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h °a wgs reduced to the necessity of sleeping in but if Liverpool, aod often hid nothing to eai lielndiT k8 Pegged for. He was engaged io the Isabella, Weil jjtilot *?aD» a* 1 sea boy. Hard labour, night and day, was his oifc«f veil ° °De voy*§ei out a crew °' thirty-five, seventeen died tb'etch V '6Ver' aut* awo'!e 0Qfl moining wi,h a dead man on tbtittm ? °' ~*1 hey had died uoseen and uoobsei ved in their 4 In rnmocks lit nighl. In 1834; he was promoted to be second a a ^ear was S'1'P wrecked, and had both legs and Jji'he J0* ^en. 1° 1835, he was made chief mate. In 1836, hishe ,$ appointed to the command of the Olive Branch, his age d^Per^ '^511 ooiy nineteen end a half years. He was up the jif^njod'o80 H W'1'1 ^'S sh'P 'D unt^er ''ie command of Com- B'1 Ihe iclie«, was cut down there by a sabre wound across D0Mho|C the enemy that dealt the blow, with a pistol diMo ih n 6 re,lre<' from 'he sea in 1840. and was appointed agent tt'He! 6 e 8I'6 ^den C°a' Company in 1841. Maned, in 1842, rto^HetD wa,'» *isiei to the present L ird Provost of Glasgow. T^Doit'aS l'16 means °f ge,l'ng Hartlepool made an independent With' 9|!ar,et' DeW c'oc'" a°d wharves, and io 1844, left the place 8 bro Ji 01 mar'is of lhe energy which he and otheis had cc^soul ° f nf>roveme°t—though he was the life and iWered Mr L'ndsay removed ro London, and en- tl bu»i °n l^e e*Port coal and shipping lr»de, and by 1847, his n a linen was Worth £lO,QOO per annum uett. In 1849, he took f Part ner r L'D^say is a s;ood speaker-his style is easy, and |j ()°,Ce and clear, and his indomitable energy, aided _r l:eP',eated Convictions, and earnest aspirations for the iru- j" say enaeot °f his fellow-nun, i#part vitality and force to all lie t hours '1SS e<*ucate(l himself during the spare evening VOL'bours, and, nt'wvithslancing his busy engagements, he lirs, of ,j(l wl: ?ea,s< written various pamphlets and letters on questions sbin conce,n 'be shipping interest. In 1851, he published a ilf Mon'"8 WOrk" 0:1 ,he 2:id of APri,« 1852' he contested the i° li •' R naouthihire boroughs against C. Bailey, Eiq., supported by "s( 541 "S!ocr4,'c houses of Beaufort and Tredegar. lie polled 'l# «tr»r*°<e8' ^'le COH'es' C08' him £ 300. He was beaten b; natii meaQ» at a cost to his opponent of £ 12,000. He has the return °1 Mr Bailey. IBj^ the isiy £ ,,ve a history of his business affairs, in order thai 111 Dartmouth might understand his position. He own* all of the highest A. 1. class. He insured in his 11 If the j,a4rne' 88 8Q underwriter, last year, £ 2,800,000. Among year C7nft°f '8S' year's business, he states that he chartered, last i p,||' | Ships, to and from all parts of the world, but princi- rtif year n(^a aD(* '^e Mediterranean. Hi* house insured last H tract* ,<ers upwards of £ 3,200,000; shipped, as con- "hl porte°dU' ton9 coa'si 150,000 tonscf iron. They im- > half 10 t*1e'r 'hips, as biokeis, in one yesr, one million and a £ 500^0006 3 ^ra'n' I'hey turn over, as shippiDg bankers, '8 Pr^fT ^e,a''s we 'ia?e ',at' ^rom L > n d a y personally. He "u7 indus|U He thinks that bis example may promote t) is rei peiseverance under difficulties, and he §e i the 10 U5e "ie Povver he has so righteously acquired, fo hi> fello* man. In person he is about five feet seven '"if the n' th!1 4 "M'e 'w'01 "s'ew" as the sailors would call it, in U'i «nd s'iDU'<'er' His frame is wiry and elastic—his eye, keen d 1 .—is features good—expression, frank and intelligent bt tpW'( 'he#irof a self reliant and confident man. 11 is health U^J th u* l° ')e rohu«t, and his active spirit is caged in a sound go"? ougn »omewhat battered frame.— Western Times. aI)f