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CENSUS OF 1831. j



iWtsffllans. THE NAVAL MONUMENT.—Mr. Flaxman, the sculptor, has addressed a letter to the committee for raising a Naval Monu- ment to commemorate the triumphs of that important portion of the public service during the wars of the revolution. He de- clares himself in favour of the colossal statue. A statue, lie says, might be raised, like the Minerva in the Athenian citadel, whose aspect and size should represent the genius of the empire its magnitude should equal the Colossus of Rhodes its character, Britannia triumphant, mounted on a suitable pedestal and base- ment the pedestal might be decorated with the heroes and trophies of the country, and the history of its prowess inscribed upon the basement; the whole work raised to the height re- quired, 230 feet, and present the noblest monument of national glory in the world-a colossal statue built by the same kind of labour and with the same durability as a column, with its pro- per accompaniments and decorations, and perhaps in the end not more expensive. Mr. Flaxman proposes to raise the sum re- quired, about £ 50,000, by subscriptions from 200,000 persons at 5s each and for this sum, if the government could be pre- vailed on to give the transport of the marble with which the country abounds for the assistance of the work, a monument might be raised worthy of the age and country. He thinks the summit of Greenwich-hill the best situation, as it may be re- membered that the port of the metropolis is the great port of the whole kingdom—that the Kent-ioad is the ingress to London from Europe, Asia, and Africa-and that as Greenwich-hill is the place from whence the longitude is taken, the monument would, like the first mile-stone in the city of Rome, be the point from which the world would be measured. NEW KIND OF PEA.-In Belfast Botanic Garden we have to notice a thing hitherto unknown in this country-it is a sowing of peas, the produce of a crop that has been reaped and was sown in March. They look well, and will be in bloom in a day or two and, should the autumn prove favourable, seed will be ob- tained from them in time for the November sowing. This pea was discovered by the Curator of the Garden, and is known by the name of Bishop's Early Dwarf its earliness is not its only good quality its productiveness and fitness for table equally recommend it—Northern Whig. THE EPITHET MISS.—In the seventeenth century, Miss ap- plied to females was considered a term of reproach. Miss Cross, who is particularly noticed in Hayne's epilogue to Farquhar's Love and a Bottle, about 1702, was the first actress announced as Miss.—Gait's Lives of the Players. GARRICK. AND THE HousE OF Co, Garrick's health (1774) had continued sufficiently good to enable him to enjoy the society of his friends at Hampton in the fine weather, and in the Adelphi during the winter. He occasionally visited the House of Commons; and one night, during a strong debate, the standing order was enforced to clear the gallery. Mr. Garrick kept his place by acclamations of the wnole house and the member for Shropshire, who moved it, underwent the castigation of Burke, who there called Mr. Garrick the great master of elo- cution, by whose lessons they had all profited. Garrick avenged himself of the tasteless member, by some verses which reminded him of that unlucky animal whose bray every hearer of delicacy and refinement instinctively flies.—Garrick Papers. QUEEN ANNE'S BOUNTY.*— From a return of the Treasurer's accounts of Queen Anne's Bounty, there appears to have been a defalcation on the part of the late Treasurer, John Paterson, of £ 11,544. 8s lid. The Archbishops and Bishops, who are the acting Governors, have come to a. resolution to contribute the annual sum of £1100, until the deficiency shall have been made up, and have taken the necessary steps to prevent any similar occurrence. STOP THE RUNAWAY !—From Savannah, a negro fellow, with bow legs, cucumber shins, perfectly black, except the whltes, of his eyes, which are red he may be known by his teeth, which are all lost, and by his clothes, being stark naked, &c. New York Standard. THE SHop.-A t a late dinner at the Mansion-house three foreign consuls were present, to whom the Lord Mayor wished to do honour by drinking their healths. He accordingly directed the toast-proclaimer to announce the healths of the three pre- sent consuls." He, however mistaking the words, gave out the following:-—•" The Lord Mayor drinks the Three per Cent. Consols LACONICS.-Elliston and Rodwell once had a dispute; the former wrote a note to this effect to his opponent—" I have heard of a puddle in a storm, and a puppy in a passion, but I laugh at one, and I despise the other." RA ILROADS SUPERSEDED.! CANALS ABOLISHED! AND HORSES RENDERED USELESS !-The following is an extract of a letter, dated July 9, from a gentlemen in Ireland to a friend in Mac- clesfield I have fortunately hit upon an invention for pro- pelling carriages, so simple in its structure, yet so vast in its power, that it must supersede the use of locomotive engines, and of horses too, in a great measure. Capable of having its power increased to an unlimited extent adapted for propelling vessels on rivers and canals, as well as carriages on common roads, how- ever hilly the expense of construction small without liability of the machine getting out of order, and the working of it incon- siderable it will very materially reduce the price of travelling and carriage, and cannot fail of coming into general use. I have already made such experiments as convince me of its powers and I intend to make application for a patent as soon as pos- sible." OLD TEA LEAVES AND REGENT'S PUNCH.—After every thing that hot water can extract from tea leaves has been extracted, they will still yield, when subjected to the searching power of any strong spirit, nearly as strong an infusion as ever. W hoever, therefore, is ambitious of rivalling, at a cheap rate, his late Ma- jesty (of comfort-loving memory), in the flavour of his punch, he has only to save the waste contents of the morning tea-pot, for the improvement of the evening bowl. Napoleon was often heard to say that in every instance in which he had been able to trace the history of a distinguished man, he had found him greatly indebted for whatever made him remarkable to his mother and Mr. Moore, after quoting the Em- peror's dictum, appears to intimate his own suspicion that in poe- tical biography Lord Byron affords almost a solitary exception to this rule. 1\1r. Moore's own mother, who still survives to delight in the result of the early instructions she gave her son, and which he proudly acknowledges, is a proof of the correctness of the Emperor's observations. A dentist at Philadelphia has invented an instrument for ex- tracting teeth by elevating them from the sockets without press- ing the gums, or resting on any other tooth, thereby preventing a great deal of pain, and obviating injury to the other teeth. A D.EFINITION.-During the trial of a cause at the present Yorkshire assizes, the following colloquy took place between Mr. Pollock and a witness :—Q. What is Mr.——?—A. A solicitor. Q. What, is he an attorney!—A. No, a solicitor. Q. A so- licitor, is he ?-A. Yes, a solicitor for orders. Mr. P. Oh he is an agent or traveller ?-A. Yes, he is. Compositions for assessed taxes are extended for a further term of one year, ending the 5th of April, 1834, except in cases where parties shall give notice, which must be delivered on or before the 10th of October next, to determine the same on the 5th of April, 1832. THE LAST FEAT.—The Indian juggler, who astonished Lon- don a year or two ago by his daring feat of passing a drawn sword down his stomach, has fallen a sacrifice to his presumption, at an exhibition on the continent; the sword taking a wrong direction, wounded the venticle of the stomach, and he died almost instantaneously, in violent convulsions. SHERIDAN .-On reading Fielding's Voyage to Lisbon for the good of his health, to an Hibernian, he sagely remarked that the subject was very entertaining, but, says he, he don't tell us whether he died there or not. ODDS ON THE SCHOOLMASTER AND THE HANGMAN.—-The fol- lowing ratios are derived from official documents. Scotland. England. Ireland. Instruction of the People 1 in 11 1 in 20 1 in 35 Criminals among the People. 1 in 5093 1 in 920 1 in 468 Criminals among the People. 1 in 5093 1 in 920 1 in 468 MUSHROOMS.—To ascertain whether what appear to be mush- rooms are so or not, a little salt should be sprinkled on the in- ner or spongy part. If, in a short time afterwards, they turn yellow, they are a very poisonous kind of fungus, but if black, they are to be looked upon as genuine mushrooms. They should never be eaten without this test, since the best judges uiay oc- casionally be deceived. THE RUSSIANS IN PLYMOUTH.—A short time before the Rus- sian ships Kyalm and Lionelle went out of this port on a cruise, two of the officers belonging to them, in passing through Bed- ford-street, were accosted by a Polish Jew, who offered his ser- vices as an interpreter, should they be required. Upon learning the birth-place of the applicant, however, one of the officers bursting into a fit of indignation, and making use of the most angry gesticulation, instantly ordered him to depart, or threaten- ing him as a traitor" with extermination on the spot.- Slave was the retort of the Polish Jew, your master once had power over my unhappy country—'tis so no longer; then, had we been in Poland, and you commanded me to obey, death would have, awaited the refusal but now we meet in England, where every man is a freeman, and where all ranks join in de- testing the tyrant that governs ye." The second officer here interposed, and tauntingly remarked that Poland must become subject to the victorious power of Russia. "Never," was the our army has beaten your troops, when they amounted wmouble and treble the number of our men. In a month or two more, if the work lasts so long, I hope to be in Poland myself, and to witness with my own eyes the expulsion of the last Rus- sian from my country and should that last one be yourself, I shall then have the satisfaction of cutting your throat and, re- peating the word slaves with the utmost contempt, the Jew turned on his heel, and proceeded along the street.—Exeter Alfred. A curious instance of somnambulism occurred on Sunday se'n- night, at Farnham. A little boy, about five years old, the son of Mr. William Whiting, having been heard to get out of bed, his father, who also slept in the same room, spoke frequently to him, and receiving no answer, rose and searched every part of the room in vain for him. His surprise may be conceived, when he at length discovered that the little fellow had actually crept up the chimney, from which he was taken fast asleep. BREAD FROM SAWDUST.—Dr. Prout, in his learned paper on the ultimate composition of elementary substances, in the Philo- sophical Transactions, gives a short account of M. Autenrieth of Tubingen's experiments on the conversion of lignin into food. Mr. Autenrieth takes a piece of wood, and by frequent macera- tion and boiling, separates from it every thing that is soluble in water. The wood thus purified is then reduced to sawdust, re- peatedly subjected to the heat of an oven, and finally ground into flour. It requires leaven in the baking, with the addition of which it makes a uniform spongy bread. The colour is rather yellowish but when well baked and crusty, it is not only very nutritious, but much superior in every respect to the brown bread made of the bran and husks of corn flour.— [This is a discovery, as Mr. Herschel remarks, which renders famine next to impos- sible, and deserves a far higher degree of celebrity than it has obtained.]—-Medical Gazette. WEST INDIES.—EMANCIPATION OF SLAVES.—We have great pleasure in being able to inform our readers, that the British Government have determined on the emancipation of the slaves belonging to the crown in the various conquered colonies. Di- rections to this effect have already been forwarded to the Gover- nor of Berbice, and in a few months we may joyfully anticipate that our government, at least, will be purged from the foul stain of slavery.- Baptist Magazine. FENELON'S METHOD OF EDUCATING THE DUKE OF BOUR- GOGNE.—According to the memoirs of the Duke de Saint Simon,. the great fault of the young Duke de Bourgogne was anger he sometimes carried it even to a degree of fury. It has been said that it was religion that corrected him of it. But it was religion wearing the form of the insinuating gentleness of Fenelon, and constantly aided by his assiduous cares, and the innocent or rather salutary artifices which he employed. One day that the young prince stopped to look at the tools of a joiner who was at work in his apartment, the workman, to whom Fénélon had given his cue, told the Duke in the most peremptory tone to pass on his way the Prince,- little accustomed to such bluntness, fell into a passion but the workman raising his voice more and mote, and pretending to be transported with fury, cried out to him, Begone, Prince for, when I am in a rage, I break the arms and legs of all those who come near me." The Duke de Bourgogne ran, quite alarmed, to inform his tutor, who was in the adjoining chamber, that the wickedest man in the world had been introduced into his apartment. He is a very good work- man," said Fenelon his only fault is giving way to trans- ports of anger." The Prince thought that he ought to be sent away as soon as possible, notwithstanding his talent as a work- man. "For my part," replied Fenelon, "I consider him far more worthy of pity than of punishment you call him the most wicked of men, because he threatened those who distracted his attention from his work what name would you give, then, to a Prince who should beat his valet-de-chambre at the very time when he was doing him a service?" The Duke felt the ljsson, and promised to be for the future more temperate, and less im- patient. The confidence of the Duke de Bourgogne in the abbe de Fenelon, was unbounded one may judge of it by that avowal which must have humbled the self-love of the Prince I am ashamed of my heart," said he one day to his beloved tutor; "it came into my thoughts to learn nothing more, in order that the King might regard you as a bad tutor."—Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Library, Vol. VII. Historical Memoirs of the House of Bourbon, Vol. II. CHARACTER OF Siit THOMAS MORE.—Of all men nearly per- fect, Sir Thomas More had, perhaps, the clearest marks of indi- vidual character. His peculiarities, though distinguishing him from all others, were yet withheld from growing into moral faults. It is not enough to say of him that he was unaffected, that he was natural, that he was simple so the larger part of truly great men have been. But there is something homespun in More which is common to him with scarcely any other, and which gives to all his faculties and qualities the appearance of being the native growth of the soil. The homeliness of his pleasantry purifies it from shew. He walks on the scaffold clad only in his household goodness. The unrefined benignity with which he ruled his patriarchal dwelling at Chelsea enabled him to look on the axe without being disturbed by feeling hatred for the tyrant. This quality bound together his genius and learning, his eloquence and fame, with his homely and daily duties, bestowing genuine- ness on all his good qualities, a dignity on the most ordinary of- fices of life, and an accessible familiarity on the viitues of a hero and a martyr, which silence every suspicion that his excellences were magnified.—Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Cycloptsdia, Vol. XXI. Lives of British Statesmen, Vol. T.

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