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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FRANCE. I Ponnhlic honoured the Theatre de Cirque in the Archipelago be ween a in which Ihe latter go ? recejved no account of any such SS'i.4™P.S7 -»»• p»W collision, and iha P P a0 English ship of war having of a German journal atatwg followed by a ltussian hoisted sail BI the Piraeua of Athens, corvette. uft_a refuted to coalesce with the I. i..aid that the Social. have hj ele(JtioDg> Tfc# Cona.uul.onal Republicansin PP ReJ »i,t °b"d "><l, Loois Philippe Emperor towarda the President of «• The style adopted by Iha bmpe commeoccmeai of |h# the Republic is most 'J1** frjend> M. the President of the letter is, 1°"ur e0(j (he repetition of the word* French Republic, en immediately before the signature, 'great and good frien t Ami, moreover, the Empe. Weig0"aU the *>»"»" *k- follows • ¥jve> f0I last three days. •• We have been kep tbejr bartacks Bnd canndges The troop, have be°n ,6Go„di. It appears certain that the distributed to the National Uoara. »» Red Repuhlicaos from different parts of the department are very aliorming. The people assemble in groups hostile to the •re very »'*rm!"K' R ^publicans intend seizing Ibe arsenal SRSJSJLS: "0"B'E'1-" SPAIN. Th- President of tlie Council gave a grand dinner, on the 6th The Presi BOUtooing, the French Ambassador. in f,e<luenl communication with the Minister for Foreign Affairs,relative to the formation of a Spanish r .1.. <ar*ire of the Sovereign Pontiff. 'on'the 7th, the Queen and King drove through the Prado in *°The°d Ucttwfo d on the authorisation to collect the ta.es.which opened in the senate on that day, would, it waa expected, be brTh8ehpnnceCan" Princess de Joinville landed at Lisbon duting the night of the 2nd iost., and proceeded to the Palace de las Necessidades. ITALY. GBNO* Feb 6.-1t i. reported that the Spanish Consul has called oo'the Sardinian Govenrment for redress on account of Ihe hissing which certain Spanish oihwrs were favoured with in passing through the reels of the town In case of refusal he Consul will lower the Spanish flag, J he Spanish vessels 10 the r°z was d.finhively fixed for the 14th inst., hi. Holineaa has again changed bis mind. AUSTRIA. K VIENNA Feb. 8.—It is stated that his Majesty, though con- fined to his bed for three days, is now convalescent, his attack having been a severe cold. A splendid Court ball, which wai to have taken pltce, has total" force of the Russian army which entered 'hestaie of Austria for the Hungarian Campaign is given at 256,400 men, and 90,000 cavalry and mounted artillery. From all parts of the country, sad account, are r«i«d ita inundation. At Presburg the water attained a greater height than wa. known in the memory of roan the who!e city and environ. are on. vast .heel of water; the a.teet. are traversed by boats. TURKEY. A 1 t ak..mli> has been published, which states that A let er from Shumla has nee y■ investigation ,h„ T..ki.h .ulhonlie, b*dJ™ »f lb. A..m.„ into Ihe cb.rge again bind of men (t> amssioate Government, of having bribed a Kossuth. Bern, and e that the Hungarian refugees The Vienna g f Shumla into the Asiatic provin- were. on the 16th ult.,seni i"»" eea of Turkey. GREECE. m „ L vi,» i pvant Steamer so earnestly desired, TRIKTE, F.B. 4.7"«L'7;aI1 Admi.il P..k« bringing news from Greece. h J|meD, BDd has earned them to has seized .evenly Ore Salamis, and Syra, are block- «• «— ■ p°'» AlTcomrttani.aUoo b, M"> Ann, and the Russian appointed General. Tiavellas, 1 be Greek Goveronjen military chiefs of the kingdom. Gordi Kiotlia, and M*1" oQ j,oard the Calypso, and The former is g°ne 0 (jie Mary Ann. These military Monona is gone lo fctiie. ^ho fca¥e been appoin,ed by chief., aa well as several pre wj„ b<j gti|jo|iej a, different Ihe Government at the aaroB rpoie 0f ma,0taining peace parta of the kingdom, lor luo •od order. Government, the ambassadors of At ihe request of the Gree |hejr #f (he ljDe> and Austria and Russia have pi th# djppogai 0( ,jie Govern- among them several stearoc< unjnterfupted coinmuni- meat, for the purpose of carrying « cation. :i:*ary general for the territories of General Gardi K.oU|s ts ^rsha! of pa(ace „ Athens and P M0taras, aid-de-camp to the femporarily supplied by Ufl0 kt'„; F,.«bfl..tb.. «>w •b'°d0"d by Admiral Parker.. d decidedly takea the part o< The Greek presi, on.«JJ«ljj| and thfl popular repfe.en. Ihe Government. Ihe pum .e. tativea are also with °ia* •cc°ar iMUed by Mr. Green, the English in consequence of c.rc" f JaDU,ry, being of rather an consul at Athens, on the i tivea 0f a|| the powers accredi- allfmiog chuacter. the repre a meeting, and sent a collec- «d.b. G,k SLa it ib.—.»« Lr;rdo h :< sr'2- wU-sr. lire countrymen who niijbl be louixi ««b lb« popalitlon. Mi. W," replied II fullo",ø W,« replied Her Briunie M.je.l, Ship the Queen, in the Pay of Salamis, the 24th of Januaiy, 1850. *• The undersigoed Minister of Her Britannic Majesty to the • iting h«' received the communication which his col- leagwes have beeo so kind to address to him, dated yeaterdey; and he hastens to assure them that they need not feel any IP- prehension for the present as regards the security of the persons aad properties placed under their protection. The reclamation of the Government of Her Majesty, is exclusively limited _to^the demand of reparation for outrage, and injuries inflicted in Greece on British and Ionian aubj«ct., and cannot have any connea.on with the rights aod interests of foreigners. ■ rh= "The undersigoed is authorised by the Commander in-Chiet t .K I r LI, Majesty to assure the diplomatic corps !.?««» measles he may be unfor.unately at Athens, a w poasible effort to defend compelled to adopt, be J UBder their protection. Ihe interests and persons placed ./R„0M4I VVYSE." hatween Mr. Wyse and M. Thouvenal. Several note. P",e^et^btrge d'Affairea, has also exerted M. Persinni, the Russian L (ba( |h# Eo ,uh Ad(I)1. himaelf <o the same effect. eiecu,i00 before the news of the ral will not Put hl* lhr" he B00d offices of France shall have acceptance by Eogland of in* S' » reached hire. AMERICA. nr ncritN OF A STEAM BOILER.—FIFTY AWFUL EXPLOS][ON FJf ,-y WOUNDED. K^ll.duiv says the York Herald of Feb. It ie our melaooho J Jj,e jeiails, as far aa they could be 6, to present to our rea going to ptesa, of one of the most gathered, op to the im an #w|u] destruciion of human frightful casualties# "J Y„rk> life, that ever furred in ter l0 erght o'clock yesterday The accident occune hundred horse power boiler, „i.«.b, lb. ,h.p .1 Mr. A B. in the priotiog pre withio a door or two of Pearl-»trret. Nos. 5 and 6, t0^k piace, we are informed by persons As »oon as the explo» |he who,e building, which was who witnessed «al aPclually lifted from its foundation to a ,i, stories m height, was a d |h>l eIevat|0D# lt ,umblod fceieht of aix fee», •l w. e° „it number. So great was the do4o, crashing in '»« rn,nsh frBgraeots of the building were force of »be e*plo»«oo, tb jndow, jn ihe neighbourhood «LtTer.d in every direction front wa)l of the fated were broken, and a large P endoug power into the houses building w« completely wrecked, hardly opposi.e. I" on another, with the •sception of a one biick ii It ten feel high, asif to indicate what solitary piece of wall e g 'fBy|or and Co., there were £ »Uo. 10 the firm of_A l0 theW> there •bout si*ty fi*e pe'»on* 6 P .mnloyed in another portion of the were ebout the aame nu"berA PB„rr ,0d Co., baiter.. In 'he ma building# namely, St. J blacksmith'a shop.where ell itb Ibe' secoud and Ihird stories, where mlehloe Hewing 1 i" "Jb. ba. 11 b,i,e,ed" obtained a patent for •De ftbe eiplo8.on. h "4 c°" 'fhe ,Olp ,can be the ahoell.. eouid.rably tnJured y I on that the "indo"ø In .everll So dreadful "a' ere broken. f ve the a, ihe time, «• boules i. Peerl-Slrillet "er:ho "II lookiog on al Ihe time, In. ■ L. tin lookiog of ctnnoDs /red >° 1"ick "Seraab of Ibe 'i'beaI"i Irecn lb" pre"1. ¡8Im.di.iely .Iter Ibe bodiel "ere¡ seef! Wllb 011' heap efb,iob 01 Ihem dead, Øome h"ng. ^or fi,«men from all P» hije others Vb^b""8h,'s.». p'i«d ,h* • 'T'ol deaela"00' „ poaaiWe o' lj» bd„d tbal Ibe J,. Ibe «'• 1, .8 k'»k' *°d „iist» J 8 ghort ec,u,lly to rem B flame andto«",d! Jut the beat «a«^ «ry h tbe pile they *'1*1-tre those «»» J20 pert0n. in ibe ^-ircao be °J micbiD« ,bop'iny meD "t iled wh'le 80 H#d the accident ^;tch e.c«ped ^destruction o bo,f'er,1 e nU b n held 00 I 'fbat the r AD ioquest haø verdict Ihe burMllog 0 I, ø d Ihe follo"log, 'I receifed by. of lbe bualdlog. r.tarne 'd th by IDJurlf d burDIDg .,aml to tbe" ea d tbe f.lling aD 00'1 trbich caUle I ere 7 HagUe street, Feb. 8. I.Y' No..6IDd l£ce Hllafa., d Boston, as ciiS. a. e. *.« 2,600,000 of IJMJJ pearly f^, tbe gold no* •' Operatio"*b n(| ram» nreaoiso11, hgg account of the •°j>ofore..Iready fu *c|udmg factory ,b,0tb<,r .-i.lature "?',n»uoo. e* '• The "'•tybd72°eOT0 '• *«r iV'00" been «*P»VL £ '0lb" k d0" receive on boai A»eflC aecouol. floor or gf*,D* No change to" jtioBoyinafkft
