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CARDIFF. TAFF VALE RAILWAY TRAFFIC For the Week ending May 1, 1852. Total £ 2,418 8 7 ANNIVERSARY.—The annual dinner of the members of the Cross Keys benefit society took place at the above inn, on Mon- day last. In the ni(irninp upwnrds of one hundred of the biethren walked in procession to the Welsh Baptist chapel, and heard an appropriate discourse fr«m the respected minis.er of the chapel, Mr David Jones. Upon adjourning to their club- room, a very pleasant day was spent. TIIE NEW DOCKS.—The Marchioness of Bute, with the young- Maiquess, visited the works at the new docks, on I uesday last. he11 the shipping, &c huisted their colours, in eomplimunt to | the distinguished visitors, who were accompanied by Lieut. IJottifoid. Her ladyxhip exptessed her agteeable surpn'se and astonishment at ths rapid increase of new houses, &c., erected in the neighbouthood of the docks since her last visit to that 11 j ii r is h i ti g locality.—While the new docks are beine carried on with alacrity,the old docks ( Bute), are to be extended upwaids af a thousand ftet northward. Phon HTY AM) 1VCOMI?-TAX. —A re-assessment of a ptopor- tiou of the proeetty and income-tax is now being collected here, caused by the defalcation of a late collector. TAXES.—A petition from the mayor, burgesses, and inhabi- tantsof the town and port of Cardiff, prating the abolition of the tax on paper, adveltisemcnts, and newspaper stamps, was presented to the House of Commons on Thursday week, by Sir George Tyler. Ho MSB Kn.r.i D.—A poor boatman who had hired a horse for a day or so, merely with a view of purchasing the animal, put it out to graz1* in a field adjoining the South Wales line, near Newtown, on Monday last. During the n.glit, the hoise strayed on the line near Cauton, when the up train came up and killed it on the spot. TOWN COUNCIL. —A meelillg af this body took place on Mon- day last, to receive the repmts of the several members of the council, recently appointed to investigate Mr. Ramme'i's p'an of dr-linage for Cardiff-—It will be renumbered ihat Mr. CotEn. Mr. Charles C Williams, Mr. Ch.nies Vachell, and Mr. David had visited London for the above purpGse.-they have now returned. The two former gentlemen, who support Mr. Katnmeli s pi i n, ate more convinced than ever of its e!iicttncy, &c.. alld the latter gentlemen, more convinced than ever of ItS inefficiency. However it appealed that the meeting was adjourned, in consequence of the reports in queitioronot heinf completed, so as to lay thein before the Board on Monday. Previous to the meeting on .Monday, each member ol the council will he sent a copy of the reports, beiore the question will be finally discussed at the time mentioned. POLICE COURT, CARDIFF.—TUESDAY, MAY 4. Present — G. i'hillips, Esq (mayor). and W. HJfd, Esq. Benjamin Youos, Wm. Hugh, and Thomas Tuminus were charged with being drunk and disOiderly, on Saturday night last. — Discharged iwth a caution. Three seamen belonging to the Amazon, now in the Bute docks, were committed for 14 days' imprisonment and hard labour, lor descition. Timothy Murphy was chamed w.th stabbing PC. Kyte in the hand.—It appealed th..t Kitshad gone to the Salulatlon public- I.ome, 'n Lt"is-slreet, or. Sunday last, to quell a distutbance which tli-' prisoner had ere. ted thete. and upon the constable taking him into custody, lie stabbed him literally thiouch the hand, the utmost confusion lolloped the cowatdly conduct of the prisoner, as tiie sueet was soon filled willi persons crowding about to tbegn at annoyance of the better conducted inhabitants, who were re timing from church at the time of the disgraceful occurence.— The Bench expiesssd their determination to protect the police, and therefuie, committed the prisoner to take his tiial at the next quartet sessions. Dovid Evms ascommlft"d for two months' imprisonment and hard labour, for stealing coal. I\!r. Kets, laooloid of the Salutation pubiic-liouse, was fiaed 20i., for ket pins a dtsordeily house. Edward Bryan, flne of the \V in t more-lane ftaterni'y, was fined £ 5, or two months' imp; isonnient, for abusing an un- fortunate female, named Mury Ann Jones, on Satutd .y last. Jeremiah Donovan, Timothy Murphy, and James O'Brian. were fiaed 10s. each, tor keeping v.megistered and oveT-Crov-ded lodging-houses. — TAFF VAt.M RAILWAY. A special meeting ef the shareholders was held on Wednes- day^! the White Lion, Unsiol, to take into constdeiation the ir.ift of a fill now before parliani„• tit, enabling the South Wales Hallway Company to oonstruct new railways to Malford Havtn, &e. I'lie cl,a,r %vas taicen by J. P,)ole. Foq., who said that file ge. net al notice infalml-d them of the oljcet 01 the meeting; but theie might be Nome propiietors who de.-ired further explana- tion. The South Wales line crossed the 1 aff line at Cardiff at right angles, th" latter being 14 feet below the former; passen- gers arriving by the one lint; and wuliiog topiofeed by ihe other, had now to traver?e the whole length ol Cardilf in oninibusses. and othei conveyance^' the same or grea er inconvenience was experienced with respect to the tr ere It an tise, and as to minerals it acted as a positive prohibition. Now the reso'utiou to which lie should ask them to agree wen; to sanction the diiec ors « £ ihat company in making anangtmer.s with the South Wales, for connecting their line with the South Wales station, and for the.mutual use of the station. Under Loui YV arr.clifTc'a Act, w hen a bill was biought into patliann nt by one company in which finy other company was interested, a d'af, of such bill must be submitted to the proprietors of the company a (Tec-ted. They were interested in the manner he h"d staled, and their secretary would read the clause, and then he (the chairman) would propose his lesolution. Al r. K"nwa.y read the clause in question. The Chairman proposed a resolution sanctioning the arrange- ment. 0 W. Bushell, Esq., seconded it. It was cariied—vem con and the business was over,


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