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EXTRAORDINARY MURDER AND ANNIHILATION OF THE BODY. The Bordeaux jonrOilh contain the following horrible story At the end of October last a sum of 9001 r. was stolen from tlie house of 11. Mano, an avitue of liaz s tlie thieves bcinf, a pub. lie-house keeper and It is wife,apeisaot,and M. Alico's servant, After the robbery the thieves went to the public-liouse of the married couple, which is situa'ed at some little distance from the town, and partook of breakfast. In that house lived a gill of the town named Annetts. Whilst the parties were at table, they complained bitterly that they had only been aille to steal 90 >fr., though tliey knew that M. Man:> liad lO.OOOfr. in his possession, that sum having been d'-posiled wiih h:m the day before. On this Annette repronelied them for what they had d oe. I am only a louse woman," said she, and yet F would never commit a lobbery." This declaration terrified the thieves, and to prevent the girl from denouncing them, they tesolved to kill her. Meantime the gendarmes ha ving obtained iutcimation of the robbery, commenced a search alter the thieves, and ada, or two after they made a descent in the public-house, which was one of notoriously bad character. One of the four persons was alrcsled on suspicion of being the thief. Not seeing Annette the gendarmes asked what had become of her, and the |'ublic- house keeper reptied that she had been spending somedays with her latnily, and had afterward- leit fur Kngland. Things re- mained in this s'ate unul Easter Monday, when the rumour spread ir. the town iliat Atitilite had been murdered. It ap- peared, on inquiiy, that the too, aged between 13 and 14,01 the pubhc-house keeper, had, whilst playinc in the house Witt, some boys, pointed to a large iron pot, and said, "I shouldn't like lo eat anything cooked in that pot." Why no?" he was asVed. Becaus(- it was i.,i that my father cooke(i Annette On this the. bovs left him, saying, As your father kilied Annette, we uill not play with you and they on the following day u;fused to allow him to join their games. When (lie boy "s strange re- mark was mentioned to the gendarmes, they at once proci eded to aire,t his tailitr a!,d ino,l,er. They then called on him to tell ail he knew. lie said he knew nothin; and denied that lie 11-ed the language ascribed to htm. The gendarmes, to frighten him, placed haudcuff* on him arid threatened 10 convey him to prison. He then made thii statement: "On the evening after the ro!>ber> I heard a piercing cry up stairs, and I went up. I openeii the door of the loom, and sa", the I ed y of Annette lying on the bed will,out movement. I A anted to po in, but the per- sons who were there prevented me and the peasant, one of t b-m, pushed me away; and, after giving me lour sous, said d,)ii't watit you here are four sous; be off with you.' I went away. In the nicht the dead b oy of Anm tte was con- veyer) d'>wn stairs, and her muideieis deliberated as to what should he done with it. One suggested that it should he placed in a hole to be made in the wall, and that tl:e bole should be plastered up j this was objected to, on the gronnd that the fresh- ness ot the mo tar would attract attention, and that besides the corpse wonld cause a strong stench. At lenijth it was resolved to cut the body in pieces, to separate the flesh from the bones, to boil the flesh in a pot, and eive it to the pigs to eat, and to bum the bones to ashes. Tins was done. The bones, to pievent any smell, weie steeped in quicklime before they were burned. The pigs devoured the boiled flesh with voracity, and some of them died alter 'rein excess. My father and mother, tile and ill. N'larto's servant. E)art iii this horrible aftair." The law authorities ate now ir.ikinj? a searching In. vestigation they hive already discovered tiie clothes of the gid. and in the ashEs of the a human tooth. 'J he ashes iiav- been ca-elully collected, and are to be analysed by chemisis. The seosati ui which the affair has created in the f.ea;eabie town of Buzas is immense.


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