantly arriving. Magazines are established to contain stores requisite for an army of 25,000 or 30,000 men. Measures were taken to establish a vast mili- tary hospital. Letters from Constantinople, of the 3rd, announce that the fortifications of the city are progressing. A supply of tools, &c., was expected from Europe. The enthusiasm of the people was great. The greatest activity prevails in the arsenals. AMERICA. On Monday afternoon, the Royal Mail steam-ship Asia, Captain Lott, arrived in the Mersey, with the usual mails from the United States and British North America. The Asia sailed from New York at six a.m on the 9th instant, and has brought, besides the mail, 40 passengers, but no specie. An extensive and destructive fire had taken place amongst the shipping at New Orleans, on the 4th instant. The ship- ping destroyed included,no less than seven steamers. In the i course of its progress, 37 lives fell a sacrifice to the devour- ing element. The following details of the fire are given from a New York paper :— At three o'clock this afternoon, the steamer Charles Bel- cher, just arrived from Nashville, caught fire, and in a short time was totally consumed,with her valuable cargo of cotton, tobacco, and western produce. Thirty-two negroes and five white men have perished in the flames. They were persons chiefly employed on board the boats. The flames spread with frightful rapidity, and in a short while extended to the steamers lying alongside at the Levee. The fire spread to the Natchez, just arrived, which, with her cargo of 2,000 bales of cotton, was entirely des- troyed. The steam-boat Cairo, next caught fire, and was burned. The steam-boat Sultana, with Madame Sontag on board, caught fire, but the flames were extinguished before much damage was done. 0 A number of barges lying at the Levee, loaded with produce consigned to various houses, were also greatly lla- maged. An immense amount of produce-cotton, flour, provisions, and hemp—was on board these vessels, all of which is destroyed. An immense amount of produce on the wharves was also consumed. Some of the fire-engines have fallen over the Levee into the water. SECOND DESPATCH. NEW ORLEANS, FEB. 5. Six steam-boats were consumed in the conflagration yes- terday—namely, the Charles Belcher, Natchez, Mohegan, Saxon, Grand Turk, Leah and Luna. They were valued at 300,000 dollars, and mostly insured in western offices. The remainder of the property destroyed was mostly insured in this city, chiefly at the Crescent-office. The total loss is vaiiously estimated at from 700,000 to 1,000,000 dollars. There was another fire this morning, in Charles-street, which destroyed two valuable stores, and badly damaged two others. Loss estimated at 100,000 dollars. Advices have been received from California to the 15th of January, but they contain nothing of much interest. The Sierra Nevada had sailed from San Francisco, with one mil- lion dollars' worth of gold on board. The markets continue to be reported as still dull from overstocking. At New York, the Stock Market had rallied, and was ex- hibiting an upward movement. The market for breadstuff's was firm, with an advancing tendency. Cotton was quiet, and had not exhibited any unusual movement. An active demand existed for provisions. Freights were inactive.






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