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*"7 J!& „ i f})"$l' COUNTY or M02JE20UTSE. TO TV IT. J WILLI AM HUNTER LITTLE, ESQUIRE, SHERIFF of the COUNTY aforesaid, by virtue of divers writs °ur Sovereign Lady the Queen, to me directed, Do EREBY GIVE Notice that the Commission of Oyer and _Ermirier, T° be holden in and for the County of Mon- mouth aforesaid, will be Opened at the SHIRE HALL, In the Town of MONMOUTH, on MONDAY, the Second IJV? °F August next;—That on TUESDAY' MORNING, the HIRD day of August next, the Public Business will be Oimenced at the Shire Hall, in the Town of Monmouth orcsaid, of which all Justices of t.he Peace, Coroners, ayors, Jurors, Prosecutors, Witnesses, and others inter- red therein, are desired to take Notice, and give their .tendance accordingly ;—And I do hereby give further otice that the Grand and Petty Jurors will be called of "A" in the Crown Court, on Tuesday, the said Third day I, August next, at Nine o'clock in the Forenoon, and THE Party, and Party Jurors, will be called over in J, E ^ISI Prius Court, at Nine o'clock precisely in the °renoon of the same day, TT BY THE SAME SHERIFF. Mer-Shcriff's Office, Abergavenny, 14th July, 1852. 10 the Freeholders and Electors of the County of Monmouth, I GENTLEMEN— 1 BEG you to accept my very grateful thanks for this renewal of your confidence, and for the great honor HAVE conferred upon me by again placing MC in the ted position of being one of your Representatives. A J S^AIL be my earnest endeavour, both in Parliament JJ. °f it, to shew that that confidence has not been ■CQ1 ACE< A ^A^BFUL discharge of my duties, and a ^STANT attention to your interests. I have the honour to be, GENTLEMEN, Your obedient Servant, OCTAVIUS SIOEGM. Monmouth, July 14th, 1852. to the Fre&hclders aad Electors of the County ef Monmouth. GENTLEMEN — ON behalf of CAPTAIN EDWARD SOMERSET, I have to return you my most sincere thanks for the CRY high honor you havs "done him in again returning 'QT as your Representative. I regret extremely that I M obliged so soon to leave you; but business of the greatest importance compels me so to do. Again thanking you, on behalf of CAPTAIN SOMERSET, I have the honor to remain, GENTLEMEN, Your obedient Servant, WORCESTER. House, July 14th, 1852. NAT ANB CAP ESTASIIISSSSSSARR, 6, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. Vy M. JACK solicits attention to his present Stock of „ • Hats and Caps, which, ior style, quality, and price, a;inot be surpassed. Gentlemen's Paris Hats. trong Bodies 3s 6d to 4s 6d Extra Satin Nap.. 14s to I6s v.'°rt Nap. 6s Od to 9s Od Extra Superfine, as vjer>' Superior.. 10s Gd to 12s sold by the best a,-ent Cork Bodies 12s to 14s London makers 18s to 20t Sole Agent for Lincoln and Bennett's celebrated Velves ■pped Hats. A large assortment of the newest shapes of the Wide- awake and Kossuth Felt Hats. Youths and Children's Hats. Youths' Short Nap 4s to 7s 6d Full-trimmed Jenny Linds 2s to 4s 6d Full-trimmed Paris Silks 4s to 6s Gd (.yloih and other Cap?, in immense variety, irom 3,Sd to 4s 6d v'lk and Gingham Umbrellas. Carpet and Leather Travelling Bags. Learher Hat Cases. Feathers Cleaned, Dyed, and Altered. KEY/PORT FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. THE Unallotted portion of the FAIR OAK ESTATE. adjoining the Christchureh Road, is offered for sale to Members of the Society only. Sealed Tenders, for the whole or portions thereof, to be sent addressed to the Committee, before Thursday, the 22nd ^stnnt, at 5 p.m., to be left at the Surveyor's Office, C"m- J^eicial-street, where plans may be inspecttd, and any further l<%rm; f.ion obtained. R. G. THOMAS, Architect and Engineer, Surveyor to the Society. Newport, 'Monmouthshire, July 14th. 18-52. PES XFZC AT THE STRAWS SHR? GASCEWS. LTF7"1LLI.\M EARL begs to apprise the Public of Newport W d its neighbour!cod, that a PIC NIC will take place at his Ten Girdens, Famiwood, Maiudee Road, on Tuesday Afternoon next. tverv accommodation will be provided for families and others. July 11, 185'2. •> PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, 59, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. E NEWMAN bea;s to return thanks to the inhabitants of • Newport., and its neighbourhood, for the liberal support jjestowed upon him since his commencement in the above Pjisiness; and to announce (hat he has considerably increased stock of PIANOFORIES, having just returned from london with a selection in Rosewood, Walnut, Zebra, and jlahoT.my, from the most eminent London Makers, which he s enablerf to sell at exceedingly low prices. VISITORS TO BRISTOL. THE ANGEL INN, HIGH.STREET. H. C. ALLEN BKGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has taken the above old-established House, (situate within jf&lf a minute's walk of the Exchange, Post Office, Bank of England, the Shipping, &c., &c., and within five minutes' walk the Railway Terminus) and solicits their kind patronage. Bed and Hreaktast (including every charge). 2s. 6d. Private, Sleeping, and other Apartments. The London Daily and Local Papers taken in. Wine and Spirits, of the very best quality. ONE HUNDRED FARMERS WANTED. TO EMIGRANTS AND CAPITALISTS. 1;'OR SALE 2-50,000 ACRES of LAND, in the beautiful [1 and fertile Vallej of Nueces, Western Texas. The Quality of the soil, for all purposes, cannot be surpassed, and Ilb '9 ""equalled salubrity. The Hon. H.L. Kinney, <le Proprietor, lias authorised the undersigned to offer to Kmi- Slants tlie following liberal terras nam ly To Families actual JMtlers he will sell 100 acres of Land, atSix Shillings per acre to Shillings per acre to be paid to the Agents in London, and £ >e balance for the Land to be paid in Ten Years. A 's quantitv of land may be had. The Propiietor is the owner lf 12,000 Horned Cat tie, 2 W)0 Horses, and 10,000 Sheep, which fables him to supply Scttk-rs with Stock on demand, Ii. A settlement of Welsh farmers is now in progress of forma- f "> having engaged a Welsh Minister to accompany the first tfnty-five families. r J \p"r Circulars, stating particulars, apply to the Rev. D. J I ON, Tref.rest. Pontypridd; or to the London Agen ts j-noss and CO., 3, Church-court, Clement's-lane, City. Vletter, two Postage-stamps must be enclosed. or Six Stamps a Pamphlet ou Texas wiJ be sent free. t THE FRENCH AND GERMAN LANGUAGE?. pROFESSOR BAUER undertakes to enab'e persons to tL speak either French or German, on any ordinary topic of conversation, in a course of Sixty Lessons. He is desirous of forming engagements with Schools and Families in this town and neighbourhood. o Terms very moderate. Address-WESTMORELAND COTTAGE, Cardiff Road. Newport, BOAHD AND TUITION. j\/I SPENCER, "hose en'orts as a Teacher have long ir ^ee" and appreciated, has now associated with herself tcacncrs of approved falent in the varied departments of female tuition, begs to apprize her friends, 'hat, with a view to accelerate the progress of girls intended for business, it has been arranged to devote a greater portion of time th in here- tofore to the acquirement of solid instruction, Epistolary Writing, Arithmetic, with Book-keeping &c,&s. Young Ladies intended for the profession of Music, Draw- ing, &c., will have their studies directed by the best available talent. The School will RE-OPEN on MONDAY, July 19th. Mrs. Spencer's School for Youna: Gentlemen under Eight Years He opens on Tuesday, the 20lh instant. No PUPILS received for a shorter period than Six Months, Webb Cottage. — NEWPORT, MON. LADIES' SCHOOL, 5, CLIFTON-PLACE, STOW-HILL SI\iOlVNRT informs her Friends and the Public v a t.iat her School will HE-OPEN on TUESDAY, the 20th instant. N.B. Mr. STMONNET, Graduate of the University of /!nS'i V?"'AFOR of I'^tin, French, German, and Drawing, attends Schools and Families. MlhS PARTRIDGE begs to announce the RE-OPEN1 NG I V-1 of her SCHOOL, for TUESDAY, the 271h July instant, and that she purposes having an Academy for THE Calisthenic Exercises, distinct from her Dancing Academy. A Vacancy for an Articled Pupil. St. Woollos House, Stow-hill, Newport, 15th July, 1852. j\/s ISS Y AUG HAN'S SCHOOL will RE-OPEN on i* B WEDNESDAY, the 28th of July. Cardiff, 7th July, 11152. NEWPORT, MON. CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY. 2, CHARLES STREET. MR- J. H. PHILLIPS lespectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that the duties of his Establishment will be Resumed on TUESDAY, July 2i)th, 18.52. For Cards of Terms, &c., apply at 119, Commercial-street. July 14, 1852. BELLE VUS HOUSE, TSEB SPA, GLOUCESTER. CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL; Conducted BY Rir. BBSHAM, (Member of the Royal College of Preceptors ) YOUNG GENTLEMEN are liberally Boarded and care- fully instructed in the Greek, Latin, French, and German Languages, Mathematics, Composition, History, Geography, Mapping, Writing, Arithmetic, B.)i>k-keeping, Lettets, Land Measuring, Use of the Globes, Drilling, Drawing, Mutuc. &c. The Principal of this School having been educated at the French University, is conversant with the French and German languages, now so necessary a branch of a liberal education. The system of Tuition which he has so successfully pursued for nearly twelve years, is such, that it not only promotes the rapid improvement of the Pupils, but secures to them an education corresponding to the advanced views of the presen age. Prospectuses of terms, with references, on application.— Mr. Benhaui will be happy to call upon those Parents desirous of a personal interview*. School duties will be resumed on the 20th instant. BLENHEIM HOUSE AGADEMY, LEA. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. CONDUCTED BY MR. IRVING, F.S.A. AT this Establishment, noted for salubrity of situation xoung Gentlemen are prepared for the Learned Profes- sions. Military Colleges, and for Agricultural and Commercial pursuits. The coursc of Instruction embraces the Greek and Latin Classics: French (which is taught GKNKRALLY, and without any Extra Charge), by a resident Master, a native of Paris; G(,,i,illiln ;,p(i Mathematics together with Writing. Painting in Oils and Water Colours, Practical Land Surveying, Merchants' Account s,&c. The treatment is mild, and the system of tuition calculated to insure the pupil's rapid piogress in his studies, 'I he pro U'inenee is given to Heligion which its importance demands. Reports of Conduct and Progress are issued Quarterly, and Re- wards periodically Distributed, by which, and other'means a spirit of emulation is excited, and the full powers of the youthful mind arc drawn into action, without any recourse to corpora" punishment. ° The present Principal has been at the head of the Establish- ment for upwards of thirteen years. Tie is assisted in the duties of the School by his Father, C. IRVING, LL.D., F.A.S. &c., and competent Masters for every Department. A Ptospcctus and Lithographed View of the house, with terms (which are moderate, and, if required, inclusive,) will be forwarded on application. I Dis anee from Gloucester, ten miles Ross, five numerous coaches to and from which, pass the premises Daily. For the convenience of Pupils travelling by the South ales Railway, and until the opening of a line from Gloucester in the conrse oi formation, which will establish an casyacce-s carriages will be sent to the Newnham Sta'ion, upon due notice' free of any charge. The duties will commence on the 19th instant" The Pupils will be expected to assemble on lDth of July. TO PA-TZNTS AND CJ-UAI&DL'A'SFS. WF GREENWOOD (late VATTGIIAN-), LINEN and tT wWOt.LLKN DRAPER, SILK MERCER, IIABER- DASHKH, HOSIER, GLOVER, HATTER, &c.. has now a vACANCY for a respectable and well-educated YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. PitF.xiiUM MoDRRATE. Cross-street, Abergavenny, Juiy U, 18)2. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Price IS. 6d., or 24 POSTAGE Stamps. NRVIROA! -DEA FNESS, and on the Pathological con- nexions of the f hroat, Nose, and Ear, through the inteMention of the Mucous Membrane. Reprinted from the Autnor's Work, Deafness Practically Illustrated," by James Yearsley, Esq., M.R.C.S., England, and Surgeon to the Metropolitan Ear Infirmary. Joiin CHURCHILL, Princes-street, Soho, and all Booksellers. Saekville-street. DOBBIN'S AUSTRALIAN LINE or PACKETS: FOR THE GOLD REGIONS. MELBOURNE, PORT PHILIP, AND SYDNEY, RA The WINCHESTER," Tons Burthen, J* CIUIRIB, Commander, To sail from BRISTOL, about the 30th July, 1852; And to follow the WiNcitrsTEu," for the above Ports, the fine English-built ship VELORE," A 1 12 years at Lloyd's, 1000 Ions Burthen, to sail about the 10th August, 1852. To secure berths in the above Ships, and for further par- ticulars, apply early to Mr. WILLIAM DOBBIN, 31, Prince street, Bristol. N.B. Third class fare, per Railway, and deck, per Steamer, to Bristol, included in the L're, according to scales. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby Given, to all persons indebted to Mr. JOB JKNKINS EVANS, late of No. 151,Commercial- street, Newport, Ironmonger, to forthwith pay the amounts of their respective accounts to Mr. HENRY MAY, of 14, Llanarih-street, Newport, Monmouthshire, who is duly autho- rised by the Trustees of Air. Kvans's Estate, to receive the same; and all persons having any claim or demand on such Estate, are requested to forthwith furnish him with a statr ment of such claim or demand. I THN &&TE RLV. JAB223S "STOHATH. I'jnilE following is a List of Subscriptions already received I. for the Relief of the Family of the late Rey James Yorath, Curate of Nash and Goldclifle, who died March 3rd 1852 leaving a widow and eleven children unprovided for. rrv- r 1 -r,. £ S. d. The Lord Bishop of Llandaff 20 0 0 Sir Charles Morgan, Tredegar Park 10 0 0 Lady Motgan 5 0 0 Crawshaw Bailey, Esq., M.P 5 0 0 C. H. Leigh, Esq 5 0 0 Octavius Morgan, Esq., M.P 5 0 0 Rev. Chancellor Augustus Morgan, Machen "Rectory 5 0 0 SirCh:ules SaInsbury, Llanwern 5 0 0 Anonymnus, per ditto 100 Ditto. 10 0 J. Morris, Esq., Ivy BrIdgp.GIenUsk. 500 Mrs. Bird, Kensington 3 0 0 Miss Bird, ditto. 2 0 0 Rev.'Chaneellor Williams, Bassalleg Vicarage.. 5 (> 0 A Friend, per ditto 1 10 0 Anonymous, per ditto I 1 0 Richard Seamark, Esq., Mount St, Albans 5 0 0 — Llewelyn, Esq., Pontypool 3 3 0 Rev. Thomas Davies, Trevethin 110 Rev, Thomas Pope, Christchurch 2 () 0 Charles Prothero, Esq., Llanfrechfa Grange. 2 2 0 Mrs, Seymour, Clifton Cottage, Clifton. 5 0 0 Rev. G. Goi,e I. 500 Rev. O. Cave 2 2 0 Rev. Henry Wybrow l 1 0 Rev. Pugh. 110 Edward Dowling, Esq 1 0 0 Rev. W. S. Baxter 1 1 0 Per ditto,— W.W.Morgan, Esq., Newport ..•♦ £ 2 2 0 M.Morrison,Esq., 1 1 0 Anonymous I 1 0 Mr. S. Campbell „ 1 1 0 Mr. Farr „ 0 10 6 w ",T 5 15 6 Rev. Edward Hawkins, Vicar of St. vv oollos 2 2 0 Per ditto,- Rev. W. Feetham £ 2 10 0 Ven. Archdeacon Crawley 3 0 0 John Hellicar, Esq. 2 0 0 C. Lyne, Esq., R.N. 1 0 Thomas Hughes, Esq ••••• 1 0 0 I A Friend 0 10 0 Ditto 0 50 Per Rev. William D. Isaac- Charles B. Fox, Esq £ 2 2 0 J. J. Cordes, Esq. « 2 0 4 4 0 E. II. Phillips, Esq., Pontvpool 1 1 0 W. L. Williams, Esq., Maes y rhyddid 5 0 0 E. D. Williams, Esq., ditto 500 The Rev. John Hardy, Lea, Gloucestershire. 1 1 0 Two Friends to the Clergy" 1 10 0 ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Mrs. T. Llewellin Brewer, Cole Brook Vale 10 0 0 The Dowager Duchcss of Beaufort 5 0 6 Ven. Archdeacon Brymer, Bath 300 Lady Mary Hoare Staplehurst Place, Kent. 2 0 0 Miss" Willis, Regency Square, Brighton 2 0 0 Collected in Goldcliff 1 11 0 Rev. Wm. Jones. vicAroiKumney. 1]00 Miss Keays, Marine House, Essex 1 0 0 Mr. W Keene, Goldcliff 1 0 0 Miss Bowen, East. Bergliott, Suffolk 0 10 0 Mr. Jones, Farm Field, Nash 0 10 0 Mr. E. Morgan, Nash 0 10 0 Mr. J. Wilcox, Nash 0 10 0 Mr. Adam Williams, Nash 0 10 0 A Friend 0 5 0 30174 18 0 Further subscriptions will be thankfuHy received by the Rev Chancellor Williams, Vicar of Hassalleg j the Rev. Edward Hawkins, Vicar of .St. Wooilos; and the Rev. Henry Wybrow, Incumbent of St. Paul's, Newport; at the MEAUN Office; and at each of the Newport Banks. June 10, 1155-. THE LATE REV. D. RHYS STEPHEN. o nnllE REV. D. RHYS STEPHEN, the eloquent preacher, JL the instructive lecturer, the bard and patriot—the man of brilliant intellect, of cloudless temper, and of social hearr, has passed away from amongst us. 1 The feelings of e<tecm, affec- tion, and sympathy, with which we are actuated for departed excellence, are, in this instance, rendered melancholy, by a consideration of the fact, that Mr. Stephen has di-d in poverty too ol ten,alas! the cheerless concomitant of genius—and has left his widow and six children to the humane consideration and mercies of his countrymen, in whose service his best years and energies were spent, zealously and without stint; for all who knew the deceased, are well aware, that his patriotism was as generous as it was unaffected, fervent, and constant. At a meeting held at the room of the Mechanics' Institute, Town Hall, Newport, on the 27th of April, it was resolved— that committees of the friends and admirers of the late Rev D. R. Stephen, be formed in Newport and other towns of the district, in order to solicit the humane co-operation of a generous public—ever ready to comfort the afflicted and alleviate distress-in order to raise apermanent fund, which may be pru- dently applied in succouring the family of one whose abilities have been uniformly devoted to the instruction of his fellow- man, and who has performed so distinguished a part on the theatie of human life. Fondly is it hoped that this beneficent work may prosper- that the helpless wail of woe may be calmed and comforted— and that the benefactions of the commiserating, may, in the hour of serious thought, in this life of vicissitude afford a sunshine to the heart of the witling giver. COMMITTEE. Samuel Homfray. Esq Mr. T. F. Lewis Thomas Brown, Rsq „ Phillip J, lill James Brown, Esq Edward Thomas ( Charles Prothero, Esq „ Henry Thomas ] George Gething, Esq H. C. Slade George liarihy, Esq „ John Williams ] Edward Dowling, Esq William Fergusson William Ev.ins, Esq John Hyndman Lewis Edwards, Esq „ V. H. Evans Samuel Phillips. Esq William West Robert Stack, Esq, M.D. Thomas Lewis j It. F. Eq Thomas Williams James Iia;vkins, Esq Thomas Richards W. W. Morgan, Esq )( John Lloyd. Robert J. Cathcart, Esq. KtiWard Wells Thomas Lateh, Esq John M. Scott Richd. Mullock,(Alderman) William L. Kelly James Murphy, Esq. ff William Rees> Arthur^ Murphy, Esq. William Vauglian Rev. William Thomas Henry Evans° I'ev. David Edwards „ William Tombs Rev. Thos. Jordan Thomas Evan Morgan Rev. G. Griffiths )} William Pitt Mr. John Davies (j James Salter William Christophers GEORGE IIARRHY, Esq., of the West of -nd L7^Ku?er.triCt Banli' ^ewPor,> kas kiu' jJyConsented to 29th of April, 1852. BUUOL^NID'IR.H; W.H0 MAT BF: 1ESIRR «F soliciting contri- Subscrtonk/ benevolent object BE FURNISHED WITH Subserlptiou Books, on application to tte undersigned. The following Subscriptions have oeen reCfived: Thomas Brown, Esq n 0 George Gething, lisq £ ° J Samuel Homfray, Esq. >KV.. Mrs. Kennie {GO Anonymous 5 3 0 Edward Dowling, Ksq. •••••••• 0 *i 0 Mr. VV. D. Evans. Z 0 Mr-James Salter.. « IN 0 R. F. Wooliett, F F I 0 W. W. Morgan •». James Hawki' Psq j () Mr. Frrgusr Esq 1 I n Mr. Jolili I -ON I 1 n MR Job- Jurrie J | N Mr. V a Tlyndman 1 1 n Mr. /UHamWest. J n iidw. Wells 1 1 0 the. Committee are requested to meet at the MECHANICS, INSTITUTE, in the TOWN HALL, every IULSUAY EVENING, ) at Seven o'clock precisely. W. DOWNING EVANS, Secietaty to the Relief Committee. THE LIVERPOOL "WHITE STAR" LINE OF I AUSTRALIAN PACKETS, R-A FOR ADELAIDE, GEELONG, MELBOURNE, PORT P IL I L I P, AND SYDNEY. Ship. Tons. Captains. Destination. To sail. Earl of Derby new 2300 Tweedie P°RT} JULY22 Ben Nevis,new 3000 Herron.. Ditto Aug S Bhurtpcre. new .2000 Hainbriage..Port Philip Aug, :J>0 Dundonald 300() Gillies..Melbourne FIT Sydney,.Sept. 10 Blanche 1800 Rudolph., Sydney Sept. 25 The above are A.1. fast-sailing, CLIPPER-BUILT SHIFS they are nearly all new, constructed with particular regard to strength and durability, and commanded by men of great expe- rience in the Australian trade, who will take every precaution to promote the health and comfort of passengers during the voyage. The arrangements on board each ship will be of the most complete description, and passengers may depend fully on receiving every attention and assistance required. A fully qualified Surgeon will be provided for each vessel. Parties residing at a distance can, on application by letter, receive every information respecting the above ships. Berths for Cabin, Poop, Intermediate, and Third Cabin, can be secuied by transmitting a deposit to the undersigned, PILKlNGTON and WILSON, Commercial-buildings, Water-street, Liverpool. RG> THE LIVERPOOL LINE OF PACKETS TO AtJSTIS.A2.2A. ESTABLISHED IN 1848. Tons. For To sail. THomvALDSEN 1450.Port Philip July 25 PANOLA. 1700 .Port Philip .Aug. 1 NEIIALENNIA 140).Port Phillip .Aug, 10 ANNA PAULONA l'20F). Port Phillip Aug. 20 W ALLFISK HOI).Port Phillip Sept. I GENERAL LINT- 1400. Port Phiilip. Sept, 10 MEHCUKIUS 3000. Port Philip Sept. 20 CORNELIUS HAUTMAN 1200 ..Port Phillip .Oct. 1 These ships are all first class, and take passengers for MEL- BOURNE and GEELONO. They have superior accommodations, carry experienced surgeons, and take no steerage pas;engel's. Apply to JOHN S. DE WOLF and Co.; or to JAMES M. WALTHEW, 9, Tower Chambers, Liverpool. LINE OF PACKETS FROM LIVERPOOL TO MEL- BOURNE, PORT PHILIP, DIRECT. Will be despatched on the I5i.li of AUGUST next, The magnificent New Clipper-ship ALCIOPE, DANIEL LEWIS, Commander (who is well experienced in the trade); A. T. at Lloyd's, coppered and copper-fastened, 1000 TONS BURTHEN. The attention of persons desirous of obtaining a quick transit to the Colony is particularly requested to this splendid vessel She has already sailed twelcc knots an hour, and is expected to make one of the shmteit passages ever performed by a sailing i,essel. Her accommodations, both for First and Second Cabin Passengers, will be found unequalled, and the victualling on the most liberal scale. A qualified surgeon proceeds in tlie ship, and eve,Y attrition will be paid to the comfort of the passengers. This Vessel takes no Steerage Passengers. To secure berths, immediate application will be necessary. For terms of passage, or any other information, apply to J. GRANT TAYLOR, or to JOdN S. PRICE, 5, rower-chambers, Liverpool. GOZiZ) REGIONS. To AUSTRALIA, direct from the NFAVPOR.T DOCKS. To Sail on or about the 5th of August, FOR KING GEORGE'S SOUND, ■R*K The Splendid New Clippvr Built Dutch East Indiaman, <! H. VINCENTIUS VAN PAULO," 700Tons, s A. LEEFLANG, Commander. RPHE above magnificent Ship was built last year expressly £ for the East India Trade she has beautiful First Cabins, and unusually good 'tween decks, which are fitted on purpose for currying Passengers. To parties wishin to Emigrate, the present affords a most desirable opportunity, as only a limited number of first cabin and steerage passengers will be taken, thereby avoiding the unpleasantness consequent upon going out in an over-crowded To secure Berths, immediate application should be made to G. W. JONES AND CO., Licensed Pa-sender Brokers. 28, Lianarth-street, K eWFort, Mon., or H. 11. PARRY, BROWN, and Co Cardiff. [n consequence of arrangements with the owners of the CLEOPATUA Steamer, for Australia, the ultimate departure of the SARAH SANDS is POSTPONED till the 28th of August next. Liverpool, July 9, 1852. STEAM TO AUST21AX2A. UNDER arrangements with the "Melbourne Gold and General Mining Association." The well-known Screw-steamer JML SARAH SANDS, ssiste*- 1 300 Tons Register, W.C.Thompson, Commander' Will leave LIVERPOOL on the 2Sth of August next. Calling at QURENSTOW'N (Cove of Cork), to take all board passengers, specie, telegraphic despatches, parcels, Ship Letters, and also cargo, tor which space in-ty be reserved by previous arrangement. And thence despatched on the 31st of August, via the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, for MEL- BOURNE and SYDNEY, the principal Ports of the Australian Gold Region?. The chaiac'er of the Sarah Sands has b;cn well established for s-ife and expeditious voyages. Her accomm-vfattons are snac^ous and most conveniently arranged for the health and eomfortof l?ie passengers. Two classes of cabin arrangements only are provided. Intermediate or Steerage passengers will not be taken. T « GENERAL RATES OF PASSAGE.—In spacious reserved state Cabins 75 Guineas each berth First Cabin, 5, to tf.j Guineas Second Cabin, 35 to 45 Guineas; Ditto Extra Berths, 30 Guineas. Children under 1-1 years, hali-pfiee; and those occu- pying extra berths at reduced fares.^ The charges for Shareholders and inbutorsofthe Melbourne Association may be had on application at the Offices, or from 'e the Agents of the Association. The voyage (out and dome) may be secured 011 RETURN TICKETS, at a reduction of 20 per cent, on the return passage. Steward's Pec—First Cabin, One Guinea; Second Cabin, Hal f-r.-Guinea. J'wenty cubic feet, and under 7 cwt. of luggage are allowed for first t&bin 10 ditto, and under 3 cwt. &61bs., for second ca.Hr> But to afford further accommodation, one half ton of freight will be reserved for each passenger till the 14th of August. Five shillings per cubic foot for any excess. Charges for quicksilver, three per cent, on value and rra.f per cent. on bullion, specie, plate, and jewellery, as insurance. FREIGHT.-The general charges for freight will be tS per ton; and fine goods and machinery according to agreement. Ordinary parcels are charged for on an equitable scaie, from Is. 6d. upwards; and newspapers, periodicals, and printed books, in parcels, at 6d. per round, Further information may be obtained on application at the Offices of the Association. No. 9, King's Arms Yard, London; to any of the Agents of the Association; or to the under- mentioned :— „„„ „c Dublin: J.R.PIM, 11, Eden-quay; and at the AGENCY ot the ASSOCIATION, 47, Tower-buildings liast, Qid Churc. var Liverpool. Cork: JAMET BEALE. Londonderry WILLIAM M'CORKELI. and Co. Galway TiiOMas M. PRESSE. New York J. HOWARD and SON. <. London: HENRY BKOYVNRIOG, 137, Leadenhall-streef Or to CHARLES ODDIE. And WM. C. THOMPSON and Co., Fenwick-chanabers, Liverpool. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA. FOR NEW YORK, To Sail from the NEWPORT DOCK, about the 1st of August, The A. 1. magnificent AmericanJShip WABAN," 1200 Tons Burthen.—CAPTAIN* W. B. NASON. This fine Ship is equal in convenien ce to any that has pre viously left this port, and having the most superior and beautiful accommodations for Cabin and Steerage Passenge.rs, presents a rare anil valuable opportunity for persons about to emigrate to the United States. The conveyance by Railway from New York to any part of America is direct and cheap, and to Indus- trious Labourers and Skilful Mechanics, no other part of the world offers such inducements. For Terms, apply to the Captain on Board; to JAMES N. KNAPP & Co., Licensed Passenger Brokers, Pillgwenlly, Newpott; or to KNAPP, JENKINS, & Co., Bute Docks, Cardiff. This Ship will be succeeded by the "ELIZ ABETH," 1000 Tons, to Sail about 10th August, for New York. Dated July 3rd, 1852. EMIGRATION FROM BRIDGWATER TO IqEw VOELIK. TU To sail early in July, 1852, the fine new, first-class fast-sailing, copper-fastened, clipper-built Barque, OJ P ATHFI N DER." 800 Tons Burthen, WILLIAM LOVELESS, Commander. F|1HIS FINE ship has been built by her owners expressly with I a view to the accommodation of Passengers, having spacious 'Tween Deci;s, seven feet high, properly ventilated, and fitted up regardless of expense, with every improvement to promote the health and comfort of passengers; this, with the captain's well-known experience, renders this ship worthy the attention of all parties about to visit America. The Pathfinder having made her Spring voyage in thirty days, and conveyed a large number of passengers to their destination in perfect health and safety, many of whom have spoken in the highest terms of her accommodation, testi- monials of which are in the hands of her owners, they have every confidence in the support of the public, and are glad to announce her second voyage this year about the above time, and are now open to treat for Berths and Fares to secure passages to New York. Passengers will be furnished with the very Best Provisions, according to the recent Act of Parliament, and all the arrange- ments will be under the superintendence ot the Government Emigration Officers of the Port of Bridgwater. No Charge for Passengers' Luggage. Berths in First Cabin, Second Cabin, and Steerage, may be taken on application to the Owners, F. AXFORD & SONS, Bridgwater, or to Messrs. JOHN HOGEHS & CO., Ship Brokers, Newport. Bridgwater, May 4, 1852. —. STEAM COMMUNICATION- BETWEEN BRISTOL AND NEWPORT. THE NEW STEAM PACKET Company's tron-buil ? ,»N* J Schooners, Propelled by Screw, W* THE AVON AND SEVERN, Are intended to Sail during the ensuing Week as follows: From Beaufort WharJ,Newport, From Bathurst Basin, Bristol. JULY. JULY. 16 Friday, —— after 16 Friday, 5 after *17 Saturday I after *1< Saturday, C morn. —— + 19 Monday, 6 m>rti..G after +19 Monday, 7 morn.. 7 after F'20 Tuesday, 6 mom. 6J after Tuesday, 7J morn.. 7J after *21 Wednesday 7 after *2l\Vednesdav 8 morn.. •21 Thursday, 7A morn. 22 Thursday, 9 mora.. 23 Friday, 8J morn. 23 Friday, 10 mum.. To and Fro from Bristol, t To and Fro from Bristol and Newport. T-tie voyages are.pertormed by these Boats usually under two bours, and no long passages are made. Fares, Screw Steamers Avon and Severn—After Cabin, 3s., Fore Deck, Is. 6d.-l'o and fro same Jay, provided a to and fro Ticket is taken.— After Cabin, 4s.; Fore Cabin, 2s. Children under 12 years of age, halt-price. TheAbergavecny Mail every morning at half-past five o'clock through Caerleori and Pontypnol. to Abergavenny, Crlckhowell and Biecon, and arrives in Newport every v, at Mcrgan and Co.'s racket Coach leaves the i'redep.ar Arms ana Bridge Inn daily, on the arrival of THE above PACKETS, for I'SK *nd Abergavenny. A Coach leaves the Bridge lun daily, on the arriv.il ol the Packets, for Pontypool and Abersychan. Re- reshments may be had on board. Passengers shipped and landed at Cumberland Basin, fre- of charge. I TheProprietorsglve noticethat they will notbeaceountable for Passengers' Luggage, &c.; and their responsibility in respec of Goods in general is restricted by the terms ot a N utice allixed fin their Offices, at Bristol and Newport. Goods regularly .and punctually forwarded by careful Carriers to all parts of the country. For conditions of freight, apply at the Company's Offices, Bell Avenue, Queen Square, Bristol and Beaufort Whaif, Newport. A.M. A.M. A.M. F.M. P.M. P.M. The South Wales R nil way "j Trains leave Newport lor F 4;10 N;30 2:4O 5:30 7:45 Swansea and intermedi-1 ate Stations at A nd arrive at Newport from"! ,R,'M* „„ „ „ Swansea IT intermediate > 8;I0 10:'2Q L'26 3:3 8:30 9'3L Stations at 3 TIN Western Valleys RAIL-^ wayTrainskMveNewporlf ? Q 12: 0 4:15 for blaina, Ebo .v Vale, & 4 inteimediate Stauons ot J Airiviug at Newport from B:aina, Ebbw Vale, and > 10:45 4:0 8:30 intermediate Stations at.) JOHN BLAND Agent. =1 BLLISTOL AND NEWPORT STEAM PACKETS THE USK AND CART, |V^.A1 E intended to ply Daily during the ensuing Week between BRISTOL and NEWPORT, as follows:— From Bathurst Basin, Bristol. From Newport. JULY. JSLT. 16 Friday 5 morn.. 41 after 16 Friday, OJ morn.. 3J after 17 Saturday, C morn. —— 17 Saturday, 4 mom., i IFTE 19 Monday, 61 morn.. 7 after 19 Monday, 54 after 20 Tuesday, 8i morn. rafter 40 Tuesday, 6 morn.. G a.ter 21 Wednesday, 8I morn. 31 Wednesday.FII morn.. 22 Thursday morn.. 9 after 22 Thursday 7\ morn.. 7J after 23 Friday, f'J morn.. 23 Friday, 8 morn. a The Packet will start from the Hotwells on the 12th, lith, 20th, and 2"th, ai-d net fro II Dathurst Basin. The "Dart" having undergone consilerabla improvements with regard to comfort and speed, has resumed her station. TUF A Waiting Room is piovided opposite the landing plac at the Hotwells. where Passengers are taken on board free o charge, about twenty minutes after the time stated in the bill for sailing from Bathurst Bas'.n. T^ARCS—AFTER Cabin, 3s.5 &N& Fro S&VTIE DAY, 4S. EACN^ Fore Declt, Is. 6d; To and Fro same day 2s. euch. Children under twelve years of age, half-price. Dogs. Is each, tour- wheel Carriage, 18s Two-wlieel ditto, or light Phae.on, tor one Horse, 8s; if for two Horses, 10s Horses each, os I wo- wheel Carriage, or light Phaeton,drawn by one Horse only, with one Passenger, LIS J^Ilorse and Rider, 6s.—Refreshments may ^N-ofICE.—Good», Packages, Parcels, &c., must be delivered at Messrs. Harwell's Warehouse. St. Stephen s Avenue, Br.s ol, two hours (at least) before the time stated for the sailing of he Packet,and at Rownham-Wharf, Hotwells. one hour before the time of SAILING to insure their being forwar e Williams's Packet Coach llaily, from the Carpenter's Arms New port, on the arrival of these Packets, thiongh Caerleon and l/sk to Abergavenny, Crickhowell, and Brecon, and from the Golden Lioo, Abergavenny, three hours before the time of sail- ing for Bristol.—The following coaches leave the Kings tlead Hotel, Newport, as follows The Abergavenny illail every tnoru ini, at half-past five o'clock, through Caerleon and P-)" Abergavenny, Ctickbowell, and Brecon, and ar »r_n(v_j_ A » TIIFL Rrvmnawr AND ivautygfO every evening at •««« fi'e o'clock, through Rtsca. Mail every morning at half-past me uu i • Abercarn, Newbridge, Blackwood, and g • g Brynmawr at half-past two. and srm^ "> P.M.—A Coach leaves the Bnose Inn daily, on^ arm A. ot the packets, for Pontvpool and hbersychan.-Traius lea.ve t,ewport for Swansea at 410, a.m.; 7 45 a.m. 11 30, a.m.;24o p.m. 5 30. p.m.; and 7 45, p.m.. and arrive at Newport from Swan- sea, at 8 10, a.m.; 10 aO. a.m.; 12 26 p.m.; 3 3, p.m. 8 30, p.m., and 9 31, p.in.-The Western Valleys 1 rains leave New- port for Blaina at 7 0, a.m. 12, noon and 4 45, p.m.—And teaveBlaina for Newport at 9 0, a.m. I;), pm., and 6 45, p.m. Packet Offices, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells, Linst-ol, and Rodney Wharf, Newport JOHN JOftES, Agenf: