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FRANCE. On Friday, M. Lamartioe look bis seat in the Assembly for »h. first time since bis election. He look his place near the Mountain. General Caeaignac was among the first who came forward to greet him. j j It is in Paris that the cause of the sudden sleps adopted by the British Ambassador at Athens, was the discovery of an intrigue to place on the throne of France the Princ" de Leuch- tenberg, the cousin of the President, and the son-io-law of the Czar. The Prince would reign under the protection of Russia, and the object of Ibe mission of Count Strogonow to Paris is 10 carry out this iotrigue. Such is the account of journals that bare always been hitherto well-informed relative to all Russian affairs. „ An opinion is espressed that the dispute between Eogllnd and Greece, notwiihstsnding it. present formidable appearance, will be settled ultimately without disturbing in the slightest degree tbe peace of Europe. We understand that there will be no foreign intervention in the affairs of Switzerland. as the Federal Government has taken measures for the expulsion of the foreign refugees, or for their confinement in the interior. General Dufour will be authorised to carry out the decree of the Federal Government in any of the refractory cantons. The Grand Council of the Canton of Vaud lately approved by a majority of 140, the decision of the Federal Government for the expulsion or confinement of those refugees who were conspiring ■gainst their governments. M. Marc Dufrise, representative of the people, hili been aentenced to six months' imprisonment, and a fine of2.000 franc., for exciting the population to civil war. The following are the Republican candidates for the depart. ment of Sinoe iod Loire,—MM. Armand Mirraat Dupont de Bussac, Madier de Moutjau, and Eugene Sue. i here is every probability of their success.. Several steamers have left Toulon for Civita Vecchia, to bring back troops from Rome. SWEDEN. From Stockholm, under date the 18tb ult., we learn that the Chamber of Commerce h.d issued a notice, declaring >11 EnKlish Scotch, and Irish pons suspected, with the excepllon of the fol- lowing ports, which are still to be considered infected with the cholera, Aberdeen, BIOff, Berwick, Dartmouth, Grange- mouth, Liverpool, Leirh, Montrose, Peterhead, Westport, and Wick. Antwerp is also declared suspected, while vessels from Prussian poits will be admitted free. GERMANY. The King of Prussia, 00 the 1st February, addressed a royal menage to Ibe two Chamber., notifying his saiisfaciion that they had adhered to the message of the 71h of January. His Msjesty, in this new message, announces his intention of talcing the solemn oath to the Constitution on Wednesday, the 6ih of February. Tbe immediate consequence was a rise in all public securities. The Austrian Government has directed its representatives at Frankfort, and at the different German Courts, to adopt measures for the formation of a German Customs Union. The statement is confirmed, that ibe Government has given its Ambassadors at foreign courts orders 10 refuse seeing porta of att Americans fiom the Uoited S'ates for Austria. The famous Kolosy has been condemned to death, as one 01 the per- petrators of the murder of Count Lamberg. There ia no hope whatever of a cominuiaiioa. ITALY. The Bishop# of Tuscany have asr irnbied in Florence, under the Presidency of tWe fArchUiehop of Sieoj, in orJer to discuss the expediency of convoking a general provincial synod. They held their first sitting au the 21st ult. The piibl c triil of Cernuschi commenced at Rome on the 23rd ult.. The court wla crowded to suffocation it is supposed that the tllal will lul several day*. He is accused— 1st, ci having publiahed proclamations against the French during the aiagt; indly, 01 having damaged the palace Farnese; 3idly, 01 baving squandered immense sums for the erection of barricades 4thly, having been a party to :he Roman revolution, end, to tha proclamation of the Republic; 5lhly. of having attempted to excite the people against the French on the day of their entering Rome; 6thly, of having taken up a flag at the Ciffe Nuovo, and placing"rfiaiself at the head of tbe people, in order to insult the French, on the piano Colonna. It is penerally believed, however,ith&t whether condemned or acquitted, he will be sent to Paris, Several ex-officers of the Roman troopi have been arrested at Rome. HUNGARY. The butcheries of Pesth have been revived, Koloisy and two unfortunate Honveds were hanged there on the 23rd ult. The thirst for blood ia not yet slaked. GREECE. BLOCKADE OF THE PinJEUi. The following highly important intelligence confirms the facts received from Athens correspondents, and published in last Frlda"1 morning papers :— We have just received the following important intelligence on the affairs of Greece, via Smyrna. The following are the demand* made by her Majesty'. Minister in Greece, the Hon. T. Wyse, to the government of his Majesty King Otbo. The demands having been made verbally on the 18th, were made on the following day in writing to M. Londo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, by Mr. Wyse, who demanded a reply within twenty-four hours. The Mioieters of France and Russia have protested against the proceedings. The French fleet quitted Smyrna on the 20th lor the Pirfflug, immediately the news reached that city of the very unexpected rupture. DEMANDS. let. Indemnity for Monsieur Pacifieo, ex-Portuguese Consul, whose dwelling-house at Athens was sacked in 1826, during the Holy Week. 2nd. Indemnity for an English ship, thrown by a tempest on the coast of Magoe, and pillaged by the lawless inhabitants of tbe place. 3rd. Satisfaction for the insult offered to the British flag at Patras, in the Metidni affair. 4th. Satisfaction for violence offered to an Ionian subject in the same cily. 6th. Indemnity for the English travellers plundered last year by the brigands. 6tb. The immediate restitution of the islands of Sapienza on tbe coast of the Peloponnesus, of which places England claims possession. The above demands were supported by Sir William Parker, who accompanied Mr. Wyse to the house of Monsieur Londo. The Greek lawyers have dechred tbo demand inadmissible, and DO doubt exists but they will be refused at the expiration of Ib, aliotteAtime. The Pireuis blockaded by the Englfsh. The Greek vessels were conveyed to Salamine, and the steamer Otbo, about to sail, was forced to return to the Puseus. AMERICA. By the steamship Canada, Captain Harrison, we have dates from New York to the 23rd ult. IRON.—English bar iron is selling 42i dollars; Scotch pigs at 21 dollars to 21* dollars, cash, with some speculative opera- tions in pigs. FREIGHTS.—The rales of freights are, to Liverpool, for cotton one-fifth of a peony per pound, flour Is. 4Jd, to is. 6d. per brl., grain in bulk 41. to 41 cents per bushel for corn and wheat respectively to London, Is. 9d. per barrel for flour, and other ertielea in proportion to Havre, cotton realises half a cent per pound. BREAD STUFFS.— Maiket without change. The Cherokee ateam-ahip ariived at New York on the 13th, with about half-a-million of gold-dust from California. Her advicea are anticipated by the Medway. Our advices from Hayti, to the 5th, state 'hat an engagement has taken place near AulC Cayes, between the Dominican and Haytian fleets, in which the latter, baviog received severe injuries in the contest, escaped by running into shoal water. The Dominican fleet have bombarded and burnt Port River, and have also bombarded Dame Maike, and aeveral other •mall porta. The Emperor has extended the monopoly law to an extensive list of new articles, includtog lumber and other articles of import. Tbe operation of this law has induced aeveral foreign merchants to relinquish their business. ■ The bark Hypenoo arrived lately from Meajco, with dates from the city of Mesico to the 22nd ult. The Governor of San Luis Potosi interior has anaigned the Minister of Wor, General Arista, before Congress. The President, in a letter to Congress, had earneslly recom- mended that the proposed constitution for California should recti*, the sanction of Congress. 10 Bnolher he strongly vrge* on Congress the propriety and exped.ency o fitting out an expedition to proceed in search of Sir John Fian in. INDIA. The Overland India Mail supplies news from Bombay to the ^Colonel Lester had o.dered out with the Sylhet Light Infantry, against a tribe culled ihe Kooks, inhabiting the,ten tier, who bad been ravaging the plains- They are luppulea to have baen in aearch of prisoner, to sacrifice over the lemaina of the,, departed chief, their custom being to immolate an individual for •very year the chief had lived. Colonel Bradshaw, with a force of 2,o00 men, as stated in last mail, proceeded from Pesbawur to bring some refractory vil- lages, who had refused to pay Iribule, IU order. On the 10th of Novamber they came in sight of the v.lle^e of Sunghao, situate in a deep gorge, and flanked by two large spurs from the nearest toonnuin. The enemy were about 2000 Sllong. They were attacked on the morning of .he 11th end offered Slout aod obstinate resistance of five hours duration when they were compelled to retire. They were seen ike goats weod- •«>g op a covered path in the escarpment of the hills, where no abot could reach them. The village was then set on fire. The British had five killed and seventeen mounded chiefly by large atones thrown from .be surrounding heights with wonderful force ^CeTemy'ar. said to have lost 3 •eeo returning to the rnins of the village a er e p the troops. On the 12th the head man came in and sued for p.rdon, paying the revenue of the put year, aod promising good conduct for the foture. others On the I3«h the fo.ee again moved on to punish.some other^ of the refractory villages. On approaching .f,hp camp seemed determined to hold out. the "QU to* »■>«;■. i&v:< the morning or me BCked. After ■ aiou» resistance the natural strength, buildings set fire «o and razed enemy were driven ont, aoa from ,be ioiurgeot» was to ihe ground. A general suu icpected to ensue.. • teftiture of Sir Walter Gil- had been so ,ong looked for. place ot> tbe frb December.




