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^REDUCED RATE FOR Small Prepaid Advertisements. -:0;- 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING, I WORDS. ONCE. ™MES. TMES, s. d. s. d. s. (d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 J 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 Q 16 2 3 60 Words 1 3 2 6 _3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0] 4 6 Ttu-Ke chrn-yea a only to the classes ot advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered for CONSECUTIVE insertion, and PAID JOR I'REVIOUS TO IN,¡F.II.TlON; if either of these con. ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be charged by the Rusiness scale :— APAKTMKNTS WANTED. HOUSES TO BE SJLn. APAUVMIONTS TO J.ET. MONEY WANTED. A itTiCi.K.s LOST. MONEY TO LEND. ARTtCD-S VOU.ND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINKSSKS FOR BrsroSAi. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSINESSES WANTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED? HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSES WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES, Government Announce- ments, and Parliamentary Elections are charged One Shilling pet- line for each insertion. Prospectuses of Public Companies a.re charged Ninenence per line for each insertion. Public, Legal, Municipal, Parcchial, and School Board Notices, Tenders and Contracts, &:c., are charged Sixpence per line for each insertion. Auc tion Notices are charged Sixpence p°r line, and all other classes of Advertisements Fourpynco per line pe insertion. Some of these charges are, however, subject to reduction in accordance with the number of inser- tions ordered. — Particulars may be obtained at our Chief and Rraucli Offices. ADVERTISERS, when sending advertisements in man- calculate eight words to a line, anrl12 lines to a.11 illdl, [n charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, iucluding large lines, dashes, :1.1\(\ white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve lines to an inch Mantel. DRUGGI.ST —Assistant, who s; eaks Welsh.— Apply to J. H. Smith and Co., Druggists, Car- fBJwtlie i, giving age, experience, &c. 989 AG "NTS WANTED to pu-h fi e, powerful Com- pound Machinery Oils, largely and increasingly ado;,tt,,1 Libe'^1 c..mmis.;¡ion.-Addiess J, il., care of Dewich and Catcuian, 46, Barbican, London. 901 AGENCY.—The Directors of the Metropolitan Guarantee and Accident insurance Company (Limited^ are prepared to receive applications for the Cardiff Agency.—Address, with references, to Secre- tary, .Bridge Chambers, Blackfv'i r-, London, E.C. 69476 NGO:.IE FOR LADIES.—The School of Artistic JL Dress Catting, 57, St Paul's Churchyard, London, are open to a.pp01llt Agents III Cardiff, N ewpl)rt;, Swan. sea, and surrounding Districts. Applications should be 'made at once, as a ,encies ars rapidly filling up. This beautiful and simple patented method was recom- mended in "Tit Hits" of 24th May. 11692 69334 GENERAL Sl-RVANT (good) wanted.—Must be good plain cook.—Apply Mrs Thomas Lewis, 19, Paik-pla e, Cardiff. 10 WAN IED t:LOCH, FRUIT, SODA and other i BARiXELS.—Dobson So:ia and Dry Soap Work", Cardiff. 5133—49374 WEEKLY and upwards may be easily and dw4' honestly realised by persons of either sex, wlthou" hindrance to present oCèupatiou,-F0l' p;1.r fcicularsi, Ac., enclose addressed cnvelcpe t. Evans, Watt; and Company (P, 136), Merchants, Birmingham, This is genuine. 9866 SERVANTS WANTING PLACES of any description, aiul Householders requiring Servants, should advertise in the CARDIFF IIMES. LODGINGS AND APARTMENTS WANTED, OR to BE LKT, should be advertised in the CARDIFFTIKJUS m. PKNARTH.—To Let, with immediate possession, furnished, Bermuda Viiia, Soutll Aspect. Ciivc- road.—Apply within, or to G. S Stowe, Cardiff. 836 HOL/SES or PREMISES to be LET should be advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. yav ale. BOUSES and PREMISKS for SALE should be J[J)L advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. OUTHTALES PROPERTY IKJ GAZETTE,' A MONTHLY REGISTER OF F-STA.I T. HOUSES, LANDS, AC., to be LET or SOLD in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England, &c. 1,000 Copie sent Monthly, post-free, to the leading inhabi- tants of Wales and Monmouthshire. Insertions free. Copies rost free, from Messrs HERN, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, Ac., 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 \\7 1 LLU¥ SANDERS, T T AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 28, ST. M ARY-SVREKT, CARDIFF, Has the following PROPERTIES for HALE :— CAT HAYS.—No. 27, Catliays-terrace, and two houses In Richards-street. ;33, W IN l)S( iR-ROAI). — Large house, suitable for Hotel 10 bedrooms, &:(". DOCKS. -Nos. 12and 13. Mouatstaart-sqnare. KOrtTU.-One house in Orbit street, and one house in Vi< .-orth-street. CAN i OX.—Two houses m E^,ertfor:-street, six houses in W> ndham road. ORANG ETOWN.— Nine very excellent large houses ill (;1: .tree, seven with nine rooms, and two with 12 rooms eacb. Htid .six houses in Kent-Street. A liberal portion of the purchase money can be had on mortgage. Apply as above. 125 =- JRizaI!an£D¡5. and Zig z.g Harrows, Turnip Drills, Ploughs, Hoes. Cheese Pressos, Churns, Lawn Mowe>s. Garden Rollers, Washing ami Mingling Machines, & &c.—J. Hib. bert, The Agricultural House," 16 and 17, Angel- street, Cardiff. 68689 MANURES n (Goulding** Celebrated Artificial).— l' Bone Manures, Superphosphate, &c. Analyses guaran cd. Peruvian Guano, Nitrate of Soda, |-inc:i Bones; Seed Birley off chalk soil.—J. Hibbert, The Agricultural House," Cardiff. 68639 IRGIN CORK f VIRGIN CORK —A large quantity for Disposal, wholesale or retail. Speci.d quotttion to the trade. t'sed largely for ornamental tardeu work, summer-houses, grottoes, Ac., &o —J. [ibbert, 16 and 17, Aiigel-street. Cardiff. llo35 6C689 ILl.IARD BALfTsrCLOTH,~ (J(;KS, 'HPS and aU other Billiard Requisite at Hennijf Bros., 11, iligh-stroto, St. Giles's, London, W.C. Old Balls ad- ¡ justed cr exchanged and Tables Re-covered, Re- fashioned, Bought and Soh1, etc. Price Lists Cloth A Cushion Rubber Samples post free. Estfcd. 1862 c8100 VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He wilJ be happy to forward the particu- tars to any nfferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address J. T. >V;elI, Eilq" Brook Vjna. Hammersmith, London. 11069 67935 YOUR FUTURE, seven years, Sd marriage and JL Send age.—John Major, Esq., M.M.S., Daventry. 969 TO FAT PERSONS.—A Gentleman who can per JL sonaily vouch for the efficacy of a REMEDY (doctor's prescription) which will effectually and rapidly REDUCE CORPULENCY in either sex with- ut sr-mi-stfirvation, die ary, exercise, XC" quite harm- less, will oienl1 Recipe 0'1 receipt of stamped addes: Mr F. R tsselt, 15, Gower-street, London, W.O. 11502 C Û QONSTITUTION BALLS The most effectual Medicine for preserving Health and Prime Condition in that Noble Animal, THE HORSE. In the Army they are known as "Ct'PLSS'S LIFE EALL" on account of tbeii eScacy in most Diseases to vhitli the horse is liable. For NEAT CATTLE are invaluable, not only in Disease, such as TJove, Blown. Hide-bound, Loss of Appetite, Distemper, In. fluenza, &c.. hut Bullocks Fatten much faster by occa- sionally having a Pall. By thtir frequent use, young animals grow to larger size, and fatten to a greater weight with the same quantity of food. The BALLS are Prepared by the Proprietor, JlRANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C.V.S., DISS, NOIirOLK, ) Author of the Prize Essay on the Diseases of the Liver of tue llorse. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Pcnons using the Balls may consult the Proprietor I -Ia_tU!?lS¡ 11404 &0 & 31, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. QJ ^NDRKWS AND gO^T, UN D ERT A K E RS. REFORM CAR, BROUGHAM. HEARSE, AND I MOURNING COACH PROPRIETORS. THE TRADE SLrPLIED. NO CONNECTION WITO ANY OTHER FIRM. t 11661 6697 7 I DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS CURK SICK HEADACHES. CURK SICK HEADVCHES CURE SICK HEADACHES. CURE S £ CK HEADACHKS. RTSCOTT'S BILIOLS ^LIVIARITLLS JLJ' CKKATE APPETITE. CREATE APPFTITE. ¡ CREATE APPKTII'E. CREATE APPETITE. R7SC(JTT S PI L K ) l' ri & LI VER PILLS PROMOTE DIGESTION. PItOMO I E DI(i S HON. PROMOTE DIGESTION. PROMOTE DIGESTION. PItOMO I E DI(i I S HON. PROMOTE DIGESTION. PROMOTE DIGESTION. Pv, SCOTT S BILIOUS & LIVERPILLS i MILD, but EFFICACIOUS, WITHOUT MERCURY. M!LD, but EFFICACIOUS, WITHOUT MERCURY. MILD, but EFFICACIOUS WITHOUT MI RCUHV. MILD, bnt E1FICACIOUS, WITHOUT MERCURY, j DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVERPILLS THE BEST FAMILY APFPIENT V1EDIC1NF,. JHE BEST FAMILY APERIl'.Nr MEDIC INF.. THE BEST FAMILY AHP.RIKNT MED.CINE. THE BEST FAMILY APEEIiSNT MEDICIN F. RTSCOTT'S BJLIOUS&UVER PILLS Some un.scrupuioiis persons, for the sake of making a larger profit, may try try to persuade you to fcuy some preparation of theIr own. Du not do '0, but j insist OIL having Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills, which arwr -pped in a square erc«n package, baring the name of the Proprietor, W. LAMBERT, 3, Sey- mour-plaoe, London, W,, by post for 14 or 34 stamps, j flttbUg 11tmtnts. JPJW THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF, LESSEE & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTlG MANAGER.. Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. Enormous and Gigantic Success of the LIGHTS O' LONDON. -„ TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), June f th, and TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), June 7th, and every Evening during the ensuing week, Mr Wilson Barrett's Compwy in the moat successful drama of the day, the LIGHTS O* LONDON, j By George K- Sims. i 0 gleaming lamps of London •That gem the City's crowa, What fortune lies within yon, O lights of London town. O cruel lights of London, J If tears your lamps could drown, j Your victims'eyes would weep them, o lights of London town. Played for 300 nights to crowded audiences at the Princess's Theatre, London. Doors open at 7; commence at 7.30 precisely; lialf price at 9. Stage door and St. Mary-street entrances Open balf- an-hour earlier, 61 extra. Box Plan at Messr-t Thompson & Shackell's. J fitsurattr^ j PERILS ABOUND ON EVERY SIDK 1 ITTTHE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' JL ASSURANCE COMPANY Insures against ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS ON LAND OR WATER, and has THE LARGEST INVESTED CAPITAL, THE LARGEST INCOME, And Pays Yearly THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION Of any Accidenta' Insurance Conmany. CHAIRMAN HARVIE M. FARC^UIIAR., ESQ. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agent, Mr J. BOVEY, James-street, Bute Docks, Cardiff; or WEST-END OFFICE :-8, GRAND HOTEL BUILD INGS, CHARING CROSS, OR AT THE HEAD OFFICE :-M, CORNHILL, LONDON., E.C. 11365 WILLIAM J, VIA. Secretary. Hotels. "VTOTE.—VISITORS TO BRISTOL.— Dine, Tea, and Refresh at, WOOD'S old estab-; lished WELSH DINING ROOMS, 21 and 22 Broad- mead. Dinners, 7d Beds, Is. 11371 67280 WHITSUN JJOLIDAYS, 1884. VISITORS TO CARDIFF & HOLIDAY MAKERS WILL FIND AT Wo KÖnNER AND THE LARGEST STOCK or SCARFS AND rjlIES IN SOUTH WALE3 j BEST LONDON-MADE j "JJMBRELLAS AT REASONABLE PRICES. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND NECKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, FRONTS, CUFFS, BRACES. BELTS, GARTERS, CRICKET & OTHER CAPS, HOSE & HALF-HOSE EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GCNTLEMEN'S IIOSIERï & |J NDERCLOTHING. J'-JL W. KÖRNER AND CO., THE CARDIFF HOSIERS, SHtRTMAKERS AND UMBRELLA WAREHOUSEMEN, 27, 29, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 11521 62612 MESSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, LvJL DENTAL SURGEONS, 7,PARK-ST, BRISTOL. Professional Attendance. CARDIFF—1st and 3nl WEDNEDA Y in every month from 11.30 to 7 p.m, at BEDWELLTY HOUSE, bb, CROCICHERBTOWN. Next visits, WEDNES- DAY, Jpue 18th and July 2nd. BRIDGEND—1st THURSDAY in every month, at 22, Caroline-street, 9 to 2.30 p.m. Next visits, THURS- DAY, July 3rd COWBRIDGE—3rd TUURSDAY in every month, at Mr J. Thomas', Chemist. Next visit, .June 19th, from 9.30 to 230. CHEPSTOW—2nd and 4th THURSDAY in every month at 1, BEAUFORT SQUARE. Next visits June 12th and 26th. A Vacancy for a Pupil. 10583 51390 Possessing all tl1e properties of the finest arrowroot JJROWN AND pOLSON'S CORN JJlLOUR HAS A WORLDWIDE REPUTATION. 226 NOTE. —Purchasers of Corn Flour shlmld insist on being supplied with BROWN AND POLSON'S. It i (li:tinui:3hl?d fur uniformly superior quality. 39557 TENTS, marquees, AND JL PAVILIONS ON HIRE. JOHN SMART AND COMPANY, Late of 41, Ai>AM-STREET, now 2, WELLINGTON- TERRACE, CARDIFF, Beg to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and the Public at large that they have Purchased the"Largs and Extensive STOCK of TENTS and MAROUEES of the late Joseph Prince, Cardiff, making theirs the LARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT SUITE OF MARQUEES IN THE PROVINCES (Not Surpassed in the Metropolis). Every Style and Variety, suitable for Horticultural Exhibitions, Galas, -Daza?t", Tea Gather- ings, Coming ,,f Aye Festivities, Wedding Brepblasts, Evening Parties, Temporary Ball-rooms, Eisteddfods, <•„ Ac. FLAGS and BANNERS, SHIELDS, and DECORATIONS in Great Variety, at charges that will defy competition. Distance no object. Estimates on application. 11536 tSVTO l{ 0 w LANDS 0 D O N T ° has been known fvr morc than 50 j'Hl'3 a." the purest and best tooth powdjr it whitens the teeth, prevents and arrests decay, strengthens the gums and, gives a paAng fragrance to the breath. |) O W LAND S' 0 DON TO or pearl dsntiirice 1f; the purest and most frag- rant toota p0',yJer ever used contain3 no acid, mineral or gritty substances, and is especially adapted for the teoth of young children, being vety pleasant to use. J> o w L A N D S' QDONTO erarlicates tartar from the teeth, removs spots of incipient decay, and polishes itnd preserves the enamel, to which it imparts a pearl-like white- ness: as the most efficien and fragrant aromatic purifier of the breath, teeth, and gums eyer known. O W LANDS' QDON T O has for a long series of ye irs occupied a distin- b'uiqhd place '1,t the toilets of the sovereigns allll nobility throughout Europe, while the gelleral demand tor it at once annrm!1ces the favo.ir in which it is universally held. ROWLANDS' QDONTO is the original and only genuine article sold under that or any siruihr name. Avoid spurious Rnd worthless imitations, and buy onlv of 20, HATI ON GARDEN, LONDON. To pre- c;: vent fraud, the box has on it a 3d Government stamp. Can be sent by post for 2j lid in stamps. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! NO MORE SMALL POX MARKS LEON AND CO.'S JLJ OB LITER ATOR (Patented) Removes ail Small Pox Marks, Rough Skin, Sun Freckles, un Burns, &c., and Dandruff from Facc and Head. M. LEON, the inventor of the Obiifcerater, has ob- tamed several medals and diplomas of honour, and has been appointed purveyor to sevoral Royal and Imperial Cuuns. Leon and Co.'s Obiiterator is approved by the M ",Hcal Faculty. is I) more Small Pux Marks J N () l!1üre Rough Skin No more Sun Freckles 1 The very worst cases of small pox marks are success- fully treated by Leun and Co. 's Obiiterator. Simply rub Leon and Co.'a Obiiterator into the skin with a clean sponge three or fourtimes a day,foi afaw minutes e: ch time, and then the small pox marks v ili gradually disappear. Tho application üf Leon aud Co.'s Obiiterator is quite simple and harmless Leon and Co.'s Obiiterator causcs n" inconvenience whatever. Dr.Pierre and Dr. Seboll certify that Lton and Co.'s Obiiterator cün, ains nothing whatever of anlljurÏous character. It produceq a clear, beautiful, and smooth skin I.eon and Co.'s Obiiterator is bold by all Chemists, Hairdressers, ami Perfumers. In Bottles <1t 15 6d, 3s, and 5s 61 each, ()1.' forwarded by Parcel Post 311 extra. Clw.tion.- onø genuine unless "Leon & Co." is en- graved upon the bo i tie. EXPORT.—Perfumes of all kinds, Essences. Extracts, To let Vinegar, Hair Restorer, Gold> n, Blown, and Black Hair Dye; Eau de Cologne, Bay RllUl, and other perfumes for ladies' baths in hottles all at Is 6d, 3s, and >I 6d each either size by parcel t 3d eXla., Caution.—None genuine unites "Leon & Co." is en, graved upon the bottle. ,1.,1<;41"" & CO.'S DEPILATORY (patented).—Leon & Co. s Depilatory it the onlv safe and efficacious c m- pound, removing in a f. w minutes any superfluous hair from any part of the body without any pain or even unpleasant sensation. Mix a small poition of the De- j.ilaiory with a little cold water; nib the paste thus produced the hairy skin and allow it to dry for one two minures then sj oi ge off with cold water, and the hair will be completely removed, never to gNW again. Messis LEON & CO., Perfumers to II.M. the Queen, 202, High-street, Stratford, London, E. E 7ery geHuine packer, i.s signed "Leon Sold by all Chemists, Hairdrsa-ers, ai;d Perfumers; price 6d, Is, Is 6d, 3s, and 5s 6d rer pHcket, or by post Id extra. Highly-perfumed Toilet Soaps Drown Windsor, Transparent, Tar, Glycerine, Curd, Honey, Almond, and O,tlUeal. Every genuin tablet is stamped "Leon Co., Stratfoi d, E," Price 2d per tablet Beware of inferior imitations 694,2 Chief Depot of the Obliterate!-— 11702 Messrs LRON & CO., Perfumers to H.M. rhc Oue n 202, HIGH-STREET, STRATFORD, LONDON, E. A IdNV s EJUAL 810RY THE FALL OF LLYWELYN, By D. CO ET BY 11 WILLI A MX, Which cjaimd th" SECOND palZlt at th NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD, T vow appearing in the. CARDIFF TIMES SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS ¡ Ifoblir jlgitria. THE BUTE SHIPBUILDING, EN- JL GINEERING, AND DRY DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Transfer Books of the above Company will be CLOSED from the 26th INSTANT to 10th JUNE NEXT inclusive. In terms of the Articles of Association (Art. 26, p. 12). 11687 H. GEO. FARRKLL, Secretary. lA, Stuart-street, Cardiff, 22nd May, 1884. 693o2 ,G. JJARKER AND (JO,, BANKERS, R 39 & 40, MARK LANE, LONDON, E.C. ESTABLISHED 1665. CURRENT ACCOUNTS made up to the 30th June and 31st December in each year, and interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances, at the rate of Two per cent. per annum, if not drawn below 1;25, and Three per cent, per annum if not drawn below £100 I during the term of each half year. No commission charged, except in cases where a large number of tran- sactions occur with a merely nominal balance. Custo- mers keeping accounts have the facility of having ap-' proved Bills Discounted, and of obtaining Loans upan* negotiable security. DIVIDENDS, Annuities, Pensions, &c., collected. STOCKS, Shares, or other securities bought, sold exchanged. LETTERS OF CREDIT and Circular Notes obtained, payable abroad. AGENCIES of Foreign and Country Banks under- taken, and every description of Banking Business transacted. DEPOSITS.—Deposits of £ 1 and upwards received, and receipts issued. SPECIAL RATES. On Demand 3i per ceut peranmim t 7 Days' Notice 4 f Interest 14 4.1 V payable 30 5 t Quarterly. 3 Months'Notice 6 Extra Bonus of 1 per cant allowed on sums remaining on deposit 12 complete calendar months. If deposits be withdrawn within one calendar month no illtr. st will be allowed. PROMISSORY NOTES issued bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum, with interest coupons attached, payable monthly. Further particulars given OT forwarded on Applica- tion. _n 11473 fJAUNTON AND WEST OF ENGLAND HORSE SHOW, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, 3RD & 4TH JULY, 1834. ENTRIES CLOSED SATURDAY, 21ST JUNE. Prize Lists and Forms of Entry can be obtained of Mr JOSEPH DARBY, Hon. See., 69311 13, Hammet-street, Taunton. AJRDIFFWORKINGMEN S~FLOWER SHOW. THE SEVENTEEN TH ANNUAL SHOW will take place at the DRILL HAU" on WEDNESDAY. JUNE lIt h.-Doors open at 1.30. Admission—1.30 to 4, one shilling; 4 to 6, sixpence after 6, two-pence; children accompanied by adults, half price.—Messrs Johnson and Roberts' string band will be in attend- ance also in the evening, by kind permission of Captain Aitkin, the band of the 2nd Cardiff Detach- ment, 2nd Glamorgan Rifle Volunteers. For prize list, &o., apply to the Hon. Secretary, Edward F. Linch Blosse, Cbaries-street Chambers, Cardiff. 11700 nVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JLi a separate building named "TABERNACLE," situate at PLASSEY-STREET, in the parish of PENARTH, in the county of Glamorgan, in the dis- trict of Cardiff, being i building certified according to law as a place of religious worship, was on the 29th day of May, 1884, duly REGIST Ell ED for SOLEM- NlZING MAWRIAGES therein, pursuant to the Act 6th and 7th, William IV., cap. 85. Witness my hand this 4th day of June, 1884. 13 W. B. WATKINS, Superintendent Registrar. R M Y S E R V I C E. YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY, will, on application at any Post-office in the United Kingdom, be s-ipplied, without charge, with a pamphlet containing detailed information as to the conditions of service and advantages of the Army, as to pay, deferred pay, and pensions. Great prospects of Promotion are offered to eligible young men. Applications can bo made either personally or by letter to the Officer commanding the Regimental Dis- trict at Cardiff, or to the nearest Voluntesr Sergeant Instructor or other Recruiter. Recruit. if eligible, can be enlisted for any arm of the regular service they may select. 11056 63841 PETER'S HOSPITAL for STONE, STRICTURE, ,:id URINARY DISEASES, Henrietta-st., Oovent Garden, London. Patients seen daily at 2, except on Wednesday and Saturday also Mon iay, Wednesday, and Saturday Evenings, 5 to 7 Friday at 2, Women and Children only. Without letter; cf recommendation. Private wards for paying patijnts. 11528 WALTER E. SCOTT, Secretary. Cfonfors aittr (frantmcts. rjpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. CHURCH OF ST. ELVAN, ABERDARE. Persons willing to TENDER for the REPAIRS, Ac., to the above Church can see the Plans and Spec loca- tion at the Vicarage, Aberdare, cr at the ofiices of Air T. Nicholson, Architect, Hereford. The tenders, en- dorsed St. Evan's Church Repairs," to be delivered to the Vicar of Aberdare >11 or b?fore the 10■_Ii day oi June next. No pledge is given that the lowest or any tender will be necessarily nccepte.1. 11691 (Signed) JNO. WILLIAMS, Bute Villa. Aberdare, May 27, 1884. Hon. Secretary. 69330 LON DON ANTLE "T AitE klO USE. F. COX, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. THE ONLY MANTLE WAREHOUSE IN WALES. SPECIAL DISPLAY THIS DAY OF NOVELTIES IN RICH B ROCHE | JACKET, 10/9 LOVELY OTTOMAN SILK JACKET, 15/9 SPLENDID BRUCHE DOLMAN, 18/9 BEAUTIFUL OTTOMAN SILK DOLMAN, 25/6 7t r ANTLES. i:-i ■JACKETS. j i DOLMANS. CAPE:), TfTLSTEE'- S. IVJL "CINTOSHES. FF: CLOAKS,1 F l'R CAP, o'crH ^EAL JACKETsj CLOTH JACKETS in all the NE W g S T SHAPES. 4/3. DOLMAN \U L S T E R S, 10/9. THE NEW I ELECTRIC MACIN roSH, 7/11. ELEGANT BROCilE VELVET JACKET, 52/6. Uurivelled. NOTE THE ADDRESS— LONDON MANTLE WAREHOUSE, 23, ST. ANY ARTICLE TA iEN FROM THE WINDOW. jgOYLE AND 00,'S RENT'S QELEBRATED JJOOTS AND QXFOIID gHOES, AT 10s 6D, MACHINE AND WARRANTED, Give to the foot that >.eat appearance peculiar to the be '-made Boots JgOYI^ AND £ jO., JJOO T ERCHANTS, 19, CHURCH-STREET, 2, HIGH-STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET. 11534 68683 GUMMEB J^TOVELTIES., J O H N LANCE Will make throughout the month of June, a SPECIAL SILOW OF FANCY DRESS FABRICS. SU>i: than 25,000 yards in all the varieties produced. SPECIAL SHOW OF WASHING DRESS FABRICS. 0, 1,000 designs and colours to select from. PECIAL Sm-W OF FANCY SILKS, U including all tho new Shots, Broches, Washing S'lks. etc. Q FECI AL SHOW OF MANTLES "AND K3 JACKETS. Ti;i leading eleg .r.cies in Fancy and all the Summer Mat-i :1:->. w PECIAL ;HO'IV Ob'MILLINERY, iii all o the N..vel Stiane- in Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and uiitrimnied. SPECIAL SHOW OF COSTUMES in Cashmere, Nnn's Cloth, and all Washing Cloths. SPECIAL SHOW OF CHILDREN'S kJ? for ;-c.hooI Walking, and Home Wear. SPECIAL SH ,W OF FANCY PETTI- O COATS, in a,i,i all Summer Fabrics. UPE<"IAL SHOW OF JLÜJJfOÜObS, J in the j-iv-v -t variety ever "hown, PECIAT., SHOW OF PAR \SOLS, ► J with a reni.i.i'k>ie purchase of high-cla:;s goods, 35 PER CIt .N'T. UNDER PRICE. Sets of Patterns Fit g E on Application. Carriage paid n all parcels to any part of the United Kingdom. 125, 126, an:1 123, HIGH-STREET, 6636* CHELTENHAM. 1U0S Hales bii Aurtivit. ] 24, 2b. oo 2b, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. mHE CARDIFF AUCTION & STORAGE X COMPANY (LIMITED) will SELL by AUC- TION, at their usual Weekly Sale, on THURSDAY, June 12th, 1884, a la.e quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects of every description, imp and second-hand, which have been for warded from various sources for absolute sale, consisting of capital full-compass PIANOS; handsome walnut and rosewood inlaid centre tables oak and mahogany hat and umbrella stands, whatnots, mahogany, walnut, and oak drawing and dining-room suite-s pictures, pier glasses, iron a.nd brass French bedsteads, mahogany and birch chests of drawers, toilet glasses, toilet ware, mahogany and birch wardrobes, oak dining and other tables; walvu birch, and painted rttamelled btdroom suites; and numerous sundries. Goods on view morning of sale, which will commence At TWO O'CLOCK Precisely. All entrki intended for this Sale must be made not later than WEDNESVA Y, June 11th, by It c?deck noon Highest possible cash value given for second-h.nd furniture. Advances made on account of sales of t"'ty description. 65382 J. G. AIADDOX, 11518 Secretary and Auctioneer to the Company. WENVOE, NEAR CARDIFF. TO CAPITALISTS. BREWERS AND OTHERS. Sale by Order of the Mortgagee of a FREEHOLD PUBLIC-HOUSE and 9 TENEMENTS at Twyn- roddyn; Two good LEASEHOLD DWELLING. HOUSES and SMITH'S SHOP, &c., at Twynandrw, with several Plots of Garden Land and Outbuildings. MESSRS JOHN JENKINS and CO. have -1: been instructed by the Mortgagee to SELL by AUCTION, at the Great Western Hotel, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of June next, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, in one or such other lots as may then be determined on, the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, Situate at Twynroddyn, in the parish of Weuvos. A FULL-LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE. known as the HORSE AND JOCKEY INN," now in the occupation of Mrs Mary Davies as yearly tenant, with the Gardens and Stablings adjoining, and three Bluck, containing in all NINE COTTAGES, with several large gardens Six are now occupied by Mary Richards, Jane Richards, John Morgan, John Williams, William Shepherd, and Patrick Harrington, and three vacant, together with the following Lease- hold properties, situate near the main road, at Twyn- andrw, in the same parish, and comprising TWO DWELLING-HOUSES. Smith's Shvtl, Shoeing Shed, Stable, Piggeries, and l irge Gardens, in the occupation of Daniel John, and Rebecca Griffiths. These houses are well built, and very pleasantly situated, and with a little expense could be con. verted into a good residence, being held for a term of bO years from 1st May, 1858, at the annual ground rent of £1. The whole of the above properties are of an estimated GROSS ANNUAL VALUE OF £ 63 2s. The properties are near the main road, and are about mid-way between Cardiff and Barry. To view, apply to the respective tenants, and for further particulars to the Auctioneers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, or to Messrs BRADLEY & JONES, Solicitors, 6S347 11696 3, High-etreet, Cardiff. TO MINING COMPANIES. MANGANESE MERCHANTS, &c. DEVON—NEAR EXETER, TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY, the 13th June, 1884, at the Rougo mont Hotel, Exeter, at Two for Three o'clock p.m., in one or more lots, the valuable ESTATES called MARSH BARTON and LANG. FORD." Situate about three miles from Exeter, and one mile from Newt' n St. Cyres Railway Station. Beds of man- ganese of great value are believed to exist on the property. Shafts have been sunk and pits dug, and the manganese raised can be seen on the surface. Large quantities of manganese have been raised on adjoining property, realising many thousands of pounds. The property has been inspected by a practical miner, and a copy of his report is printed in the particulars, for which and for plans, conditions of sale, and all other information, apply to Messrs Helmore and Son, Auctioneers, Crediton, Devon to H. Hainworth, Esq., Pine Vi'la, Blackheath-hili, Greenw ch to Mr Edward Ellis, Surveyor, Lxeter to R. G. Abraham, Esq., Soli- citor, Ashburton, Devon or to Messrs MEAR and FOWLER, Solicitors, 52, Chancery lane, London. Dated 25th April, 1834. 11671 69025 (71ASHION IN LADIES' FRENCH (71ASHION IN LADIES' FRENCH _Sj BOOTS. T^ASHTON IN LADIES' FRENCH JJ SATEEN BOOTS. 1 FASHION IN LADIES' BUTTON BOOT'S. IflASHION IN LADIES' LACE KID 1 BOOTS. XftASniON IN LADIES' OXFORD JE? .SHOES. I71ASHION IN LADIES' GLOVE KID BOOTS. g^ASHJON IN LADIES' GLACE KID X1 BOOTS. S71ASHION IN LADIES' SPRING-SIDE BOOTS. fjiASHION IN LADIES' LAWN TENNIS X1 SHOES. JpASHION IN GIRLS' BOOTS. jpASHION IN BOYS' BOOTS. JpASHION IN CHILDREN'S BOOTS. VISIT jgOYLE AND c 0.11 19, CLIURCH STREET, 2, HIGH STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET. 11532 68681 JQEMAND CREATES THE SUPPLY. After repeated and continued enquiries from their numerous customers for Cocoa, and being desirous to cater tor every be vera go for the Tea and Breakfast Tables of their Patrons, W. MARCHANT and CO have decided to add to their Tea, Coffee, and Sugar Business the article COCOA. Still giving to their Tea Trade unremitted attention, and placing it in the fore- front position, they are resolved to offer the different varieties of COCOA on the same advantageous terms that they -011 their various Biends of Tea. Please compare their prices with the prices you are charged for these artides, FRY'S COCOAS. BRITISH WORKMAN'S COCOA (loose), 5d per lb. 14 lbs for 5/3. PEARL COCOA, in Packets, 7d per lb, 14 lbs for 7/9. HOMEOPATHIC COCOA, lljd lb in lb-tins, i-lb and i-lb packets, 8-lb bux. 7/4. CARACA S COCOA, per lb 1/1, in 1-lb tins, i-lb and i-lb packets, 8-lb box 8/4. SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE, 11 td per lb, 3-lb box 7/4. HOCK COCOA, TRINIDAD," 1/li per lu. Do. do. 2nd quality, 10d per lb. COCOA EXTRACT, 5d per packet, l/-tin for 10d, 2'- tin for 1/8, 3/-tin for 2/4. COCOA NIBS, No. 1 QUALITY, 1/61 per II). COCOA NIK,, FINE TRINIDAD. 1/3 per lb. COCOA NIBS, GROUND FINEST, 1/6 per 11)- COCOA AND MILK, 1/- tin for 8d, 6d tin for 5id. CADBURY'S ESSENCE. Jd packet for 521,1, per dozen 5/3, 9-oz. tin for 1/4, 20-ez. tin for 2/8. HOMCEOPATHIC COCOA. In i-ib ■ i-lb. packets, per lb. 1/U, 14-lb, box for 15, SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA. 1/6 tin for 1(11. ,3/- tin for 2/1^ 5/6 tin for 3ill.. VAN HOUTEN S COCOA. i-lb. 1/2 tin for 10id,i-lb. 2/3 tin for 1/3,1-lb. 4/3 tin for 3/2 W. MARCIIANT & Co. feel certain that by offering COCOAS at the lowest possible prices at which they can be sold, they will secure still further patronage for their unequalled TEAS, and again subjoin a shore price list; — BROKEN LEAF CONGOU 1/1 j STRONG t SivFUL 1/4 WONDERFUL VALUE 1/6 STRONGLY RECOMMENDED 1/8 AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE 2/- TRULY GRAND TEA 2i6 THE FINEST GLKND PRODUCIBLE.. 3/- 1/- Discount off 6 lbs. on 2s Tea and upwards. SUGARS AT COST TO BUYERS OF TEA. FINE LUMP SUGAR 2/6 per Dozen Pounds. SPLENDID DEMERARA 2/6 W. MARCHANT & CO., ANGEL STREET, CARDIFF, 69176 11689 (Facin4 the Castle. GOOD QOMPLEXION \3T GOOD COMPLEXION Q_OOD £ JOMPLEXION QOOD QOMPLEXION QOOD 0OMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION QOOD 0OMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION \jr GOOD 0OMLPEXION \jr GOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION I GOOD Q->MPLEXION QOOD QOMPLEXP !N GOOD COMPLEXION "vl r, Mrs LANGTRY writes Since using PEARS' SOAP for the liaitcls nuct com plexion, I have dis- carded all others." (Signed) LILLIE LANGTRY. :Fair White Hands Bright Clear: Complexion. Soft Healthful Skin. PEARS' SOAP. PURE 1 FRAGRANT! RFRESrHNG for Toilet and Nursery. PEARS' SOAP is specially pre- pated for the deli. cate skin ofladies and children, and others sensitive to the weather, win- ter or summer. Pre ven is Itedn ess, Roughness, and Chapping. PEARS' SOAP is recommended by Sir ERAKMCS ILSON, late Pre- sident of the Col- lege of Surgeous of England. £ 3T Sold Every- where in Tablets, Is eah. Larger Sizes, 1/6 and 11494 RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS FOR TtlE PAST WEEK 1884. 1883. In De £ £ £ f: Taff Vale & Penarth Rail. 14675.. 14900.. — 225 Rhvranev 3376.. 3408.. — 32 1 Mc? ih;-r 16M.. 1353.. 323.. — Pembroke and Tenbv 607.. 583.. 2.t.. — Midland 152461..134728. 17733 — Great Eastern 68616 68601 .11015.. — Lanoas-hireand Yorkshire.. 75969. 6785'> 6113.. — Metropolitan T'694.. 12453.. 241.. — Metropolitan District 8021.. 7916.. 105.. — South Eastern 43341.. 401 il 3230.. — L-mdon, Brighton, andS C 56239.. 39399. 16840.. Great Northern 6026.. — Sheffield (Main Line) 1662.. — North Staffordshire i>80.. — North British 448.. Gt. North of Scotland 386.. — North Eastern — 5146 Gt. North of Scotland 386.. North Eastern — 5146 Highland 614 Caledonian 684 3orsituss Abbrtssts. LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. L IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. j [yEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES. It is a Nutricious and Invigorating Essence, highly recommended by the most eminent of the Medical Profession for the cure of Nervous Head and Mind Complaints, Cough, Asthma, and Incipient Consumption, Nervousness, V Weakness and Exhaustion, Dimness of Sight, .•Sw-r* Shortnass of Breath, Headache. Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Drowsiness, Indiges. tion, Singing Noises in the Head and Ears, Trembling, Loss of Memory, Want of Appetite, Tieuralgia, Pains and Aches, Wasting Diseases, "Loss of Energy. Impaired Nutrition, Excessive Drinkiug, Inactivity of the Brain, with dullness of perception and delusions, and all other low sta es of the system, indicating the presence of disease, which, it not att, a led to in time, must become serious TESTIMONIAL FROM SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, PHYSICIAN TO THE QUEEN. I have for some years recommended LIEBIG'S "CHEMICAL FOOD in cases of general ill- "iiealth with the most beneficial results. I find ■" it to be a very pnre preparation, containing f amongst other things free and unoxy-dised Phosphorus highly diffused, and when per- severed with, has always seemed to give fresh f life to the languid and exhausted, and health, "strength, and energy. By its use the dull, the sluggish,thelazy and languid arise in the morn- ing well refreshed, with an appetite for food, and fit for study, society, or business, CHARLES LOCOCK, M.D.' L IEBIGS CHEMICAL FOOD Re-vitalizes and acts like a charm; it might truly be called the WINE OF LIFE. For' Consumptive tendencies, Dyspepsia Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, in fact, any disorder of the Lungs, Stomach Blood, or Nerves. T IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD, JLi OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES, Has an established reputation of many years, challenges its equal, BUILDS up, RE- VIVES, RE-CRKATES.—Purifiss and enriches the Blood, thereby rendering the skin olear and tfansparent, sharpens tile intellect, strengthens the constitution, re-establishes the health, thoroughly re-vitalizes the system, and is the one unfailing remedy for debility from what- ever cause arising. LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD, HAS CURED THOUSANDS. It is a mysterious and invigorating essence a secret wrung from the laboratory of Nature by the long, patient labourers of the greatest Chemist that ever lived. Is the only reliable restorer of health. I IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. J ThIs remarkable preparation not only contains all the materials necessary for the foundations of a new constitution, and for preventing or curing disease, but also evolves everything re- quired for forming rich, pure, and healthy blood, musc'ML flesh, bone, brain, Ac., and contains the r"-y elements of LIFE. L IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD will be found most valuable when suffering from Over-study, Mental Depression, the Effects of Late Hours, and Sedentary Occupa- tions. It is a BRAIN-FOOD and in this high- pressure age, the use of LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD will keep the brain bright and clear, and positively prevent any chance of mental collapse. It is the true strength-giver and health-restorer, nourishing both body and brain, supplying mental and physical power, and nerve and brain food. It is not at all like medicine, being entirely different to anythiug -jver before introduced to the public, and tastes like some balmy, fragrant, and deli- cious nectar. L IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. L IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. F IEBIG S CHEMICAL FOOD. OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES. If.B.—Insist upmi your Chernut supplying you with LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. None i-s qenuine without th? Government Slamn and Sir CH AS. LCCOCK'S testimonial WITH EACH BOTTuE. Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, at 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 33s, and kept by all wholesale Druggists in the Kingdom. Any Chemist not having it in stock will procure it t order; and there is a great saving in buying the large sizes. 11482 REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, The Oldest, Safest, jind most Effectual Remedy. -4- J^EYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR GOUT. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR RHEUMATISM. JJEYNOLDS' QOUT SPECIFIC, FOR SCIATICA. ]Ft EYINOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR LUMBAGO. J^EYNOLDS' QOUT gPECIFIC FOR ALL NEUIALGIC COMPLAINTS. Dr. BREWSTER (for many years one of the leading Physicians in Paris; writes I have prescribed REYNOLDS' GOU2 SPECIFIC in ALL cases of Rheumatic Affections and and it an INFALLIBLE REMEDY. I have always had great pleasure in re- commending it, and consider it a safe and INVALU- ABLE medicine. REYNOLDS' QOUT SPECIFIC ESTABLISHED 70 YEARS. Sold in Bottles, 2s qd and 4s 6d, by Messrs Barclay and Sons, 95, Farricgdon street, E.C. and all Chemists. 11070 jglLL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J. DE REES, STEAM PACKET HOTEL, NEWPORT BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN and COUNTRY, Rents all the principal Hoardings in New- port, &c. Work executed with despatch. 6311 E M E I Y FREE. A victim of youthful imprudence ciusiug Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, &c., having ried in vain every known remedy, has discovered a simple self-cure, which he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address:—J. H. REEVES, Esq., 43, Chatham street. Now York City, U.S.A. 10034 Jgj M P L O Y M E N T I WANT 1,000 AGENTS TO CANVASS FOR THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. I will give such terms and furnish such ADVER. TISING FACILITIES that no man need make less than E30 per Month, no matter whether he ever can assed before or not. Address—FREDERICK W. HALE, 2, King-stteot, Co vent Garden, LONDON, and full particulars will be sent by return post. 1036b New and Revised Edition. Post Free, Twelve Stamp?. IITS. EPILEPSY OR FALLING J? SICKNESS. With ESSAYS ON GIDDINESS, SENSATIONS FAINTS, AND HEADACHE. A Practical Treatise, explaining the causes, treatment, and cure of these Diseases with directions for Diet. By, S. BERRY NIBLETT, Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy sicians. Published by Mr Williams, 10, Oxford-terrace, Hyde Park, London. 11258 DINNEFORD S MAGNESIA. IN L This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- burn, Headache, Gout, x and Indigestion. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gen- tle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 11 LEA In consequence of Imitations & of Lea and Perrins' Sauce, which are calculated to decieve the PERKINS' Tw„ LEA and PERRINS Bog to draw attention to tne fact Slues. that each bottle of the Original and Genuine Worcestershire Sauce, bears tneir Signature on the label. LEI WORCESTERSHIRE & SAUCE. T>ERRINS' Wholesale by^the Proprietors, Cross'- and Biackwell, London S. „ and Export Oilmen generally. A OLE. Retail by Dealers throughout the 65437 World. 11220 QOLMAN'S MIUSTARD. 11545 68825 I> OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER. > FIVE GOLD MEDALS. Pow-DL;,e., > FOR WHOLESOME BREAD. OPIN-lv-lcKis JIIAKING PON,NTDPP, FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. -B-Öl'lWICK'8-'B=ItKrtar-PO\DER, FOR PLUM CAKE. BORWTCK'S BAKING POWDER, FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. ORWiC'iS BAKING POWDEl FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS. 66910 Invaluable oil board Shin. 1131 n_ 2ND GLAMOP.GAN RIFLE VOI.UNTKZR CORPS.— (1ST CARDIFF D.-JXACHMENT-.— Orders for the week com- mencing 8th June, 18S4. Regimental orders for Cardiff Detachments,Monday—Battalion drill under Lieut. Co!. Martin, drill order at 7.30 p.m., band to attend. Weather peimitting, the drill will take place out of doors. A large muster is requested in order to take advantage of this opportunity for one of the necessary three battalion drills. Friday—Sonad and recruit drill at 8 p.m. Port Talbot meeting.—The entries for county meeting will close on Friday, 6th inst., at Drill Hall. On duty for tile week Lieut. J. J. David, Sergt. L. Simpson,Corpl. E. Garrett, Bugler R. Briscoe V By order (Signed), WALTER SCOTT, captain commanding detachment.

Family Notices

SA IT UBDA Y, JUNE 7, 188%.