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---.---------MASSAORLON BOARD…



LOCAL IIMTELLIQEMCE. NEWPORT. BeER-IiOUSKS and OvERSIiEIlS.—An imnra. 11 vails, that oveneers ol the poor are compel! tog. pef.on who is desiiou, of applying for a I,cease for « beer-.hoo a certi- a°Hcense 8u'» h0U8e ,or »>"<'>'seeks a licence, such, However, is not the ca»> n«i compelled to give any such certificate- Ihe ma raot it or not, as they please. Ia ihe ca*e of 'rBy .-P1" n Tt, een.ly decided in the Court of Q„eeo's Tj- loan said expressly, '• The present beer ,c, f |ific„e 0f facts which the overseer has no special g (lf kDowi lg and no means of compelling *,tnes*e8 to attend to 8nd which are, in some re.pect. mallen of OPI/Hon and be (lhe „ver9eer) s subject lo no penally lor relusiog. The act does not compel he overseer to grant the certificate." T,le of „tI0B Ihese celllficates (without which no bfcer lij„« «„ bc uSu«d) to all who a-k for Ihem. ought to be choked in Newport. Thee are daily co-opUmts of the disputable character 01 a number of theater-houses. WESTI-RN VALLEYS RAILWAY. I1 HOCK KDINOS BH'IJUB TI1E KAIL)Vav CQM „ ISS/0Nf:RS. We recently nave a hriet Jrecapitul»t,00 of conVf>lsallons which took pi ice at the interview between the Rilllway Commissioners and a Imputation fiom the IMonmouthshire Railway aod Canal Company. The following more detaitedseecunt has subse- quently been forwarded to our oflice, by H Kenileinau who was present ou the occasion. We give it, »„ We ,he former com- munication, on the credit uf our obliging coriespondent. The points were taken 10 thefollowlOg order: lat—OpeDing ofthehno to Blaioa Chuicli. Mr. Brown objected to the permanent station for Nantyglo, Conlbrook Vale, &c., being at that POilll, as most unsuitable and irocooveuienl lor tht: district. The Chairman of the Canal Company^ others, urged that it was IJU site for the station. Captain Laffan's report was referred to. and read by 1\11 Brown. "The convenience of a population of 30,000 soul, would be best seived by the line heioli completed to Coalbroor Vale Iron Works, thereby bringing them about one and a (juaite. mile nearer to lhe station th in If the allme were tixed at blaina This was conclusive and settled the matter. Mr. Brown told the Chairman, Granville, that the memuralis's would be very glad indeed to get the line opened to Blaina at once, temporality, which will be done sooo, as the lice is compleled and passed. Mr. C. Bailey said in three months the line should be ready to Coalbrook Vale. 2nd—Opeumg to Ebbw Vale. Air. Biown utged, on behoof the memorialists, for the com- pletion of the line 10 Beaufoit Iron Woiks. The Canal Company wanted it at Ebbw Vale, as equally oouvenien 1. Captain Laffan's report, on being again refeired to, was decisive liS to the eligibility of .Beaufoll. :1rd-Rarlroad from Simtchwood to Blaenavon. Mr. C. Hailey said this rOdd had not been improved, &c. because the. Company had no funds for the purpose. Lord Granville obseived £13,000 does not appear a very large sum to stand still for that being the estimate of the Com pany's Engineer for the improvements necessary. 4th-Newporl aod Pontypool Railroad. Mr. C. Bailey nated that us sooo as the shares, under the Act of 1848, had been subscribed lor .,ts.i paid up, the tine should be completed j and that the Company weie most anxious to get it finished and opened for iratiic. Upon being aaked to name a time in which it might be expected 10 be completed, the answer was, ooe, IWO, or Ihree ye"rs. Mr. Prown was asked if he bad any further observations to make—he answered in the affirmative, allllllald: Thai in JS4.') the Canal Company took liiree ^sars to complete the wcrks uuthoriscd by Ihat Act; at the expiiation of that period, 10 August, 1818, the works were, as they were awaie, unliimhed, That in 1818 the Company applied to pailiament for an exten- sion 01 time, to conptete the said works, urging, a< a plea, w^ni of funds and inability to rai^e the came. That on the | asiog of t; e bill in committee, the Directors returned home, and HIIIJ),];lIeiy held the half-yearly meeting, at which they declared and p >.d a dividend, in amullnt unprecedented m the annals of railway dividends, namely, Hi per cent; and since I h 11 time, had continued lo divide the maximum amount of divideoil allowed by their Act; in short, that sime the peiiod when the obligations of the Company were entered IOto wi,it the f'ul>llc, Iwme £100.000 had been divided, and that the Menioriahsis felt ihis 3S raV4tl0:i 0, ,|ieir complaint. Mr. Bitilty repl ed that thty h-d Ctr "Diy given over makine m geU.og c.<p"a) for. The Commissioners then requested the Company to sfnd wlllleo answer, to the niemoiialu, and observed l/illl, 10 lolar as the eastern valleys were coivcerned, unless the Cumrianv's answer wan satisfactory to the Memorialists, the Commissioners would have no alternative but to proceed ns prayed. The conference lasted one hour and three quartets, and wa. conducted in a Qlost gentlemanly manner by all paities through- out. Of couise, the several points were stroogly contested by the respeCllve sidell. Commissioners piesent—Lord Granville, idiaitinan, and Sir Edward Ryan, with theuctnoi ofticer. Captain Simmons. E MIGRANTS IN PORT NATAL. (Exlract fioin a letter received by a person in Newport from hia daughter, at Na'al.) 1 received your letter by the Minerva emigrant s up from London. Sioce deliveiing her mailt, she has been wiecked ouinde the Bluff Point all the passengers aie, I believe, safely landed, but all ibeir goods ure lost. 1 don't kuow "hdl they will d;> I don't see anythiug belore them but misery and eruertie poverty, fur )h)s place is greatly misiepre- seuled. 1 believe ihe people al huriie ihink Natal a paradise il is a meat shame lor ihe agents to deceive the poor people in the way they do. It is when they land (hut they led their disap- pointment. The place js overstocked with emigrants, and a|j poor people. Theie is no money circolating, and not a capua) st amongst them. I dare say the pluce would be better it ihere was more money; but as it i«, they are very badly off. The emigrants are selling the few things they brought out with ihem for halt their value, to keep themselves from starving." CONSISTORY COURr OF LLANDAFF.—October 3L (Befoie liev. Chancellor Williams.) Twyniog v. Edmunds.— Pioctors, Messrs. Dalton and Groves.—• I he arguments of Proctors in this case haviug been heard at the previous couit, the Chancellor now pioceedeiJ lo deliver his judgment. His worship said this was a business ol proving per teltcs or io totemnform, as it was termed, the last will and testament of the late Edwaid Edmunds, Ellq., of Glamorganshire, II proceeding rtodereù necessary by Ihe opposi- tion which bad been laised to the will of the eldest son of tbe test>ltor, although hlluself Ihe execulor appointed under ii. Before, however, he (ihe Chanttttof) entered upon the question which the court h.d 10 decide, there were several mailers in con- nection wiih tbis cjMise, witb re-pert to wbi(h be was desirous ot expretslng his regret, la the fii»t place h» regretted that the caU86 ba" beea longer Ihan u8ullI-oo Ibe books of Ihe courl, owing to circumstances over which the court had no controul for instance, Ihe procior, who had been firlll,e,mployed by Ihe defendant, bad suddenly withdrawolrOm practising In the court and had thrown up this aiming othe' causes at it very inconvenient stage of the proceedings; so that thtre had been the unavoidable delay of a court or two before soother proctor could be appointed to lake to the cause. Besides, tbe citcuinstar.ce that the de- fendant had thought it necessary to examine so many witness —no less than ten—upon his responsive allegation given 10 against the will, and the consequent necessity that had arisen 10 the promoter to put in a second allegation, and examine wit nesses thereon; all this had caused an unusual delay, w h eh the court regretted it had no power to prevent. Again, the ea traordinary yrouud upon which the defendant had 'bought it right lo oppose ihe will, was »lso to be greall) legretted. It was always matter of regret with the court when near telaiives were induced to contend with cllch other by legal proceedlogs; bui there was special cause for regret in this case, the contending parties being brntber and sinter, aud 'he most respectable station in life and, moreover, children of the testator; and more tban all, the ground of the opposition to Ihe will be,ng alleged incapacity, arising from imbecility and unsoundness of mind; so thai the defendant, before be cou upset t e will, must prove the insanity of his owo father a course, w uc j the Chancellor said, he could not but beiteve must i»ve >een most painful to him (the defendant), as it would be to every p,flon „f right feelin,, to take; and one which most.persona would make »ny sacrifice to avoid. The defendant i» owever, c losen to take it, and it was now only for the iomt 10 give 1 s ecision, „od to say how far he was justified by the evidence in the choice Had maiie. Before, however, he (the Chancellor) gave ih#, d is on. it might be more sansfacte.y .o.the pa.t.es inte,e,ted,„ a "s ou, .• b teasons upon which it was |,e stated some of the pr,DCip<* ffom # funded; and these, perhaps won Jl "nd a¡;airlil, nith analyMsande.am.na ionof .he(ev.dei8e)^ His worship here r rks from a few accompanying elllll yoI' the 8liestlng witnesses gave the subs ance of the ,,0">Bnd Tholllal Evans, Esq., 10 the will, the Lev. 1 roctor S B,c|IH1ds> Esq who bad solicitor and also of that of execlltI00 of „ |fo(h drawn Ihe will, and was l>,eslj r .(((d made two lonner wil|»_ which it appeared that ihe e« |J)at he had annulled one in 1831, and the other u1 lhe30,h Ju!y, i840i them bv the one now ,n J1 ^h.cl,'happened 10 1H39; and „,M after ihe death of bis wile, b# e „f B5. Tbe Cbaneelb.r lie died in December 1817, t ad(juced as#jnti ihun went carefully ihroug r,iade to prove a variety 0I ihe will, m which on attempt w, ,es,al0r> durm acta of delusion and iinbecil.'y 00 P bowl!Ve,. bore directly the latter years ol hi. Ii.e ° de 8nd maDy of ,he|J u,.on the time at which He wt « %^ere disproveii by funher ,ru ir> w, nesses, examined upon .he second allegation gtven in by the r ( ,i.» wi||. His worship then, m promoter s ptoclor in suppoit ot tne concluding h>s very able and per-'pi'8 lefnlu 8 upon ie a salient and most striking points 'n 'he evidente o.i 0,181 fcs» said it now remained for lnm either to set »Mdi: I ie wi upon a heieri)[jeneous accumulation of evidence, the most v.igue an in- definite as to dates, and contradictory to facts, or to establish II upon the clearest, most respectable, and positive testimony, that it was possible to produce in any case, us to the sanity and disposing capnoty of ihe testator at the time of executing his will. He should, 01 cr ur.«e, choose the Iltlter alternative, and pro- IIOUllce lor the will.— Mi. Dalton, proctor for ihe promoter, 110 IJtillg prepared with the formal sentence, the Chancellor 6aid he would read it at the next court. Thus ended this impoitant cause, in which the Chancellor's decision l ad been looked forward 10 with considerably anxtt) y lor some time, not only by the panics immediately interested, but by many of their friendsrwd neighbors. AlU.llCARN. The Sanitary Committee of (Jumdmns for Ibe parish of iWyny- ddyslwyo have held tbuir meeiing at Abercam, nnd it is pleas ng to understand that the eHcclive meastiies adopted 10 this pari-ii by the coinmitee and ibeir agent, have, to a great extent, secured 10 the inhabitants an immunity Irom diseases inseparable from a want of cleanliness and neglect 01 sanitary regiinen. PL A EN A VON. Theannivert.atyof the Horeb Baptist Chapel, ai this p\Jce, was celebrated on Sunday, tin 10Ui instant. The Rev. D. Rhys Stephen conducted three full services, and preached in Welsh in the mormon and evening, sml in English :n Hit afrernoon. The pluce was exceedingly ctowded—>hc neighbours, of all dtllolTll- nations. cheerfully aiding the devoted young pasior -ad his flock. On Monday evening a large congregation assembled, when the Rev. David Morgilfl took 1I10 chair Mr. Siephen delivered II lecture, principally in Loglish, on the History of Kno«»ledge In Ancient and Modern Times. Libeial collections were made to. wards paying for recent repairs of the chapel. MELlNGlUFFiril. Io the puhlished accounts ot the memorable honours paid 10 of the best master, and one ot the most honourable in the Principality T. W. Bookar, »q., M 00 his becoininn » member of the legislaiure, the grateful £ r*l>e™0J',>y con". d"c of ihe agents and workmen of the Me.mgnfhth and I eniy,C|, v*°'ks was no, mentioned. This well-conducted body Sp0QU. neously raised a fund, for creditably crying^out the 'e.t„i,ie. the occasion in their neighbourhood, .ndl.rr.njed b.nd,, music flgpg banner- feu de joie, &c. I he scene was as cre. ai"able l0 & ^LO,EN ,t .L "•'T.S* '» tk, ol l„p. e. l., in .Ii. »l Item. >.«l. •' b "'fccied emotion, ilia". w" .here lie ahouW =l.g. ™o„»n, noliucl iluliO never forget bis social obligations



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