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SCOTTISH ( WTOVJW.S' FUND) ^SSUR AV CE. FouncJ^vi A r> ION 5 w rT„ lata, on the original basis of L°NJ>ON EQUITABLE. A. COURTT07S^TiV.!c', ANNUAL GENERAL LIFE ASSUPtANr^ i £ 2 £ GSH w*DOWS' FUND and the Great T,.0nm 3 £ Tlf' eW at Edinburgh, within day, the igtj, ins £ j„t ^°yal Hotel, PriacesVstreet, on Mon- hu"r,™ *€iTvy Hundred Members tvere in the Room ™ 0 > b&ides many tvho came in afterwards,) EARL of ROSEBERY, President of the Society, Confirmed 5 'ittM^neral Court having been of the Soo'iJ^^ Statements of the Business and Affairs Th«I. ty re»d to the Court- That (,bAir|lr«^lS^'tV,e alia> l^e follow^ttsults, viz. of the Nmu ft* minor classes of b*is\tve3s), the amount ?Lr i%7S^nCCS °LCapi1ta1 Stttos Sranted durin* the amounT^n^i exceedtwg fey upwards of £ 70,000 the That tii one ,n any formet ye'S.v. As-5nrln'n0Unt Premiums applicable to these New That Was ^3.S33- 12s 8d. rwiK5^»^TOSL a,no'lnt. ot tiie Society's Accumulated Fund (sflb]ect to the dduction of claims emerged, not yet payable) IS £ft40,627. 3d. Sr^SrS a,raount of the Society's Annual Revenue, in- ThJ», 8 Annuities, is £ 112,141. 18s 7d. dnri Vet ,ncrease on the Accumulated Fund or Capital »h i Bone year—that is to say, lha difference between Fund, after deducting the amount of outstanding obligations, as it stood at lit January, 1836, and the net Accumulated Fund, after a similar deduction, as it TKs:a^s at 1st January, 1837, is £ 73,07?. 19s. t tne net increase on the Annual Revenue of tin; Society, «ia n!le ln a similar manner, as at 1st Janwary, 1837, is £ 12,845.4s lid. at the rate of Mortality had b-^en greatly below the estimated aunt, and that the whole. claims which had become due, t,° .€r Policies, had, «.s in all former years, been set- dispiTte §reatest promptitude, and without the slightest The Auditor's Report, confirming these statements, was then read, which, a.f.r VCI,rious explanatory statements, and giving a complcte analysis of the Society's Investments and Revenues, concluded as Follows, viz. r°in these data, and from the ascertained amount of the uarantee f und reserved al the last period of investigation, ^na after making an ailoweoce for the value of the benefits of n k^8*/ Us *}um er surviving Members, above the number no (according to the rate of mortality on which the Tables are based, and to the phraseology of Actuaries) ought U> have «««, and proceeding by our apprcrximatelBethod cf calcula- have prepared a statement from which I can pretty Confidently predict, thdt if the prosperity of the Society for the ensuing two years be equal to that of the five years pre- ceding, the rate of addition which the Directors will have it in tiieir power to make to the benefits out of the surplus funds t.e '-0Clcty. after reserving one-third a* a Guarantee Fund, at me next period of investigation on 1st January, 1839, will, nv'e" at all events, not be less than that made at the last period on s January .1832. If it should be more (which it is likely to »kL TV ma^ then become a question for tne consideration of ne -Uirectors to what greater amount it may be expedient to exercise the powers of distribution vested in them by the Ar- ticles of Constitution. U Froftl the statements of the present fundsand future prospects M Oieir increase, which have been so fully explained to the Court, I need scarcely draw any inference as to the continued prosperity of the Society. Indeed, the only thing we have to ear, in my humble opinion, is the difficulty of finding proper investments for the large Surplus Revenue annually coming t!t i •){! c ers °f the Society. Happily, the Directors have not Hitherto experienced much difficulty on this account. The great advantage of their not being under any necessity to call up the loans made from the funds, has been a sufficient in- ucement to parties wanting loans to come to them so that, 10 general, they have had a selection of the best securities. For the investment of our future wealth, we must trust to our "suat good fortune, and the advantage which our position gives us. The circumstances to which I have alluded (viz the prospective difficulty of finding eligible investments for our capital, and the inconvenience of the Society's attaining in the course of time ion unweieldy magnitude), may, how- eyer, and pe'.naps at no very distant period (as I have for- call for the serious attantion of the Directors General Court, how far it may be proper and expe- to put some limit or restriction on the extention of the «« s business. X leave only further to report, that from my examination of the nooks, and my weekly attendance at the Board of Directors, l nave reason to know, that the business (as hitherto) has been conducted for the last year by the Directors, Manager, Medical Officer, and Clerks, in the most zealous and efficient and with the greatest degree of harmony." the hsrl or llosebery then made an eloquent address to the General Court, which he concluded in nearly the following Wfus:—" Here, Gentlemen, my observations might with pro- priety have been closed, if I did nit wish to direct your atten- tion to two prominent features which are brought out in the re- portll which have just been read. The one is, that notwith- standing the peculiar circumstances in which the country has been placed for some months past, the general pressure in the Money Market, and the demands for money for other objects— notwithstanding all these disadvantages, the business of the So- ciety has advanced not only in an equal, but in a greater decree taaa in any former year. The next subject to which I wish to airect your attention also occurs to me as a fact of a most grati- ying nature-I mean, that the business of this Society is no longer confined to the place where local knowledge or national Jiaruauues might fairly be expected to give it an advantage- not even to the country that gave it birth but is now extending to every cocner of the United Kingdom. And this is taking place theugh rival establishments are rising up for similar pur- anrl arTniri!5! J115 whielif I am sure, we feel no jealousy, nf tho to wish them to meet with adversity. S ih^are1,kew- increasing and p.ospering, though combined withethI°f<rtil0n~not wit'1 the same rapitJ S'"°wth, we belmw A H »k strength of the Establishment to which *ti4 »a*i?niP« f ,LSer r,e,su'ts are not only so many securities Socwty has formed withSMmeKo0f k 6 e"SaSemfnt? which Societybas formedwithits Members, btitthey are also just reasons fidence and 7 l!l0rase,ves should feel pride, as well as con- nient so^nnnill °n»in being connected with an Establish- ^'nst ituted, so well conducted, and leading to sere« & J«falts- is, indeed, most gratifying to nb- sines of i ;f„ e*tcns,°n over the whole country of the b!es tntions of the as a11 well-conducted Insti- individuals to »?«•r1 M y do' ,0 the most so,kl advantages to feel, were fani!iies- and to the country at large. ] which I exDr<JH*i ai,y.furlher remarks, I should be doing that what I said-ait* ,re t0 av0l(i <,01n5 in lhe ear'y Part o( I feel in seeing ti- o only ,ePeat the sinceie pleasure which Process in nr ^'ety continue to make the same rapid tho first o.,r r?en,y w,,ich il has never ceased to make siuce On tl»* 1 °f lts establishment." (Great applause.) PrinaU °r°a J"h'1 Fcrrier, Esq., seconded by Alexander were u* l' Whytbank, the thanks of the Court Extrao j3r 10 the Court of Directors, both Ordinary and rninistr ,-nary' their valuable services and successful ad- On ilm ™a.'on tl,e Society's affairs during the past year. carton ° 10,1 °/ Gibson-Craig, Es<h, younger, of Ilic- thp fnii«econ hy Charles Forbes, Esq., Banker, Edinburgh, of thp S T'ng ^hlcmen and Gentlemen (all being Member? at>noim2V?ty of m-ore tlian Thrce Years'standing), ivere duK y> ^nrect to constitute the COURT OF DIRECTORS (1837). r|, PRESIDENT. ■ he Right Hon. the EARL of ROSEI3ERY. u- p VICE-l'RFSrDENlS. 'I'lio i\iaCeve Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G. r, Noble the Marquis of Tweeddale, K.T. THO WICK Lauder, ot Fountainhall, Bart. *he Hon. Lord Moncrieff. I'T_- KXTRAfinnivAHY ninFnftrjs. Wm'pn a t!^0pe'v°cate. gm-Cowan,Es.q.Banke r.Ayr. ciat .CK°^le' ^'rst Physi- V P.R sCp ,US forSc°tland, o ertl-ol stream, Esq., Mer- chant, Leith. John Thomson, Esq., Cashier Royal Professor Itobt.Graham, Edin- burgh. l £ vRTtSlK Lo,d Ro,1°- sons (ireen. q' 1 ar Archibald Alison, Esq., Advo- Lana,ksl,tieV putc »' n Dundas, Esq., C.S. I Hon. Alex. Lesile Melville, Bianston Hall, Lincoln. Lieutenant-General Darroch of Gourock. Patrick Robertson, Esq. Ad- vocate. David Landale,Esq., Kirkaldy. Sir A. Agnew of Lochnaw, 13art., M.P. J. Shank More. Esq. Advocate. The Very Rev. Principal M'Farlan, University ol Glasgow. David Ilill, Esq., East Tndin House, London, late Chief House, London, late Chief Secretary at Madras. Sir James Miles Riddell of Ardnarwurchan and Sunart, Bart. Win: R» oiniNxny DIRECTORS. .xiurn, Ksq. Robert Gray, Esq. tnh %W Clef>ha"e. Ksq. ■John Craig/ Esq. 4 Robert D. Menzies, Esq. Anthony Murray Esn John Hardie, Esc John Gibson, Esq. I Daniel Fisher, Esq. Alexander Cowan, Esq. James Balfour, Esq. Daniel Fisher, Esq. James Balfour, Esq. James Howdeh, Esq. Peter Forbes, Esq. Adam Wilson, Esq. R. Cadell, Esq. Adam Wilson, Esq. Thomas Bevendge, Esq. I R. Cadell, hsq. Edinhurirk n ^ev' Wr. Gordon, oL the High Church, Kistratp* rvVS<L-;j-n(Jed hy Andrew Millar Esq., one of the Ma- CamDanv ,lnhurgh, and late Master of the Merchant Dr. liA(rK;'« 6 the General Court were awarded to throuffhnnt l'le vafious Medical Officers of the Society their important duties^ a"d ta'thfu' dischar&e of D?01/0;" °f> l^e H<VI- Lord Cockhurn, seconded by the General V'nnrt "u" ^r°ughton-street, the thanks of the Banker G\»l given to Laurence Robertson, Esq., Edward Lovd6^ ia'rman ,'ie (j'asSnw Committee oL_s^ "anker, Manchester, Chairman of ihe man^he nr,"1"^0 and Sir John Ogirvy, B ut., Chair- of the vaiio y, e Committee, and the individual members and valuablp^ir°mnl'tt?es. ^fanagemetlt, for their zealous After J or,I \r 'Fes within their respective dutricts. had addressed an^ ^>tr'cfi Robertson, Esq., advocate, state of the Societ^' ir.1^ *n conS,atulation on the prosperous vices of thp nffi™ y 8 anairs, and in acknowledgment of the ser- tice-Clerk, after111,* Society-The Right Hon. Lord JIIS- important and bpnAfi J0^ t° e unParal,eled success of this most procedure at this mppt'fn lnst.'iuUotn. and to the very gratifying not separate without thmw Y' !m su-re that this Court will tuude which they have stm",S lh1ere a S^at debt of gra- est satisfaction the nn^J V • pa.y-* emf)'"ace with the great- absence of a Noble Duke /nty W, (. iS n°iT aforded me by ,he charging ft. I havp harl C buccleuch)_ to be the means of dis- of makine a similar m^r satisfaction on a former occasion ceived w&Sr' a°d 1 Sure that il vvi" be fe- of the meeting to the NoWp" f 1 ^°Vl,the cordial thanks chair this day and for ill L°rd for his able conduct in the ship has oneverv TgatLcnMonwhichhis Lord" stitution, over which he nr'^Vf0 the.mterests of this In- (Great Applause.) presided from its commencement." in Jfnr^Kan of Rosebery—" I return my best thanks to the meet- lime, 1 can assure the General Court, that there is no Institution with which 1 am connected in which I feel a greater personal to promote the C-un the. Edinburgh, 5, St. I UEAD i BRANCHES IN EUGLAUD 1 Lonnos- l5,BMdge-street,BtacVfTiara—Vlir*H MACKIAN L»*n I MANCHESTER- Iown-H»ll BuUdings, C^r|5t | —THOMAS BOOTHH* Jun. VNT., wiT^m, STREET I Ll^"KB0osrndC«^ee*ttie<^Ea,t~Me*A'"HUR 1 H«»MMfi*tt—ClotVv-hall -street—Huq» w»TT Em I KSABTOUD—George Boatu, Bjq. » I* I X.m*Ds-r-17, Bank.-8lreet-\Vii.t.tAM Waro B||felK*woASTt.«—^12. Sandhill—p which Bracfches, ot b, .V. ♦. (post-paid), Table._to,tbe be obtained. «very n«- FO THE ELECTORS OF THE UNITED BOnOUGHS OF MONMOUTH, NEWPORT, AND USK. GENTT.FMEN, HAY I NG now completed the Canvass of these Boroughs, t t in which it has been my endeavour to pay my respects to each Llector pcfsonally, I hasten td return you my warmest thanks for the liberal assurances of support which I have met with at your hands. I cannot but congratulate you on the return which has evi- dently taken place to a more moderate and practical view of political affairs, and I confidently expect that you will testify at the hustings the truth of th!s issertion. Anoher Candidate has at length come forward to solicit your suffrages, but i shall, with every expectation of success, give you «th Opportunity of recording your Votes, whenever a Disso- lution of Parliament may occur. I remain, GENTLEMEN, Your's faithfully and obliged, Newport, Jan. 28th, 1837. JOSEPH BAILEY, JUN. NOTICE. THE Public are hereby required to take NOTICE, that any JL Debts which may be contracted by my Wife, REBECCA TIVERS, will not be paid by me, she having absconded from my house without any just cause.-Dated 4th February. 1837. Witness— C. MUURAY. HUGH TIVERS. rOB SALE, ABOU r 20 TONS of Very prime HAY, to be taken off the Premises.—Apply to Mr. POMPHREY, Alvington, near Chepstow. VALUABLE LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS of V HUSBANDRY, will be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. W ATKINS, on Monday, the 20th February, 1837, at Sn.LY. near Cardiff.- Particulars will appear in our next. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AN EXPERIENCED DRAPER, HATTER, HOSIER, &c. TO BE DISPOSED OF, in the Market Place of a Town m the centre of the county of Monmouth,—The BUSI- NESS of a LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPER, GROCER, «c., which has been for many years carried on in the same &c., which has been for many years carried on in the same premises. To a person well acquainted with these concerns, this is a good opening, there being but one Draper in the town. Ignore convenient to a purchaser, the Drapery only maybe For particulars, apply to Mr. J. CLAHK, Printer, Chepstow. HOUSE AND SHOP TO LET, A CONVENIENT HOUSE, with roomy SHOP, situated 'n LANARTH-STUEET, NEWPORT, is now to be Let; afford- mg an eligible opportunity to any one about to embark in busi- ness, as a good trade in^he Grocery line has been done there. —Applications (post paid) to Mr. JOHN JOHNS, Lananli- street, will be attended to. go be 11et, at a mofcrrate Unit, WITH POSSESSION ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST OF MAY NEXT, A SUBSTANTIAL WELL-BUILT HOUSE, fitted up1 with every attention to comfort and convenience, and is well adapted for the residence ofa Genteel Family. The House stands detached from any other, with an excellent Garden, and room to erect a Stable and Gig-house if required, and is about 100 yards from Commercial-street, NEWPORT.-Apply (if by letter, post paid,) to Mr. DAV ID LEWIS, Joiner, Commer- ci.il-street; or Mr. JOSEPH JONES, Dock Parade, Pill- gwenlly. HEREFORDSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By BURTON and SOX, On the Premises, on Wednesday, the 8th of February, 1837, A LL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in L-3L HUSBANDRY, &c. the property of Mr. RICHARD AR- Tllun, of BARTON HIM. FARM, in the parish of Kentchurch. in the above county (under distress); consisting of seven very useful Cart Horses and Mares, four Cart Colts, six Cows in good season, five three-year-old Heifers and Steers, five two- year-old ditto, three yearling ditto, and one yeading well-bred Bull, all of the pure Herefordshire breed. Also, 14 store, and 6 feeding Pigs. The Dead Stock includes two Waggons, two Carts, I loughs, Harrows, Cart Gearing, Sledge, Wheelbarrow, Pikes, Ilakes, and several other useful Implements. Also, one U heat Rick, one Hay Rick, part of a Rick of Hay and Clover, and a Mow of 1 eas. 1 he Sale to begin at Eleven o'clock. MO NMOU THSHIllK. — TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. M. DAVIS, On Thursday, the 16th day of February, 1837, at the THREE SALMONS INN, in the town of Usk, at Four o'clock in the Af- ternoon,— npME following Lots of very superior TIMBER and COP- I PICE WOOD: Lot I.—27 fine Maiden Oak Timber Trees, of sound growth and large girths and 8 fine Elm Trees, of great lengths, stand- ing on Coalbrook Farm, in the parish of Landenny. Lot 2.—30 Oak Trees, 36 Elm Trees, 15 Fir Trees, 6 Cherry Trees, I Sycamore Tree. 1 Chestnut Tree, 6 Ash Trees, and 51 1 ollards, standing on lands in Landevennv and Wilcrick, near Newport, in the occupation of Mr. James Bird. ^i01" ^ne y°unK Trees, of clean growth, standing in the Oris, on llenrue Estate, in the parish of Lanbaddock. Lot 4.—-A Coppice Wood, standing on the said Ilenrue Es- 'ate, called Graig Garhit, containing 9 Acres, be the same more or less. Lot 5.—Comprises 36 Elm Timber Trees, standing on Little 1 read am Estate, in the parish of Lantillio.Crossenny, scribe marked across the following numbers, namely, 7, 6, 5,2, 5 4 :3.2.. 1,11, 13, 14, 17, 22, 26, 21, 20, 21, 66, 67. 76, 77, 78, Bf), 8.3. 55, 54, 50, 44, 43, 42, 39, 38, 35, 32, and 29 and 10 Elm Umber 'rees. standing on the Pant Estate, in the said parish >1 Lantilho. scribe marked across the following numbers, namely, H. 22, 24, 16, 35, 37, 2, 3, 7, and 40. The foregoing Lots will be found to contain large portions of imUer of the first quality, and from their convenient situation* 'o Markets will command the attention of Merchants, Caipen- ters, W heelwnghis, See. Tiler espective Tenants of the Farms will shew the different Lots. and any further particulars may be known on application ro Mr. M. DAV IS, Land Agent, Usk. STo be £ olB 111' fJrtbatr iConttact; A DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in IIAWITER'S-HIM.- SI'REET, in the town of CHEPSTOW, in the occupation "f Mr. Walley containing on the Ground Floor two Parlours, Kitchen, and Pantry, with an excellent Arched Cellar under- neath on the First Floor, four good Bed-rooms and a Dress- ing-room and on the Second Floor, four more Bed rooms and Dressing-room with an Office adjoining, containing three Rooms, well lighied, and a Water Closet, used as a Counting- house by the late Richard Watkins, Esq.. for which it is ad- mirably adapted, having been expressly built for that purpose a few years since, but it m"y be easily converted into a Dwellinc- house. Also, a newly-erected COACH HOUSE, Two-stall b I A BLE, and a large GARDEN behind. J nese 1 remises are freehold, and well-situated for any pro- fession or trade, being in the centre of the town, and the Land I ax is redeemed. The whole has been lately put into complete repair, and there is an excellent Well of Spring Water, and a large Cistern, on the premises. For particulars enquire of Mr. WALLEY, on the Premises • llr. LANGLEY, Solicitor, Bath or Mr. ROBERT EVANS, Solicitor, Chepstow (if by letter, post paid). MONMOUTHSHIRE. Pontypool District of Turnpike Roads. VTOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the 1 1 several Toll-Gates within the said District, called or .nowii by the names of the PONTVMOII.E GATE, and the I NYii"IOI.HIII GATE, will be respectively LET by AUC- '^le bidder, at the House of .Mr..Ions JOSHUA, at TUOSNANT, on I hursday, the Ninth day of February next, between the hours of I welve and Two in the Afternoon; in die manner diiected by the Act passed in the Third Year of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, For Regulating l'urnpike Roads; which Tolls produced the last year the several Sums following Pontymoile Gate £ 680 Penyrheolhir Gate £ 210 above the expences of collecting them, and will be put up at those Sums. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same time pay Two Months' Rent in advance, and give Security Ll with sufficient Suieties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said 'I urnpike Roads, for payment of the rest of the mo- ney monthly. CHARLES THOS. EDWARDS. Clerk to the Trustees ol the said Turnpike Roads. Dated this 4th day of January, 1837. MONMOUTHSHIRE. COURT or SEWERS. hereby given, that a GENERAL ADJOURNED COURl and SESSION of SEWERS, for the Levels of the Hundreds of CALDICOT and WENTLOOGE in the county of Monmouth, will be held at the house of John Church commonly called or known by the name of the KING'S HEAD' in the town of NEWPORT, in the said county, on Thursday, the Sixteenth day of february next, at the hour of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenopn, when and where all Persons who shall find themselves aggrieved by any Presentment made on them at a Couit of Mis Majesty's Justices of Sewers, holden on the ) wcttth day of January last, may attend and enter their Tra- verse thereto, otherwise the same will stand confirmed and wlieie all Jurors summoned, Surveyors, and other Officers of the Court, as well as all Persons whoshall have business thereat, are required to attend early, that the time of the Court may not be unnecessarily delayed.—Dated this First day of February 1837• ALEX. JONES, Clerk. COUNTY OF BRECON. AT a Meeting of the Owners and Occupiers of Lands situ- ate on the Line proposed to be taken for the intended England and lreland Union Railway, JOHN LLOYD V AUG HAH WATKINS, • Iligh Slieriff, in the Chair, RF.soi.vEn,—1 hat from the great, and, in many instances, irreparable injury which the proposed Railway will inflict upon our Property and Residences, without any proportionate ad- vantage to the community at large, we feel ourselves called upon to give the measure our most determined opposition. Secnndly,-That a petition against any Bill which may be brought forward for effecting the said measure, be forthwith presented to both Houses of Parliament, and that Penry Wil- liams, Esquire, John Lloyd Vaughan Watkins, Esquire, and John Lloyd, Esquire, be requested to prepare the same. Thirdly,-That the Members for the County and Borongh, and all other Members interested in the welfare of the County of Brecon, be requested to oppose the Bill in its progress through Parliament. ORDERED,—Thai the foregoing Resolutions be inserted in the Merlin, Silurian, and Merthyr Guardian newspapers. JOHN LLOYD VAUGIIAN WATKINS, CHAIRMAN. The Chairman having left the Chair,-Resolved that the thanks of the Meeting be civen for his conduct therMn Penry Williams Penpont Joseph Bailey Glanusk. Park Hugh Bold Brecon John Hotchkiss Glanusk Villa Wm. R. Stretton Danyparc John Lloyd Dinas &"W"wiraV'eS Court-y-gollen Penry Williams, Cefn Pare JohnAnsdell Glasllyn John V'owell Brecon V/illiam Williams Abeibaiden Tl»,.mha^rence Dyflfryn Mawr UavicI t Penmyarth IHvia \i>ne*V I'ontyvrane JVIeyrick r;n»r JfhsProsser V/. £ wtev.: v. v.v •••••• Shest ^Hvid Price Bolgoed Williams*. £ ?rk acrV2^».r. Da*U; Gla*llyn Cotta6e JoHa Le»is ^-langattock John William, Fymawr I Abercynrjg \VuLJoi\a» £ !1U.V Pentowin Clydacfc 018 ..e, e" geJynol TO THE ELECTORS OF THE UNITED BOROUGHS OF MONMOUTH, NEWPORT, AND USK. FELLOW COUNTRYMEN, 1. HOPE you will not think the worse of me for having taken a few days to deliberate upon the important ques- tion, whether or not I should sacrifice my own feelings and opinions-, which arj associated with the tranquillity of private lite, to the too partial favour and urgent solicitations of the Constituency, who have deemed me qualified to fill the high station of a popular Representative in the British House of Commons. Some men (says our great Dramatist) are born to great- ness—some achieve greatness—and some have greatness thrust upon them." The last is my case. Whatever may be thought by the young and ambitious mind, I am quite conscious that legislative wisdom is not intuitive, and that he, to whom a seat in Parliament is a mere object for the gratification of personal vanity, is not the most calculated to secure for his constituency the largest share of those great national bless- ings, which are comprised under the heads of PEACE JUSTICE, ECONOMY OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE' EQUALITY OF TAXATION, and CIVIL AND RE- LIGIOUS LIBERTY! I will state, without further preface, that (in accordance with arrangements made with an influential Committee of your body), I shall be in the field as a Candidate for repre- senting you at the next Election and now, niethinks, in the words of your own immortal Harry of Monmouth— I see you stand, like greyhounds in the slipf, Straining upon the start. The game's afoot- Follow your spirit, and upon this charge, Cry-God for Freedom, England, and St. George! I remain, Fellow Countrynejij Your very obliged and devoted Servant, REGINALD J. BLE WITT. Llantarnam Abbey, Jan. 27th. 1837. lUprecitation of the iSoroug##. AT a PUBLIC MEETING of the ELECTORS and' INHABI TANTS of NEWPORT, held at the Lancas- terian School Room, on Wednesday Evening, he 1st February, JOHN FROST, Esq., Mayor, in thvCbair, the following Resolutions were unanimously agreed to: Moved by Mr. Samuel Jones, seconded by Charles Smith, 1st. That it is the opinion of this Meeting th;t it would be to the advantage of the Constituency to have a Hember residing in the County, whose local as well as general interests would accord with those of the Electors. Moved by Mr. J. Owen, seconded by Alr. I. Turner, 2d. That it is the opinion of this Meeting that it is of great importance at the present moment to have a MefnW who wili support the Ballot, and a friend to Civil and Religious Liberty. Moved by Mr. T. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. Thus. Wells, 3d. That it is the opinion of this Meeting tha^Seginald Jas. Blewitt, Esq., of Lantarnam Abbey, is a fit and proper person to represent the Boroughs of Monmouthshire. —— WANTED, A SIT UA LION as COOK, where another Female Servant kept. The Advertiser can have a good character from her last place, where she lived some years has 80 objection to mTp 0«VV0untry-^tters (post paid) addressed8. U., at Mr. Hill s, George-street, Newport, Monmouthshire, will meet with immediate attention. NOTICE. JfHonmcutf) anfcr oiimoroitt ttanfc. ATLMo?EFj,r.ING of UHiECTORS, held this day, the GENRRAL MEETING ot tfte 1 IIO] IllhlORS was fixed to be held ai the KINO'S HEAD INN, in NEWPORT, on Monday, the 6th day of February next, at One o'clock in the Afternoon, to receive the report of the Directors, containing an announcement of the Dividend and on other special affairs. Head Office, Newport, PHILIP JONES, Jan. 4, 1837. Chairman. Moitirr. J3EADY to be Advanced on approved Security,—Several S.IJ Sums of Money, from £ 1500 down to £ '200. An charge will be made in case of any application for a Loan. should the Mortgage not be complcted in consequence, eitherfof any defect appearing upon investigation in the title of the Pro- perty proposed as Security, or of any other contingency; ind the strictest privacy will be observed. Apply by letter (post-paid), addressed G. G., Post OGce, Pontypool, or Post Office, Newport. THOMAS SAMUEL T BEGS to inform his Iriends and the Public in general,that he has given up his former COAL-YARD, and t&en that of Mr. \V. N. MORGAN, in Cross-street, where, by strict attention to their orders, he hopes to merit their patronage. N.B.-In consequence of being obliged to pay Cash foi his Coal, T. S. will be under the necessity of calling on his Friends for the amount of their respective Debts, the last week of e^ery month; but requests that no Monies may be paid to his late Servant, Leslie Howell, who is not now in his employ. Newport, Feb. 3d, 1837. TEETH. MR. EDWARD KING, £ itrge0n=Dnut0t, BEGS to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants generally, that he intends visiting MONMOUTH on Monday, the 13th instant, and may be consulted in all cases relative to Dental Surgery, for a short time, at MR. DAVIES'S. IRONMON- GER, AGINCOURT-SQUARE. N.B. All Letters addressed (between visits) Post Office, Brecon, will meet immediate attention. CHEMICAL & DRUG ESTABLISHMENT, IIIGH TOWN, ROSS, » NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. HOSKIXS & MORGAN, BACKERS. WILLIAM BELLAMY HAS observed an Advertisement in the Hereford Journal of the 11th ult., from "Mr. Llellamy," Knapp Cottage, Goodrich, wherein he returns bis-grateful acknowtedgments for the liberal support experienced by him during his Proprietor- ship of the Chemist and Drug Business, and states that, he entirely disposed of the above Business, &c., on the Hth of Octobes, ) 836." f. ,r. ,Ót 10 W II.MAM BELLAMY feels justified in setting before aipsc^yj. ing Public the reat facts of the case in question, conceiving, as he does, that the step taken by his brother is a premeditated' attempt to injure the Business, originating from jealous and vindictive feelings. WILLIAM BELLAMY therefore begs most respectfully to in- form the Public generally, that he has had the management of! the above Business since Sept. 4th, 1834, from which period, up to the present, he has experienced an overwhelming share of patronage, far beyond his most sanguine expectations eon- sequently it is his intention to continue this said Business, in its vai ious branches, with the aid of two Assistants, who are thoroughly competent in every department of this trade.



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