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"REDUCED RATE FOR Small Prepaid Advertisements. I -:0:- 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Tinles NINE PENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. i WORDS. ONCE. THREE SIX s. d. s, d. s. d. 20 "words 0 6 0 9 1 0 SO Words -jO 9 1 0 ]~T~ 6 40 Words — 1 0 1 6 2 3 Ho^Words 1 3 2 8 3 9 60~Words 1 61 3 0 1 4 6 s* M'ly only to tho classes ut u fver;ise- Kent sj.-roi!:•?«! below, and are strictly confined to thood which are ordered for CONSECUTIVK insertion, and PAID FOR. r:II-:viors TO INSKUTION if either of these con- ditions j" not complied with, the advertisement will he cbar;e,¡ hy tiio Business scale :— WANTKP. HOCSKS TO Rg SJI.D. TO LET. :'10;1'1' W.nn.v. ART: LOST. ;\lo;EY TO LKND. Aa: L '.i i'orwn. KA»T.> !7.Jt MLSCKI.L.V.NKOVS SA'.KS. B' K sr.s A.\TKI>. PARTNERSHIPS WASTED* Ho<\sr< TO L::R.SITUATIONS WANTED HOL-S W,\NT::I>. SITUATIONS VACANT. CENKTtAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PAKUUIKNTARY NOTICES, Government Announce- Blent. and VarliaiHentary Elections are charged One Shilling per line for cach insertion. Prospectuses of Public Comiianies ar<» charged Ninepenee per line for each in.NTMo: Piiidic, Municipal, Parcchial, and Schwl Hoard Notices, Tenders awl Contracts, ltC., are rhiir-jed >ixjio-.co j>er line for each insertion. Aac 4io*i otics arc charged Sixpence per line, and all other c'is.-e> of Advertisements Fourpence per line pe wiser I ion. Home 0f these charges are, however, subject t'b ,2'¡W:C:OJl in aceordancs with the number 0f inser- tions ordered. Particulars may he obtained at 0ûr Chief al,.j llianc!; Offices. A i. :.i; 1'I.SKUS, when 3.tlve¡:tisements in man- iiscrinf ,may calcnlnte eight words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. in charging advertisements the lines are not courted, but the p.dvertisenient, including large line-, dashes, aucl "vhito spaces, ].3 measured, and til a space occupied is charged at the rate or Twelve "lines to an ;], Murnhvi). M 1STS.—Wanted, Improver or Junior; one «':th knowledge of telegraphing preferred.— Yort.il., hei»i-.t, jPwsr, Office, Canton. 575 I Iiv1'UAL SERVANT (so d) wanted. for >Ian- \J cheater squall family age ahont 20 preferred en v, .t,er.—.Mrs Dean, 7, Mortoa-street, Greenheys, ?i* -uici soster. 531 1 £ srA.NTEl/ FLO CP., FRUIT,' SODA and" other fV r.AH'.tK;„s.—l><A>son Soda and Dry Soap Vorks, Cardifr. 9 loo—4537 £ # j Wf.EKLY and upwards may hi easily and £ honestly realised by persons of either sex, without hindrance to present occupation.—For par ticulars, Ac., enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, and (Vmpany (P, 136), )ferciJant. Birmingham, This is genuine. 8011 Z^ER V A NTS PLACES of any description, and Householders requiring Servants, should advertise in the TDlES. TT OD< » XCSanTl A PARTMENTS WANTED, or to he j J LET. should advertised in the CARDrF¡.'1'I\rF:3 (Kv 3 £ et. TTOt'SKS or PUF..MrSES_t<rbe LET should b? JO. advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. 3fav ^rdr. I Ai .• atJotiN NORMA":n\-TsTioWROOMS, X1 CANTON, CAUDIFF. NOW: 1 bra'.1 i A;dIt, 1 spring trolly, 1 hauliers' cart. 2 Trad, liirt.-i, 1 Dog Cart with Lamps and Cushions, 2 Pony C:r'H lSmail .-pring Several í Jen and C-ntractors' Ban0WiJ. Second bar, 1 1 Hani (,t. 1 Str< .• C.n-t, 1 He • 'Vaj;on, 1 Site: 11511 Note -iv Tianiway Terminus. 62o25 TT Ui >id I'lti'iMlSES for SALE should oe ,1 I -■ 1 in tiio CARDIFF Tim US. U ■ > RJI"TVALES -P1{'.í)-P E R T Ý k3 A MONTHLY RKCISTKR OF FOUSKS, T.ANOS, AC., to be LET or SOLD in Wales, ;r>1:1Uf)1.t11s1,¡rt), West of Kn.'Jan l, Ac. 1,0')0 Copies stilt Monthly, post-free, t.) tilE) leadina; inhabi- tant" of Wales awl Mi -nmouthshire. Insertion fnJB. Copies post free, from Messrs IlKiiN, Estate Agents, Aucti t.nL'l-r-s Ac., 71, st. Mnry-street, Cardiff. 21VI J TV l ij L I A M sTnTe"kI; ?» AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AXl) [NSURAXCi: AGENT, 28, ST. CARJ)[FF, Has tLw following PROPERTIES for SALE CATHAYS.—No. 27, Cathays-terrace, and two houses In Richards-street. 33, WI." DSOR-IiOAD. I.arg-o house, suitable for not, 1 1.0 bedrooms, Ac. IX)' !.¡>. -N 0". Uanc1 13, Mountstuart-square. RO.\TJ!ün<J house in Orbit-street, anil one house In W' r ■•.vorth-street.. CAN")ON. —1Two houses in Egerton-street, six houses in Wynditam-road. GllA-N(!ETOWN.—Nino very 6xe¿llent large houses in Cliye- r.n,t, seven with nine rooms, antl two with 12 rooms each, and six house* in Kent-street. A lih"1'¡¡,1 portion d tho pnrclJ3.3e money can be had on morcsa^e. Appiy as above. 125 iftiscfUatumis. £ ~~i ARDKN Seeds, Flower Seeds, Farm Seeds of best \7T quiiity only, and at lowest possible prices. Catalogn • Ilibbert, The" Ag-ricultural House," 16 ann 17, An^ei-street, Cardiff. 113..2 63639 ClPHIMi Vetches, Spring Cea.¡¡,,¡, Black Tartarian o and White Sesd Oat. Artificial Manures of all kin L;, Cru-shed i>i>nes fur Vine Borders, Ac. — I. Hii- bnt" The A sr.Cultural House," Cardiff. óùó89 V" I"CJiN "('OKK VIRGIN CORK~!T — a" Urge quantity for Disposal, wholesale or retail. Special quo^ tion to the trade. Used hrgely for ornameutal garden work, summer houses, grottoes, &c.. ,c.-J. Hibber^ If) and 17, Angel-street, Cardiff. 63689 >ll.( AKi) J3ALIA"i. CLOTH. CUES, TIPS ami ail l'J> other liilliard Requisites at Hennig Bros., 11, High-treet, St. Giles's, London, W.C. Old Balls ad. iu-7e l c'r exchanged and Tables Re-covered, Re- .1: .'¡¡1,'1)(.1, Bought and 801/1, etc. Price Lists Cloth & Cushion Ilnl>ùerSa,;nples post free, Estbd. 1862 18100 F_ 7vTCitWORK' FOR THFMILLION7—-Never"was susli a thinp; offered to the public before. As we are now clearing our enormous stock of summer prints, we will send free per parcels post, on receipt of 15 stamps, Fifty ,pleudid pieces of Print for Patchwork. Now IS the for making cheap and warm quilts for thc winter. '1 his is thoroughly ge¡¡u:ne.- Jellick and Company, e,.t.hwell-ro,<i. Bristol. 227 i fa'V> FAT PERSONS.—A Gentleman who can per. & tonally vonch f.,r the eflicacr 3f a REMEDY (d. n-tov's ;»rescrir.t:on) which will effectually and I rapidly RKDUCF. CORPULENCY in either sex with- mÎt senii-starvation^dietary, exercise, Ac., quite nann- less will send Hecipti 0:1 receipt vf st.&ll1ped ad,lre;\8.- Mr F. Russell, 15, C0wer-"treel, London, \C.- N.B. The foil ,wing extract may help to show the value of this recipe. '1 he "Young Ladies' Journal" says :— <oq,ul..ncy.- ,V c l;ava re ul the original testimonials of many members of the aristocracy, an,1 persons of ill society, who have evidently written to Mr Ui ~-eii unsolicited, In testimony of the great bene- fit de rived from h;, prescription. M 11397 «' lTOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. CLAr; KE'S \YüRLD-F AlVIED BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER for cleansing a.¡;d clearing the Blood from all impurities cannot 00 too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurry, Skin Diseases, and Sorcs of :1.11 Kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. 11; cures Old Sores, Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck, Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs, Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face, Cures 0cuny Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skill Diseases, Cures Glandular Swellings, Clears the Blood irom an impure Matter, From whatever cause arising r As this mixture is pleasant t<-J" the taste, and war- ranted froe :rom anything injurious to the most delicate constitution uf either sex, the proprietor solicits sui- fcrers tu give it a trial to test its Talue. (Thousands or testimonials from all parts). CURE OF" A VERY BAD LEG. Medlaui, New Doliugbroke. II Mixture, I am I than!, ful to say, has completely cured me, after suffering 15 or 16 years fNm a very bad lex that had 15 holes in it at DUe time" I had tried doctors, but without any good eti<;jCt., I am very thaûkful to you, Íur I am now lie, ri¡;ltt.-I aui, sir, yours respectfully, JOHNSON "West Orchard, Coventry, Jan. 6, 1283 "It with pleasure 1 write to inform you of my C011.1ltlete cure. I havo !>^en afHicied for six years with tiictirs extending from my anklerf to my I hips. After having been uiuler the two bead I doctors in Coventry, and tried numerous [),<iver1:,is.1 remedies, all of which failed, I procured a lar-e l ott'e of your Blood Mixture, and received preac benefit directly I took it, &uil ain happy to telf you that one large and two small bottles completely cured me, and I havo not go t a sore upon me. I am wHva.),I(;) to walk without my crutch and stick which I havo not beeu able to do for six years. You can make use or my name anyhow you like, so thankful am I —Yours truly, JANF. Sold ill in Bo&tJes, 2s 6d each, awl jn Cases, containing rix times the quantity, lis eilel1-IItf:Glent to etfed á permanent cure in tiw .f!.e¡¡,t majority cd lon^-sta-nding cases—by all Cll KM IS 1*S and PATENT MEDICINR VENDORS throughout the World, 3nd sent on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by The LINCOLN AND MIDLAND Cop;, riKS' DTN'O COMPVNY, L!¡¡co}!1. 17 145 TRADE MARK—" BLOOD MIXTURE POSTAL DELI V K R Y JL 011 THH SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the :OU1'U.WALJ. DULY Nl-'WS beg to announce that by 3. SPCC¡,1J concession of the l)o,t.¡;,1 Authorities ther aro enabled to despatch their First Edition each moruin^ by the Mails leaving Cardiff at if.30 a.ia aud 3.4o a.m. tkumtry Subscribers residiuc Within the''mits of OLA MORGAN SHI HE, UARMA nTH JiXSHIRE, rEMiJROKESinKE, 11.' i .1\'1 well a" thusa portions oi C i.c I'iCON SHU I i i aiui M( )N MOCTHSHIRM CI)!I1!>(',¡ "itJÚ;¡ the Tredegar and t:lay:nllt.JY Va.ILy Postal ^wiricts, may uow !JavetiJe S0' !;I .L!< DAILY NmVS o!1ivered at their resi ,i o nly by the same as that which CJIM'OVS f .(.ii'l'in letters. -M ONO EIMT!V».N THE SOUTH WAI.F.S Dt!L\ -I,tl'<ic"1, m ;ei<tid, to residents of the follow ill. l ct.ier macos within the Cardiff l'ost,d Di..11 tune > .ho ilrst morning delivery St. rail's Sully Michaelstn-ieVedw P«>' Courtynvl a Castletown S l-.i-'d. K!v DinasPov.is Marshtield St. > ■' ■> Cftdoxtou Pbliavth Bon: .■■■ii-'j i'-Mi-v Llamlati^h r^'i'-r .• Caorjdiiily Lis L!j." Lc vi';n L! uiisliea l: Yarrad Mynach M r-viv p inc Tail's Well Mrfli'vilHth Sc. iieilcu's TongwynlaU 1";1' i-cli Ce-i :.h'¡!¡ Wa.Jn1ltTl'ei lge St. Andrew's I" LOJl¡i'JI1 "JIlt W t:8t of England subscribers vec. ve 1m the afternoon of publication. < V■■■•.11 Ov.un-KK, POST-FHKB 0 9 a Pfc" i|u.p.\t:AK ]] 019 Ó I'i Kilt 1 W 0 vi f'l W.,Lt,s DAILY NIOV., OKKICKSL and :f,. S«,. Marv^street, CturdiS. public NEW THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIibT. LFSSEF. A MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. LAST TWO NIGHTS of Mr Wilson Barrett's Company in the Fa.mons Drama, The SILVER KING. NOTICE.—Stage Door and St. Mary-tn et Entrances opened at IIalf,pc1St. Six to those persons desirous- of avoiding the crush—Sixpence extra. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY) and TO-MORROW (SATUR- DAY). April 13th A 19th, the most successful drama of modern times- THE SILVER KING, Written by Henry A. Jonci3 and Henry Hermann, As produced in London, under the direction of Mr Wilson Barrett. To-morrow (Saturday) doors opm 6.30, commence 5.45. MONDAY NEXT, April 21st, Caverity's ce'ebrated Original Company of Ladies. and Female Orchestra from the Opera C'omique, London. Greatest Novelty of the Age—Forty Lady Artiste. The Perfornnnce wi1J commence with a N E W IDE A, Introducing V,cal and In;,trnn18.J,al Music, Songs. Duetts, Choruses, Ac., concluding with the Opera di Camera, AN ADAMLESS EDEN, in which the original Mashers IV jJl appear. Duovs open at 7, commence 8.t 7.30 half-price at g. Box Plan at Messr, Thompson and Sh-ickell's. 53237 rjnAYLErRFS CIRCUS, CA UDTFF. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, MONDAY AND TUKSDAY, APRIL 21ST AND 2¿:;p. THE \VORLD-RK>rOWNEr> MATTH E WS' MINSTRELS. THE ORIGINAL C.C.C. REGISTERED. This Famous Company comprises THE BE<T SELECTED VOCALISTS. COMEDIANS, INSTRUMENTALISTS, DANCERS, Ac., Ever introduced into ?,Iinstrelsy. In addition to this Gigantic C'om;J:1ny, THE GREAT MICHIGAN COONS. Commencing at 8. Doors open at 7.30. First Seats (Nunioered\ 2.<. Second Seats, Is. Gallery, 6d. 335" Children under Twelve, Haif-pri.-e to First and Second Seats only. Tickets, etc., and P'an of the Reserved Seats at, th» Hall Oil the Evening of Performance and at the usual places. 115:8 Jjublir £ lotic$s. R MY S E R Y I 0 E —— YOUNG MEN wishing t) JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY, will, on application at any Post-oHice in the United Kingdom, Le supplied, withoat charge, with a pamphlet coutaining detailed infonnation aa to tJ1ü conditions of service and advantages of the Army, as t) pay, deferred pay, and pensions. Great prospects of Promotion are otÏereJ to eligible young men. Applications can be mad i either personally or by letter to the Officer commanding the Regimental Dis- trict at Cardiff, or to tl1e nearest Volunteer Sergeant Instructor or other Recruiter. Recruits, if eligible, can be enlisted for any arm of the regular service they may select. 11056 63841 THE PILSEN JOEL AND GENERAL' X ELECTIC LIGHT COMPANY, LIMITED. CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. This Com-.any is now prepared to make CONTRACTS for LIGHTING STREETS, MANSIONS, MILLS, FACTORIES. ENGINEERS' SHOPS, Ac., Ac, Applications for estimates to be made to the Com- pany's L cai Agents, Messrs J. B. Saunders and Co., Bute Docks, Cardiff. 11511 jfinnníÜtl. AN IMPORTANT FACT !-£10 and upwanls carCJfully invested in Options on Stock Exch;in.<e S6curitie;; often "ieM handsome profits in a few day.—Non-liability system. Full details in Ex- planatory Book, gratis and post free.—Address George Evans ami Co., Stuck-brokers, Gresi.am House, Lon- don, KX 2 A 8402 Bhtsuvattr?. PERILS ABOUND ON EVERY SIDE. rpjbJE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' A AS.-URANCE COMPANY Insures against ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS ON LAND OR WATER, nnd lias THE LARGEST INVESTED CAPITAL, THE LARGEST INCOME, And Fays Yearly THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION Of auy Accidental Jusilra:1Ce Company. CHAIRMAN HAUVIL: M. FARiiUHAit, E.v^. Appiy to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agent, Mr J. BOVEY, James-street, Bute Docks, Cardiff; or WEST-END OFFICE :-8, GRAND HOTEL BUILD INGS, CHARING CROSS, OR AT TIIF. HEAD OFFICE :—64-, CORN HILL, LONDON., E.C. 11365 WILLIAM J. VIAS, Secretary. ilioim. "XTOTE. —VISITORS TO BRISTOL.— Dine, Tea, and Refresh at WOOD'S old-estab- lished WELSH DINING ROOMS, 21 and 22, Broad- uisad. Dinners, 7d Beds, Is. 11371 67280 r j^E WIS AND E WI&r ART CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, 0ARPET "^TAREHOUSEMEN AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS. LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCKS OF MODERN JJ OUSEHOLD J^URNITUREi NOW ON VIE W, AT 23, DUKE-STREET CARDIFF,- < AND 137, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 11C14 63409 TVirUSSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, i IT DENTAL SURGEONS, 7, PARK-ST, BRISTOL. Professional Attendance. CARDIFF—1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY in every month from 11.30 to 7 p.m, at BEDWELLTY HOUSE, JJ, CROCKHEllBTOWN. Next visits, WEDNES- DAY, April 30th and May 7lK BRIDGEND—1st THURSDAY in every month, at 22, Caroline-street, 9 to 2.30 p.m. Next visits, THUR3- DAY. May 1st COWBRIDGE—3rd THURSDAY in every month, at Mr J. Thomas', Chemist. Next visit, Ma.y Ibtb, from 9.30 to 2.30. CHEPSTOW—2nd and 4th THURSDAY in every month at 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE. Next visits, Aprd 24ih and May 8th. A Vacancy for a. Pupil. 10583 51890 BERLIN WOOL AND LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING ESTAB- LISHMENT. Best quality Wools and Fingerings.; Choice assortment of Needlework. Children's New Soring Costumes, Hats, Ac., Ac., Ac., at Mrs BANNING'S, 51, CROCKHERBTOWN, (Opposite Park place). 65914 CARDIFF. 11273 S. A XDREWS AND SON, I FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS, REFORM CAR, BROUGHAM, HEARS K AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETORS. THE TRA; E SUPPLIED. O v v i c F. a :— 30 AND 31, W-R KING-STREET, CARDIFF, AND PEXAUTII MEWS, PENARTH, Which are ir Telephonic como:un5cat,"on wilJi ji.il our branches. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. NO CONNECTION WITH ANy OTHER FIRM 1I4a 67514 WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE AS A CERTAIN CURE For mjous and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Nerv- -us Depression, Loss of Apatite, Giddi- t ness, :>¡.Ü a11 those other SYlHptOlllil which llon0 but asuffe' -ir can describe. For Habitual C03tiver.es* or for per-ons suffering from Piles. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LI VER PILLS W ill be found most efficacious. They give a healthy tone and vigour to tho different secrefioiui, caushig tho necessf. ry organs of the stomach und JAvev to resumy their pcttvtty, thus restoring the appetite, promoting 4 digestion, and strengthening the whole system. ff.M.s. Albatross," China Station, March 27sh, 1883. Sir, -In 1873, I was recommended to use Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills, when about to proceed to tho East. I have used them, ever since, both iu China and the En Indies, and have found ihem the most satis- factory Medicine, gent o ia their action, and IIJC, benefii. iu their result. I have given them to my friend. some Medical Officers included, and the.-j>> have been g- atiy pleased, and decided to use them In their (JU\ctu- j. "Thc.-e Pills do not profess to cure everything, hut they have given "nay a Fght heart, and <1. feeling or perfect health to people W110 w -re iJl aud wretcbod Fur th'.i reason, I would recommend them, Leiiy sure that tYq ou!) require to be better known in order that their benefits may 06 universally LIt. You are quite at liberty to use this Testimonial: from ao Oiffcer in ler Majesty's Service, as I do not wTah 1;.) advertise my name, vhicit I give co3a guarantee i>f a genuine Testimonial. Yours trniy, «» To Mr W. LAMBERT." Prept";d by W. Lambert, 173. Seymour-place, Hon- tloii- -V., i;> boxes at Is lid and 2a 9d post free for 14 in 5\ oi' oi till Chemists, in a eg '.are green ^rcIiT. by 25, 25. A 25, HIGil-STCEET, ClRDIl-F. THE CARDIFF AUCTION & STORAGE COM i'ANY (LIMiTED) will SELL bv AU'1- TION*, at their i,u.t! Weekly Sale, on THURSDAY, April 2lth, 1834. a large qminticv of HO USE HOL D FI' UN ITUR E and Effects of every description, new and ,id-hand, whicji have b-en forwardc-; frcin various sources for absolute sale, cons sting of copita! full-compass PIANOS; h.imlsome walnut aud n.sewootl inlaid cen re taoi s oak and mahogany hat ami umbrella stands, whatnots, vmIwjv-'mj, ivainut, and ca'e drawing ar><i dining-room su>i?.s pictures, pier glasses, iron and brass French bedsteads, mahogany and birch chests of drawers, toilet gl ;sses, toilet ware, mahogany and birch wardrol>es, oak dining and other table* walnut, birch, and painted enctinelled bcJ.rcoiii suites; and numerous sun ires. GoM-i on view morning of sale, which will coiaruesice, At TWO O'CLOCK Precisely. All entries intended tor Ifiii Sa'e viv-nt be made not Utt'-r (ban Will) SESDA Y, April Zlrd, by 12 o'clock noon. Highest pos-ible casli vaine given ior second-hand furniture /Vivan-cs ravie o account of sales of every description. J. G. MADDOX, 1 513 Secreta'-y and Auction ;er to the Company. 24, 25, AND 26. HJGH-Si'PKET, CARDIFF. AUCJ ION COMPANY'S WEEKLY SALE. IN addition to the ancvo, t-hcro will be in- cluded in Sale, on th 2HU in t., a s-plendid, nearlv new 55-INCH BICYCLE, il-y Ili'lman and Herbert, of Coventry. 11539 I. LAN I'.ETHERY, L'.ANC\RVAX. AP.OUT 5 ?.1TLKS FROM PETr.HSTONi-: sT-\TroN. SALE OF FARMING S'i'O: 'K, CROPS, -ND IMPLEMENTS, Ac., Ac. MhSSiiS SAMUEL and HO WELL are in.-de uc.ted by Mr Sheraton, who is leaving the farm, to SELL b AU< TION, on the premise-, on MONDAY. A vril 28, 1S81. the whole of THE -Tor.K, CROPS, AND IMPLEMENTS Ac., Ac. Fu11 in Sale hills aud i" the Auctioneer-, Pe -coed and BrHeend. Deted April 17, If34. SALE of about ELEVEN ACRES OF EXCELLENT GRASS, np to Mirhaelmas next, on the MOORS at I.LANBETHERY. in the PARISH o LLVN- f'AIf.V \N, abf.it 5 miles from Petersti-ne Station. MESSriS SAMUEL and HOWELL will .?. Si-LL the above, in one or m re lots, by Al'i TION, at the Masons' Arms, Llanbetherv, on MONI) Y, Anr'.1 2 -th, 1884, at four o'clock in the after- r. oo pr.ci- ely. snljpet to r, rtain conditions. To vi. w, apply tl) 9John 'll1nUl11: L'.anb. therv. <J?iruts anii (Tontrarts. -I LONDON AND SOVrH WESTERN7 RAILWAY COMPANY. LOCOMOTIVE AND HOUCE COALS. The Directors iuvit TENJ^ER^ for the supply of EEST LOCOMOTIVE and HOUSE COALS according t.) specifications 811\1 general conditions of contracts, which can ùe obtained on !ppllcat¡on, personally (',1' by letter, to the undersigned, hy whom Temlers will he rece'veii, on the Company's form only, up to 10 a.m. on TUESDAY', the 13th May next. The Directors d.) not bind themselves to accept the b.west or any Tender, ant they reserve tlw right to divide the contracts between any two or more parties, —By order, FRED. J. MACAULAY, Secretary. Secretary's Office, Waterloo-bridge Station, London. April 16th. 1834. 11537 I^ASHION IN LADIES' FRENCH -U BOOTS. "17USH ON IN LADIES' FRENCH X1 SATEEN BOOTS. FASHION IN LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS. Fj A:llIUX IN LADIES' LACE KID 1 BOOTS. I FASHION IN LADIES' OXFORD _? SHOES. F" ASHION IN LA DIES' GLUVn KID -BL' nOOTS. F" ASHrON^IN LA1 dES GLACL1 KID BOOTS. iHASHION IN LADIES' SPRING-SI'-E BOOTS. SASf?ION IN LADIES' i AWN TENNIS aL SHOES. JjUSI-IION IN GIRLS' BOOTS. Jp A SHI ON IN BOYS' "BOOTS. JpASHION IN CHILDREN'S BOOTS. VISIT JJ 0 Y L E AND CO., 19, OHURCH-STREKT, 2, HIGH-STREET, 3, BUTE-STREET. 11532 6S621 TE NTS. MARQUEE S, A N D PAVILIONS ON HIRE. .O-'N S M A ET AND COMPANY, La e of 41, ADAM-STREET, now 2, WF.LLI.GTON- TERRACE, CARDIFF, Peg t,) announce to the Nobility, (ie-.try. Clergy, and the Public at large that thev have Purch.ascd the Large and Extensive -S fOCK of TEN s and MA'iOU EE of tÜe hot" J^SCDII Prince, Cardiff, making theirs the LARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT SUITE OF MA14QC EES IN TH E PROVINCES (Not Surpassed in tho Metropolis). EVery Style and Variety, snitahle for horticultural Kxhioitions, Galas, Bazaais, Tea ü.\th.-r.. ings. Coming of Aae Festivities, Wedding Break asts, Evening Parties, Temporary Ball-rooms. Eisteddfods, FLAC'S and BANNERS, SHIELDS, and DEC'.RATIONS in Great Variety, at charges that wiil defy competition. Distance 110 object. Estimates on application. 11536 68710 E W g P R I N G Q. 0 0 D S, COMraiSING ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN SCARFS AND TIES. BEST LONDON-MADE UMBRELL \S, IN Silk, Alpacca, Zauelia, Zephyr, and the Desideratum. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JJ OSIERY, SHIRTS, AND TTNDERCLOTHING. GLOVES, COLLARS, FRONTS, CUFFS, BRACES, BELTS. STUDS, LINKS, Ac. TRY OUR SPECIAL-MADE HOSE AND CARDIGAN JACKE IS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF g C A R FS AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES I P.S.— ALL GOODS AT MUJU LOWER PRICES. ,-y, iC ^llNER AND CO., THE CARDIFF HOSIERS, SHIRTMAKERS AND UMBRELLA WAREHOUSEMEN, 27. 29, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 1152163612 ROW L A N D S' 0DONTO, has been known for more than 50 years as the purest and best tooth pClwder; it whitens the testh, prevent* and arrests decay, strengthens the gumo and, gives a pleasing fragrance to the breath, O W L A N D S' 0DONTO or pearl dentifrice is tho purest and most frag- Ani: tooth powder ever sea contairs no SCHJ, mineral or gritty substances, and ig e..pedaliy adapted for tho teeth of young cii'dren, being very p!ea>ant to use. JJO'VLANDS' QDONTO erF"li¡;;1t<Y.> ta,rtar from thiJ. teeth, removes spots of I im ipieftb decay, and po1i,hes aud preserves the esMtmel, to which it imparts a pearl-like white- ness as thQ most efficient and fragr;J.lli>arüu¡"t;c puriti r of the breath, teeth, and gums ever Known. o w LAND S' QDONTO hai for a long series of yews occupied 3. distin- guish- d p:p-,C(}!t tho toilets ot tb. sovereigns and nobility throughout Europe, while tho general don^iid for ii ai once announces the favour in which it is universally held. ROWLANDS' QDONTO is the original and OIÚy genuiueaHide sold under tha3 cr any Úmihu name. Avoid spurious and 1 woi'ihle-a iinitatUms,aud buy onlvROWJ-ANDS', H, of 2 >, HA'ITON GARDEN, LONDON. To pre- g vei:t fraud, the box has en it a 3d Government §! sti'tnp. Can be sent by post or 2s lid in stamps. A BAD PLAN.—To go to Chemists' Shops for ART! FKTAi, TEETH I Mt WEAVrER, Surgeon Dentist, Bath and Clifton, aoppUes -\rtiilcia.1 Teeth of tho hest description at tho sa-ma charnes <1.3 the badiy-fit fing kinds su much adver. tised by ieexperieuced persons. Mr W EA VER, having no ether business, is enabled to give every case his personal attention and study, aud guarantee againat disappointment. A Tooth from 6». New Spring, 8* 6d. Teeth Stopped, 2s 6d. Ex-t acted, from is Itepmi-. and Teeth added to cases while waiting. B.vdly.fljtjn}? ca;e3 n,a. -e by inexperienced nersons re- mode'-Jod.—71, White Lr.dies'-road, CIi/tor.—Tuesdays, 'JJiursdays, and Saturdays. 18, Nfcw Bond-street, Bath—Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Tram Cars flares allowed) pasj every low minuses. Consultation ( ii-ee. 11431 FILES, RHEUMATISM, STIFF j- JOINTS, CHILBLAINS, OLD SORES, LOSS I 1 ') '.¡. J of POWER, Ac., ar>easily and effectually cured after till Other moans have failed !<y G AM J HE'S (Jli ENTAL SALVE, since its introduction int Great Britain its effect lia.) hern Mapical" in apparently hopeless cases, fci masy vao have been discharged as incurable from Lonaoa end other Hospitals gratefully testify. Read: 1 —"Worth its weight in gold to the afflicted," W. Eiliot, builder, Rose Cottage, Tre-le^ar. In boxes, Is l £ d, "2s 9d, and 4s 6d, of all Chem sts, or direct for the amount from CHAS. MAGGS, 13, Wind-street, Swan amount from CHAS. MAGGS, 13, Wind-street, Swan sea. V,A A 2s Sd Lex free for 50stamps if this adver- 1 iiseraeiiuis sent. Try it. 11370 67250 WJ-L8H CHARACTERISTICS OF BBITTANY Holiday Rambles by a Welshman, Is now appearing in the CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS (kampsimn, &r. j PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMEXT. IMPORTANT TO INVESTORS. THE S /OTTJSH STEAM SUPPLY CO., LIMITED. CHAIRMAN". Sir V,'ALTER BLOUNT, J.P., Deputy-Lieut, for the County of Worcester. BANKERS. THE CONSOLIDATED RANK, LIMITED, Thread- i.eedle-strce", Lon ion, L.C., 20IHl its Branches. CAPITAL £125.0(0, in 25.000 Shares of £5 e ch. Js-ue of 2,O,Y) Shares if £5 each. on Application. £ 3 on A'lotment. Where no allotlu!1nt is made the deposit will be returned in full without any deduction. It i" almost impossible to estimate the profits with- out ex.po.-iuj the Company ta the charge of exaggera- tinn. SPECIAL FEATURES. 1st.—So satisfied is the Vendor that e takes the en. tire purchase money in shares thus his interest depends on the .-uceess of the Company; therefore 2nd.—The whole of the present is-ue of £ 10,COO wiil be at the disposal d the Company. 3rd.—Profits will oe derived from Con-racts and Royal- ties, and 4th.—No Contrae s will be entered into unless calcu- latetl to show proftts. Full particulars on application to Mr John Walsh, Secreta; y, 3, Crown-court, Tbreadv.eedle-str. e, London, E.C. 11529 68655 I ~|L>OYLE AND £ J0.*S RENT'S QELEBRATED ][>00T3 AXD OXFORD GHOES, AT 10S 6D, MACHINE SEWN, AND WARRANTED, Give to the foot that neat appearance peculiar to the best-made BJob. BOYLE AND CO., BOOT -PY- E R C II A N T S 19, CiLURCII-ST tlEET, 2, HIGH-STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET. 11534 t é:W3 Possessing all the 7-roperties of the finest arrowroot BnOWN AND jpOLSON'S cons J^LOUR HAS A WORLD-WII):: REPUTATION. 226 NOTK.— Purchasers of Corn Flour should insist on being supplied with nltOWN AND POLSON'S. It i distinguished for unifoimly superior quality. 39557 BRISTO II M O U R N I N G \>'AREHOUSE. (ESTABLISHED OVKH YEARS.) J^INCH, MALLARD, & 00., 54. PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. Just received, the LATEST NOVELTIES in BLACK COSTUMES and MANTLE'S from 21s. Stockinette J:v k -ts, from 12s 9d. Paletots and Jackets, from 15s &1. ;\1illinery and Trimmed Hats aEd B nr.ets, from 8 lld. Dres:5 Skirts, from Fs ad under skirts,from 4s lid. Acor- dion costumes from 2 guineas, an: mÛ1de to order in perfection, s-nt 011 approbation if requested. Ladies about to purchase Black Goods should first v.rile for patterns of the NEW MATE- RIALS. Victori v and Kudos Cashmere-, from Is lid. Al'wool Nun's and FoalS Cloths, from II d. Indiau CWnmeres and Alex- n:ira Twills, 5'Jin. wide, from 2s 6d. Ottoman ae.d Kremlin Cloths, from Is 6d. Venet-n Crape, 3s SI. Eng- lish C o-hmere, double, from Is Oal. U eful DrecS Fal>ric-, from Cjil. Biarritz and Cai: o ( loohs, fr ail Is 31. Black Satins, Sil. s, and < "rapes, from 1" lid. Ottr¡nm!1s, Soleils, end New Makes of Satins and Geos, from 3s lid. THE WORKROOM STAFF is prepared to execuoe ad Ordeis for Dres,;es,}Iantle"JiIliw:cry, skirts, Ac., tic" in the most efficient manner, second t 11'J house in tit, bty1e. and gen rai excellence, and on the shortest possible notice. GREAT AlvfENJ ION is pa.id in selecting the Shades of the Goods Pure Jet Black to match iu every article used, as a bad ln1.tch spoils tho i effect of the wù,le-so often the case with Black (;0;),1" ba;:gùt oi the ordinary Draper. j FUNERALS FURNISHED with every requisite, Modern Cars and Carriages, a- d con- ducted hy the Firm. Mourning and Widows' Mantles, CvSt:11112S, Miliinory, Ac., always in Stock. Samples ami Est.in:ate: immediately 011 reo ceipt of request, ill United J{ingd:01!1. Patterns post free. Carriage pai'h Best Goods at lowest Cash Prices. 54, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. 11478 A DELINA T3ATTI IL PEARS' SOAP I DELINA M > ATTI !l TRANSPARENT! DLLINA J3ATTI FRAGRANT l ^4^ I)ELINA J3ATTI REFRESHING A DELINA T3ATTI 1?IJ-TrAlet and Nursery JL Specially prepared for A DELINA OATTI *h?. delicate skill or g ladies and c iiluren. ADE UN A T3ATTI Rrevents Redness, g Rouahness A Chapping. A DELINA "13ATTI FA;R W IT., U,IRU!3 Bright Clear Complexion ^DELINA "|>ATTI Soft Healthful skin. DELINA OATTI „ ^DKU;V\ £ writes :—l have found T T\-RR TN- 4 > I INMT '« matchless for the A DELINA |3A III hands and cump! xi n." Jr\ _M_ (Signed) A DELINA J3ATTI APKI.INF. PAI-N I A DrLINA TJATTI —- A DELINA | >A'fTI ERASML;S WILSON, la e A DELINA §I>AT TI President -A t-be Ck)lkige i of Surg.-as of Fuels i-d ADELINA pATTI J^DHILINA |3ATTI T EVER>VHERV, ,-N A DELINA "OATTI La^er S&S i"6d and -A. • X 2s 6d. 11493 MP.AINE, BILL POSTER, DIS-' 1-' TRIBUTOR, Ac., 25, CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE, begs to inform the public generally that he rents all the largest and principal Bill-Posting Stations in Aberaare, Aberaman, Hirwaiu, and all ou^- yiag districts. Contracts made weekly or yeariv. N.B.—Note.—At Paine's Teraeerance Hotei and Board- ing House, at above address, tobacco,. cigars, and refresh- mc-nts or ail kinds may be had at any time, and good accommodation for travellers. Ac EOS) -.t. —— — < New and Revised Edition. Post Free, Twelve Stamps. FITS. — EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS. With ESSAYS ON GIDDINESS, SENSATIONS FAINTS, AND HEADACHE. A Practical Treatise, explaining the causes, treatment, and cure of these Diseases with directions for Diet. By. S. BERRY NIBLETT, Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy. sician.?. Published by Mr Williams, 10, Oxf >rd-terrace, Hyde Park, London. 1125S EYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, The Oldest, Safest, and most Effectual Remedy. J>EYNOLDS' £ J|PUT GPECIFIC, FOR GOUT. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR RHEUMATISM. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT jgPECIFIC, FOR S'TATICA. J>EYNOLDS' GOUT GPECIFIO, FOR LUMBAGO. ) i JT> EYNOLDS' 0J^OUT GPECIFIC i FOR ALL NEURALGIC COMPLAINTS. Dr. BREWSTER (for many years one of the leading Physicians ill Paris) writes: "I havo presciibed •REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC" in ALL cases of Rheumatic Affections, and find it an INFALLIBLE REMEDY. I have always had great pleasure in re- commending it, and consider it a safe and INVALU- AELE medicine. JJKYNOLDS' 0J.OUT GJPECIFIC ESTABLISHED 70 YEARS. SaM in BOWÜR, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. hy Messrs Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon street, E.C. and all Chemists. n070 RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS FOIt THE PAST WEEK. 3884. 1883. In Be £ £ £ £ Taft Vale & Penarth Rail. 14003.. 16508.. — 2505 Rhymney 3110.. ^253.. — 143 Jin'con and Mertliyr 1271.. 1331.. — 60 Pembroke and Tenby 500.. 4ó8.. 32.. .Midland 143502.. 138649.. 4853.. — ■ Great Eastern 66624.. 58614.. 8010.. — Metropolitan 12107.. x2216.. — 109 Metropolitan District 7304. 7375.. — 71 South Eastern 429 9.. 25952.. 7047.. London, Brighton, and S.C. 46570.. 36blb.. 10055.. — Highland. 278.. North Staffordshire 3.. — North British 301.. — Nottii Eastern 3052 Gt. North of Scotland 197 GrC:iLtNortherll 6,8 Caledonian — 1297 Sheffield — 2187 2ND GLAMORGAN RIFLK VOI.UKTEKR CORPS.— (PKi-ARTU DKTACHMENT).—Detachment order* for the week commencing 20th April, 1884:— Monday—. Company drill at 8 p.m. dress, drill order. Thur.dity — S.^oad drill, at 8 p.lli., in fpiain clothes. On diit-v for Ute week Caps. Coleman, Sergt. J. Vinnicombe", J. Tonkin, Pugler T. Hutchings.—Next for (pity Lieut. Wughan, Sergt. 1). S. Clarke, Corpl. W. Collins, Bugler J. Moloney.—Ky order (signed), SIDNEY CousftJAN, Captain commandirg Penarth Detachment. Penarth. 17th April, 1884. 'I 2ND GLAMORGAN RrnE VOI-UNTKKJIS COKPS.— (1ST AND 2:1) Cardht DETACIIM)—Orders for the week cemmenciTig PCth April, 1834.— Monday- Parade at 8p. m. driil order; baud of tho lst-Cardiff Detachment to attend. All recruits 2nd Cardiff 1)13- tachment req .i-ihfc new uniform to parade at Drill Hall, 7.30 p.m runctuallv.—Wednesday and Friday— I Squad and reel ed drill, 3 p.m.—On duty for the week -Jit Cardiff—Liaut. J. J. David, Sergt. L. Simpson, Corpl. A. ColamaaTBuglar R. A. Wakeford. 2nd Cardiff —Lieut. J. J. Da.vid. Sergt. G. Howell. Sergt, W. H. 1 Crick, Corpl. W. Hughes. CortI. W. Garrett, Bugler; E^ VYUliams.—By^order (siguea), J. GASKELL, captain J\.Ùlrft£í.5£Z. ,j JlJOP BITTERS. WHAT the PEOPLE SAY. j TTOP BITTERS. September 14th. 1883. |-sj From G. S. Bardwell, St. "a -r>TTvr'PPc? Stephen's-street, Norwich, §-§ -1 passenger broker, shipping MOP BITTERS. 1 write you to state I have j used your Hop Bitters for two HOP BITTERS, years, and my health has per- -8 fectly recovered. Beforetaking MOP BITTERS, the Bitters I had frequent at- tacks of bilious" sickness, so XT OP BITTERS. l ad that I was compelled to It .J, lay up for days. I tried several -gr.x-p -p'-I medicines, all to no effect. I ± J^TVO. am ;>ever without the Bitters, -3 ar. TT'T*77*"c>c? have any bad symp- i-i toms I at once take a dose. In T-, nT/mcuc! fact' never ta^° any other 9-| OP BITTElvS. medicine now. Many of my -K-3- friends have tried them also, Mir OP BITTERS, with a like result. I had suf- 3 a. fered for nearly forty years, OP HITTERS, and is is marvellous what good they have done me. I "Lf 01' BITTERS should be quite willing to give j g_ J1~ you a testimonial if you wish jj-lor BrrraKS. J- £ oP BITTERS. Ho>) Bitters^do!London. a- Gfentlemen,—My father, tho I I OP BITIERb. Rev. Edward Stokes, Wes- leyan minister, Keniiworth, to S TOP BITTERS, whom I gave three bottles of J f "Hop Litters," and who is HOP BITTERS, now over seventy years of age, say i, I have tried tho 'Hop ?"OP BITTERS Ritters,' and have no hesita- 8-1 XJX tion in saying I have never -i-i- »p FITTERS found any"medicine to buoy ^i-i^avo. lllfc) Up g0 nuu.j1 or gjve me S- nrnrrtia such a feeling of renewed vig- HOi LiilTjliO. o'tr ami strength as they have ,rr, dolled' HOP BITTERS. I am, yours faithfully CHAS. Wm. STOK.ES. TTQP BITTERS, of "The Gospel Echo and .1 I Temperance Advocate." HOP BITTERS. 252, Essex-road. London^ September 18th, 188-3. z: September 18th, 188-3. HOP BITTERS. Gentlemen,—1 have much pleasure in intormingyou that -w-. o fT'n-i'-iT'Q i- have derived great heue'it |~| h.0]n tho „Uoy Litters," 4- ^nnno having now aken six bottles. JTffOl LiRiM.o. They are excellen: both for -3 -8- liver and kidney complaints, jj-QP BIITERS, froui which 1 have beeasuf- MOP BITTERS. Faithfully yours, J. ORD. j'fEWARE OF PACKAGES OF IN-. *3 ,7 (dRIOC.S ST L F'F purporting BE WARE to make genuine HOP BiT- Jt' TEn. also preparations anù i 5EWARE fluids said to contain a.U tho JtJ properties of HOP BITTERS, j v ;s 'ARE Ihe genuine is only put up in | J very large squ ire panelle n i ur i t>li bottles. Dr. Soule s name 1 § blown in the glass, white ~t, u- ipp label on each side with black | >E v\ ARiii letters and green hop cluster the other ide, yellow label, y^EWARE with directions ia English > and U iJr:lJan. Bi-AVAItE Ma -ufactured only by D 11395 HOP BITTERS COMPANY. J^IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. j^IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. J^IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. OR WISE OF PHOSPHATES. It is a Ntttricious and Invigorating Flsseiice, lúghly re.ommended by th3 most eminent of the Medical Profession 'or the cure of Nervous Head and Mind Complaints, Cough, Asthma, ani Incipient Consumption, Nervousness, Weakness- and Exhaustion, Dimness of Sight, Shortness of Breath, Headache Depression, Palpitation of i.e Heart, Drowsiness, Indiges- tion,. Singing N'ism 111 the Head and Ears, Trembling, Loss of Memory, Want of Appetite, Neuralgia, Pains M'd Ach's, Wasting Diseases, Loss of Energy. Impaired Nutrition, Excessive Drinking, Inactivity of the Brain, with dullness of perception and delusions, and all other low sta es of the system, indicating the presence of disease, which, it not attended to in time, must become sarious. become sarious. Tii=-!sONlAL FROM SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, PHYSICIAN' TO THE QUEEN. I have for some years recommended LIEBIG'S "CHEMICAL COD in rases of general ill- "health with the most beneticial res-Its. Ifind "ititobja very pure preparation, containing ami ng"st other things free and unoxydised Phosphorus highly diffused, and when per- ".severed with, has always seemed to give fresh "life to the languid and exhausted, and health, "stre'igth, ami energy. By its use the dull, the sluggish, theiazy and languid arise int-hemorn- icg well refieshed, with an appetite Lr food, and fit f' r study, soci ty, or business. CHARLES LOCOCK, M.D.' J^TLBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD i-J For Consumptive tendencies, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, in fact, any disorder of the Lungs, Stomach, Blood, or Nerves. LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD, OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES. Has an e-t&biisbed reputation of many years, challenge*its equal. BUILDS UP, RE- VIVES, RE-CREATES.—Purifies and enriches tho Blood, thereby rendering the skin clear and tfairsparent, sharpens Le intellect, strengthens the con. its tion, t e-establishes the health, thoroughly re-vitalizes the system, aud ii the Que unfailing remedy fnr debility froD1 what- ever C3.Uib6 arising. LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD, JLj H.-S CUItEU THOUSANDS. It is a mysterious an.1 invigorating essence: a see re 6 wrung frail the laboratory of Nature by the long, pa- ient labourers of the greatest Chemist t'wt ever lived. Is the only reliable restorer of health. j^UIBIG'S CHEMICAL FO JD. This remarkable preparation not only contains II the materials necessaty for the foundations of a r.ew constitution, and for preventing or curing disease, but also-evolves everything re- quire.! foe forming rich, pure, and healthy blood, muscle, fie-h, bone, brain, Ac., and contaiNS the very elements of LIF E. I IE BIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD will be found most valuable when suffering from Orer-tudy, Mental Depression, the Effects of Lxse HoUis, and Sedentary Occupa- tions. L is 1\ BRAIN-FOOD and in this high- pressure age the use of LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD will keep the brain bright and clear, and positively prevent any chance of mental ccHa&je. It is the true strength-giver and health-restorer, nourishing both body and bra'n, supplying mental and physical powoj;, and nervo and brain food. It is not at ail like medicine, being entirely different to anything ever before introlluceJ to the public, Mid testes iike s-wuia balmy, frngrant, <uid deli- cious nectar. j^IEBIG S CHEMICAL FOOD. | ^IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. JU J^IEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES. -Y. £ .~Inrijtupo/* '/««■/• C/tem;*t supplying you with LIEBIG'S CHEMICAL FOOD. \on*u q'tiulne without the Government Stamp and Sir CHAS. LOCOCK'S testimonial WiTH EACH BOTT.-E. Sold by all Chemists in Bottle. at 2s 9d, 4::1 6d, lis, and 33s, and kept by all wholesale Druggists in the Kingdom. Any Chemist not having it iu stock will procnre it to order and there is a great saving in buying the larger sizes. 11482 -_u_ BILL-POSTING.—PHILIP R. JAMES, -0 PONTYPRIDD and RIIONDDA VALLEY BILL-POSTER and DISTRIBUTOR, Treorky, and 6 Chii'-ch-fitrfrftefc, 1 ontvpvi.ld Rsn^ all the principal POSTING STATIONS in Pontypridd and Rhondda Valley Eorso and Trap and Pianoforte kept for Hire.. 3400a DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- burn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. TVlNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Jg_Jr The safest and most gen- tle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infante. I OF ALL CHEMISTS. 113,54 LEA Iu oonsequorico of Imitations & of Lea arid Perries' .Sauca, Z' d to dccitiV ") tho LEA aud PERRINS Beg to draw attention to tne fact SAUCE each bottle of the Original aud Genuine Worcestershire Sauce, bears t u.ir S'gnatura on the label. LEA V.c)RCES.TERSHIRE & SA UCE. PERRINS SoM Wholesale bygthe; Proprietors, Crosse and Blackwell, Loudon S. T. -»cd Export Oilmen generally. ALOE. Ret.'iil by Dealers throughout the 65437 World. 11220 BORWLOK'S BAKLNG POWDER, FIVE GOLD MEDALS BORWICKS BAKING POWDER^ FOR WHOLESOME BREAD. ORWICK^S BAKING POWDER, FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. BORAVICK'S BAKING POWDER, FOR PLUM CAKE. "O ORWICK/ S BAKING POWDER, JT> FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. OR WICKS- BAKING POWDER, FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS. 66920 TJIvaluable on board Ship. 1131 1 A NEW SERIAL S10RY Entitled Entitled TIIE FALL OF LLYWELYN, LJ' D. CO ETII YE WILLIAMS, 1Yh ich gained the ¡ SECOND PRIZE at the NATIONAL j EISTEDDFOD, ¡ In /ww aispearim ir. the CARDIFF TIMES rC: SO UTH JVALES WEEKLY JSEWS. — < REDUCED RATE FOR j Small Prepaid Advertisements; -0- 20 Words « Sixpence. Three Times Ninepence. SIX Times ONE SHILLING. 1

Family Notices

SATURDA Y, APRIL 19, 1884.









[No title]