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THE MONMOUTHSHIRE MERLIN AND GENERAL I PRINTING OFFICE, No. 1, CORN STREET, 'l'Jl]1]lT ]rWJPjnrç¡ TrHI Establishment is completely furnished with an exten- L si»e variety of NF.IV and HANDSOME TVPE, suitable tor Book, Plain, and Omamenial PRIMING, Posting and other Handbills, Snipping Notes, Auctioneers' Catalogues, Bills of Lading. Heturnsof all descriptions, for Iron Works and Col- lieries, Law Forms, See printed in a superior modem style, on the shortest notice, and at very HiASONAI>LF. TIUMS. Addiess Cards. Circulars, Invoices, Labels. &c. executed in the neatest and most tastelui manner. Account Bouks at Bristol Prices. TO ADVERTISERS. The Advertising Public of Monmouthshire, and the neich- bouiing Counties, are respectfully infotn:ed, that the Agents for the MONMOURHSNIRR MMILIN," in the various Towns, will promptly forward all ADVMITISEMI,N'TS for insertion in the Paper; anu Orders from Advertisers at a dlslance forwarded to the OInce, "ill receive prompt attention. Advertisements received for the "Gazette," the London Papers, and for all the Piovincial Journals ot England, Ireland ;tnd Scotland. DAVID MORRIS LITHOGRAPHER. BHAPTSMAN, AND PRXNCilR, 139, Commercial-s treet, three doors from Hill-street, Newpor H^JLANS of Estates, &c., Bills of Sale, Engineers' and IL Architectural Drawings, Music, Bankers' Receipts and Advices, Law Forms and Deeds, (executed in the legal style,) Letters, Fac Similes, Circulars, Crests, Shipping and Customs Papers, Invoices and Bill Heads, Advertising r.nd Business Cards, Labels, Portraits, Landscapes, &c., are some of the numerous subjects for which this art is peculiarly applicable, and which may he executed in any style that may be required. All orders entrusted to D. M. shall meet with prompt and careful attention.— Two Apprentices Wanted. T. T. MORRIS, (From Messrs. Bradley, Barnard, and Co.,) PUBLIC, PRIVATE, & GENERAL ACCOUNTANT. t AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HnusF, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENr, TIMBER SURVEYOR, &C., 46. COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPOHT. MON. Merchants' and 1 radesmen's Books made up, audited, and adjusted; also Residuary and Exccutors' accounts. Agent to the Globe, and Royal Farmers' Fire, Life, and Iiailstono Insurance Offices. SAWYER &. SON. Auctioneers and Appraisers, House, Estate, and General Agents, NEWFORT, MONMOVTHSHIBE. (Office No. 2, Commercial-Street, opposite the Westgate.) CHARLES HENRY SAWYEll, formerly of Newport, and for many years past practising at Cardiff, takes leave through this medium, most respectfully to make known to the nobility, gentry, clergy, agriculturists, and the general inhabi- tants of the County of Monmouth, that, at the instigation of, and very flattering invitation he has received from, an extensive circle of old and long established friends, he has been induced to respond to their extremely kind and duly appreciated wishes, thus to offer himself, in conjunction with his son, to public notice, in the above professional capacities, and trusts from his established respectability, long standing, and experience, I coupled with a rigid adherence to honourable practice, and an unflinching perseverance in the full discharge of his duty in all matters ot business committed to his care, to merit a share of their confidence and support. N.B.—The strictest adherence to punctuality, in the Settlement I of Sale Accounts, will be the undeviciin* rule of this firm. THE CHOLERA. WARING'S CARDIAC MIXTURE, for CHOLERA, (1' Diarrhosa, Spasmodic Pains, and general disturbances of the Stomach and Bowels, is strongly recommended to public attention, as a remedy which Las beci blessed with singular efficacy, during an extensive private exhibition for the last seventeen years. This unique compound is perfectly original, and acts upon the disorders indicated, in a manner peculiar to itself, and with a certainty approaching infallibility. The following recommendation is sheeted from a numerous list, more of which appear on tte wrappers with full directions — To the Proprietor of Waring's Cardhc Mixture, for Cholera, Diarrhoea, &c. "Perfectly acquainted with your extensive and successful practice amongst the poor of a populous neighbourhood, to "hicII you were prompted liy a beneolent disposition to aUe- viate suffering, I can bear a most uoqialified testimony to the efficacy of your Anti-Cholera Mixture, in numberless cases of deranged bowels, accompanied with pain and diarrhosa. During the alarming prevalence of the cholera, this prepa- ration, when resorted to in proper time, never failed to ad- minister speedy relief. It successfully combated the pain, flatulence, and other symptoms, without inducing fever or debility; but restored to healthy office and tone, the stomach and intestinal canal. A family in this vicinity, of the lighest respectability, con- stantly distributes many bottles their poorer neighbours, or others, when disorders of this elr ss prevail, and who would deem it a misfortune to be unsappliei with your truly valuable Medicine." "CHARLES II AY WARD, "Late Practising Chemift. and Member of the Royal y titC&I of Great "Brombill, near MarjranTT^ Prepared solely by the hn«p(it'V JPSA proprietor, at No. 7, Freeland Place, Hotwells, wfeere it Hfiiy be obtained also of Ferris and Score, Chemists to the Queen, Bristol; Barclay and Prepared solely by the hn«p(it'V JPSA proprietor, at No. 7, Freeland Place, Hotwells, wfeere it Hfiiy be obtained also of Ferris and Score, Chemists to the Queen, Bristol; Barclay and Sons, London; and through all respectable medicine venders: in bottles at 2s. 9d. and Is. lid. each, government stamp included. Agent for Newport—Mr. A. Clements, demist, druggist, &c., CARPETS, DAMASKS, & PAPER HANGING WAREROOMS, 13, SAINT AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. SMITH & CO. (beingexclusively confined to the Furnishing Business) respectfully solicit the nobility, gentry, and families furnishing, to an inspection of their extensive Stock of VELVET PELE, TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, and other CARPETS, being the largest selection they have ever had the honour of offering, and at prices which cannot fail to meet the approval of purchasers. The UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT is considerably en- larged, with an immense choice of all the new and beautiful patterns in Silk and" orsted Dainasks, Taborctts, Chintzes, and other materials for Bed Hangings, &c., the whole reduced in price, which must ensure a large return. Particular attention is studied in fitting up Curtains, Cornices, &c., in the newest style of fashion. The Stock of PAPER HANGINGS consists of about 10,000 Pieces for Drawing Dining, and Bedrooms, Halls, &c. S. & Co. beg to call particular attention to this branch of their trade, as the prices will be found much lower than those usually charged. An inspection will amply repay for the trouble of a A splendid assortment of French, German, and English Manufactured Muslin Curtains, from 5s. to 60s. per pair. Real Axminster Carpets, of the following dimensions, in Stock, and will be sold a decided bargain:—One 16 wide one 15 ft. by 12 ft.; one 13 ft. by 9 ft. 8; one lo ft. by 10 ft. 2 one 15 ft" 6 by 10 ft. 9; one 12 ft- 6 in. by 10 ft. 8. SMITH &. CO., Carpet and Furnishing Warehousemen, 13, St. Augustine's-parade, (Opposite the Drawbridge,) Bristol. *3 BRISTOL AND NEWPORT STEAM PACKETS, THE SWIFT AND,DART, Ate intended to ply Daily during tiie ensuing Week 'd; between BRISTOL and NEWPORT, as follows From the Hotu-ells Bristol. from Newport. JULY. JULY. 7 Saturday, 7 morn.. 6 after 7 Saturday, 6 morn.. 5 after 9 Monday, 8 morn.. —— 9 Monday, —— 64 afier 10 Tuesday, 8$morn.. —— 10 Tuesday, morn.. —— —— 11 Wednesday,'? morn.. —— 12 Thursday, 10 mor. —— 12 Thursday, ° mm.. —— 13 Fridav, U morn.. KJ Friday- morn.. H Saturday, 1I £ morn. 14 Saturday, 1° mom.. Refreshments may be had on Board. Fares-After Cabin, 3s.; To and Fro same day, 4s. each. Fore Deck, Is. 6d; To and Fro same day 2s. each. Children under twelve years of age and above two years old, half-price. The Proprietors of the above Packets give NOTICE, that they will not be accountable for any Passenger's Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Package, or Par cel. (If Lost or Damaged,) unless Booked at either of then Offices. in Bristol or Newport; and if above the value of 40s. entered at its value, and carriage paid at the time of booking. Goods, Packages, Parcels, &e., must be delivered at the Waiehouse, BulUWharf, Redclift'-street, Bristol, two hours (at least) before the time stated for the sailing of the Packet, and at Rownliam-Whaif, Hotwells, one hour before the time of sailing, to ensure their being forwarded. Williams's Packet Coach daily, from the Carpenter's Arms, Newport, on the arrival of these Packe's, through Caerleon and IJsk, to Abergavenny. CrickhoweU, and Breeon, ad from the Golden Lion, Abergavenny, three hours before the time of sail- ing for Bristol.—The following coaches leave the Kirg's Head Hotel, Newport, as follows :—The Abeigavenny Mail every afternoon at two o'clock, through Caerleon and Pontvpool, to Abergavenny, CrickhoweU, arwi Hrcon. and arnvca in Newport every morning at ten o'clock.— The Tiedegar and Nantyglo Mail every afternoon at through Risca, Aberraro, Newbridge, and Blackwood, an l arrives every morning at e even o'clock. The xNantyglo Mai! every morning at eight o'clock, through Risca, Abercarn, and Newbridge, and arrives in New- port every afternoon at five o'clock.—The Hero to Worcester every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at nine o'clock. The Hero to Cardiff, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at half-past six o'clock. I'ontupool and Abergavenny.—Coaches daily between these pacs aud Newport. lredtgai Iron Works, through Abercarne, Newbridge, and Pedweltu,and a branch from Newbridge to Nantyglo.— A Coach daily between these places and Newport. Applyat the Bristol General Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bustol; or to JOHN JONES, Agent. Packet Offices, Hownham Wharf, Hotwells, Nehon-street, Bristol, and Rodney Wharf. Newport STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BRiSTOL AND NEWPORT. UP fi The New steam Packet Company's Iron-built Schooners, Propelled by Screw, THE AVON AND SEVERN, Are intended to Sail during the ensuing We^k as follows: — Beaufort Wharf, Newport. From Bathurst Bain. BTistol. JULY. .7 Saturday, —— 5 after 7 Saturday, 61 mom.. 9 Monday, 6 morn.. 9 Monday, 7 morn.—. HI Tuesday, Cj morn.. —— 10 Tu.sday, 8 morn. —— J1 \\rednesday,1 moru.. —— 11 Wednesday,9 morn.. -—. 12 Thursday, 8 morn.. —— 12 Thursday, g morn.. -—— 13 Friday, 9 morn.. —— la Fridav, lujmorn.. 14 Saturday, 10 morn.. —— 14 Saturday, II morn. ——. To and Fro from Bristol. t To and fro from Newport. The voyages are performed by these Boats usually under two hours, aDd no lonij passages are made. Fares, Screw Steamers Avon and Severn—After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Deck, Is. 6d. To and fro same day, provided a to and fro Ticket be taken, After CabIn, 4s.; Fore Cabin, 2s.; Children under 12 years of a,"e, halt-price. The following COACHssleave the King's Head Hotel, Newport daily HE ABEHGAVENNY MAIL every afternoon at clockl through Caerleon and Pontvpool, to Abergavenny, Crlckhoel. and Biecon, and arrives in Newport every morning at 10.— 1 he Tr.EDEGAn and NANTYGLO MAIL ev "afrernoon at 30cbck, through Risca, Abercarne, Newtmdge and Blackwood and arnves in Newport every every morning at 8 o'clock, throuch Kisca, Abercarne and £ ew- ridge, and arrives in Newport in ihe afternoon a* 5-—T.ie F:" to Worcester every Monday, Wednesdav and Friday morning at 9 0 clock.-The HER0 to Cardiff every Tuesday, Ihursday and Saturday evening at half-past G.— A Coach leaves the BrJdg Ion dally on arrivrl of the Packets for Pontypool and Aber sychan. Refreshments may be had on board. 1 he Proprietorsgive noticethatthey will notbeaccountable or Passengers' Luggage, &c.; and their responsibility in re^Pec, of Goods in general is restricted by the terms of aMotice amxea io «heir Oiffces, at Bristol and Newport. Goods regularly and punctual1 forwarded by careful Carriers to all parts of the country. For terms and conditions of freight, apply at the Compinys Offices, Bell Avenue, Quee& Square, Bristol and Beaufort. Wharf, Newport. JOHN BLAND, Agent- GUANO. OF the best and purest quality, imported direct from Peru. Sold, warranted genuine, by PHILLIPS and GETHING, Iron and Oil Warehouses, Commercial Buildings, Newport, Monmouthshire. J. PALMER'S GENERAL UNDERTAKING, AND FUNERAL- FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 45, Llanarth-street, Newport, next door tothe West nlan Bank. The stock will be found replete with every article for the no- bleman, the tradesman, and the peasant, viz.:— Coffins coffin furniture in silver, brass, metal, and tin, of the newest designs, amounting to about 900 sets; ostrich plumes velvet hangings cloaks state tressels. and Genoa silk-velvet palls velvet coverings; wands; silks crapes and gloves hatchments superb Cashmere robes, bound with satin; flannels; cambric shrouds clcths br.izes; &c. Hearses and mourning coaches engaged for any distance. Designs for tombs always at hand. No connection with any other house. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, 50, Regent Street, and 2, Royal Exchange Buildings, London '["HE Directors of the COUNTY FIRE OFFICE beg to in- l form their Policy-holders, that the Midsummer Renewals are now in the hands of the several Agents of the Company, and that the same should be paid before the 9th of July. The terms of the COUNTY FIRE OFFICE are highly beneficial to the insured. Returns are paid at stated periods they amount at the present time to £ 156,000. Agents are appointed in all the principal towns (who are also Agents for the PRCVIDEXT LIFE OFFICE,) of whom every information may be obtained. AGENTS FOR KEWrOaT AND ITS WEIGHBOLUROOD. NEWPORT Mr. George Latch Acergavenny Mr. VV. Watkins Brecon Mr. T. Evans Carmarthen and Pembroke Mr. W. Hulm Haverfordwest Mr. James Saies Hereford Mr. C. Bennett Monmouth Mr. E. Richards Swansea Mr. J. Hore. DIVISION OF PROFITS. GREAT BRITAIN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 14, Waterloo Place, and 52, King William Street, City. The Chisholm Chairman. Richard Hartley Kennedy, Esq.Deputy Chairman. THIS Society is established on the tried and approved prin- ciple of mutual assurance. The first division of profits was declared at a general meeting of members, held on the 26th May instant, agreeably to the deed of settlement, when a Bonus of 30 per cent was piven in reduction of future premiums on all policies which had been in force five years, and hereafter this society will make an annual division ot profits. Credit is allowed for half the annual premium for the first five years. The following table exemplifies the effect of the present r,eduction:- Age Amount Annual [Reduction ofj Annual when Assured. Premium j30 per Cent. Premium Assured jhitherto paidi |now payable. £ £ R. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 20 1000 20 17 6 6 5 3 14 12 3 30 IOTO 25 13 4 7 14 0 17 19 4 40 1000 33 IH 4 10 3 6 23 14 10 50 10U0 48 16 8 14 13 0 34 3 8 A. R. IRVINE, Managing Director. 14, Waterloo Place. Agents Wanted; apply at the Office. BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY No. I, PRINCES-STRULT, BAN., LONDON. Empowered by Special Act of Pailiament, IV. Vict., c. IX DIRECTORS. William Bardgett, Esq. Samuel Bevington, Esq. William Fechney Black, Esq. George Cohen, Esq. Mallis Coventry, Esq. John Drewett, Esq. Robert Eglinton, Esq. Erasmus Robert Foster, Esq. Peter Morrison, Esq. Henry Lewi* Smale, Esq. I al'DITOHS. B. Bevington, Esq. ) F. B. Cockerill. Esq. I J. D Dow, Esq. MEDICAL OFFICER.—John Clendinning, M.D., F.R.S., 16. Wimpole-stieet, Cavendish-square. STANDING COUNSEL.—The lion. John Ashley, New-square, Lincoln's Inn. Mr. Sergeant Murphy, M.P., Temple. SOLICITOR.—William Bevan, Esq., Old Jewry. B.\ NltF. Rs.-Messrs. Drewett and Fowler, Princes-street. Bank mHlS Institution is empowered by a SpeciilAct of Parliament, I and is so constituted as to afford the benefits of Life Assu- rance in their fullest extent to Policy Holders, and to present greater facilities and accommodation than are usually offered by ny (ther companies. Among others, the following important advantages may by enunierated Increasing Rates of Premium on a new and remarkable plan for securing loans or debts; a less payment being required on a Policy, for the whole term ollife, than in any other office. CniiDiT TABLt;By this table the premiums may remain un- paid for five years, upon satisfactory security being given for the liquidation of the same, at the expiration of that period. HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM. Persons assured according to these rules, are allowed credit I (without security) for half the amount of thefint seven Annual Premiums, paying interest thereon, at the rate of five per cent per annum, with ttie option of paying o!f the priacipal at any :a. h:1"e-_lUU ftUUl \¡\ 1— I I ,1 tfie policy "becomes a elaifn. Policies may be thus effected at lower rates than are generally required for the term of seven year* only; whilst the holders Cave the same securit)' for the payment of their claims, whenever death may happen, as if they paid double the amount of pre. tr iums, which would be charged for assuraoce effected in the same way. Policies revised without the exaction of a fine, at any time tviihin twelve months. A Board of Directors in attendance daily at two o'clock. Age of the Assured in every esse admitted in the Policv. Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports Extract from Increasing Rates of Prexium, for an Assurance of flOO. for the W hole fer., of Life. < Annual Premiums parable during ¡ ¡N'w, (Age i ist iive j 2nd Five ( 3rd Five 5 4th Five j Remainder i < Years. Years. Years. ) Years. í of life. „A ) £ s; d- I £ ■ s, d. | £ s. d.$ £ t. d. £ «• d I < 1 J 4 1 5 10 I 10 11 I 16 9 2 3 8 30 > ( 6 4 I |2 2 1 19 I > 2 7 ♦ ( 2 17 # 40 S I 16 I 2 4 4 2 14 6 I3 7 3 4 3 4 50 j 2 16 7 | 7 9 4 j 4 5 5 j 5 6 3 | e 13 7 Extract from the Half Credit Rattes Premium. Annual Premium required for an Assurance of JEIOO for the W hole Term of Life. i Premium > > Age, ) Seven Years. < after Seven Years. < P j £ s7~d! j £ s. d. | >20 119 j 2 3 6 I 35 1 4 11 j 2 9 10 ¡ 4 192 > 2 18 4 í I 45 I 1 14 10 s 3 9 B 50 2 2 6 4 5 0 i <55 2 12 o s 5 5 6 CO J 8 4 > PETER MORRISON, Resident Director. Detailed Prospectuses, and every requisite information as to the mode of ettectmg assurances, may be obtained on application to the following aizeuts Newport—Mr. E. V. JENKINS, Chemist. chepstow- Ir, J. L. B ALDVV YN, Solicitor. Bristol Mr. JOHN MOXHAM, Banker. Coin-street. NOXtWZCH UNION FlaB INSURANCE SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1797. PATRONS. The Rt. Hon. the Eail of Or- ford. The Right H011. the Earl of Roseberry. I The Duke of Cleveland, K.G I The Right Hon. Lord Stafford I The Riglu Hon. Lord Saltoun &c.. &c.. & TRUSTEES. The Right Hon. Lord Wodehouse, Kimberley, Norfolk, Lord Lieutenant of the county. The Right Hon. Lord Hastings, Melton Constable, Norfolk- Lord Walpole. Sir Henry Jardine Knight, Edinburgh. Edward VVenman Martin, Esq Godstone, Surrey, &c. DIRFCTOIiS. Pmiricuf.AnthonyHudson.Ksq Vice President, Geo.Morse,Esq Msjor-Gen. Sir R. J. Harvey, C.B. Charles Evans, Esq., Chancel- lor of Norwich Edward Steward, Esq. 1 Lewis Evans, Esq., M.D. Captain Blakiston, R.N. Timothy Stewaid, Esq. 1 Geoige Durrant, Esq. R. J. H Harvey, Esq. Geoige Durrant, Esq. R. J. H Harvey, Esq. Sir William Foster, Bart. Henry S. Patteson, Esq. lreasurer— I he East of England Banking Company. Secretary—Samuel Bignold, Esq., Surrey-street, Norwich. Insurances are granted by this society on buildings, goods* merchandise, and effects ships in port, harbour, or dock goods in boats or canal, or in waggons; agricultural produce, farm- ing stock, implements, and utensils of husbandry, from loss or damage by fire, in any part of ihe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Norwich Union Society, instituted 1797, was the first office to make returns to the parties insured, and its connexions have, to the present time, enjoyed this important benefit. The last return ou the premiums paid between Michaelmas 1811 and Michaelmas J845, was made in J846. distributing in that year amongst the parties insured 150,000 makine a total of jE350 00n relumed to the assured aince the first establishment ol the office, and this per centage was paid to every insurer without excep- tion, whether his policy had been in existence the whole period or for only a single year, or even but for three months, an ad. vantage not afforded by any other society whatever. It is expected I hal I he next return will be made in the course of the ensuing year 1850. The dIrectors. have the strongest grounds to expect that the future returDS WId equal the p.st. and the constant increase of business (over sixty millions) sufficiently attests the public cen- fidence in the stability of this company. These unprecedented returns show the great benefits which insurers 10 this office have (Wived, and the rates are the same as charged by other offices fwhere no returns are made. STATEMENT OF FARMING STOCK which is of duty) insured for the year 1847. by the follow- iDg four Insurance Companies, specifying the name of each mmoanyi an<^ amount insured by each. COmPVoRWICH UNION £ 9.858,469 Sun 8.134.113 West of England 1,031,153 Imperial 930,950 LIFE DEPARTMENT. This society has been established upwards of forty years, upon II ISnciples of Mutual Assurance, during which period it has paid to clai'naD,s 00 terminated policies upwardsof £ 3,000,000, in addition to which nearly one million sterling has been as- I si d tjV way of Bonuses. The capital of this society for meet- in» "stir*C engagements exceeds two millions sterling,'and is il*" eXtl hol'y invested on realaud government securities. There most w -etaIy t0 divide wi<h the assured the profits of the s no prop are iherefore periodically assigned in additions i,U. 10.hl sums assured on all policies for the whole duration of life, in Proportion to the amount of premium paid, the full advance of life assurance being thus enjoyed by persons be- coming members of this institution. The subjoined list of existing polices exhibits the aggregate "mount of bonus assigned to eac inc uding the bonus declaied at the general meeting held the 29th of June, 1847. iy„ nf Sura Bonus. Policy. Assured. 73 y £ 300 £ 205 6 4 92 £ 00 392 6 4 147 100 55 8 8 165 300 159 1 0 170 1000 573 I 6 20(i 400 270 15 9 229 ..V. on.. 182 1 7 231 504 12 11 2557 9^ 802 2 1 3195 "q • 1563 12 8 3239 ["•' ]222 2 2 3240 3000 1109 15 2 The premiums payable (under 45 years of age) are nearly 10 per cent. below the usual rates. Tables of the Society's Rates may be had on application. Agent for Newport,—Mr. F. R. OWEN, Office, No. 20, Commercial-street. GENERAL UNDERTAKING ESTABLISH- MENT, 14, STOW-HILL, NEWPORT. JAMES W ARB. and SON announce to the public of New. port and surrounding districts, that they have completed arrangements by which they are enabled to undertake the General Furnishing of Funerals, of every description, in all their branches; and they are determined honestly to adopt every means, by assiduous attention, punctuality, and modera- tion of charges, to equal, if not excel, the pretensions of any similar establishment in the countv. S" Warr and Son, 14, Stow-Hill, Newport, Contractors for the several Parishes of the Newport Union. Hearses and mourning equipages, with all the accompanying preparations and arrangements, either for funerals upon an extended scale, or suitable to the circumstances of humble families. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. REARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS, I so long and justly celebrated for their peculiar virtues, are strongly recommended to the notice of every lady as a safe and valuable Medi- cine, in effectually removing obstructions, and relieving of all other in- conveniences to which the female is liable. especially those which, at an early period of life, frequently arise from want of exercise and general debility of the system; they create an appetite, correct indiges- tion. remove giddiness and nervous headache, pains in the stomach, shortness of breath, and palpitation of the heart; being perfectly inno- cent, they may be used with safety in all seasons and climates •«* It is necessary to inform the public that KEARSLEY'S is the only ORIGINAL and GENUINE MEDICINE of this description ever made. Purchasers are particularly requested to remark, that as a testi- mony of authenticity, the name C. KEARSLEY," ia engraved on the Government Sump, and each box is wrapped in white paper. Sold, in Boxes 2s. yd. each, Wholesale and Retail, by J. SANGER, 150, Oxford-street, London; and by Messrs. Ebenezer Jenkins, E. J. Phiilips, and J. Gwillim, chemists and druggists. Newport. H A L S E's PORTABLE GALVANIC APPARATUS, PRICE TEN GUINEAS. HALSE'S PORTABLE GALVANIC APPARATUS, which has now become so celebrated, consists of twelve pair of zinc and silver plates, and a most complete regulating apparatus, with wire, handles, &c. The whole is contained in a neat mahogany box, about two feet long, one foot high, and one foot broad; and when in action, it is an ornament to afly drawing-room, and is, in short. perfection itself. From the weakest to the strongest nower there are fifteen gradations, the use of which is described in Mr. Halse's sixth and seventh letters on Medical Galvanism. to which he begs to call the re ider's attention. The extra- ordinary cures he has made by means of Galvanism, have so astonished the whole medical world, that he is now justly patronised by the highest of the medical profession: and, altbough it may not be believed, it is still, nevertheless, a fact. and well known to his numerous patients, that he has generally one or two gentlemen of the medical profession under him as patients. To galvanize between forty and fifty patients a day. as Mr. Halse and his assistants are in the habit of doing, it is absolutely neces- sary that the galvanic apparatus should be brought to the height of perfection and such, he flatters himself, he has accomplished, as the undermentioned testimonials will prove. The apparatus is constructed on so simple a principle, that the mos unscientific will not have the least difficulty in using it, as the fullest instructions are given how to use it, and also medical advice how to apply it, by the patient minutely describing his complaint. Therefort patients in the country need not go to the expense of a journey to London, as they can galvanize themselves by means of this apparatus at their own residences, and with perfect safety, as the power can be regulated so accurately that an infant may be galvanized with it, without even causing it to cry; and in a moment the power of it can be so increased that the most powerful man would not like to receive its influence a second time. The most timid need nct be afraid of using it, as the power of it is entirely under command. The following are a few extracts from the Press, in addition to those previously inserted:- HALSE'S PORTABLE GALVANIC A PPARATI'S.—From the Weslcyan That Mr. Haise stands high as a medical galvanist, and that he is generally considered as the head of his profession, are facts which we have long known: but we did not know until very recently that h* had brought the galvanic apparatus to such a high state of perfec ion, that an invalid may galvanize himself with the most perfect safetv. We happen to know something of galvanism ourselves, and we can trulv sav that his apparatus is far superior to anythtng of the kind we ever beheld. To those of our invalid friends, therefore, whe may feel desirous of testing the remecial p >wers of galvanism, we say, apply at once to the fountain head. To secure beneficial results, it is necessary, as we can from experience assert, to be galvanized by au apparatus constructed on the best principles; for, although the sensation experienced from the smallest machines of the common construction, during the operation is very similar to that experienced hy Mr Halse s machines, yet the effects afterwards produced are vastly different, the one producing a feeling of exhaustion, and the other a leeling ol renewed vigour. Ir. Halse particularly ecommends galvanism for the restora- tion of muscular power in any part of the bidy which may be deficient of it." HALSE'S PORTABLE GALVANIC APPARATUS.—The following is extracted from the Mucuzine of Science for April:—"We are continually in receipt of letters from medical men, inquiring the best form of Galvanic Apparatus for medical purposes, the essential requisites being constancy of action, and to be always ready for use at a moment's notice. To those medical friends we reply, write to Mr. Halse, and order one of his portable Galvanic Apparatus, and you may take our word for it you will find them all that you can desire. His battery is constructed of zinc and silver plates, and he has so arranged his ro^j la- ting apparatus, that the practitioner may apply just what power he may think proper. It is the most perfect thing we ever beheld; and we do not see how it is possible, for medical purposes, to improve upon it. It is well known that quantity of fluid is the great desideratum in medical galvanism. Now, in the small machines which are usually st.1d, it is very evident to any one who knows anything ot the principles of galvan. ism, that the quantity of fluid which circulates through the body of the patient is next to nothing, although the shock may be very powerful; for the human body is an imperfect conductor, and it requires a series or pairs of plates to enforce the current through an imperfect conductor. In Mr. Halse's apparatus there are both quantity and intensity brought into action; and yet his machine is constructed in so beautiful a manner, that el en au infant may be galvanized by it without the least unpleasant- ness. As men of science, we conscientiously recommend Halse's Portable Galvanic Apparatus, in preference to all others." GALVANISM.—The application of Galvanism as a medical agent appears to be the rage in the metropolis. Its professors have played the very deuce with the Cold-water Doctors, for the Medical Galvanists pretend to accomplish fully as much as the Hydropatliists; and, as the cold-water treatment is, without doubt, a very disagreeable one, whilst the galvanic treatment has nothing disagreeable about it, patients now generally resort to the latter. Mr. W. H. Halse may be considered the leader in this new branch of medical science, for who ever heard of galvanic rings, galvanic bracelets, garters, bunds, &c., before he maoe galvanism so popular ? If galvanism be as powerful a remedial agent as it is pretended to be, the thanks of te invalid public are due to Mr. Hahe, and to him aione, for it; for without his extraordinary improvements in the galvanic apparatus, the applications of galvanism would be worse than useless. That Mr. HaUe ranks high as a Medical Galvanist is evident from the fact that the most eminent physicians of the metropolis invariably recommend their patients to him, where they think galvanism will bt of service. 3forning Chronicle. Invalids may be supplied with Mr. Halse's pamphlet on Medical Galvanism" gratuitously, by forwarding him two stamps for the postage of it. His residence is at 22 Brunswick-square, London. MR. R. wm-1:I;11'\ T'r"Jn .'T"tAu"'Cn t\1, .¡.r.;{: may be personally consulted at No. 8, Richmond Terrace, Clifton, until Saturday evening, March 17th; his professional engagemen ts preventing the possibility of a longer stay. MESSRS. R. and L. PERRY & Co. beg to inform their Patients and parties desirous of consulting them. that in consequence of repeated solicitations, they find it impracticable to adhere to the Public Notice, which they recently gave, of not visiting the Provinces but that Patients may not, on future occasions, be deceived by parties illegally using their name, they beg to state, that no announcement ot any in- /1>>JH/0 tended visits will be genuine, unless £ signed by a fac-simile of thair hand-writ- kl/ ing, to imitate which, is felony. Dne notice of Mr. R. Perry's residence will be given on his arrival in each town. On physical disqualiifcations, generative incapacity, and impediments to marriage. TBB SILENT FRIEND, A new edition, enlarged to 1% pages, price 2s. 6d. lu order to ensure secresv, and punctuality in delivery, the work will be snt direct from the establishment, free to any part of the kingdom, m a sealed enve- lope, on the receipt of 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. The Silent Friend is a medical work written in language, devoid of professional technicalities, on the physical disqualiifcations affecting the generative system n both sexes. It contains an elaborate and care fully-written account of the anatomv and phvsiology of the organs in man which are directly and indirectly concerned in the function of generation, (illustrated by coloured engravings,) and the causes and consequences resulting from the baneful practice hy which the vigour and manliness of life are enervated and destroyed, even before nature has fully established the powers and stamina of the constitution. Local and general debilitv, nervous irritability and excitement, consumption, indigestion of the most fearful and exhausting kind, intense meiancholy and depression of the spirits, and partial or total extinction of the repro- ductive powers. &c., are thus produced. In the Silent Friend, the chap- ter devoted to the consideration of these dreadful complaints contains also an account of the means by which they may be prevented and re- moved, so as to restore the sufferer to the full enjoyment of health, and the functions of manhood. The consequences arising from venereal contamination are next pointed out, and the nature and character of gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, and secondary symptoms of every kind, are clearly explained, with directions for cure. Their dangerous effccts on the human economy are sufficiently dilated on, and a means is also in- dicated by which the recurrence of these diseases may in every instance be completely prevented. The work terminates with a chapter on the obligations of marriage, the phvsical impediments which tend to dis- qualify the candidate for that holy state, and the directions necessary for their removal. The work is illustrated by the detail of cases, and by twenty-six coloured engravings on steel, thus rendering it what its name purports it to be, the true, but silent friend to all suffering from the consequences of early error and vice, a work which may be con suited without exposure, and with every assurance of complete success and benefit: bv R. and L. P*RRY, consulting surgeons, 19, Bemer's- street, Oxford-street, London. Published by the authors, and sold by Strange 21 Paternoster Row; Hannay and Co., 63, Oxford-street; Sanger 'ISO Oxford-street; Gordon, 146, Ltadenhall-street; Starie, 23, Titchborne-street, Haymaiket, London; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-street, Liverpool F«.awle, Church-street, Liverpool IngTam, Market-street! Manchester D._ Campbell, 136, Argyle-street, Glasgow R. Lindsay, 11, Elms-row, Edinburgh Powell, 10, Westmoreland- street Dublin and by all booksellers and patent medicine venders in town and country. Part the first of this work is dedicated to the consideration of the ana- tomv and Physiology of the generative functions. It embraces a suc- cinct account of all the organs in man which are engaged in the impor- taut function of the reproduction of the species, and the mode in which self-abuse operates to the injury of the human frame, and the destruction of thespecial and vital powers. This is illustrated bysix coloured engravings. Part the seeond treats of the infirmities and decay of the system pro- duced by over indulgence of the passions. The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, with their accompmying train of symptoms and disorders, are traced by the chain of connecting results to this cause. This section is illustrated by three coloured engravings, which fulh display the effects of physical decay. Part the third contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury primary and secondary symp- toms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, dis- ease of the bones, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture. &c.. are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treatment of all these diseases and their consequences, is tendered in this section, which, if dulv followed u Z; cannot fail in effecting a cure. The part is illustrated by sevente coloured engravings. Part the fourth contains a prescription for the prevention of disease by a simple appl cation which the danger of infection is obviated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the system. This important part of the work should not escape the reader's notice. Part the fiftit treats of marriage, its obligations and disqualiifcations The causes which lead to happiness in the marriage state are dwelt upon, and those that are indicative of misery anj domestic inquietude The nature, origin, and treatment of physical disqualifications are also dcscribeo, and remedies for this state form an important consideration in this section of the work. The Cordial Balm of Svriacum is employed to renovate the impaired powers of life, when exhausted by the influence of solitary indulgence on the system. Its action is purely balsamic its power in reinvigo rating the frame in all cases of nervous and sexual debility, obstinat, gleets, impotency, barrenness, and debilities arising from venereala xe cesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarjing success in thousands cases. To those persons who are prevented entering the marriage stat by the consequences of early errors, it is invalubale. Constitutions relaxed, weak or decayed, trembling of the hanis headache, faintings, and female complaints, are under its immediate in flueuce, and when the system has received a shock, and is debilitated fiom imprudence aed inattantion in the early part of life, or is sinking under the advance of years, or by long residence in hot or cold climates this medicine will afford immediate a-surauce of returning strength, bv giving lone to the muscular system and organs of digestion. All cases of local and general debility, nervous irritability and excite- ment. consumption, indigestion of the most exhausting kind, intense melancholy, depression of the spirits, partiai or complete extinftion of the reproductive powers, and nnn-reteution of urine, are permanentlv cured by the Cordial Balm of Syriacum, and patients restored to the full enjoyment of health, and functions of manhood. Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one, for 33s. The Concentrated Detersive Essence, an Anti-syphilitis remedy, for purifying the system from venereal contamination, is recommended for any of rhe varied forms of secondnry symptoms, such as eruptions of the skin, blotches on the head and face, enlargement of the throat tonsils and uvula; threatened destruction of the nose, palate, &c., scurvy, scorbutic humours, old wounds, ulcers, sore legs, venereal ulcer and sores, glandular swellings, erysipelas, leprosy, king's evil, pimples diseases of the skin, cutaneous eruptions on any part of the body, and all impuriiies of the blood. Price lis. and 33s per bottle. The £5 cases of Syriacmn or Concentrated Detersive Essence, can only be had at 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London; whereby there is a saving of X12. and the patient is entitled to receive advice without a fee, which advantage is applicable on'y to those who remit £ 5 for a packet! Perry's Purifying Specific Pills, price 8s. 9d„ 4s. 6d.. and lis. per box. These pills, each box of wliich is accompanied with explicit directions, are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for gonorrhoea, both in its mild and aggravated forms. They immediately allay the inflammation by their specific influence on the urethra, and arrest the future progress of the disease. In all cases of consultation by letter, the-usual fee of one pound must be forwarded, either by post-office order, or otherwise. Parties are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases, noting especially the duration of the complaint, the mode of its com- mencing, its symptoms and progress, age, habits of living, general occu- pation, and position in society. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world; no difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packet, and carefully protected from observation These medicines are prepared only hy Messrs. R & L. PFKEV in Co, Surgeons, 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London; and sold by all medicine venders in town or ountry. N. B, Country Medicine Venders can be supplied by most of the Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London. Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co. may be consulted as usual at 19 Berners-street, Oxford-street, London, (where may be had the, Silent Friend) from eleven till two. and five till eight in the evening, and on Sundavs from eleven to one. Sold by Thomas A. Roberts, chemist, Conwp.y; John Brown, Chro- nicle Office, Banig-r Robert Griffith, chemist, ifigh.street, Caernarvon William Edwards, chemist, Denbigh; H. G. Hughes, chemisto Holy- head; John Beale, chemist, High-street, Wrexham E. Ward, chemist, High-street, Brecon; Philip Price, Post-office, Brdgend; H. Webber, Guardian Office, Cardiff; Walter Thomas, chemist (oppo- site Angel,) Merthyr; J. W. White, chemist, Guildhall Square, Car- martben; W. Williams, chemist, High street, Cardigan; O. E. Davies, chemist, Haverfordwest; Joseph Potter, HeraldOffice, Haverfordwest, R. C. Treweeks, chemist, Pembroke; Thomas Evans, chemist, High- street. Swansea; John Moore, chemist, Broad-street, New Town Thomas Stephens, chemist. High-street, Merthyr Tydfil Ferris and Score. druggists, Union-street, Bristol John Wattnn, Chronicle Office Shrewsbury: James Chilcott, bookseller, Broad-street, Leominster; Draper, chemist, Broad-street, Hereford; T. Farror, Beacon Office! Monmouth; E. V. JENKINS, Commercial-street, Newport; and PHILLIPS, chemist, High-street, Newport, of all of whom May be had the SiAout Friend. TO TO BE LET, w. j. tomed house, ctu, Pillgwenlly, and where carried on for the last two é. given for the present tenan.* leavi., fee., to be taken at a valuation. Apply on the premises; or to Mr. Commercial Street, Newport, Mon. 21stJune, 1849. WESTON GROVE SCROto One Mile from BATH. Conducted by M. AT this Establishment the pupils are boarded, a instructed in English Grammar, History, v Use of the Globes, Mapping, Writing, Arithmetic, a Keeping by Single and Double Entry. Terms; From Fourteen to Seventeen Guineas per A according to age. (Washing included.) Any further information, with references, will be* giv application. The air of Weston is salubrious; the premises 14 eligible and the country around,delightfully picturesque. The Midsummer Vacation closes on Wednesday, Juiy lit TOOTHACHE VBILXAX=TLV CVaBD. Price Is. per packet. TJRAXDE'S ENAMEL FOR FILLIKG DECAYIKG TEETH, and rendering them sound and painless. has, from its unquestionable, exellence, obtained great popularity at home and abroad. Its curattro agency is based upon a true theory of the cause of Tooth-Ache, and hence its great success. By most other remedies it is sought to kill the nerve, and so stop the pain. But to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation, and often leads to very sad consequences, for the tooth then becomes a dead substance in a living jaw, and prodtcM the same amount of inflammation and pain as would result from aM other foreign body embedded in a living organ. BRANDE'S ENAMEL does not destroy the nerve, but by restoring the shell of the tooth. completely protects the nerve from cold, heat. or chemical or other agencv by which pain is caused. By following the directions INSTANT EASEis obtained and a LASTING CURE follows. Full instructions accompany every packet. TESTIMONIAL. Sir,—Having suffered for some time from a decayed tooth, I was in- duced to try Brande's Enamel," on seeing it advertised in the periodi- cals. The result so much exceeded my expectations, that on receiving an ordsr from a friend for a packet of Succedaneum, to be sent to him at Newfoundland. I felt convinced nothing would give him more satis- faction than "Brande's Enamel," and consequently, sent it. CLEMENT DU PARCT. 14, KingVstreet, St. Helens, April 26th, 1849. London: Manufactured only by JOHN WILLIS, 24, East Temple Chambers, Whitefriars, Fleet Street, removed from. Bell's Buildings Salisbnry Square. Wholesale by all the large Medicine Houses. Sold by E. V. JENKINS, 41, Commercial btreet, Newport. G. PHILLIPS, 17, Duke Street, Cardiff. W. A. COSSENS, Post Office, Moomonth; Mrs S. EY ANS, Abergavenny. Should there be any difficulty in obtaining it. enclose thirteen stamps to JOHN WILLIS, (as above) and you will ensure the genuine article by return of post Twenty authentic Testimonials, ilh full directions for use, accompany each packet, which contains enough Enamel to fill several Teeth. Observe that the name of" Joan Willis" is on every packet.—AGENTS WANTED. PROTECTED jfr~ BV ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. DR. LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS HAVE NO TASTE OF MEDICINE, And are the only remedy recomaoended to be taken by Ladies. They for 1 ifv the constitution at all periods of life. and in all Nervous AJfeo- tions act like a Charm. They remove Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Weakness, and Allav Pain. They create Appetite, and remove Indigestion, Heart-burn, Wind, Head-aches, Giddiness, &c. In Hysterical Diseases, a proper perseverance in the use of this IIh. dicine will be found to effect a cure after all other means have failed. Full Directions are given with every box. NOTE.-The,e Wafers do not contain any Mineral, and may be taken either dissolved in water, or whole. BEWARE OF IMITATION. The very great celebrity which DR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS bare at- tained, has induced unprincipled persons. to prepare Imitations in the form of Pills, &c., which, frjm their worthless nature. disappoint the just expectations of the Purchaser, and injure the eharac er of the Genuine Medicine. It is, therefore, necessary to observe that no Medicine is Genuine but "WAFERS." and that outside ewty Genuine Box is the Government Stamp, in which are the words, DR. LO COCK'S WAFERS, In white letters on a red ground. OBSERVE.—There are various Counterfeit Medicines, having words on the Stamp, so nearly reseblillg these, as to mislead the unweary- Purchasers mujt therefore strictly observe the above Caution Prepared only by the Proprietor's Agents, DA SILVA & CO., 1, Bride Lane, Flcet-stseet, London. Price, Is. Lid., 2.. 9d., and 11k. per bm. The 2s. 9d. boxes contain nearly three of the small size, and the lis. boxes five of those at 2s. 9d. Under Royal Patronage. Perfect Freedom from Coughs in tea minutes after use, and a Rapid Cure for Asthma and Consumption aøi all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs is insured by DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. The truly wonderful powers of this remedy have called forth test* monials from all ranks of society, in all quartets ef the world. Th following have just been received:- SOU CUIIES IN TRtDEOAE. From Mr. J. P. Williams, chemist, Church-street, Tredegar. December 25, 1S48. Gentlemen.—A number of my friend* have experienced great benefit through taking Lwock's Wafers. Please to send me one dozen boxem by post, as some are waiting for them. One friend named Amy Cala- more (subject to asthma), had a box last week,and has already received great benetit from them, although she did not take the whole, as she divided the box among some of her neighbours. Every one speaks highly of them, and they are takeu by some of the first families ia the town. Yours obediently, J. P. WILLIAMS. The following particulars of a rapid cure of Asthma of fourteen years standing, are from Mr. E. Bignell, Holyhead Road, Wednesbury. September Ö. 1848. Sir,-When I had the fltst bait of Dr. Locock't Wafers from you, I was labouring under one of those attacks of asthma, to which I have been subject for about fourteen years. I hare had the best medical advice the neighbourhood could afford, including two physicians at Birmingham, and one at Wolverhampton, but with no su My breathing was so difficult that I expected every inspiration to be my last; as for sleep, that was impossible, and had been to for several weeks. The first dose (only two small Wafers) gave me great relief-the øe- cond more so-in short, the first box laid the ground work for the caM which only four boxes have effected and I am now quite well. I remain, sir. your most obliged, IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO 8INQE BIGlrEi*L- r F1r°mJS^P?r!alV her Majesty's Concerts, and vicar choral of Lichfield Cathedral;—Lichfield, July 20th, IS48. Gentlemen,—A lady of distinction having pointed out to me the qualities of Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers, I was induced to makett trial of a box, and from this trial I am happy to giee my testimonial in their favour. I find bv allowing* lew of the Wafemitake-.i ia the course of the day) to gradually dissolve in my month, my voice becomes brightt and clear, and the tone full and distinct. They are decidedly the meat efficious of any I have ever used. (Signed), SAMUEL PEARSALL. The particulars of hundreds of cures may be had from every agent throughout the kingdom. To Singers and Public Speakers they are invaluable, as ill a few hours they remove all hoarseness, &ad wonderfully iacrease the powers and flexibility of the voice. Tey haw a pleasant taste. Prioe Is. 1 id,, 9d„ anrf Us. per box. May be had of DA SILVA CO., 1. Bride Lane, London; or of the following wllblesale agents-Evans, Sm, mA lIochon. wholesale drug- gists, Exeter. Sold by Mr. E. J. Phillips, and Mr. E V. 1e.Itin, Newport. Agent for Merthyr: Mr. White, bookseller, High-street, and sold by aU medicine venders. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. KOT*.—Fnll dteectieue-are Eiresrwlti every box, ta the Eaglufc, Gcr- mas, and French Languages. INFERTILITY A LL that is created la intended to fulfil the Divine C<<a!n«Bd—" III- .lI. crease and multiply; '—therefore a branchless tree or barren plot of land strike* a chill on the Imagination but how pleasing to the surht. is a flower in full bloom or a tree in blossom !— its healthful ^it- spreading branehes giving promise of the future perpetuation of its species. Ihus it is with man we vu* the cottage of the hardv and see him surround,d with his blooming and healthful although he may be poor in the gifts of man, yet Heaven has Wowed' her choicest blessings on him, and he is not unfrequeijtli the env, of the noble lord who owns the manor; he would give half his estate t h« come the father of a son, to inherit his name and property. But. I f he is deterred from entering the holy state of Mat imony bv the happy consciousness that the indiscretions of his youth has deprived him of the power of fulfilling in sacred obligations; and how much UDbap- piness is daily witnessed in the marriage state, from the same cause where no offspring has blessed the nuptial couch-mutual distrust frel quently ensues, in coldness and restraint. But happily tor those thus situated the means of exchanging gloomy fears for bright anticipa- tions wiU be found in the pages of a small work entitled the rAXTHrUL NOWITOIL;" A Treatise on the exhaustion and physical decay of the system, pro- duced by excessive indulgence, the consequences of infection, er the abuse of mercury, with observations on the married state, aud the dis- qualifications whieh prevent it. by P. B LLOVD, 21, St ikes-croft, Bristol. Consulting Surgeon, author of Hope for Nercous Invalids.* Faithful Monitor." '• Friendly T'oice." kc.. *c., Published bv the Autho-. and Sold in London, by Hannay and Co.. 63. Oxford-street- Mr, Heath, Broad-street, Bristol; Mr. Cross, chemist. Miigoui-street Bath Herald Office. Taunton Needham, Gloucester Phi!ljps Higb- street, Newport: Thomas, High-street, Cardiff; and by all booksellera throughout the kingdom. Price Is., or free by post for Is. 6d. This work contains an accurate and complete account of the Ana tomy and Physiology of the Reproductive Organs, and of their re- lative conditions in health and disease. Nor are these the sole con- tents of the work; the means of escape as well as the nature of the dan- ger. are pointed out in clear and intelligible language. It deservedly re. quires the closest attention and study, for what subject can be of more importance than the preservation of health and of the physical capabili- ties of which every man should be possessed. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. This is evidently a very talented work, and we strongly recommend the perusal of it to our readers.'—Chronicle. It is departing from our usual course to notice works not strict) v of a. literary chaiacter; but, in making the present instance an exception. we are actuated from a desire of commending to public attention a work which though of a professional cast, deserves for iu great usefulness to extensively known."—Guardian. This is decidedly one of the best works of the kind ever written."— Era. We strongly recommend the perusal of this excellent little book which contains much valuable information, and (to thewe suffering from early indiscretions.) it will indeed prove a faithful monitor "—Herald THE CORDIAL BALM OF ANGELICA is em'nantly Slcuiated to renovate the impaired functions of life, its action is purely balsamic- its power in reinvigorating the nervous system is unrivalled, it re- moves general and incal debility, gives tone to the stomach, ca and purities the blood, and for the cure of generative weakness will be found invaluable. Sold in buttles at lis and 3Js. each. LLOYD & CO's., ERADlCATlVE HERB PILLS, Price 2s. 9d. and I Is. per box, are anauti-kiypiiiilic remedy for purifying the systemfrom venereal contamination, and is recommended for any of the varied forms of secondary symptoms, such as eruptions on the skin, blotcheE on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils, and uvula; threatened destruction of the nose, palate. See., being justly calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness, counteract every morbid affection, and restore weak and emaciated constitutions to pristine health and vigour. Sold by all Medicine Ven(ieri in Town and Country. Messrs. Lloyd may be personally consulted daily at their residence, 2!, Stoke's Croft. Bristol, from 10 till 2, and from 4 till fi in the even- ng-On Sundays, from 10 tiE 12. Letters for advice must be post-paid, and contain the usual fee of One Pound, without which no notice whatever can be taken of the commu- nication. LLOYD'S ERADICATIVE HERB PILLS may be had of Mr. Cross. M Isom-street, Bath; MeS8T. Hitchcock and Son. Taunton; Mr. Trix. chemist, High-street. Exeter: Phillips, High-street, New- port; Thomas, High-street, Cardff; and by all Medicine Venders. Llovd's Eradicative Herb Pills," "Faithful Monitor," and "Hope for Nervous Invalids," may be had of Ma. E. PHILLIPS, chemial. High-street, Newport. YOU MAY BE CURED YET I « HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. fOTRE OF RHEUMATISM AND RHEUMATIC GOUT. Extract v1 of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the "Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated September 28th, 184S. To Professor Kolloway. Sir,-—For a long time I was a martyr to Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicines, I was so bad as not to be able te walk. I had tried doctoring and medicines of every kind, but all to no avail; indeed I daily got worse, and felt that I must shortly die. From sefisig your remedies advertised in the paper I take in, I thought I would give them a trial. I did so. I rubbed the Ointment in as directed, and kept cabbage leaves to the parts thickly spread with it. and took the Pills night and morning. In three weeks I was enabled to walk about for an holir or two in the day with a stick, and in seven weeks I could go any- where without one. I am now, by the blessing of God and your medicines, quite well, and have been attending to my business for more thar. seven months, without any symptoms of the return of my old com- plaint. Be>ides my case of Rheumatic Gout. I have lately had proof that your Pills and Ointment will heal any old wound or ulcer, as a married woman, living near me had had a bad leg for four years, which no one could cure, and I pave her some of your Pills and Ointment. which soundly healed it when nothing oUt would do it- For yoar n or- mat.on, I had the honor to serve my country tor twenty-nve years, in the first regiment of Life Guards, and was eighteen years a Corpo was two years in the Peninsular War, and w.s at tte Battle of Water os. I was discharged with a pension on 4e 2nd Sept^nto. 1ib3 Commanding Officer at the tirao, was Colonel Henrt General. I belonged to th^ troop of C^a^TrU.VTON. Cum OF A BAP LKG or TWEKTT-OKS YEARS'STAW»IK6. Extract. of a Letter from Mr. Andrew Brack, Blacksmith, near Ber- wick, dated the 10th of August, 184*. To Professor Moljowaj. Sir,— With pleasure and gratitude I have to inform yen that aft" sobering for twenty-one years with a bad leg, which J™- ment. although I consulted, at different times, eeery medical uian of emi- nence in this part of the country, but all to no purpose. I was frequently unable to workT and the pain and agony I often endured no one can tell. M; leg is now as sound as ever it was in my life, b^ means of your Pills and Ointment, which T purchased from Mr. I. Davidson, Druggist, Berwick-upon-Tweed, who knows my case well, and will, I am sure. he happy to certify with me, if necessary, as to the truth of this wonderful. cure. (Signed) ANDREW BRACK. AMPITTATIOH or Two TOES PREVKKTEB.—Extract of a Letter from Mr. Oliver Smith Jenkins, dated Falkirk, August 18th, IM8 To Profes- sor Holloway. Sir,-I was superintending, about six months ago, the erection of one of our Railway Bridges, and by the fall of a large stona my right foot was seriously bruised, which ultimately got so bad that I was advised to go to Edinburgh to consultsome of the eminent Surgeons which I did, and was told that in order to save my foot, two of m toes must be taken off. In despair, I returned home to impart the melancholy news to my wife, intending to submit to the operation it was then a thought struck me to try your valuable Ointment and Pills, which I did ind was by their means in three weeks enabled to resume my usual occupation, and at this time my toes are perfectlv curt-d (Signed) OLlVER SMITH JENKINS. A* EXTRAOBDIKART Ccrk or A DESPERATE Skin DISEASE—On the 21st July, 1848, the Editor of the Mofussilite" Newspaper uuhi Jh ed in India, inserted the following Editorial article in his nluer know for a fact, that Holloway's Pills and Ointmern a^in a most wonderful manner upon the constitution, as an eccentric Coolie, CIL]-ied Eliza, employed in our establishment, wns affected with in.T^ „f B worms, which defied all the Mee-ut Doctors anrf 5 ^^lnK- ?oor man before he was ur.derground we r.ed ^rr'1 d"our ind in a month he was perfecUy restored to W f ^°E h,:r" deanlmessofskin. The effect was miraculous C°ndlUon £ nd ronowinfc^s^adLe^d in of th« chetoes and Sand flies Coco-B.^ BU/nS' ?Un,10n6- °f Mo- hands, Corns (Soi'tl Cancer* r Chiego-foot, Chilblains, Chapped- Fistulas, Gout, Glandular'sv,°en\rn^ Ta, KtlffJ^n,18' ElePhant,asi*. Scalds, Sore Nipples Sore tVr,n» Lumbapo. Pile*, Rheumatism, T am ours, U! cers W oundT" Y*aws Skln-d*ease'' Sore-heads, by^esVehcLbl°PJieH0r' 24?UStrand' ^ar Temple Bar,) London, and Wnr d in S l n 0fPf'ent Medicines throughout the civiliaed each Th!^ Boxes, Is. 1R, 2s. 3d.. 4s. 6d„ lis., 2fe.. and 83s. v TV 6 1? a very considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. auVfiox ons for the guidance of Patients are affixed to sub Pot and Box. ¡. a.&

. Foreign and Colonial Intelligence.




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