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P 1: E P A 1 D T A RIFF roit SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. «HTH WALES DAILY NEWS. I8,'? *1 tions in. iDly New? Woi'r>>. Qne Three Six |& once in Insertion. Insertions Insertions.' Cardiff i Times. ~j s. d. | s. d. s. d. I s. d. T^ro"6TT~OTl 6 2 Ol dl Wcrds f 0 9 1 6 2 3 I 3 0 36 Words | 1 0 2 0 | 3 "OH 4 6" 45 Words 1 3 2 6-¡-;f9-¡50 ~1 WcTrdYF 1 ~6~ f 3 0 4 6 I 6 0 Each extra) line of 10 3 06 09 10 9 Worf These rliarr>>s a ,uly only to the classes ot advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered for CONSECUTIVE insertion, and PAlO FOR PRKVIOUS TO iNSKr.Tiox if either of these con- ditions is not i-omplied with, the advertisement will be charge.! hy the Business scale ATAUTMKNTS WANTED. ] HOUSES TO BE SJLD. APAHTMKNTS TO LET. MONEY WANTED. ARTICI.ES Lost. MONEY TO LEND. r- ARTICLES Fount. MiscF.r.r..v.NF(jrs WANT-. BUSINKSSI'- l'OR OlSPOSAf. MlSCKLI,AXEOt"S SALE-. BUSINESSES WANTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTK; HOUSES TO LKT. SITUATIONS WANTED. HOUSES V,'ANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PARI.IAMI vtarv NOTICES, Government Announce. ments, and Parliamentary Elections are charaed One Shilling per line for each irsertion. Prospectuses of Public Companies are charged Ninepence per line for ea.ch insertion. Public, Legal, Municipal, Parochial, and School Hoard Notices, 'lenders and Contracts, Ac., are charged sixp« -co per line for each iWJertiolt.11C- tion Notices are charged Sixpence per line, and all other classes of Advertisements Fourpence per line po insertion. Koiiv") of these charge* are, however, sunject to reduction in :>ceOTitanc3 with the number of iuser- tions ordered. Particulars may be obtained at our Chief anl1 Branch Offices. AnYKirnsuns. whan sending advertisements in maTi, tt;ocript,nlf\)" calculate eight words t,) a line, and 12 lines to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, hnt the advertisement, inclUfliag large lines, flashes, and white spaces, is measured, and the soace occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve linos to an inch TH F. NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. Advertisers and others having occasion to remit small sums to this office are requeued to send POSTAL NOTES INSTEAD OF STAMPS. The Notes mav he obtained at every PogtOllice in (lie Kinbdom for thé following sums and charges Amount of Postal Notes. Cost of Note. One Shilling Halfpenny. Kighteenpence Halfpenny. Half a-Crown OnsPeuny. Five Shillings One Penny S..vell Shillings anri Sixpence One Penny. 1 en Shillings Twopence, twelve shillings and sixpence Twopence. Fifteen shillings. Twopence Seventeen shillings and sixpence.. Twopence. Twenty shillings Twopence. Toe "Notes' may be transmitted just as received from tlfe Post Oiffce; but if greater security is desired the name and Post Office at which it is intended to make them payable (D. Duncan and Sons, Cardiff), may be inserte,1. As postal nnWs are only issued for the fixerl sum- above given, it will not always be possible, by sending one or mord of them, to make up the exact remittance desired. In such cases the balance (wluch will always be 'ess than a shilling) may be added in postage stamps. Wi&iiUi. RFWLXG, MALTING. AND AhRATED WATER TRAIn;S.-Thcn is a VACANCY for a yotmg gentleman to le rn the al>ove in a 20-quarter brewery, recently re-fltted with all the mo t modern machinery. \n excellent opportunity to ohtain a thoroughly prac- tic knowledge in all branches fJf tile business, so as to qualify for an appointment. Preminm moderate for a t^rmof two years. Suitable board and lodging, with inclusive charges, can be obtained near the brewery.— Apply to Hanbury and Co., Canon-street Brewery, Taunton. 11368 ANTED ILOUft, FRUIT, SODA and other BARHELS. — Dobson Sola and Dry Soap Works. Cardiff. 9133-49374 ANTED, GENERAL SERVANT in small i,. private family; good home: must have good character and be over 20 yea s of age.— Apply at 6, Fitzala«-plac; R,fl.th. 8606 jit J WTTkKLY and upwards may be easily and lionestly realised by persons of either sex, without hindrance to present occupation.—For par ticulars, &c,. enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts. aurl Company (P. 136), Merchants, Birmingham. This is genuine. 8011 SER V AWTS WANfIN t; PLACES of any description, and Householders requiring Servants, should advertise in the CARDIVV TIMES. onCrlNOS and"APAUTMENTS WANTED, or to lie j LKT, should ba advertised in the Cardiff TIMES jftf. FFICES to LET in the South Wales Daily News' Chambers, Saint Mary-street, Cardiff.— A 7Jp:y for particulars at th; "South Wales Daily New" Office, Cardiff. 11256 65730 OUSES or PRK"MISES to be LET should be advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES, 3for 1> ILL C ARD BALLS, CLOTH, CUES. TIPS, and all other r.'iliiai'd Requisites at Ilennig Bros., 11, High—treet, St. Giles's, London, W.C. Old Balls ad- justed cr exchanged find Tables Re-covered, Re- cushioned, Bought and Sold, etc. Price Lists, Cloth awl Cushion Rubber Samples post free. E:!tbd. 1862 HOUSES and PitTTMTSKS for SALE should be JTjL advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. ,7UOYTH WALES PROPERTY o GAZETTE,' A MONTHLY REGISTER OF ESTATES. HOI SKS, LANDS, AC., to he LET IIr SOLD in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England, Ac. 1,000 Copies sent, Monthly, post-free, tQ the leading inhabi- tants of W *Vs and Monmouthshire. Insertions free. Conies post free, from Messrs HERN, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, fat-, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 "YXT I L L I A M SANDERS, Tf AUCTIONEER. ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 28, ST. MARY SYREET, CARDIFF, Has ibe following PROPMRTiRS fur SALE :— C'ATil AYS.—No. 27, Cath:'V3-ierrace, and two houses in ll'chav l-<-s.-veet. 33, WTN'DSOR-ROAD. —Large house, suitable for Hotel 10 bedrooms, Ac. DOCKS.—Nos. lianc' 13, Mountstuart-square. ItOATH.—Ono house in Orbit-street, and cue house in Wor i Is worth-street. CANTON.—Two hmh.1l Egerton-street, six honses in Wvndhani-road. GRANttETOVVN.—Nine very excellent large houses in Clive-street, seven with nine rooms, and two with 12 rooms each, and six houses in Kent-street. A liberal portion of the purchase money can be had on mortgage. Apply as above. 12j Alexandra OIL, SAFEST, SWEETEST, AND BEST, For Burning in DUPLEX SILBER, PARAGON, AND ALL PARAFFIN OR PETROLEUM LAMPS. Its Igniung Poin'j being 140 degress S,ATEST. Fahrenheit, or froji30to 36 degrees safer than 011" usually sold as safe. HAS 1\0 unpleasant odour, and burns SWF RTF ST w'rtl l'e w'1't;e flame without AND BEST. cXrL,?r Sme11, and 13 Pe''feCtly ALEXANDRA OIL is iho only MINERAL OIL that may at all times be velied on as possessing the qualities named, so essen' 'al to SAFETY, ECONOMY, and COMFORT. Sole Proprietors J. THOMAS & Co., Exeter. Wholesale of PALMLP. A Co., Clerkenwell, London. SOLE AGENTS IN CARDIFF: 11243 JOHN WILLIAMS AND SONS, QUEKN'S-S I RMET ND NORTH-STREET. SWALLOWfNG pOISON. Spurts of disgusting mucous from the no trils, or dropping up->u the t-imsils, a stopped-up feeling in the head and dull pains in the forehead, with incessant blowing of the nose, hawking anù spitting, and a bad breath this is CATARRH, the forerunner of Consumption. No other such loath- some and treacherous malady curses mankind. While asleep the Catarrhal impurities are inhaled into the Lungs, an 1 swallowed in the stomach to poison every part of the system. Dr. LANE'S Catarrh Cars affords immediate relief and a permanent Cure of this dangeml\3 and un. pleasant disease, relieves headaches, and purifies the breath. It is sold by all Chemists and Dealers. A Treatise on Catarrh, its treatment and Cure, sent free. post paid, to anybody on application or a Sample Bottle of the Remedy sent, carriage p..id, to any address on receipt of Is. Address, FREDK. W. HALE, 61, Chandos street, Covent Garden, London. 11390 BJlOUiM INJECTION. — HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PRESERVATIVE. Cures promptly, without additional means, all recent or chronic discharges of the urinary organs. Price 4s 6d per bottle. Sold in Paris by J. Ferre (successor to Brou)) Pharmacien, 102 Rue Richolieu in London by WILCOX and CO., 336, Oxford-street, W., who will orward it carriage paid to any Town in the United Kin-rdo'u on reeaipi of P.O.O Also by all Chemists j 1391 Jj! i >10 ULT f AMBING AND CALVING DAY, SOX & HEWITT'S RED DRENCH Is of un:v isal fame for its quick and marvellous effects in preventing fever and inflammation in Ewes and Cows, if dos"<l a day or two before and just after parturition. The cleansixg of the Ewe a.nd the Cow will no" perfect, and their milk will be rendered pure, copious, and wholesome for their offspring 3s 6d per doz"1I ft r ewes, 13s per dozen for cows, in wooden boxes. DAY, SON & HEWITT'S CHEMICAL EXTRACTS Said to be worth a guinea a bottle as a pliR antidote forannointing the womb in drawing away a lamb or calf. It prevents inflammation and gangrene, and is matchless for all wounds, sores, swollen anil broken udders in Cows and Ewes, and for sore pws 30s per dozen, i dozen box, 7s 6d. DAY, SON & HEWITT'S GASEOUS FLUID" pain in an almost ma ic manner in Cows and Kwes where there is uneasiness, exhaustion, and dangct after paituritmn for ir, imparts great ea.se ami IS al 'Vays given after the Red Drench to calm tie nerves. 20s per dozea wood n boxes. CAUTION.—Beware of Imitations, and see that the na W .,{ DAY, SON & IJ EWE IT, 22, DORSET-STREET OAKER-STRFET, LONDON, \V., is on all Bottles and Packets. 11:120 THIRD EDITION. POST FREE, TWELVE STAMPS. SKI N dFSEASES.! A PRACTICAL TP, ATI-' explaining the causes treatment, an«l cure of the. Diseases with directions for Diet and Bath". These er-s:iy.s describe fully all th8 arious foruts of skin di.»ewe<. By. S. BERRF NIB. Licent'atJ or ihe R'»val CoJlego of Physiciani j'ul^huUr 10,t0xl rd-j»rrae-, Hyfc «julli'" ■ NEW THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. I ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. THE PREMIER PROVINCIAL PANTOMIME. THE GREATEST SUCCESS EVER KNOWN TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY) and TO-MORROW (SATUR. DAY), January 18th and 19th, and Every Evening, Mr Edward Fletcher's GRAND PRIZE Eisteddfod PANTOMIME. SINDBAD TilE SAILOR. Written by D. W. Edgar. Esq. The Fascinating Actress, Miss Addie Conyers, as Sindbad. The Wondrous Mechanical Row. The Monstrous Whale. The Topical Balloon. The Diamond Valley. The Ball t of Birds. The Flags of all Nations. The Gorgeous Transformation. The Comic Harlequinade. The Komical, Kurious, and Klever Mavs. Grand DAY PERFORMANCE, Every Saturday til1 further notke. Doors open at half-past Oue. Commence at Two precisely. Taff Vale Railway.—Special Trains, THURSDAY, January 31st, to Merthyr, and all inter- mediate Stations to Treherbert, &c,, January 24th, leaving Cardiff at 10 minutes past Eleven. Ticket holders admitted by Stage Door without extra charge. KW Parties who have booked seats are respectively requested to come as early as possible. Doors open at 7; commence 7.1o. Stage Door and St. Mary-street entrance open 6.30 6d extra. CHILDREN, T{ALF-PRICE TO ALL PARTS, Gallery excepted. Box plan at Messrs 'Thompson & Shackell's. tlub liratiûU£í. MAGAZINES FOR THE NEW YEAR, of which the JANUARY PARTS are now ready at all Booksellers and the Book-stalls. 1. "A LIBRARY OF GOOD READING." THE QUIVER, for Sunday and General Heading. ;\Ionth!y, price 6d. The Quiver' contains a library of good read mg. Scotsman. "A volnme of 'The Quiver' is a library in itself."— Nonconformist. 2. THE MAGAZINE FOR THE HOUSEHOLD." QASSELL'S JLAMILY lVI AGAZTNE. JD m. Monthly, price 7d. The stories are good, the pictures clever, and the contents unusually A treasure-house of bright letterpress ami pleasing i1lus:ra,tions." World. Most assuredly the magazine for the household, Civil Service Gazette. 3. "THE B1.sT MAGAZINE FOR CHILDREN." LITTLE I^OLKS for Januany, price 6d, -L< JL forms the FmsT PART of a NEW VOLUME, and contains a BEAUTIFUL COLOURED PIC- TURE, ON GUARD." The extraordinary popularity of LITTLE FOLKS' has placed it beyond both rivalry and criticism."—The Queen. Little Folks is the be8t magazine for cbi1dren. Graphic. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED Ludgate Hill, London. 11379 fttsxtratttt. AN IMPORTANT FACT !-£10 and upwards carefully invested in Oj/tions 011 Stock Fxoliange Securities often yield handsome profits in a few days.-Non.ljability system. Full details in Ex- planatory Book, gratis and post free.-A(ldrass George Evans and Co., Stock-brokers, Gresham House, Lon- don, E.C 8402 PERILS ABOUND ON EVERY SIDE. rrHE: RAILWAY PASSENGERS' JL ASSURANCE COMPANY Insures against ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS ON LAND OR WATER, and has THE LARGEST INVESTED CAPITAL, THE LARGEST INCOME, And Pays Yearly THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION Of any Accidental Insurance Company. CHAIRMAN HARVIE M. FARQUHAR, ESQ. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agent, Mr J. BOVEY, James-street, BuU Docks, Cardiff; or WEST-END OFFICE :-8, GRAND HOTEL BUILD INGS, CH ARING CROSS, OR AT THE HEAD OFFICE :-64, CORNHILL, LONDON., E.C. 1136b WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. L- J^EWIS AND LEWIS, ART CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, CARPET VVAREHOUSEMEN AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS. LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCKS OF MODERN JJOUSEHOLD JPURNITURE JLi. NOW ON VIEW, AT 23, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 137, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 11014 e3409 MESSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, l DENTAL SURGEONS, 7, PARK-ST, BRISTOL. Professional Attendance. CARDIFF—1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY in every month from 11.30 to 7 p.m, at BKDWELLTY HOUSE bJ, CROCKHERBTOWN. Next visits, WEDNES- DAY, Jan. 50th and Feb. 6th. BRIDGKND—1st THURSDAY in every month, at 22, Caroline-street, 9 to 2.30 p.m. Next visits. THURS- DAY, Feb. 7th. COWUHIDGE-Srd THURSDAY in every month, at Mr 'Thomas', Chemist. Next visit, Feb. 21st. from 9.30 to 2.30. C1IKPSTOW—2nd and 4th THURSDAY in every month at 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE. Next visits, Jan 24th and Feb. 14th. A Vacancy for a Pupil. 10583 51893 BLAKE AND T LEWELLYN, PARAGON BL'ILDIN'FS, CARDIFF, JAPANNERS, IRON AND TIN-PLAT \i WORKERS, MANUFACTURERS OF BATHS, TRUNKS, COAL VASES, BONNET, DEED, AND CASH BOXES. TOILEr WARES, DAIRY UTENSILS, AND GENERAL TIN WARE TO THE TRADE. ESTIMATES FREE. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. BLAKE AND F LEWELLYN, « 11092 64205 PARAGON BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. FL EORGE KYTE AND C O., VX SOLI: AGENTS FOR MARSHALL, SONS. AND CO.'S PORTABLE ENuINMS. THRESHING MACHINES, CORN GRINDING MACHINES, MILL STONES SAW BENCHES, Ac. K. & Co.'s improved MORTAR MILLS ready for deli very on Shortest Noiice. MILL-LANE ENGINEERING WORKS, AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, 11124 CARDIFF 64450 jY/r U N D A Y S VEGETABLE JJALSAM, FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, AND ASTHMA, Will g've relief to a Cough in a few minutes, and if taken for a short time effects a cnre. Bottles Is, 2s 3d, and 4s 6d. PREPARED ONLY BY J MUNDAY, OPERATIVE CHEMIST, 1, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 10776 WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE T V AS A CERTAIN CURE For Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion: Wind, Spasms, Nervous Depression, Loss of Appetite, Gifldi- ness, and all those other symptoms which none but a sufferer can describe. For Habitual Costiveness or for persons suffering from Piles. DU. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS Will be found most efficacious. They give a healthy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the necessary organs of the Stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the apjjatifc«, promoting digestion, and strengthening the "'uoie svstem. Albatross," Chi^; Station, March 27th, '1833. _i5lr'—1" 1873, "recommended to use Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liy-r /'ills, when about to proceed to the J used them ever since, both in China and | the East Indies, and have found them the most satis- factory Medicine, gent'e in their action, and most beneficial in their result. I have given them to niv friends, some Medical Officers included, and these have been greatly pleased, and decided to use them in their practice. "These Pills do not profess to cure everything, but they have given many a light heitrG; and a feeling of perfect health to people who were ill and wretched. For this reason, I would recommend them, being sure that they only require to be better known in order that their benefits may be universally felt. You are quite at liberty to use this Testimonial from an Officer in her Majesty's Service, as I do not wish to advertise my name, which I give asa:uarantee of a genuine Testimonial. "Yours truly, a To Mr W. LAMBERT." I ^>rePart!t' '•>' v> Lambert, 173, Seymour-place, Lon- 7/1 V' 111 k°xe* Aid and 2s 9d »ost free tor 14 or 34 stamps; or of all Chemists, in a square green package. 11268 TONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL Mrr POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH-SIR^E'I, NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars addressed and delivered. Bill Posters to the Great Western and the Neath and Brecon Railways, Sales fry Junction. IN LIQUIDATION! OAK HOUSE, ABERAMAN (About three minutes' walk from Treaman Railway Station). SALE OF DESIRABLE FURNITURE, THE CONTENTS OF DINING, SITTING, SMOK- ING, AND ORGAN ROOMS, BEDROOMS. KITCHEN. AND DAIRY, AND A QUANTITY OF STABLE UTENSILS, TWO CHAFF- CUTTERS, HARNESS, Ac. MESSRS JOMN JENKINS AND CO. .1,1 have been instructed by the rrustee of the estate of Mr George Woodward, in Liquidation, to SELL by AUCTION, as above, on THURSDAY, the 31st day of January, 1884, at Twelve o'clock precisely, the whole of the useful FURNITURE, The contents of the above Rooms, and a SUPERIOR PIPE ORGAN, In very good condition, about 11 feet high, 7 feet wide, and 5 fe t deep, in Gothic cae, having a de- corated front. It has 9 draw stops, 7 speaking stops, and 2 couplers, op, diapason, S. diapason, gamha, pdnci. pal, flute, trumpet, two octaves of Bnurdon pedals, octave and pedal couplers, hand and foot blowers. The manual stops are enclosed in swell. Spare slide for 15th. The Organ can be inspected by applying on the pre. mises, from 12 b) 3 o'clock, on Thursday, the 24th instant, or any day from then to the day of the Auc- tion, by special adpointment with the Auct oneers. On view on the day of Sale from 9 to 12 o'cl.ock, when the Auction will commence. Auc-ien;ers' Offices, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, Jan. 14th, 1884. 67342 fhtblir fioixztz. JPINE ART LOAN EXHIBITION. PUBLIC HALL, CARDIFF. OPEX FOR ABOUT THREE MONTHS. OPENING DAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 1884. Intendig E hibitors aie respectfully informed that the iteceiving I ays will be January 31st, February 1st, 2nd, and 4th. Forms of Application for S_ ace may be obtained from T. II, Thomas, D rector, Public Hall, Cardiff. No Forms of Application can be considered later than January 24th. 1138 ) 67395 P I N E ART T 0 A N TpXHIBITION. PUBLIC-HALL, CARDIFF. rN AID OF THE FUND FOR ESTABLISHING THE ROYAL CAMBRIAN ACADEMY IN CARDIFF. RARE AND VALUABLE PICTURES, DRAWINGS, SCULPTURES, CURIOSITIES, ANTIQUITIES, &C. CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, ORGAN RECITALS AT INTERVALS. LECTURES, AND READINGS. TELEPHONES C NNECTED WITH THE CHIEF PLACES OF AMUSEMENT IN CARDIFF. THE HALL LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY. Season tickets to admit at all times when the Hall is open to the public, 12s 6d half ditto (for children under 12), 7s 6d, will be obta.lna.ble from the chief stationers in the locality. OPENING CEREMONY ON FEBRUARY 14TH. Admission, 2s 6d Season Ticket Holders, Free. N.B.-Owing to the difficulty of registration at the time of opening, the committee respectfully urge intending purchasers to provide themselves with Season Tickets not later than the 13th February. T. H. THOMAS, R.C.A., 67397 11385 Public Hall, Cardiff. rpAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NINETY- SIXTH HALF YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of this C01.1pany will held at the Royal Hotel, College-green, in the City of Bristol, on TUESDAY the 12th day of February Next, at One o'c1odt in the Afternoon. And NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN that at such meeting resolutions wm he submitted for the con- version into Ordinary Stock of the £ 10 Ordinary Shares createrl under the authority of the Taff Vale Raiiwav Acts, 1877, 1879, and 1882. And NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the REGISTER of TRANSFERS will be CLOSED from TUESDAY, the 29th day of January, until after the holding of the said Half-yearly Meeting. JAMES INSKIP, Chairman. JAMES G NICHOLSON, Secretary. Cardiff, 10th Jan., 1884. 11382 GLAMORGANSHIRE. The following ORDER his been made by Her Maje-.ty's Most Honourable Privy Council." G. F DAWSON, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. (3067.) THE ENGLAND AND WALES MARKETS AND FAIRS TEMPORARY ORDER OF 1883, AMENDMENT No. 4. At the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 11th day of January, 1384, by Her Maje-ty's Mo?l Honourable Privy Council. Present Lord President, Mr Dodson. The Lords and others of Her Majesty's Most Honour- able Privy Council, by virtue Mid in exercise of the powers in them vested under THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS) ACT, 1873, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, do order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows :— 1. The England a d Wales Markets and Fairs Tem- porary Order of 1883 (in this Order referred to as the Markets Orùer) is hereby amended a..s follows Exclusion 0/ certain Diatricta from Markets Order. The provisions of rhe Marke's Order shall not apply to th; following Districts, namely :— County of Dorset, Borough of Blandford, Borough of Bridport, Borough of Dorchester, Borough of Lyme Regis, Boroug i of Poo'e, Borough of Shaftesbury, Borough of Weymouth, Soke "f Peterborough, Borough of Peterbor. ug\>, County of Flint, Borough of Flint, County of Glamorgan, Borough of Aberavon, Borough of Cardiff, Borough of Neath, Borough of Swansea, And the Market Orders shall be read and have effect as if those Districts were included in the Schedule of that Order. 2. This Order may be cited as The England and Wales Markets and Fairs Temporary Order of 1883, Amendment No. 4. C. L. PEEL. -4 r M Y SERVICE. YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN ITER MAJESTY'S ARMY, will, on application at any Post-oxfice in the United Kingdom, be supplied, without charge, with a pamphlet containing detailed information as to the conditions of service and advantages of the Army, as to pay, deferred pay. and pensions. Great prospects of Promotion are offered to eligible young men. Applications can be made either personally or by letter to the Officer commanding the Regimental Dis- trict at Cardiff, or to the nearest Volunteer Sergeant Instructor or other Recruiter. Recruits, if eligible, ca.n be enlisted for any arm of the regular service they may select. 11056 63841 EMIGRATION TO NEW SOUTH -I-'J WALES. THE NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT will provide Passages to Sydney (by first-class ships) upon payment of the undermentioned reduced rates, to per- sons approved by the Agent-General. To consist of Married Couples not exceeding 40 years, with or vnthout children, and single persons of limited age. Rates per each married couple, B6 single men, £ 4 • single women, £2. Children of three and under fourteen years, Sl each under three years, free. Farmers, AgriCl;ltura.1 anù other Labourers, Vine Dressers, Mechanics, and Female Domestics are re- quired. Further information may be obtained from the Emigration Department, New South Wales Govern- ment Offices, 5, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W. or from the Locai Agent, SAUL SAMUEL, 11335 Ager.t-General for New South Wales. THE PILSEN JOEL AND GENERAL JL ELECTIC LIGHT COMPANY, LIMIT I'D. CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. This Company is no-.v prepared to make CONTRACTS for LIGHTING STREETS, MANSIONS, MILLS FACTORIES, ENGINEERS' SHOPS, Ac., Ac, Applications fur estimates t,) bs made to the Com. pany's Lucal Agents, Messrs J. B. Saunders and Co., Bute Docks, Cardiff. 11358 ■JVF'ANITOBA AND THE CANADIAN -i-"X NORTH-WEST. Prairie and Timber Lands. Rich Soil. Healthy Climate-' Good Water. 320 Acres reserve! by Government for earfi Settler as Horneat^ids and Pre-emptions. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ALSO OFFER FARMING AND GRAZING LANDS For sale on easy terms to actual settlers. Fur full particulars, maps, and pamphlets descriptive oÏ the c<Jllntry, address ALEXANDER BEGG, Canadian Pacific Railway, 101, Cannon-street, Londoti. ■ 11345 £ 5T Mr Begg will be happy 10 answer any enquiries about the country either personally or by letter. RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS FOR THE PAST WEEK 1883. 1882. In De. m £ £ £ £ Taff Vale & Penarth Rail. 15753 14"53 1500 — Rhymney 2874.. 2719.. 155.. Brecon and Merthyr 1371.. 1316 55 — Pembroke and Tenbv 395 416 — 21 Midland. ]22993.. I2S180.. 2187 Great Eastern 53035.. 50793 2242 — Lancashire and Yorkshire.. 62062. 63513, — 1451 Metropolitan 12391.. 12313. 7ö, — Metropolitan District 7732, 7585.. 147.. — South Eastern 35048.. 31898.. 1150.. — London, Brighton, and S.C. 32713.. 32436 277., — Gt. North of Scotland .149.. — High)and. 95.. — North Staffordshire 285,. — Caledonian 268.. North British 394.. — Great Northern 485.. — ,^Wtit^ternia(!ritt3 -r •• 573 p". @imDj?rs attlr GT'Ontrixcts. JJVINE ART LOAN EXHIBITION. PUBLIC HALL, CARDIFF. TO REFRESHMENT CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are HEREBY INVITED for the SUPPLY of REFRESHMENTS during about Three Months at the above-named Exhibition. Particulars are to be had and the Ball inspected on applying to the undersigned. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. T. II. THOMAS, R.C.A., 67396 11387 Public Hall, Cardiff. YY" INTER SEASON, 1884. MESSRS W. PRICE AND SONS, MERCHANT CLOTHIERS AND OUTFITTERS, THE CARDIFF HOUSE, Call special attention to their NEW SEASON'S GOODS. WINTER OVERCOATS, Made in Black Worsted, Small and Largo Diagonal Ribs. Meltons, Beavers, Pilots, Fancy Mixtures, and Plain Cloths in the Fashionable Colours. WINTEr. OVERCOATS At the following prices :— 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 4 .'s, 45s, 50s, 55s, 60s. WINTER SUITS In al! the Fashionable Materials, At the following prices :— 17s 6d, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s, tOs, 55s, 60s. The Improved P.,tult Ventilating "TALETHES" WATERPROOF COATS (warranted), 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s. WINTER CLOTHING FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS. Elegant, Excellent, Economical. WINTER HOSIERY. Heavy makes in Scotch Wool Shirts, Drawers, Pants and Hûse. UMBRELLAS. Silk, Laventinc, Twillerine, Retina, Dagmar, and Alpaca, From Is lid to 21s. CARDIGAN JACKETS, Black, nIue, Brown, and Fancy, From 2s 6d to 21s. Oil Coats. Jackets, Trousers, and Leggings. Hand-knit Jerseys, Cormsh make. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Dressing Gowns, Rugs, &c. ADDRESS—THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 & 51, ST. MARY-STREET & 46 & 47, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 104 J>OWLANDS' J^JACASSAR OIL Has been known for 84 years to be the best pre- server and beautifier of the hair; it prevents it falling off or turning grey, strengthens weak hair. and eradicates scurf and dandritf. ROWLANDS' JYJACASSAR QILJ Universally acknowledged to be the most elegant and fragrant dressing for the hair ever known it is perfumed with the richest and most refined scents that can possibly be obtained. ROWLANDS' JYJACASSAR QIL, Un1ike all other hair restorers and renewers, is perfectly free from any lead, mineral or poisonous ingredients, which are proved to be most inju. rious to general health, ROWLANDS' JYJACASSAR QIL Is specially recommended for children as forming the basis of a. beautiful head of hair, and can now also be had in a GOLDEN £ JOLOUR for fair and golden-haired people and children. Usual sizes 3s 6d, 7s, 10s 6d (equal to 4 small), and 21s. Can be sent by post on receipt of 3d above these prices. OWLANDS' MACASSAR QIL is the original and only genuine a.1.ticle sold under that or any similar name. Buy always ROW- LANDS' MACASSAR OIL, of 20, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. 11306 REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, The Oldest, Safest, and most Effectual Remedy. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR GOUT. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR RHEUMATISM. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR SCIATICA. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR LUMBAGO. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC FOR ALL NEURALGIC COMPLAINTS. Dr. BREWSTER (for many years one of the leading Physicians in Paris) writes "I have prescribed ■ REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC in ALL cases of Rheumatic Affections, and find it an INFALLIBLE REMEDY. I have always had great pleasure in re- commending it, and consider it a safe alld INV ALU. ABLE medicine. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT JGPECIFIC ESTABLISHED 70 YEARS. Sold in Bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d, by Messrs Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon street, E.C. and all Chemists. 11070 THE LARGEST ROSE GROUNDS JL IN ENGLAND. CRANSTON'S ^URSERIES (ESTABLISHED 1785). SPECIALITIES. ROSES, Including the leading varieties of Standard and Dwarf, Hybrid Perpetuals, Tea-scented, Noisettes, Ac., Ac. FRUIT TREES, Apples, Pears. Plums, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, &c., &c., grown in every variety of form. FOREST TREES, Comprising hundreds of thousands of Larch, Scotch, Spruce, Ash, Thorns, etc., of various sizes. CONIFERS (in great variety). STANDARD AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, &C. Intending purchasers will do well to write for cata. logues, which are sont free on application. CRANSTON'S NURSERY & SEED CO., LIMITED. 11329 KING'S ACRE, HEREFORD. BERLIN WTOOL AND LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING ESTAB- LISHMENT. Best quality Wools and Fingerings. Choice assortment of Needlework. New Winter Pelisses, Dresses. Hats, &c., Ac., &c., at Mrs BANNING'S, 51, CROCKHERBTOWN, (Opposite Park place). 6.5914 CARDIFF. 11273 DINNEFORD S MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- burn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gen- tle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 11364 Possessing all the properties of the finest arrowroo JGROWN AND jpOLSON'S CORN FLOUR HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. 226 NOTE.—Purchasers of Corn Flour should insist on being supplied with BROWN AND POLSON'S._ It is distinguished for unüormly superior qU3.lity. 39557 BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, JD FIVE GOLD MEDALS. OR WICK S BAKING POWDER, JD FOR WHOLESOME BREAD. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, JE> FOR PUDDING IJ AND PIES. ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, -0 FOR PLUM CAKE. B~ ORWICK^S BA KING POWDER, FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, JD FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS. 64020 Invaluable on board Shin. 11318 COLMAN'S ]YJUSTARD. 10941 62732 LEA In consequence of Imitations & of Lea and Perrins' Sauce, which are calculated to decieve the PERRINS' Public, LEA and PERRLHS 1. LEA and PERRLHS Beg to draw attention to the fact SAUCE that each bottle of the Original and Genuine Worcestershire Sauce, bears their Signature on the label. LEA WORCESTERSHIRE & SAUCE. PERRINS' the Proprietors, Worcester- Crosse and Blackwell, London; SA TTrtl_, and Export Oilmen generally. ALOE. Retail by Dealers throughout the 65437 World. 11220 THREE SERIAL STORIES, By IVILKIE COLLINS, DORA RUSSELL, and BERIAII G. EVANS, ¡ are now appearing each v»ek in the C4RDIFF TIMES < £ • SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. CHILDREN TEETHING.—Mrs Johnson's Soothing I Syrup cannot injure the most delicate infant. Con tains no narcotic, and give" immediate relief. See Barc'av and Sons' name on of al1 '.hemitjts.

Family Notices





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--==:! TALK U Y Tljtf WEEK.

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