Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
1-- BRISTOL HAY MARKET, WEDNESDAY. Straw per"Dozen\ £ J J 12 6 S i ?, Si OuJ'Sa ??? rt EXCHANGE, WEDNESDAY. Endisl^ ^ieit f?37 WaiS well supplied with all kinds of 8M?n 2 i fro™ a large number of Monday's unsold smafl theTpmSil N As t1le attendance of buyers was decline in value ^PI E-XCEEDIN^Y 'ieavy, at barely the late week hiM K„n he imports ot wheat from abroad, this a vevv in- V 1 ^on^ned to 4210 quarters. The trade was in nm-toX dM1Vi s ate' ,an<i prices were with difficulty sup- Vn.»i;c'u v i° transactions in floating cargoes.* Very little fnl»mWw a ? TO offering, but the supply of foreign was ably good. Malting parcels sold at full currencies, but grinning and distilling sorts were neglected Malt, the sup- p y ot which was good, moved off heavily at last week's quota- tions. 1 he oat trade ruled steady, at fully Monday's prices. Beans, peas, Indian corn, and flour commanded very little attention. J ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. Wheat. Barley. Oats. Malt. Flour, i • Qrs. Qrs. Qrs Qrs. Sacks. fSof'd90 m Foreign 4.2IQ 1 'J!,i — H WHITECHAPEL. Prime beef, mutton, veal, and pork moved off steadily, at fuUy last week's prices. Otherwise the demand wa3 in a sluggish state. Beef, from 2s 2d to 3s 4d mutton, 2s 6d to 3s lOd veal 3s 2d to 3s 8d; and pork, 3s 2d to 4s 2d per 8 lbs, by the carcase. BOROUGH HOP MARKET. Although our market is well supplied with new hops, the demand continues steady, at fully last week's prices. Duty £ 215.000 to t 220,000. NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL MARKETS, THURSDAY. a. d. s. d Beef, per 8lbs 2 4 to 3 4 Veat. 3 2 to 3 8 Mutton 2 6 to 3 10 Lamb 0 0 to 0 0 Pork 3 0 to 4 9 SMITHFIELD HAY, CLOVER, & STRAW MARKETS THURSDAY. Old Meadow Hay, per ton £0 0 tofo 0 New ditto. 2 15 to 3 15 Old Clover 0 0 to 0 0 New ditto 3 0 to 4 0 Straw, per load 1 1 to 1 5 -6 CORN AVERAGES FOR THE WEEK. GENERAF, AVERAGE PRICES OF BRITISH CORN. From the Returns of the Inspectors in the different Cities and Towns in F.nirland and Wales, per Imperial Quarter Wheat.! Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. PRICE 42s 2d| 24s 5d 16s 8d| -os 7d, -9s 6d| 31s 3d DUTIES OF FOREIGN CORN. Wheat. Barley. Oats Rye. Beans peas. Is Od | Is 0 Is Od Is Od Is Od ls od STOCK EXCHANGE, THURSDAY EVENING. ONE CLOSING PRICES OF BRITISH FUNDS. 0 CLOCK. PRICES. 3 per Cent. Reduced Anns. 3 per Cent Consols Annuities 96jj £ 96,1 India Stock •••••• India Bonds, £ 1,000 88 89 p 89 p Ditto under ±1,090 88 85 p 85 p Consols for Account 9G3 i 96 'I Exchequer Bills Ld & 2d A:1,000 June 65 68 p 68 p 4500 June 65 G8 p 68 p Small, June 65 68 p 68 p QUARTER TO THREE O'CLOCK. Consols 96i j- Ditto Account 96i J
Sales by Auction, Houses to be Let, &c., BY MR. H. M. PARTRIDGE. IjTle^bTTu^hI^ DANK SHARES FOR SALE. .J: Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE «XTTTL SETL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the MART. W 1 41 COMMERCIAL STREET, On SATURDAY, 12th OCTOBER • 7 n\F HUNDRED SHARES IN THE MON- MOUTH &GLAMORGANSHIRE BANKING COMPANY, all Calls upon which are paid up. Sale, punctually at twelve at noon. St. Woollos House, and No. 141, Commercial Street, New- port, 3rd October, 1850. HEXLLIS, MONMOUTHSHIRE. LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK FOR SALE. TO HE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. TI. M. PARTRIDGE, on the Premises, at the DUFVT.yx FARM, near Henllis Court, on TUESDAY, the 15th OCTOBER, I860, all the Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, Hay, Corn, Implements, and Effects, the property of 3>lr. William Jones, who is retiring from business. Including ten dairy cows, four two year-old heifers, in calf, four two-year- old steers, four yearling steers, one yearling bull, two yearling heifers, six calves, twenty-nine ewes, seven wethers, and one ram; three useful cart horses, one yearling nag colt; three mows of well-ended Hay, one rick of Wheat, one ditto of Barley, a Quantity of Oats in the bam; a narrow-wheeled cart, tvvo ploughs, three harrows, roller, chaff box, three drays, several sets cf long and short harness,pikes, rakes, &c. Refreshments on the table at ten; and the Sale will com- mence punctually at twelve o'clock at noon, with the Sheep. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE. To Iron Founders, Boiler Makers, Engineers, Ship and Anchor Smiths, Proprietors of Steo'i Boats, &c. MR. H. M. PARTRIDGE "1 S instructed by the Assignees of Mr. Thomas Edwards, 1 T'on Founder, and Engine Boiler Maker, ^a Bankrupt,) to StLu bv Public AUCTION, on FRIDAY, the 18th OCTOBER instant, at :L: Cambrian Iron Foundry, Pillgwenlly; and on SATURDAY, the 19th inst., at the Old Foundry and Saw Mills, Skinner-street, Newport; commencing punctually at twelve o'cloc < at noon each day—all the valuable PLANT. MACHINERY. PATTERNS, TOOLS AND EFFECTS, Including two new Cylindrical Boilers, made for 50-horse power Steam Boats J-inch bottom, f-inrh casing, and back- ends, 4-inch flues, fronts, and steam chest, with two fire places in each; about Thirty Ions Pig Iron; Saw Mill and other Machinery, in great variety, and in good working order; a large quantity of Patterns, Boxes, Tools, Bar Iron, Timber. Smith and roundry lools, &c. Full particulars will appear in Catalogues, which will be for. warded, on application to Messrs. Brittain and Sons, Solicitors, ?JlS w' F..I. Hall, Esq., Solicitor; or to the Auctioneer, St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, or 141, Commercial-street, Newport At the close of the Sale of Saturday, the 19th instant, will also be Sold, the Property of the Bankrupt:—A Four-wheeled Phseton, with head and German shutters, patent axles, and lamps, painted and lined green, made by Rogers, Bristol. :1/, wp >rt. 3rd October, 1650. STOW HILL, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. SALE or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. die- Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE IS instructed by Mr Tom Owen, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premisM, No. 7, Stow Hill, Newport, on MONDAY, the 28:h of OCTOBBB instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, all the Modern and Useful HOUSEHOLD FL RNIIUiifi, Pictures, Books, Beds, Bedsteads, Bedding, China, Glass, Earthenware, and Effects, without reserve, luil particulars of which will be given in handbills and cata- logues, to be obtained on the premises, and at the Auctioneer's Otfices, St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, and <41, Commercial Street. Newnort, Hth October, 1850. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE THI3 DAY. OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, .P'l/io fortes. an excellent Fly, for one or a pair of horse" under dUlY, Phmton, Dog Curt, Pony Pbatons, Break or passenger Fan, Gig, and Miscellaneous Effects. MR. II. M. PARTRIDGE HAYING Let his extensive Premises, No. 141, Commer- cial-st., to Mr. Henry Sheppard, of the Golden Canister, a few doors above, intends SELLING OFF BY AUCTION on Friday, the 11th; Saturday, the 12th; and Monday, the 14th days of October instant; and until then by Private Contract— The whole of his New and Second-hand FURNITURE including two sets of mahogany telescope dining tables, 8 feet by i mahogany sideboards handsome glazed book case, with cneffioneer under; elegant rosewood couch, covered with crimson damask; mahogany square and sweep-front chests of drawers, painted ditto, mahogany Pembroke tables, rosewood loo ditto, mahogany dressing table, painted washstancis and dressing tables, mahogany bedsteps with commode, chimney and swing glasses four-post, tent, French, stump, and cross bedsteads mattrasses, feather and millpuff beds and bolsters, several sets of bed furniture and window drapery, in chintz and moreen; large picture and looking-glass frames in gilt fennderr°sSLWa°1; g-rand »nd Pianlfortes, £ 3 stoSs, inHr!r ie ?r°nS' ?a lrays and waiters; 8-day, 30-hour and German clocks; 8 day time-piece. exc.e"ent Bath wheeled chair, with head, in sood condi- gn; aa invalid wheeled ditto, excellent fly, break under-dutv pWton dog cart, two-wheeled gig, pony ph^ns a S ««Senware', S'"8 frame' Casks>tubs' china- Parties having Furniture to dispose of unreservedlv will nave an opportunity of introducing it into this Sale 'at a mission PCr C8nt'' includinS warehouse-room and' com- Newport, 3rd October, 1850. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTY TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, rpHE following very eligible Freehold and Leasehold Jt Property, situate on 8TOW HILL. and in COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, either together, or in Lots, to suit the convenience of purchasers— A valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, situate on the west side and ne^r the top of Stow Hill, and extending from the road to the fields at the Jmck thereof, and consisting of a Dwelling House and Shop, fronting Stow-hilt aforesaid, in a good situation for business, in the occupation of Mr. D. Jones, Grocer. Also Eight Tenements, adjoining thereto, six of which have Gardens attached. This Lot is capable of great improvement, at a very moderate outlay. „ Aba, all that commodious LEASEHOLD House, Shop, and Premises, being No. 7, in Commercial-street, Newport, situate opposite to the Westgate Inn, and commanding one of the best business situations in the town. It is at present in the occu- pation of Mr. Thomas Morse, at the annual rent of £-15. The Premises are subject to a ground rent of £3 a year, and will be Sold for the remainder of the Life Estate therein of the present owner, who is 48 years of age. Likewise, a POLICY OF ASSURANCE for JE450, in the Royal Exchange Assurance Company, on the life of the owner of the before-mentioned premises, for the annual premium of ill 16s. 6<1" of which eighteen payments have been made. For further particulars, apply to Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE, St. Woollos House, Newport; or to Messrs. PROTHERO* TOWGOOD, and FOX, Solicitors, Newport. LLANFIHANGEL TORMYNYDD, MON. VERZ DESIRABLE FREEHOLD FARM FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. GRAHAM, AT the THREE SALMONS' biN, in the town of USK, on FRIDAY, the 18th day of OCTOBER, 1850, at four o'clock m the afternoon pteciaely, subject to uch condition* as shall be then and there produced, all that capital MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, FARM, AND LANDS tailed "TOKMYNYDD," Vith the out buildings and Appurtenances, situate in the • of Llanfiliangel Tormynyc'd and Llanisken FCRTy°°FiyE ACEE°°or ,7.c™"U"ine »fa«.«ure,nent ,ASssss;gssirL» closures of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND- and possessing sufficient stone, and for the most part a *entfe descent, presents unusual advantages foriItSucfafThe modern system of Drainage. It Hcs within tbe of about six miles from Monmouth, USK aDd ClJepstow theJatter w a y1 ° vJh He h Brecon" h ir^ arid* th e' Sotit If W^l es°Ra T\y t0 Mr> Jeremiah Morris, Evans, Solicitor, Brecon • at t?e°AMr"i-StCph*11 B°Wen Newport, .Monmouthshire. Auctioneers' Offices, TO BE SOLD BY ACCrloK fcigkl Ho °. iwt?!0" c1"'1" C<"c- «ndth« wood., FERR;*)0'H" BY MR. JAMES WHITE, A the %SthEoEfCOcTo°nESR' F°??"T £ on Monday, following lots of TIMBER POLES6 A\n nRmisel?' lhe the property of the Crown, viz.' D c°RDWOOD, T „ 1N DEAN FOREST Lot 1—Forty-nine Oak Timber Trees in'R««=„iu felled for the navy in 1849, but reiect«d hJ «K! 8 eilc^08ure, being squared, as unfit for the service, numberedTs '7^0" 27, 30, 36, 41, 47, 57, 61, 60, 66, 68, fi fi lfi iifi o l7' 20- 123, 126, 127, li8. 134. 136,' 143, 145, 148' 149 160 'i?' V6' 167, 169, m, 174, 177, 180, 181, 182 186 lft7 ion 208, 212, and 214, averaging 85 feet meetings together' with Twelve squared lops, numbered from 1 to i f. »elher with Lot 2-Fitty Oak Timber Trees, in RU«SP11'« on Church-hill, felled in 1850 for the service of the navy but rejected by the purveyor, in the round, numbered 6 12 17 19 25S, 24, 29, 31, 34, 47, 56, 58, 60, 62. 66. 69, 71, 89 90' o?'$! 115, 121, 124,166, 178, "207, 210 215, 2i9, 231 Sj 235 o"?T' .2«8' 249' 271' 277, 303- 304- 306> 308» 309.' 310' 314' 3^' 317, 320, and 321 averaging 97 feet meetings together with ?to an F,fly-°ne Oak i'ops in the round, numbered 1 to 151. Lot 3-Seven Hundred Cords of Oak Thinnings, &c.f in Nag's Head Hill enclosure. 8 Lot 4-Four Hundred Cords of ditto., in Stapledgc enclosure Lot 5-One Hundred and Fifty Lords of Oak and Fir Thinnings, in Leonard's Hill and Holy Hill. Hu,?drire(d Fifty Cords of Oak Cropwood and Squares s Knotts, in Russell's enclosure and Church Hill UL°'l.—•h;ee Hundred and Fifty Cords of Oak and Fir Squares's Knotts, in Russell's enclosure and Church Hill UL°'l.—•h;ee Hundred and Fifty Cords of Oak and Fir Thmning? in Riisseil.'s enclosure, part oi. October 15th, 1849, but lorfeited to the cromu ON THE HIGHMKADOW ESTATE. f»iWf ^'even 0ak Timf5er Trees, in the Skerrets'Wood felled for the navy in 1849, but reacted by the purveyor, attei 6^ 71 1' as u"fit for tbat service, numbered 18, 31 41 meetings! 9' 18°' 2ll» 266, and 293, averaging 26'ieet 1850 Vor~the'nLy8^T" '"n Beecilen Grpve felled in at unfit fnr th*, i rejected by the purveyor, in the round, 41 48 49 53 ?/V' £ ^lmhered >< I 6> 10' 27' 29• 3^> 91 95' 98' 99 inn u-,°',?)' 70- 73- 75. 77> 79> 84- !)0- 132 133 andW • U3' l20> 122 23, 124, 126, 130 r'nt in n tT eiagl"8 feet meetings. fellod in 1850,"in Lady Pwk^for "° T-mb^ ^h' Purveyor, in the round as nfi6 but reJeCfed b/ ,hf 148, 150 1-56 157 us i -o Ihat service, numbered 183 184 188 00 9 o?' ft 66' l68' 17°. m> 177> 180' 219 m] S' 23i'->33'234 o!!1,n 2°7' 208'^5' 2l7' 2.58, 260. 263 267 278 til It' 2i4' 245' 252, 253, 255, 311, 316' 32-' 3- 3 S E £ 93' ~9i' 296, 306, 307, 354, 35S 363 3^' t'J' 331' 340, 344, 349, 353, 3?3, 3% 307' 399' 401' 405' 4V1' 383> a»4, 387, 390, 4 U, 432 4V1 a A' 4I1> 41-2 417 420 491 49"? 469' I73 471' 449» 453. 458,' 460 462 IS' 5"2, o05 rZ' 5na' til' 4K4' 486' 49,)- 493 494 499 5 548, 049; t%)' HI' 5i9. 528, 532. 533, 536 539 540' fA' 5.7, 580, 581 5tu roc007' 5o8'563, 564, 567, 57o' ryX* 6921 595' a7- Trees, m Dowanl Wood. 0ak and Two ditto Elm Lot 14.—One Hundred Oak Pn1 • to 1D0, averaging 5 feet each. 'ln B»chen Grove from 1 Lot 15. bi\ty ditto, in ditto f» feet each. "°' fro«» 101 to 160, averaging 5 Lot 16. -One Hundred ditto, in Lady p g g ditt0. 7 Park» froml61 to 260, Lol 17.—One Hundred ditto, in ditto fr „ Lot 18.— Ninety ditto, in ditto, from 3RIt0 360. ditto. Lol i0 —Twenty Ash 'limber Trees,in Birt* 'oUt0- 1 to >" averaging 10 feet meetings. clien Grove, from L'-t z0.—Twenty ditto, in Lady Park, ftom 61 to nft ditto. 1 Lot 21.-Twenty Beech limber Trees, in Lady^rw"0' to 20, averaging 12 feet meetings. 1 ark, frota 1 Lot 22.—i wenty-six ditto, in ditto, from 21 to 46 ditto Lot 23.—One Hundred and I wenty Cords of Oak Wood and Thinnings, in Birchen Grote. a Crop Lot 24.—Two Hundred and Sixty ditto of Oak CropWood in Lady Park. lot 25.—Two Hundred and Sixty ditto of ditto, in ditto. Lot 26.—One Hundred and Fifty ditto of Oak Thinnings, in Reddings Inclosure. For a view of the Lots in Dean Forest, apply to Mr. Langliam, Ellwood; and of those in Ilighmeadow, to Mr. Turnbull, Bracelaud or to the different and Woodmen, Mr. T. T. MORRIS WILL SELL BY AUCTION, /~>,N Ti-SSDAY next, the 15th OCTOBER, 1850. at two, for \j half-past two o'clock, in the aiternoon, on the premises. No. 119, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, the whole of the SHOP FIXTURES, consisting of mahogany counter, shelves, drawers, gas fittings, tea and coffee canIsters" show prs, Bartlett's patent brass counter scales, ou^ scales and weights, sugar mill and stand, hand rue 8, quantity of sacks, and about THIRTY MIDDLES OF PRIME BACON, Coffee, cocoa, pepper, prime pickles, groats, (fee., &:c, Also, a portion of the Household Furniture, &c., whIch will be disposed of without the least reserve. Auctioneer's Offices, 46, Commercial Street. MONMOUTHSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF UPWARDS OF 500 CROSS- BRED SHEEP, 22 CATTLE, Seven young and useful Hack and Ladies f.fJ^rior which will be found two remarkably weL- i vvpntv- roadsters,) Eighteen Porkers, Implements an i p ns 'i i L Oak Hoffshcads ana L/USKS eight capital iron-bound LngUlit Oak n & Qf of various sizes, Dairy Utensils, ».•» „un;rf, the Household Furniture, and about Six y !VgURTTeej GOSLING is instructed to SELL BY AUC- iVl VON,'on MONDAY, OCTOBER 28th .850, .t LuK.T; NANT FARM, in the parish of Trelleck G«nge and eqm distant from Monmouth. Chepstow and U^k the ex^n i 'and well-selected STOCK AND Ol HLB EFtEC I property of Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens, who is about to retire ^The^Auctioneer shrinking, as he always has done frorn any- thing like puflery, exaggerate, and desire to mislead such gentlemen and agriculturists as usually honour linn «nh the r Dresence at his sales, can, nevertheless, with confidence sa\, Sith Jfaence to ,h«,»bov.n..d flock, that th..h.M compose it have been crossed with rams of known celeorrty and are not only of a very useful character, but perfectly sound anRefreshments on the table at ten, and the sale will com- mence punctually at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, with the sheeD which will be suitably divtded. An early attendance is particularly requested, as, inconse- quence of the number oi the lots, and the shortness of the days, the sale must begin at the time appointed. Full particulars, see handbills. Auctioneer's Office, New Market Place, Monmouth. MONMOUTHSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE COPYHOLD PROPERTY, AT BASSALEG, NEAR NEWPORT, EQUAL TO FREEHOLD. %.f R. CO UN ELI US EVANS is honoured with instructions I? 3 from the Proprietor, to SELL BY AUCTION, at the TREDEGAR ARMS lx.v, BASSAL'EG, ™ day of OCTOBER, 1850, a very VALUABLE COPYHOLD PROPERTY, called DAVID THE CLERK'S FARM, Consisting of about Thirty-four Acres or thereaboutl, of rich Arable and Pasture Land. The above Property i. most eligibly situated in and around the beautiful and picturesque village of Bassalleg, only three miles distant from the rapidly increasing and important town of Newport, and will be sold in 6 Lots, each Lot having an ex- tensive frontage to the turnpike-road in the village, and is admirably adapted for Building and other purposes. To the Tradesmm, Merchant, or Gentleman of Fortune, this is an opportunity that rarely oilers in this neighbourhood, for purchasing Property, so valuable in its nature and situation. Lot 5 is admirably adapted for a Coal Yard or other Estaolish- ment requiring Goods by Railway, as the purchaser ot this Lot will be entitled to lay a Railway from his Property, to connect it with the Rumney Railway Company's Road. The number and contents of the Lots are as follow :— A. n, P. Lot 1.—No. 11 and J4 on the Map.. 5 0 16 Lot 2.—No. 12 and 13 „ "3 1 22 Lot3.-No.4,8,and9 „ 6 1 8, Lot 4.—No. 5, 6, 7 and part of 9 8 1 3.j} Lot 5.—No. 15, 16. and part of 7 1 2 4 £ Lot 6,-No. 1, 2, and 3 „ • • 8 1 v. For further particulars, and for a view of the Map of the Property, apply to the Auctioneer, at his Office, High-street, Newport; or to Messrs. Robinson and Haynes, Solicitors, 17, Orchard-street, Portman square, London and to view t e different Lots, to Mr. Sydney Evans, Danygraig; or the Kev. Thomas Evans, Piecorner, Basselleg. lhe Sale will commence precisely at one o clock In the afternoon; and the Auctioneer respectfully solicits a punctual attendance. MONMOUTHSHIRE. FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SAfjE. mo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. J. uftder an assignment for the benefit of the cretl' i! ui Angel Hotel, ABEBQAVENVY on Wednesday, October lb I8o0, at twelve o'clock at noon, (unless previously d«.po« >f by private contract, of which due notice will be 10 conditions then to be produced, Sixteen M 'b > °r Dwelling Houses, with the Appurtenances, situate:in .1 u or Street, in the said town, now 'in the occupation of William J ones and others. These premises are in good repair, and yield the annual rent of j £ 90 and upwards. e t. -r ^For further paiticulars, applv to Messrs. GABB AM) E WOODHOUSE, Solicitors, Abergavenny. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. IMPORTANT AND VAJK^BJS £ .-B FE £ SHOLD PROPJEHHTY A- COAL FIELD IN DEAN FOREST. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. C. the ANGEL INN, in the Town of COLKFORD. O the 1st day of NOVEMBKR, 1850, at one o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced, (unless disposed of in the meantime by private con- tract, of which due notice will be given,) all those valuable and newly-erected CHEMICAL WORKS AND PLANT, Messuages. Machinery, &c., called Oakwood, situate in the Oakwood Mill Valley, in the centre of the Forest, together with or without the MINERAL COAL PROPERTY, adjoining thereto, and known as the "Flour Mill Colliery," which is one of considerable extent, and may be worked by level. I he works and plant have been erected at a very considerable outlay, and are capable of manufacturing a large quantity of Naphtha and other Chemicals. The posi'ion of this important property commands every .^y necessary for the carrying on such works to the greatest possible advantage. Surrounding it are woods ot very great extent, and the following are some of its peculiar and rare advantages, viz., ^oal> a.t 3s. per ton Lime, very near, at a moderate rate; a Railway passing close to the premises on to the port of Lydney, where it intersects the South Wales Railway. There is now erected, within half-a-mile of the premises, a Blast Furnace, for manufacturing Forest Iron, so valuable for its malleable qualities, and where charcoal can be sold to any extent. The property is also contiguous to several Iron and Tin Works, which renders it a most desirable property, either for investment or for carrying on the business, which is now in a very prosperous state, in the occupation of Mr. Skipp. Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. C. BuRTON. Estate Agent; or Messrs, NORTON AND KING, Solicitors, Monmouth. MAINBEE ESTATE- THE MAINDEE HOUSE, with 32A. lR. 9P. of the Demense Lands, (Lot 1,) together with the small Building Sites, (Lots 10, 11, 13, to 21, inclusive,) having been bought in by the vendors, at the last sale, at very low reserved prices are now FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Persons, therefore, desirous of possessing themselves of a delightful Residence, or Building Site, are earnestly invited to lose no time in availing themselves of it, otherwise the whole will be disposed of. The lots are marked out on the ground. Ylf °T vr' particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to 1 • MORRIS, Surveyor and Land Agent, Stow-hill, Newport. GOOD TACK FOR SHEEP AND CATTLE, On 290 Acres of Land—Fair Oak, Eve's Well, and Penylan farms, in the parish of Christchurch, and within a mile ot the town of Newport, upon moderate terms. Enquire of EANCIS KNIGHT, the bailiff on the property. Newport, Sept. 5th, I80O. AT NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, FOR SALE. TO be cleared off forthwith, in one or more Lofs, about TWO HUNDRED & THIRTY TONS OF GYPSUM, recently imported from France, and lying in a Warehouse at the Docks. For particulars, apply to Messrs. C. H. STONEHOUSE and CO., Newport, Mon.; or to Mr. F. R. CAMROUX, 26, Bijchin Lane, London. FOR SALE, CHESNUT HORSE, with or without DOG CART 11 and HARNESS.—Apply to the OSTLER, King's Head Hotel, N eIVport. SALE POSIPONED. fJHHE Sale of the TOWN PRISON or LOCK-UP-HOUSE I in MILL-STREET, advertised to take place at the Town Hall, on Monday, Slat October, is unavoidably Postponed until further Notice. THOMAS WOOLLETT. Council House, Newport, Town Clerk. Oct. 8, 1850. EXTENSIVE SALE OF FARMING STOCK, AT COURTBLETHEN FARM, In the Parish of Llangibby, Monmouthshire. HMR. SCR1VEN 4 ,Tr AS the honour to announce that he is instructe y • Morgan Williams, who is relinquishing the FarlT mg Business, to SELL BY AUCTION, on THURSDAY, tne i/u. OCTOBER, 1850, the whole of his LIVE STOCK, CORX, HAY, CIDER, FARM1>«G I IMPLEMENTS, DAlKY UTENSiLS, And a portion of the Household Furniture; Comprising twelve cows in calf, two-year-old heifer m ditto, twelve steers, rising three years old; three ditto, rising two years old; three two-year-old heifers, eight calves, five l3r8e store pigs, five cart horses and mares, one of which is in foal handsome nag filly, rising three years old; a thoroughbred ltlo, rising three years old: two very promising cart colts, rising two and three years old a grey nag mare, steady in harness, and a good roadster; three sets of long harness, two sets of short ditto, Q.O. ditto, side saddle, broad-wneel waggon (nearly new), narrow-wheel ditto, broad-wheel cart, narrow-wheel ditto, dray, two iron ploughs (nearly new), two wood ditto, two pair harrows, turnip scuffler, chaff machine, winnowing ditto, barley stumper, two haul-rakes, pikes, rakes, spades, shovels, mattocks, stone and iron pig troughs, cow chams, ox yokes, bowes, and chains, eight cider hogsheads. TOO Gallons of prime Cider, 40 Gallons of Crab Vinegar, two Mows of prime Hay (about 35 Tons), one ditto of Clover (about 10 Tons), two Mows of Wheat, two Acres Swedes and Turnips. The Dairy Utensils, Furniture, &c., consist of cheese press, churn, cheese and other tubs, twelve cheese vats, milk pails, pans, trundles, &c. several wood botties, dairy tables, two large oak kitchen tables, round table, dressing ditto, six and two arm chairs, wardrobe, lanre oak chest, two four-post bed- steads, four stump ditto, X ditto, clothes and towel horses, iron pots, boilers, saucepans, large bacon rack, and various other articles too numerous to particularise. lhe Auctioneer begs to remind his friends, that the Pro prietor has spared no pains for the last eighteen years, in the improvement of his Stock. The Cows are excellent miikers, three of which wiil calve within a month. The whole of the above-named is of a most useful description; and as he is retiring from business, will be Sold without the least reserve. Refreshments on the table at ten; Sale to commence at twelve o clock. MONMOUTHSHIRE, IMPORTANT SALE OF FARMING STOCK, AT WERNDEE FARM, IN THE PARISH OF LLANTRISSENT. MR. BENJAMIN SCRIVEN having been given the preference by the proprietor, Mr. Edward Phillips, (who is about to emigrate), begst respectfully to announce, that he intends SELLING by AUCTION, at the above-named Farm, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 18-50, the whole of the LIVE STOCK, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c.; Comprising eighteen steers, rising three years old two spayed heifers, three two-year-old heifers in calf, one fat heifer, three yearling steers, two ditto heifers, one barren cow, fifteen fat sheep, three very large store pigs. in high condition; eight strong store ditto, four very powerful cart horses, two particu- larly useful half-bred horses, one ditto filly, rising three years °'d broad-wheel waggon, narrow-wheel ditto, broad-wheel eart, narrow-wheel ditto, pair of heavy drags, two pair of harrows, roller, two wooden ploughs, one iron ditto, three sets °{i ff ^r.ness» two sets of short ditto, G O ditto, excellent c Machine, winnowing fan, sieves, riddles, haJf-bushel tvvf^hIe{ ^rty sacks, barley stumper, seed lip. pikes, rakes, hooks ra^es. spades, shovels, mattocks, scythes, reaping with Var7agg0nl.^opes, three ladders, pig troughs, hay knife, quantitv°"fS ° implements also eighteen cider hogsheads, bees sever-1 v.a8^S-of vanous sizes, bee house, two hives of n'b TVio !?,ee_l"ves. and part of a Mow of Clover, to go off. Bertholev Parwra8S-n° vWernciee Farm, and also 30 Acres in next. be let at the same time, until Candlemas he Cattle ai*p n,r dition; the Carf n„ ^ure Heref°''(l breed, and in good con- exceUent workers- thl" „te,rPowerful. and well known to be justly termed, part^„iAi ^red Ilo'Ses are what may be blTfn8 aJe in a 8°°d staJofSetUl f0T a11 PurP°sesi the Iraple- the Sf npi«siS:.whole wili "hole will be commence at 4 £ ^he uble at ten o'clock; and the Sale will Autumn Novelties 11 J. MINCHIN, 140, COMMERCIAL STREET, BEGS respectfully to announce his return from London and Paris, with the Newest Styles in Shawls n French Flowers, Neck Ties, Gloves, Lace, &c. 1 onaTUa, Dresses, Ribbons. THE MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS WILL BE RE-OPENED ON THURSDAY, THE 17ia INST., When every Novelty will be found in Dress Caps; Velvet, Satin, and Straw Bonnets &c., &c., 1 CS&T VICTORIA Hi USE, 140. COMMERCIAL STRKEt, NEWPORT. Cheap Paper Hangings at Wholesale Prices, for Keady Money, AT HENRY TRAPNELL AND SON'S, CITY CABINET, UPHOLSTERY, & PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMENT, 2, ST. JAMES' BARTON BRISTOL PARTIES making alterations or changing houses, are invited to select their Paner Hanpincrs ,f,t, v they will have an endless choice, at the lowest prices consistent with honouiable trad° ""The n al)ove address, wher- purchase these goods Wholesale, and for lieady Money, direct from the first Vlanufae-nrpw' in hHPi"et0!s nmke il a rU^'° therefore enabled to offer great advantages, both as regards price and stjle. They hive alw-n-s the wn.t'w8 and they T show, and to any extent, from a Half-penny to a Shilling per Yard. A visit therefore to tbe'Panpr I? lonable PaPers^° City Cabinet and Upholstejy Manufactory, will be founct to be a great saving of time' trou1 le andl Department ot the advantages derivable from Cash Transactions, the object being to do a large trade upon s .rill'nrotiu? ?nd WlU 8 B„,rs:iaE™Y TKAPKELL ANU ..t* Barton, Bristol. TOWN HALL, NEWPORT. CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NEWPORT DISPENSARY. j%/f R. NAISH has the honour of announcing to the snhabi LT.I tants of the town of Newport, and its vicinity, that he intendsgivinga GRAND CONCERT, OF T'QCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, THE 23RD OF OCTORER, 1850. Engagement of MR. RYALLS. j PrimoTenore,(of theYork,Manchester and Liverpool Festivals,) MISS A. M. CLOWES, Of Newport; and MR. AND MRS. WALL, (Late of the North of England Concerts); t Assisted by several of the Leading Artistes of the town. CONDUTOR-MR. WALL. PROGRAMME: PART I. Concertante, Trio Messrs. Pitman, Ball, and Ball, jun BEBBIGUIEB Quartette, Oh. Nanny. Ballad, lite Thorn Mr. Ryalls SHIELD. Duett, Oh, leave me not thus lonely, (Maid of Artois).Mr and Mrs. Wall Solo—Flute .Mr, Ball, jun. NICHOLSX Ballad, Kathleen Marourneen Miss Clowes CROUCH. Dueit, /ill, Maiden Fair Mrs. Wall and Mr. Ryalls PAESIEL1.0.. Song (Song of the West) Mr. Naish Ballad, By the Sad Sea WCl1,es Mrs. Wall BENEDICT. Grand Scena, AU is lost (La 8omnambula) Mr Ryalls BELLINI. Trio, le Prego 0 Padre Eternd.. Mrs. Wall, Miss Clowes, and Mr. Ryalls CuBSCHMAN. PART II. Grand Trio Messrs.Pitman,Ball,and Ball, jun. CATTERMAK. Ballad, < n'as happy ere I loved you Mrs. Wall LINDLEY. Song, hi tills old Chair Mr. Ryalls BALFE. Trio, The Magic worn Scarf. (Mountain Sylph) Mrs. Wall, Mr. Ryalis. and Mr Wr\U Solo—Flu"Mr. Hall, jun NICHOLSON. Duett,T/ie Sailor Sighs.. Mrs. Wall and Mr.Rvalls BALFE. Ballad,^a//z/ in our Alley Mr. Rvalls CARY. Song, i he Wishing Gate. Mrs. Wall SPOKLE. Laughing Trio, I adasi via di qua MARTINI. rr 1'iuale, God save the Queen. ierms of admission Reserved SeaLs (Orchestra), 3s. Front Seats, 2s.; Back ditto, Is —Cards of admission may bf obtainedof Mr. E. NEWMAN, Music Repository, High-st. Mr. M. EVANS, Bookseller; Mr W. PITT. Bookseller; Mr. E. V. JENKINS, Druggist; Mr. W. L. KELLY, Look- seller; and Mr. H. SHEPP:\ RD, Grocer. Concert to commence :.t Eight precisely. D'ALMAINE'S PIANO-FORTES FOR 2S GUINEAS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY, FREE OF CARRIAGE. rP R. PRICE, MUSIC SELLER, NEWPORT, respect- l • fully apprises the public of Monmouthshire and liVY?°r^anshire' that he has been appointed Agent for V v"6'8 pi«o Fortes, which he is enabled to deliver tr, 'nose who may honour him wkh coau.iU.-ions, at Newport.. f fvpstcw' an or at any of the intermp'liate Stations. 0 VVales Railway, at the Manufacturer's Prices-, al\v iyee*r0Tn Manufactory in London. A)'s Piano Fortes are celebrated for combining all lates^ improvements of construction, with richness of tone, ana elasticity of touch possessing, also, peculiar elegance ot torm and polished nicety of workmanship, uninfluenced by the varied effects of climate, and recommended by the most emi- nent musicians. Compass, 64- octaves; height, 3 feet 9 inches; width. 4 feet depth, 2 (Vet 2 inches. At the uniform ne^ ,s,}l Price of T\V EN'l Y-FIVE GUIN EAS. r).-lr* 1 R. PRICE continues to give instructions on the a ?no Forte, at Schools, at the usual scale of charges made at Schools-Four Guineas per annum. n5§T The newest Music constantly on hand, at 25 per cen- off the Published Price • also, some at Half-price, and One- third for Cash. Commercial Buildings, Newport, Aug. 23. 1850. NEWPORT FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. Enrolled pursuant to Act of Parliament. PRESIDENT: R. J. BLEWITT, E8Q.. M.P. VICE PRESIDENTS: Joseph Corsbie, Esq Mr. K. V Jenkins, and Mr JohnCathcart TRUSTEES: Alderman Rich. Mullock, Mr.Philip John, Mr.Thos. Richards, Mr. James Hewitt, and Mr William Townsend. TREASURER: Mr. William Evans, Dock-street. BACKERS: The West of England and South Wales Banking Company. SOLICITOR R. J. Carihcart, Esq. SECRETARY: Mr. J. H. Phillips.. I rpHE Committee are highly gratified in witnessing the j X. unabated satisfaction which the recent purchase of Fair Uak Estate has given to the members. They can but regret that this excellent property, although extensive, is insufficient to afford an allotment to every member; they, however, hope that the great exertions which have hitherto been made, will be taken as an earnest of continued and unabated activity on their part, to effect, at no very distant period, an equally successful result. The Committee observe with pleasure, the daily addition of members (nearly 100 Shares having been taken daring the last three weeks), and they would again request all who are desirous of obtaining a CHEAP FREEHOLD, to join this Society without delay. All Estates are allotted according to priority of membership. The Society is not restricted to Newport—persons residing in the surrounding villages or towns may join it, and will thereby possess all the privileges of resident members. Persons can be daily enrolled, at the Secretary s Residence, No 2, Charles-street; or at Mr. E. V. Jenkins's, Druggist, corner of Llanarth-street; of whom, also, any further informa- tion may he obtained. Entrance Fee, Is per Share; weekly Payments, Is 6d per Share, every Monday evening, between the hours of eight and ten, at the Offices, 0, Llanarth-street Rules, 6d each, or by post, 8d. No person can hold more than Six Shares. Offices, 9, Llanarth-street, Sept. "26, 1850. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC GROCERY AND PROVISION ESTABLISHMENT, 14. HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, Nearly opposite the Entrance to the South Wales Railway Station. SAMUEL SUNDAY begs most respectfully to enounce to the Public Of NEWPORT, and its vicinity, that lie ha* taken to the ahove Business, lately carried on by i* r. John Stewart and he assures all who may be pleased to honour linn with their patronage, that the very !>est of all kinds ot goods in the above line, wili always he found on Sale ut his Establish- ment, at the lowest scale" of remuneiatiug prices. Newport, October 3, 1850. JOH29 BRIAN BEGS to call the attention of the gentlemen and inhabi- JD tants of Newport and its vicinity, to his well-seiectcd stock of Goods for the present season, consisting of the best materials and most fashionable aes ^ris in TROUSERINGS, VFSTISGS, AND wATER PROOF BEAVERS. BEST WgSr OF ENGLAND CLOTHS, BUCKSKINS, &c. Prompt attention to orders, with moderate charges, will, he trusts, merit a continuance of the liberal support hitherto received. 171, Commercial Street, two doors from the Westgate Hotel. October 10, lHoO. TIMSES, TSABS. GRANT, BROTHERS, AND CO., BEG to announce to the Inhabitants of Newport and the surrounding districts, that they have OPENED AN ESTABLISHMENT IN NEWPORT, at the north end of the Timber Float, near the Dock, for the Sale of TIMBER, DEALS, SLATES, &c. From their long experience in the trade, having had large establishments in North America for the last twenty-two years, and being chiefly engaged there, and in this kingdom, in the Wholesale Trade, they are now enabled to SELL AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. G., B., & Co., trust, by strict attention to business, as well as the interests of the public, to merit a fail share of public patronage. The at;ove fiim is in connexian "ith J. J. GRANT & Co,, of Cardiff, Merthyr, and Aberdure; and MUARO, GRANT, & Co., of Swansea. 16th August, 8.5D. OLD BUSH INN, COMMERCIAL STREET NEWPORT. BENJAMIN BAKER, returning thar.ks for the support received by liitn in the Market Tavern, Gritiin b.rtet, begs 8111101lllCP IIi s REMOVAL TO THE OLD BUSH INN. rimmercial Street, which premises he has ie-'iiodelled, and con erted into 11 First rate Inn. where every accommodation, in r tin^rooms, smoking parlour, hllr parlour, &c., <&c., oget r wiih genuine airs, beers, porter, and superior and It adll terated wines and -pirits, will be found for the cointoit all.. taste of those who may honour B. B, with their patronage. September 12tli, 1850. NEWPORT DOCK OFFICE, OCTOBER 3. 1850. THE HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the I Proprietors of the Newport Dock will be held at this Office, on THURSDAY, the SEVENTH day of NGVEMBEK next, at twelve o'clock. isy order, „ TT> vc JER- CAIRNS. DOCK OFFICE, NEWPORT, OCT. 4. 1850. TO MASONS, CARPENTERS, & CONTRACTORS. LENDERS will be received for the BUILDING and com- pletion of a DRAW-BRIDGE over the CANAL, near Potter-sireet Bridge. For particulars, enquire at the Dock Office- IOLO KOHGANWG- RECOLLECTIONS and Anecdotes of EDWARD WILLIAMS, JLt the Bard of Glamorgan. With Illustrations and a copious Appendix. By ELIJAH WARING Post Bvo., Price 6s. London: Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Without, and to be had of all Booksellers. 1 SAMUEL WARE AND SONS BEG to call the attention of professional gentlemen and the public generally to a peculiar desc^rip ion of BLACK WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTH, dyed and finished on a new principle, expressly for their house. Very decided improvements in the manufacture of Woollen Cloths having recently been made in France and Germany the serious attention of British Manufacturers as of la e >?e particularly directed to the subject, with the VIC:" of excelling their continental competitors, or, at least, ot intro ,ucmg similar improvements in the Home Manufacture. The cloths which S- W. & Sons now offer, and of which they respectfully solicit inspection and trial, while consi lower in Price than the Foreign productions, they mos fidently pronounce to be fully equal in the Dye and • and decidedly superior to anything hitherto manufactu this country. SAMUEL WARE & SONS, TAILOHS AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS, 38, COLLEGE GREEN, BRISTOL, I LASSES' SCHOOL. CLARENCE PLACE, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE- 'THE MISSES OWEN AND 8TODDART respectfully I announce that they have KEMOVpn f,„™ pa KRLEON CLARENCE PLACE, whe^t^'dutie^ o\'their establishment are now conducted. From the unexpected success which attended their efforts inCaerIeon, since engaging in the scholastic profession, they a^ioipate, in Newport, a similar coTifidonce and support, lhe course of instruction will comprise Enelish Literature, I the French Language. Drawing Dancing, Needle- work. (plain and ornamental,) Arithmetic' &c lhe terms, which are moderate and inclusive, will be fur- I nished on application. i Private instruction in Music or Drawing. A young Lady, desirous of improvement in any of the accomplishments, may be received as parlour boarder. SSEIGA&TIOW TO CALIFORNIA—THE GOLD REGrIONS. FROM THE NEWPORT DOCK. jr-si npHE following splendid First-Class, Fast-Sailing» A and Coppered Ships, Jh'fffiw "ALABAMA," 10U0 Tons Burthen, G. W. MASTERS, Commander, will Sail on or about the 15th of October, 1850, for ACAPULCO. "NAOMI 1000 Tons Burthen, W. B. WBTOHT, Commander, will Sail on or about the 1st day of November, 18-50, for ACAPULCO. The above Ships have n;ost excellent accommodation for Steerage and Cabin Passengers, having great height 'tween decks. Term* will be very moderate* For further particulars, apply to the respective Commanders on Board or to EDWARDS. ROGERS, & CO., Ship Brokers, Corn street, Newport, Monmouthshire. Newport, 4th October, 185(f. < FOR SALE. riMIE Splenuid Hackmatic Ship, "GIOJA," 854 .3 Tons Registey. This fine vessel was built at Miramichi by Messrs. Johnson and Mackie, and sAW-kS-S- launched in July last, .sails last, and carries a large cargo, at 0. light draught of water, is fastened in a t!uperior manner, and well found with the very best materials. DIMENSIONS Feet. Length of Keel 142 DepthofHold 21 Breadth, extreme 3211-12 Height between Decks 6 11-12 This vessel will be on Sale in Rrktol until the 2oth instant. If not sold, she will proceed to Liverpool as soon after that date as her cargois discharged. For further particulars, apply to JOHN E. GERMAINE & Co. rimber Merchants, Bristol; or to RITCHIE, MACKAY, & Co., Liverpool. MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY &. CANAL COMPANY. 'FTLHIS Company have a latge quantity of Old CAST IRON |_ TRAM PL 1'HS. and CH.AIRS, which they are desirous to dispose ot by FENDER; in quantities of not less than 100 Tons each, from parties who may be willing to purchase the same. ilia Tenders to be sent in, oo or before the 17■ h instant' addiessed to tl:e undersigned. Termi-Approved Bills of Two Months will be taken in pay- mcnt. By Order, EDWARD WELLS. WANT33. A RSS £ 0 £ NT A&3NT, FOR THE SALE OF BEER AND PORTER, at L-1 MERTHYR and the Neighbourhood. One who has been accustomed to the trade, and can speak Welsh, would be prelerred. Security re q uired. Apply to Messrs. H. and C. VALLAXCE, Brewers, Bristol. CLEE&YSIBK'S WIDOWS & ORPHANS' CHARITY FTJK23. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Subscribers to the JS. Charitv Fund :or the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of necessitous Clergymen, in the County of Monmouth will be held at UsK, on WEDN ESDA Y, the 23id of OCTOBER, at two o'Clock, C. A. WILLIAMS. Llangibby, October 7, 1850. CALDICOT MOOR INCLOSURE. HOT ICS TO CONTRACTORS. PERSONS desirous to undertake the making of an Embankment across Caldicot Moor, are requested to send in Tenders for the same, to Mr. JAMES PEACHY WILLIAMS Albion Chambers, Bristol, en or before the 2ath of October instant. A plan, section, and specification of such embankment, may be seen at the offices of Messrs. Birch and Davis, Solicitors of Newport and Messrs. Baldwyn and Morgan, Solicitors, of Chepstow; and also at the office of the Valuer, Albion Chambers. The Contractors selected will be required to enter into security for the due completion of the work within five months from the date of signing such contract. CALDICOT MOOR INCLOSURE. NOTICE TO LANDOWNERS. VTOTICE IS HEREBY G!VKN, thatji Meeting of the l Landowners, eUiwdug aright of comeMte h««iift»-.»ill be held at the Offices of 1\1 HSSR8, BmCH AND DAVIS, NO. 7, High Street, Newport, Monmouthshire, on MOXDo\Y, the :18th day of October instant, at One o'Clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of taking into consideration the plan and estimate of the valuer for making an embankment, roadways and drains across Caldicot Moor. Dated—Bristol, Albion Chambers, 11th Oct.. lRõO, J.P. WILLIAMS,(Valuer. CALDICOT CUM NEWTON INCLOSURE. I" JAMES PEACHEY WILLIAMS, of Albion Chambers, I. j in the city and county of Bristol, the Valuer acting in the matter of the Inclosure of Caluicott Moor, Rogiett Moor, Ben Acre, Common Sea, Earlswood Common, Cwm Wood, and Mynydd Bach, situate in the parishes of Caldicott, Undy, Llanvihangel Rogiett, and Shirenewton. in the county of Monmouth, hereby give NOTICE, that a Statement of all Claims received by me in the matter of the said Inclosure has been deposited at the Dwelling House of Mrs .SPRATT, of Caldicott, in the said parish of Caldicott, for the inspection of all persons interested in the said Inilosure. And 1 further give NOTICE, that any objection to a Claim must be delivered in writino- to me. and a copy of such objec- tion must also be delivered at the place of &bode of the Claimant, or his Agent on or before the 2nd day of Noyefnuernext. Given under my hand this 11th day of October, in the year of our Lord lcJoO JAMES PEACHEY WILLIAMS. NOTICE. IF GEORGE JEFFERY, who was born at South Newton, ne,,r Salisbury, Wiltshire, and left that place upwards of UWmwTu^0' wih apply to his First Cousin, MARIA at South Newton, aforesaid, or to JANE o ri l^e ™idow of his late brother, W illiam Jeffery, at Park Cottage, Kensall New I own, Paddiugton, London, he will hear of something to his advantage, Oaooer 8, i.^ ° 1 NOTICE. R- MATHIAS, who was lately my Clerk at Newport, •f 5 is no longer in my employ, and has no further connex- ion with my business. For the future, the office will be con- ducted under my own superintendence. J. G H. OWEN, Solicitor. High Street, Newport, Oct. 9th. 1850. THE MiNERVA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY- Established IP3G.-tondon, (head office,) 84, King William Strett; Edinburgh, 37, Hanover Street. TRUSTEES: George Gren'ellGlyn Esq. Francis Mills, F.sq. Thomas 11 eath, Esq.' | Sir Claude E. Scott, Bart. BANKERS Messrs. Glyn, Hallux, Mills, and (.o. ^ir Claude E Scott, Bart., and Co. THE DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF TElS COMPANY IS, A Guaranteed return at any time, for the surrender of existing whole term policies by even rates, of forty per cent. of the amount of premiums received. The policies, of this company are thus rendered immediately available as securities, and can uniy be vitiated bv ilaud. not by error. To secure the advantages of the next division of profits to be declared in 1852, proposals must belodgedat the headonice, or with any of th* agents throughout the country, during thy pre- serityear. Prospectuses, containing every information, may be obtained, free of expense, at the company's offices as above, or from any of the agents. WILLIAM THOMAS ROBINSON, Actuary and Secretary. AGENTS. NEWPORT—THOMAS WOOLLETT, Solicitor. Abergavenny—Cornelius Lloyd, Solicitor. Chepstow—Valentine and Richard parsons, Estate Agents, Click Cottage. PRICE THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE, Wita a l'ortf Fi}oU««p Svo, eloth, THE LIrE or JAMES DAVIES, A Village Schoolmaster, by SIR THOMA3 PHILLIPS. Published by J. W. PARKEU, West Strand, and may be had of all Booksellers. Proofs, on India paper, cf the Portrait, engraved by Holl may be had separately, on application to Messrs Rees and Son, Booksellers, Abergavenny. BY THE SAME AUTHOR, WAJLBSi The language, social condition, niorai character, and religious opinioni- of the people collide, ed m,heir relation to education. Octavo; fourteen Shillings, EIIEPOIK.'S'ANT LETTER Received by Mr. Sanger, for tlie only Genuine Widow Welch's Female Pdls. ,iU0W DEAR SIR,—The circulation With the almanacks of the handbills Sceived from you result. A striking ca*e came tint y r ovvick since It was that of a voting woman regr slJffer?n,, near diness and swimming i" tn< ne x,re,»e piiin, as Hiino-r under by »■ £ J.. neeks a patie t "t the ^or< f ..0(ir Kearsley'sWpi^ little benefit. "She p.ircba^' >eflects; and now if! Piih, and speedily felt U.«' tl,e pain she lormerly ,u'ff continuing them iorashor r>pi,J]y recovering her has been entirely ren>o%ed, a..d ,9 unly, health. I am, dear sir, J § COLLIER( IQIO Bookseller, &c.. Thrapstone. 14th December, celet.rated tor their peC„\iar I'hese PILLS, so loner and j Jly no(.ce q(. -vei. virtues, »re stropti'y rec ■ | B,,probation of most gentle- having ob.a-ne.Mhe « r' 11 8Sfe and valuable Medicine men of the Meoical ,Pr°^91'. and relieving all other i„. in effectually removing obstruct! js especially conveniences to which the female » arjse frQ > those which at an early renod ot jj«. of« t,(e 8y9(ela. they want of exercise and genera de r(jmove giddiness and crea-e an appetite, correct u9efui jn windy disorders nervous headache, and are emmeritiy fln(1 palpitation of pains in the stomach, shortness of b3 uged wilh fhe heirt: being perfectly innocent, tney y safety in all seasons and climates. jnierou8 imitations, to It is necessary, owing to the the 0R1GlNAL inform the Public that KEAR&tE description ever made and GENUINE MEDICINE of thi. fifty yaar. and has been prepared bv them wr {t> reniark( that a s purchasers are particularly rec\M,, directions contains an testimony of authenticity, each bill u «. C. KEARSLEY"in affidavit, and bears the prnnient Stamp, and each writintf. also engraved on tl^ Go*en bo* is wrapped in white paper. SANGER, 150, Oxford- Sold V holesaie and Retail, by J. and by all respectable street, London; price 2». 9d. p« > 9 medicine vendors. T. n. PRICE'S AMATEUR SOCIETY FOR TEE PRACTICE OF VOCAL MUSIC, BOTH SACRED de. SECULAR. 'I1 HE Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the above,- are I respectfully acquainted that lhe First Meeting for Practice this Season will be on MONDAY EVENING, the 4th .November next, from Eight to Ten o'Clock, at R.r. T- R. PIUCE'S MUSIC KOOMS, Commercial Buildings. The music for performance will be "The Creation," by Haydn, "The Messiah," and Detingen Te deutu," by Han- del; also the most approved secular compositions. The mem- bers, in turn. (it desired) may hive solo parts allotted to them. Ladies and gentlemen, desirous of joining, are requested to apply to Mr. PRICE. Terms New Members, (entrrnce, first season,) One Guinea afterwards, I5s.; including the use of music. IMPORTANT NEW PUBLICATIONS. iVl R- PARKER has the honour of announcing 1 It that he has been entrusted by the eminent house of Blackie and Son, Queen Street, Glasgow, and Warwick Square London, with commissions for the sale of a New Work of the utmost importance, entitled THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD In 28 monthly numbers, at 2s. 6d. each. Illustrated in a superior manner, with above 700 er,"ravines and comprising the very latest discoveries. 1 hi.. work will form a companion volume to THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY, English, Technological, and Scientific, ^d'alt 1ST*daPted l? the Present state of literature, science, r» greaj fea,ure of this work- (which will prove a unon th Tec0mmendaUon■) is the ample information afforded upon the etymology of all words in the English language: in the derivations, no less than twenty-eight language, beaut?ftfl!re<vtt0' P,articular obJects of definition are also beautifully illustrated tnd the whole is got up in a style hitherto unsurpassed. In parts, 2s 6d. each. Also, THE CYCLOPCEDIA OF AGRICULTURE, Practical and Scientific; In which the theory, the art, and the whole business of farm- rf./ju r dfPantnents, are thoroughly and practically lapup-war.d.s of fifty of th« eminent farmers, land agents, and scientific men of the day. J°hn C" Morlon' Es(l-' ^ditor of the Agricultural 1 his work will be completed in about 24 parts, 2s. 6d. each with upwards of one thousand illustrations on wood and steel! Mr. Parker will visit the various towns in Glamorganshire to obtain subscribers' names and will be at Merthyr in the course of a week. Agticulturists will be met by Mr. Parker at the chief market inns, on the various market days of the week P #, u°r- fr? f0-r"ther work' forwarded to Mr. P., 78, Stokes' Croft, Bristol, will be promptly attended to. TO GROCERS, PUBLICANS, AND OTHERS. T° LET» witl1 immediate possession, if required, that wnr?on »• substar*tial House and Shop, known as "IVOR situate at the corner of Dolpiiin Street, leading to the Docks. There are two large cellars, a large bakehouse, and a plentiful supply of water on the premises The shop has been lately fitted up for the Grocery and Public Business. Application to be made to Mr. GEORGE EDWAHDS, Clarence Street; or to Mr. WILLIAM REKS, on the premises. TO BE LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 4 LL that convenient DWELLING HOUSE, and premises' ■% situate near the Western Valleys Terminus, Dock Street- Newport late in the occupation of Mr. Benjamin Richards, sail maker, containing seven bed rooms, sitting room two parlours, two kitchens, pantries, cellars, and other offices, with yard and sheds, two-stall stable, &c. RF>;T, Low. Apply to Mr. T. T. MOBKIS, Accountant and Auctioneer 46, Commercial Street. Newport. TO GROCERS, PROVISION MERCHANTS dec. TO BE LET, with Immediate Possession, that very com l modious PREMISES, No. 24, High Street. Newport ?PTmPr,slnR a Large Dwelling House, Shop, Cellars, and T-arehouses attached, adjoining the Arcade leading to the tensive1 traadeWUh every convenience for carrying on en ex- tensive trade. For 1unhpr pitrticulars, appiv to J. J. NiCHOLAS, Timber M erchan t, Newport, AJonmauthshire. ENTERED AT STATIONER.S^~HALL. GREAT EXHIBITION ALMANAC PAD isei £ 10N1AINING a View of P RR A °R 1851 V/ Park, and a full account nf e!e°V"U H>lU' with the same, in ENGl Pa|"I^ru ar ct>^nected in London. it, ,„i„cip»l S.IIIL,, men.s, Markets, &c. »ii|i ihe !'U" necessary information. Published liy |{0ss'md's ""no' 'I 1-20, Bishopsiiate Street, Loudon, the c119"r'd Perfumers, Hair Cutters, and Hair Dyers wh„ beu^'cal' public attention to their extensive and umivallwi at- Of British amt For.itfn Cases, Strops, Cutlery (particularly tl:eir Register,1 Guafd Razor. which prevents the possibility of even the most tremu- lous cutting themselves while shaving). Artrai ilatorv for dyeing the hair of any required shade, >n<i fiieir stock of Orna- uientai Hair of ail kinds, for both ladies and gentlemen, which is the largest in the world. Price of the Almanac, fiel.; and it will be sent to all parts of Great Britain and Ireland, on receipt of eight postage stamps likewise by order of all Booksellers and Newsmen, to whum the usual allowance will be trade I Address-ROSS Bis))opsgate Street, London.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE MONMOUTHSHIRE HOUNDS WILL MEET ON Monday, October 14th, at Lanawst. Machen; Wednesday 16th, at 1 aclien Village; Friday „ 18th, at Tredegar Park; Each day at ten o'clock.
ECCLESlASHCAL 1NTLLLIGENC.E. ( From the Morning Post.) The following pu ;<;rments and appointments have recently been made The Hev. J. Edwards, to the Stipendiary Curacy of St. Andre»'s, Worcester. The Rev. It Wall, to the Perpetual Curacy of St. Anne Biikenbead, Cheshire. The ltc". H. Morgan, to the Perpetual Curacy of Baneod, Cardiganshire. The Kev. W.C. Perkeley, to the Perpetual Curacy ofCcthe- ridee, Worcestershire. ) he Rev. Harry Canow, to the Reciory of Loxton, Somerset. shire. The Rev. D. L, Jones, to the Vicarage of Mothvey, Carmar- then. The Rev. Henry Harvey, to the Vicarage of Olveston, GloQ- cestershire. The Htov. J. W. Vivian, to be Chaplain to the Lord Mayor elect of London. The Kev. Lewis Evans, to be Head Master of the Grammar School, Sandbach, Cheshire. The Kev. KichaidBowcott.tothe Perpetual Curacy of Bettws, CaimarJhen.ihire. THE POACHER OF WESTMORELAND. Dedicated to I.ord B-m and V-x. I FIRST began as a la wyer i in time 1 was made a Peer, And I n.y country faithfully f'r moie than forty year, Till I came down to poaching the truth you soon shall hear; Oh, 'tIs my delight, ol a hazy night, to fish with net and spear! As me and my companions our nets a laying were, [ht, water bailiffs were watching us, but for them we didn't core; For we thought we should be a match for them if ihey dared to in'erlere: And it is my delight, of a hazy night, to fish with net and spear There was me and the Marquess of Douro, aod our lady-folk. and 13ill. Likewise John White, the gardener, renowned for art and skill And Robson, too, and Armstrong, both old hands well known up here: Oh, '115 my delight, of a hazy night, to fish with net and spear. All in the river Eamont our nets we scarce had laid, When down the watchers caois on us with Peerith at their head, And alter us they boldly plunged in the stream so bright and clear j i Oh, 'tig my delight, of a haiy night., to fish with net and spear They tried to seize our tackle, which we wouldn't Hand, in A Ando0urr«ide pulled away 'gin there,n with all their might and WhiUi'me and noble Douro did our companions cheer Uh- '»« my delight, of a h.izy night, to fish with net and spear rherewasSii Geoige Musgrave's gamekeeper a pulling for his life, B "en what does Johnny Peerith do but helps him to a knife ^lcl» mean., of our tackle he cuts off ei«ht yaids, near: Toll my dellgllt» of a 1,azV n,Sht' 10 fish W "et i!i:>ear at the So"- not-ithstand;ng held on to it so tight, t° ^SSsed him out on t'other side, when he offered them CVere^.1" he •■*», "I'm ready for the best man sianding The *r £ 0f h3'y°'sht, to fish with oet and spear! For to h Ve the niDR afoie the beaks we wen', As ihey aave dead c'ded, which warn't to our coateo Oh, 'ti- M, dti. agiti us Oh, 'lis njy delight afitt ,e' Rl1" we'll peisevere Bad I.A h*" «i«M. >« S.I. »,th n«..p.« 1 The same lo waier bairff*' a" ,llal dwell in e^ery shire, Success to every poacher h*0 WCnt ,et us dra,{ an<^ W'r6 And 'tis ray deiight. of a'i,_ nveifi brook or mete —Punch* ai* n,sht, to fish wilh net and spear.
FATAL ACCIDENT IN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL. BRISTOL. OCT. 7.—We have to record a most distressing accident, which occurted in our channel yesterday afternoon, wheieby four highly respectable tradesmen of this city lost their lives, aod three more still remain in a very preearious condition. The loUnwing are the paiticulars of this melancholy occurrence — It seemsi hat yesterday morning, notwithstanding the unfavour- able appearance <>t the weather, a parly of 11 persons hwed a substantiaHy-buiit sloop-rigged boat, belonging to Mr. Luff, for the purpose ol mekingattip down the channtl ihe boat hud sn ojlop deck, and was what would be teimed a good sea-boat. The wind at the time they suited was S.S.W., wiih a very heaw sea on. Notwithstanding a pretty stiff gale blowing, t|)e peison (Mr. Lodge) who had the conduct of the boat, having formerly been ihe captriin of a merchantman, the party had every eonfidpllce in his skill, and decided on proceeding down channel. Thev arrived a» far as the Holmes in safety, a distance of about 2i miles. On their return, when they neared ihe li«hiship which i3 sii mted between some dangerous sands, k no v. n as the English and Wel Ii grounds, on making a lack with all sails set they shipped a larjie quantity of wder. They then endellvouled to go at oui on the oilier tack, but all of them, not knowing much about nautical tnatiers, retaining their seats to windward when she went about, the windwa<d side of course became the leewaid one, the boat heeled over ~nd bhipped more waier, making altogether about a ton, which, of course, found its way into\he cockpit. The boat WilS -hen pro¡:erly put before the wind but still injudiciously, with all sail set, and they mood lor the mouth of the river. In crosslOg that dangerous Spot, commonly called the Swash, Mr. VV. Lodge, who was steering, luffed up in ihe very eye of the wind lhe boat would not wear she heeled over, capsized, and went down stern foremost, plunetne the whole of the unfortunate passengers into the watsr. Fortu- nately at the time a Custom-house boat was passing, and went :0 their assistance the sloop Mary Ann, which was near also lowered a boat and sent it to their rescue. They managed to pick up seven, but four unloriunately were drowned. Thesuivi vors were conveyed to Pill, where medical assistance waspromuilv procured, and ihe usual remedies were adminstferej. Three however, from excitement and prostraiion of bodily stren )h consequent on their having been some time in the water ale still in a veiy precarious condition. One of ihe bodies (that of Fv JefFeries) has been recovered, and an inquest will be held on'I ibis evening. The names of ihe deceasi d are Evan Jeff°r' I'hos Rich, Georae Packer, sndVVm. Lodge. We shouldli!65' staled thai the pump of the boat would not woik, beinu out* ordrr. Mr. Morgan a senileman of Newport, was to have bee°n ot the party, but accident prevented him.
WRECK OFIHE SUPKKK STEAMER. VERDICT OF THE JUIIY. SOUTHAMPTON. FR-DAV NIGHT-.—The Jersey packet brines intelligence of the close of the inquest in the case of the Supel i>. The jury met on Thursday, when several additional witnesses were examined, their testimony being confiiniaiory of the evi- dt-nceprevousiy adduced. Fleming, Ihe male of the wrecked steamer, wished to address the j'Jiy, but was refused an audience The Attorney-General summed up WJlh great caie and impar- tially, and the jury having delibeiated, returned thefotlowing vetdici :— "That Isaac Gossett and his wife were deowned inconse- quence of the wrecu of the Superb, on the 24th uliimo. Tlut the wreck of the Superb was the result of culpable im- prudence on the part of C'tpl. Priaulx, in taking the Superb in a dangerous place, without knowledge of iis oidinary course. "that John Fleming, the mate, is guilty of imprudence, in at. tempting to take the said vessel on that course." On comparing the list of passengers on board the Superb, with the names of those saved, it is clear that 17 persons, al tast must have perished, and it is feared that four more have been drowned. 1 he ill-fated vessel, which was left high and dry on the racks, has sunk in deep water.
WRECK. OF THREE INDIA MEN. i By the arrival of the overland mail Imm Inuia. on Friday af. ternoon, the underwriters at Lloyd's were put in possession of information relative to the melancholy loss of three lir-t-class ,hips employed in the East India trade, namely. the Manches- ter, 6U0 tons, bound lor London; the Ariadne, 7'0 tons, of Greenock, bound for Liverpool; and the Nereid, íOO tons, cf London. Thit of the Ariadne created the deepest regret, Ibe ntelligence leaving very hltle doubt that ail hands, together with some, passengers, met with a wateiy grave. The unfortunate slnv, we alc given to understand, sailed horn Calculta lor Eog. land in the litier part of July, wi h a va liable he gbt on boaid About, ihree weeks alterwards, some vessels, bound 10 Calcutta, in passing near Palmyras Point, on the India coast, discovered a wreck, which, on examination, proved to be that ot the AriaJne. No living creature, however, was lo be seen on the wreck, or in any other place ne ir it, and she was last breaking up. Imme- diately on the melancholy news reaching Calcutta, the IIUlhoTl- ties despatched a Government steamer to the spot, with instruc- tions lo ascertain, il possible, the fate of ihe crew. Afewhouis bt-foie tremail s'eamer started for England,lhe steamer returned to CAICUU-I with intelligence confirming lhe loss of the ship and cargo, and that sreat doubts existed regarding the fate 01 those be'oogiog to the ship. The chief mate of the Ariadne was picked up on a spar, by the steamer, t,IT the coast, 4') miles south- ward ihe place where the ship was lost. I he poor fe'lowwas in a state of exhaustion. He !iad been twel.e days exposed subsisiing entirely on some hemes. As far as could be gleaned t orn him, it appeared that ibe .aster and crew had been carried out to sea on a rait in a gale oi wind. 1 lie steamer went in search, and, after several days' cruising, returned to Calcutta. It is reported there weie from 30 to 40 persons on the raft, and from tlie violent state of lhe weadier w hen ii Was driven out to sea, it is doubtful whether an) of them survive. Still, hopes are enter- tained that they may have been nicked UP by some vessel. The ship and caigo are va'ued at £ 30,t'00. 'he Manchester India- man was wiecked on the Sangor Islands, on the oth of August, a few days' sail from Calcutta. Crew saved.
EXTRAORDINARY SCENE AT THU CONSECRATION Or-A CHUKCH. PLYMOUTH, SI-NDAY.— Yesterd IY the new district church cf St. Peter, at Plymouth, WHS consecrated by the Mishop of hxeter. Some days before the consecration, the incumbent, lhe Rev. G. R. Pnnne, issued notices stating that admission would be by ticket. Upon this, application was made by Mr. Isaac Laiimer, the edi oi and piopiietor of tlie Plymouth Journal, for a t ckel, which Mr. Pivnne, who had recently piosecutcd Mr. Lattmei for a libel, at EXETER, and been defeated, refused, alleging that he LELT it a solemn duty TO PIO'ect THE woishippers and cammuaicants of St. Peter's Church from the idle and profane GAZE 0: a mere spectator! The ticket was, consequently, withheld, and Mr. Latimer wrote to the Bishop of Exeter, who, however, has taken no noiiceof his letter, although his attention was called to tin* fact that he had before depiecated this system of packing a church by admitting by tick«t. Such being the stale ot tlnngs, Mr. Latimer determined on tryiog his tight to ridmissi.N, and accor- dingly about TWENTY minutes to eleven he went to the church DOOR, wheie he W as slopped by IHTEE policemen and acleigyman, and refused admission., on the ground that he had no ticket. .Mr. Latimer loudly protested against the course that had been adopted of packing the chu-ch, and claimed his right of admis- sion iOlothe church without a tickel. Tbe noise that this scene occasioned brought the curate, the Rev. G. H. Iletling, to the door, and he again said that there should be no admission with- out It. licket. Mr. Latimer said that he would insist upon his right to enter the church without a ticket, upon which 1\1<. lIelling replied that if he created a distuibance. he would give htmtncharge. Mr. Latimer defi -d him to give in charge, assei- ting that at a time of public worship he had as much right to he in the church as he (the curate) had, and that right he would maintain at all cost. He also deifed the poiice to lake him into custody, and called upon Mr. Gibbons, ihe supern.tendent, to show by what authority he piesumed to aci, or to attempt to prevent a parishioner, and a peaceable citizen, from enleung a 'U'CVHT TTI* 0,.PU^T,IC worship I Mr. Gibbons said thai he WAS authorised by the Mayorof the town to act under the inst, uc R EF..°NF }\ P'VNNE. Mr. Latimer said lhatilie Mayor had no HI.. ?J • "MAGISTERIAL authority I0 auy clergyman, aud nat tie should, in spite of that delegation, insist upon his riaht to emer, and defied Ihe police to interfere. Their dotv was only to prevent a breach of peace, and not to carry out illegal and unconstitutional orders given to them by men of straw. Mr Helling said that Mr. Latimer should not enter nil the bell lang. INA then oideied the bell to I e lung, and told Mr. Latimer he might pass in. 1 HE door was then thrown open, and M«. Latimer eniered, and immediately walked through the aisle and took his P ace close to ihe chance). The scene was one of great excite- ment At the time Ihe whole of the pews weie filled, and all the people had risen In conSequence of the altercation that was going 6»- ?I°RS'I I1S A S RANge fjet, that all lhe other leprestn- admf.I °I i'U ,PRESS NOT opposed lo Tractariaoism. were i5hor.'ly1a,'e'wardsthe Bishop of Exeter made his Domn Tf' Wf°'k °f consecrativn went on with great pomp. The uumberof policemen at the church was 25
AR"MAL,KSMLE UKCK^ER OF STOLEN GOODS. descrinTinn "IR"'6ptoneny of a very valuable TB-R A C ATLEL V 0N 'UESFLAY> on tbe premises of Mr. A h "h obi, FCI A «0,D silver refiner, hitherto having It hIgh characrer In the trade and CARRYING on an extensive robb-rv of'nf BARL>ican. Within the last lew days a Roman PNF • VERY LARGE amount from the residence VT A I iverDOOV wa°« C named Richards, of Bootle, near Liverpool, was reported the authorities at Scotland-yard, and the thersr: thr 0n ,he Mr. Sineirs Shop. 4 a Pacl<a?es on tha counter containing the property :earc'hin^Th Mr. SirreU was removed in custody, and on was discovered^'115186"' ive proof of natUre °f '"3 dealings
THE QUARTER'S HLYENUE. rP, re^urns of the Quarter's Revenue have been made up Breath] Z' .U.,e I'th of October. Notwithstanding the fom.irv t,Ctions winch have been made in the taxation of the two ,!?, P C ',aVe bee" led, from the habit of the last tL n^ i,'reeqUar1ers'tolo°k for a considerable bnoyance in nece^sa v rteSOUrces- From causes, however, which It IS only i ^ary to point out simulv everv person accustomed to XS„he%rVer8 w^"ot'be 9iirprist'I to learn that,* present show, n «B quar,er ending 10 h October, 1847, the a million f ,r?,ires a fallinu off of little less than had inti^d it genera' vrriCe'.t0°'Wil1 b" ob^rpblf-as Excise ami <»u Jy T."1 th,! C'eat leading nems of Customs, Kn-at^nolni^'r- /« fading off in the Customs is not of caused bv thP d not to a" extent more than what is a "cantv nrnnm-»■'1"u'iun of the import of brandy, which bears quarter OMM I '° Ule Q»AN'V I'I'orted in the uutumn cholfr-. •Mar> wll'ch was ow'm" to the alarm about the hist prill' U"U8Ua ly lar«e- There Ims also been in the quarter Yield less 0r" importation, and the sugar duties exceu'ions "th 9J'89. Was expected and intended. With the^e Drosi prnna'#. ]• tra(l" continues in a most active and Yielded whp The brick duties, repealed last session, und 1, hrTpL,\ln 0peratio". no less than half a million a year, mirt nf tiiB l e1e ma"IJ^aetnred in suranier, and the greater I ™ I ed in ,!lis quarter, the Jepeal of this tax Wi !i ° *■ be,strong|y felt In a cornparrisou ol tlie Excise I h ihe quarter ot la#t year, when the brick duties were on. Ihe Excise revenue for the quarter ending last year-with which B 1 rtT," '-Si COmpared—was more productive, contrasted avoura ) y with the quarters cf October, 1848 and 1847. Sub- tracting t ie repealed duty on bricks, the other items of Excise revenue yield more than average receipt. The Stamps also show a decrease as compared with the unusually active quarter of iast year, when trade had just recovered its previous de- pression, and when the dealers in stamps had been increasing their stock tor the purpose of availing themselves of the au- vantage ol the expected drawback. This year, on the con- trary, every one is waiting for the new and reduced scale of stamp duties, which comes into operation this week. The other smaller iteo,« continue much the same, the Income-tax oiid the Post-office holding up tl.air accustomed buoyancy. 1 here is nothing HI tins state of things that has not been ftilfv provided for and expected. The Excise has already, in some sort, made up hy other items for the total repeat 01" the brick dunes, which were relaxed in the lust session of Parliament, and will, ihere is litt.e doubt, still further tend to replace to some extent the reduction thus designedly made. The Chan- cellor of the Exchequer also stated his expectation of losing £300000,11 vi ar by Irs reductions in the stamp duties. A tnorethan proponionaie amount of that reduction has taken place in this quarter, however, from the cause we have indica- ted, namely, the holding back tf so many for the reduction and regulation, widell come into force thia week. 'ihe revenue will still continue greatly in excess of the expenditute, the reductions in which are making themselves extensively felt more aud more every day.
ANVEITTISEMF.NT.—Itevalenta Arabics Food. — WE take plea- sure in no icing ibis impoitani discovery. This food is derived from an Atrican plant of a curative and nutrious kind and I recommended especially as a restorative for breakfast, erhanc. the relish for and digestion of subsequent meals. IT HAS IF1" approbation of Lotd Stuart de Decies, and many WELJ.TN '6 individuals, who L.ave sent the discoverers and imported' I? Harry and Co., testimonials of the advantages which their H'„ 7 has derived from using this useful and economical diet 4 collective lo stomach and nervous compl.tin's itishiehlv' of by all WHO have tried it. while it HAS also been N IPOKE" beneficial effects to cure liver, bilious, and numh»rt LV"H diseases. "ERIPGS OILIER
VIENNA, SEPT. 27.—A terrible accident occurrpd O Dig.Lt last in a small village called Weiss not f r ha,urt'ay whereby a great number ot lives »ereio;t T,1,0!? G^i, question, which is also called Our Saviour on ii 'ai!e ln is a favoun e piece of pilgrimage at tins time of .h„ leadow." was more than oidinanly full on the dav i„* e year. and weary p,!gnms I,ad all retired to rest, and were'q"tSt,0D- The when suooenly a fire broke out beneath a hVv asleep, weie a couple of hundred persons at ihe ,i,„e '• 'Ln which of them aie said lo have perished in the 1W* lU°r.ethan half communicated with.he adjoining houses and a'h "d' sP«dilv ing at the time half the village was burni down wind blow- persons perished. The exact number noJ JJ* ^ld many ffiore
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
FROM FRIDAY'S LONDON GAZETTr „ T n T ii E> B*NKKUPTS. °CT- 4. l. "i.ff HiiSrff '■°« 'ff-n road, New I'.ckh.m, of ■r r., J IN T"R COUNTBY 1 I. Fielding, Rhy), Elintshiie holel.k;Jper J, Diddle and Freeman and SloDer IVLK ,,ute^Ier lennby' Pe«»»r<,ke,hire,chyn,i.t, T. Tidmarsh, Recent eir jND" J. Croome, Bristol maiiuA'ct" Che,'enham» draper P. Vaughan, FROM TUESDAY'S LON DON GAZETTE, OCT. 8. lIA NKRC PT. W, GraJSOD, Mortlake, Suney, market SManer ———-
I NEW POUT POST TABLE. Mails n.te ^nelivrtj Rox Ditto Ditto' Due" fieams. Close,. Coral.t Pill. D,'P«Bh A.M A.Jl. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. London 5 20 7 0 fci j5 6 0 5 45 7 15 P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. Bristol 1-2 3.5 130 11 30 U 0 10 45 12 20 Swansea. 12 11 j 1 30 11 30 11 0 1045 12 20 F M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Tredegar. 5 30 *6 0 10 0 8 45 8 40 7 30 A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. Abrgavenny. 10 15 1 0 11 15 11 0 10 45 2 15 P.M. P.M. P M. P.M. A.M. Pembroke 7 32 *8 0 8 45 8 45 8 36 5 20 There will be no delivery by letter carriers after the Pem- broke and 1 redegar Mails. This refers ouly to panies havicg private bu*es MONEY-OHDEII OFFICE-open from 9 a.m., till 6 p.m., ex- cept from <»-.f7 till 5 37 p.m. Places from which letters t^re sent and received by each Mail :— London.— Lugland. Scotland, Iieland, Noitli Wales, Brecon shire, Merthyr, Rhymney, Abergavenny and Cardiganshire. Iredegar—Rhea,Abercarn Newbridge, Blackwood, Brynmawr. N ant yglo, Coal brookvale. tilaina, Victoria,Tydee.Ponty muter. bristol — Iieland, North Wales, Northern Counties, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire. Northampton- shire, Rutlandshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucesiersliiie, Somerset- sliire, Wiltshire, Berkshire,Dorset»hire,Devonshire,Cornwall, and Monmcuth. Swansea—Cardiff, Cowbridge. Bridgend,Taibach. and Neath. Brynmawr—Risca,Abercarn,Newbridge, Blackwood, Ebbwvale, Tydee, and Pontymister. Abergavenny—Caerleon, Usk, Pontypool, Monmouth, Hereford, and Hoss. The MONMOUTHSHIRE MEUHN may be sent, postage free, (if within one week after date,) to Antigua, Bogota, Bahamas, Bar. badoes, Beibice, Bermudas, Brazil, Bremen, Buenos Ayres. C; nada, Caraccas, Catthagena, Cephalonia, Columbia, Corfu, Cuxhaven, Demerara, Denmark, Dominica. France, Gibraltar, New Grendda, Greece, Guatemala, Halifax (Nova Scotia), Heligoland, Hamburg, Honduras, Hong Kong, the Ionian Isles, Jamaica La Guayia, Newfoundland. New Brunswick, Ncva Scotia, Oldenburg, Prussia, Peru, Quebec, Spain (via Cadiz), St. Domingo (Hiyii), St. Kite's, St. Lucia. St. Vincent's, To- bago, Tortola, Trinidad, Van Dieman's Land, Venezuela, and Zante. (The Channel Islands are considered as part of Great Britain ) To any British settlement not above enumerated, the MERLIN may be forwarded thiough the post-office on payment of a penny; (Sydney, which had a free delivery of Newspapers,il, for the present, under this arrangement;) and to foreign places not named in the list, on payment of twopence to the United States, Id. NEWSPAPERS, &c. Newspapers and other Stamped Periodical Publications are delivered fiee, if sent without a cover, or in an envelope open at the sides, and with no other written or printed marks upoo such papers, or the covets thereof, ilian the name and address of the paity to whom they are sent; hut if addressed to panie. who have removed, they may be re-d'rected and sent without extra charge. Infringement of the legulations subjects to a treble rnte of postage. By a tecent regulation, Newspapers, &c., may be written on and sent by post on affixing a penny postage stamp but no other wijting will be allowed on the cover than the name and address of the party to whom such paper is addressed.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SUNDAY LESSONS. October 5—18th Sunday after Trinity. Morning Lessons: Daniel 3 Mark 9-Evening Leason. Daniel 6 2 Cor. 5. WEEKLY CALENDAR.. Moon's age First Quaiter, 13th day, 2h. 30m. morning. Day oil Sun 5 c,1T, o. i i Moon 1 Day of Month j Rises. un Sets j j Rises. |Mo nSet jYear. I 6 8 5 28 1 | 5 f3 j 6 52 j 27« 7 I A !> !S i « 51 6 17 279 8 7 0 43 | 2S0 § r I ?n M 9 21 7 12 j 281 in « A I 1? 10 31 | 7 4-5 282 {, « I7 }7. 11 36 8 23 283 II fi !7 lo j 0 35 9 6 < m
TO CORRESPONDENTS. Golifer's" elaborate letter to Lord John Russell, in reference to the proposed new churches in the diocese of LlandafT, shall appear. Mr. Alfred H. Dymond, on the Execution of William Ross, at York, shall have a corner. Mr. Samuel Deakin, on the Wesleyan Conference, shall be heard. A retired Captain" is informed that Mr. Powell, faithful to his promise of lorwarding the great and beneficent object of raising an hospital for sick seamen, in this port, is now in treaty for the allocation, in perpetuity, of a central and very suitable plot of ground for so desirable an institution. Mr. Thomas Deakin's Letter on the subject of Local Railways* is in type as is also No. 2, of the Welsh Pedestrian." Feuilleton, No. 21.—"France in 1572,a paper, forwhieh we would bespeak our readers' attention, is received.
THE CONDITION OF FRANCE. France is not improving in her commerce, nor yet is she sustaining the character for gaiety, and sun- shine of the soul, ever, till the great revolution of February, her uniform characteristics among the con- temporary nations of Europe. She is sad and gloomy, and the glorious autumnal sun of Paris sheds little of its rays among the brilliant groups of flaneurs that were wont to disport themselves on the Boule- vards. The passage Panorama is almost a desert, and the space before Tortonis-indeed, all down the Italiens is often as silent as the grand Rues, that op- press the visitor with their sombre stateliness, in the once royal, but now deserted Versailles. Still, you read in letters from our "own correspondents'' in some London papers, that Paris is gay-that visitors are flocking in- and that the Provinces are tranquil be- cause the heart of the country, which is the capital, is sound; and that its pulsations declare a steady and improving state of health. False and delusive pens. How a Frenchman would laugh at the effusions of such writers. He might, indeed, admire the well- turned periods, but he would cry Bah at the facts (!) France well knows she is on the threshold of great events-her way is obscure—her vision oppressed. She is preparing for the struggle, from whatever quarter it may come, and compelled to think, goaded to reflect, she departs from her natural character and becomes reserved, restrained, flies from the ball, and ceases to take refuge in the cafe. When such is the case, need we wonder at the present dulness of Paris > Need we feel surprised that few gay equipages are seen flaunting in the streets-that the theatres are SY'l.rf tbat the 1sh°pkeePers' aff"ghted, stand All • armS 0ver almost unvisited counters ? All wish, but all fear a change, and we verily believe that if Lucifer himself, the Son of the Morning came among the Parisians, and offered them peace, quietude, and commerce, with the former twenty- ve housand rich English again placed iu the splen- DV>V ^Uar*ei Hcmore, he would be hailed as the governor of their choice. But as Lucifer cannot n uuself, at least not at noon-day, in the streets stal iailS' they rnus^ be content to look for a firm and rmn Soyernment, springing and emanating from. i YE great Parti!, s- that in FACE of each other, and contending for the sovereignty; and T, of them for the plunder of a mighty people, th are> first, the elder Bourbons, having eir destined King ready to be annointed at Rheims, lo S°n ^oun': Chambord, whom they e o call HENRI, and to compare to the only great ourboii that ever lived-Henry the Fourth. '1 hough 0 there is as much resemblance between the illustrious EAD and the living NOTHING, as there is between fie English racehorse and the Egyptian hippopota- mus. Secondly, the Orleans branch, now represented Y the Count de Paris, an infant, whom Dupin de- clares has, or ought to have the crown of July on br,)iv,g, Thirdly, the Imperialist or Bonapartists, Who sigh for the glories of the Empire, and would n?rl ft*2 eagle surmount the republican stand- (i 0llttillv, the Modern Republicans, headed by an? aP°StroPhised by Lamartine, which storms t WP 1 /J6" t8n°r °* its w.ay' amid ^ie would A %vo!" devastate, and the intrigues that fair to^ni and brin« down the Pilars of the earth feiT Athenian Proportions to the no^inr lastb% and not less powerful or im- L »' c°mes the great democratic and Jacobite party, banded, marshalled, disciplined, and led on uer its crimson banners to make war on the rich leveUll^ th6 the aristocratic tree, to el all grades, and to light a torch which would bring desolation to every homestead in the land ? are the number—what the faith—what the hopes-what the chances; of success of each one of these several parties? The early branch of the Bourbons had a fine and noble card to play. Too much liberty, unlike the too much learning spoken of by lestus, had made France mad. Her sixty years of Revolutions had brought her but sorrow, sackcloth, and ashes, and she was begfhnlng^o* look favourably upon the descent of St. Louis, and hear and entertain his pretensions to that throne which she thrice saw submerged amid the popular waves of civil strife, but which she would be prepared to again wo?wCl thcJais of1hf Palaces' lf she could find a Ird,ir- tltk,r the tone and nv iaVG GeePly thought on this, and were p epaie o test the Irench on the first favourable moment, in behalf of the ancient branch of the Bourbons. They were for an appeal to the PEOPLE, but little did they calculate upon the obstinacy of the French STUARTS. Les Blancs sont toujours les Hiancs, was a favourite phrase of Napoleon, and he was right. If you touch a Russian behind the ear, you feel you are handling a savage-If you talk to a Bourbon, about the people, you at once discover that you are discussing with one of an incorrigible race-1— who treats History as an old almanack-who has learned nothing, and forgotten nothing. The Count de Chambord assembled at Wiesbaden the old and tried friends of his house. There came at his calling the old noblesse of the Faubourg St. Germain, the young chiefs of his party, with many national guards, and the young blood,"—the newly-made converts of his cause. But there was one MAN. who presented himself from some wild or fastness in Upper Austria-a man, who has the curse of entire France upon him-one, whom the peasant loathes in his cottage, whom the noble blushes for in his chateau, and whom the army exe- crate when looking on the standards which he sold and betrayed. We speak of the traitor knave," MAHMONT, Duke of Ragusa, who betrayed the cause of his Emperor and his country, in 1814, for GOLD. This traitor, whom, if all France were polled to-mor. row, would exclaim, Off, for a tongue to curse the slave, Whose treason, like a deadly blight, Comes o'er the councils of the brave, And blasts them in their hour of Btttfht! May life's unblessed cup for him Be 'drugged with treacheries to the brim With hopes that but allure, to fly, W itli joys that vanish, while he sips, Like dead fruits that tempt the eye But turn to ashes on the lipg,"