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THE HARVEST IN SOUTH WALES. REPORTS FROM CORRESPONDENTS. The following reports were received on Tues- day :— COWBRIDGE. There is, unfortunately, no room for doubt that the farmers in this district will be no better off, as far as harvest prospects go, than their fellows in other parts of the country. It is useless to dis- guise facts, and gi ving matters agricultural the very best of the twists and turnings of the discussion, it would be an unworthy subterfuge to say that the outlook for those who depend on the fruits of the Boil for their existence is anything but depressing. The seed-time was fair enough, but the harvest is blost unpromising. There has not only been an Unusually wet season, but the temperature has been so very changeable—now sultry, now almost frosty-that the crops have really not had a fair thance, and unless there is a long spell of sun- shine the universal feeling among the agricultu- rists in this district is that the season of 1882 will be one of the most disastrous on record. This is the more deplorable because it is frankly admitted by those who have the principal cause to complain that farming has long been on its l: beam-ends," and that nothing but exceptionally good seasons will bring relief to the farming interest. It is true that sunshine, and plenty of it, would tnend matters considerably, but there bas been such an anxious looking for tnany weeks past for that all-important desideratum,that people begin almost to despair of fair weather. We have literally had no_ summer IIp to now, and the grain crops, especially, are Buffering, not merely from the incessant moisture to which they have been subjected, but from the parasitic development consequent upon it. Under the most favourable circumstances the harvest cannot but be a very moderate one, and if mat- ters do not mend—well, we hope that they will, I to that we may be spared the painful contretemps, which is known as "the worst coming to the worst." From general enquiries made from the farmers of the neighbourhood, we are able to place the following statement of the crop pros- pects before our readers :— MEADOW HAY AND CLOVER.—Where the crops have been got in earlier on there is not much room to complain, for the grass as a rule has been thick and heavy. But since then the wea- ther has been so bad that scarcely half the fields in the neighbourhood have been cut, and at the time of writing there are hundreds of acreil of fodder which are rotting for want of the necessary dry heat for stacking. Clover is very light, and this is surprising considering the favourable con- dition under which the seed was got in. There were very few frosts, not much rain, and it was anticipated that the crop would, in oonsequence, be above the average, but from some unaccount- able reason the grass is thin and attenuated. Little hopes are entertained that the second crop will be anything but a comparative failure. Meadow hay is a heavy crop in favourable localities, but in cold low-lying places the reverse is to be said; but the difficulty has been to get it in in good order. For three weeks there has not been a chance, and unless the weather Very soon alters the farmers will be very serious losers. The sun is losing its power every day, the dew is falling heavier and earlier in the morning, the days are getting shorter, and all these circum- stances have, of course, a tendency to handicap the agriculturist in securing his hay. Here we are past the middle of July, and half the hay still tmgamered, whereas in favourable seasons all should be safely carted and stacked before the leafy month of June has run its usually pleasant course. WHEAT.—The want of sunshine has had a bad effect upon the wheat everywhere in this district. There is an inclination to rust, and the parasites which prey upon the plant have been busy, encou- raged in their attacks by the moisture of the sea- son. In rare instances there may be a fair crop, but as a rule there will be a considerable drop below the average. Matters may be considerably mended if there is a continuance of sunshine, but from the general inquiries we have made, we are afraid that the prospects are far from encouraging. It is on record in these parts that everything has been safely carried by the 26th August, but this year it is on the cards that no wheat will be cut by that time. Everything depends now upon the sunshine, and unless plenty of it is vouchsafed for the next two months, there will, we are afraid, be a falling off in regard.to the prospects of the wheat crop from bad to worse. OATS AND BARLEY.—Much the same may be paid of the oats and barley. There is no likeli- hood of anything like an extra crop, indeed—and it seems hard to have to continue the sad story— there is every appearance that this year's crops will be below the average. Not only do the ears look thin and starved, but the prevailing cold weather has been against the straw, which is much impoverished. ROOTS.—Potatoes are very bad everywhere. They have been touched by the blight, and it is almost needless to add that they are soft and watery. The blight increases with the rain, and, unless there is some change from the incessant rain, the crop will be very nearly a failure, so far as money Baking goes. Mangolds, swedes, and turnips are at present the most thriving crop we have, but they do not want a drop more rain. After they I have been well rooted mangolds do not suffer appreciably from want of moisture, but, on the other hand, they like hot sunny weather. Man- grids, so far, are a bit backward, but there is no I occasion for despairing if the weather changes for the better. Swedes, too, are good at present, I and turnips ara iair crop, and all the roots-bar the potatoes—may turn up trumps if the rain folds off, and we get a spell of dry weather. BEANS.—Very few beans are grown in this feeighbourhood, but what there an are not very promising. They are for the most part troubled with theblight, which has been very busy with like plantB, and is likely to affect the produce of titf pods. GENERAL. —It is well known that the farmers hereabouts have had to sell their cattle in order to Make ends meet, and therefore they are more de- pendent on the crops. We are glad to hear that •ne landlord—Mr Alan Bruce-Pryce—has just returned 10 pei cent of the rental to his tenants. BONVILSTONE. Owing to the great quantity of rain there is but B very small quantity of hay being stacked in this Neighbourhood. What is had is chiefly clover; hay. The greater part of the meadow nay has Dot been cut. Com crops seem light, particularly wheat, which looks very weak. fiue fears gener- ally here are that the crops will be much lighter than last year'showing to the wet and cold season. LLANTWIT FARDRE. In this district the weather has been very bad far the hay harvest, a great deal having been cut —heavy crops—but very little so far secured. The continuous rain is also much against the | ypain crUPIi-SU much wet with a very little sun. H there is not a change before long the harvest, will be anything but a good one to the farmers in this neighbourhood. > ABERAVON. The crop of hay in the neighbourhood is good, hwt a great deal has been lying on the ground for t < week or more, and has undoubtedly been dam- Aged by the heavy rains. The corn appears to be Of goea quality, but requires heat and sunshine, without which it is impossible to anticipate a favourable harvest. The potato crop appears good and healthy at present, and there is promise gf n fair crop of mangolds, swedes, and ttirnipa. itruit is scarce, having been much damaged by are great storm which occurred a few months ago. GAERLEON. The present rainy season most seriously affects ,*ricultural pursuits in this district. There is not Wore than about one-fourth of the hay made and hauled. There are scores—if not hundreds of acres-that have been mown,but ha\e remained in swathe for the last month. In some cases it has heeu turned over three or four times, and by this a great portion of it will not be of much use for forage. The sunny weather this (Tuesday) morn- ing tempted scores to recommence tfceir operations in the hayfield, but by midday rain set in again and all their labour was in vain. It is truly serious for the farmers, and it isfellred that many will be ruined by the present wet weather. FERRYSIDX The continuation of the wet weather in this district has seriously interfered with tire farmers, ynrl has in many respects checked the crops. The hay crop, on the whole, is very good in fact, father above the average. Large quantities have teen out, but are still lying on the ground in con- sequence of the inclemency of the weather, especially the seed hay, which is already spoilt. fit eorn crop* I can hardly say much yet, but fears are entertained that the ears will not fill wall owing to the wind and wet weather. Re- specting the green crops, the blight has already appeared on the potatoes* and it is feared the second growth will set in, which will materially injure the quality. It would be premature to ffive ah opinion on turnips and mangolds, but J fwing to the late season they aie rather behind. NEYLAND. Rain has been falling here alternately and 'Sometimes daily for the last fortnight. Come. jguentiy the hay has been greatly damaged, and in some places is spoiling for the want of fine weather tohanest it. Thpcereal crops average follows:—Oats, from 60 to 70 grains; barley, •Afcmt 24 wheat, about 40. lieing on thfe margin the sea we are not so much exposed to rain, as .1tN only get the droppings of the northern and JDttthern showers; yet some large fields measuring W0 and 40 acres are much exposed to the weather, sort I y on account of their situation, and partiy tMr the want of sheltering hedges, the fences con- sisting wholly of rails, therefore the corn is much beaten down. Everything now depends upon the weather. A continuance of this weather will prove disastrous • an immediate change would aasan a favourable though probably a late harvest. PEMBROKE. The crops around here are, in every respect, eqtial to a good average. The Cereals aid excel- lent, and if the next couple of months prove dry, heavy crcips will, no doubt, be caried in good con- dition. The hay crop, though in many parts ex- ceedingly heavy, is in a most deplorably condition At the time of writing, owing to the continued wet weather of the last fortnight. For about a fort- night latge quantities have been lying in the fields pn heaps, the rain which fell more or less every 4ay rendering it impossible to touch it. On Mon- day, however, the morning broke clear, with abrisk wind, which promised to dry up the wet, and allow the crop to be hauled the same -day. Naturally everyone who had hay down put hands to open and turn it. About 11 o'clock, fcstVever, the weather completely changed, and by soon it was raining in torrents, and continued so until the evening, so that many fields of hay which before had been in snug heaps were spread pat and so got completely soaked, and doubtless deteriorated in value in consequence. To-day (Tuesday), up to the time of writing afternoon), the weather has been dry, but ndw ap- years very threatening, and just a little rain has fallen, not enough, however, to stop the hauling, which has commenced in some places. Later.—The weather has again brightened u& and there is a brisk wind blowing from the S.W. W. If this continues, large ftnaatititfli wlU be Haled Uii*evening, i Haled Uii*evening, i ( SWANSEA AND GOWER iDISTRICZ, The long continuance of heavy rain is having an effect cat the crops generally throughout this dis- trict, The hay, which, under fiore favourable circumstances, would have been an average crop, is much reduced in quality and, with few excep- tions, will be bad, a quantity cut at the begin- ning of the month is spoiled for want of a little sunshine, and that which remains uncut is rotting in the ground. The storms of several weeks ago have lain the barley and oats where heavy in the ear, and the straw is stunted in some parts. The crop of these grains, which is about an average one, is sorely in need of sun. There is not mate- rial blight as yet, and should the weather improve within a few days, the crop will turn out an ave- rage one, though not so heavy as was anticipated. Potatoes are generally bad, disease having made its appearance early in the season, and the .few that are anything like good are very small. Man- golds are patchy, and under the average in quan- tity. There is an abundant crop of swedes, in fact they have seldom been known finer, and the crop is regular throughout the district. The cattle have fared tolerably well, the grass in the meadows being abundant. This is not a wheat- growing district, hut in those places where culti- vated, the condition is somewhat similar to barley and oats. BRIDGEND. The prospects of a good hay harvest which were held out a couple of months back have been set aside by the unseasonable weather which has pre- vailed throughout the present month. The seed and meadow hay had thrived well until then, but the frequent downpour of rain has prevented its being harvested. Some of the crops which had ripened early were well saved in stack, but a large acreage is ungathered In this district, much of which is totally spoilt. The absence of sun and the frequency of rain has made the wheat crops look sickly, and the flag is yellow and droopiug. The cereals are backward, and do not give promise of an aver- age yield, unless the sun's ripening influence speedily effects a change. The root crops are doing well but the fruit season was spoilt by the winds which prevailed during blossoming. Potatoes in some parts of the district are a good yield, but blight has shown itself badly in other parts. The agricultural outlook is at present cheerless, and during this week rain has fallen so frequently that it has in some instances washed the hay which had been cut into adjacent streams, and has entirely checked the hay harvest. PONTARDFLAIS. In this district the crop of hay is exceedingly good and ready for the scythe, or mowing machine, but the majority of the farmers are chary in commencing operations, as the weather has been wretched for the last fortnight—the rain coming down in a continual downpour. In a few instances it was cut, but the greater part of it is still ungathered, and sadly deteriorating under the influence of the continuous moisture. This will, no doubt, be utterly unfit for food in a few days. The river Loughor is full nearfy every day, and grave fears are entertained as to an overflow, which would cause great damage. One farm (Talycynllwyn) has already had about eight acres of good hay washed away by that river. OnTuesday the sun came out at intervals, but still more rain seems in store. The prospects of the harvest, should this weather continue, are gloomy in the extreme. The orops of hay and corn are heavy and promising. The weather must change favourablyspeedill or serious injury will be done. Should it change ffie harvest would be everything that is desirable. NANTYMOEL. The only crops of this district are httyani potatoes. The former is much heavier than usual, apd as it is a late district has not suffered from the wet. The potato crop is suffering much from the wet, the tubers not developing, but should there be a favourable change in the weather, may yet prove equal to former years. The disease has not set in to any extent up to the present. PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA. In these districts the harvesting operations are limited, but the little that has to be done is much handicapped by the continuous and heavy rains. There is not much complaint of the quality of the crops apparently a very fair average appears to have been yielded. There is no lack of vegetables, and the fruit is Koodand, as a rule, pretty plenti- ful. The potatoes are especially good, but rot and perpetual wet go together, and gloomy an- ticipations are entertained. Much of the meadow hay—a good cl op—remains, as elsewhere, ungar- nered, and unless a substantial change speedily seta it the outlook will be a truly dark one for the fanners, ABERAYRON. Scores of acres of mown hay in the immediate neighbourhood and up the Vale of Ayron, which were cut about a fortnight ago, are still lying on the ground, having been exposed to all the late rain. Much of it is utterly worthless for fodder. It is believed that the excessively wet weather will also considerably damage the quality of the wheat crops. Other crops are hopeful, TALGARTH. The harvest outlook is at present very gloomy, and the prospects are unpromising. The hay crops are generally good, but very little has been secured owing to the continued rain. there is a large quantity cut, which lies ready for harvesting should the weather prove more propitious. That which has been lying longest on the ground is now much deteriorated in value. Fears are entertained that, owing to the length of the wet season and the absence of sunshine, the corn crops will be in- different. NEW QUAY. The moist weather experienced during the past, month has been very favourable to the growth of bay and rye grass, both crops being very heavy. Throughout the neighbourhood rye has been cut, and in some instances the hay. Some of the farmers took advantage of the fine weather obtained a few weeks ago, and stack their crop in splendid condition, but a large number have j DOt done so, and their prospects, owing to the showery weather, are gloomy. The corn harvest also promises to be abundant, wheat and barley having just come to ear, and farmers are eagerly looking forward for bright warm weather to ena- ble their crops to ripen. The harvest, it is anti- cipated, will be late, owing to the prevalence of the present rainy weather. LLANYBYTHER. The prospects of th. hay harvest in this district j present a most gloomy aspect. As yet hardly any has been secured. All along the district the hay has been mowed three weeks ago, and isr by this time regarded as being totally worthless, owing to the incessant wet weather. Few large r farmers have commenced mowing, owing < mainly to the recent soaking weather. Farmers on the banks of the Tivy are continually entertaining grave apprehensions that the river will overflow its banks, causing irreparable loss to both cut and standing hay. The wheat crop is; fairly good. Barley and oats are very discourag- ing, particularly so on high land, in consequence of the past dhmp and raw weather, and in many instances will not be fit for the sickle this year. Potatoes—a good crop on the whole—show signs of rapid destruction from blast. The testimony of experienced farmers goes to show that more; than half the crop will be lost before digging time. Green crops are far better than last year, and promise to be a good average. CARDIGAN. f The hay harvest is very backward here; those who succeeded in getting it in form the exception and not the rule. A large quantity of hay has been down for three weeks or more, and is in a bad state, whilst that left standing is not in .R much better condition. The crop is unusually heavy. A few days of fine weather are much needed. The corn, on the wholes, is a fine crop, but it is feared, unless fine weather sets in soon, that the potato crop will be a failure. MILFORD HAVEN. There has been an average crop of hay, but the continuous wet weather prevents it being gathered in. Barley and wheat looks well, and a good crop is anticipated, provided there be a dry season for ripening. The recent rain & beginning to affect the wheat, but barley in this county is not yet sufficiently advanced to have received any damage. BUILTH WELLS. It is difficult to know what to say on this general question in the presence of so much dis- satisfaction and complaint. True the weather has not been favourable for the ingathering of the hay crops, while at the same time the produce has been most abundant. Here and there throughout this district some hay and clover has been securad intolerably good condition, while at the same time a large quantity is now on the gt-oUnd in a precarious state. Mueh of this, ho doubt, can be attributed to extreme impatience and lack of judgment. While the weather continues tort- settled, it must be highly injudicious to use the scythe so freely. The prospects in regard to general agricultural interests are all that can be desired.. MONMOUTH. Ray: Over an average crop; about one-fourth part made; a quantity spoiled, «tid the remainder UJcut, Wheat: Fair crop, but requires dry weather: smut prevalent in some, and in some parts much beaten down. Barley: Fair crop, and looking fairly. Oats: Average crop. Looks promising. This stands inolsture better than any other grain cropi Roots look tolerable, although in many parte the 1Iy took thetti, and Caused much ( trouble in a second planting. Potatoes Eariy crop splendid, but disease has appeared, GLOUCESTERSHIRE VALE. i The exuberant ciop of grasfe which A couple df I. months ago gave so much piomise has of lato > undergone a very chequered existence) and when the time ever it does— when for another year the scythe is restored to its place of keeping and riist until brought into requisition in 1882t it is feared t1íe hay harvest will be a poor one. During the laffit fortnight rain has been haunting the farmers in almost unceasing continuance, and if the Bun has shone for an hour, inspiring hope, it proved ouly as the "flattering tale, or Will- 1 o'-tiie-wisp." Large tract* have been washed away by the floods; acres of uncut grass can scarcely be gathered because of the recent deluge thousands of starts in the shire have been in a ;• partly-harvested condition in thenelds for h couple of weeks, damagfed, and in some casas rotten, and Unless fine weather comes shortly the bulk of the crop tVill be s&crifived. The whettt • has remarkably resisted the inJemeht weather, attributable to the strength and henithy position ■! before the w et Weather set in. If we can only secure some one weather now the cereal crops generally may be restored frnftn any injury hereto-, fore sustained. Without this favourable change in the elements shortly it is impossible to foresee the troubles ahead. Beans are likely to be strong in crop, and roots are vigorous. Fiue weather, notwithstanding, is much needed in order to clean the roots and eradicate the multitude of weeds forccd by the rains. The fruit prospects are bad, and hundreds of orchards may be visited without finding fruit, owing to the blight prevailing early in May. Potatoes are affected by the disease,' and the latter is making rapid progress duriug the last Week. RHYMtfEY. Owing to the continuous rainfall and boisterous weather for weeks past, the. harvest prospects in this valley begin to wear si very glooiuy asi^ct, 1a tha immediate bei,ghbQlllmaod farmers depend almost exclusively on hay crops, and the c*ru pro- duce engages next to nothiijg of their attention, jft$U14j9 J Welsh farmers of the present day. They find stock answering their purpose better since the great turn in the labour market. The only farm- ing enjoyed by our local farmers" are the mountainous" tips surrounding all the iron- works centres, which are our brightest ornaments. Large quantities of hay have been cut some weeks ago, most of which belong to the Rhymney Iron Company's farms, and during the whole of that time they have scarcely had weather for an hour to moveit,and consequently it cannot improve in con- dition. The last two or three days have been the worst—rain pouring in torrents unceasingly, and very stormy. Unless the clouds soon disperse affairs will look even more serious. The crops are considered a fair average, and in some in- stances very heavy.



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