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BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. ] ROWLANDS' BLAL.YDOU, Jl X Oriental Botanical Preparation. perfectly free from ail mineral of metallic admixtuie. It is distinguished, for its extremely bland Purifying, and soothing effects on the Skin while, by its action on the Pores and minute secretory vessels, it expels all impurities from the Urface. allays every tendency to inflammation, and thus effectually dis- all redness, tan, pimples, spots, frecklcs, disco/orations, and ether cutaneous visitations. The radiant bloom it imparts to the cheek, ne na the softness and delicacy which it induces of the hands and arms; 3 capability of soothing irritation and removing cutaneous defects. -eiuier it indispensable to every toilet. so. 6 eonstant aiici persevering use of this invaluable discovery pre Srves ana invigorates those important functions of the Skin on which depend its purity and softness-the Hands and Arms assuming and re- aming the radian; whiteness so much admired, and affording so un- equivocal a mark of attention to the niceties of the Toilet and LIJC graces Of personal attraction Gentlemen, after shaving, will find it allay all irritation and tender- °f the skin, and render it soft, smooth, and pleasant. ur;n2 the heat and dust of summer, and in cases of sunburn, stings J _lr>se_cts, or incidental inflammation, its virtues have long and exlen- ;ely been acknowledged. Its purifying and refreshing properties obtained its selection by Her Majesty the Queen, the Court, and Royal Family rf Great Britain, and the several Courts of tllrope, together with tile clift of the Aristocracy.—Price 4s cd and bs M per bottle. PEARLY SET OF TEETH. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, A R J>EARL DENTIFRICE, alYnrTE POWDER, compounded of the heccio va] mosl recherche Ingredients of the Oriental Herbal, of inestimable Gum ln Vreserl'"S and beautifying the Teeth, strengthening the ta-,s'.and in rendering the breath sweet and pure. It extirpates all thf>ar°Ui at"*les:oni to t^ie Teeth, and ensures a pearl-like whiteness to 6Y enamelled surface. Its Anti-septic and A nti-scorbutic Properties exercis- a "ighly ljeneficial and salutary influence they arrest the urthei progress of decay of the Teeth, induce a healthy action of the ""is, and cause them to a;sume the brightness and colour indicative Cf perfect soundness. Its utlprecedenkdly good effects have obtained it the patronage of the -,8Tera' Courts and the Aristocracy throughout Europe, while the ,;i6mand (or it at once announces the favour in v.jtftfi it is held- -Price 2s ya per ;Jox.. ROWLANDS' AQUA D'ORO, The most fragrant and refreshing Perfume ever yielded by the SOULS OF FLOWERS," combining the Spirituous essences and essential proper- ties of the most esteemed and valuable exotic flowers and plants, with- out any one being in the ascendant. It retains its fresh and delightful Porousness for day?,. The rich aroma of this elaborately distilled Perfume is gentiy stimulating to the nerves, it relieves the head, invi- gorates the system, and,taken as a cooling beverage (diluted with water) 1n cases of lassitude or fatigue, it is found most cordial and restorative [ 1n its effects. Gentlemen, after smoking, by rinsing the mouth with a sraEll quantitv, will find it restore the breath to sweetness and purity. It a valuable accompaniment to the toilet and the bath, and is, therefore, essential requisite to all persons of taste and fashion.—Price 3s 6 d perjoottie. XB.—a Golden Fountain of the AQUA D'ORO was exhibited at the Crystal Palace. IMPORTANT CAUTION. UNPRINCIPLED SHOPKEEPERS, for the sake of gaining a trifle profit, vend the most SPURIOVB COMPOUNDS under the same frames. It is. therefore, highly necessary to see that the word ROWLANDS' precedes the name of the Article on the Wrapper or Label of each. Sold bv the Proprietors, A. ROWLAND and SONS, 20, Hatton Garden, Lonatn, ) And by Chemists and Perfumers. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. j PULVERMACHER'S PATENT PORTABLE aVDBO-ELECTRIC CHAIN FOB, PER- SONAL USE. CCONSTRUCTED to be wornonthebody under the garments is the most wonderful discovery in Medicine and Electricity (Ji the present day. It relieves without shock or any disagreeable sensation INSTANTANEOUSLY—t he moment it is al)plie(i- acute nervous pains,such as head, ear, and tooth-ache, rheumatic Pains, tic-doloureux, 6<c.; and by its mild but continuous and PERCEPTIBLE action on the body.diseasesof veatsstanding, such as gout, local paralysis, nervous complaints, liver diseases, &c. disappear as if by a miracle. It precipitates metals from their solutions, decomposes water, deflects the magnetic needle, ?n short, shows all phenomena of a powerful voltaic pile.—The instrument producing these effects weighs about 2 ounces, can be folded up in a pocket boot, is always ready for instantaneous Jise, and will last a man his life-time, cua ding himself, his amily, friends, bcc., against that immense number of complaints and diseases in which MILD STREAMING ELECTRICITY 4s a perfectly safe.certain.and wondeiiully speedy remedy. The price of a complete chain is from 4s. 6d. to 26s. 6d. Marvellous and incredible as may seem the above facts, ANY PERSON CAN FREELY AND VERY EASILY CON- VINCE HIMSELF of their truth at any of the depots ■BEFOREHAND. The invention has been exhibited with the greatest success before THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHY SICIAXS, THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, THE ROYAL BRIIISH ASSOCIATION, THEACADEyiE NATIONALS DE MEDICINE AT PARIS, and other Institutions of the highest order; t'ie Proprietors are in posses- BiOn-of the most flatterifng t slirnoniaU in icriiing from many of the tirst men in the profession, aud the chains are already taken .no use in most of tbe Hospualsin London. Full description of ib wonderful dweovery, with Hie highest references, numbers cases cured, »kc.,may be had through any respectable Chemist, or on application (by letter for (wo stamps), from the Head Repots 103, Lead enhall-streei,and71, Regent-street,London.— ^H.MEINIG. RESIDENT MAN AGER.—From thateminent physician of Guy's Hospital, DR. GOLDING BIRD, M.D., R.S., &c.—I can scarcely recommend this ingenious inven- tion too strongly to the notice of my medical brethren. AG Newport, Mr. E. V. Jenkins Monmouth, Geo. Crcok Bangor, R. Ptitchard. THROW PHYSIC TC THE DOGS. I'LL NONE OF IT. "-SI,akespeare UNDER THE AND < PATRONAGE OF THE THE FRINCIPAL QUEEN, NOBILITY ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PIASTERS SUPERSEDE the use of Inward Medicine for Coughs Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the heart, ^roup, Hooping Coach, Influenza, Chronic Strains, Bruises, ljUmbago, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of {he Chest, and Loca 1 Pains. WORE WONDERFUL CURES, SELECTED FROM MANY OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO PUBLISH Important Testimonial from F. Cupiss, Esq., M.R.V.C., author of the Prize Essay on the diseases of the Liver of the £ ?°rse. Diss, Norfolk, March 22,1S51. ■*o Messrs. Roper and Son. Gentlemen,-For the last three winters Mrs. Cupiss hasfelt a great delicacy of the chest, accompanied with occasional pain, cough and hoarseness. Having had your valuable Bath Plasters recommended to her, she made tiial of one, and it was attended "Pilh the most beneficial effect, in consequence of which she has tnade frequent use of them, and invariably with the same good Results. It is to be regretted they are rot more generally known. as I am ure they would relieve much s uffering, and tend to pro- long life. remain, yours respectfully, FRANCIS CI PIS. CURE OF TEN YEARS LOSS OF VOICE Communicated by H. Piatt and Son, Chemists o her Majesty Dear Sirs,-I have an excellent case of cure in Chester from the use of your Royal Bath Plasters-viz., aferrale who had lost her voice 100 nearly ten years, and the seco d plastpr restored her. She came spontaneonstyto thank me, and said she would write you a letter. Yours, respectfully, v Chester, October 23rd.18.50 H. PLATT, r Communicated by C. Parsons. Postmaster. To l/essrs. Roper and Son, Sheffield,-Sirs,-r think it my duty to inform you that it is now about our years since I introduced Jour Royal Bath Plaster to thei. nhabitanfs of Princes Ris- brough and its vicinity. In the course of that time I have sold some dozens of them; and I have the satisfaction ofi nforming jou that in every case where they have been fairly tried, they have proved beneffcial, particularly among children. We have one ladv in the neighbourhood who keeps a few constantly by her. I have applied them to my own children in hooping coogb and the result was highly gratifying; so much so, that I sent for a quantity, and strongly recommended them to my neighbours who were all well satisfied, and, i n many cases truly thankful I apologise for thus troubling you with this note, but I think that such a valuableremedy cannotbe too highly extolled. I am, sirs, vours, respectfully, CHARLES PARSONS. Post office, Princes Risbrough, Jan. 6, 18-51. P-S.—You are all iberty to make any use you please of this for the advancement of the plaster WONDERFUL URE OF COUGH. Sheffield, Nov. 5th, 1850. Sirs,-From a feeling of gratitude to you, and duty to the pub. he, I wish to bear my testimony in favour of your invaluable Roper's Plasters and Pills. I have been afflicted for years with 3 bad cough, brought on by repeated colds. I was also afflicted tvith pain in the stomach, sickness, loss of appetite, &c. I some- times thought I had three sorts of cough at the same time one attacked the other, and then it was dreadful. I could not lie down, but was forced to sit np coughing until life seemed to be Bearlj gone. hen I was suffering thus, a friend advised me to try your Roper s Plasters and Pills, aDd the following day I Procured one box of pills and one plaster, and. to the astonish. tnent of all that knew me, I was restored to health again. Praise the Lord for. all hIS mercie, I forgot to state, my age is 64. Wjcker, near the Post-office, MARTHA MALLINSON NOTICE the words "Roper's Royal Bath Plaster" en- sured on the Govern- ^«nt Stamp, and the C* Ifoprietor'sAutograph —— /S >^7 00 the back, thus;— —ir^ These truly invaluable Plasters are compounded on Medico Chemical principles, from British herbs, and the gums and balsams of the Eastern clime,- Wheie shrubs yield balsam, and where flowers and trees Distil some genial balm for all disease. Prepared only by ROBERT ROPER & SON, Chemists, Sheffield an, sold by most Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Xingdom.-Ful site Plasters, Is. lid.; and for Children, 91d each, or direct by post from the Proprietors, on receipt of Is. 4d. or Is. eath.—For the llSe of Hospitals, Infirmaries, Dis- pensaries, Poor-law Unions,the Medical Profession, Family use. and Charity purposes, &c.,—in tjn case8) at 4s 6d., lis. 22s, 338., each case. BEWARE OF TIIITATIONS-BE PARTICULAR TO ASK FOR ROPER'S PLASTER [THE MONMOUTHSHIRE MERLIN AND GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, No. ] CORN STREET, ST1 THIS Establishment is completely furnished with an exten- i. sive variety of NEW and HANDSOME TYPE, suitable for Book, Plain, and Ornamental PRINTING, Posting and other Handbills, Shipping Notes, Auctioneers' Catalogues, Bills of Lading, Returns of all descriptions, for Iron Works and Col- lieries, Law Forms, &c., printed in a superior modern style, of he shortest notice, and at very REASONABLE TERMS. Address Cards, Circulars, Invoices, Labels, &c, executed in the neatest and most tasteful manner. Account Books at Bristol Prices. TO ADVERTISERS. The Advertising Public of Monmouthshire, and the neigh- bouring Counties, are respectfully informed, that the Agents for the "MONMOUTHSHIRE MERLIN," M the various Towas, will promptly forward all ADVEHTISEMENTS for insertion in. the Paper; and Orders from Advertisers at a distance, forwarded to the Office, will receive prompt attention. [¡:J- Advertisements received for the "Gazette," the London Papers, and for all the Provincial Journals 01 England, Ireland and Scotland. THE NATIONAL BLESSING. TANNER'S BESTOaATIVE COUGH PILLS, Proved to be a most safe and efficacious medicine for the relief and care of coughs, asthma! pulmonary complaints, hoarse- nesS, (iimCIilty of breathing, and all obstructions of the chest and lungs. v 1MIE salutary and most extraordinary efficacy of this iriedicine, in cases known to the proprietor, where many have been rescued almost from the brink of the grave, has in- duced him to extend its sphere of usefulness. They quickly afford relief in all cases of coughs—the frequent precursor of consumption; and speediiy relieve that unpleasant and dis- tressing sensation of tickling in the throat; and in cases of consumption and spitting of blood, many have found great benefit from their use. They afford permanent relief in long- standing cases of asthmatic coughs, and hundreds have already been completely cured of the most severe ordinary coughs. They do not contain a particle of opium, or any drug likely to ] injure the constitution. The trial of a single box will satisfy any sufferer ot their astonishing efficacy. They heal the sore- ness of the chest, occasioned by violent coughs and aged per- sons will find the greatest relief from taking them. The following TESTIMONIALS are published (by permission) out of a great number received by the Proprietor. The original letters, and various other proofs of the efficacy of these celebrated PILLS, may be inspected by any person desirous of seeing them at the Propiietor's house:— Bristol, June 14,1851. Sir,-It is now seven or eight years since I caught a dreadful cold accompanied with a most distressing Cough, which returned regularly e\ery winter; I tried a great number of different medicines without much effect, until some time since I was re- commended to try your Restorative Cough Pills, from which I found great relief, and by occasionally taking this valuable medicine I am quite recovered and feel no smyptoms of a return ot my old complaint, but I feel it a duty I owe to make thns statement, that others suffering from Coughs, Colds, &c. maiy obtain a remedy at once cheap and efficacious in taking Tanner's Cough Pills. I remain. Sir, yours respectfully, S.H. Bitton,near Bristol. July 12, 1850. INIrs. Mc A begs to acknowledge the receipt of a box of Cough Pills which Mr. Tanner kindly sent her, and begs to state that she found great relief from the very first dose, and after taking three or four doses her Cough and Hoarseness quite left her, and considers it her duty to thank Mr. Tanner, and to recommend them as a safe and valuable remedy for Coughs, Hoarseness,6;c. Hanham Mflls, near Bristol. Sir,-Grati:ude compels me to return you my best thauks for the great benefit that I received from taking your Cough Pills. Christmas last I had a most severe and harassing Cough, which so troubled me day and night that I could get no rest, end was so reduced by it that my friends had but little hope of my re- covery but shortly after taking your Cough Pills, 1 feit great relief, and was very soon enabled to take my rest and follow my usual employment again without interuption I really con- sidered every dose of Pills was worth a sovereign to me. I shall feel great pleasure in recommending them and giving any infor- mation that may be required. 1 am, with gratitude, yours truly, J. Hunter. Price 6d. and 13^1. per box. The 13¿d. contain three times the number of the Gd. size. Prepared only by ll. A. TANNER (Proprietor of the celebrated Dinner Pills), Kingsvvood-hill, Bristol. Wholesale Agents in Bristol: T. & A. WARREN, Redcliff- street; andPEARCE & CO., Bridge-street. Wholesale Agents in London: W. Sutton, & Co., Bow-church- yard; and Drew, Heyward, and Barron, Bush-lane, Cannon- street. tHERE IS YOUR REMEDY! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. A most miraculous cure of Bad Legs, after forty-three years Suffering. Extract of a letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 70, Saint Mary's stieet, Weymouth, dated May loth, 1851. To Professor Holloway, SIR.-At the age of eighteen my wife (who is now Gl) caught s a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or le»s sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she was deprived entirely of rest and Jeep. Eveiy remedy that medical men advised, was tried, but without effect; her health suffered seveiely, and the stateof her legs was terrible. I had often read yoor advertisements, and advised her to try your pills and oint- ment and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, and, strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed, Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife, duiing the last forty-three years, and cooirast them with her present eo}oymentof health, you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings of a fellow creature. (Signed) VVILIIAM GALPIN. A Person of seventy years of age cured of a Bad Leg, of thirty years standing. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Huddersfield, dated May 31st, 1851. To Professor Holloway, Sin,—I suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or three different accidents at Gas Works, accom- panied by scorbutic symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that tbe leg must be amputated; yet. in opposition to that opinion, your pills and ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that few who had not witnessed it,would credit the fact. (Signed) WILLI A M ABES. The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. W. P. Eng- land, chemist, 13, Market-street, Huddersfield. A dreadful Bad Breast cured in one month. Extract of a Letter from MI. Frederick lurner, of Penshurst, Kent, dated December 13th, 1850. To Professor Holloway, DEAR SIR,-My wife had suffered from bad breasts for more than six months, and during the who'e period had the best me- dical attendance, but all to no use. Having before heated an awful wound in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I de- termined again to use your pills and ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in her case and fortunate it was I did so, for in less than a month a perftct cure was effected, and the benefit that various others branches of my family have derived from their use is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them to all my friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TCRNER. A wonderful cure of a dangerous swelling of the knee. Copy of a Letter from John Forfar, an agriculturist, residing at Newborough, near Hexham, dated May 15th, 1850. To Professor Holloway, SIR,-I was afflicted with a swelling on each side of the leg, rather above the knee, for nearly two years, which increased to a great siie. I had the advice of three eminent surgeons here, and was an inmate of the Newcastle Infirmary for four weeks After various modes of treatment had been tried, I was dis- charged as incurable. Having heard so much of your pills and ointment I determined to try them, and in less than a month I was completely cured. What is more remarkable, I was engaged twelve hours a day in the hay harvest, and although I have fol- lowed my laborious occupation throughout the winter, I have had no return whatevei of my complaint. (Signed) JOHN FORFAR. An inflammation in the side perfectly cured. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Francis Arnot, of Breabouse, Lothian Road, Edinburgh, dated April 29th, 1851. To Professor HOLLOWAY, SIR,-For more than twenty years my wife has been subject from time to time, to attacks of inflammation in the side, to which she was bled and blistered to a great extent; still the pain could not be removed. About four years ago she saw, in the papers, the wonderful cures effected by your Pills and Ointment, and thought she would give them a trial. To her great astonish- ment and delight she got immediate relief: from their use, and after persevering for three weeks, the pain in her side was com- pletely cored, and she has enjoyed the best of health for the last four years. (Signed) FRANCIS ARNOT. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases:— Bad legs, bad breasis, burns, bunions, bite of moschetoes and sand-flies, coco-bay, chiego-foot, chilblains, chapped hands, corns (soft), cancers, contracted and stiff joints, elephantiasis, fistulas, gout, glandular swellings, lumbago, piles,rheumatism, scalds, sore nipples, sore-throats, skin-diseases, scurvy, sore- heads, tumoors, ulcers, wounds, yaws. Sold by the Proprie'or, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar) Lon don, and by all respectable Vendors of Patent Medicines throughout the civilized world, in Pots and Boxes, at Is ljd 2s 9d, 4s 6d, ll,, 22s. and 33s each. There is a very consider able saving in taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each Pot or Box. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF SEVENTY YEARS. J. SCHWEPPE AND CO., By Royal Appointment, Manufacturers of Soda, Potass, Mag- nesia Waters and JErated Lemonade, London; Liverpool; Derby and 65, Castle-street, Bristol. SO much prejudice has been produced in the public mind by Spurious Articles, containing not a particle of Alkali, but sold as such, that consumers are earnestly recommended to ask for Schweppe's, the Original Inventors, and still by far the largest manufacturers of these invaluable preparations. Each bottle contains the proper proportion of Alkali, scientifically amalgamated by the aid of their machinery, and every Genuine Bottle of Soda Water is protected by a Red Label over the Cork, having the name of their Firm on each side, and their Potass, Magnesia. Waters, and Lemonade by Labels on the Bottles, '.vith the Name and Address. This precaution is ren- dered necessary, by unprincipled persons filling Schveppe's Bottles with their own composition, and even imitating their Labels. The extraordinary demand for their .Eratecl Lemonade, at the refreshment courts of the Crystal Palace, in 18,51, (a fact which must be familiar to nearly the whole kingdom), may be referred to, as a most flattering proof of its superior and refreshing quality; it is also strongly recommended in cases or rever. The largest Importers of German Seltzer Water, direct from the springs. J 0 be obtained (observing the above caution) of all respect- able Chemists, Wine Merchants, Italian Warehousemen, Con- fectioners, and leading Hotels in Town and Country. CHOOSE THE BEST XTEMEDY d I I PARR'S L I F E PILLS Are acknowledged to be the oes t Medicine in tie tcorld. XECONOMY should be practised in all things, but more J particularly in matters of medicine. The restoration to health has generally been purchased at a costly price and certainly if health could not be procured at any other rate, s costly price suould not lie an object. of scruple, But where i the wisdom, where is the economy, in spending vast sums on a physician's attendance, when sound health and long life may be ensured by the cheap, safe, and simple remedy of Parr's Life Pills. The general use of this medicine having been the result of the benefits experienced by tbousands of persons, and that the knowVge of such may be- useful to all, we recommend a care- -erusalof the following Testimonial. The sale of PARR'S LIFE PILLS amounts to upwards of 30,000 boxes weekly, more than all other patent medicines put together This simple fact needs no further comment; it tells plainly that the PILLS of OLD PARR are the Best Mtdicine in the World From Mr. JOHN HEATON, Agent, Leeds. 7, Briggate, Leeds, Aug. 15,1851. DEAR SIRS,—I some time since forwarded you a Testimonial as to the efficacy of I'APnls LIFE PILLS, in this neighbourhood. I am happy to be able now to inform you that my opinion of their excellence continues unaltered, and the unvarying testi- mony of my customers assures me that they are a great boon to the working classes their use having, in a great number of cases which have come under my notice, been attended by the most beneficial results, in the removal or abatement of the most distressing maladies,—in many instances amongst persons whose circumstances rendered it utterly impossible for them to avail themselves of medical treatment, and in many others where medical treatment had been resorted to without avail. It is always satisfactory to know that what one is the means of in- troducing or circulating is likely to serve the desired purpose and there is no medicine I sell with greater satisfaction or con. fidence, on account of their excellence and efficacy in all respects, than PARR'S LIFE PILLS, I am, dear sir, yours faithfully. Messrs. Roberts, and Co. JOHN HEATON TO LADIES. PAnn's lIFE rILLS are especially efficacious in all he variety of aliments incident to the Fair Sex. Ladies even of the most delicate constitutions will find them patticularly benefitial both before and after confinement and for general use in SCHOOLS, they cannot be too strongly recommended. They mildly and speedily remove all Skin Eruptions, Sallowness of complexion, Nervous Irritability, Sick Head-ache, Depression of Spirits, Irregularity, or general derangement of the system. IMPORTANT CAUTION. None are genuine, unless the words "PAr;n'' 1 IFE PILLS are in White Letterson aRedGround, on the Covin mentSt'imp j pasted round each box; also the fac-simile of the signature of the Proprietors," T. ROBERTS and Co., Crane-court, Fleet-street, London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and family packets at lIs. each. AGENTS.—E. J. PHILLIPS, Chemist, and E V. JENKINS, Chemist, Newport Mrs. WHITE, Bookseller, Merthyr Tydfil; G. ACKRILL,Chemist,Abergavenny and G. PHILLIPS, l hemist, Cardift. HEALTH RESTORED. LEWIS'S CONCENTRATED ALTERATIVE PILLS, ELECTARIUM OINTMENT, DTC. IN introducing to the Public some of the most valuable Family Medicines ever offered for the relief cf the afflicted, the Consignees, Messrs. IIINGSTOK, Ilt lSH, & Co., beg to submit a brief statement '%f e of their origin and discovery, and the reasons which have induced them to present these preparations in the form in which they are now offered for general use, and in which alone they can be placed within the reach of all. In the very extensive private practice of Mr. W. LEWIS, late of George-street, Manchester, it is well known that his aversion to the use of calomel or mercury led h;m, during a period of twenty five years, to devote his unimerrupted attention to the discovery of some valuable alterative with a view to supersede it in which attempt he was so for- tunate as completely to succeed, and to combine the r&medy thus dis- covered by him. ir. such a form as might be most likely to agree with the generality of constitutions .ahouring under certain forms of chronic or incipient complaint and disorder. But eonflned to the private practice of one medJca man. however extensive that practice might be, (and the successful u?e of this one remedy gained for Mr. Levis, a celebrity and reputation unsurpassed in the annals of provincial medical practice), the benefits resulting there- from, must in a measure be only local. It is, therefore, with a view to extend those benefits to the public at large, that Mr. LEWIS has been prevailed upon to overcome the very natural repugnance felt by all me- dical men. to the system of Patent Medicines, and to consign to Messrs, HINGSTON, HUISH, and Co., the sole right to prepare and vend his several medical preparations, the value of which his long experience has given him ample opportunity of testing. LEWIS'S CONCENTRATED ALTERATIVE PILLS, will be found specifically useful in all cases where it is needful to act at once on the liver, bowels, kidneys, and skin. The great and essen- tial claim to merit which they possess, is the fact of their containing a VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE which supersedes the use of mercury, being as effectual for the same specific purposes as that powerful medicine without producing afterwards those distressing effects upon the system, which in too many cases have rendered the remedy almost as bad as the disease. Their action is most remarkably safe, gentle, certain, and effective; more peculiarly where the secretory and absorbent systems are concerned. Hence their value is inestimable in dyspepsia accom- panied by bile, acidity, heartburn, giddiness, headache, nausea, flatu- lence constipation of the bowels, depression of the spirits, and nervous irritability. They remove ail offending humours by their effectual, but painless, action on the bowels, stomach, and secretory glands. In many cases they have, by promoting the absorbents, and carrying off through natural channels, the superabundant humours, a nested the progress of con usmption. They are effectual in relieving'coughs of all descripons arising either from colds or stomachic derangement and are invaluable for the cure of bronchial diseases of the severest form. From their peculiar action on the organs before mentioned, they in- fallibly relax contractions, remove indurations, tumours, and swellings of thej oints, open obstuctions of all kinds, and remove congestions. Taken regularly in the spring and fall of the leaf,—the two most trying periods of the year, to persons of sensitive and delicate organisation, and to infancy aud age,—they strengthen the tone of the stomach, and sooth, fortify, and invigorate decaying nature. Their effect on the skin and secretory organs renders them singularly effective in cases of gout, rheumatism, feverish attacks, &c., &c.; whilst to the nurse and the mother, they are one of the greatest blessings ever vouchsafed, as they act so gently, and with such freedom from pain, that the youngest child may take them at the same time, they actively rectify all female ob- structions and weaknesses, and yield the most valuable and grateful relief to suffering womanhood, whether in youth or middle age. By opening the pores and acting on the skin, they restore it, when needed, to a healthy state, purify the blood, clear the complexion, remove all eruptions on the face, pimples, heats, and humours of every kind they relax cramps, prevent spasmodic contraction, relieve palpitations, gaatiitis, and are of most important use in influenza. For certain symptoms and stages in most fcf the diseases for which these pills are a specific remedy, their action is rendered more certain and efficacious by the use of LEWIS'S ELECTARIUM, a choice preparation from American plants, designed as an adjunct to the use of the pills in chronic diseases, and those aggravated forms of bilious illness and suffering produced by hot climates, irregular living, or too great indulgence in the pleasures of the table. The other preparations, the use of which is recommended especially with the pills for the disorders specified, are LEWIS'S BALSAMIC OINTMENT, a perfectly unsurpassable medicament for Wounds, Tumours, Bad Legs, Excoriations, Indolent Tumours, &c., &c. and LEWIS'S SILVER CREAM, for Whitlows, Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin, Ringworms, Heats Rashes, &c., &e. The Pills and Ointments are sold in boxes or pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. ed., and I Is.; and the Electarium in bottles, at 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., and 2?s., by the wholesale agents, Messrs, SUTTON- and Co., Bow- churchyard, London by respectable Medicine-vendors, in every town in the kingdom, and by the Sole Consignees, HINGSTON, HUISH, and Co.' I, Old Bond Street, London. AGENTS: Mr. Thomas J. Jones, High-street, Newport. Mr. W. Morgan. Church-street, pillgwenlly. Mr, R. Taylor, Stationer, High-street, Chepstow. Mr. Luke Evans, High-street, Cardiff. Mr. W. Richards, Market-street, Pontypridd. Mr. Walter Smyth, High-street, Merthyr Tydvil. Mr, W. Gethen, Chemist, High-street, Hereford. Mr. W. H. Vale, Journal office, Hereford. Mr. F. Biggs, Chemist, &c., High-street, Swansea. Mr. G. Crook, Chemist, Agincourt-square, Monmoutb. M H F. Farror Beacon office, Monmouth. THE present Proprietor of HALSE'S CELEBRATED JL MEDICINES, having been a vendor of them, and having heard from his customers of the aH-bnt miraculous effects of them, and knowing that they had not been brought before the public in the provinces, (although their sale in London is very large), in a manner that they ought to be, was induced to offer a certain sum for the Recipes, Titles, &c., to the original pro- prietor. After much time, and paying a much greater sum than lie intended, he has accomplished his object. He has no doubt, however, that the invalid public will ultimately well pay him for his outlay. HALSE'S SCORBUTIC DROPS, A sure Cure for Scurvut Bad Legs, and all Impurities r/ t/ig Blood. Their effect in puiifying the blood is all but miraculous" This medicine is generally admitted to be the most certain purifyer of the blood of any as yet discovered, a remarkable change in the appearance—from a death-like paleness, to the roseate hue of health—taking place within a very short time. Price 2s. 9d. each bottle and in pint botties containing nearly six 2s. 9d. bottles, for lis., patent duty included. => Declaration of the Guardians of Brent, Deion. f \e, t e undersigned, solemnly declare, that before Thoma Rolins, (one ot our parishioners), commenced taking Halse's Scorbutic Drops, he as literally covered with large running wounds, some of them so large that a person might have laid hishstin them; that before he had finished the first bottle, he noticed an improvement, and that, by continuing them tor some time, he got completely restored to health, after everything else had failed. He had tried various sorts of medicine before taking Halse's Scorbutic Drops, and had prescriptions from the most celebrated physicians in this county, without deriving the least benefit. Halse's Scorbutic Drops have completely cured him, and he is now able to attend to his labour as well as any man in our parish. From other cures also made in this part, we strongly recommend Halse's Scorbutic Drops to the notice of the public. Signedby JOHN ELLIOTT, Lord of the Manor. JOHN MANNING. WILLIAM PEARSE. HENRY GOODMAN. ARTHUR LANG WORTH Y. June 21, 1843." The medicine has the same action on the impurities of the blood as an antidote has on poison, viz., by immediate robbing :t of its evil qualities. Its effects are indeed astonishing, and will scarcelv be credited until tried. Kalse's Scorbutic Drops may be procured from any respecta- ble Chemist, or from the Wholesale Agents, BARCLAY and SON, 95, Farringdon-street, City and C. KING, 41, Carter- tieet, Walworth, price 2s. 9d. and lis. per bouie. SILENT FBIEXDj IN SIX LANGUAGES, FORTIETH EDITIOX, Containing the Remedy for the Prevention of Disease. Illustrated by One Hundred Anatcmical and Explanatory Coloured Engravings on Steel, ON PHYSICAL DIS at ALIFICATION'S, GENERATIVE INCAPACITY, AND IMPEDIMENTS TO MAT. Ill AGE, A neiv and i nproved Edition, enlarged to 195 pages, price 2s. 6d. by post, dit act from the Establishment, 4s. 6d. in postage stamps. "THE SILENT FRIEND A Practical Work on the F.xhaustion and Physical Decay of the Sys- tem, produced by Excessive Indulgence, the consequences of In- fection, or the use of Mercar}', with explicit directions for the use of the Preventative Lotion, followed by Observations on the State, and the Disqualiifcations which prevent it; illustrated by One Hundred Coloured Engravings. By R. and L. PERRY and CO., Consulting Surgeons, 19 Berners-street, Oxford-street, London. Published by the Authors, and Sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row; Hannar, 63, and Sangar, 150 Oxford-street, London J. and R. Raimes and Co., Leith-walk, Edin burgh; D. Campbell, Argyll-street, Glasgow; J. Priestley, Lord-street T. Newton, Church-street, Liverpool; R. H. Ingham, Market-street Manchester and R. H. Powell, 15, Westmoreland-street, Dublin. Part I. treats of the anatomy and physiology of the productive or. gans, and is illustrated by 28 coloured engravings. Part II. trea's of the consequences resulting from excessive indul- gence, and their lamentable effects on the system, producing mental and bodily weakness, nervous excitement, and generative incapacity. It is particularly addressed to those who are prevented, in consequence, from entering into the marriage state, and points out the sure means of per- fect and secret restoration to manhood. It is illustrated by 10 explana. tory engravings.. Part III. treats of the diseases resulting from Infection, either in the primary or secondary form, and contains explicit directions for their treatment, illustrated by d2 coloured engravings. Part IV. contains a remedy for the Prevention of Disease by a simple application, by which the danger of Infection is obviated. Its action is simple, but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destrovs its power on the system. This important part of the work should not escape the reader's notice. Part V. is devoted to the consideration of marriage and its dutie The reason of physical disquali/ieation, and the causes of unproductive, unions, are also considered, and the whole subjectcritically and philoso-. phicallv inquired into. The Authors, resrularly educated members of the Medical Profession, having had long, diligent, and practical observation in the various Hos- pitals and Institutions for the relief of those afflicted with Syphilis, Se- condary Svmptoms, Stricture, Venereal and Scorbutic Eruptions of the face and body, have nerhaps had an unusual opportunity of witnessing their dreadful and destructive consequences in all their various stages. Hence, knowinc the practical necessitj of sound judgment in such seri- ous cases, and having seen the injury that has arisen from the careless- ness and neglect of its study, Messrs. R. and L. Perry have devoted their attention exclusively to this peculiar class of maladies, and the re lief -they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow creatures, is fully testified and gratefully acknowledged by convalescent patients, and others, daily arriving in town, from all parts of the coun- tr), for the express purpose only of personal consultation while their exertions have been crowned with the most signal advantages; yet, from what they have experienced in inquiring into the nature and causes of these infectious complaints (from the'r most simple condition to that of the most dangerous and inveterate), they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise invariably found, that the more horrible and malignant forms of the disease could almost always be traced to one of the following causes ignorance, neg- lect, or the ill effects of unskilful a'd improper treatment; therefore, Messrs. Perry have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautious course, omitting allcombina- tion of remedies which bear an equivocal character, as well as those whose premature or injudicious application might be productive of bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In short, the laudable end of this remedy is the lessening of a great mass of human misery, by the alleviation, relief, and prevention of those grievous afllictions that are in reality the secret foes of life, and which, while they so extensively surround us", call aloud for our skill and interference for their examina. tion Messrs. R. and L. Pcrrv and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at 19 Berners-strcet, Oxford-street, from eleven till two, and from five ti'l eight in the evening and on Sundays from eleven to one. THE COXCENTR.4TF.D DETERSIVE ESSENCE, AN ANTI- SYPHILITIC REMEDY, Is recommended in Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. I (searches out and purifies the diseased humours from the blood, and cleanses the system from all deteriorating causes. Its influence in the restoration to health of persons labouring under the consequences which inevitably follow contamination, i undeniable, and it also constitutes a certain cure for scurvy, scrofula, and all cutaneous eruptions. Its active prin- ciples are transmitted by the medium of the circulating fluid throughout the entire frame, and even penetrate the more minute vessels, removing and expelling in its course all corruptions and impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it with the insJnsible perspiration through the medium o Ithe poresof the skin and urine. Price Us., orfour bottles in one for 33s. by which i Is, is saved, also in £5 cases, by which will be save zC I 1-s. To bo had at the London Establishment. Contamination from viru o the venerea disease, if it be not removed when ittits displays itself, may linger in the system for many years, b-efore itshows itself in any palpable form, being occupied meanwhile in sapping the foundation o the vita powers, and destroying the springs of life at the very fountain head. The disease, under these cir- cumstances, wi suddenly, when leas expected break out and over- whelm the sufferer with wretchedness and horror at his fearfuIstate. Those persons who may be suffering from any of the varied forms of secondary symptoms, sue as eruption on the skin, blotches on the head and face, ulcerations and enlargement of the throa tonsils, and uvula threatened destruction o the nose, palate, &c., nodes of the shin or eo'll'ar bones, or on the bones o the head, or from any of the painfu affections arising from the dangerous effects caused by'the indiscrimi- nate use of mercury or o its accumulating in the system or from the evils folio" ing an imperfect plan of treatment,wil derive the most ex- traordinarv advantage and benefitfrom the use of the Concentrated De- tersive Essence, in arresting the ravages of these various disorders, re- moving all scorbutic symptoms, and fully and completely reno- vating the tone and vigour of the constitution. These persons a:so who propose to themselves the participating in the holy and refined pleasures of the marriage state, if they have had in early life the mis- fortune to be tainted with the virus of disease in any of its forms, will act advisedly in submitting themselves previously to a course of this medicine, a proceeding to them of the utmost importance, as should there lurk tain of disease in their systems, it may, and will in all probability, be visited on their consorts and offspring, impairing their health and destroying their happiness, while at the same time the children are born puny, diseased, and unable to struggle against the ills and mischances of life. It must be remembered that when the fountain is polluted,the stream that flows from itcannot be pure. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR1ACUM Is expressly employed to renovate the impaired powers of life, when ex- hausted by the influence exerted by solitary indulgence on the system. Its action is pureiy balsamic its power in i invigorating the frame in cases of nervous and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, impotency, bar. renness, and debilisies arising from venereal excesses, has been demon- strated by its unvarying success in thousands of cases. To those per- sons who are prevented entering the married state by the consequences ofeariy errors, it is invaluable. Price I Is. per bottle, or four quantities in one for 33s. The leases of Syriacum, or Concentrated Detersive Essence, can only be had at I U, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London, whereby there is a saving of £1 I2s., and the patient is entitled to receive advice with out a fee, which advantage is applicable only to those who remit £5 fo a packet. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS Constitute all effectua Iremedy in all cases of Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Stric- ture, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. Gd., and lis. per box. Patients are requested to be as minute and concise as possible in the detail of their cases, noting especially the duration of the complaint, the mode of its commencing, its symptoms and progress, age, habits of living, and position in society. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world no difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packed and carefully protected from observation. These medicines are prepared onlv by Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons, who may be consulted as usual, at 19, Berners-stree; Oxford-street, London, f-om eleven till one, and from five till eightt Sundays from eleven till one. N.B.-Medicine Vendors can be supplied by most of the Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London Sold by Thomas A. Roberts, chemist, Conway Jo)m Brown, Chro- nicle Office, Bangor Robert Griffith, chemist, High-street, Caernarvon William Edwards, chemist, Denbigh; H. G. Hughes, chemist, Holy head; John Beale, chemist, High-street, Wrexham; E. Ward, chemist High-street, Brecon Philip price. Post Office, Bridgend; H. Webber Guardian Office, Cardiff; Walter Thomas, chemist (opposite AngeU Merthyr; J. W. White, chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen; W Williams, chemist. High-street, Cardigan; O. E. Davies, chemist, Haver ford-vest; Joseph Potter, Herald Office, Haverfordwest i R. C. Treweeks chemist, Pembroke; Thomas Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea John Moore, chemist, Broad-street, New Town Thomas Stephens chemist, High-street, Merthyr T) drll j Ferris and Score, druggists, Lmion street, Bristol, John Watton, Chronicle Office, Shiewsbury; Jame Chilcott, bookseller. Broad-street, Leominster; Draper, chemist, Broad street Hereford; T. Farror, Beacon Office, Monmouth; E. JEN KINS, Commercial-street, Newport and J. PHILLIPS, chemis High-street, Newport; of all of whom may be had the Silent Friei'.d 1 DREADFUL MURDER of THOUSANDS By the Baneful use of Deleteriout Diugs. DR. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Vine Cottage, No. 182, opposite the Brewers' Arms, Commer- ciaUroad, Newport, one door from the new Bible Christian Chapel, HA VING devoted his whole study,tothecuringof the Vene- real Disease, for the last twenty years, by Herbs only, is enabled to treat with the utmost certainty of a cure in every stage of ihat dreadful malady, without the use of Mercury restraint of Diet, or any hindrance from business whatever. Dr. \V.'s Herbal Pills have been experienced by thousands, to be the most valuable yet known for the cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures, and Syphilis, or the disease in any other of its morbid forms; pains in the head, back, and loins; nervousness, indiges. tion, loss of appetite, rheumatism, skiu diseases, iic. The utmost safety and confidence may be relied upon by those who entrust themselves to the care of Dr. Williams, as the most honourable secrecy and delicacy are observed in every case Attendance Daily from Nine in the Morning until Ten at Night; on Sundays, from Nine tili Two. Country Patients must be particular in stating their cases,as that willrender a personal visit unnecessary. Medicine, with the necessary advice, sent to any part on receipt of a ramittance of 10s. OBSERVE.—The Dumber of Patients cured at the Establish- ment, Vine Cottage, 182, Pill-road, Newpou, by Dr. Williams, in 1851, amounted to one thousand four hundred and seventy- six. PAINS IN THE BACK., GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, INDIGESTION, DEBILITYr STRICTURE, GLEET, &c. DE ROOS' COMPOUN D RENAL PILLS, as their name (Renal or the Kidneys) icdicates,have been long established as a most safe and efficacious remedy for the above dangerous complaints, discharges of any kind, and diseases of th9 Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally, whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise, which, if neglected, frequently end in piles,fistula, stflneof the bladder, and a lingering death! For gout, sciatica, rheumatism, tic dolcreux, erysipeias, dropsy, scrofula, loss of hair and teeth, depression of spiiits,blushing, incapacity for society, study, or business, confusion, giddiness, drowsiness, sleep without refreshment, teat, nervousness, and even insanity itself, when (as is ofien the case) arising from, or combined with urinary diseases, they are unequalled. By their salutary action of these pills on acidity of the stomach, they correct bile and indigestion,purify and promote the renal secre- tions, thereby preventing the farmation (If stone,and establishing for life the healthy functionsof all these organs. ONE TRIAL will convince the most prejudiced, of their sur- prising properties. May be obtained, with directions vc., at Is. 11d., 2i.9d., 4s. 6d., and lls per box, through all Medicine Vendors, or should any dif- ficulty occur, they will lie sent (free) Oil receipt of the price In Postage Stamps, by Dr, De Haas, 35, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, London. N.B.—A considerable saving effected by purchasing the large boxes. TO PREVENT FRAUD On the public by imitation of the above valuable remedies. Her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of Stamps have directed the name of the proprietor to be engravedon the Government Stamp affixed to all his Medicines, in wnite letters on a red ground, without which none is genuine, and to imitate which is felony and transportation. Sold by JENKINS, Commercial-street, & PHILLIPS, High street, Newport; Farror, Beacon Office, Monmouth; Wratkin, Kigh-st., Abergavenny Ward, chemist, High-street, Brecon, f rice Brothers, post office, Bridgend Thomas, chemist (oppo, ite the Angei), Merthyr; White, chemist, Guildhall Square Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-street,Cardigan Davies chemist, Potter, He?-aid Office, Haverfordwest; Treweeke, che- mist, Pembroke Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea; Moore, chemist, Broad street, New Town; Stephens, chemist. High- street, MerthyrTydfil; Ferris and Score, druggists, Union-street, Bristol; Chilcott, bookseller, Broad-street, Leominster; —— Draper, chemist, Broad-street, Hereford; Roberts, chemist, Conway; Brown, Chronicle Office, Bangor; Grffith, chemist, High-street, Caernarvon Edwards,chemist, Denbigh Hughes, chemist, Holyhead; Beale, chemist, High-street,^Wrexham of all whom may be had THE MEDICAL AnvrsER.' Where difficulty occurs in obtaining any of shove ere'ese postage tamps to the establishment SKIN DISEASES. NERVOUS DEBILITY, SCROFULA, SWELLINGS OF THE BONES, GLANDS. &c. DR. DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED GLTrL£ VITJE, OR LIFE DROPS, Is, as its name implies, a safe and permanent restorative of manly vigour, wheuiet defiClent from residence in hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youthful delusive ex- cesses, infection, &c. It will also be found a speedy corrective of all the above dangerous symptoms, weakness of the eyes, loss of hair and teeth, disease of the nose, sore thioat, pains in the side, back, loins, &c., obstinate weakness, loss of memory, nervousness, headache, giddiness, drowsiness, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, lowness of spirits, lassitude, and general prostration of strength, usually resulting from neglect, or im- proper treatment by mercury, copaiba, cubebs, and other deadly poisons. From its peculiar properties in removing obstructions, creating new pure, and rich blood, (thereby cleansing and strengthening the whole system,) it soon restores the invalid to health, even after all other remedies (which have usually a depressing tendency) have failed hence its uniform success in FEMALE complaints.. TT May he obtained, with directions, Sx., through all Medicine i en~ dors, at 4s 6d S: 11s per bottle, or four eleven shilling quantities in one large bottle for 33s. by which 11s. will lie saved or it will be sent, securely packed, from the establishment, on. receipt of the price by Post Office Order payable at the Holborn Office. IN SIX LANGUAGES, FORTY-SEVENTH EDITION. Illustrating the new mode of treatment and cure adopted by Lallemand, Ricord, Deslandes, and others of the Hdpital des V énériens à Paris, and now uniformly practised in this country, by WALTER DE ROOS. DX. D.« 35, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, London. THE MEDICAL ADVISER, addressed to all those who are suffering from the various disqualifying forms of pre- mature decay resulting from infection and youthful abuse, that most delusive practice by which the vigour and manliness of life are enervated and destroyed, even before nature has fully established the powers and stamina. of the constitution. It contains also an elaborate and careiully-written account o the anatomy and physiology of the organs of both sexes (illus- trated by numerous coloured engravings, with the author's obser- vations on marriage, its duties and hindrances. The prevention and modern plan oftreating gleet,stricture.syphillis, &c. Plain directions for the attainment of health, vigour, and consequent happiness, during the full period of time allotted to our species. The work is illustrated by the detail of cases, thus rendering it what its name indicates, but medical friend of all who may be suffering from the consequences of early error -a work which may be consulted without exposure, and with every assurance of complete success and benefit. ]\hv I elad i ?! a sealed (in ehftthrongh all Booksellrs,2ifor to avoid diiffculty, will be sent direct from the Author, pott ree for 42 Postage Stamps. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row Hannay, 63. and Sangar. 150, Oxford-street. London Raimes and Co., Leith- walk, Edinburgh Campbell, Argyll-street, Glasgow; Priestly, Lord-street, Newton, Church-street, Liverpool; Westmacott, 4, Market-street, Manchester Powell, 15., Westmoreland- street, Dublin; and obtainable through all other druggists and booksellers in the kingdom. THE MEDICAL ADVISER is indeed a boon to the pub- lic, as it has the two-fold advantage of plainness, and being written by a skilful and duly qualified man, who evidently well understands his subject. W. Times. This is a work we wouldr icommend to all; the information therein conveyed is really essential to those of either sex who contemplate marriage.Record- Many a man,who,unmanied and miserable, is now enduring in silent sorrow the penalties of former folly (perhaps committed in ignorance), had he possessed such a book as this, would have been a happy husband, a honoured parent, and useful member of society."—B- A* Dispatch. The diffidence and fearof exposure, consequent on these affec- tions, frequently prevent persons applying tor assistance, until great mischief has been inflicted on the constitution and powers of life. It is hoped the perusal of this work will teach such persons the evils of delay, and lead them at once to seek that as- sistance which alone can save them from the horrors of an ex- istence protracted amidst long-enduring wretchedness, both mental and physical. From the great extent of Dr. De Roos' practice based as it is on many years experience at the various Institutions both in London and Paris, for the relief of those afflicted with debility, syphilis, secondary symptoms, strictures, gleet, vene- real and scorbutic eruptions, &c., kc., of the face and body. he has had perhaps unusual facilities for observing the peculiarities and consequences of each particular stage. Hence he is enabled confidently to undertake the removal of every symptom (not excepting the most inveterate or long standing) in as short a time as is consistent with safety. Country patientswishing to place themselves under treatment, will be minute in the detail of their cases; and to prevent trouble, no letters from strangers will be replied to unless they contain £ 1 in cash, or by Post Office Order payable at the Hol- born Office, for which the necessary Advice and Medicines will be sent. .> At home for consultation, daily, from 11 till 1, and 5 (ill | 'Sundays excepted), unless by previous arrangement. Address: W, DE Roos, M.D., 35, Ely Piace, HolborU HLIW London r