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ELECTORS OF THE UNITED BOROUGHS v -or v.MONMOUTH,; NEWPORT, AND USK. GENTLEMEN, IN consequence of your present Member, Mr. HALT., waving issued an Address, signifying his intention of not coming forward at the expected dissolution, as a Candidate 1 to represent you in Parliament, it now becomes the fitting ] moment for me to avow my intention of again soliciting the honour of your suffrages which, from the ribera.1 support I received at the last Election, from so large a portion of this Constituency, it has ever been my fixed determination to do, on the first opportunity that presented itself. With regard to my political principles, they are already before you suffice it then to say, that though «. warm sup- porter of our Constitution, as established, I shall not be found averse to the consideration of any imperfections which may be shown to exist in her institutions, but on the contrary, shall always-be ready to aid in redressing them. I am not at present aware who will be my competitor for the honour of representing you but whoever may be My op- ponent, I'shall meet "him with confidence, believing that the principles I profess are in unison with those which are enter- tained by a large majority of the Electors in these Boroughs. I shall immediately proceed to pay ttiy respects to you in person, and hope to meet wvltj swch an earnest of support, as will eventually realize the sanguine expectations of success, which I cannot but at present entertain. I remain, GENTLEMEN, ] Yout very obliged and faithful servant, Your obliged and faithful Servant, Newport, 18th Jan., 1837. JOSEPH BAILEY, JuN. TO TBE ELECTORS on HE UNITED BOROUOHS OF MONMOUTH, NEWPORT, AND USK. GENTLEl\IEN.- I n consequence of a prevailing opinion that the present Parliament is likely to be dissolved in a few months, I think it my duty to make you acquainted with my decision of not coming forward again as a candidate/OR the hwaour of representing you. I communicate my intentions thus early, because I AM aajcious that you should not be hurried in the choice you will have to make, but have full time to judge of the political opinions and qualifications of those, who will propose themselves for your repiesentation. When I was first ipdaced to come forward as a candidate for these boroughs, I was well aware thev could not be opened without great expense, and in order to release them from the political thraldom in which they were then held, I determined to make a. considerable sacrifice to obtain so de- sirable an object. In this I only partially succeeded, as I retained tný seat but a short time in 1831. In the following year .1, again elected and at the dissolution in 1834, I WAS it Hiird time selected as your Representative, and placed AT the bead of the Poll, notwithstanding my unavoidable ab- sence at the distance of Fifteen Hundred Miles from you. Whea I came forward previous to the passing of the Re- form Bill, 1 hoped when that measure had become a Law, that the expenses of future Elections for these Boroughs would have been considerably diminished, in consequence of the facilities afforded by that Act of limiting the Polling to the period of two days only, and of taking the votes in the several towns, instead of conveying the Newport Voters a distance of Twenty-three Miles. I have, however, found that the increase of expenditure at each succeeding contest has been so great, and at ttio. last Ejection reached such an extent, that I must decline incurring a repetition of it at the Qext dissolution. I have not been influenced in this decision by any fear of defeat, or any doubt of the strength of my supporters I know that the Liberal party is. more powerful than ever, and I am perfectly convinced from the repeated marks of approbation I have received for my public conduct, that I should have its fullest and most unqualified support. Ir' Before I part from you, I must address a few words more particularly to the majority of my Constituents:—Let me advise you, as one whom you have trusted for so many years, seriously and deliberately to consider the merits of the re- spective Candidates who will appear before you. Let no man hastily promise his support to an untried person. Let Q, Reformer shrink from the responsibility of voting in sup- port of his principles and above all, do not by want of union Or indecision allow any person whose opinions are opposite to YSUR own, to assume the Representation of your Boroughs. In 1830 you were a small Constituency of "Freemen' but under the control of others in 1837 you are a large body OF Electors, having the Representation in your own power. Use that power for the benefit of your fellow -subjects-e xer- cise it in the cause of Civil and Religious Liberty and if, WHEN the relative ties which now link us together are dis- solved, I can assist you in the promotion of those objects-if tt any time I can advance your local or political interests, be assured that the same sentiments which secured your sup- port in 1831, will continue to animate me, and that I shall ever be ready to prove to you, in after years, how much I have been and remain, CEKT) EMEN, Your obliged and faithful Friend and Servant, Llanover, Jan. 14th, 1837. B.HALL. XO MJIJLWRIGHTS. LANERAVON IFFLLI, LANVRECHVA, Near NEWPORT, Monmouthshire. THE following REPAIRS and IMPROVEMENTS are intended shortly to be made at the above-mentioned Mill • — A new Water-wheel, 12 feet diameter and 6 feet wide MTH Cast-iron Centre Pieces, Arms, and Rings, with W ood ?«*; i. NG' A,ND KISERS T,LE Water-wheel Shaft to do P-' REE NE"! ^P0T Brasses new Gearing the Pit-wheel, IJ»<- .3 1 rimming the Spur-wheel new Gearing FMNRH I. A.N^ TUrning one Spindle; one new pair of RNV I «E8' Framing Case, Hopper Nut, Spindle Smut ONE FLOUR Machine and one THO K F E' "F"'1 DRIVING Wheels and Straps complete.— ANH •I IL0V!RMENR°NED, VVOI K '« INCLUDE Patterns, Castings, ROMNLFTPH TK and Millwrights' W;ork, and to be PERSNNE <RIS J 8Lven time to be fixed by agreement, are P?SF TO Contract for the Work above specified, •end in 'I'ONDO RE LLLE expiration of the present Month, to •»Mt- ',IEN,HY Ii,VA'NS' STER- Letters and parcels to be paid. rATHONS. H!S MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY. HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF BELGIUM, J T And most of the ROYAL FAMILY. » .1 S JOHNSON, Physician Extraordinary to His Majesty. UR Holroyd, Physician to St. Mary-le-bone Dispen- T lP M.D. Lecturer on Morbid Anatomy, at Guy's Hospnal. -• Kowley, M.D. Physician to the Aldersgate-stieet Dis- pensary. G, H. Weatherhead, Lecturer on Materia Medicaand The- ra|>utiCS. '"CASTLE, Physician to St. Mary's Hall and to the Brighton Dispensary. Amos Middleton, Senior Physician to the Leamington Hos- pltal. Charles Loudon, Physician to the Leamington Bathing In- stitution. 1), Davies, Surgeon to their Majesties. Jonathan Pereira, F.L.S. Lecturer on Materia Medica. ,r,rr?"' New Bridge-Street, Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital. George Pilcher, M.R.C.S.L., Lecturer on Anatomy, WeLb- street. F. Salmon, Consulting Surgeon to St. John's Hospital. Jarratt Dashwood, Surgeon to the Royal Humane Institu- tion. C. Millard, Demonstrator of Anatomy at the School of Webb-street. J.Haltison Curtis, Aurist to His Majesty. I'HE above, and 208 other Medical Gentlemen, have -"J RTVEI* TBE. UUMT FLATL £ XLNG^ £ £ TTIFI.CATES of the gwat value |"D S"PENORITY °f WOODHOUSE'S V £ T HERBAL ES- SENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which is particularly recommended to all Cold Phlegmatic, Weak and Nervous constitutions. It is certain in affording instant relief in Cho- lera Morbus, Spasms, Cramps, Flatulence, Hysterics, Heart- burn, Hiccup, Loss of Appetite, Sensation of Fullness, Pain and Oppression after Meals also those Pains of the Sto- mach and Bowells which arise from Gouty Flatulencies ingestion ho wever much impaired, is restored to its pristine 0 A^J ? USE LH'S Essence for a short time.—In Bottles, 2s TV ii 6d, 10s 6d, AND 21s each. •—As a restorative after an attack of the INFLUENZA, ♦HO* 4ENCE be found most beneficial by giving tone to ST°Riach, and vigour to the whole frame. INFT ITP J3ALS>¥ °F SPERMACETI. liar -AZA—-This Balsam is invaluable for this pecu- J- EP1.demic it invariably relieves the cough and other U.RES^IDG S?MPTOMS attending it, also in soothing and al- Y ng the irritation of the stomach, SEE. t oughs, Asthma, Shortness of Breath, Weazing, Colds, lightness, and Oppression of the Chest; and Affections of the Chest and Lungs, relieved in ten mi- ftv«Drntallill? one dose of WOODHOUSE'S BALSAM J ^KKMACETL, or PKCTOBAL COUGH Dnors. Persons u ting the efficacy of this Medicine, may take a dose in the Propnetor s Shop before they purchase. The Proprietor AFFL'-FMS!I .RE^OMN)ends a trial of these Drops to persons E"WITH THE above complaints, but he does not introduce them as being an infallible cure (as many do), but is war- affn H I1-1 ASSERT'N5 their efficacy from the extensive relief .• RFECL'^ numerous cases of the above description. Con- HAJII?NA COUGHS of three, four, and more years standing, 1 EELL C"red in the course of a week by the use of these •NIF-FI?" .1 Hooping and Chin Coughs it will be found PL„C Y VA.'uable it will at all times relieve the most violent 10s ED^EACH6 Cough.-In botttes, Is Id, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and Os 6d ea I. i WOFEHOFF^ALIONS ARC prepared only by DECIMUS MNIOCT., 10 IR- Operative Chemist Extraordinary to his sold HJ K* iWilliam street, New London Bridge, and ciue VENJJM W?10'ESA'E AN<i retail and to be had of all medi- BP «,,TTR.I;TRIS ',N ,OVVn AND country.—Country venders may 2sQii their town agents. Sold in Bottles at and WN 1(LS,6D- AND EACH; by HEKBURT WILLIAMS CAU nov W^HGAN' Newport. nama FTF N. PL'«V«nt imposition, be sure to see the London T.SU I VW, 18, King William-itreet, IíÎn'l'll'hW' f.!ttHll1f (¡ø¡mhtf, TO TltK i ELECTORS OF THE UNITED BOROUGHS MONMOUTH, NEWPORT, AND USK. FELLOE COUNTRYMEN, ]HOPE you will not think the worse of ni'c for having taken a few days to deliberate upop the important ques- tion, whether or not I should sacrifice my own feelings and opinions, which are associated with the tranquillity of pri- vate life, to the top partial favour and urgent solicitations of the Constituency, who have deemed me qualified to fill the high station of a popular Representative in the British flonse of Commons. Some men (says our great Dw»-p.tist) are born to great- ness— some achieve greatiie'ss—and some have greatness thrust upon them." The last is my case. Whatever may be thought hy young and ambitious mind, I am quite conscious t'iat legislative wisdom is not intuitive, and that he^ Kn whom a seat in Parliament is a mere object for the 1 gratification of personal vanity, is not the most CatciA-vfetl to secure for his constituency the largest share 'Ai' those great national blessings, which are comprise*?, under the heads of PEACE, JUSTICE, ECONOMY OF PUBLIC EX- PENDITURE, EQUALITY OF TAXATION and CIVIL AND REUGfOUS LIBERTY! I will state, without further preface, that, (in accordance with arrangements made with an influential Committee of your body), I shall be in the field as a Candidate for repre- settling you at the next Election: and now, niethinks-, in the words of your own immortal Harry of Montn<nith— I see you stand, like greyhQunds in *h\i slips, Straining upon the start" tM ante's afoot- Follow your spirit, a*d Tjyi'oii this charge, Cry—God for Freedom, England, and St. George t retnain, Fellow Countrymen, Yetirvery obliged and devoted Servant, REGINALD J. ELF-WITT. LlantaftUm Abbey, Jan. 27th. 1837. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Very useful Live Stock, Implements, Fodder, Turnips, Cider, q'c, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. WHITE § SON, On the.Premises, on Monday, the 6th day of February,1837 ALL the Valuable LIVE STOCK, and ether Effects, of £ THE late Mr. JOHN HUGHES, at TALGAHTH FARM, in the parish of LANVACIIKS, distant about eight miles from Chepstow comprising sixty Ewes in Yean, twenty Yearling Wethers, two Lamb Rams, four Cows in Calf, two three- year-old Heifers (one barren and the other in calf), three two-year-OM Heifers, pair of ditto Steers, five weaned Calves, four Cart Mares, one yearling Cart Colt, one weaned ditto, one nag ditto, two Ponies, ten Store Pigs, one Ililt; Road Waggon. Harvest ditlo, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Rolls, Long and Thillers' Gearing. Winnowing Machine, and va- rious other useful Implements about Six Acres of Turnips, Rick of Ryegrass and Clover, four Hogsheads of Cider, &c. Also a few articles of Household Furniture, Dairy Utensils, &c.-The Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock. HEREFORDSHIRE. R KMA UKABLY FINE NAVY OAK. <&. IlLM TIMBER, ON THE BANKS OF THE WYE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By R. WHITE fif SON, At the KING'S HEADHOTI-I., ROSS, on Friday, 10th February, 1837, between the hours of Three and Five in the After- noon, subject to conditions to be produced,— LOT 1 flO ^MS, numbered from 1 to 60 inclusive. Lot 2. 60 ditto, from 61 to 120 inclusive. Lot 3. 51 OAKS, numbered from I to 51 inclusive. Lot 4. 30 ASH, numbered from 1 to 30 inclusive. The above Lots are standing on Carthage Estate, in the pa- rish of Foy. Lot 5. 50 ELMS, numbered from 1 to 50 inclusive. Lot 6. 50 ditto, numbered from 51 to 100 inclusive. Lot 7. 50 ditlo, numbered from 101 to 150 inclusive. Lot 8. 60 ditto, numbered from 151 to 210 inclusive. Lot 9. 17 OAKS, numbered TOM 1 to 17 inclusive. Lot 10. 44 ASH, numbered from 1 to 44 inclusive and I WYTCH and I WALNUT, each numbered 1. The six last Lots are standing on Underhill Estate, in the same parish. For a view of the first four Lots, apply to JOHN AYE- LINE, Esq., the Tenant, and of the remaining Lots to Mr. JOHN SMALLWOOD, at Underhill and for further par- ticulars to the AUCTIONEERS, Coleford; or at the Office of Messrs. COOKE and BEVAN, Ross. MONMO UTHSHIRE. MILKJNG COWS, IIEIFERS, STEERS, SHEEP, from 30 to 40 Hogsheads of CIDER and CASKS, a 5-horse-power THRASHING- MACHINE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS STANHOPE GIG and HARNESS, &c. &c. CO be £ olti top gltiction, h By Messrs. BURTON § SON, On the Premises, on Wednesday, the 15th February, 1837, and following day. at the PRIORY FARM, distant about ten minutes' walk from the town of Monmouth, by order of the Representatives of the late Mr. JAMES Btss, who are giving up the Farm,- ALL the Valuable LIVE & DEAD STOCK, comprising eight useful long-tailed Cait Geldings and Mar^s one three year-old Bay Colt, by Spectre, out of a vvirtl-brel! Mare; one stout half-bred Brown Horse (a good Hack and Gigster); five useful Cows in Calf; three barren Cows three two-year- old Steers; three two-year-old Heifers; 74 Ewes in Yean, '"convenient lots 33 yearling Ewes 40 yearling Wethers J WETHERS; two yearling Rams; one Sow in Farrow, and two Store Pigs Gearing for eight Horses Plough ditto a capital Broad-wheel Double shafted Waggon, with Tar- pauling Tilt and Thripples one Broad-wheel Harvest W ag- gon and Thripples j three Narrow-whee) Waggons, with Thripples; four Broad-wheel Carts; one Narrow-wheel Light Cart, nearly new six Ploughs three sets of Harrows; one set of Seed Harrows; Drags; Rollers; one lurge Douhle- shlifted Iron Roller one Service Draining Plough one Mole Plough one Presser Winnowing Machine Chaff Machine Gripping Tools two sets of Hair Cloths, and Cider Bags okes and Chains Potatoe Washer Turnip Cutter Sheep- racks Waggon Ropes Tarpaulings Corn Sacks several Dozens of Hurdles; a large-sized liick Cover, with Pedes, Rojies, P allies, is;c., complete; Beam, Scales, and Weights; I ikes Rakes; Costrels; Woiking Tools of different descrip- tions Grindstone; converted Timber Ladders Dairy Utensils; Double Cheese Presses a Two-motion Beer-En- gine Stanhope Gig and Harness also, from 30 to 40 Hogs- heads of good Cider, and the Casks a 5-hovse-power Thrash- ing Machine, with Portable Chajf Machine attached,, of tiro- horse-pouer large Stone and other Water-troughs; Malt Mill Giiitling Mill and numerous other useful Articles. The whole to be sold without reserve, beginning with the Cattle Stock. The Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock each day. Herefordshire and Ayrshire Cattle, Slieep, Pigs, 3, c 4c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the GBAIG HOUSE, near GROSMONT, on Friday, the 10th of February next, RPHE FARMING STOCK, and IMPLEMENTS, &C., ■_ of STANIIOFK HUNTER, ESQ., compiling about 24 homed Cattle, 4 Cart Horses, 4 Hackney ditto, about 180 Sheep, 2 Sows and Pigs, Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, &c., with a variety of other Articles, too numerous to insert. The Sale to commence at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon, and continue till all he sold. MONMOUTHSHIRE. OAK., ASH, AND ELM TIMBER FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. J. -POWELL, On Friday, 10th of February, 1837, at the FULL MOON INN, "oNTvrfloi., between the hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, following valuable OAK, ASH, ELM, and WICH TIMBER TREES, growing on PENTIIP. BUYTHON ESTATE, in LLANTIIEWY RIIYDDLRRCH, the Property of Mr. THOMAS MORGAN, Lower House, Llanover Lot 1. 100 Oak Timber Trees, marked with red paint from 1 to 100. Lot 2. 100 Oak Timber Trees, marked with red paint from 101 to 200. Lot 3. 69 Oak Timber Trees, marked with red paint from 201 to 269. Lot 4. 21 Elm Timber Trees, marked with red paint from I to 21, and t Wich. Lot 5. 100 Ash Timber Trees, marked with red paint from 1 to 100. Lot 6. 100 Ash Timber Trees, marked with red paint from 101 to 200. Lot 7. 100 Ash Timber Trees, marked with ted paint from 201 to 300. Lot 8. 102 Ash Timber Trees, marked with red paint from 301 to 402. The Auctioneer respectfully calls the attention of Timbe Dealers, Ship- Builders Carpenters, and Wheelwnghts to thir Sale, the Timber is of the primest Quality, and is very ads vantageously situated for conveyance, being about Three Miles from the Canal side at Llanfoist, and Four Miles from Goitre Wharf, whence the Timber and Balk may be shipped for Newport. For particulars apply to the Proprietor, who will appoint a person to shew the different Lots; or to the AUCTIONEER, Abergavenny. WHEREAS a FIAT in BANKRUPTCY is awarded and issued forth against WILLIAM ROBERTS, late of Newport, in the county of Monmouth, Shipwright, Dealer and Chapman, but now a prisoner for debt in the custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea and he being de- clared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said fiat named, or the major pait of them, on the Seventh day of February and on the Tenth day uf Starch next, at the KING'S HEAD INN, NEWPORT, at Eleven of the clock in the Furenoon on each day. and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects when and where the C'redifois are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the first sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his exami- nation, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but 10 whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs. PROTHERO & PHIL- LIPS, Solicitors, Newport, Monmouthshire, or Messrs, TEEMiNG 6C NAY LOB, Tohnhollse-yald, London. GEO, R, NEW, WILLIAM MATTHEWS. (), U, CROf'f!