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---__----------M Li BRIGHT…










THE IRISH PAUPER EMIGRANTS IN AMERICA. NEW YORK, Monday Morning.—The United States Government are apparently determined that there shall be no misunderstanding as to the course they intend to pursue in regard to the landing on American soil of destitute emigrants. It has been finally determined that such persons, no matter of what nationality, shall be returned with the least possible delay to the places whence they came, and it is evident that the distressing scenes which have already taken place in carrying out the orders oftheGovernment will not be allowed to weigh against the settled determination here to put a step once for all to what the American press describe as a great and growing evil. The re- export of unhappy paupers commenced in earnest on Saturday, when no fewer than sixteen persons were re-shipped on board a steamer belonging to the Anchor line, by which company they had been conveyed from Ireland to New York. The following is a list of these unfortunates :— Mary Brennan and daughter, aged live years John Sullivan John and Mary Clifford, a married couple with tw o little boys, aged four and two years Anna Brady, a woman with an infant at the breast and Neal Loyne, with his wife and family of five children. The whole of these people have been lodged since their arrival, more than a week ago, in the emigrant depot at Castle Gardeu. They have been repeatedly under examination by the com- missioners appointed from Washington, and were well aware of the objects of the inquisitors, but almost up to the last moment cherished the hope that they would not be turned back from that land of promise, the prospect of reachin winch had even lightened the hardships of a crowded et-erage voyage across the Atlantic. On Satur- day, however, they were informcd that they could not be allowed to remain in America, and only a short time before the hour at which the steamer was to sail, they were ordered to get ready for their return voyage. The arrangement of their scanty belongings did not take long, and was effected in gloomy siience only broken by the occasional sobbing of the women. The warning that the hour of departure had actually arrived was the signal for more weeping and wailing and other manifestations of grief. It was a touching spectacle to observe the mute despair with which some of the poor women put their th'n hands or the corners of their soiled and tattered aprons to their eyes. Most of the men, too, showed some emotion, and all were filled with gloomy forebodings of the coming steerage miseries. Anne Brady was the most demonstrative of the whole batch. She protested against being sent back as a pauper, and declared that she would throw herself and her infant over- board rather than return to Ireland. Her baby, by the way, was born during the voyage from Valentia to New York; and, in her deposition made before the Castle Garden authorities, she gave the name of the father of the child, who she said had promised to follow her to America almost immediately. Nearly all of the 16 whose names I have enu- merated have been sent direct from Irish work- houses, and are evidently incapable of maintain- ing themselves. There are, however, other paupers to be sent off, and a number of cases still to be adjudicated upon. John McCarty and his blind wife, who were sent here straight from the workhouse in Tralee, County Kerry, have received notice that they cannot be permitted tOlemainin thiscountry, and will be re-shipped 011 board the steamship Spam of the National line. ill addition to thesa cases, the follvwing persons have already declared paupers, and will be taken back by the Steam«liip Companies respon- sible for their importation Adolph Germains, his wife and family of three children. These came ever in the Egyptian Monarch, of the Monarch Line, and their expenses were paid by the ladies' committee of the Jewish Board of Guardians, London. Adolph Lewin, a native of Germany he came by one of the Red Star Liners, at the cost of a German Society in London. Peter Curty, an Irishman, who travelled by the Inman Line, accompanied by his wife and five children. Public feeling in this country is very bitter on this subject of pauper immigration, and even if the Government were so inclined, which I have every reason to suppose, they could not, in the face of the popular clamour, neglect to deal with the matter energetically. Up till yesterday week immigrants were freely admitted, and it was only when the Furnessia arrived with over 300 State- aided emigrants on board, most of whom the newspapers alleged were paupers, that the Wash- ington authorities were moved to order Commis- sioner Stephenson to institute enquiries, which he did in the most thorough manner, investigating each case personally. He found that, although there had been considerable exaggeration as to the position of the l urnesci-a's passengers, there re- mained substantial ground for Governmental in- terference. He reported to this effect to Washing- ton, whence he was instructed by Secretary Folger to send back all those who were likely to become burdens on the State, and this rule is in future to be rigoroudy applied to all persons land- ing at Cast If, Garden. Yesterday morning the commissioners sent the following circular letter to the representatives of the various steamship companies trading to America:— To prevent delay in the landing of steerage passengers the Commissioners of Emigration are willing to continue to receive them at Castle Gar- den as heretofore, provided you give this board a written guarantee that you will immediately on being- notified receive on board and return to the I ports whence they came, all passengers who, on inspection at Castle Garden, are found to have been brought in violation of the law. Failing to give such guarantee will compel the commissioners to direct that each steerage passenger shall in future be singly inspected on board the vessel before being permitted to land." The steamship companies are not likely to mis- understand the language of this note, which is really an official threat to make things generally unpleasant for them in the event of their declin- ing to facilitate the plans of the Government in the manner requested. The inspection of steerage passengers afloat would, as a matter of fact. delay the vessels three or four days, which, in the face of the severe competition at present prevailing in the shipping trade, would be a very serious matter. Rumours are current here to-day that Mr Russell Lowell has been iniStmdeJ t" point out to the British Government the unwisdom of sending out destitute persons, and to inform them that the American Jaw on the subject will id-future be strictly enforced. I understand, however, that your Government has already received fuU infor- matl-tn by from their representative in this country.






