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HERFORD CATTLE. The Hereford breeds is dispersed over a great part of Monmou hshire. Mr Yanvotth was for many years cele- hr;¡"l"tl ;ûl an I"X el'en! stod.. and his hull TroJan, ou' of a d '.ugh'er of a co*v bought of Mr U fotnkios, was so re- markable an animal as to be taken when fat from town to town for exhibition I Ills breed of cattle has also in the "t fp- years been established more exten-ivdy in the adjoining counties, westward and northivard, namely, Sa'ep Radnor, and Brecon, and each of these counties can hoast of excellent stocks indeed, a person may travel very far into Carmarthenshire, before he sees the fields in possession of any other breed. As Salop is become very much a breeding county, and as the Herefords are estlb ished in many parts of it, a f:w particulars lelative to them in that coun'y may not be un, interesting. It does not appear that any great exertion has j been made to ( btain a breed of Here'oids combining more IlJiik wi h its other valuable qualities, when, as might have been expected its introduction has necessarily supplanted a breed excelling in that quality. On the Montgomery side thia was most decidedly manifest; the old breed of that coun'y (now nearly extinct) being excellent dairy cattle, and where milk was sought after, unfavourably ex. changed for lie Herefords. The rich vale of Corve, extend iilg upvva'ds in the direction of Much Wenlock, contains some o' the best slocks in the county. The Onny, too, a consideiable s'ream flowing from the neighborhood of Bishop's Castle, passes in its course a district thckly studded with Here ords; indeed, it may be said thac on the Shropshire boundaries of Kadno; sbireand Montgomeryshire this breed is in aimost exclusive possession. In the interior of the coun'y of Salop the Hereford breed forms ti e exception rather than the rule, but where it bas been introduced, i' has genera ly been done with judgm nt; and it probably will, in a few ears. divide the greater part of the county with the i-hor; horns, to the exclusion of a bieed that In-V we 1 be termed nondescript, and composed of various mixtures, of which a roarse breed of the old long lioi-ri was the btisis. Proceeding lip the dale in the direc- tion of Much Wenloch, we find an excellent breed in the hands of Sir Francis Lawley, at bis farm at Molikiloptoli —that and Mr. Juckes's oi Tearne being. I believe he only stocks in that part of Sluopshire breed almost exclusively from the Tomkitts And Price blood. In the round Brecon and Hay, many excellent stocks are found, the best of them derived chiefly from the fully b'octi. The latest branch of that family was Mr. Tully of Clirow, re si ent in that neighbourhood from which circumstance the prevalence of this blood in an ex- ensive lauge opcountry ,mayjbe accounted lor. In the vales of Radnorshire, t^articula<iy round Knigh'on, are some excellent stocks of Herelitrds—the -,I)i,e,ta,,ed predominating. In the more mountainous parts, the breeds have been mixed with the Welsh, and a Hereford bub hav- ing been generally used, his colour and marks have been imparted to the stock and where the situations are favour- able, the Here'ords are displacing the old mountaineers, compel ing them to reiire to the more elevated tracts-E. F. W. Cyclopedia of Agriculture. OUR CORN SUPPLIES A GLANCE AT SPAIN. We noticed a few weeks ago, the prospects that were being opened of an increased commerce with the Peninsula in the article of grain, and the posbibi i y of plentiful sup- plies being drawn 'rom that quarter at prices which would alleviate the dearness now Ilnirenaly complained of. and yield increased employment and profrable remuneration for the agricultural industry of Spain, To this important re- sult, as we then observed, there is only one impediment, viz,. difficulty of transit-an impediment, however, which public enterprise wil' not long permit to exist where a lucrative commerce is practicable. It is wet! known that for the abundance and excellence of her cei-eal produce, Spaio is almost unrivalled, and that with the lightest 01 labour she can produce an immense surplusage ot food for e ;;>ort. It is thNelole important, at a period of derrth and dearne-s and on the eve of a ctisis which must render our ordinary supplies very precarious, to take advantage of so rare a source of relief, and develop it to the utmost. Strongly confirmative of out recent observations on this subject, we liatle read with I-asure a series of articles in a -!lie Bulletin of Commerce of Santancler, vfliieh furnishes us with some definite statistics as to the present amount oftrade, but deplores that the iarge supplit s of Ca.,iiiiie are ;locked fill in tlje iti'etior of tije country, and rendered unavailable for European consump- tion by the threefold obstacles of tardiness of transport, severi y of weather, and badne-s of roads. These circum- stances, the writer remarks, will al ways prove detrimental harriers, until Spain has provided herself with a sys'em of railways which wi place her in tbis respect upon a par with the civilisation 01 Europe. Our cot) emporary follows up this id a by making some estimates of the large profi s which thef rail way novv^onstraetin^.lrom A!arto ;he not tiie: n port of Snntander, will derive from the carriage of grain; and stir up the Spanish turnpike authorities, somewhat in the style of a patriotic English rate; ayer. to improve the roads that are at present almost impassable from heavy tiaffic and bat weather. It appears that upwards of 300,000 cart and waggons passed over the turnpike read to and frOIll Sanfander (the great outlet in the Ray of Biscay 'or Spanish produce) during the last year, and that the carriage ot )tir a,on? from Alar to Santander, realise(i in the iiioii,li of November last, 6,400,000 reals, or S54 000. To show the rapid deve'opement of commerce in this district Ct( 11 under the disadvantages we have named, it may be stated that the exports from the ports of San anderand Uequejatla have increased from 3,099245 arrobas (25ibs, weight), in 1848. to 6 098,349 in 1853. If this could be effected wi b ,fic: ,,reseiit wi,elcll,d mt.,eiis of transport to lie sea-hoard, what may not be expected when a line of railway is carried into tbe interior from Santander, diron. h the rich provinces 01 Castille to Madrid? Shofl'd t:!is be ('/I.'l'ierl out. Ollr Spanish contempory may' then desist from his appeil, to the turnpike authorities to "mend tt)t,ir s," and he may cell.e 10 depJore ¡he fact of immense stores ot grain and other produce literally was t,d for want of cheap and easy access to 'he markets of Europe. Tli(, general ques. tion, however is one of considerable importance. The produce of wheat in (,,a!,till" (Ill,.i,g the harvest of 185:3, was 8 000 mOfanegus, cr 6 640,000 t.. equal to 1,600,0 0 fu.glbh quarters and it is no exaggeration to say that w re the gricultcra r sourc- s of Spain duly developed and th, proper means < f'trai si; afforded, we might draw from that, country annually sieverui million quaiteis of grain,to say nothing "f other produ. e and of the increased amount ot manufactures wbidl wr ho !d export 'o the Peninsula. Hut impor ant as the subje t is to this country, with food at irs presel,t price and a prospect of cuitahed sup- plies from abroad, it is s,ill more so to ::5¡n!fi hersell, III her ptcseii' prosUate and paralysed condition. That si e requires an improved government is evident that her poli- tical condi ion is critical, cannot be denied; but she re- quires sti 1 more that in usion of capdal and enterj.uiv, dldt de,elo¡Jf'tIlf:nt of natural wra'lh, tll'il q'ij('kcl!)g 01 social activity upon which, more than any mete form o> government, the prosperity of a country is ba-ed. he int'oduction of the railway system wiil do much to vaids eflei iog this bject; ntid if England ever again impress herself iti the aflatrs of 'he Peninsula, it must be in the direction we have indicated, rather than by armed sill tid e, H".d dip'omatic interference. To h ith countries wiHtiie rhangj be advantageous -Tile Empire.