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1:1 FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FRANCE. ■ The Socialist! held a grand banquet on Monday, lbeanni«er- lne sociaiisti e p P Sixteenth and an announce- Ihp.bliM in..=d h.g lh» iultided b. gramme of whic refUsal to allow which cost Louis quetof *1^ 'c0|, Cbsrras, a member of the assembly, Philippe h>8tr • Provisional Government, has «T •«* one of the greatest and most important, ever held at 1 ans. But «ll the "-habitants of La belle France are not of the same repub- lican disposition; for as a set-off to the intended proceedings to which we have just adveited, the Legitimists have been hold- ing a banquet, on the Festival of Kings, at which the health IInd reltoration of Henry V., was drunk with tremendous cheer- ing; while they almost worshipped e busl of the God-giveo eldest son of the Duchess de Berri," placed a crown on its head, and danced and sung seditious songs around it. The people on the outside of the banqueting house, busst open the doors, trampled the bust of the Pretender into fragments on the ground, and turned the Legitimists out of the bouse, Some of the persons were stabbsd in the proceeding. We perceive that a decree, signed by the President of the Republic, appointing a Board of .Admira jy, to be composed of Vice Admirals Hugon, De Lesusse, Casy; auveau, director of Naval Construction and M. ÐOnlfaclO, Commistliary General of the Marine.. rr,aj One afternoon last week, a roost daring attempt was made to rob the Bank of France-A number of individuals some dressed as labourers, and others having the appeaiance of gen.le- men, eutered (he cash office, and made a rush at the piles of Bold and silver. Quickly a. the attack was made, ao alarm was raised, and the guard arrived Three of the robbers arrested and conveyed to the Prefecture of PJ'ce. The election in the department of^ thei Gaid h..terminated m favour of the Socialist candidate. At the close of the poll ihe numbers were— 0Q fiQ7 M.Favoud (Socialist) 29,6. 7 M. de Grail (Conservative) 20,933 M. de Lourdoueis (Legilimist). 10,308 M. Emilie de Girardin has written to the Procureur.General a letter, declaring himself the author of the articl6 for the pub- licatioo of which, proceedings have been instituted øgaiuBt the responsible editor of the Pretse. J. is announced positively rhat the government ha. ultimately decided on seeing an expedition to Monte ViJeo, to be composed of one thousand five hundred troops of the line, and ne thousand five hundred marines. At a late council of ministers a decision was come to on the affairs of La Plata, and that Admiral Predour will be charged with the negociations. The Prefect of Police has given orders to remove all the dead trees of liberty in Paris, and to collect information with respect to any others which impede the passage of carnages, in o.der to their lemoval. r The Editor of the Dix Decembre. M. Lucas, is about to re ceive the decoration of the Legion of Honour. Eleven of the insurgents of June, who had been transported sad pardoned in the month of December last, have been arretted on the charge of having conspired to assassinate the President of the Republic. For some days past great excitement has prevailed at Mar- setllea by the arrival in that port of an entirely new description o fateamer, and which, i* awccessfcil, will cause a complex re- volution 10 the present plans of building s»e««n-Teas*l». Th. vessel is named the Port de Marseilles, built by a M. Lieutieur. t has not the slightest appe»rai,ce of Inasl. or funnel; in fact, there is nothing to show whether she is impelled by wind, or tteam, or oar. She glIdes, through the water as if impelled by tome invisible agency. The propelling power is by a simple lever of sufficient power. p The French Admiralty have issued an order to the effect that the officers and seamen of the French navy, as well itS the employ" connected with the civil department of the navy, are not to wear Mo<e ornaments" to the human face, the mous- tache and imperial. They may, however, wear the beard ellcalher. PORTUGAL. The Queen opened the Cortes in person on the 2nd instant, and delivered a speech announcing, among other things, that "in conformity wiih the principles of a just leciprociiyher government had obtained relaxations of the Russian tariff, and had conceded advantages to shipping under Swedish, Dutch, and Belgian flags. The speech announced the foundation in Angola, of a new colony of Portuguese emigrants from Brazil, which gives the most flattering hopes of prosperity. SWITZERLAND. Letters from Geneva of the 16ih, announce the death of the Dulte of Visconti, who acted as aide-de-camp to Charles Albert duriog bis late campaign. It is announced that a person named Visetti, who states he is a Spaniard, has been arrested. He is accused of having endeavoured to hire persons, either to assassinate Mazinni and other Italian refugees, or to carry them by force out of Switzer- land, and deliver them to the tender mercies of the rulers of <be Italian States. Viseni was denounced by two persons whom he had endeavoured to corrupt. On his arrest, he staled he was a foreign spy. charged with the duty of watching the Italian and French emigrant*. It is said that he has connexions with the Piedmontese police. (jermANY. Haynau has suppressed the Magyar journal, theFigulmno, heretofore published at Pe.th. Ibe "mod he gives tor this arbitrary measure is, that this journal had for a lime made a point of sowing the seed of disquiet by the publication of mtta- matory and malicious articles, which, "P™ the intentions of ministers, were calculated to neutralise the beneficial effects arising from the recently restored peace. The civil council of Cracow havtng commanded he imprison- ment of several Jews for opening shops in that city.has been reorimanded bv the government, which has nullified their degree, and ordered the immediate Iteration of the prisoners. RUSSIA. a • in addition to the loan of millions A rumour is current tha o «<^ n e'erliog wh.ch he is Relating MM. Steiglitz in Paris, orders to the London and Pelri, agenlll of 1\11\1. Slelglitz in Paris, «o sell the two million sterling of stock which he has in the French and English funds. I. is added that the Russian govern- n.ent has taken measure, for stopping all public works in spring that even the works of the crown are to be »»apended.jod al financial resources are to be placed al the disposal of the Minister of War at St. Petersburg. It is now said that the Emperor Nicholas refuses to carry on further negociations with the Porte, unless the influence of England be entirely removed. Should this report be true—and it looks very much like it—the settlement of the Russo Iurkish dispute i. as far remoied as ever, and we may expect with the return of spring, a return of the autocrat's unreasonable demands. In the meantime the only guarantee Turkey has against Russian aggression is the friendship and assistance of England. From a report presented to the Emperor by the Minister of the Interior, for the year 1848, it appears that the total number of Russian subjects belonging to foreign communities amount to 8 785 719 individuals of both sexes, more than naif of that uombir. • 4,91^449, profess the Christian religion, and the 3 874 260 aie Mahometans, Jews, or Idolaiors. The number of Roman Catholics is 276,764, with 2,264 churches that of the Armenian Catholics 20,000, with 44 churches; Gregorian Armenian 354,521, with 1,017 churches or chape s. 1 he Piotestant religion numbers 1^32,2^ individuals,QOOchuroh^ the Mahometans comprehend 2,286.9BoU,Is with 6 OM mosques. The religion of Lama numbers 215,209 adherents, with 293 houses of prayer. The numbers of .delators amounts to 153,343. „nv turkey, The Constantinople journals formally announce the fact that «• |he Ottoman government has just made a concession of land to M. de Lamartfne, who wishes to settle in the Iurkish empire. Tbi« gratuitous concession of an extent of more than 8000 acres is situated within a few leagues of Smyrna, and has on it-all the buildings necessary the iand .s in full bearing I he agree- ment was signed on the 3rd ultimo by the Grand Vizir on the one part, and M. Holland, ex-repr^entat,ve in .he Constituent A"'Phe6Aus°tila G°!«<nment, though they consented that the confined to the town of Kutiah, ni«de known' toYhe Sultan's ministers, through their Envoy at ,u.v w0uld not renew friendly relations uijless'u'was'left in their hands to determine the length of time j and his friends should be detained as [pirit of justice «d humanity, as well as from a sense of heir own dignity, reused to give such a power to Austria for if, in L firs insunce, they objected to being assistant executioner, to the government of Vienna, the, are quite as 1.t le disposed, n .hI oresent instance, to act the part of gaolers. I he Ottoman in the p rtain to Count Sturmer that they weie wiling m.nistry made known'o Coun (he ,own ofy Kutiaht tif, to confine t e u g ^jUBp8ry( aDd that country once order shou e es a re8tore Kossuth and his companions „ouid ,el=„« e„,|,ely refugees should be set ot l^b ^y^ Tutkish ministry The Porte co"n"' h and his companions are safe from having AMERICA. LlVE\!l'OOL, TUESDAY MonNiNO. rnVal rrail steamer Cambria, Captain The North Amen gjyjoeg from Boston to the 9'h inst. Shannon, has #fl,*e officers of the Caleb Gtimshaw had I he captain and other uu»« "h^onVotarv of the Treasury, in answer to inquiries, Mr.Meredith, s .geg 0f importation, duties mu»t be has {replied that n all « e F W))enever (bo qu,n. atteated on the ent.re' S0'0 *,ceJd that specified in the icvo.ce 1U, imported is asce |h# UnIted{,Sta«es appe.rs-the -andno in.en on to de lh# dut,es merchandise will be .dn» WheDever the app.a.ser '.VKKii: 5W £ i additional duty must be exace for instance, duty will sometimes be occasioned by an excess as,j° > where the importer declare, in the entryr he nlue tation according to the quantity speci quantity, .here prove to be a large excess, in fact ^"d ,hfi>t qt»• J. .h.i«./ .b. -w. «i». •• 3r:dp;rib:r..d,fh" •ents the finances' «« j0i|ars o.er all current demand, for the dition, leaving 875,000 lar ^bl,c debt. The Governor pre annual «xiinguishment of 1 P (je^t ja thirteen diota the toul extinguishment of the state aeu ,earl. INDIA AND CHINA. BOMBAY, DEC. 17, 1849.-The news conveyed by the pr^ent nt.il will form something of an exception to the generally vapid aDd uninteresting character of recent advices. No certain information haa transpired in .egard to the luprerre /.nmroand of the armies of India; bn» repori-wh.ch affi.med ao Tfidently, a short time since, thai Sir C. Napier intended to C0.°f.now assures us, with equal appearance of truth, that he 1 .Ao ud bis mind to remain m the country-j-at leaat, for a h»* i„ni,er Meanwhile, we have a rumour that, in con- Jt» r or so.10'8 • rece„ed ln lhe Governor-Gener I'a camp by ,equence o Enaland. an urgent dispateh has been sent 2? et Colombo, which will have the effect of 10 Sir W. Go general from carrying out his intention _rt,eoliOg »hBl ?" df These contradictory statements render returning! it8geems to be pretty well understood, however, !„niectur« ,dle'uK rmton'sstay at this presidency will not be u Sir Willow C etent opinionBdiffer as to whether Il!«h fertfc* P^°r Sd F'edenck Fitzclarence will succeed to the Sir W. m>0d, point of some interesl. The Bombay c b#en again pcily on the 2s,h of November, Lahore b trfived m tb I gir ^V. R- Gilbert, HIr. Goveroor-Ge0 d wj|h due hooou were a), o(jt> and «•» ,eee and 0tberl' a nujte a grand tumaahe. lohn Law'80 ,rh display. \od,qnra not without its interest. Trhere v»a« mucb f/om L»l'or« wil| probably be ■"polities. tUe ° young to proceed under a strong "s: escorf, »«;h,;reC.ioMhe Ca,UUl,a h8» ,0D,» aD tbe Punjaub » *° # (or their a o • ;iure and re- sent ou y,, the P, Lahore. ^"ospirato,. been se'eo another p object* having been Sj.«k •« J", '"7,V.' rooval of V dB has, "?r Acc0fd 6have been tampenng ,nd Rso«« 'nd c.osp'rato • overed 0 have be their in,"8 ;««aries Irregu oivtn notice to aome of her Prendergs* V and having ««of tb(J ln. however" '•011 e°"" of the Queen- has 0fficers( »re 10 pr0j A reward of I"' aDdother office _e]ebraied of Maharajah Stog *aDd Ntc^,0.1'. „ke home the jiewi'l „.d ,o E=sr'"d probably be the 0ieep Siogb ^s^h ladies* i.gtructioo intended bride of ^bJ/ofD by the «^ x 0f the^dert i( wish to see the .«"'J con6rm He •• uo(Jef Sh.p °„ advices from Ch p. a, #( of Ibe major p«« • oH,p|elie» « 10 „d«PP"M»u,°nbe
