
Furnish 1-iiroughout. cP* /AkV Ducripiivt (Jafalogop jfly T Put Free. 1160 67,69, 71,73,77, Sc 79, Cy Hampstead Road, Nsar Tottenham Court Road, London

bíppíttg |lotim. JCstsr M HE EDWARDS' J CARDIFF and NEW YORK STEAMSHIP LINE 'l')io folioniug first-class Steamers of this Ime regu j&ry sail between Cardiff and New Y°rk,^ weather, and other circumstances permitting Kl I ROT, A 2.300 lililw IN DBA 3,000 RUODORA •••■frS; R1IOS1NA (Building) 1U1EUB1NA, .(Building) 3,600 A STEAMER .(Building) S-600 k Steerage Passengers 6 Guineas. through Bills of Lading for all classes of Goods and Parcel# to and from Birmingham, Gloucester, Biistoi, Bridgwater, Hereford, Wolverhampton, .Manchester, Bradford, Loudon, Stafford, Abergavenny, &w » Newport, Merthyr, &c., &c., and places m the >\ tci j States of Canada, including Chicago, waiikee, St. Paul's, Toled# Buffalo, .Detroit, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Ac., &lV> con 'unction with the principal Railway Companies on botn Sides. ii- W Cheapest Route for all classes of Goods to ana from the Midland Districts. Dock dues, landing and warehousing charges, <*•> are much lower at Cardiff than any of the other irans lantic Ports. „„ For Freight Charges, Dates of Sailing, and othei particulars auplv to „ -v?, • FREDK. EDWARDS, Cardiff and r^ewpo t, 34609 TURNER, EDWARDS & o: 5824 G. F. BULLEY, 51. South-street New York. IARDH'FAND BORDEAUX. The CARDIFF STEA^JSHIF COMPANY'S FIRST CLASS S.S. "etasassa^^GIRONDB," 1,900 Tons Burthen, will leaX<J BORDEAUX for CARDIFF. March 1 CARDIFF for BORDEAUX. March 8 With Goods and Passengers. For rates of freight, <fce., apply at Messrs Jno. *init- liam and Sons, Agents, 14, t^uai des Chartrons, Bor- deaux and at the Offices of the Company, No. 3, .Bute D9481—51624^ HORATIO HOOPER. Manager. /L/Z/T ALLAN LINE TO _iV AMERICA. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM LIVERPOOL. Polynesian To Boston via Halifax Mar- 8 Piiuti VIAN To Portland via Halifax Mar. 16 NOVA SCOTIAN To Boston via 29 CIRCASSIAN To Portlimd via Hal.jax ± « • PARISIAN To Boston via Halifax UJBEK.\IAN..TO St John's, Halifax, & ]>altimoie..Api. IX Cheap passages and excellent rxcoumwuauon Pamphlets on Canada and tlie Western ,_tates America sent free. r, Government Assisted Passages to Canada. Full particulars on application to Co., Jamos-street, Liverpool. o, to o. Bhd, *«*►««< sJSteSCSic J. C. Manning, 9, Castle street Swansea Harse and Brown, 173, Commercial-sheet, Locke, 10, Great Dock-street, and John YOilng, Screw Packet Wharf, Newport, Mon.; D. Schools, Llandovery Fredk. Allan, 9, Abergavenny; A. Tilncy, Market-street, Abeihlh.iv Matthew Matthews, Abeicarn, near Newport,, A.. Thomas, 2, Church-street, Blaina; A. A. master, Ebbw Va'e Crockett and James, 4, Pontypridd William Davies, Bookseller, Ac., and Ida-place, Ebbw Vale; Geo I.atlen 31 "ni Street, Brynmawr; D. J. Evans, General Outhttei, Aim "Watkins 50 Glebeland-street Merthyr ^dvil. 4929 91 ATIONAL LINE TO NEW YORK. From LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK via QUEENS TOWS every WEDNESDAY. ENGLAND Wednesday, Mar. 8 CANADA Wednesday, Mar. 15 SPAIN Wedndsday, Feb. 22 From LONDON to NEW YORK as follows HOLLAND Saturday, Mai. 11 DENMARK Saturday, Mai. THE (r^UEEN Wednesday, leb. o SALOON TO NEW YORK, 10, 12 and 13 guineas, accord- ing to position of berth, all lining equal sa.oon Dnvilep-PK Return tick6ts 24 Riid 2,2* Steerage to S York, Boston, Piuladelplna and Baltimore £ 6. Superior ae^omnHidation and abujlj;1 anco of fresh provisions. Cheap throngh booking to all parts of the United States and Canada. Spceitl rates to Texas. vv Apply to the NATIONAL STEAMSHIP COM! AM Limited, 23, Water-street, Liverpool, or at 3b and ol, Leadenhall-street, London or to their agents Messrs J. R. NICHOLAS & CO., and GEORGE BIRD, 246, Bute-street. F. W. Caunt, 4, Whitconibe-street, Aberdare Jas. R. Morgan, Postmaster, Pontypool John 'Thomas, 1, Prospect-place, George-towir, Ti'edegar Henry A. Lewis, Newtown, Ebbw Vale D. Thomas, Market Chambers, Brynmawr W. M. Locke, 6, Tredegar- place, Newport Arthur Tivlev, Abertillery ftj. Matthews, Abercarne T. Yaudall, Risca E. li. Davies, Baglan House, Pentre Ystrad. *a4a DOMINION LINE TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES FROM LIVERPOOL, Composed of Thirteen powerful and first-class Steamers. »' jages ^Quebec, £ 5. domestic Servants, £ <*■ £ 20 Steerage, £ 6 6s. Surgeon and Stewardess cairieu. ,,r TXv Apply to the Managing Directors Messrs *LI>. MAIN, and MONXGOMERY, 24, James-street, Liveyiwl or to the Local Agents. K "TV/I" O N A RCH LINE., a ",ct: LONDON TO NFW YORK- LYDIAN >IONARCll _• v^^n1," EGYPTIAN MONARCH ASSYRIAN MONARCH Maic ^0. PERSIAN MONARCH I1 And every 14 days thereafter. Saloon Passage, B10 and £12; Third Class to, New York, Boston, or Philadelphia, £6 from any Railway Station in the United Kingdom. Special attention to comfort of Third Class Passeng »• Apply to JOHN PATTON, Jun., & C° TUp Avenue, London; to Samuel J. Davies, x o. > Hayes or to J. Spiridien, 29, Duke street, Cardiff. 10012 sSSP mtkmrnk* «»»?«»»;' ft. 'f £ S"»SS ^XcanalPaSfSsp]endi'd, ves^ ^^edin mtv Apply toISMAY, IMRTF and CO., 10, Water-street, Liverpool, and 34, Le^enhall-street London James Scott au^Co., Queenstown or to the Local Agents. 10029 The only DIRECT Line of Steamers to PHILA- DELPHIA is the ILSTCSR A MBRIOAN LINE UNITEDi STATES MAIL t,iverpoo^KKto PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. rir, • Calling at Queenstown every Thursday. f irat-class, full-powered Iron Steamships are appointed to Sail PENNSYLVANIA Mar. 4 BRITISH QUEEN Mar. 8 »T.(lT?ll GOUGH .Mar. 15 *LORD CLIVE. Mar. 18 ILLINOIS Mar. 22 •BRITISH CROWNMar..9 •BRITISH CROWNMar..9 No intermediate passengers carried on voyages ^Th^only1 Transatlantic Line sailing under the United States Flag, and carrying the American Rafts for sav- ine life bes des the usual complement of Lifeboats, and an extra number of Liie-preservers. The accommoda- tioiffoi all dasses of passengers is equal to any of the European Steamship Lines. Every steamer carries a Spir„getSoodsSare landed at .Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which has the shortest and most direct route to all places in the Western States. „ jjoji. Passengers by this Line can pass dnectirtothe Kan way Cars without leaving the Landing TJnnio under the same roof there are J^^X^ Kxe^ance United States Letter Box, Telegraph Office, Exchange Office, and Baggage Express Oifice. CABIN PA§SAGE, 12 to 21 Guineas. Return tickets atSTEERAGE PASSAGE as low as any other Fast Line, including an ample supply peer- age Passengers are forwarded to New Yolk, oi Boston, without additional charge.. „ INTERMEDIATE PASSAGE, including Bed, Bedding, and all necessary ut-ensils, and separate table, Apply in Philadelphia to Peter Wright and Sons, General Agents, 307, \Valnut-street; m Queenstown, to N and J. Summins and Brothers; and in Livei pool, to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., 18 aud 19, Water-street. LOCAL Copeland, 124, High-street, \Tprtbvr Tydfil; Harse and Brown, Dock-street, New- Ay™ 62, CtediH; W. H. Banks Ivor-street, Blaeiiavoll, Mon. 1435 f A Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. /GRATIS, a MEDICAL^WORK showmg VJT sufferers how they id of Quacks with Health and Vitality, without the aid oi vji skin Recipes for purifying the Blood a :a<re« yVhen Affections. Also chapters on Happy M and Whom to Marry, the Vital Force How mated and How P»^.™'p"- Appliances, and the Wonders of the stamps tecting Various Complaints. Post free f.uln^'rl S« Address, Secretary of Anatomy Birmniqha Trade Mark, (" Mandrake Pills.") Registered. HOW ARE YOU ?—If you suffer from Bilious and Liver- Complaints, Giddiness, Fa in the Head, Pains in the Back and between tne Shoulders, Griping Pains in tho Bowels, Wind, a Swelling of the Abdomen, take T r, THE AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS. INDIGESTION and all its train of discomforts are removed as if by magic, and the Patient is restorea from a life of nervous d spondency to appreciate the v blessing of full health and vigour. If you F ffer from PILES, Take the American Mandrake Pills. I you suffer from GRAVEL, Take the American Mandrake Puis. V you suffer from DROPSY, or any Disease of tne KIDNEYS, Take the American Mandrake Pills.. You will not be disappointed, for their effect is certain. • Sold in Boxes, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis each Great saving by taking the larger boxes. Sold by all Chemists everywhere.—F. P. KEALL, Chemist, 1*^1 High-street, Swansea. Free by post by the Proprietor Sold at Roath by Mr Robb Cardiff, Messrs Coleman and Co. Newport, Mr J. Young; Neath, Mr Hill;; Llanelly, Mr Jacob Hughes; Pontypridd, Mr Bassett ;■ Cardigan, Mr E. C. Evans; London, Messrs F. New-, bery and Son. 8076, nVT^HAEL PAINE, 5, SEYMOUR-. S'TOEET, ABERDARE, BILL POSTER, DIS, T.V B> TOWN CRIER, begs to inform the K8«nera»y that he rents all the largest and best ^fotions in Aberdare and pistrict. N.B. w Mlac3e- Price lists on application. M. P. does 'addmi 813 aaVoae r6c«iYe CARDIFF ST. CATHERINES, PARK-PLACE, CARDIFF. A FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL for GIRLS. Terms for English, French, German, Latin, Mathematics,Natural Science, Theory of Music, Class-singing, Drawing, Calisthenics, and use of Books, from B4 9s to B5 15s per term. English, French, and German Governesses. Private Lesson may be arranged. Boarders received, 10074 Principal. MISS TULLIS. 66066 ARROW HOUSE SCHOOL, CARDIFF. — Principals: The MISSES MARKS. The HALF-TERM COMMENCES on THURSDAY, March 2nd. 901 COWBRIDGE. GREAT HOUSE, COWBRIDGE.- X LADIES' SCHOOL. Principals—Mrs and the Misses CULVERWELL (Associates in Arts). Pupils prepared for Oxford, Cambridge, and the College of Preceptors' Examinations. Referees, Parents of Pupils. 43084-7833 The Half-term will commence (D. V.) March 7th, 1882. MERTHYR. MERTHYR TYDFIL COLLEGE An EXAMINATION for TWO HOUSE SCHOLAR- SHIPS, of the value of £ 20 each, will be held on APRIL 20th. Candidates, who must be under 13 on the day of the Examination, are requested to send their names before March 31st to the Head-master, T. Fawcett, Esq., M.A., from whom particulars as to the subjects of examination can be obtained. 10116 GLOUCESTER. STFIELD HOUSE, GLOUCESTER. f SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Conducted by HERR and Mrs G. M. LEO. Most beautiful and healthy situation in the country, one mile from Gloucester. Excellent Premises. Re- creation Grounds, two and a half acres. PREPARATION FOR THE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS, THE MODERN LANGUAGES, MUSIC, DRAWING, AND PAINTING, RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION Careful moral training. First-class references. Moderate inclusive terms. During the past four years seventy-one certificates, forty-one with honours, and nine prizes, were gained in tiie University Local and Musical Examinations by Pupils from this School, 10080 Prospectus and full particulars on application. 56104 TAUNTON. INDEPENDENT COLLEGE, JL TAUNTON. REV F. WILKINS AVELING, M.A., B.Sc., Principal, assisted by several qualified Masters. Pupils prepared for Cambridge Local Examinations, for entrance to any University, for their degree at London, and for Commercial Life. Eight Scholarships, Splendid Gymnasium, Swimming Bath, &c. Separate Junior School under care of Mrs MILNE. Private studies for the elder students. Board and Education, from 27 to 39 Guineas a year. For particulars apply to Principal or Secretary, Mr ALBERT GOODMAN, Taunton. 10122 -_?&lt-g øddi£5. THE CARDIFF BOROUGH BUILDING SOCIETY. INCORPORATED UNDER THE BUILDING SOCIETIES' ACT, 1874. OFFICES—74, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. This Society, having an influential Directorate, and offering great advantages to Borrowers and Investors, is PREPARED to RECEIVE APPLICATIONS for SHARES and ADVANCES, payable or repayable by Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly Instalments. OFFICI HOURS, 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. 55758 10041 SAM. BERN, Secretary. RI N C I P A L I T Y PERMANENT INVESTMENT BUILDING SOCIETY. INCOME 22ND YEAH., £ 111,586. THE OLDEST, LARGEST, and BEST in the Neighbourhood. PROFITABLE TO THE INVESTOR. SAFE TO THE DEPOSITOR. MOST CHEAP and EQUITABLE to the BORROWER Business transacted Daily. Apply for the Society's Statement of Facts" to the Managing Secretary, Mr W. SANDERS, 28. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. Or Agents;—Mr E. Thomas, 43, York-place, Newport. 41144 Mr D. H. Edmunds, Maughan St., Penarth. 7422 Mr J. A. Davies, Ida-place, Ebbw Vale. WHY PAY RENT? BUY YOUR OWN HOUSE! APPLY TO THE GLAMORGAN BUILDING SOCIETY s For Prospectus and full particulars. OPEN FOR SMALL DEPOSITS UP TO B25 AT 4 PER CENT., LARGER SUMS AT 4 PER CENT. INTEREST. CHIEF OFFICES 20, QUEENT-STREET, CARDIFF 55752 10052 R EMERY, Secretary. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILD- ING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. Chief Offices—3, HAMMETT-STREET, TAUNTON. Secretary—Mr ALBERT GOODMAN. Amount already advanced—over £ 168,000. Borrowing Shares, £60 each. Sums of money are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property—freehold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instalments of Ten Shillings per share. INVESTING SHARES, £ 60 EACH, realised in about 13 years by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per Share. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be ob- tained on application to the Secretary, or of Mr THOMAS WEBBER, District Manager, 189 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. Insurant*. ASSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. ASSURANCE AGAINST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE. ASSURANCE AGAINST FATAL ACCIDENTS AT SEA. ASSURANCE OF EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY, the oldest and largest Com- pany, insuring against Accidents of all kinds. The Rt. Hon. Lord Kinnaird, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. PAID-UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE, £ 230,000. Moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers after five years. Bl.630,000 has been paid as Compensation. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 64, CORNHILL, or, 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, 64, CORNHILL, or, 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 49886 10036 WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent-IV. Willans, 11, Henry-street, Bute Docks. SUN LIFE OFFICE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1810. Very low Premiums without Participation in Profits. Age 20 £ 1 11 8 „ 30 £ 2 2 2 „ 40 £ 2 17 1 Immediate Settlement of Claims. 10030 Agent at Cardiff, Mr EDWARD DOBBIN. A GOOD PLAN.—OPTION dealing in Stock Exchange Securities often returns five to tell times the amount invested in as many days, £10 to £ 1,000 realises same ratio of profit. Explanatory Book sent free.—Address GEO. EVANS and CO., Stock- brokers, Gresham House, Old Broad-street, London. A SBESTOS. ASBESTOS ENGINE PACKING, ASBESTOS MILLBOARD JOINTING, ASBESTOS BOILER COVERING, ASBESTOS CEMENT, ARE UNRIVALLED. PRICE LISTS AND ALL INFORMATION TROM THE UNITED ASBESTOS COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE 161, QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET, LONDON, E.C. Works ROME, TURIN, GLASGOW. 7425 MESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON JH'i- deliver the SOUTU WALES DAILY NEWS at an early hour each Morning in all parts of the follow 1 ins towns:— CARDIFF ROATH CANTON BUTE DOCKS BRIDGEND NEATH LLANELLY T AMPETER SWANSEA MERTHYR ABERDARE HEREFOFD NEW MILFORD BRISTOL TENBY CARMARTHEN NEWPORT PORTSKEWETT PONTYPOOL ROAD PEMBROKE DOCK HA VERFORD WEST GLOUCESTER ABE&YSTWYTH ABERGAVENNY ABE&YSTWYTH ABERGAVENNY The CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any address in the above mentioned Towns. y Friuay ORDERS to be sent to the Managers of the various Bookstalls. EALTH, TONE, AND VIGOUR. DR SWEDOUR'S "VITAL REGENERATOR." This medicine is a safe, certain, and speedy cure in all cases of nervous, mental, and physical debility. Of pure vegetable origin, it may be taken by the most te Its effects are truly marvellous, cleansing the blood from all impurities, superseduig Sarsa- riiriUa Cod Liver Oil, and all preparations of a kindred Çharacter-in a word-infusing new life, new hope, and new energy into the most depressed constitution. Emigrant3; snip captains, and residents m tropical climates sLoultf never be without a supplv of this splendid cordial tonic, as it is guaranteed to keep good in any climate for years.. Price, lis per Lottie four times the quantity in one, 3.1s -and £ 5 cases, containing three large bottles. S. SWEDOUR AND CO., 12 TAVISTOCK-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, 1 LONDON, W.C. 9881 ARMARTHEN. — W. J. NEEDLE, 22, Union-street, Carmarthen, is authorised to receive ADVERTISEMENTS for the SOUTH WALES DAIL\ NEWS and CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALL* WEEKLY NEWS. Advertisements sent to the above address before FIVE o'clock v.w. will secure insertion in the nest momma's issue. jKomir. MONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES BY THE CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF.—Established 1845. B5 TO £500 Daily advanced in town or country t Me or female on personal security, or on mortgage of iu; i;v, trade, or farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal. Dis- tance no object. Ea-sy repayments to suit borrowers. £ 100,000 FOR IN vr No GENUINE APPLIUAXI->\ REFLSED. Call or write to the Cardiff and County Advance Bank, 9, Caroline-street, Cardilf. Intending borrowers in town or country may rest assured if they cannot obtain an advance at this old established bona fide Loan Office they cannot do so elsewhere. We use our customers well; they always come back and recommend us. Having a large connec- tion in the principal towns in England and Wales, we do business cheaper than others 9798 53266 do business cheaper than others 9798 53266 DO YOU WANT MONEY?—If so, save time,trouble, and expense, by applying direct to Mr Louis Barnett, 49, Bute-street, Cardiff. 210 to J3500 tent da.ily. No sureties or fees. This advertisement is genuine. 45129-8274 MESSRS W. & S. HERN, Estate Agents, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to ad- vance from £100 to £ 100,000 on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property, and from B50 to £ 1,000 on per- sonal security. 3664 MONEY. — The following SUMS are ready to be ADVANCED upon Freehold or Leasehold Security: £ 2,000, £ 1,000, £ 900, £ 800, £ 500, £ 400, £ 250, £ 200, £ 200, and £ 100.—Apply to Messrs Samuel and Nicholls, Auctioneers, Ac., Church-street Cardiff 9603 GENUINE SEEDS ONLY.' ALL WHO HAVE A GARDEN should send their Name and Address for BRINKWORTH AND SONS' NEW CATALOGUE, Beautifully Illustrated, 3D POST FREE. It contains all the CHOICE and POPULAR VEGETABLE SEEDS AND NEW POTATOES FOR 1882, AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES, CARRIAGE FREE. MARKET GARDENERS AND OTHERS WILL SAVE 20 PER CENT. BRINKWORTH AND SONS, SEED GROWERS, 55808 READING, BERKS. 10033 p.S.—FINE STOCK OF DAY'S EARLY SUNRISE PEA. WlYI. E. VAUGHAN & CO.'S STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, 77, C'ROCKERBTOWN, t CARDIFF 248, BUTE-STREET, j 52, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, 87, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 95, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. 4, ST. JULIAN-STREET, TENBY. Bed and Window Curtains, Shawls, Mantles, Dresses, Table Covers, Feathers, Gentlemen's Clothes, &c., Cleaned or Dyed. AGENTS :— ABERDARE—Mrs Dance, Confectioner, Commercial- street. BRIDGUND—Mrs Thomas, Grocer, Nolton-street. COWBRIDGE -Mrs Stibbs, Confectioner, Ivor Hoilse. Ill STIFF'S STARCHj s TIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STAItClI. TIFF'S STARCH-. gTIFl^TS"STXRCH. gTIFFS STARCflL s TIFF'S STARCIL TIFF'S STARCH: k9 9825 53557 TIFFS ^TARCII Is specially suitable for COLLARS,"WRISTBANDS, SHUtT FRONTS, &c., iin Ipartinn: a BEAUTIFUI GLOSSY SURFACEto ihese Articles, and making the Linen look like new. The GENUINE AR- TICLE is Sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen, in lib "boxes and 51b papers, each box or packet bearing the Trade Mark.—"Qu en Bess." the Trade Mark.—"Qu en Bess." (^TIFF & £ j°- 29, REDCLIFFE-STREET, BRISTOL. SWANSEA OFF ICE O OF THE I "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE STREET. > All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. I The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every morning in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure insertion in the next morning's issue of the DAILY Nh WS I [ ESTABLISHED 1852. pALMER AND CO.'S UNDERTAKING AND FUNERAL FUR- NISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 10, F R E D E RI C K S T R E E T, CARDIFF. P. and Co. beg to inform their patrons and the public generally that the above business will in future be carried on under the title of Palmer and Co., and trust they may by un- remitting attention and economy merit the same patronage which was extended for 28 years to the late Mr J ohn Palmer. CJuwges equally as low as the advertised prices of other firms. 164 I I "TJTEALTH IS A BOON," -tl And absolutely essential for success in life. WHITEHORN'S AMERICAN FRUIT Is the most agreeable and refreshing Effervescing I CITRATE Saline Aperient in use, and should be kept 111 every Household as a preventative against all diseases. Sold in bottles (with full directions), at Is 6d, by most respectable chemists, or may be had direct from R. PRUST, CHEMIST, CLIFTON-STREET, CARDIFF. Prepared from the recipe of Dr. Thomas Whitehorn, Franklyn-avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. London Agents: Newberry and Son, 37, Newgate- street Wright, Layman, and Umney, Southwark- street and Maw, Son, and Thompson, Aldersgate- r street; Cardiff W. Smyth, Duke-street. 55918 J0054 K ERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. If von suffer from Headaches, Bilious or Liver Com- plaints. Indigestion, Costivenoss, Rheumatism, or Tic- Doloreux, try KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy'to swallow, being very small; require no confinement indoors, strengthens the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the best medicine in the world. TESTIMONIAL from J. BALBIRME, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on "Physiology," Author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &c. "I have examined the Pills, known as 'Kernick's Vegetable Pills." I certify their composition to be purely vegetable I have also tried their effect, and consider them one of the BEST APERIENT PILLS FOR CONSTIPATED HABITS THAT I KNOW OF. "(Signed) JOHN BALBIRNIE, M.A., M.D." Mr CRANWELL, Apothecary, Monte Video, writing to a Master of a Vessel, says:—"Bring me a supply of "KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS.' I have founci them very efficacious they cured me after many other Medi- cines had failed, and I have since given them to my patients with equal success." Thousands of other Testimonials, equally gratifying, might be published. "KERNICK'S PILLS" give energy to the system, need no special rules with regard to diet, and aire universally declared to be the best medicine of the kind ever discovered.. Sold in boxes at 2s 9d, Is lid, and nd each, by most respectable Chemists and Druggists in England and the Colonies, with directions for restoring and preserving health. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES These Lozenges are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced for Worms. Being innocent in their charac- ter, they may be taken by children of all degrees and conditions with perfect safety. They are most useful for children of delicate stomachs and pale complexion, as they strengthen the system by giving an appetite. If Mothers only knew the value of these Lozenges, no family would be without a box. Sold by most respectable Chemists, in 7d and Is lid boxes. KERNICK'S DANDELION COFFEE. A delicious Breakfast Beverage. KERNICK;S DANDELIOÑ COFFER JLN- Prepared from the finest Coffee, with an admixture of the celebrated Dandelion Root (so successfully em- ployed in cases of Liver Complaints), together with other wholesome ingredients, forming a delicious and healthy breakfast beverage. In tins at 6d, lOd, and Is 6d each of most Grocers. KERNICK'S well-known Medicines can be obtained through any respectable Chemist or Patent Medicine Vendor in the United Kingdom or the Colonies, or direct from the Proprietors, KERNICK and SON, 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. London Agents Barclay, Hovenden, Newberry, < Lynch, Sutton, Edwards, &c., &c. 8084 K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. An ever increasing sale of 60 years. K EANNG'S COUGH LOZENG -CL The Best and Safest Remedy for COUGHS, ASTHMA, PHLEGM, and TICKLING in the Throat. K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Convenient to keep handy in the pocket. E.ITING'S COUGH LOZENGES I Are universally recommended by the Faculty. Testimonial (Original may be seen.) Dear Sir,—Having tried your Cough Lozenges in India, I have much pleasure in testifying to their bene- ficial effects in cases of Incipient Consumption, Asthma, and Bronchial affections. So good a medicine ought to be known to be appreciated. I have prescribed it largely with the best results.—W. B. G., Apothecary, H.M. Indian Medical Service." 9909 Sold in Tina, la Ud aaq &I by all Drue. gist4 yv 1 N T P, R, 1882. OVERCOATS, SUITS, &c., FOR GENTLEMEN AND JUVENILES, AT THE CARDIFF HOUSE. MESSRS W. PRICE AND SONS Call SPECIAL ATTENTION to their unusually LOW QUOTATIONS for Cheap, Medium, and Best WINTER CLOTHING. THE NEW OVERCOATS for GENTLEMEN in Meltons, Beavers, Worsteds, Pilots, and mixed cloths, at 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s, & 50s. THE NEW OVERCOATS FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS, from 28 lid to 29s 6d. THE NEW WINTER SUITS FOR GENTLE- MEN at 17s 6d, 218 6d, 27s 6d, 328 6d, 38s 6d, 44s 6d, and 50s. THE NEW WINTER SUITS FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS, from 2s 6d upwards. The New FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, GLOVES, MITTS, HATS, CAPS, HOSIERY, &c., Are beautifully assorted and wonderfully Cheap. ADDRESS :— 50 & 51, ST. MARY-STREET, AND 46 & 47, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. TERMS ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES No 104 CREDIT No ABATEMENT. PECIAL NOTICE OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE, Previous to Stock-taking, has now Commenced. During which ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT REDUCTION from usual prices. Very Large Parcel of BERLIN WOOL SQUARES and SHAWLS at Half-price. Also, a few hundred dozens of LINEN COLLARS, at less than Half-price. Every description of Underclothing, Hosiery, &c. ADDRESS— W. KÖ.NER & CO., THE CARDIFF HOSIERS, 27, 29, AND 31, ROYAL ARCADE. Shippers and Shopkeepers Supplied Wholesale at 10114 Manufacturers' Prices. 56308 |* — mHE "GALIGNANI'S MESSENGER" A says :—" Messrs Ilorniman have had wonderful success with their famous Tea in the Paris Exhibition it is possessed of a most delicious flavour, and is unique in quality the price, too, is such as to bring it within the reaeh of all." List of Horniman's Local Agents. CARDIFF—Williams, chem- ist, 11, Bute- street. street. „ C.Ieiii,n &- Co., street. Howell,255,Bute chemist. „ Joy, 17, Duke-st. „ Traherne, chem- ist. „ Anthony, StMary street. „ Kernick,23,Duke streeL MumforJ,Splott- 9275 lands. Canton, Y orath, Post-office. Dowlais, Williams,chemist Bridgend- WilJiams, Stamp Office. Cowbridge—Thomas, High street. Chepstow-Griffiths, Beau- fort-square. Mountain Ash—White. PontnJOol-Wood, Stamp Office. Pontypridd, Key, chemist. Roath-Hancock. chemist. Jones, Clifton-st. Prust, chemist. Penarth—Proctor,chemist PEPPER s QUININE and IRON TONIC I strengthens the nerves aud muscular system, im- Eroves digestion, animates the spirits, recruits tiie ealtli. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC rouses and developes the nervous energies, en- riches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels languor and depression, fortities the digestive organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, indigestion, fevers, chest affec- tions, and in wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, (fee. The whole frn/iiie ia greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faculties brightened, the constitution greatly strengthened, and a return to robust health cer- tain. Bottles, 32 doses, 4s 6d- Sold by chemists every- where. The name of J. Pepper is on the label. There is no Tonic so certain in effect as Pepper's Quinine and Iron. TARAXACUM and PODOPHYLLIN.— This fluid combination, extracted from medicinal roots, is now used instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion of the liver, which are generally pain be- neath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acts on tlie bowels, giving a sense of health and comfort within hours. It is the safest medicine. Taraxacum and Podophyllin is a fluid made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, London, whose name is on every label. Bottles, 2s 9d. Sold by all Chemists. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RE- t J STORER will darken grey hair, and in a few days completely bring back the natural colour. The effect is superior to that produced by a direct dye, and does not injure the skin. Large Bottles, Is 6d.—Lockyer's is equal to the most expensive hair restorer, LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RE- B J STORER is the best for restoring grey hair to its former colour. It produces a perfectly natural shade, and is quite harmless. Valuable for destroying scurf and encouraging growth of new hair. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RE- STORER.-Sulphur being highly prized for its stimulant, cleansing, healthful action on the hair glands' LOCKYER'S RESTORER is strongly recommended; It is most agreeable in use, and never fails in its action No other hair dressing is requisite. Large Bottles, Is 6d. Sold by Chemists, Hairdressers, and Perfumer.* everywhere. CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth become white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing incrustations of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists. Pots, Is and 2s 6d each (Get Cracroft's). SULPHOLINE LOTION."—An Exter- nal Means of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to Sulplioline" in a few days, and commence to fade away, even if it seems past cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic whilst old, enduring sKin disorders, that have plagued the sufferers or years, however deeply rooted they may be, Sulplio- or years, however deeply rooted they may be, Sulplio- line "will successfully attack them. it destroys the animalculfe. which cause these unsightly, irritable", pain- ful affections, and always produces a clear, healthy, natural condition of the skin. Sulpholine" Lotion is old by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE 11) EARS, &C.—DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS should always be tried, as in numbers of cases, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight Deafness, Obstructions in the ears, and the Incessant Humming Sounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed after Two or Three Nights' Application. DELLAR'S ESSENCE can be spoken of as sure to give some relief in cases of Deafness without causing the slightest injury to the delicate organisms of the ear; and, however surprising, persons for years deaf have heard articulate sounds after a fair trial of Dellar's Essence. Aurists of eminence recommend it. Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d. Sold by all Chemists. Post free for 18 stamps sent to Bedford Laboratory, Bayley-street, London, W.C. CURED IN A FEW DAYS, CORNS, BUNIONS, ENLARGED TOE JOINTS.—DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real re- medy. They differ from all Plasters, Shields, or Com- positions ever invented. By instantly softfihiing the callous surrounding, the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions ana Enlarged Toe Joints require more time for perfect cure, but the action is certain and relief instantaneous. Any boots may be worn with comfort three hours after applying Deilar's Plasters on no account be persuaded to buy any other Boxes, Is lid each, are sold by all chemists. Post free 14 stamps.—Bedford Laboratory, Bayley-street, London W.C. 9116 1 "F OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER for cleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It cures Old Sores, Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck, Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs, Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face; Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases, Cures Glandular Swellings, Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the proprietor solicits suf- ferers to give it a trial to test its value. (Thousands of testimonials from all parts). UURE OF A BAD LEG. "5, Chester Bridge, Crewe. "SIR,—I have received the following from one of my numerous customers for your justly-cele- brated Blood Mixture.' You are at liberty to publish it. "Yours truly, To Mr F. J. Clarke." E. BOOTH, Chemist. "3, Liverpool-terrace, Crewe, 10th, June, 1876. MR BOOTH, DEAR SIR,—I have for a long time suffered with a bad leg—the inflammation extend- ing from the knee to the toes—which was rapidly breaking up my constitution. I was off work eighteen weeks, and tried several of the most largely advertised remedies, and got worse under their influence. As a last resort I obtained from you a small bottle of Clarke's Blood Mixture,' and ex- perienced so much relief from it that I persevered, and seven (7) small bottles cured me. I have re- commended it to several of my friends, who are now improving rapidly under its iise.-Yours truly, "HENRY DAVIES, Engine-fitter, Crewe Works." Sold in in Bottles, 2s 6d each, and in Cases, containing rix times the quantity, 118 each-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—by all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, and sent on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by The LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COITPAWK flate F, J. CLARHEV Lin- coln. W 1 %ttshtm Jcbhmaig. PULLARS DYERS BY APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEEN. J)YE -^7"ORKS, DYERS PERTH. BY APPOINTMENT JL TO THE QUEEN. SPECIALTIES FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP. MODERATE PRICES. SPEED IN RETURNING GOODS. GOODS SENT CARRIAGE FREE. „ AGENCIES IN CARDIFF. Mrs MORRIS. 8, Royal Arcade. Miss ELLIS, 31, High-street. Mrs M. C. HOGG, 6, Crockherbtown. Canton.—Mr G. GREEN, 134, Cowbridge-road. Roath.—Miss HOLLINSHEAD, 8, Castle-road. „ Messrs ALLEN and Co., 9, Clifton-street. LLANDAFF.—Mr GEO. GREEN, Bootmaker. 10095 PENARTH, Mr JOHN MORGAN, Draper, <tc., Brooklyn House. Catalogues and every information on application. 55958 JJIGH gTifcJJUSr, CARDIFF (FORMERLY NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK). MESSRS.. TAINSH BROS. Respectfully beg to announce that they have $ OPENED these PREMISES as a GOLDSMITHS', SILVERSMITHS', WATCH AND JEWELLERY BUSINESS. MESSRS. TAINSH BROS. Would draw especial attention to their New Designs in GOLD COLLARETTES AND BRACELETS, AS BEING, THE MOST FASHIONABLE ORNAMENT FOR THE ENSUING SEASON. DIAMOND, SAPPHIRE, RUBY, AND OTHER ENGAGEMENT RINGS. BRIDESMAIDS' LOCKETS, EINGS, vijiK Artistically designed, and made by best London Workmen. SPECIAL ATTENTION is also veu to the WATCH DEPARTMENT, And Messrs TAINSH BROS. hav, very FINE SPECIMENS 4i now KEYLESS W|p!HES. fa COMPENSATED AND ADJUSTED FORJLXY CLIMATE. '1 <r ■ <4f. CLOCKS WOUND AND REGULATED BY THE YEAH.. J Estimates and designs prepared for every descrip- tion PRESENTATION, AGRICULTURAL PRIZES, PRIZE MEDALS FOR BICYCLE AND ATHLETIC MEETINGS. 9998 CAMBRIA LOAN OFFICE, 10, HEATHFIELD-STREET, SWANSEA. The only Office in town where you can obtain Money on Plate, Jewellery, Diamonds, Watches, &c., at the following rates g d £ 2 10s Od per month o if) £3 0 0 „ 1 0 £4 0 0 i i 4 JE5 0 0 „ i 8 £ 6 0 0 „ 2 0 £ 7 0 0 o 4 £ 8 0 0 o 8 £ 900 3 0 siq 00 3 4 Sums above £10 by special agreement. All Goods kept Twelve Months if required. Contract or ticket, Id. Communications by post or parcels from the country promptly attended to. Closed Saturdays till dusk. Established 25 years. CASH ADVANCED ON FURNITURE, &c., WITHOUT REMOVAL, AT NEARLY HALF THE CHARGES OF OTHER OFFICES. 10057 J^EONARD'S MALTED MOCHA DANDELION COFFEE. AND la. TINS. There is NO Chicory in this elegant preparation; the Malt is SPECIALLY pre- pared, and is one of the finest aids to digestion known to man. The Dande. lion regulates the secretions; iti*the nicest and most delicious of Coffees! SAMPLE TIN POST FREE, 8 STAMPS. LEONARD AND CO., 10094 NELSON.STREET, BRISTOL. 56232 LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. KING'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Mercury). The best remedy for BILIOUSNESS, STOMACH DE- RANGEMENT, FLATULENCE, PAINS BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE, INDIGES- TION, ACIDITY, HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptoms of Disordered Liver and Dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent Surgeons to be the safest and mildest Pills for e fory constitution. I In boxes at Is 12d, 2s W. and 4e 6d, at all Chemists. 44591. fiUO Ihtsíttt55 :¡\bbrtssts. Q. A. STONE'S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Stands unrivalled for moderate charges,com- bined with Coffins, Hearses, Mourning Couches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Funerals of superior style and finish, and is conducted under the imme- diate superintendence of the proprietor. Everything necessary for completely furnish- ing funerals kept on the premises friends of deceased persons are thereby spared the trouble of consulting any second person. The proprietor keeping horses, hearses, mourning coaches, &c., can offer advantages for funerals of every description, at.1lrices lower than any other house in Cardiff. Ar- rangements for graves, &c., also made by he proprietor. Funerals with best hearse and coach, pair of horses, and hang- ing velvets to each, superior black cloth coffin, richly nailed, metal breastplate engraved, fia.1mellin. ings, mattress in bottom, flannel shroud, best pall, hat-bands, and attendance to cemetery B5 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach Complete. 4 10 0 3rd Class ditto ditto 3 10 0 4th Class ditto ditto 2 15 0' 6th Class, coffin pall, hatbands, superior carriage to take corpse, andfriends, 2 0 0 6th Class 1 15 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls, Ostrich Plumes, Hatbands, &c., on advantageous terms. Please note the Address: 11, and 12, WORKING-STREET, (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. N.B.—Licensed to let Horses, Cabs, &c., Dog Cart to let on Hire. 103 BASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS. MAY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF. 114 YALENTINES VALENTINES V VALENTINES IN UNPRECEDENTED VARIETY. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED IN 48 HOURS. JOHN OWEN, WHOLESALE TOY DEALER, 49, Shudehil, Manchester. Overflowing Stock of Continental and British Fancy Goods, Croquet, Archery, Cricket, Badmington, Lawn Tennis, Balls, Bats, and Wickets. Novelties of every description n workboxes, desks, dressing cases, tea caddies, cutlery, jewellery, hair- brushes and combs. Owen's collection of glass orna. ments, lustres, vases, and shades, is unequalled. En. chanting Christinas Presents, ladies' Companions, &c. Every variety in purses, bags, albums, perfumery, and soaps, Noah's arks, dolls, drums, tops, building tricks, and puzzles of all kiuds. Terms, Cash, Cases of goods always packed up to suit any trade from £ 2 to C5, and BlU to £15, well assorted, of all kinds.. THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE. 49and51, Shudehill, opposite Thomas-street,Manchester. JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. 7300 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- J POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES: CHURCH-STREET CHAMBERS. SECRETARY FRANK II. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and Neii1;hhonrhood Contractors for all descriptiolls of Advertising, Circular Distributing, &c. 9991 All orders promptly attended to. 55251 FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. Collis Browne was nndoulitedly the inventor ot Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the dtjfendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.—See The Tii nes," July 13, 1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- Di'NE.—The Right Hon. Earl Russell communi- cated to the College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport, that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne —See "Lancet," Dec. 31, 1868. R J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO" DYNE.—Extract from the Medical Times Jan. 12, 1866 :—" Is prescribed by scores of orthodox practitioners. Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and 1111 a place. DR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE is the best and most certain remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, &c. R J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE is a certain cure in cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, &c. DR J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE.— CAUTION.— None genuine without the words" Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne on the Government Stamp Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer; J. P. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, London Sold in bottles Is ljd, 2s 9dj 4s 6d, and lis. 53858 989b DURING TIIE LAST TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS MAISH'S LIVER PILLS have Cured 't'i.. innumerable Cases of INDIGESTIGN, and all Forms of LIVER COMPLAINT pain under the col- lar-bone and between the shoulders, giddiness in the head, pain low in the back and right side. In Boxes at 7d and Is lid. Proprietor, EDWARD MAISH, Chemist, Bristol. By post 13 stamps. A FAMILY MEDICINE of established reputation. No better An- tibilious Pill in existence. Sold by Chemists. Local Agents :-Cardiff, Coleman and Company; Swansea, John Davies, High-street Newport, James Edmunds, High-street. 9736 WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH, 79. GREAT FRE- DERICK-STREET, CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best pri- vate bill posting stations in the town and neighbour- hood. All work entrusted to him will be .speedily and faithfully executed. N.B.—Bill Posting sent by post or rail will have immediate attention. Established 1866. BILLPOSTER TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERMENT JAMES RICHARD CARR, BILLPOSTER AND ADVERTISING AGENT, 6, VICTORIA SQUARE, BANESWELL, NEWPORT, MON. Private Stations, Town and Country. 805 DR. ROOKE'S MEDICINES DR. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. DR. ROOKE'S SOLAR ELIXIR. DR ROOKE'S WELL KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINES have had a continually increasing sale throughout the United Kingdom and the British Colonies since their jntrlIction in 1836, and are specially noted for their STRENGTH- ENING and RESTORATIVE Properties. Hence their invariable success in the RELIEF and CURE of INDIGESTION, LIVER COMPLAINTS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, And all Diseases of the NERVOUS SYSTEM whether arising from a sedentary mode of life, unhealthy occupation, insalubrious climate, or other cause whatsoever. DR. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS ,t Are sold in Boxes at Is lid and 4s 6d each. DR. ROOKE'S SOLAR ELIXIR Is sold in Bottles at 4s 6d and lis each. DR. ROOKE'S MEDICINES May be obtained of all Chemists and Patent Vendors. JQR. ROOKE'S ANTI LANCET. ALL WHO WISH TO PRESERVE HEALTH and thus prolong life should read Dr. ROOKES "ANTI LANCET, or HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE," which contains 172 pages, and is replete with anecdotes, sketches, biographical matter, portraits of eminent men, &c. —*►— DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET may be obtained GR ATIS Post Free from Dr. Rooke, Scarborough, England. JJR. ROOKE'S ANTI LANCET. Concerning this Book, the late eminent author, Sheridan Knowles, observed:—"It will be an incalculable boon to every person who can read and think." -_u_ DR" ROOKE'S ANTI LANCET 49113 Ereiy Household shouldcoaaes a. CORl- 3ousintsa Abbrtssts. L S O P'S FURNITURE, 58 & 59, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. PREMISES & STOCB are the Largest in Bristol an d the West çJ. England. I A L S 0 P WHOLESALE STEAM CABINET WORKS, 58 <fc 59, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. DUMFRIES BEDROOM suffel Japanned Maple, with Vermillion lines, consisting of Wardrobe, with long plate-glass door, and deep drawer under; fnu-size Chest of Drawers, Washstand, with Roman tile back and Marble top Toilet Table, with glass fixed Ware Pedestal, Towel Airer, and Three Chairs, Brass Rail Bed- stead, and handsome Set of Toilet Ware, complete :— 210 10s OD. j 9753 THE OLD SEED WAREHOUSE; JL No. 6, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. WILLIAM THOMAS, (Late J. S. Matthews), NURSERYMAN, FLORIST, AND SEEDSMAN, j FRUIT AND FOREST TREES, SHRUBS, &c., POTS, and ORNAMENTAL WARE, and all requisites for Garden purposes. WEDDING, TABLE, A OTHER BOUQUETS CUT TO ORDER At the Shortest Notice. 3667 r I ANDREWS & m ARSH, FUNERAL FURNISHERS, 80, ST. MARY-ST., CARDIFF. AND PENARTH MEWS, PENARTH. Funeral with Hearse and Coach with pair of Horses and hanging Velvets to each, Coffin covered with Black Cloth, richly Nailed, best Metal Plate, lined with Flannel, Flannel Dress, Pall, Hatbands, and attendance £ 550 Second Class.. 4 4 0 Third Class 3 3 0 Fourth Class. 2 10 0 FUNERAL CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON HIRE. CHILDREN'S FUNERALS, Including Coach with pair of Horses, Velvets, White Plumes, Coffin covered with Black, Blue, or Polished, lined with Flannel, Undertaker and Coachman, with Silk Hatbands and best Pall, with white silk border, and use of crape Bands for friends— Under 1 Year, from Elio 0 „ 2 „ 1 11 0 „ 3 „ 1 12 0 4 „ 1 14 0 „ 5 „ 1 15 0 And so on in proportion. ONE-HORSE CARRIAGE, Including Coffin, covered in Black, Blue, or Polished, lined with Flannel. Hatbands for Mourners, Undertaker and Coachman, with Silk Bands and Pall included, under six months £ 0 18 0 Under 1 Year .10 0 2 .110 „ 3 „ ..120 „ 4 „ •• ..140 And so on in proportion. I 9673 — XITHO'S GRIFFITHS? Second-hand T FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. Tht, largest Stock in the World to select from, by emi nent makers. Also Wrought Iron Doors for strong rooms or party walls, at one-third the price of new. List free.—GRIFFITHS and SONS, 43, Cannon-street, London. 7892-26 NEW SYSTEM OF SELF-TREATMENT BY DR SMITH S POSITIVE REMEDIES. GRATIS. Sent by post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepav postage. THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES FOR THE CURE OF SPECIAL AND GENERAL DISEASES, GIVES A LIST OF ALL THE POSITIVE MEDI- CINES WHICH WERE USED BY DR. SMITH IN HIS PRACTICE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. THE NAME OF EACH M3DICINE IS GIVEN IN ENGLISH, and the Disease is indicated for which the Medicine is a POSITIVE CURE. All the Positive Remedies are now Patented. Phis Book is invaluable to the NERVOUS, DEBILI- TATED, and DYSPEPTIC. To those whose Consti- tutions have become Debilitated from Irregularities of Life, Intemperance, Climate, Over-taxed or Abused Energies, Late Hours, City Life, Worry, Brain Toil, Old Age, or Disease. GIVES INSTRUCTIONS AND AD- VICE, THE RESULT OF THIRTY-ONE YEARS' SPECIAL PRACTICE, for the Cure of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion. Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self- distrust, Dizziness Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, Loss of Sleep, Faulty Nutrition, Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples, Diffidence, Ac., re- sulting from Loss of Nerve Power. ILLUSTRATED WITH CASES AND TESTIMONIALS, with Name of the Medicinc in English used in each case. SIXTY THOUSAND INVALIDS HAVE BEEN CURED BY THESE MEDICINES. THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TESTI- MONIALS HAVE BEEN GIVEN in favour of the Positive Remedies. NO CONSULTATION FEES. NO STATEMENT OF CASE. NO PERSONAL INTERVIEW. SELF- TREATMENT EASY AND SAFE. This Book should be read by Invalids before stating their case, or placing themselves in the hands of a Medical Man, or taking any Medicine for the cure of disease. GRATIS.— Sent by Post to any part of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to, prepay postage, direct from the Publishers. H. & H, SMITH & CO., POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26, Southampton-Row, London, W.C. 325 RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORE- HOUND is tlie most cei tain and speedy remedy for all Disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, Diffi- and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, Diffi- culty of Breathing, Spitting oi Blood, Whooping Cough Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, &c., this Balsam gives in- stantaneous relief, and, if properly persevered with, scarcely ever fails to effect a rapid cure. It has now been tried for many years, has an estab- lished reputation, and many thousands have been bene- fitted by its use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Amport Firs, Andover, May 29th, 1869.-Sir,-I have for some years had your Balsam of Horehound for Mrs B. Webster, and intended writing and tell you how much benefit she has derived. She was considered consump- tive, but the Balsam has quite restored her anc she is now quite strong. I have recommended you dozens of customers and all have been pleased with" it. I am, yours, &c., Mr Hayman, Chemist. H. B. WEBSTER. IN THE NURSERY It is invaluable, as children are fond of it and take it eagerly. Immediately it is taken coughing ceases, rest- lessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tried it would ever afterwards be with- out it. Prepared only by A, Hayman, Chemist, Neath, and sold by all Chemists. Price Is lid and 2s 9d per bottle. 152 CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. Opiates, Narcotics, and Squills are too often in- voked to give relief in Coughs, Colds, and all Pulmonary Diseases. Instead of such fallacious remedies, which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs, thus • increasing that debiiity which lies at the root of the iiialady, modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy. CROSBY S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. DR. ROOKE'S TESTIMONIAL. Dr. ROOKE, Scarborough, Author of the" Anti. Lancet," says:—"I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain,and irritation of the Chest, in cases of Pulmonary Consumption; and I can, with the greatest confidence recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease. CROSBY'S" BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. CLERGYMEN, SINGERS, and PUBLIC SPF.AKF.RS will find it the most effectual safeguard against Horseness, Chronic Bronchitis, and all "affec- tions of the vocal organs. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC cCOUGH ELIXIR. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. To those who arc suffering under this malady the medicine will be found of inestimable ser- vice, as it almost instantly relieves the most distressing Cough, Pain in the Chest, difficulty of Breathing, &c. For the Night Sweats, so fearfully weakening in this disease, it acts as a specific, invariably checking them in the course of a few- days. ROSBY'S BALSAillIC COUGH c ELIXIR. This medicine, which is free from opium and squills, not only allays the local irritation, but improves digestion, and strengthens the consti- tution. Hence it is used with the most signal success in ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION COUGHS and COLDS INFLUENZA I CONSUMPTIVE NIGHT SWEATS. DIFFICULTY of BREATH. ING PAIN IN THE CHEST, WINTER COUGH And all Affections of the Throat and Chest. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. Is sold in Bottles at Is 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s each, by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and wholesale by JAMES >1. CROSBY, Chemist, Scarborough. C'TROSBY S BALSAMIC COUGH J ELIXIR Ask your Chemist for the New Edition (Gratis) of Crosby's Prize Treatise on Diseases of the Lungs and Air Vessels," containing full and plain instructions for the relief and cure of these Diseases, or Post Free from JAMES M. CROSBY, Chemist, Scarborough. CIROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH J ELIXIR. 9024 49418 Is sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. lIusí1U.5S Ãbbrtssts. mHE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE X WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES FOR MOULDINGS, GLASS, BACKBOARDS, OLEO- GRAPHS, PRINTS, &c., is at J. EPSTEIN'S, 33, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL PICTURE AND SHOW-CARD FRAME MANUFACTURER. TRADE PRICE LIST SENT FREE ON APPLICATION _T Country Orders Punctually Attended to. N.B.—SHOW CARDS, PICTURES, <ftc, FRAMED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 10097 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. To HER MAJESTY, by Special Warrant, dated 27th Dec., 1865. To the PRINCE OF WALES, by Special Warrant, dated lOtb Feb., 1S66. D A Y, s ON, & HEWITT, Inventors and Proprietors of the" ORIGIN AL" s TOCKBREDE ERS' MEDICINE c HESTI FOR ALL DISORDERS IN HORSES, CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, AND LAMBS. This matchless Chest contains all that a Farmer can require to keep his Stock free from disease, and in fine healthy condition, viz. :— DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S "CHEMICAL EXTRACT" prevents Paining and Heaving in Bad Lambing, Cures Swollen and Broken Udders in Ewes and Cows, and all Gangrenous Wounds, Cuts, and Sores in all Animals. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S "GASEOUS FLUID" stops Internal Pains, Colic, Scour, or Diarrhoea Debility, Colds, Shivering Fits, and Great Exhaustion in Horses, Oxen, Calves, Sheep, and Lambs, imparting rare Strength, Vigour, and Appetite. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S RED DBEXOH," the almost marvellous Cleansing Drench, is of immense value in checking all Feverish Symptoms after Calring and Lambing, rendering the milk of the Cow and Ewe copious, pure, and wholesome for the offspring. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S "BRON- CHOLINE," for Husk and Hoose in Sheep and Calves. It enters the blood, and impregnates it with a pungent gaseous odour, destructive to the Worm or parasite in the Windpipe and Lungs. r DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S "RED PASTE BALLS" for Mares after Foaling, being a great purifier of the milk for the colt; it scatters and destroys all Humours and Feverish symptoms in Horses, and is just the remedy to restore the appetite, and im- part a mole-like condition. I DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S "GASEO- DYNE," "CARMINATIVE CHALK. &c., are contained in these Chests. Price of Che-st complete, including KEY TO FAR- RIF.RY," £ 2 16s 6d. Carriage paid. Any article can be had separately. These important inventions have stood the test of time, and are the Farmers' True Friend and Guide in all Cattle Diseases. CAUTION.—Beware of Ijow-jyriccd Imitations, and see that the name of DAY, SON & HEWITT is on all bottles and packets. DAY, SON & HEWITT, 22, DORSET-STREET, BAKER-STREET, LONDON, W., AND WANTAGE, BERKS. ESTABLISHED 1834. 10038 POSTAL DELIVERY OF XRIK SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS beg to announce that by a special concession of the Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their First Edition each morning by the Mails leaving Cardiff at 2.30 a.m. and 3.45 a.m. Country Subscribers vesidii: within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, As weH as those portions of BRECONSHIRE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar amd Rhyinney Valley Postal Districts, may now have the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at their resi- dences daily by the same post as that which conveys their London letters. The SECOND EDITION of the SOI-TH WALES DAILY NEWS is forwarded, prepaid, to residents of the follow- ing and all other places within the Cardiff Postal District in time for the first morning delivery :— St. Bagan s Pencoed S Brides-sup. Ely St. Nicholas Bonvilstone Peterstone Llandaff Radyr Morganstown Melingrifiith Pentyrch St. Andrew's Sully Courtvralla Dinas Powis Cadoxton Cadoxton Barry Caerphilly Bed was Ystrad Mynacli Pwllvpant St. Mellon's Cefu Mably Michaelstn-leVedw Castletown Marshtteld Penarth Llandougli Lisvane IJanishen Whitchurch Taff's Well Tongwyn'ais Walnut Tree Bridge London and West of England subscribers receive their papers on the afternoon of publication. PER QUARTER, POST-FREE .099 PER HALF-YEAR 0 19 6 I PER YEAR 1 19 0 SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS OFFICES, i 75 and 76, St. Maw-street, Cardiff. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS are now recognised by all as being the best Medi- cine yet discovered for PILE and GRAVEL, as well as for the following pains, which, in 99 cases out of every 100, are caused by these painful maladies Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense of Weight in the Back and Loins, Darting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver, and Kfdnevs Constipation, Pains in the Thighs, some- times shooting down to the calf of the Leg and Foot Hllpression and Retention of Urizie Pains in the Stomach, and all Liver Complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who have been pronounced hopeless have been tho- roughly restored to health by their use. One Box will convince the most sceptical of their efficacv. In order to suit all who may be suffering from ONE or BOTH of these Maladies, the Proprietor prepares this egetable Remedy in the following form No. 1.— GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS No. 2.-GEORGK GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3.—GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids, from all parts of the country, will be for- warded to any address on receipt of a stamped envolope. Sold in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists. By Post, Is 4d and 3s in Postage Stamps. Every box is protected by the Government Stamp. [ NOTICE.—The title "PILE and GRAVEL PILLS," is Copyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor—J. E. GEORGE, M.R P.S., Hirwain, Glamorgan. May be had Wholesale from most Patent Medicine Warehouses in Loudon, Bristol, Liverpool a.nd Man Chester 4979—3268 w OP.TH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHAM'S PILLS ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A BOX for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meal- dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat' loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy' blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams' and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fic- tion, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For aweak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few dozen will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They streng- then the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FAC IrS admitted by thousands,embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the ner- vous and debilitated is. BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and op- pression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense of oppres- sion and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTIIDN-The public are requested to notice that the words BEECHAM'S PILLS, St Helen's," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not oil, they are a forgery. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St Helen's, I Lanca- shire, in boxes at Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 36 stamps.— Sold by all Chen\i*U and Patent Medicine Dealers. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 9?79 "DETTER TO BE BORN LUCKY THAN RICH.—J. THOMPSON, 34, High-street, Swansea, has discovered a new remedy in the extract of Burdock for all diseases of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kid- neys. Thousands of cures have been effected by the power of these wonderful Pills after all other medicines have completely failed-a proof that foulness of the blood is the sole cause of every disease, as well as the J life of every living creature. Therefore, at the spring S.i i iv! eir' during the hot weather, the Great Blood Purifier, THOMPSON S BURDOCK PILLS, should be freely taken, as they purify the foulest state of the blood. A few doses cleanse and strengthen the sto niacli, regulate the bowels, and remove all diseases of the liver and kidneys. Pains in the head, and all de- rangements of the nervous system, are speedily and effectually cured by the same extraordinary medicine. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, in j boxes Is ljd and 2s 9d each. 3120 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional gravel, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes 4s 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties' Drug Company, (late F. J. Clarke), Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons. London and all the wholesale houses » — j fBasittisg jlftbrftBsgs. EATH AND SONS, (FROM BROADWOOD'S, LONDON), THE ONLY PRACTICAL PIANOFORTE MAKERS IN SOUTH WALES. WORN PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, THOROUQHLY REPAIRED AND REGULATED. The Tone and Tonph made equal to New, from 9431 TWO GUINEAS. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. COLLIERY STORES. -Qutlt.ations given for all kinds of Iron, Ironwork, and Tools foi Collieries, Railways, <tc. Bar Iron, Kails, Chairs, Switches, Wheeling Plates, Picks, Hammers, Anvils, Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets Cast and Wrought Iron Water lanks, fencing, Iron and Brass Codes and Valves, cast-iron Hange and Socket Pipe*. \V, ought-iron Tubes for gas, steam, water, and ventilating purposes, gal- vanized, enamelled, or oxidised by Professor Barft's rustless process.—SPENCER &- CO.. 13, Temple-street. Birmingham. 225 IF YOU WANT SPECTACLES, SESD TO THATCHER, OPTICIAN, DOCKS, CARDIFF. NO PAINS SPARED. PERFECT VISION GUARANTED. PEBBLESFROM 5s. EACH. 53974 THATCHERS SIGHT TEST. Sights, Fear God, Honour the Kiny 36 to 48 To Tllyelf be True 30 or36 USF. THATCHRR'S PEC20to3C G M X O V T B Y I5#o20 cwJU 8 »,:» I C K Place this test about 14 inches from the eyes. Note the smallest type you can see clearly without spectacles. The corresponding iium- her is your sight. 9907 X> ECKITT S PARIS BLUE. Ilas the largest sale in the world. 51792 T) ECKITTS PARIS BLUE. __e R^ckitcV name 011 when you buy it. X> ECKITT S PARIS BLUE. *■' GtVM, a snon y w hiteness to I if en Y> ECKITT S PARIS BLUE. "———— Absolutely lion-injurious to linen. 9521 IMPORTANT N OFYTTE. *T> ,• v. FEKE TO Pr- oust Pubhshed, a gratuitous Edition of a New nd A &lu?Jile Work, eut, tied, A &lu?Jile Work, ent tied HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH or' T1JE < ONF1- DEMTAL FRIEND. Sent posi, free to all address on receipt of One Penny t ,J>' letter post three stamps Ihi:, Book should be lvau by every one, vouna or ohl of either sex. It tt HOW TO AVOll) filSKAKE, HOW TO UEGAIX !!HAL-i-n. HEALTH A SOCIA1 Being a Treatise on ths JJIWS Governing Life—the infringement of which is the cause < f all diseases, Nervousness, Debility, and all their concoiui- tail .Sylnl)tollls explained, a?id full instructions given for every-sufferer, how to obtain restoration to health This Valuable Work (112 pages) gives PR ESCR1 PHONS IX PLAIN ENGLISH, with full I-NI,"f for tlieir preparation and use. Contains special Remarks oil Riieliiilatislil. Sciatica, Gout. Ncurakia, Kniiensv Palpitat-ion of the Heart, Hvj-icvia. ol Energy, Mental and Physical D.j,region and ail dis- eases of the Nervous and'Alimentarv Svstcm Also, adesei-il,tinc and Disorders peculiar to ih, f, :lifl:f s;.x bv the same Author, entitkc1, THE FEMALE'S FIUEXD AN]) ADVISER, whÎl'h wi] Jhe sent GRATIS co any address ou KR. S1AMPED ENVELOPE. Address, Mesa* 1>AHNand Co., 43, LoiiMla'e Sonars. Burn^burv, London, X. IMPORTANT TO INVALID?.— Con :.U a qualified and Registered Physician personalis", between 11 <% 1 o'clock daily. Consultation by letter free. A I.T. WHO N MJ) ADVICE ON MATTERS OF HEALTH, if unable to haye a personal interview, should at once "Lrt fnl' par- ticulars of the case by letter, enclosing a stamped Ad- dressed Envelope for reply this v ill receive inimod• ato answer, with advice and full instructions how to obtain a perfect cure. Hundreds of lives have he on saved, and health fully restored, by correspondence only.—Address Messrs BARNES and Co., 48, Lonsdale Square, Brvns bury, London, N. ..323;) nUPTVRES-BY ROYAr, LETTERS PATENT. BROU'S INJECTION. — HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PRESF.RVAT1 VE. Cures promptly, without additional means, all re cert or chronic discharges of the urinary ore&us. Price Is 6d per bottle. old in Paris by J. Ferre to \° £ Rue fc^elien in London by >\ ILCOX and CO., 336, Oxford-street, W., who will forward it carriage paid to any T.-mi in the Veiled Kingdom on receipt of P.O.O. Xil,, bv all Chemists 10032 56151 ts NEW EXPRESS TRAINS BETWEEN CESTEE, BIRMINGHAM-v" MANCHESTER LIVERPOOL, AND THE NORTH, MIDLAND RAILWAY IMPROVED THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN C\R- DIFF ANn THE -MIDLAND COUNTIES, NORTH OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Third Class Penny;<?>• Mile by all Trains Oil the Midland llaihiyiii. M.R-H, 1882. UP TKAI.NS Wkkk DA VS. a ft a a a r 1-.V 1 la' nl' p- P- m-'a" ,r- a- ,n 's- >"• a. in. Edmburga(W av-; <Sf-: ,25S2°! -i «« Enoch) dep., 5 0 9 15, 'ij i,, Blackburn' "J £ 5 55U 12| HmWersheid „ .5 9 28 10 251 6 0 8 1011 57 2 0 Wakefield" g 10 1711 17 7 25 9 5; ] 0 3 0 Lancaster 6 l!i 53 Bradford. „ S 10 35 1 55, 7 60; C 15 12 20 4' 5 j £ cds. » « u 30 2 25 8 20 8 5012 50' 4 35 Barnsley „ -c 8 55 7 35! 9 15' 1 lb 4 5 Newcastle „ 5 7 8 11 10 1 42| ilO 5 1 4;i Sunderland „ £ 6 40 10 45' 9 35 1 30 Durham 7 35 13 35; f 10 32' 2 II Darlington.. „ = 8 18 12 12, 2 35j 11 10 2 17 Stockton. „ g 7 40, .I 10 45' 2 26 Scarbovo 70 '"not 97 M '• .5 I 38; l'io: 7*30} jl2 35 4 16 S, «• > ,§ f?' 6 50 11 60 3 15 Sheftie d „ £ 12 34, 4 25 9 25ll0 10 2 27 5 52 L pool (Mid-Cen-! t* tra! Station),, 2 ilO 35! 9 0^12 10 4 h Mnchstr, Central; 11 30, 8 33 9 &0 I 0 4 50 (IjOndonRoad), 11 301 9 50 1 0 4 SO Lincoln 8 10! 7' V 0 451 1 30 \$ Newark 8 36. 9 o'lO 22 2 I1 I 57 Nottingham (11 43' 9 5OII 0 Sf ft is » 12 35; 1 451 6 45 10 32 11 40 3 40 7 0 Burton 12 58. 2 6 7 10' 9 911 VV j o! 7 oa Tamwortli „ 1 18j 2 25| 7 43 9 3411 29^ 4 21) 7 43 Yarmouth 3 45. Q TO IN Norwich 4 40' .I 5011 16 Cambridge.. „ 5 55 ..17 50jn 30 2 5 Peterboro 7 8 5011 55 4 30 Leicester— ;11 22 8 Wll 25l 2 551 b 55 Birmingham b (New-street) „ 2 45; 2 451 8 4011 15I12 40! 4 40' 8 15 W orcester „ o 43; 4 4 9 45'll 29, 1 511 5 57 9 30 Gloucester arr.J 4 36 4 53 10 4212 551 2 4l| 6 50;10 30 Gloucester..depJ 6 0 dT s T 40;X45'T4512~50 Chepstow.arr. 6 56 (12 20 2 27!, 4 55 8 52; 1 40 New'port „ 7 28 1 5 2 52' 5 32 9 30 2 8 Cardiff.. :„ 7 53 1 35 3 14 6 0 9 57 2 33 a.m. p.m.i p.m. p.m.! p.m.! a.m. K E T K F E • „ a.m. a.m.; a.m.' p.m.i p.m. p.m.1 p.m. Cardiff dep. 6 0 7 10! 9 40 12 45 12 15 4 Oi 6 10 Newport. „ 6 20 7 38(10 6 1 6 1 25 4 26 6 33 Chepstow 6 47 8 2010 47 1 35 2 12 5 12! 7 b Gloucester arr.j 7 32; 9 25<11 55 2 20^ 3 20 6 20) 7 55 Gloucester..dep. 7 43|lT30 12 35: 2 35i 3 40~ 6~45i 8 23 Worcester ..arr. 9 2(12 20 1 44 3 22 5 25 8 9i 9 16 Birmingham (New-street) „ 10 401 1 25! 2 53' 4 35| 5 40' 9 48-10 18 Leicester 12 24 3 20i 4 10 5 62 8 12' 1 44 Peterboro' 2 34 6 43 10 25' Cambridge.. „ 4 30 9 23 12 55' JSorwich 6 20 2 ol Yarmouth 7 0 .1 3 o1 Tamwortli „ 11 49 1 55| 5 i3] 7 8' 1160 Burton „ 12 10 2 20! 5 34 7 30! 11 22 Derby „ 12 32 2 45 3 36 6 0| 6 20 11 45 Nottingham. 1 7 3 26 4 17 6 54 7 22 1 25 Newark 2 39 5 10 9 25' 4 30 Lincoln 3 16, 5 53, 9 56; 5 0 Mnchster, Cntral 2 45| 4 50 5 36] 8 15 8 15: 2 0 ,.(London Road) 2 45 4 50 J 8 15i 8 15i L'pool (Mid-Cen- t-ral Station) 3 40 5 451 6 25 9 5 9 5i 6 5 Sheffield „ 1 50 4 8; 4 43| 7 45; 7 45! 12 43 Hull 3 55; 6 33;11 10,11 lOj 4 32 J01* £$5 53' 9 25 9 251 3 36 Scarboro' 5 20 7 15i 7 25 Stockton. 5 36! 8 1011 Sllll'bll 6 1a Darlington „ 4 16| 8 3 11 26 11 26, 4 44 Durham. „ 4 50: 8 39.12 012 0 5 27 Sunderland.. „ 5 30) 9 2012*35 12*35 6 20 Newcastle.. „ 5 14; 9 7112 25 12 25' 5 58 Barnsley „ 3 48 5 01 5 43! 8 37 8 37] Leeds 3 20, 5 22 6 0' 9 0 9 0 1 40 Bradford 4 12i 6 0 6 30| 9 48 9 48 2 45 Lancaster 7 17i 9 10 9 10; 8 53 Wakefield „ 3 57i 5 10; 6 8| 8 55 8 55 6 43 Huddersfield „ 5 5 6 291 7 5 10 0,10 01 6 48 Halifax „ 5 10| 6 35; 7 28 10 40 10 40, 7 0 Rochdale „ 6 56j 7 71 8 21 11 13;11 131 8 0 Blackburn 6 18j 9 47 j 8 54 Carlisle 6 5| 4 50 Glasgow (St. Enoch) 8 55 7 4$ Carlisle 6 5| j 4 50 Glasgow (St. Enoch) 8 55 7 4$ Edinburgh (Waverley) 8 40j 7 4c p.m., , p.m. p.m. p.m.i a.m. THlftD-CLASS PASSENGERS ARE CONVEYED AS FOLLOWS No connection to Sunderland on Sundays. A- class from Midland and North-Eastern r> Sk^itois shown to Chepstow, Newport, and Cardiff. J? ,1 "is train does nc)t run 011 Monday mornings. E.-Tliir(I class from Cardiff, Nowport, aud Chepstow to Midland and North-Eastera Stations shown. F.-Third class from Cardiff, Newport, and Clwpsto" to Midlaud Stations shown. r. A Third class Train leaves Birmingham at 5.20 p.m., and Worcester at 6.50 p.m., arriving at Gloucester at 8.5, Chepstow 9.45, Newport 9.47, and Cardiff at 10.8 p.m. PASSENGERS DESIROUS OF TRAVELLING BY THIS ROUTE From Cardiff, Newport, ami Chepstow are particularly requested to ask for Ticke s to travel via "Gloucester and the Midland Railw ay. 10633 John NOBLE. General Manag»