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( General Notices. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. EDMONDS begs respectfully to inform her i' SATT TD an<^ Pu^^c> that she intends carrying on the I'™A J-RADE, SO many years conducted by her mother, the >• tVif uu' ^>at''ler^rle Edmonds, and takes this opportui it/ to ii'f m for the favours conferred, and to solicit their future ,e fJl naP, and suPP°rt- A11 orders with which she may be lavoured shall be executed with promptitude, and with every regard to liberal charges. n, Market Street, April, 1852. 1 MONMOUTHSHIRE. 1VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Chaplain will be 61 r; p required for the benefit of the prisoners, in the House f Correction* at Usk, in this county, to commence his duties ( p nex' Aiidsuminer Session. 6 j. /i, ?tes must he clergymen of the Church of England, l Iul1 orders —and the Chaplain, when elected, will be ex- 1 g? £ ted to devote to his duties in the prison, at least five hours hni fi tlle viaiting justices may direct—not to hold any other o; 7eT e' curacy, or professional duty, and to reside iu the town a i• or. within one mile thereof. Salary, £ 200 per annum. Applications and Testimonials to be sent in to the visiting justices, House of Correction, Usk, on or before June the 5th, 1852. CHARLES PROTHERO, Clerk of the Peace. Master's Office, Southampton Buildings, j Twenty-seventh day of April, 185^. '^e matter of the Joint Stick Companies Winding-up-Acts, 1848 & 1849, and of the MON MOUTHS III RK and GLA- MORGANSHIRE BANKING COMPANY. 1 JAMES WILLIAM FARRER, Esquire, the Master o^ -1 i the High Court ot Chancery, charged with the Winding" up of this Company, do per.mptorily order that a CALL OF SIXTY rOUNDS PER SHARE, be made on all the Con- tributaries of this Company, whose names are included in the List of Contributaries, so far as the same is at piesent settled and I do peremptorily order each such Contributory, except those who are included in the character of personal representa- tives of other persons, on TUESDAY, the EIGHTEENTH day of fhY> -even the Clock in the Forenoon, at ths Offices of the Official Managers of this Company, at Newport, in the County of Monmouth, to pay to the said Official Managers, the Balance, if any, which will be due from him after debiting his account in the Company's Books with such call and I do Jurther peremptorily order such of the snid several Contributaries 5 are contributories, in the character of personal representatives M other persons, at the same time and place, to pay to the said Official Managers, out of the personal assets of the several persons whom they respectively represent, to be administered, 111 a due couise of Administration, the balance, if any, which Will be due from them respectively, as such personal represen- tatives, after debiting their several accounts with such Call. J. W. FARRER. TILSON, CLARKE, and MORICE, 29, Coleman Street, London, Agents for PROTHERO & FOX, Newport, Monmouthshire, Solicitors for the Official Manager JUST PUBLISHED. BY MISS RACHEL EVANS, a Ballad, « Days of my e composed expressly for and dedicated to OIJIS REE\ ES, and Sung at the London Concerts To be had of Mr. E. NEWMAN, Music Seller, 59, Hish- To be had of Mr. E. NEWMAN, Music Seller, 59, High- street, Newport. 6 PERUVIAN GUANO. PHILLIPS AND GETHING supply this season, at a Re- -duced Price, their well-known quality of the above Valuable Manure, selected out of the finest and driest cargoes, "received by them direct from Peru, without landing, and sold warranted as imported. CAUTION.—P. and O. are. in self-defence, compelled to add that Damaged, Inferior, and Artificial Guano are being sold aks the best Peruvian, in some cases by respectable agents, who now not their real origin. Some imitations of little value cannot be detected by appear- ance or smelL Commercial Buildings, Newport, 1852. NEWPORT AND CARDIFF. IN ATTENDANCE PERIODICALLY. MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON-DENTIST, Of No. 5, Ur* Street, College Green, Bristol, BEGS most respectfully to announce that it is his inten- tion to meet his engagements for his usual periodical visit to Newport and Cardiff, for which purpose he will be in attend- ance at his Apartments, Mr. W. M. Jack's, hatter, No. 6, Commercial-street, New- port, on Wednesday, May the 5th, Mr. T. Mitchell's, Angel-street, Cardiff, on Thursday, May the 6th, and periodically on the first Wednesday and Thursday in every month, where he may be consulted on all cases relating to his profession. Mr. YOUNG takes this opportunity of stating that his method of performing the various operations appertaining to Dental Surgery, combines every modern improvement; and that, from a long and successful practice, he is enabled to guarantee the entire success of all cases of a mechanical nature undertaken by him; the workmanship and finish of which he will engage shall be unsurpassed by anything to be obtained in London or Paris. i Mr. YOUNG'S references combine many of the most distin- guished families and leading medical men of the neighbour- hood and he trusts, by strict integrity and moderate charges, to maintain the very high confidence hitherto reposed in his professional skill. No. 53, Park-street, Bristol. N.B. Where it is practicable, Mr. YOUNG would feel greatly obliged by parties desirous of consulting him, leaving their names (at either of the above addresses) previous to ti.e day of his visit, as the increased demand for his attention will not otherwise allow him sufficient time to get through his business in a day. DENTAL SUFIGEKT, TWENTY-FIRST YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. Mondays, Chepstow Tuesdays, Abergavenny; Wednesdays, Newport; Thursdays, Cardiff; Fridays, Merthyr Saturdays, Monmouth. MR. LEWIN MOSELY, Surgeon Dentist, of 30, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London, HAS the honour to announce to his patients and the residents generally of the Principality, that he will commence his usual PERIODICAL VISIT, on Monday, the 3rd of May, when he may be consulted in all relating to his Profession, on Mondays, at the George Hotel, Chepstow; Tuesdays, at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny; Wednesdays, at the King's Head, Newport; Thursdays, at the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff; Fridays, at the Castle Inn, Merthyr (all at private apartments); and on Saturdays, at Mr. J. Powell's, Plumber, Monnow-street, Monmouth. Attendance from Ten to Five. Mr. L. M. is enabled to offer to his Patients advantages only I attainable in the Metropolis: the whole of the Mechanical Department is designed and executed at the Town Establish- ment, whereby a sure and accurate fit is guaranteed and Mr. L. M. being the manufacturer of the newly.invented Mineral Teeth, a great saving is made to the patients-sets and partial Itt, being made for little more than half the usual charges. Every recent improvement adopted in the construction of Artificial Teeth, to suit each individual case, among which is the last new invention of adding an Artificial Gum to the Teeth, whereby the youthful contour of the countenance is perfectly restored. The Teeth are also fixed upon atmospheric principles, so as to cause a perfect articulation and mastica- tion they are quite indestructible they never change colour, and are fixed from one to a complete set, without extracting the stumps, and are worn with perfect ease upon the most tender gums. Filling with gold, and the various cements now in use, Scal- ing, Children's Teeth attended to, and every operation per- taining to Dental Surgery. Consultations Free, and every information without expense. References to the Faculty, and very many Resident Families. Constant Attendance at Town Residence, No. 30, Berners- itreet, Oxford-street, where Patients can always be attended, and Letters addressed will meet with immediate attention; and Mr. L. M. begs to remind his Patients, that he hat not any connection with any Dentist residing at Bristol, or elsewhere. London 30, Berners-Btreet, Oxford-street, April 17, 1852. MISS HOLMES, GRATEFUL for the extended patronage accorded to her G for several years past, respectfully announces that she has made extensive improvements in herpremises, and adapted them to the increased requirements of her business. Miss H. having just visited the metropolis, has selected a large assortment of goods suitable for the present season, com- prising the newest designs in French and English Millinery Mantles, Ribbons, Parasols, Gloves, Straw Bonnets and Hats Grecian and Swiss Fancies, Leghorns, &c., which she intend' submitting to her friends at prices which cannot fail to secur their approval. The SHOP will be opened on SATURDAY, and the SHOW ROOMS, on THURSDAY next. 55, High-street, Newport, 29th April, 1852. BELL'S NATIONAL EQUESTRIAN ESTAB- LISHMENT, WITH Large Troupe of Talented Female Riders and Celebrated Corps of Artistes, with the highly-trained stud of beautiful horses, will visit NEWPORT, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, for One Day only, making thfir entree in Grand Procession at Eleven o'Clock, and giving Two Performances, the First at Two o'Clock, terminating with the laughable ex- ploits of MR. BRIGGS the Evening Entertainment at Hair-past Seven, concluding with MAZEPPA AND THE WILD HORSE. Prices of Admission, Boxes, 2s. Second Place, Is.; Arena, 6d.; Children and Schools Half-price to Boxes and Second Places. The company will visit the following towns: Pontypool, 6th Tredegar, 7th Merthyr Tydvil, 8th Newbridge, 10th. Agent to the Establishment, Air. E. MURRAY. FLOUR MILLS. THE ESSEX ECONOMIC FIRE OFFICE was estab- lished in 1824, to insure FLOUR MILLS, at reduced rates. 4 JOHN K. LEAKE, Secretary, Head Office, Chelmsford. KOPROS, A NEW PATENT MANURE, FOR SWEDES AND TURNIPS PREPARED from Putrescent Matter, and Alkaline and p Phosphatic Substances, has been found to surpass Peruvian Guano, in its fertilising qualities. It is prepared in a Dry Powder, suitable for the drill, and used in the proportion of 3 cwt. to the Acre. Price in Newport, £7 per ton, in bags, of 1? cwt. each. Apply to Mr. JAMES KEYSE, Corn Merchant, Newport, who has been appointed agent for Monmouthshire. THE LIVERPOOL I.INE or PACKETS TO AUSTRALIA. TO SAIL ABOUT THE FIRST OF MAY, *3? FOR PORT PHILIP, DIRECT, The Magnificent new Clipper Ship, SsSiSZ "AUSTRALIA," ¥)UILT expressly for the Trade, 1700 tons burthen, and has -■J' unrivalled poop and 'tween deck accommodations. TTD ,? succeeded by the beautiful new clipper ship LADY iiKAD, 1350 tons burthen, to Sail about the 1st June. FOR SYDNEY, The Splendid First-class Ship, "EMIGRANT," William H. Kemp,Commander, (who is well acquainted with the trade 1100 tons burthen, and her accommodations are very superior. This vessel is an extremely fast sailer, having made the passage to Sydney in 89 days, one of the shortest on record. Apply to JOHN S. DE WOLF & CO.; or to JAMES M. WALTHEW, 9, Tower Chambers, Liverpool. In consequence of the Dock Company keeping the water out of the float 18 days, the sailing of the TRY' has been obliged to be postponed until the 15th of May." EMIGRATION FROM BRISTOL TO NEW YORK. T2. The fine first-class fast-sailing, coppered, and copper* fastened Ship, TRY," 1200 Tons Burthen, ■—LURAM. CAPTAIN JOSEPH SAMSON, late of the Java, To sail on the 15th May, 1852, rpHIS splendid ship was built expressly for the Passenger 1 Trade, with a roomy poop where second cabin passengers can be accommodated with state rooms, for families. She has spacious and airy 'tween decks for steerage passen- gers, who will be taken on as moderate terms, according to classification, as from any port in England and every atten- tion will be paid to their health and comfort. Provisions of the best quality will be furnished, according to the scale of the act of parliament. No Charge for Luggage. To secure passage, early application should be made to MARK WHITWILL & CO., Licensed Passenger Brokers, Middle Avenue, Queen Square, Bristol. FOR NEW YORK. TO SAIL FROM & NEWPORT, ON or about Saturday, the 8th day of May next (wind and weather permitting), the clipper-built A 1 and cop- pered British Vessel, MELANIRA," Henry Lobb, Com- mander. Has room for two cabin passengers. For particulars, apply to JOHN ROGERS, Ship Broker, 21, Llanarth Street; or to the Commander, on Board. EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, W. TAPSCOTT AND CO., T>EG to inform their numerous Correspondents, JL> and Persons intending to Emigrate, that the fol- lowing magnificent Ships, which comprise their MBHBiS-. Superb Lines of American Packets and Passenspr Ships, sailing from LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK PHILA- DELPHIA, NEW ORLEANS, BALTIMORE, and other American Ports, will continue to be despatched as follows :— FOR NEW YORK. Ship. Tons Bur. Ships Tons Bur Constellation" 2500 Kossuth" 2250 • John Stuart" 2500 "Continent" 2000 "Meridian" 2250 "Emma Fields" 2000 "Florida" 2000 "Benjamin Adams" 2000 Robert Kelly" 1800 "Andrew Foster" iggo "Waterloo" 1800 "Garrick" IROO "Henry Clay" 2250 "Arctic" 2000 Underwriter" 2500 "Antarctic" 2000 "Rappahannock" 2260 "Centurion" 2000 "Hungarinn" 2000 "J Z." 1600 "Roscius" 1800 "A.Z." 1600 "Siddons" 1800 "State Rights" 2000 One of the above Packets will be despatched on the 1st, 6th 11th, 16th, 21st, and 26th of each Month. And other First-class Ships will be depatched at intervals, to meet the wants of their numerous applicants at the busy season,-thereby preventing the possibility of delay in Liver- pool, so injurious to the welfare of the Emigrants FOR PHILADEPHIA. Ship. Tons Bur. Ship. Tons Bur. Tonawanda" 2000 Wyoming" 1800 "Tuscorora" 2000 Saranak" 1650 The above are despatched on the 12th of every Month. „ t. „ NEW ORLEANS. 'Carnatie" 1000 "North Atlantic" 1759 Loodianah" ]Q00 "Arlington" 1500 Carrack" 1400 "George Green" 1750 "City of Lincoln" 1000 Judah Touro" .r. 1500 Twice a Month. «r-, F0B BALTIMORE. Flora M Donald' 1800 I "Johannes" 1400 'Scotia 1600 J Harvest" 1400 ,r Once a Month. Many of these Ships are quite new, built expressly for the trade, and fitted up especially with a view to accommodate all classes of Passengers, having private rooms in poop for families and others wishing to be more select, and most of them carry an experienced surgeon; while their strict punc- tuality of sailing and successful passages, have gained for tnis line the highest reputation of any in the trade as a proof of which we may state that no less than 40,000 souls were for- warded by Tapscott's Favourite Line," during the year 1851. For Times of Departure, and Rates of Passage, application should be made to W. TAPSCOTT AND CO., American Emigration, Forwarding, and Exchange Offices, St. George Buildingi, Regent Road, Liverpool, or to Mr. CHARLES PEATEY, Stationer, &c., Castle-street, Tredegar. N.B.-For the accommodation of Passengers, Drafts, for any amount, at sight on New York, can at all times be had, which will be found safer and more convenient to Emigrants than any other mode of taking out their funds. THE LATE REV. DAVID RHYS STEPHEN. AT a MEETING held in the Committee Room of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, Town Hall, Newport, APRIL 27ih, J8»2j it was resolved that an Appeal he made to the kind Friends of the late Rev. DAVID RH YS STEPHEN, in this District and other localities, for the purpose of Raising Subscriptions in belnrlf of the Destitute Widow and Six small Children of the deceased. Several gentlemen have kindly promised to co-operate in the matter, and superintend the ap- propriation of the,Relief Fund; and a list of names will be published next week. „_ Mr. GEORGE HARRHY, of the West of England and South Wales District Bank, Newport, has kindly consented to act as Treasurer. # Any kind.Friends who may be desirous of soliciting contI i- butions in aid of this benevolent object, may be furnished with Subscription Books, on application to the underrigned. The Co "imillee are requested to meet again at the Committee Room of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, the 4tb of May, at Seven o'clock. WILLIAM DOWNING EVANS. Secretary to the Relief Committee. 29th of April, 1852. MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY AND t OAWAL COMPANY. RAILWAY AND CANAL OFFICE. NEWPORT, APRIL 28, 1852. NOTICE is hereby eiven, that the Half Yearly Meeting or General Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Navigation, will be held at the Canal Office, on Wednesday, the 19th of MAY next, at Twelve o'clock, ot noon The Transfer Book's of the Company will be closed at 4 p.m. on Friday, the 14th day of MAY next, and will not be re- opened until Thursday, the 20;h ot that month. By Order, GEOHGt: HARRISON, Chief Clerk. IKONIVIOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY AND CANAL COlMPawir. WE, whose names are hereuntj subscribed, being Five of the Committee of Management of^tbe Monmouthshire Railway aud Canal Company, do hereby call a special general Meeting of the Shareholders in the said Company, to be held at the Canal Office, in the town of NEWPORT, in me county of Monmouth, on Wednesday, the 19th day of MAY, 1852, at One o'clock precisely, when the draft of a Bill now before Parliament, intituled "A Bill foi enabling the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Coraptny to make certain new Railways, and for other purposes," will be submitted to the Meeting.- Dated this 21st day of April, 1852. H. WEDGWOOD N- CARNE, D. C. L. G. WHITAKER W. JENKINS. J. BOWSHER. WANTED, IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OP NEWPORT, an OUT-DOOIjk MAN SERVANT; must wait at table well, drive occasional'a one horse carriage. Afid be wellrecom- n ended from his last place. Also, a GOOD PLAIN CO,OK, wly> ynderstacds the ma- nagement of a Dairy. Address: A. B., Post Office, Newport. PERUVIAN GUANO. AS AGENTS of the Peruvia'b C^vemment for the imports, tion and sale of this v.Shiabie lANUllli, we think it right, for the protection of consumers ,V respectable dealers, to apprise them that the adulteration o. the aiticle is still exten- sively practised, and to recommend ihenj to appt^ either to our- selves, to our agents, Messrs. GliiBS^jHllGHT, and Co., of Liverpool and Bristol or to dealers of established character, in whose honesty and fair dealing they can place implicit con- fidence. AftTONY GIBBS and SONS. POTATOES, CIDER, AND JERSEY COWS. JUST ARRIVED and now on Sale, a select lot of Jersey Heifers, to calve in May, a quantity of Prime Champagne Cider; also, about One Hundred Tons of French Cup and other Potatoes. For particulars, apply to Mr. J. J. GALLIE, No. 3, Skinner- street, Newport. GRUEBER AND CO.'S PATENT AND IMPROVED ROOFING AND SHEATHING FELTS. THE above Patent Roofing Felt is highly recommended, and is becoming extensively used as a substitute for slate and tiles for the roofs of buildings, being_ considerably lighter and not so likely to be blown off. It requires but little timber for the roof, as the weight of one tile will cover more than twenty times its size with felt; it is, therefore, considerably cheaper than any other article used for the same purpose, and a great saving will also be effected in carriage, where the materials have to be brought from a distance. Supplied in rolls, 26 yards long by 32 inches wide, at ONE PENNY per .square foot, with directions for laying it on. Sheathing Felt, 4d. per sheet, 32 in. by 20; Railway, Boiler, and other Felts, according to-quality. To be had at the Patent Rope Manufactory of MOOR AND HEWITTS, Wapping, Bristol,—Sole Agents for the sale in Bristol and its neighbourhood. TO BUILDERS SHIRENEWTON CHURCH, NEAR CHEPSTOW, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TENDERS ore required lor Building a new Aisle, with other woiks in restoring this Church. The. drawings and specifications may be seen at the School-House, Shirenewton, and at the Chambers of the Architect, Mr. Norton, King Street, St. James's Square, London, on and after the 5th day of MAY. The estimates (properly endorsetf)to be sent to the Rev. E. Inwood Jones, Reclor, of Shirenewton, on or before the 14ih day of MAY. The Rector is not pledged to accept-the lowest or any Tenders, unless satisfactory. WHEREASa PetiUonofJOHN HUNT.of Pontnewynydd, W in the parish of Trevethin in the County of Monmouth, Flannel Manufacturer, and Insolvent Debtor, having been filed in the County Court of Monmouthshire, at Pontypool, and an Interim Order for Protection from Process having been given to the said JOHN HUNT, under the provisions of the Statutes made and provided, the said JOHN HUNT is hereby required to appear In such aforesaid Court on the Thirteenth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, for his first examination touching his Debts, Estate, and Effects, and to be further dealt with according to the provisions of the said Statutes: And notice is hereby given, that the choice of Assignees is to take place at the time so appointed. All persons indebted to tto said JOHN HUNT, or who have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to Alexander Edwards, at his" office in Pontypool, the official Assignee, nominated in that behalf by the said Court, acting in the matter of the said Petition. W I LLIAM ROBERT8, Clerk of said Court. TO COVER, AT THE OBAPEL FARM. Half a mile from AbefgftTanny, Monmouthshire, for the Season of 1659. BLUS PILL, THE Property of Mr. THOMAS VAUGHAN MORGAN, and bred by Mi. ThomasGrosvenor, in 1838. Was got by Physician, out of Blue Stockings, winner of the Riddlesworth of £ 6400 (the largest Stake ever run for). Farmers' Mares, Three Guineas, and Five Shillings the Groom. Winners and Dams of Winners of £ 100 at one time, gratis. BLUB PILL is a dark brown, with black legs, and not a speck of white, fifteen hands three inches high, of extraordinary substance and power, remarkably handsome, and has proved himself a sure foal getter. His Stock, which are almost with- out an exception Colts, promise to make first class Hunteis and Carriage horses. The best Accommodation on dry land for Foaling Mares, at 7s. per week, and Barren Mares at 6s. Com at market prico., j All Expenses to be,paid before the Mares are removed. For further particulars, apply to the Ostler, at the Aggli Hotel, Abergavenny. I MILLINERV, &c. MRS. EDWARDS, (late of No. 3, DOCK-STREET,) BEGS to iuform the Ladies of Newport and vicinity, that she has REMOVED to No. 14, COMMERCIAL- STREET, where for the future her business will be carried on.. — Her Stock comprises the Newest Styles in Plain, Fancy Straws, Leghorn, Tuscan, and Glace Bonnets Caps, Head- dresses, Flowers, &c.; which she has most carefully selected from the leadiiM houses iu London. The Shop w3l be Opened on Saturday, May 1st; the Show Room on Thursday, May 6th. TO FLOUR DEALERS, BAKERS, AND THE TRADE IN GENERAL. THE Steam Flour Mill Company, Chepstow, intend opening their Mill, for the manufacture of Flour, on or about the 1st JUNB, 3852 when they hope by Manufacturing a not rate article, and a punctual attendance to all ordeis. to secure a share of the Trade support. Signed, ROBERT SIIARPE. ¡ MONMOUTHSHIRE, TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LET NOTICE IS HBREBY GIVEN, that the Tolls arising at the Toll Gates upon the ABEBCARNE Turnpike Roads, and called or known by the names of the Crutnlin Gate, the Bryn Gaie, the Boot Gate, the Alban Terrace Gate, the Riseik Gate, and the Newbridge Gate, will be LET BY AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the NEWBRIDGE INN, in the Parish of Monythusloyne, in the County of Monmouth, on MONDAY, the 31st day of May, next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in the manner directed by the Act of Parliament passed in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, For reguletiog Turnpike Roads," which Tolls produced the last year the following sums above the Expense of collecting them, and \\ill be put up at those sums. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time pay One Month in advance, if required, of the Rent at which such Tolls may be Let, and give security, with sufficient sure- ties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rest of the money monthly. Crumlin and Alban Terrace Gates £ 195 0 Newbridge and Risca Gates 120 0 Bryn and Boot Gates 57 10 And Notice is Hereby also given, that the next Meeting of the Tiustees or Commissioners of the said Roads, will be held at the NEWBRIDGE INN, aforesaid, at 12 o'clock at noon, on the said 31st day of May next. THOMAS MORGAN LLEWELLIN, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads. Dated at Newport, the 28th day of April, 1852. Sales by Auction* NEWPORT, MON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY CORNELIUS EVANS and SON, on the premises, STOW HILL, Newport, on WEDNESDAY, the 5th dav of May, 1852, all the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., of Mr. JOHN LATCH, who is removing from Newport. Particulars in handbills. Sale will commence at Two o'clock precisely. Auctioneers' Office, 61, High-street, Newport, adjoining the General Post Office. April 29th, 1352. Agents to the Phoenix Fire Assurauce Company. BASSALLEG AND RUMNEY, MON., SALE OF COPYHOLD PROPERTY. IY/1 ESSRS. CORNELIUS EVANS andSON are instructed lYJL to SELL BY AUCTION at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL. NEWPORT, on Saturday, the 8th day of May, 1852, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following desirable Copyhold properties. LOT ].-All those three pieces of meadow ground, situate near the Rogerstone Tin Works, in the parish of Bassalleg, and numbered 527, 528, and 529, on the Tithe Map of the said parish, containing together 10 A. 3 R. 7 P. or thereabouts, and known by the several names of Cae Isha, Cae Canol, and Cae- wrth-y-Gwaith. LOT 2.—All that Messuage, Garden, and Farm Buildings, with a Cottage and Garden adjoining, situate by the side of the Turnpike Road, leading from Bassalieg to Risca, and near to Lot 1, numbered 533 on the Tithe Map, of the said parish of Bassalleg, and containing OA. 1 R. 23P. or thereabouts. LOT 3.—All those 2 pieces of land situate near the Lower Trowbridge, in the parish of Rumney, in the County of Mon- mouth, numbered 26 and 27 on the Tithe Map, of the said parish of Rumney, and containing together 4A.OR. 3P. or thereabouts. LOTS 1 and 2 are Copyhold of the Manor of Rogerstone, and Lot 3 is Copyhold of the Manor of Rompney alias Rumney. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 61 High- street, or to MESSRS. BIRCH and DAVIS, Solicitors Newport. MARSHFIELD, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO HAY DEALERS AND THE PUBLIC. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. H. M. PAR- TRIDGE, at the WALK FAKM, near Castletown, on THURSDAY, the 6th of MAT, 1852, (being Castletown Fair,) ) mow of clover and 2 mows of meadow hay of excellent quality andlweH harvested, also a good narrow wheeled waggon, and a few other articles, subject to conditions which will be produced and read at the time and place of sale. The Walk Farm is situated midway between Newport and Cardiff, and about one mile from the Marshfield Station of the South Wales Railway, where the hay may be conveniently loaded, on trucks, for transit. Sale to commence precisely at 12 o'clock at noon. Auctioneer's Offices, St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon., April 26th, 1852. BOOVIL COLLIERY, MACHEN, MON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE, on THURSDAY, the 29th April, 1852, at the above colliery, five level trams, and about twelve tons of nearly new tram plates. Sale to commence at Two o'clock in the afternoon. Auctioneer's Offices, St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, Newport, 22nd April, 1852. TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS. DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE, at the \VE8TGATE INK, in the Town of Newport, Mon- mouthshire, on TUESDAY, the ISth day of May, 1852, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced, unless i previously disposed of by Private Contrat, of which due notice will be given,\the under- mentioned valuable LANDED AND MINERAL PROPERTY, Situate in the parish of Monythusloyne, in the county of Monmouth, within half-a-mile of the works at Abercarne, and very conveniently situate within a short distance of the Tram- roads, the Canal, and the Turnpike road from Abercarne to Newport, in the following lots :— Lot I-All that Farm and Lands, with convenient farmhouse and outbuildings, called "Sychpant," and "Caia pen rhiw darren,V containing about 61 Acres, late in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Phillips, as tenant thereof, but now in hand. Lot 2—All those Piecos or Parcels of Land, called Caia duon Bach,' containing about 14 Acres, formerly in the oc- cupation of Thomas Elias, but now of John Howells, as tenant thereof. The above estates are copyhold of the Manor of Abercarne, and the whole of the minerals there are unworked. Io view the respective properties, apply to the respective Tenants, or to Mr. REES EDWARD REES, of Pantrhiwgoch, near Castletown and for further particulars, and to treat, to the Auctioneer, or to Messrs. PROTHERO & FOX, Solicitors, Newport. GAS TAR TOR SALS. 300 TONS of pure Gas Tar, to be sold at 10s. per ton delivered on Board a Barge, at the Bath Gas Works, on the River Avon. Approved bills at Three months, will be taken, or a discount of Two and a Half per Cent. for cash. Apply to RJr. KITT, Gas Works, Bath. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ^lIX SHARES in the BRECON AND ABERGAVENNY O CANAL. For particulars, apply to Mr. E. R. WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Carnarvon. MOOR LAND TO BE LET. A Few Pieces of very superior quality, at reasonable rents For particulars, apply to Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, Por- ten, Goldcliff. MONMOUTHSHIRE. THE VARTEG IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs. GRAHAM, at the ANGEL HOTEL, ABERGAVENNY, 011 Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1852, at one for two o'clock precisely, subject to conditions of sale to be then produced, 1111 that valuable and well-situated FREEHOLD & LEASEHOLD ESTATE, near Pontypool, known as THE VARTEG IRON WORKS, Comprising upwards of 7c0 Acres of Land, (227 freehold and 482 leasehold j, with Manager's Residence, Storehouses, Ware- houses, Shops, and Workmen's and other Houses. This valuable property is conveniently situated, four miles from Pontypool, eight from Abergavenny, and fourteen from the shipping port of Newport, with which there is at present a ready communication by the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company's Canal and Tramroad. The Newport and Pontypool Railway, about to be opened, will afford still further facilities of communication between these works and Newport, whilst the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford'Railway, now in course of construction, will bring them into immediate rail- way connection with all parts of the kingdom. The Estate comprises properties held under the following tenures, namely— A. R. P. Freeholds 227 1 26 Leaseholds, for a term of 99 years, from 25th March, 1801 12 215 Ditto, for a term of SO yars, from 1st August, 1819 33 3 8 Ditto, for terms equal to 48 years, from 2oth March, 1820 264 324 Ditto, for a term of 42 years, from 2nd February, 1820 170 2 30 709 123 The rents payable under the leasesamouv.t to E643 15s. Od. a year, but there is no royalty in respect of the minerals raised, and consequently the work may be carried on to its full capa- bility, without any annual payment beyond the fixed rents. The workmen's houses, public house, and shop, are prin- eipally bailt on the freehold part of the estate; and the rent o these have proved more than sufficient to pay the annuals fixed rents of the leaseholds. THE MINERAL PROPERTY Comprises iron ore and coal, a section of which may be seen at Mr. Vipond's, Cwm Frwd Colliery, or at the Offices of Messrs. Gabb and Secretan Woodhouse, at Abergavenny. There is ample iron ore to supply three furnaces for many years, and coal exceeding what would be requisite for the same purpose. A good supply of limestone can be obtained from quarries withth a convenient distance of the furnaces. THE PLANT Comprises two blast furnaces, blowing engine, two fineries with tram plates, and other usual conveniences for carrying on the business of an ironmaster. The two blast furnaces are capable of making 250 tons of pig iron per week, or 13,000 tons per annum. The surface land is good. There are also two cottages held under lease for three lives, from the Earl of Abergavenny. The whole may be viewed, by applying at the property of Mr. John Vipond, Cwm Frwd Colliery, and printed particulars, with a plan, may be obtained, on application to Messrs GABB AND SECRETAN WOODHOUSE, Solicitors, Abergavnny. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Well secured Ground Rents and the Reversions, Eligible Building Land, very desirable Farm, Excelient Inn, 1162- hold Farm, abounding in valuable Minerals. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (By order of the Assignees of Mr. Philip Jones, a Bankrupt), AT the W7ESTGATE HOTBL, in the Town of Newport, by MESSRS. GRAHAM, on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd day of JUNE, 1852, at One o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of lale as shall be then and there produced. The undermentioned lots of very Valuable Freehold and Copyhold Property, Viz., Lot [.-All those four Dwelling Houses, with their respec-* tive outbuildings and gardens, situate at Tregwillim Fach, in the hamlet of Rogerstone, in the county of Monmouth, adjoin- ing the Turnpike Road, leading from Newport to Tydee W orks, subject to leases to Mr. David Thomas, Mr. Samuel Llewellyn, find Air* John Q<&]1, for terms of 99 V6&rs tively, from 1850 and 1851, at ground rents amounting in the whole to £6 10s. per annum. Together with a piece or parcel of land, situate adjoining the above, and convenient for occu- pation as a garden, by the tenants of either of the above- mentioned houses, containing by admeasurement 1000 square yards or thereabouts, which is now in hand. Lot 2.—All that Eligible Piece of Building Land, adjoining the last lot, having a frontage to the Turnpike Road, of 66 feet, extending in depth backwards 140 feet, and containing 1034 square yards or thereabouts. Lot 3.—All that Eligible Piece of Building Land, adjoining the last lot, having a frontage to the Turnpike Road of 66 feet, extending in depth backwards 130 feet, and containing 946 square yards or thereabouts. Lot 4.—All those Eight Dwelling Houses, with outbuildings and gardens, situate at Tregwillim Fach. aforesaid, subject to leases to Mr. William Thomas and the Rev. Timothy Thomas, for terms of 99 years, from 1847 and 1850 respectively, at ground rents amounting in the whole tojEM 10s. per annum. Lot 5.—All those Fiftfen Dwelling Houses, with outbuildings and gardens, adjoining the last lot, subject to like leases, to Mr. Jonathan Davies, Mr. Edward Davies, Mr. Thomas Wil- liams, Mr. Thomas Taylor, Mr. Thomas Lewis, Mr. Thomas Davies. and Mr. Daniel Lewis, for the terms of 99 years, from 1832, 1842, 1845, 1847, and 1850, respectively, at ground rents amounting in the whole to jElO 4s. per annum. Lot 6.—All those Eight Dwelling Houses and Gardens ad- joining the last lot, subject to a lease to Mr. William Thomas, for the term of 15 years, from the 1st of May, 1850, at the annual rent of £10. Lot 7.—All that very desirable farm, known as Tregwillita Fach," sitetate adjoining the preceding lots, consisting of a farm house with barn, stable, beast house, granary, piggeries, and garden, together with ten pieces of arable, meadow, and pasture land and orcharding, containing in the whole 27A. 3R. 30P. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. Edward Williams, as yearly tenant, at the rent of je43. Lot 8.—All that Piece or Parcel of Meadow Land, with the brake and piece of garden ground adjoining, situate in the hamlet of Graig, and separated from the preceding lot by the river Ebbw, known by the name of Cae-yr-Island, and con- taining by admeasurement 5A. 3R. Gr. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. Henry Edwin Dodd, as yearly tenant, at the rent of E4. The whole of the preceding lots are copyhold of the manor of Rogerstone, (a tenure equal to freehold) are situate only three miles distant from the rapidly increasing port of Newport, and adjoin the Tydee station of the Western Valleys Railway. Lot 9.-All that well established Freehold Inn, doing a largely-increasing and lucrative trade, called the Lion," most eligibly situate at Blaina, contiguous to the terminal station of the Western Valleys Railway, and in the immediate neigh- ^°urhood of the Nantyglo, Coalbrook Vale, and Blaina Iron Works, together with about a quurter of an acre of land thereto attached. The House contains, on the ground floor. a good kitchen, bar, two parlours, tap room, pantry, capi- tal brewhouse, yard. and excellent cellarage, and on the first floor, a sitting room and four bedrooms. Lot 10,—All that eligible Piece of Freehold Building Land adjoining the last lot, having a frontage to the street of 76 feet, extending in depth backwards about 92 feet, and containing 665 square yards or thereabouts. Lot I I.-All that eligible piece of Freehold Land, now used as a Garden, separated from the two preceding lots by the street, and abutting upon the Western Valley Railway, con- taining 635 square yards or thereabouts. The three preceding lots are in the occupation of Mr. Henry Iggulden, as yearly tenant, at the rent of £35 per annum. Lot 12 -All that Freehold Farm, known as Pant dee" situate in the Cwmtillery Valley, in the parish of A berystnith, in the county of Monmouth, consisting of a farm house, with two barns, and other outbuildings, and seven pieces of meadow and pasture land, containing in the whole 32A. 3R. 25P. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Watkins, as yearly tenant, at the rent of jE25 per annum. This lot abounds in valuable minerals, and adjoins the mineral estates of John Russell, Esq Messrs. J. and C. Bailey, and Messrs. Daniel and William Davies. There is, moreover, an extensive right of pasturage on the adjoining mountain belonging thereto. Printed particulars, with conditions of sale, will be ready for delivery 14 days prior to the sale, and in the mean time, plans of the respective properties may be seen on application at the offices of the Auctioneers, 162, Commercial-street,Newport, and all further information obtained by applying to Messrs. BLOUNT AND DAVIB. Solicitors, Usk; Mr. WILLIAM BETAN, Solicitor, Bristol, or Mr. A.J. ACRAMAN, the Official Assignee, St. Augustine's Place, Bristol. NEWSPAPI