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MARTIN HAYNES'S, I AGBICULTtTBAJ* & HORTICULTURAL SEED ESTABLISHMENT, No. 46, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, (Next Door to Messrs. Hawkins and Webb.) Mil. taken tho earliest opportunity of expressing his «. grateful thanks to his friends and the public generally, tor the very encouraging and liberal support which he has ex- perienced since his commencement in business, and begs to state that lie has just received 0 A LARUE TOCK OF SEEDS, very carefully selected from the first wholesale houses in the trade, and on the quality of which the greatest reliance may be placed. Iu the Fruit line, M. H. is determined that neither pains nor expense shall be spared in supplying his customers with the best qualities that can be obtained. M. H. is determined that nothing shall be wanting on his part, whether as regards the quality of his goods, the pnnctual attention to all orders, or the moderation of his charges, to merit a preference. A Large Stock of Shrubs, Evergreens, &c. SAMUEL POLAK T)EOS to announce his return from the London and other J> Markets, where he has replenished his Stock with a few choice things, suitable for Trousers, Jackets, and Vests, Over Coats, &(! adapted to the season. S. I). also made arrangements with a first-rate Shirt Warehouse, and, on application, gentlemen can be supplied with patterns, and instructions for self measurement. N coll's celebrated Paletots can be selected from a stock, at the precise charge as sold at the London Establishment, 8. P. being Sole Agent for Wales. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS, GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING, OUT- FITTING, AND SHIRT WAREHOUSE, 32, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. MONMOUTH AND GLAMORGAN BANE. NEWPORT, JANUARY 22nd, 1850. "VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Half-Yearly 1^1 General Meeting of this Company will he held on WE))- WKSD.VY, the 13th of FEBRUARY next, at the King's Head Inn, in I he Town of Newport, at one o'clock in the afternoon pre- cisely, to receive from the Directors an announcement of the Dividend for the half-year ending the 31st of December last, and oil other special atLÚrB. Signed by order of the Board. JOHN FRASER, General Manager. TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE NEWPORT GAS WORKS. NEAVPORT GAS WORKS, FEn. 1st, 1850. AN EXTRAORDINARY MEETING of the Proprietors <>f the Newport Gaslight Works, will be held at the office of the Company on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of FEBRUARY, 1850, at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, for the following purposes — 1st. To consider and determine on the alterations to be made in the present scale of chargee for Gas. 2nd. To consider anti determine on a proposition to be made to the Town Commissioners for Lighting the Public Lamps, from the 25th March next. 3rd To consider niid determine as to enlarging the present Retort House, erecting another Glt3 holder and worka con- nected therewith. 4th. And to authorise the raising the amount of additional expenditure, required for the foregoing purpose, by creation of additional shares. JOSEPH BRYAN, Clerk. NEWPORT ATHENAEUM MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. GEORGE DAWSON, F,(, M.A., cP BIRMINGHAM, WILL DELIVER A LECTURE AT THE TOWN HALL, (i!y permission of the Mayor,) ON TTJETDAY, the 12th February, 1850, on POPULAR f PROVERBS, their Wisdom, or.want of it. Chair to be taken at a Quarter past Right o'Clock precisely. Admission—Members, tid.; Member and Lady, la Non- Members, la. each. R. G. CULLUM „ a U. MULLOCK | HON- SEC'- Newport, 8th February, 1800. NEWPORT FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY, OFFICE,-9, LLANARTH STREET. rilHE Committee have the pleasure to announce, that A 1 PUBLIC MhETING will be held at the TOWN HALT., by permission of the Mayor, on TFRRDAY EVENING, the 11.)ih instant, when JAMES TAYLOR, Esq., of Birmingham: the Rev. THOMAS SPENCER, M.A., of London; and other Gentlemen, will address the meeting on the aubject of the Freehold Land Movement. The doors will be opened at half-past seven, and the chair will be taken at eight o'clock precisely. Admission Free, by ticket, which may be obtained of the Members, or by application to Mr. E. V. Jenkins, or the Secretary. By order of the Committee, J. H. PHILLIPS, Secretary. Committee Room, 9, Llanarth Street. MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY & CANAL COMPANY. New Capital of £112,500, in 1125 Entire Shares of jeloo each, or in Quarter 6hrres of i:25 each, to be raised by Calls of £ 5 per Share. THE Committee are now prepared to issue the remainder of those Shares, which will be entitled to a fixed Dividend ot C5 per cent. per annum, upon the amount paid lip, in priority of the General Dividends, from the net profits of the undertaking. Interest, at 5 per cent. per annum, will be allowed upon all Calls when paid, and upon all sums paid in anticipation of Calls, which the Company will be prepared to receive in advance, upon the allotment of the Shares. There will be an interval of not less than two calendar months between every two successive Calls. Applications for Shares to be made to the Chief Clerk of the C jrnpany, at their Offices, in Newport, where allotment papers may be obtained. By Order, RALPH RUSCOE, Chief Clerk. I [%l{- o:č SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. N. onCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next Half- Yearly Ordinary Meeting of the Proprietors of this Company, will be held, pursuant to the Act of Parliament, at the Paddington Station of the Great Western Railway, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of FEBRUARY instant, at twelve for one o'clock precisely, for the Election of Four Directors and One Auditor, in the phce of the same number, who will retire by rotation, and for other ordinary purposes of business. And Notice is hereby further Given, that at the said Meet- ing hc recommendations contained in the Report of the Depu- tation of Shareholders, dated the 15th December, 1849, will be taken into consideration the Transfer Books will be closed, ou and alter the loth instant, and will not be Re-opened until after the said Half-yearly Ordinary Meeting on the 27th inat. By order, FRED. O. SAUNDERS, Secretary. South Wales Railway Office, Hi!, West Strand, London, February Oth, 1850. JOIN" BRISTOL &, SOUTH WALES JUNCTION RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TIIA T the Next Half-Yearly General Meeting of the Pro- prietors of this Company will be held, pursuant to the Act of Parliament, at the White Lion Hotel, Broad Street Bristol, on Wednesday, the 27th February instant, at Eleven o'Clock precisely, for tho Election of Three Directors and One Auditor, in place of the same number who will retire, aoJ for other purposes of business. The Transfer Books will be closed from Monday, tho 18th, to Wednesday, the ïth February, both days inclusive. JAMES G1HBS, Chairman, n(P n GLORQE SHAPLAND, Secretary. Office, Exchange Buildings, Bristol, February 4th, 1850. A. A'' 35J c, _.? TAFF VAIiE RAILWAY. THE Directors are prep-red to recpive TFNDPRd <nr LOANS for DLBEJ-V 1URES, for terms of Weven or Ten Years, to the amount of X12,000, to replace those of like amount corning due. Interest at the rate of four per cent npr annum, payable half-yearly. By Order of the Board, E. KEN WAY, Secretary. BURGLARY. TEN POUNDS REWARD. WHEREAS. early this Morning, February ûth, the VT PHMKH-HOrSK, near Abergavenny, the Residence of R. WHEELEY, Esq., was forcibly entered, and the fol- lowing articles stolen, viz. Four dark-coloured great coats, belonging to Mr. Wheeley and his son, and the groom's black frock toat, several pairs of boots and shoes, a siher sugar spoon, a purse containing twelve old guineas, anotiier purse, in which were fifteen or eighteen old silver coins, and two other purses, one beautifully worked with crimson and white, the other with gold and purple thread, abo a valuable gold vinaigarette, with" A. Wheeley" engraved on it, ia a Morocco case, C> and a handsome pair of gold coat links. VV hoover will give such information as will lead to the con- viction of the oifender or offenders, may receive the above reward, on application at the Pentre House. WANTED, BY a person accustomed to such occupation, a Single Man, a situation as GAME-KKEPER. Application to be made to BENJAMIN MORGAN, White Spout, near Llanovcr, Monmouthshire. TO DRAPERS' ASSIST ANTS. WA.Ni ED, Two Young Men, experienced, and of first- V v,ate address. Apply, immediately, to Mr. BENJAMIN rEICH, Draper," Cambrian-IIouse, Newport, Monmouthshire. WANTED. By a person of steady habits, who can be highly recommended, AbllUAFION as Under Clerk, Warehouseman, or any A other employment, where close attention, sobriety, and zeal m¡ht be depended on. The advertiser has been time keeper to an engineer, and can have security, if required. Apply to F. M., at the MBHLIN OFFICE. WANTED, A COLLIERY BAILIFF, OR MANAGER. I I E,\n\\s} bo competent to the general business of a "f.v iT rT,rnow bending; including the Superintendence Engine Work, sinking, and other necessaries for a work ci/ntly completld! PTCBent tim3> fatlu>u» calling etii- Applications to b° addressed to the Secretary, Great Western Coal Works, St. Pllillip8 AIarsh Bristol." *21 lV<V Jr™lT Prided with certificate* of com petcnce to tnc bitutitioti) character &c REGULAR TRADER^FttOM^LONDON TO CARDIFF THE SCHOONER GRATITTITlF D. JONES, Master, S no ir loading at Cotton's Wharf, Tooler london I for Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr. I)Owlais ALberdare, Aber. pircnny, Brecon, Monmouth, Pontypool, Cowbridsre J* "nil places adjacent, and will sail positively K °ntlge"d, On WKDNRSDAV, FRBHUART 20th, 1850. For freight, &c.. apply to the Master on board; Mr. Richard Burton, Wharfinger, Newport; Mr. Thomas Richards, Aber- gavenny; Messrs. Prostier and Co., Brecon Messrs. J, H. & G. Scovell, Cotton's harf, ,Loudon; or to Messrs. W. Bird and Son, Cardiff. London, Feb. Ath,1850. TJJNDESS FOR POLICE CLOTHING. PERSONS desirous of Tendering for the undermentioned P Police Clothing for the Parish of Xrevelhin, in the County of Monmouth, are requested to send Sealed Tenders, prepaid, addressed to Mr. Rossit-ra, Superintendent of Police, Ponty- pool, with patterns of the cloth, which must fce of similar quality to that worn by the Bristol Police force, on or before the 16th February instant. Two tindress coats, for superintendent; two pair of trousers; one dress e ;at, for sergeant; two pair of trousers; one great coi\t t oue hat; three dress coats, for privates; six pair of tiowsers two great coats three hats. The whole of the above clothing to be made to the satisfac- tion of the said inspectors. The inspectors do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest tender. CHAS. THOS. EDWARDS, Clerk to the Inspectors. Pontypool, February <>, 1850. | -'Io! CAUTION RESPECTING JOHN CASSELLS COFFEE. JOHN CASSELL I7HNDS it necesssry to caution the Consumers of his justly-famed COFFF.K against purchasing imitations of his Package' The fact that his Establishment is the largest in the kingdom, and his Cofleemost extensively consumed, has led numerous parties to attempt making up very inferior articles in the same style ot package and some, to induce Tradesmen to substitute their spurious article tor that of JOHN CASSELL, offer a larger amount of profit. This has a tendency to prejudice the public, an ■ lieaee the necessity of thus informing them that no Coffee can be the veritable John Casseli's Cuftee unless his signature is upou each package. Go therefore to the Agent for JOHN CAS-SE, LL's COFFEE, ask for John Cassell's Coffee, and see that it is John Cassell's Coffee which is handed to you, having Ins signature upon the package. Thiiis necessary, for there are numerous imit- tiotis stringent and bitter to the palate, while John Cassell's Coffee is rich and strong, at the same time that it is mellow and delicious' pleastog to the palate, and invigorating to tho system. The following are the prices at which they can be obtained :— John Cassell's Coffee, No. 1. an excellent article Is. 4d. John Cassell's Coffee. No. 2, cannot fail to pive great satisfaction, beinp; a combination of the choicest growths of Jamaica, possessing richness, strength, and flavour Is. 8d. John Cassell's Coffee, No. 3. to every connoisseur in coffee this will prove a treat, combining the finest mountain growths of both Jamaica aud Turkey 2s. Od. SOLD BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS Newport, W. Fredeiicks, No. 1, Bancswell-road Abergavenny Mrs. S. Evans, Tudor-street CaiditF At the (juardian Office j Tredegar Mrs. M. LewiR. Post-Othce Cowbridge, ..Thontas Miles, China Warehouse Caidicolt Geoige Hollis Brecon James Williams, Ship stre.et I Chepstow if. Gee, Beaufott-squaie Crickhoweli, William Jones, High-street Monmouth William Jenkins, Monnow-stree JOHN CASSKLL'S FIVE-SHILLING TEA. This is a combination of the finest and most carefully-selected leas, the produce of choice, yoong, and tender plants. It pos- sesses not only strength, but a peculiar Ind delicious fragrance, which cannot fad to render it pleasant to the most fastidious palate, and to the exquisite taste of the connoisseur. This may be had either wholly black, or black and green mixed. It is sold in Catty Packages only, containing from two ouuces to one pound and every package bears the signature of JOHN CASSELL, without which none can be genuine. All applications foi these valuable Agenoies to be made direct to JOHN CASSELL, 80, FENCIIUltClI-STREET, LON DON. "t. I M PORTABLE STOVES. THE ONLY STOVES IN TIIE KINGDOM MADE WITHOUT A FLUE; PRICE FIFTEEN SHILLINGS. REQUIRE no trouble infixing; do not emit either smoke, smell, or dust; are quite free from all noxious vapours and aie much recommended for shops, warehouses, chapels, entrance-balls, greenhouses, carnages &c. The PATENT FUEL is •2s. (id, per Bashtl. CONSTANTLY IN OPERATION AND FOR SALE, AT HENRY LEONARDS IRONMONGERY STORES Ti, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. IMPORTANT TO AGRICULTURISTS. MR. JOHN PARKER HAS the honour of announcing that he hns been entrusted by the eminent house of Bluckie and Son, Queen-street, Glasgow, and Waiwick-square, London, with commissions for tho -lie of a New Work, of tlio utmost importanoe to agriculturists,— THE CYCLOPGCBIA OF A-I-.ICULTURE, Practical and scientific; in which the theory, the art, and the whole business of farming, in all their departments, are thoroughly and practically treated, by upwards of fifty of the most eminent farmers, land agents, and scientific men of the day. Edited by John C. Morton, Esq., Editor of the Agricultural Gaxctte. This work wiil be completed in about 21 parts, 28.6(1. each, with upwards of one thousand illustrations on wood and steel. Mr. Parker is also obtalfting sub.;ciiber; names for THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY, English, Technological, and Scientific, Adapted to the present state of literature, science, and art. ) The great feature of this work, (which will prove a leading recommendation,) is the ample information afforded upon the etymology of all words in the English language and their derivations, in which, no lees than twenty-eight languages are referred to. Particular objects of definition are also beautifully illustrated; and the whole is ^ot up in a style hitherto unsur- passed. In parts, 2s. 6d. each. passed. In parts, 2s. 6d. each. Mr. Parker will visit the various towns in Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire, to obtain subscribers' names. Agricul- turist* will be met by Mr. Parker at the chief market inns, on the various market day, of the week and ail orders fcr either work, forwarded to Mr. P., 78, Stoke'a Croft, Bristol, will be promptly attended to. Newport, Jan 31st, I Sot). TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. WANTED, a respectable Youth, as an Apprentice to w a CllEUST iSul DRUGGIST. „T Apply, if by letter pre-paid, to Mr. E. Y POWNES, Medical Hall, Abergavenny. TIMBKR TRADE. J. J. GRANT & CO., SN returning their sincere thanks to their numerous cus- tomers and frieuds, in the counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth, and the surrounding districts, for the liberal patron;ive with which they have been favoured since they com- menced Business in Cardiff, beg to announce that they lately imported a very large stock of first-rate Timber from North America, where they have had extensive establishments for the last, twenty-one years. )' They have a large supply of Quebec Yellow and Red 1 me Oak. Elm, and Birch Timber and Railway Sleepers and Lath- wood, &c., &c.; also, Dalhousie Vellow Pine, of very largo size, and reckoned the finest, soundest, and most durable from North America, and much superior to the best Quebec Yellow Pine. They have also imported from Memel a large quantity of Timber Deals and Lathwood, &e., &c., all of prime quality and keep on hand Slates and Bricks of the best description. J. and J. G. and Co., from being extensively engaged in the Wholesale Trade, are enabled to sell at remarkably low prices c but at the same time assure their numerous customers, and the public in general, that all the goods imported or sold by them are of the best quality. In addition to their Establishment in Cardiff (which is situated between the North End of the Bute Dock, and the Old Canal), J. & J. G. and Co. have also opened commodious Branch Yards in Merthyr andAberdare; and trust, by strict attention to Business, as well as the interests of the public, to merit a continuance of the favours of their friends, and a fair share of public patronage. J. it J.G. & Co., have at present for sale, in Newport, a largo quantity of splendid Hackmatack Railway Sleepers, 9 feet 9 in. x 5 iu. !) feet i) in. x 4.1 iii 9 feet 10 in. x 5 in.; and 7 feet 10 In. x 5 In. Also several thousand pieces of palings, at a remarkably low rate. Cardiff, January, 10,)0. STIVENS'S ORIGINAL GREEN GINGER WINE. MESSRS. STIVENS and Co., in returning their sincere thanks to the public for the late unprecedented demand for this valuable and highly recommended beverage, take this opportuliityof assuring their friends, that they still continue to give its manufacture their utmost atteution. From the late increased consumption, its character is more firmly established than ever, and it may be confidently said, as an excellent promoter of health, a delightful refreshing beverage, and a grateful stomachic cordial, nothing can equal it; the highest medical authorities recommend its use; to com- ment on its superiority would be superfluous. J. S. and Co. therefore assure their friends they may obtain it, in the linest condition, of Mr. Henry Shcppard, Grocer, Newport. Mr. J. Ewins, jun., Confectioner, Newport. Mr. John Stewart, Groecr, Newport. MT. Thomas ClaÙe. Grocer, Newport. Messrs. Clarke and Son, Cwnibrain. Mr. James Harris, Grocer, Pontypool. Messrs. Bull and Co., Grocers, lisk. Mr. V. atKins, confectioner, Abergavenny. Air. James Ellis, confectioner, Abergavenny. Mr. Coleman, grocer, Abersychan. Mrs. M. Jones, grocer, Bryntnawr. Miss Lewis, grocer, Nantyglo. 1.rs, Lewis, post office, Tredegar. Air. Proser. chemist, Rhymney. And all respectable grocers throughout the kingdom. 1 o sportsmen, and those exposed to cold and damp weather it would be invaluable, NEW DECIMAL PAIjM VAIIILILES9 6jd. per lb., ten to the lb. THESE Candles, thoucrh u^lv, burn well, and without gut- teriog. They are admirably adapted for all who require one which emits a great light. For artisans, turners in metal, sempstresses, tailors, shoemakers, for the windows of small shops, and for persons of weak sight, where the ligat is of primary, and appearance of secondary importance these can- dles are incomparable; in short, one Decimal Palm Candle give-i the light of three ordinary candles. j, Sold by GrocerR, Candle Dealers, and Oilmen, and whole- sale bv PALMER and Co., (the Patentees,) button-street, Cderkeuwell, Lcnaon. Ó" ,[.¡;fJ' TU J7,i:À THE PATENT "bCI.I5>033 LAMP, IT7OR Burning English's Patent Camphine, with its recent improvements,ris now free from smoke, is the perfection of ]¡ght" and forms a most elegant ornament for the drawing- room or library. Though the light of (he Vesta Lamp was beautiful beyond all others, it was liable to throw out clouds of smuts. The latent Eclipse Lamp has a larger and more perfect flame, and is not liable to this accident. Its clear, steady, and sofdy-shaded light preserves the strong sight, and assists the weak, wb:Si the feeble iliokoring candle damages and strains. No. 4, equal to the light of twelve candles, co ;ts oue halfpenny per hour 21S. 0,1. fto. 2J, equal to the light of eight candles, costs one farthing per hour 17s. Cd. No. I, equal to the light of three candles, bums twelve hours for one penny 12s. GJ. Night Lamps to burn eighty hours for oil,, penny. Old camphine burners and pillars, including Palmer's I candle lamp, alter<>d to tnis principle at a trifling coat. To be LaH. only, aj d seen burning daily, at WILLIAM PAItNALL'S Lamp Alil Chandelier Establishment, No. IS, Clare-street, Bristol. SPECIAL TJQ7.J.GE. TO SECURE THE A23VAJTTAGS OF THIS YEAR'S ENTRY, PROPOSALS MUST BE LODGED AT THE KZAI3 OFFICE, OR AT ANY OF THE SOCIETY'S AGSNSIZS, ON OR BEFORE THS FIRST OF lA'ARCH. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE S.IFS ASSURANCE SOCIETY. INCORPORATED by Act of Parliament, Edinburgh, 213 St. Andrew Square London, til, Moorgate Street. His Grace the Duke of Bueelcuch and Queensberry, President. Total Sum Assured Annual Revenue I 14, Accumulated Fund 49(;,5,-)5 View of the Progress of the Society. j Amount Annual Accumn- Assurcd. Revenue, kteù Fund At 1st March, 1837 £ 740,-162 £ 26,9»3 £ 6fTn5 Ditto 1843 1,707,716 64,000 227755 Ditto 1819 S,Ofi7,;i7<) 114.106 W,555 The Whole Profits belong to the Policy Holders, among whom they are allocated every Three Years. It is therefore impossible for any assurance office to alford greater advantages. A policy for £ 1000 effected on 1st March, 1832, is now in- creased to £ 14"2'J, and ether policies In proportion. ROBT. CHRISTIE, Manager. AGENTS. NEWPORT—WILLIAM GRAHAM, Jun., Land-agent, 162, Commercial-street. Brecon—Stephen 13. Evans, Solicitor. Hay-Thomas James, Solicitor. Swanea-Willi;tni Penrose, Assay Office. Pembroke—J. n. Bryant, Surgeon. CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION" HORSE BALLS. rl"O Sportsmen, Agriculturists, Postmasters, and all Pro- B prietors of Horses, these Ralls arc rarticulary recom- mended in all cases of swelled lpgs, cracked heels, loss of appetite, and vital energy for Coughs, Colds, Fever, or Inflammation, they are the best medicine that can be exhibited nioreover their operation, though effectual, is so mild, that they require no alteration of diet, and if given with a bran mash on Saturday night, will not interfere with the ensuing week s regular work. Th „ NEAT CATTLE. i ne Constitution Balls are strongly recommended by many rw»r,y Iesllcctahle gentlemen, (see testimonials, j for Cows and (j. -a8 a ™03t valuable medicine in cases of Hove or Blown, pii(]«, UfT °ut to £ rass, or from bad food, Gargate, FnidpS „ 'TLfl8S of APP^ite,' Starmg Coat, Distemper, sionally giving a baTlZa' Bullocks fat much faster occa' offhe «apr1»P K7 by FI!:A £ CIS CUPISS, M.R.V.C., author DiS Norfolk and s^l.i f of the Liver of thc Horse," in town and 'country, in paJke^sTxtMcdi?nS packet, with a wrapper giving full 'directions lor'the use of [he balls, and treatment of the horse whilst taking them. Also a pamphlet ot le.tnnomais from many gentlemen who have used the balls in various complaints. Any gentleman using the balls may consult the Proprietor gratuitously, either personally, or by letter, post-paid. PONTYPOOL, MONMOJJTIISHIHE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, BY MR. CORNELIUS EVANS, '"B^IIAI" desirable House called the Star," now in the R occupation of Mrs. Maria Jacob, who carries on the business of a respectable and well established Beer-house. The above premises are situated in the very focus of trade, in William Street, opposite the Market Ilnuse, iu the flourishing town of Pontypool, which supplies thousands employed in the extensive iron works of the n-ighbourhood. This little property will undoubtedly prove asafeinvestment, and aflord a good return for the purchase luonev. Apply to 1 flOM AS WOOLLETT, Esq., Solicitor; or to Mr. EVANS, at his Offices, Great Dock Street, Newport. TO TIMBER-MERCHANTS, SHIP-BUILDHRS, AND OTHERS. MR. CORNELIUS EVANS I BEGS to announce that he has been favoured with in. s trlletion s from J\Ir. J A E Y'JUng, Administratrix to the Estate of the late Mr. John Young, Timber Merchant j and Ship Builder, of this town, to olier for Sale by Auction, AT tut: OLD SHIP YARD, ON THE RODNEY WHARF, NEWPORT, MOiV., On Wednesday, the Oth day of l'joeni'ATty, Unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, ol which due notice will be given, Six powerful timber carriage horses, Four sets of long harness, Twj sets of shaft harness, One set of touching ditto, One timber carriage, with bed, One ditto, ditto, Three heavy long carts, Three hundred pieces of prime oik timber, suitable for II purposes, about 3,500 feet, the greater part of which is ot this year's fallage, Three hundred feet of siding timber, Two hundred feet of [ lank. Five dozen of nailed hurdles, ihr k scales and weights, Ten bark baskets, Five bark tarpaulins, Six hurdle gates, Three thousand oak treenails, Thirteen thousand faggots, 9, Lot of paling, slabs, timber chains, and a variety of other articles suitable to the timber trade. The above property is well worthy the attention of timber merchants and others, and will bo put up in convenient lots, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced. The sale will commence at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and the Auctioneer respectfully requests an early and punctual attendance. 11 EN LLIS, M ONM OUT 11 s ] 11 RE. TO CAPITALISTS. A very desirable and unusual opportunity now offers for pur- chasing a Valuable Estate, situated at Henllis Vale, within about four miles of Newport, the great whipping port of the district, viid about six miles from the important manu- facturing town of Pontypool. MR. CORNELIUS EVANS, Has been honoured with instructions to SELL BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A ERY desirable PROPERTY, situated in the best part of Henllis Parish, commanding extensive and picturesque views, and on the improvement of which the proprietor has spared neither time nor expense, thus bringing it into a high state of cultivation. The Estate may be treated for in its totality, or in the follow- ing Lots, viz. Lot I-An excellent House, fit for the immediate reception of a respectable family, called The Cwm," with farm buildings, substantially built, and nearly new; every portion of the wood used in the ertrcthw-being h"c,u:t of oak, and the other materials of the best quality; with sixty-six acres offine arable and pasture land attached, well drained, fenced, and with an easy access to the barn and outbuildings. Lot -A comfortable House and Cottage, called Harris and Ty-yn-y-Berllan," or the "House in the Orchard," with thirty-three acres of meadow and arable land, barns and other out-oftices conveniently situated, This compact farm possesses many attractions from situation, and other peculiarities. Lot 3-A double Cottage, with twelve acres of rich meadow and arable land. Lot 4-A substantial House, cottage, barn buildings, cattle sheds, &c., well built and in complete repair, called Pant- youl together with eighteen acres of excellent meadow and arable land situated near Mr. Hanson's colliery, and offering very desirable and healthy sites for workmen's cottages. The proprietor, who has lived fur a long period on tho pro. perty, has, regardless of expense, omittd nothing calculated to improve the estate, whether as regards draining, proper fencing, manuring after the most improved svstem, the erection of commodious out-offices, beast houses, &e.; or the facility of communication between the high roads and the farms. The lands are well watered by two brooks, which skirt the main parts of the estate. Lime and coal are abundant in the immediate vicinity, and it ha becn observed that the corn is in car earlier on these lands than in other quarters—the aspect being sunny and peculiarly favourable. Quality and advantageous position could not in this instance be too strongly dwelt on. The estate is in close approximation to the Monmouthshire Canal and the Newport and Pontypool Railway, thus commanding great facility of transit for agri- cultural produce to two of the most important towns in the county of Monmouth and a long scries of years may pass away without so valuable a property being brought into the market. Satisfactory reasons may be at once ascertained, for the pro- prietor's resolution to sell. Apply to Mr. EVANS, at his Offices, Great Dock Street, Newport. IMPORTANT AND TRULY VALUABLE FREEHOLD INVESTMENT. RISCA ESTATE, MONMOUTHSHIRE. MR. CORNELIUS EVANS HAS much pleasure in announcing that he is honoured with instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the King's Head Hotel, Newport, on \V"nxE<.m.Y, the 27th day of FmmUARY, 1850, at twelve o'clock for one, the "WI.LL-K.NO \VN MANSION AND ESTATE OF RISCA, Situated in the most charming part of the Valley of Risca, and constituting one of the gelIl of that beautiful quarter of the County of Monmouth, with LOï acres of ridt mendow, pasture, and arable land. The dwelling-house has been recently enlarged, newly-roofed, and has undergone a thorough repair. Very many are the associations of an interesting character connected with the festivities of this residence, well known to all the country round. Her v Hie fine obi English gen tie man enjoyed the com- pany of his friends, in the true spirit of Welsh hospitality. Uere, The 'squires of old, Ami their yeomen bold, Surrounded the well-spread board. And from this home of welcome, the wayfarer was oft assisted For while they feasted all the great, They ne'er forgot the poor." On the property is a valuable Water Corn and Grist Mill, with warehouse annexed,—and close by is an excellent dwell- ing-house, recently enlarged and newly roofed, called" The Mill House," and a large malthouse, stables, eommodiously and substantially built,—a kennel, once celebrated as the place from whence came forth, to waken the echoes of Twin Barlwm, and the adjacent valleys, that crack pack, the Rise A. Hounds followed by gallant steeds, and joyous Solis of the chase. The barn, beasthousc, and other buildings, are roomy and well constructed, and, with the home stead, enclosed, are now Let, with about .r<7 acres of excellent land. This valuable property is situated close to the thriving village of Risca, whichMs rapidly growing into the dimensions of a town, its extensive coal mines and mineral woTks being amongst the most important of the district, whilst a company, of large capital, from the great emporium of commerce, Liverpool, are ahout extensively adding to the industry and wealth of the place; affording ground for confident anticipation, that at no far distant day, property in the neighbourhood will be exceed- ingly increased ia value. Upon the estate are several Cottages, and a good accustomed Public lious C; as also the Ground Rents and Reversions of various Houses and Prcnises, now let on leases for lives. Nothing can be more advantageously situated with respect to transit and approach than this property beside it runs the Crumlin Canal through it passes the Western Valleys Rail- way; and adjoining, is thc turnpike-road leading to Abercarn, Blackwood, and Tredegar Iron Works, whilst its distaueo is only five miles from the shipping port of Newport. A capitalist in search of a safe and surely-productive invest- ment, might travel tnr ny counties ore he could fix on a property in every respect so desirable, whether as affording a delightful locality for residence, richly varied scenery, or numerous seats of gentry, known and respected for their traits of hospitality and neighbourly feeling, lying at easy distances, and the com- mercial capital of the county being within an hour's drive. Particulars (with lithographed plans) may be had ten days previously to the sale, at the King's Head llotel, Newport—of the Auctioneer, at his Offices, Great Dock-street Newport, and of Messrs. BIRCH and DAVIS, Solicitors, vr T Newport, Monmouthshire. Newport, January 31st, 18o0. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE LET AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, THE GRANDRA AND COALPITS FARMS, situate in -3 the parish of Shirenewton, in the county of Monmouth, containing together about 310A. 2a. Or. The land is divided in proportionable parts of arable, meadow, and pasture, and having been for many years farmed by the proprietor, is in good heart and capita! condition, There is a handsome Dwelling House oil the estate, contain- mg large dining, drawing, breakfast, and sitting rooms, on the same floor six large and airy bedrooms, besides servants rooms, and excellent commodious offices, with cellars, dairy, granary, cider mill, coach house, and stabling for eight hackney horses. There is a large walled garden, well stocked with choice fruit trees, hothouse, and extensive orcharding. The house is placed in a most eligible and picturesque situ- ation, surrounded with thriving plantations; two packs of hounds are within three miles; and the property adjoins the well-known covers of Saint Pierre; three barns, with suitable folders and sheds; stabling for fourteen farm horses; house for a bailiff, and two cottages for farm servants are on the estate. The Dwelling House is about three miles from Chepstow and the South Wales Railway, twelve from Newport, ten from Usk, and twelve from Monmouth: all capital market towns. The Live Stock, which is well selected, and the crops, and agricultural implements, and effects, may be taken at a valu- ation, if required. To view the premises, apply at the Grandra House and for further particulars, to „ Mr. 10Y £ Solicitor, Chepstow. MONMOUTHSHIRE. SALE OF LIVE AND DEAD FARMING 8TOOX. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. II. M. PARTRIDGE, ON TUESDAY, FBBKUAHY 26tb, 1850, on the Premises, Llandevaud F< rm, six miles from Newport, eiflht from Usk, and ten from Chepstow, the Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, implement* ot husbandry, and other effects, the pro- perty of Mr. Thomas Milntr, who is leaving the farm. The Live stock comprises four capital milch cows, In calf, in good season; four three-year old heifers, in calf, in good season; seven fat cattle; four two-year old steers; nllHi two- year old heifers; two-year old bull; sixty-lour two-year old ewell, to yean forty-eight yearling sheep; two-year old ram; three ram lambs, from the stock of John Jenkins, Esq., of Caerlecn; one cart mare; two hackney marlls; four-year old nag horse; eight fat pigs; five store pigs. The Implement* in Husbandry comprise broad-wheel waggon, narrow wheel ditto, two broad-whael carts, narrow- wheel ditto, iron plough, wood ditto, pair of drags, pair of iron harrows, turnip scufHer, winnowing machine, corn screen, set ot long gearing harness, let of short ditto, pt of G. O. ditto, gig and harness, saddle and bridle, sidesaddle, nearly new. The Dairy anel Brewing Ctensils comprise cheese prsas, tubs, pails, trindles, coolers, brewing tat, six empty cider casks, Refreshments on the table at ten; and the Sale to com- mence at eleven o'clock precisely, with the sheep. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS, IRON, COAL, AND CORN MERCHANTS, DEALERS, HAULIERS, FARMERS, AND THE PUBLIC. ANOTHER IMPORTANT SALE OF FIRST-CLASS HORSES. Ma. H. M. PARTRIDGE TS Instructed by Mr. Robert Sharpe, Railway Contractor, X TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the New Cattle NIaTket Stables, Newport, on "WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of at twelve o'clock at noon precisely, from FORTY to FIFI'^ powerful, young, fresh, and sound HORSES, the first class, which, for symmetry, breed, and action, cannot be surpassed. Colours — grey, bay, black, brown, chesnut, spotted, and pied, including several first-rate matched teams, the whole of which are now working on the Chepstow branch of the South Wales Railway. Tha Auctioneer particularly directs public attention to this sale, the horses having been purchased by the proprietor with the greatest care, and regardless of expense. May be seen the day preceding, and morning of sale, at the above stables, on application to the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 141, Commercial Street, and St. Woollos House, Stow Hill. Newport, 31st January, 1850. TWYN-Y-FYNON, MALPAS, MONMOUTHSHIRE. ZALE OF LIVE AND DEAD FARMING 8TOCE. MR. II. M. PARTRIDGE 5 S instructed by Mr. D. Williams, who is giving up business, I. to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises, at Twyn-y-Fynon Farm, in the parish of Malpas, and only two miles distant from Newport, on TuuissnAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1650, all his LIVE AND DEAD FARMING SToCK, Hay. Coru. Implements, Dairy Utensils, and a portion of the Household Furniture, including seven young useful dairy cows and heifers, (all of which will calve iu good season,) two yearling heifers in calf, two yearling steers, two steer and two heifer calves, a poweriul black cart colt, (rising four years old,) a ditto black cart filly, (rising two years old,) set of long harness, set of short ditto, a pair of G.O. plough ditto, mow of superior hay (to go off,) rick of wheat, (the straw also to go off,) field of grass wheat, eleven acres, the out going tenant's share; excellent narrow-wheeled waggon with slipper and roller complete, nearly new broad-wheeled cart, light narrow- wheeled ditto, harvest ditto, roller, two ploughs, dragw, harrows, wheel-barrow, ladders, pikes, rakes. &c., single ouk cheese press, two churns, cheese tub and ladder, trindles, pails, vales, milk tins, cream and milk pans, salting stone and stand, niaahing vate, coolers, tubs, casks, dreisser and shelves, sale, table, bench, earthenware, and various miscel- laneous articles too numerous for insertion. The sale will commence punctually at twelve o'clock at noon with the cows. An early a ttendance is particularly requested, in consequents of the ghortneg of the days. Refreshments on the table at ten o'clock A M. St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, January 1850. CLYDACH INN, LLANSLLY, DRECONSHIRE, TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CON i PACT, above respectable and old-established INN, together a, with 1 v/o Cottages, stabling, out-itousex, and garden, i he situation, in respect to tho works, and being on the side of the road leading from Abergavennv to Nantyglo, Merthyr, &C-, offers unusual advantages, either as an excellent oppor- tunity for the investment ot capital or to any enterprising man wishing to enter into the business, 1\8 by moderate attention, the business lllay be imllJencly increased. For particulars, apply to Mrs. LEWIS, tho proprietress, and landlady. N. H. A part of the purchase money may be left to remain as mortgage on the premises, at a moderate interest. A MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY. 10 B E SOLD BY P11IVAVE CONTRACT, TWO WELL-BUILT NEW HOUSES, 0, B of which has a Luge shop, fronting Market-street, and Dock-street, and both being immediately opposite the new statiouof the Western Valleys Line. These houses have recently been built, by Mr, Thomas Thomas, 01 the best materials, and in a finished style, regard- less of expense; and are now for sale on advantageous tt'rms, the proprietor being willing to allow part of the purchase money to remain Oll mortgage. It would be al.nost superfluous to enlarge on the excellent position of the premises, situated as they are in the broad highway of coinr.ierce, to and from the Newport Dock, adjacent to those great undertakings,—the New Cattle Market and the Western Valleys railway terminus; and one of the houses being adapted, Ly the builder, for carrying on the business of Provision Merchant, Grocer, or any other respectable trade. There are cleven rooms in t1.it; house, with water closet, and all necessary offices, .:xc,; while the othcr house, allaptell for a private residence, contains seven rooms, all finished in a work- manlike manner. The water of the Newport and Pillgwenily Water Works has been brought upon each premises. The lase is for U9 years. Apply to the Proprietor, Mr. THOMAS THOMAS, 27, Charles-street, Newport. FOR SALE, A VE ny CLEVER six years old, goes in JrSk, "iiarne* Forrrice apply^to CHARLES IIIGLEY, at Mr. CART- W RIGHT'S ijtt»ftles, Charles-street, Newport. VILLAGE op GOV1LON, NEAP. ABERGAVENNY. AN OLD AND WELL-ESTABLISHED PUB- LIC-HOUSE TO BE LET. npo BE LET, and may be entered upon immediately, that ft, long-established Public-House, caDedtho "THREE COCKS." It contains laTge kitchen, parlour, three good rooms, capital club-room, brew-house, good yaid, two stables, and garden. For particulars apply to Mrs. JONES, on the premises. RESIDENCE AT CAERLEON. TO BE LET, ON the 25th of MAKCII next,A comfortable Residence con- sisting of a Drawing, Dining, and Breakfast Room, Six Bed-rooms, an excellent kitchen, and other domestic offices, with a never-failing supply of spring water, stable, and capital garden, situate in the Village of Caerleon, in the occupation of John Norris, Esq. Apply to Mr. ANDREWS, Caroline-street, Newport. TO INNKEEPERS, GENTLEMEN'S SER- VANTS, AND THE PUBLIC. rinO BE LET, with possession on the 1st day of May next, S that old-established and well-accustomed Road Side INN, well-known as the "COACH AND IIORES," Situate in the Village of Castletown, mid-way between New- port and Cardiff. The house is roomy and convenient, has a good garden, excellent skittle alley, stabling, and a small meadow adjoining. For particulars apply to Mr. JOHN JONES, on the pre- mises to Mr. WILLIAM DUFFIELD, Timber Merchant, Risca, (the prnprietor); or to jMi. H. M. PARTRIDGE, Auctioneer, House, Estate, and General Agent, St. Woollos House, Stow-Ilill. Newport, luth January, 1850, ABERGAVENNY. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE. TO DE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MB. MEKBICK, AT the Angel Hotel, Abergavedny, onTun.SDAT, the 5th day of MAUPH next, between, the hours of four and six o'clook in the afternoon, the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY:— Lot 1— All that recently-erected Dwelling House and pre- mises, comprising kitchen, back-kitchen, five bed rooms, with every convenience, aituate in Frogmore-street, with double frontage, and commanding a good business in the Provision trade, in the occupation of Mrs. Sarah Rees. Also, a small Dwelling House, in the occupation of Mrs. Calder, und four Cottages at the back, fronting the new road leading from Frogmore-street to the Groffield, in the several occupations of Mrs. Riley, John Phillip", Alexander Ingram, lind Mrs. Bowen. Lot 2 All that substantially-erected Messuage or Dwelling House, used as a Beerhouse, called "The Prince Albert," iu the occupation of James Watkins, comprising a parlour, bed rooms, and auics; also, a brewhouse, stable, and large room oyer same, and garden adjoining. These premises adjoin the first lot, and front the above- mentioned new road, being the principal stand for exhibitions of 1111 kinds at fairs, &c., &c. The respective tenants will shew tho premises; and for further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, Abergavenny, or to Mr. CRUFT. Solicitor, Newport. Newport. 7th February, 1850. SALE OF FARMING STOCR, WOOLASTONE GRANGE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 72 Head of Cattle, II Horses, Piers &e., Ac. M It, P vit»oxs TT AS received instructions from the Proprietor, Mr. James V. Powles, (who is giving up his farm,) to Sell by Auction, on the premises, as above, on WEDNI:SDIY and TUUWWAY, FKHUUAKY h and 28th, 1.S50, The whole of his very superior Herd of Cattle, choice Flock of Sheep, excellent Waggon Horses, Pigs, implements, &c. Tho Sheep, which arc quite f,oue/l. have hctn (0'0\1) some of the best Leicester and Cotawold flocks; and by the great care taken, and judgment used by Mr. Powles in his annual selection of rams, he has succeeded in bringing them to great perfection. The Cattle aro of the pure Hereford breed, and descended from the herds of Messrs. Jones, Yeomans, Jefferies, &c. The Horses arc principally brown,—young, sound, aative, and capital workers. Tho Pigs are prime, and the Implerncntll good nnJ extensive. The whole will appear in catalogues, which may be had o the proprietor, the printers. ChtfDstow, or the auctioneer. Crick-Cottage. The sale will positively commencc each day at twelvo o'clock to the minute. The sheep and horses will be sold on Wednesday the cattle and pigs on Thursday. PRIVATE EDUCATION. A LADY, much accustomed to Tuition, in her own family, residing with hcr mother and sister, in a delightful part of Herefordshire, within ten miles of Ross, having undertaken the Education of a Niece, twelve years, is dosirous of receiving Two Young Ladies,' as companions in her studies, between the ages of ten and fourteen. Combined with home comfort, the pupils would have the advantage of first-rate instruction^ in every branch of study necessary for a gentle- woman. The house is pleasantly situated within it* own grounds, on the banks cf the Wye. The salubrity of the county is proverbial. A pony phaiton is kept, and out-of-door exercise ill considered of great importance in the family. L-eferericcs of high respectability will ba required, and can be lver), to some of the first families in the county. For terms and further particulars, address, M. II. A., Post- Office. Hereford. WHEREAS a Petition of ISAAC BEES. of tha Pariah "f of Llanvrcchva Upper, in the County of Monmouth, Licensed Retailer of Beer and Market Gardener, an Insolvent Debtor, having been filed in thc County Court of Monmouth- shire, at Pontypool, and an Interim Ordor for protection from process having been given to the said Isaac Bees, under the provisions of the statutes in that case made and provided, the said Isaac Bees is hereby required to appear in such aforesaid Court on the Twentv-sixtli day of February next, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, for his first examination touching his debts, estate, and effects, and to be further dealt with accord- ing to the provisions of the said statutes: and Notice is Hereby Given, that the choice of Assignees is to take place at the time so appointed. All persons indebted to the aaid Isaac Bees, or who have any of his effect!, ure not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr. ALEXANDER EDWARDS, at his Office, in Pontypool, nominated in that behalf by the said Court acting in the matter of tht eaid petitioo, ALEXANDER EDWARDS, Cleik to the said Court. —"■ -anti IIU ABERGAVENNY SAVINGS BANK. EXTRACT FROM RULE. "Every Depositor shall, once in every year cause, his Deposit liook to be produced at the ollice of the Institution, for the purpose of being examined." DEPOSITORS who have not already conformed with the above rule, will tRlce notice,thatattetid&nce will be given at the Old Church, on Wednesdays, the lath and 20th days of Fbruary. from twelve to two o'clock, for the purpose of the Deposit Books being made up, and examined to the 20th of November last. o "WILLIAM GWYNNE, Actuary. Abergavenny, 30th Jan., 1850. 1850. ABERGAVENNY RACES dt. MONMOUTH- SHIRE HUNT MEETING ARR fixed for THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, the 4tb and rjL 5th days of A pint, 11)50. FIRST DA Y-THUHSDA Y. THE MONMOUTHSHIRE STAKES, Of 5 IOVS. each, and 1;40 added by the fund, For horses that have never won a plate or stakes value f50. Heats, one mile and a half. 3 years old, 7st.7lbs.; 4 years old, 8st. 8!ba.; 5 years old, 9si. 41bs,; 6 and aged, 9st. 8lbs. Horses bred m the county of Monmouth, allowed 51bs. Entire horses to carry Sibs. extra, THK MONMOUTHSHIRE HUNT CUP, Value i;20, added to a Sweepstakes of 10 IiOVl, each, For horses, bona fide the property of member* of the hunt club, elected on or before the Kith February, 1850. 3 years old, gst.; 4 years, lOt. 7lhs. j Õ years, I ht. albs. j 6 and aged, 11st. bibs. Half-bred allowed 71bs., and horses bred in the county of Monmouth ilbs. If ridden by gentlemen qualified by a com- mittee of the Monmouthshire hunt club, ot by officers of the army or navy on full pay, to be allowed 7lba. Heats, one mile and a half. A winner ol this cup once, to carry 31 bs and any winner since the 1st Jauuary, 1840, of J.50 and upwards once, 5Jbs. j twice. 71bs.; Ituee or more times, 101b extra. THE LLANDILO SELLING STAKES, A Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, three forfeit, with jC26 added, For horses of 1111 denominations. 3 years old, to cat ry 9st. 5lhs. j 4 years, lOst. 71bs. 5 years, list. 41bs.; 6 and aged, list. I2lbs. Mares and geldings allowed 3lhs. The winner to bo sold for E120. If entered, to be sold for .£100, to be allowed fjjbs.; if lor £ 80, 91 bs.; if for £ 00, 12lhs.; and if for C40, 151bg. The stewarrh reserving the power of fiist claiming for the benefit of the race fuud, if they think fit so to do. The forfeits to go to the secood horse. Heats, about one mile. THF. HUNT BUHDLE RACE, A Handicap Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, one forfeit, and itRO added. For horses regularly hunted during the present season with the Monmouthshire or Tredegitr hounds. Gentlemen riders-to be qualified by a committee of the hunt club. To close and name on the 14th of Pehruary limit, at the hunt dinner, Monmouth, when and where the forfeits must be paid. Distance, about two miles, ever six flights of hurdles, three feet six inches high. The riders to be named in writing to the stewards at the Angel hotel, Abergavenny, at one o'clock in the afternoon of the 3rd of April. Tho weights to appear in the MEELIN and BBACON newspapers on the 16th of March. SECOND I)P, Y-FRIDAY. THE ABliRGAVENNY STEEPLE CHASE. A Handicap Sweepstakes of 25 sova. eacii, 10 forfeit, and five only If declared on (lC hefolc the Ulstof March. 1K50, with £ 100 added. The forfeit of £ 5 sovs. to be paid at the time of Wlllllnj;. If the highest weight accepting be under 12st., it will be raised to that, and the others in proportion. If tbe stake should be woith £.500 and upwards, the second horse to receive 50 KOVS. out of the stake, and the Uiird to save his stake. About four miles over a (nir huniing country, uniRr the usual steeple chase conditions. To close and name to the secit:fai y of the races on 01 before the Wth of February. The weights to appear in Dux's on the ] 7th of March. A winner of ;EIOO. after the decla- ration of the weights, to carry filla, extra. PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS. Lord Strathmore H. Dyke, Esq. O. Morgan, Esq., M.P. J. Cooke, Esq. E. Sotyierset, Esq., M.P. Mr. J.C.Johns VV. R. Stretton, Ksq. J. Tuite, Ksq. S. Homfray, Esq. Captain Kln W. S. Cartwright, Esq. Mr. Isaac Day Captain It. Joneg Mr. W. Webb J. Rolls, Esq. \V. J. Davies, Esq. —•Homfnty, Esq. Captain L. Little C. Capel, Esq. ("aptaill W. llte.1 \V. Higgins, Eq. J. Fotbergill, Ksq. Mr J. Storey Mr. W. 11. Turner Mr. S. Merty Mr. P. A. Carier IV. flatikins. Es(l. W. 1L Williams, Esq. Mr. W. Arrher C. B. Smith, Esq. C. R. Morgan, Ebq. G. L. Elliott, Esq. Godfrey Morgan, Esq. Mr. W. L. Helrnan Major Browne Mr. Thomas Oliver W. Vevers, Esq. R. P. Hoyd, Esq. Mr. Lawson A. B. Savery, Esq. MONMOUTHSHIRE HUNT STEEPLE CIIASK, Of .j sovs. each, and a Cup, v;ilun £ 25, For horse. regularly hunted with the Monmouthshire, Tredegar, or Herdordshire hounds. About three miles across country. Certificates to be signed by the ntasterofilie M.U.C., the master of the H.H.C., or Sir CtifirleB Morgliu. Bart. To be handicapped between list, and 12st. 7lbs.; tho horses to bu shewn at the An«el H otel at three o'clock, on the day of r-nlry, and the weights to appear at fiva o'clock on Wednesday evening, the 3rd of April, lloises to he ridden by memberli of the hunts, by officer* of the army or navy un full pay, or persons qualified by a committee of the hunt club. THE FREE HANDICAP STEEPLE CHASE. Of 10 sovs. each, with £:30 added. About four miles across country. If more than ten horses run, the second to receive o sovs. if a les number start, to save stake only. The winner to be sold hy auction immediately after the race, aod all moneys bid above .£80 to go to the fund. It the highest weight accepting he under llat 7lbs., it wil be raised to that. and the ethers in propoilion. A winner, after the decla- ration of the weights, to cairy ;)ibs. extia. to close and name on or before the 2fith February the weights to appear on the 17th March and the acceptances to be made to the secretary oil the 21st of March. One sovereign to be forwarded witti each nomination, which shall he considered as a bonus to the steeple chase fund, and form no part of the forfeits of tlio race. Races not otherwise specified, to close and name to the secretary, by sealed letteis, containing the stakes, secretary's fee, aud colours of the riders, at or b^fi.^ie three o'clock p.m., on Wednesday, the 3id day of April, at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny A coriain time will be appointed to etart for each race, when the horses must appear, with their uders mounted, belore the Craud Stand; and auy horse not so appearing, will be disqualified. All hoises to bfttddted before the judge's chair. Horses to take age from the 1st of January. Three horses (the property of different owners) to start for each race, or the public money will not be given. No booth or standing of any desciiption to be erected on the race course, unless by a subscriber of one sovereign 10 the fund. Horses to stand at the house of a subscriber of one sovereign to the fund, aDd all former stakes to have been paid, or not entitled, though a winner. Nohotse, though a winner, to be entitled to the stakes, unless the owner produce a certificate that he has been plated by a smith who is a subscriber of one sovereign to the fund. No objections will be received unless made in writing to the stewards before ten o'clock in the morning of each race day, at lhe Augel tiotel and the stakes must be made good to the secretary of the races on the previous evening. The stewards' decision (or whom they may appoint) on all points to be final. Any rider appearing in different colours to the entry, to pay half-a-guinea to the fund, or not be allowed to start. Ten shillings to be paid to the secretary at tho time of the entry, for each horso, towards scales, weights, &c. It is particularly requested that all subscriptions be paid to tho secretary on or before Wednesday, the 3rd of April, and that all riders will be particular in sending their colours with entry. Application for booths to be made to the secretary, on the race course, on Wednesday, the 27th of March, at ten o'clock, and to be completed on or before the 1st of April. OCTAVIUS MORGAN, Esq., M.P., Friars ) Sf II. W. WALDRIDGE, Esq., LUntbewy Coun JOHN RICHARDS, Secretary. The Entrance Ordinary at the Angel Hotel, on Wednesday, the 3rd. The Stewards' Ordinary, at the Angel Hotel, on Thursday and Friday, ihe 4th and 5th of April and a Ball at the Angol Hotel, on Friday, the 51h. No garnblingof any description will be permitted on the rati course. Police will be in attendance.



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