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AUCTION OF FORTHYRHYD TOLL >. GATE AND HOUSE. night last, about twelve o'clock, a large body of At|)vj!"es> in number between 300 and 400, assembled at the H/V. Gate, which they proceeded to demolish without ^.nnmber of special constables had been stationed J defend the gate, but they, as well as the keepei of the jjtf4 e^4'nped on the approach of the redoubtable lady and )'y. Having thus the field to themselves, they pro- r^.10 the work of demolition, and before one o'clock, had i" their project of destroying the gate, bar, and j'ton hey also threw down a portion of a wall opposite the ^lie-house, and obliged Mrs. l'owell, the landlady, t an^ serve them with beer, for which they duly paid. |'lj *t visited the house cf a person, named Davies, who ^UttiJ)0VV(l«ir> and having obtained from Inm a supply ol tfto)ee' auc^ a'so some percussion caps, offered him no far- s?l'on- They afterwards demolished some of the S* \ye 0 j{'e Coburgh Inn, at Porthyrhyd, tor which, how- Nhef u9(?e,,tand they have since sent a letter of apology, Sawlt so^e remuneration. iSrT turday 'Mjrning, about two o'clock, they came to JV Jybach,*na<\red two or thrte shots at thedwelling- of r ,man- namei j0l)n Evans, a smith and small farmer, U*1'his f el Cameroiis tenants. The reports awoke Evans Jj'lL f rn''y» consisting .f his mother, aunt, and sister. Hav- 3tL ear of Kebecca's chj jien before his eyes, Evans pru- w/'ej en>aioed in the house UQtil he thought they had dis- l 'da l^en went out ^ol the purpose of ascertaining |,il6 ofjT'ige had been done to hu property. He found the i> 8atp court. leading to his h»u3e taken off its hinges: > p. entering his field of wheat ,nd pota oes from Fair- P be(j0nrunon' destroyed—likewise a considerable portion o( j^lf an8e about an acre of unripe wheat cyt down, anil about i?810 h?Cre °f potatoes pulled up by the haUms. On return- °ti8tJ?'s house he was met by Sergeant Jenkins 0f if* County u'ary, who, taking him for a Rebeccaite, »er/propetly !?'e, him, and forwarded him lo the PumfaU turnpike- v *tra e military having by tins time arrived, in consequence •VJgements made by Captain Napier, founded upon pri- ,rtnation. that the said gate, situate near the spot, was ke fo° be levelled to the ground, at two o'clock in the morning. rce. consisting of a detachment of the fourth Light Dra- (te"vacic^ a number of policeman, arrived just in time to save i?6'urnP'ke, for, as soon as Becca's daughters, learnt °*'uiity,(no difficult matter, by the way, from the illu- 11 °f each carriage conveying the foot force giving a V iVa^n'D5 úf their approach,) the Beccas dispersed like e s"eeP» 'eav'n8 their work of demolition unfinished, '0 ?tls'dering the wheteabouts of the Bold Dragoons too e pleasant, and bearing m mind the following pas- He who fights and runs away Will live to fight another day But he who fights and gets him slain, 1 Will never live to fight again." C^ ofK cl*re'y preventive force, accompanied by a Magis- ansea' Grove, Esq., with the Riot Act in his Pocket, then returned with their captured supposed 0 Swansea, where he was safely lodged in thestaiion- u °, (I Uritil brought before the authorities in the afternoon ih^Cel ^ear'ng the man's tale, which carried truth upon Uc^rs ik very properly liberated him from durance. It f tho P°°r man's offence against Rebecca was his having %iar>jC0Dtract for re-erecting the Pumfald gate, despite the d1 i* our Lady Rebecca and Miss Cromwell. Nil uaid an° her detachment of the 4ih Light Dragoons are i IdiQ ched back to the said neighbourhood, tor the purpose of ,6 'he local force in putting into execution certain warrant* q for the apprehension of some suspected persons, f °f the ^e^eccaites w'10 were engaged in the demolition ^tjy ^rllechan gate, have been apprehended, and are in cus- 0 Llandovery. p ———- Pull ,ay nisht a gate, called Plamdealuss, near Narbeth, '|'i'°Ugk down by some persons, who demanded to pass !| 'r d ^'eir carts and horses without paying the toll. KN, ,ema,"l being refused, they attached the traces of the u' «o ° "le ?a'e- an(l speedily pulled it to pieces. Some spe- 4'ten Q,s'ahlt;s having arrived before they had retreated, sup N,f "y a tioop of yeomanry, two of the men were captured, Jib C Q°w in custody. S*HUCTION OF THE WALK OATE AT 0 LLANDILOHFAWR. Sw°nday night, this gate, which isi within a *ery short [S^of uandilo.'was demolished, and the toll-house de- Kl,rl w", lhe whole was completed in about a quar er eOi"le a foop of the 4th Dragoons, who were sta,'on^ were in total ignorance of all that was going forward^ o'clock on Saturday last, it was known throughout to 1 wik' l',at a large body of the copper men, in number abou l, 'he had struck work on the previous day, in consequence ti^t u c'ion of wages, were advancing through the Hign- d!s Hav: 'he intention of parading the town, lhe autnoii- some intimation from the Home Office that sue Ij Oh, ^a''°ns ought not to be permitted, were prepaied o th^er a e military, and a laige body of infantry were kept V'«*trms in the barrack yard, but we are happy to say that s,eP was rendered unnecessary by a timely occui- ,L C'1 proves the steadiness and subordination existins ?iin (e workmen, and the confidence which they have m bVtit u° 'heir employers. ^'i'Kstr°r y mayor having met the procession at l^lr Was Proceeding to address them, when Mr. (L1 to tL Benson came up. These gentlemen having p stre»?nrl l^e inconvenience and absurdity of 'helJ' Pa 8 (Nseri tL at any time, but especially on a marke J' th^Uim rea"diness to hear and discuss any subjects of i thp» I 1 might exist among the workmen, an p P should adjourn to the bank above Hafod J VSeRe^VtnmediatelT faced 10 tl,e Hgbt ^)0Ut' a" °rinH«7 IjV emen, who rode forward to the above-named rendez- L0", »f,j Vivian then addressed them on the proposed reduc- »tN b fcntered int0 a comparative statement of t ie wages ob vl|>«t ,» copper men and by the best hands in the iron and Y>^sPPe™^g his desire to hear any parties who ) y • ift V of 'he men, in turn, spoke as to the amount of wages, from their statements, that the average wages I?' Der °htained by the lowest class, or ore fornace-men, was week the proposed abatement of 12^ per cent, will, reduce this to about 22s. wV>Vi enson stated his assent to all that had been said by a°» and assured the men that it was necessity alone ?«! .Compeiied the masters to agree in making the proposed n~-that the only effect of standing out would be to keep >sit J Ve»and their families without their usual weekly wages, H%r ?l better for the mastei s to let out a part of their furnaces he'rs!i 0 to continue them in work in the present state ol *iike; 'hey must, therefore, on all hands, be content to put S 'heir hardships, and wait for better times-that he was O5to keed,ng to the Foiest Works, and would give instruc- C* Ho Ve lhe furnaces kept alight until the M°nday, for«ny 0" let choose to return to their work, but after ttha1 he o»t. when it would be a question how many C^thBVelil?hted- He deprecated the intimidation used {Jtltis Forest-men to compel them to turn out on the Fnday, r* den'ed by many of the men present. d, the mayor, then addressed them, expressing his ''is f^rth t'le'r orderly conduct in leaving the town, and alter COQversation among the men, the meeting quietly





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Family Notices
