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1 ——*—— E AND PROSPECTS OF THE IRON AND COAL TRADES. tW|(^ pauses in the Irish and Corn-law Agitations, brief intervals though they be, r in condition and prospects of the Iron Trades, taken in connexion with the dis- e state of a large portion of South Wales, and j^Pprehended outbreaks in the northern dis- S Jf ^ngland, begin to force themselves seriously e general attention. ^^opolitan journals have now a column re- '[ ^ev°ted to reports of the progress of poverty, Dtyj c^pn, and riot, in this quarter, and a dis- IIs manifested to inquire into, and under- I I the primum mobile of so much evil, of which and her children are but a manifestation. \!are sorry to say that we must add our own O"? *0 that of others, that the spirit of disor- distrust in our Rulers, working upon a ina- Ho poverty and destitution, is fast spreading Starters hitherto exempt from it, and is as- a. ^egree audacity and intensity which Satisfy the revolutionary longings of such detes- as he Northern Star, and certain other I ^.Papers, advocates of infidelity and blood- J»tj| ^patched into country places with almost as an effect as a breeze charged with the in- °f cholera. T\8' *n ^eW mont^s preceding the downfall *Si ke of Wellington's Anti-Reform Adminis- ^hen Swing reigned in undisturbed posses- southern counties of England, andincen- were to be countied by twenties and Vs a night, never was the country in a more I general state of Agrarian insurrection than Vijj. Present. Armed and disguised parties roam W country at night, appearing and disap- 8 ^ith the celerity of Arab robbers, or Spa- y^erillas, harassing and wearing out soldiers, |m ^ng them constantly on the alert, levelling k* and gates, with a stern end fixed determi- V' ^hich betokens their settled plan, and iSi e meeting with the sympathy and hearty ^oj, *°n of the bulk of the Agricultural popu- 'neq ucll are among the first fruits of a con Wi s°cial and legislative oppression of those poor W' They cannot live. They cannot, and they according to all the dictates of justice k J^anity, to bear the whole burden and loss of ^Of/^ters' changes. They ought not to bear the ^^ioned in the fall of their produce by either Ilelff or Corn Bill, distress of trade, and con- ruin of their only customers, which Conser- Vestrictions on trade have occasioned. While j Villained a fixed burden, Taxes are increased I "e () dues and rates are becoming more and &?^ressive, as their means decline, why, let us they be bound by their leases, and have if?* former rent out the'r caPital« under tk n £ dispossessed of their farms, and thrown .^ide world to starve ? Surely the landlords 't wide world to starve ? Surely the landlords d ill 11: 1 OWn sakes, ought to look into these matters, cases where obvious necessity demands \(j ^fice, agree at once to lower their rents, and r l»eir fajr proportion of the depreciation. Ntu' now turn to the Iron Works. A most nt deputation from the Staffordshire owners to lay their grievances before Sir R. Peel, th 1l. view to obtain some legislative interference litti eir behalf, We cannot indulge a belief of the ,8t improvement from this meeting. The Kj and his party are so obstinately bent upon Jibing in their suicidal career of commercial pro- fk' deference to the predominant interest in ^e Lords and Commons, that no measures of nlrOportionate to the greatness of the emer- Can or will be wrung from them without they Vnt to abandon as impracticable, the whole of .Policy. V^ady the advocates of Monopoly on the are putting forward, in reply to the antlcl" toly remonstrances of the Iron Masters, the old ar8ument of over-production, and in the teeth Si I Notorious fact that half the nations of the Sit j&re ready to take our iron to an almost un Vti extent, provided we agree to take their pro- exc^ange, they are ascribing the distress fining interests to this absurd cause. e are told by these Organs" that there is «Xlronalready made than the whole world can for to come. Why what is the con- 0f France, Germany, and America, with re- o iron! Is it not a fact that this demand With Increasing, and would increase enormously, Oes an increased trade between the two countries ? Vj. fiot France painfully and expensively make charcoal-smelted iron at an immense loss, \fc Se.she cannot get ours in exchange for her » silks, and brandies ? Could we not compete Qllel;n.d undersell Belgium, Russia, or Sweden fk iron> if we access to their markets, <Whey could give us their agricultural produce in nge ? Where is the limit to the consumption ? With every maritime nation in the world V k18 to liave a fleet» and with an unknown fu" L efore us, in which the application of iron to unimaginable purposes may be confidently say that there is too much V \c,e say, then, that the disadvantages under trade, according to the Press-organs of now labours, have nothing to do m3in question. We say that with free the iron masters of our district or of StafFord- be safely left to settle their own bargains |%nUv extravagant lordships," improvident laws, t&i ealthy facility of accommodations, or unprofi- ^einvestments/ They will know, without being ^hen they make bad bargains, and when good and lastly, they will know, abovs all, whether they can compete with the cheaper and ar mines of Scotland, or the more profitable the hot blast and the use of anthracite, Arrayed against them. be l1'e them fair play and free trade, and there will V necessity to extinguish a hundred furnaces, ij0ln8 thousands out of employment, in order that eatn °polists may keep up the price of home grown *»v? ^y virtue of selfish enactments. Che Coal Trade, too, languishes, from the oppres- el tl1) estnctIons which are ruining mercantile opera- lip, tL 8 generally. We have good reason to know ^any large mineral proprietors of this county ving literally nothing from the investment of ?^pital, and the devotion of their time and ^lwto the business. They hold on, however, W eeP the collier population employed, m the ^at their rulers will abandon the ill-omened A which is evidently, even to the eyes of mo- itv lsts, paralyzing every interest. 1 e J °f the coal exported from this district, (both the H ash and that used for steam purposes,) is now Cadged far and wide, and were we not under ion vernment of Quack Meddlers in the legisla- Cof ^ade, there is no doubt, from the natural ad- itv fes of our geographical position, and the qua- °ur mineral products, that every ti e WCHl Cey th« »ail* of a pro»perow« commerce with Port. Our distinguished townsman, Sir Thomas Phil- lips, has joioed, and is now on the Oxford Circuit. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Thursday last, as a vessel called the Ocean was being loaded with pig iron at the Pentwyn Wharf, a sailor, named Jones, a native of Newport, Pembrokeshire, whilst trimming in the hold, was struck on the shoulder and foot by one of the pieces of metal, and severely injured. It is said that the accident occurred in consequence of one of the persons employed having neglected to call out in the usual way, before emptying his barrow into the ship. The poor nufFerer, whose character for steadiness and aobriety is well spoken of by Captain Nicholas, was taken to the Seaman's Hospital, where he is receiving every attention. NEWPORT CRICKET CLUB.—In the MERLIN, of lat week, a paragraph appeared to the effect that on the previous Tuesday, our Cricket Club played a game with the officers of the 73rd, in which the gallant gentlemen were unsuc- cessful. We have been requested to state that the notice sent to our office was totally incorrect, no such game having been played. A match is arranged to take place here on Friday next, the 28th instant, between the officers and men of the 73rd and the Newport Club. REBECCA.—Mr. Edward Lloyd Williams, of Gwernant, near Newcastle Emlyn, having recently received a letter from Rebecca, ordering him, under serious injury to his property, to remit 25 per cent. of his approaching rents, has published a very spirited letter, refusing to comply with the unjust demand, and warning the deluded people of the penalty of transportation to which they made themselves liable by be- ing connected with such lawless and unjustifiable proceedings. We bee to direct the attention of our readers to an advertisement in another column, of the opening of the new Chapel of Ease, at Llanvair Grange, in this county on Wed. nesday next. We understand that it is situate four miles from the Parish Church, and extra accommodation was much needed by the population resident near the new EdiOce. It has been erected by voluntary contribution, and the ground was presen- ted by our friend, J. G. George, Esq., of Monmouth. IRISH GRIEVANCES.—A preliminary meeting was held at the Bush Inn, on Thursday night, for the purpose of appointing a committee to draw up resolutions, &c., which will be submitted to a public meeting, to be held at the same place, on Tuesday evening next. We are happy to see that the spirited proprietors of the Hero coach, whichruns from Cardiff through this town, to Birmingham, have, at a considerable expense, made such additions to their former establishment, as will afford increased accommodation to the public. It is gratifying to hear that the public appreciate the enterprise and expense which have been exerted in their service, and that this favourite coach, (the only one between Newport and our county town), isfully supported. CAERLEON.—We are happy to find that the phi- lanthropic principles of Oddfellowship are spreading far and wide. Whether it be on the sterile mountain or in the fertile valley, the crowded city or the obscure hamlet, that Oddfellow- ship has been introduced, prosperity always attends the order; and the scene that we beheld in this little town a day or two ago fully satisfied our minds that it ha in this place met with a spot congenial to its growth. On Monday evening last, the annual tea party in aid of the fund for the support of the widows and orphans of Oddfellows, took place in the King Arthur Lodge Room, and we ere pleased to say that it went off with great eclat. The room, which is a very spacious one, was filled 'o repletion with a glittering assemblage of beauty and loveli- ness. After the viands that were spread before them had been heartily partaken of, a respected brother of the lodge, D.G.M. John Harris was called upon to preside. He opened the pro- ceedings with some very sensible and appropriate lemarks on the nature of the fund to which those present had so ably con- tributed their support. The meeting was then addressed by Messrs. Benjamin Baker and W. D. Evans, of Newport, and some of the brethren belonging to the lodge, whose forcible reo maiks, we are sure, tended to enlist the sympathy of every one present in the ennobling cause. In justice to Mr. W.D. Evans, we must not forget to record the pleasing impression which the delivery of a few impromptu verses, beautifully adapted for the occasion, written by Mr. E., had upon the audience. We have no prelenlionlto criticism, but from the rapturous plaudits that followed the delivery of them, the effect they had upon the meeting can be much better conceived than expressed. After a song or two from Brothers Gould and Rogers, three hearty cheers were given for the ladies, and the meeting broke up, and we are sure that every individual returned homewards filled with the pleasing reflection of having assisted in the erecting of that beautiful structure which is a refuge to the destitute, a friend to the distressed, a husband to the widow, nnd a father to the fatherless. PONTYPOOL.—The anniversary of the Friendly Society denominated the Loyal Britons, was observed in Pon typool on Monday, the 11th instant, when about one hundred and fifty members attended the English Independent chapel, where an appropriate and deeply interesting discourse was de- livered by the cY. D, Ace. At the commencement of the lecture, the minister observed that mind" was the glory of man-that all whom he was addressing were endowed with intellectual faculties to a greater or less degree, and lliat a well directed employment of their mental powers, constituted their true dignity. He then exhorted his auditory to consider the truihs he had asserted, for they were the embodymsnt of his text. The social evils, he said, which too frequently prevailed, were generally the result of inconsideration. Man r< fleeted but seldom on his moral accountability, till aroused to tliO work by the clamours of conscience. Did men reflect habitually on their various relatioos, the knowledge of which constituted their moral accountability, peace, and happiness wouU be their inheritance, order and decorum their characteristic; nd after dilating on the duty of considering the general charaner of the society, and the particularly distressed case of any of it i afflicted brethren, he pointed out their practical work—exciting others to acts of Christian charity. He recommended then 'o exhi- bit sincere, praclicallove, without dissimulation aD" fol- low the example of Jesus, and benefit their fellow crcvures.— It was pleasing toobserve the deep attention which the members paid to the discourse. They returned to the Full Moon, where they partook of an excellent dinner provided on the occ. ion of the anniversary. The Dissenters of Pontypool and neighbourhood have long felt and regretted the want of a public day scl nol, in which the tender thought" might be cultivated, withr it the danger ofengrafing on the young idea," "articles of I lief" quite at variance with the convictions of the parent; they well know the increasing importance of imparting to the youthful mind the nourishment essential to its after growth but highly as they estimate its importance, the majority consider education is purchased at too dear a price, when obtained at the expense of a single principle. The specious educational clauses of the Factory Bill have been spurned with indignation, but the more influential portion of Dissenters in this locality have determined that the working classes shall not suffer in any respect by the result. Despite the unparalleled depression in trade, a public Day School has been established by voluntary contribution, which was opened on Monday last, under the superintendence of a competent master, who has been instructed in the system of the British and Foreign School Society. Already have 100 children been admitted, and, no doubt, by next week as many will be received as can be conveniently accommodated. As regards the system of education adopted, no human formulary is introduced to shape the religious creed of the pupil. The Bible alone is tbe religion to be taught, and the children's attendance at Sunday schools is left to the jurisdiction of the parents. Churchmen Dd Dissenlers of al1 denominations may now educate their children on the same enlightened basis. A large number of the workmen employed at the Pontnewydd Works are anxious an evening school should be established in connexion with the day school, in order thai they may receive the instruction the growing exigencies 01 the times demand. When we consider the overwhelming ma. jority of Dissenters in the neighbourhood,—when we lately beheld the interesting procession of 800 Sunday school child- ren belonging to the various dissenting denominations, t^e greater part of whom must evidently be destitute of a daily education, and, above all, when we consider the extraordinary thiret for knowledge evinced among the industrious poor, we could but congratulate the principle, the benevolence, and the enterprise that brought such a cloollD Newport Ponty. pool Dissenters have performed a similar duty. What are the Dissenter, in Abergavenny about? A hberal and extensive school will, we trust, soon serve as a reply to the query.- P0NTYP00i.0n Thursday, the 13th, an exami- nation of the Pontypool Boys' and Girls Schoo^s too p a^ce in Lieutenant and Mrs. ^eigh (the "De™ vvilliama nf 1 lan- VV. A. Williams, E,q. »d gibby Castle, together with many of the e gy the town and neighbourhood, were preseni departed much progress of the childien tn the difterent cia«c boys, especially, gave such ready J the questions addressed to them, and displayed an in imate ac quaintance with scriptural history,a, well as thj.chief doc, of the gospel. The examiners expreissd their marked satistac lion with the state of the school, for which great credit is cer tainly due to all parties connected with their instruction, while it must have been a source of much pleasure to their kind pation and supporters, to have seen that their bounty has been neither misplaced nor i r Two prisoners, named Michael Davis, and James Chadwick, escaped from Usk Pnson, on Thursday last On Wednesday last, Mr. H. Phillips, the talented and justly celebrated vocal performer, afforded a grand enter- lainmenl to the lovers of harmony, by singing a selecllon of his most popular songs at the Borough Court, Monmouth, accom- paaied himself on the pianoforte. The attendance was very large, and comprised nearly all the fashion and beauty of the neighbourhood. The most unlimited gratification was eJpressed by the delighted audience. We understand that Mr. Phillips intends giving a second concert on Monday next, at the same place. The Summer Assizes for this county commence on Thursday next. The number of prisoners is understood to be very small. There are only two for trial in the County Gaol at present, but DO return from Uak had been made when out correspondent wrote. On Monday last the Bell Club, Monmouth, cele- brated its anniversary; the members, about 90 in number, at- tended divine service at Mary's Church, and afterwards paraded h town accompanied with its band and banners. J. G. r Esq. presided at an excellent dinner, which was Ueorge, M-I' g)y]ej an(j jn the evening the wives and sweethearts of the members joined their happy partners in trip- pTng the light fantastic toe in the spacious ball-room of the ^At the Sheriff's Court, held at the Town-hall, At the anerin before A Wadtlinglon) Esqi> E 0IL,, » i hn Russell appeared for the recovery of £ 6, Under.Sher.ff Jo Williams. The defendant not SRFT inqua MSAR AT he was engaged on the Rail road' whh a but diff, and was moving some trams, stopped the horse having occasion to unlock some of the tra h 1 ^P"rP°se' a°d went be which occasioned his being when the horse suddenly started ^verdict accordingly, jammed so severely as to cause death. SACRILEGE.—On the night of Friday, the 14th, or on the morning of the 15th instant, s°roee p^rs°n or persons entered the new church and vestry i00^in» giaM stole therefrom the surplice of the clergyman. g g and other articles. Sergeant Pim is OD the look out, and we understand Mr. Bedlington which it is hoped will lead to a courictioa of tho ofUndert. FATAL ACCIDENT.^ON Monday night last, about 10 o'clock, a cart, laden with flour, was proceeding to Mr. Summerfield's, under the care of David Valentine, servant to Mr. Williams, of the Priory Mill, near Usk" when, at the bot- tom of the hill at Pontymoile, the breech chain broke, the horse became detached from the shafts, and the unfortunate driver Valentine, was precipitated head foremost to the ground me. lancholy to relate, the fall dislocated his neck, which caused ( almost immediate death. I MERTHYR MARKET, 15TH JULY.—Mutton, 5d ( to 6d per lb.; beef, 4d to 6d veal, 3d to 5d pork, 5d; lamb, 5d to 5Jd bacon, 6d to 8d fresh butter, 9d to lOd t salt butter, 8d to &d cheese, 3d to 7d per lb.; eggs, 15 for t 6d new potatoes, Id per Ib; old, 14 lb for 6d turnips, 2 lbs j for) ld fowl., Is to Is 2d per couple. ( MERTHYR.—Ynysfach, Cyfarthfa Iron Works. A furnace at these works was put on hot blast last week. < THUNDER STORM.—\1erthyr was visited on the 13th instant with an awful thunder storm. It commenced at s about 11 o'clock, a.m., and continued for some hours. Even < tbe stupendous machinery in tbe iron works seemed to shake, j a d the horses were running furiously with trams aftei them, not knowing where to hide themselves. The rain filled many of the houses which are in the lower parts of the town. We are sorry to add that six 2-year old bullocks at Gellygaer were t killed by the electric fluid, and some trees were uprooted. A v storm of such extraordinary severity has not occurred in this a town for several years. The voluntary system was put into operation at ( the Tabernacle Baptist chapel, Menhyr, last week, when the sum of £33 15s was collected towards liquidating the debt on the said chapel. It appears that the minister, the Rev. B. a Williams, received upwards of £100 in the country for the same object. In such depressed times, these may be considered liberal collections. r SUDDEN DEATH.—On Sunday morning last, c James Henry Williams, carpenter, aged 49, a native of Here- n fordshire, died rather suddenly at Caepant-lywyII. The ver- a diet of the jury at the inquest held the following day at the Craven Arms, was, Natural Death." I RHYMNEY IRON WORKS.—We regret to state c that a miner was killed here on Monday last, by a fall of rub- t bish on his head he has left a widow and family to deplore hIs v untimely end. s ANOTHER FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Monday even- £ ing last as two men and a boy, miners, in the employ of the Rhymney Iron Company, were ascending from their work, at one of the balance pits, near Mr. Bedlington's, a fatal accident r occurred by the breaking of the chain. One of the men and the boy fell to the bottom of the pit, and were killed on the spot, but the other happily saved his life by laying hold of the leading chain. It is a remarkable fact that on these hills wher- ever the flat chain (manufactured by Edge and Son) are used, not a single accident of this kind has occurred. RHYMNEY CHURCH.—The opening and consecra- tion of this church took place on Friday, the 14th instant. f The solemn ceremony was performed by the Right Rev. the s Lord Bishop of Landaff, assisted by the Rev. W. B. Knight, Chancellor of the Diocese, in the presence of a large and res- C pectable congregation, including several clergymen of the county, and many ladies and gentlemen residing in the neigh- bourhood. e c







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Family Notices

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