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PREPAID TARIFF! II): SMALL .AIrY i:rTI8EJIETt{ SOUTH WAM-JS DAILY B'OROS. One Three j Six & 0..C'J :U Iu: rtioa. 'Insertion*. 'Insertions Cardiff [ I I T.iaes. I 3. (Ll: d. | g. d. j 3. d. 0 i 1 6 T 2 0 87 Words j 0 "J j 1 6 j 2 3 3 0 SS Wonb I 1 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 0 45 Words 1 3 ) 2 3 ) I 5 u 5!\ ords j 1 G j 3 0 4 G 6 0 Siaehextr-j I „ lbe »f I 0 3 0 6 0 9 1 0 _y Words) [ 1 Tliase charges apply only to the classes of advertiso- Incnt. specified below, and atC strictly co.iilr.cd to those "lkb .tn:ered fer COSSSCUTIVE in$Crtun, :od PA:d 1"0: RRRVH>u3 To J"sr.¡¡1"10:f if either of the^E ccndikou-i i" not compt.e,1 with. Lùe a4Îvertisemoot will be charged U). the BI1"jne:;s seal. :— A;-A:STWii.ViS WASTW. I KOCSSS TO BB LR. .A. "a :4!C'iTS TO LIlT. MtfSKT Vi Ao'iT "D. ART-CUBS L' ST. Mo.w TO Lsxa. AP.T1CLK3 FCLSD. i MI"C;:LL.\5¡"ea V.rAST8» BrSI.NRSSSSS poll DtWOSAL. MiSCTLLASEOUS SALES. Bvsivs^sss Wisrxo. PARiKERsnn-s WANTS». IJOCSES TO Lzr. SITUATIONS WASTTtD. BotRKS WASTKB. SiTUATWHM WAXTRD. l'crsoas all.oWE:r1n A,¡vcrtise¡¡:enti! iu the South Wales Daily S e:¡, are requested to attend to the following ex- planations Address to iu jt::1.i»J (or lluwber) :t the Office Ille3.nS that application be by leiter only, ùireeted to the initial or number at c Dully A oihco (:ô .d. B. C., or No 123, Daily Setcs G'fSce). Apply ui tho Daily .el¡; Office" means t.h;¡,t personal application, must w mace at the Daily .v eics Office, where the addre s of tie Adveitiser will bo given. Persons answering AdveitLevents ac strongly ad .isec. not. to seud original teb1.iUJOllial", Lut coriss Persons seudin? Advertisements in Manuscript, may estimate the they wLl occupy by calculating Eight Words t:> a line, and twelve lines to an inch. Willie We; use our utmost eudeavvurs tl) iuæt Adver- tisements en the dates ordered, wc cannot guarantee that thi3 will be none. Great care is :lSO taken to secure the correct printing u( A.j .e: tisemeuta, but we cannot be esp(}(J3ib:c fur inaccuracies, or for any consequences wising therefrom. Cheques and I'ost-offico Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & bONS, 75 & 7S, ST. MARY-STHEET, CARDIFF. to whow all Business Communications shouid bo ad- r"se<.i. Letters containing NEWS or Literacy C01'Tr.r- 5!'ticn"> shouid be addressed •' TUB EDITCK, Scvth Wales 1.'aiiy A eic •, CAKD1FF." Advertisers are informed dial ari pteZai auc/iorr- ties iiaue rccaUly instructed postmasters not to deliver any letters addressed to initials, figures, ci- iiclitious names at the Post-office, but to se%d the same at once to the Dead Letter Office. Advertisers are therefore recommended to circ tkeir prop-.r name, or to select some other ad- dress for their letters. Letters trill be received for advertisers at our chief and district offices as heretofore. MTautt4. K NOWLEDGE for EITHER SEX.— £ 10 weekly surely and honestly made. Nothing to-sell. No capital •equired. Free for stamp.—Address Novelty Co., Eccles, Winchester. 4793 SERVANTS WANTING PLACES of any 0 description, and Householders requiring Servants, tumid advertise in the CARDIFF TULKS. L~ oTgTYg S and. APARTMENTS JLJ WANTED, or to be LET, should be advertised in iiie CARDIFF Tuies. fa £ et. ~t PEiliJROKiS-TliimACE 13 rooms, complere re- 1 pait*^ rem £ 10. —A; ply 'i0, Ci.ur h-str^et, Car- 6341 OFFICES- >» Oburch-atreet and St. Mary -8troo Apply 20, Church-street, Cardiff. 5342 HOUSES cr PRE.MISESTO be LET, sliouid bc advertised in the CARDIFF TIME. tfJf 'alt. no BE SULD, ti't„ i:u,;iucss and Plant of a Retail 1 Coal Dealer. Apply- to Coal, South Wales i ally News orlicc, Ca: dnr. 12)7 (CARDIFF. M'i^Ea t i SPIRIT VAULTS. Good trade. j Iiesfwctfthfe nei^ibourhooti. £ 1,100.— John Jenkins ù Co., n<h:it:-ch:i.'iibers, Car,tiff. 654-j ^AlSDIfF. — Sinyle-Lrcersed PU BLIC-HOCSE. In- JL. goiftg £ 120.—Apply to Joha .lenftlna and Co., l*Mih*nr.o»iie Cbanibcrs. aiar fMary->troet. &2:8 G KA.NGETOWN, CARDIFF. Full-licensed PUELIC- Ji tIOrS; ";00.1 trade; poptslatiou lan-e and iiife-easing rapliily rent andjterir.s rea8cn;J.ble.ArpJy too) :,1C51C.. Jv!:i! Jenkins aad Co., Chamber's, Cardiff. 5320 I 00 Pnparior WrSDOW TICKETS, assortc i, 11 by 1t i- ches, post free 19 Sd. Sample for stamp. Mi. Vas-;eties, Ti-owbridjje. 5310 o CifYMIsTS. — Biuiir.ess for disposal in ccn- 1 seqaenoe úi proprietor's iJ1-c:¡¡th. App1y to w., ii. B:V!Ù-dtrœt, Blaeaavosi. 53! 1 Ii^OB ?ALE, a clei:chcr-bui!t i'tearn LAUNCH length Gn kJi, 24 feet; seata for 10 aft, with cabin forward t,} e 8, or 3 otmld jiecp in it, Tic Engine is vertical, Vect actir.g-, higli prestu.c, ibout 3-liorse power. #,r. verctcai tubu ar, tested to 200 lbs. SpeeÚ about •miles. Ail tfr. within the last twelvemonths. Price, 680.—Apply to J, Walsh, West Side, West Dock, Cardi- 533, HEAP FOOD FOR POULTRY. — Com Samples, SwecjJil1:;s, £0, from 3s per bushel. Maize, £;riey, Whaat at low priees. Spratt's Meat Dog Biseuit. li.bert, 17, I.ardiff. 1543 The Greatest Neirelty of the Age. A PRINTING PkKSS forwarded for One Guinea.— Ay :0 tA inve»t«r and Patentee, E. Griffiths, rk-trin-piage, )ó{!yIAJlitt, 4475 A BERDBEN* OHANiTK MONUMENTS, from Carriage frwl laseriptioDs accurate ueaut-i- M. Pis •>s and pri,* ir» a Loggs. s«-c.pDor, Aberdeen. 52C0 n OTlSEs md PREMISES for SALE, JEm- siwald De- adrwrUscd in the CAr.otr? TruES. Q () l T H WALES PROPERTY J tiAZF/iTE,' s iUosTHLY REGiSTTia of ESTATES, ØocSES. Lasps, ins., w be La or Sold iu Mon- •tffuthstfire, M'cst oi En^'ifHid, iic. 1,0C0 Copies sent Monthly, po;;t-/ree, to the leadftij; inhabitants of V<"ales 8m!. jsertioris Free. Copies, post irae, from Messrs. Hss. Estate Ag-ents, Auctioneers, Ac., Staeonic Iloll Chambers, Caiditf 2444 \JT I L LI AM SANDER S T AUCTIONEER. ESTAIt AND INSURANCE AGENT, 28, ST. MARY-STRKr.T, CARDIFF. H»« tl» followiny MIOf'SllTXES ;or SALE :— ROATH. -Six htu c, in Pesrl-ftreet six in He en- Mreet, sixain Harold-street, seven jenteCT villa residences Gold street, and sl"x in Metal-8trset. CATHAYS.—Two houses in Ltll-street, and four villas is CANTON.—Two efijible sites of tiuildiag' laud, one 50 and the other £ 0 feet frontage, in Ccnvray-road. CSANGETOWN.—Cor»er shop in Bromsgrove-street, wner shop and eottaj# in Holmsdale-street, and six houses m Ludlow-street. houses m Ludlow-street. A lil>eral portiun of the purdt3.8e money can be had on Jtertgaje. App'y asabcyc. 126 25 Ittsnm#. PROVIDE AiiAU^T ACCIDENTS bv f JL taki a FoUcy of the • £ AI .f fAbSESCEHS' ^VSSURANCE COMPANY e UWM8ftd Lar""e-=" Accidental Assurance Com pan v" I OaD BtNSAMD, Chahraan, •UIBC.UEED CAPrPAL, £ 1 .300,000 ASNUA1- INCOfifi. £ ,210,000. A SMi *nfc iQ oi Death by Acejdent, and a Weekly AUOWMWB in the event of Injury, may oe securcd at •odwaigpjM^uma. Donas aflov.ed to Insurers of five ACCIDENTS OCCUR DAILY! 43,33Me0, Ohas hjeu paid as COIU'&N3.PION. r.1hP. Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or (H, CORNHILL, LONDON. 3 WILLIAM J. YIAN, Secretary. A^ent-W. Willans, 11, Henry-street, Bute Docks. SjUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDO O ESTADLISHED 1710. iLENRY F. SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq., Chairman and Treasurer. FRANCIS B. RKLTON, Esq., Secretary. Total sum insured in 1877, £254,303,817. Claims paid during the last Ten years, upwards at TWO MILLIONS STERLING. All hifbrmation respecting1 Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the undermentioned Agents of the Society. AGENTS Cardiff Mr Peter Price, 3, Crock. herbtown n Mr Charles Cross „ MrJ. Jenkins, Philharmonic Chambers, St Mary- street. Cardiff Dock Mr LreJerick W. Thomas i, Edward placc. Aberavon .lir David R. Jones Aberdare S r. William WiiSams Aberkenfisr Mr William Lewis Blackwood Mr John P. Rees Baenavon, near Pontyp.K>1 }Ir Stephen B:1,rwell Bridgend Mr William Gladdish Brynmawr Mr G. V; Wa.1ters Cowbridge Mr John Parsons J CHckhOwell Mr "William Lewis Ebbw Yale Mr Tfcos. G. Powell Fern dale, near !'uuty!>ri<1ù. Mr Joseph J. Thomas Hirwain, (Abjrdare) Mr Geo. T. Tuckiield Llandag Mr John Howe Maesteg .fr David Davie3 Mertayr Tydfil Mr Price Mountain Aah Mr George H. White Mumbles Mr James Orrin Neath Mr Charles OW I'ontardawo Mr David Smith Pontypridd Mr Wi11iaru Merchant St. Clears Mr Edwin Price Swansea ^r William Edmond, 23, Gower-itreet Mr Frederick Tucker, West of Ensrland Bank rrodegar Mr Martin Harrby Ystalyfera Mr John Rses 81164 5073 BENSON'S CAPCTNE POROUS PL iS i fclF-S. Rheum 1 tj unliw me for Is bour or pleasure. > Neoralcia ahro>t maddens me." 1 "My sciatica keeps 1,10 indoors." j *• Sodh pain la my skia." II 1 back fairly aches." Such 1U1 f clinfr nn my chest." j T118S8 ARE ExchJiXA.-r.0S3 •VTOW, WHY WILL YOU SUFFER, Jl. 1 when you can obfc.in in:mediate relief and a quicif •uro by prr>cui inir BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLAISTER. It is the most wonde: ful rerotdy ever invented fcr the prompt alleviation of pain. They positively cure KHEU- faATKM, SCIATICA NK! HAi.C. 1 A, PLEUKIhY, LUMBAGO, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, LAME BACK, j WEAK BACK, KlUNf.Y AFFECTIONS, STIFFNEfcd Ol THE MUSCl.E,; AND JOINTS, LAMENESS, ( WEAKNESS, CltlCli. in THE LACK, and all severe tci ies and Paias. They were endertcd by the Medical Jurors of the Can- k .nial Exhibition as a su;<erior local remedy. Physicians »nd Chemiste are pleaseo t > recommend them as a gre-.t improvement (11 ti.e slo.v net-on of tiie o' cUnarv p ji^ns n'. 'iatcr or lin'ow: t- Wr ip;-sr» 2'vc I'ul! directions. !J- sareof salKtitatioriS imitations. T. cwor.l "Captir.e" €tt in every genr.ino p'uter. Cilicmist: cr S'^a y Johnson, 22, Led Lion-i^uare, V. C., supply them ^t A'i.'iT3 CARDIFF D. AN ilio:Y, S3, St. Mary-street. ::573 SWANSEA: IV. UJilFi I HIS. li. Wind-street. SJcOd public (inUrfziitiMiits. E T II r] AT HE BOY A L, ? WOOD-STitV-ET, CARDIFF. Lessee Mr. W. H. DAW toie Manager Mr E. Bi LiVKa Cn MONDAY >c:.s, Cctober 21st, 1S78, Special Giand Production of the great Scotch Operatic play, R O 13 ROY. FOR six /nnrrs ONLY. Rc-aooearani. cf the Emiaent Ajtor, M R II 'E X R Y L O R A I N E Magnificent «nd enti.e'y Ncvv Scenery by Mr Alfred Why ait. ttrikiug Mechanrcal Effects, by Mr F. Blackler. Appropriate Costumes, 1 v Mr .Sam May, of London. ALL THE BEAUTIFUL OiilGIv^AL MUSIC Will be rendered bv a thoroughly ta;neJ. CHORUS OF 30 YOiCrJS. UPWARDS OF 100 AL'lv! LIARIES. The entire pro Suction being in cxa.t icc >rilance with the version pe.'formed at ti.e The-stre Royul, Edinburgh, on Le 0cca=.iùl1 of tlL cott Centenary, lU lsTl. THE PASS OF LOCHARD, Rcpresented in the ful.-est d-t til, with A C.vTARACT OF UMAX, WATER. FRIDAY, BENEFI l OF MB. LORAINE, Doors open at 7. Co!:uneiice 7.S0. Pricca—DieiS-circ'e, 5s; Stalls, 3s; Fit, Is Gallery, Cd. Second Price at O. Circles and Stall* only.- Private boxes at Mr Lewis, Duiie- trcet' No charge for booking. G058 appointments. Q A R"D~I^"F U N T"O N. LABOUR WANTED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.—That the Guardians of thj Cardiff Union will, at their meeting to be held on the 2nd November, 1S78, pncaa.l to Eiect a LABOUR SUPERINTENDENT for the Union Workhouse, Sa,lar\ £ 30 per annum, with b. ard, and washing. A knowledge of ga.dE>IIi, is i'1t3i"pcl1,aUe. Applications in candidates' own ban iwriting, with tes- timonials oi recent date, tv bo scn to me OÐ. or Defore 29th October, 1S78. By order, W. P. STEPHENSON, Clerk. Dated ICt'i October, guilcimg J>acieties. CARDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY. SUMS f.om £50 to £3.GOj ready to be LENT on Mortgage. SHARES MAY BE TAKEN AND DEPOSITS MADE DAILY. The present rate of interest on Deposit Is 4, per cent, 6 months' notice; 4 per cent, 4 months' notice per cent on J.eman<1. Prospectuses, Reports, and a'1 information may be ob- tained on application to trie undersigned, N.B. —TER.MS OF BORROWING reduced and RE- DEMPTIONS may be effected without loss— full discount being al owed under the new Rules. PETER PRICE, Secretary. Da.ted 3, Crockerhtown. Cardiif. A TLAS (OF BRISTOL) PERMANENT 1. BENEFir BUILDING SOCIETY. Head Office 3, Corn-street, opposite the Council House, Bristol. INVESTOBS receive LARGE PROFITS, together with PERFECT SECURITY. HOLD or LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Prospectuses and full particulars on application to the secretary, at the Head-office or to tie local t- MR W. P. ANNEAR, 14, MOUNT STUART SQ-CARE, DOCKS. CARDIFF. 39155 HY PAY RENT1 GLAMORGAN BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, CASHHFF. Established 18. OmcD-19. QUEEJMSTRBET. Heney W3Y8 rearly to be advanced on security 01 Houses or Land, repayable by easy instalments, which in- clude interest and principal. The payment for an advance of £60 is 53 per fortnight; 7s 6d £150, 12s 6d £.300, 25s. &c. The principal may be paid off at any time at 30 daysr notice. E.?ry information with the Eleventh Annual Report, Prospectus, ic., may be had at 19, Q*een-street, on ap» plication to 3C534 MR. R. EMERY, Secretary. PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT IN- jL VESTMENT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED I860. INCORPORATED MARCH, 1876. OmCP.8-28, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. The Oldest, Largest, and most Equitable Society in the District. "total Income of Society since formation £330,¡)41 Os 7d 2B 3d Income for She year 1S77 .£(:8,82 lis 3d Amount of Bonus 18b 3d Amount remaining as Reserve Fund £ 1,142 ll3 9d The Oinees are open nAILY for the issue of NFlW SHARES and Receipt of DEPOSITS, bearing interest at 5 per jent per annum, payable half j-enrlv. W M. SAN V L R3, 18.128 l' Managing Secretary. "t>iliSlvL, WEST Oi" ENGLAND, U ASD SOUTH WALES PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, 7, ST. STEPHEN-STREET, BRISTOL. [ESTABLISUKD 1850.] ^1 A 4"KREADY to be advanced on Mort- 3^ ga^cs in small or large Sums. Nù Entrance Fees, SOCIETY PAYS SURVEY ANI) LEGAL CHARGES. Repayments unusually low. IN WALES APPL" TO Messrs. W. H. WILL LAMS & CO., Albert C:1rùiff. or to Mr H. R. EVANS. 12, -t Do" -ctrcci, 1, or to .vii J. J. EVANS, C. ii., Troorky or to Rev. H. W. HUGHES, Pcnygraig or to Rev. WM. JONES. Peutre. 39042. 5874 gubUati .aits. ZADKIEL'S ALM.iNAOK for 1870 now rC:J.<r.- Year lit Troubles Vuice of the Sta.rs- WO.ither Predictions, Hierogiyphic, &c. Zadkiel fore- told Wai i:1 Turkey, Yellow-fever in America. Troubles In Indh. &e. CirculaLm over 100,000. London Cousins and Co, 3, York-street, Covent Garden, W.U. 6057 XT E W NOVEL ETTE. JJl A Complete Novelette, by the Author of OLD MOSET," LOVB TfST," "BACK TO •nia OLD IIlmj," &c, is published in "\TO. 18 of the FAMILY HERALD SUP- 1 PLEMENTS, price O.e Penny, post free Three Halipeuny Stamps, entitled A DARK INHERITANCE. The Saturday Review snys of the Family Herald :"— IU novels and tales ace quite as well wriu as the beat circulating library stories." ——— [,o;:d W. STEVL.SS, 421, St.arid and at aU Newsven- dora an t Bookstalls. 6032 UNIVERSAL MUSIC," TWOPENCE EACH. Catalogues may bo had on application to COOPER, OOUTTS, and CO., Sole Agents for Gla i.organshiro and Monmouthshire 34"3 PIANOFORl'E & MUSIC WAREHOUSE, "50, CROCKHEU-BTOWN, CARDIFF. CARDIFF SHIPPING AND MERCAN- TILE GAilETl'^ Published every Monday Morninsr. Price 158 per annum, or by post 21s. The CARDIFF SHIPPING AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE" contains a. complete record of the Shipping business of Cardiff, Swansea, ai d Newport, and the Bristol Channel, aud circulates among all the Merchants and Brokers of the Bristol Channel Ports, and generally throughout the various ports • f the United Kingdom. It is filed at Lloyd's, the Lombard, and moat of the Cha.mben"" Commerce, ami ia also sent to the leading Foreign Porta. CIIDr 0.11 and 78, Si. Mary-street, Cardiff. THE MATRIMONIAL NEWS, & Weekly Family Newspaper, publiehed every 8&- ^rday, price 3d., post free, 3^(1., enclosed as a letter, M-. has now been established seven years. Over 10,000 already married. 300 new candidates f**r Matrimony every week. All who wish to marry should read it. Published at 302, STRAND, LONDON, and may be had through any Newsagent. The trade supplied 011 sale or return 5751 POSTAL DELIVERY Oy nUl SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SouTn WALKS Daut NBWB b«M to annoanco that by a special concession of the PostsJ Authorit.cs they are enabled to despatch thiir First Edi- tiou each Morning by the Mails leading CartfifT at 2.31 a.m., and 3.4a Country Subscribers residing within tue limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PEMBROKESHIRE. CARDIGANSHIRE, As well as those poruons of CRECONSHIRE and MOlf. MOT.THSIHRE composed wit.']in the Tredegar and U-ymney Valley Postal Districts, may now hare tha So -Til W ALES DAILT Naws de-ivered at their resideoeoa •iaiiy by the some post as that which conveys their Loll- Jo Letters. The SECOND EDITION of the So T; WALES DAILT Nzww is ;r..varJe. prepa'd, to l1e::liûcuts ai, the following and -ther places within the Cardiff Postal District, in time I >r tho flr3t morllin delivery :— 1 Pagans Sully Michaelstoa«4e-Yed* ,'iMcoed Courtyralla Cbatletown IS ^ndes-sup.EIy D'nas Povvis Marshfieid .\icholas Cadoxtoa I'caarti 15 -rivlhtono Parry L-M.lough 1'e eis-one Ca rphiily j l.ia.ans f/audaff Ced«as L!:snwheo f/audaff Beù "-a3 I L!:snwheo liivr Ystra,tMymwh WhifchurcU r r^anstown l'xv!ly;r-,r.t Tata's We:! Meiingrlffith I St. Meilons TOOK w)n!a.Ï8 i\i tyrch Cefu Hably WainutTree Bridge J:rw3 I.ONCOS an 1'Wost of England subscribers recoive the; ¡apC;"3 011 the afternoon oi publication. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ps •. QuAarsi, POST-KRSB .099 PER \ear HI: 8 0 Hesidentj in CARDIFF and its Suburb* rec-u.-nij: their papirs by haad -.leliv :ry, and ox[ier!v-:t>:«fig any difficulty 11: obtaining their papers proH1¡>t!y and regularly, ara re -nested to conim'.micafcj with the Chief O/Hee, Cardiff. 1 Soc rn WALE3 I>.ut,y Nnws OKMCKS, 1j and 7o, St Mary-street, Ca..i.11.J. I BASS PALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS, MAY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF. 114 '1. i. -u' J- .J 1. oS.-J Tas EvlS7 Sight Reitored arm Six-ctacie.' no longer needed. A CURE 1.\>H THE BLIND. All Diseases of the Eyes Cured by the use of PATENT IVORY EYE CUPS. Weak Eyes, Dimness of Vision, Near Sight, Inflammation, Cat-net?, L-"is of SScr'it. Fo- partica'Ars, enclose addressed Stanped Envelope to J. Fietolier, Uittlimoad-viila, roi'tfieid, OMoMster, &a»6JU li, 1 (T^ectiou gcttce.i CARDIFF MUiS ICIPAL ELECTION, b78. TO THE BURGESSES OF THE WEST WARD. LADIES AND GENTLSMKS, Mr Thomas Cross having announced his intention of resigning his position in ctr Municipal Council, I have, at the requ.IST of many influential ratepayers, de. cided to orer as a Candld.ita for the vacant seat. Burn AND bred iu the) town, my principles, pr6f".ssjon, 2L-<Î prattices are necessarily well-luiown to my fellow townsmen. I need not say tat, in the e\ nt of my being elected, I SIKVIL do the Lest I can to serve yvu faithfully. Hoping 1 may be honoured with your conSdsnce and support, I remain. Ladies and Gentlemen. Yours respectfully, J. G. PROGER. Park-p'ace. 6017 39202 CARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 187S. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE WEST WARD. LANES ASD GEVTLKMSN, Tho ped >U for whieh you dici me the honour Gf electi¡¡6" me as one oi your rep: .,cutatlves at the Council Chamber expires on the 1st November next. I have endeavoured, in So spirit of independence, and with discretionary ztal and energy, to jealously wach over your ir1tere'st. To the reform of abuses and the promotion of im- provement my most earnest effort3 have been devoted. I therefore venture to hope t.h-.¡.t in the discharge of the duties of the position my conduct has been such as to merit your approval ami renewed confidence. Shouid you again honour me with your confidence, my st energics shah be un.irin.ly exerted in ihe pro- motion and furtherance of tho best interests and welfaie of this important tDwu. I am, Ladles and Gentlemen, Yours obediently, T. W. JACOBS. 12. Bridge-street, Cardiff, November, 1878. 89309-0061 SWANSEA MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1S78. TO THE BURGES3E3 OF THE EAST WARD. LilIES AND GENTLEMEN,— Haying represented yon in the Council for a period of nine years, I beg to inform you that it is iny desire TI continue to serve you, if you still think fl. w honour me with your confidence. Du. infr that time I have always studied your interests to the best of my ability. Interested as lam in several important works, giving employment to Do lae number of workmen, you have.. safe guarantee that I shall in the future, as I have in the past, do all I can to promote your prosperty. Con scious that I have done all in my power to deserve I yoor confidence, I venture to hope that, notwithstanding the opposition which has been directed against me, you will once more favour me with your support on the 1st of November next. I remain, yours respectfully, MARCUS MOXHAM. Swansea, Oct. 4, 1878. -++- ubHt [totittS. WHO WILL HAVE AN AMERICAN ORGAN 24 GUINEAS FOR SIXPENCE! ONE HUNDRED PRIZES, including the above First Prize. and the following useful and nluable articles, will be awarded to the winning numbers of THE GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES, AT SOAR SCHOOL-ROOM, YSTALYFERA, ON EASTER-MONDAY, 1879 £ s d 2.—Treadle Sewing Machine 7 10 0 Silver Watch 5 10 0 4.—Family Bible (handsomely bound) .350 5. —Table Musical Box S 3 0 6.-liair-seated Couch. 2 10 0 7.—Eight day Timepiece.0 2 10 0 8.—Field .-Pa.ir of Blankets .110 10.—Elegant Tea Service 1 15 0 11.—" Foxo's ook of Martyrs" (with numerou3 ¡Uœ;tra.tlOns) .100 12.0rgan Concertina. 0 10 6 For further particulars a.nd Tickets, apply to the Sec- retaries, Mr JNO. DA™, THE|Y6TAJYFENS or Mr MORGAN EV/JNS, F G^JL The Golden Kev, ) SWM3EA- TICKETS, SIXPENCE E.ACn. Agents wanteq everywhere. 34S20 The Annual Meeting of the Congregational Union of Eng- land aud Wales will take place at LIVERPOOL, Octo- ber 14t.h to 18th; and the Annual Meeting of the Fnited Kingdom AJliancc will take place at MAN- CHESTER, on Tujsday, October 22nd, and following days. ——— LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN JLJ RAILWAY. CHEAP EIGHT-DAY EXCURSION, at the usual faree, on MONDAYS, October 14th and 21st, 187to LIVER POOL. MANCHESTER, Shrewsbury. Warrington, Bir kenhead, Chester, Stockport, Crewe, lthyl, Abergele, ml Denbigh. Times of From Starting. SWANSEA (Victoria Station) 9 40 PEMBROKE DOCK 750 Pembroke -• 7 :3 Tenby 8 CO Narberth 9 0 LLANDYSSIL 8 20 CARMARTHEN (T.S.) 10 15 Liandilo 7 18 Llandovery 748 Lianwrtvd Wells 8 18 Carth 8 31 B iiith Road 8 45 NEATH (N. and B. Railway) 8 0 BRECON 7 10 Talgarth 7 33 Three Cocks. 7 44 Builth 8 25 Llandrindod Wells 8 53 Passengers will be allowed to return any week-day up to and including the following Monday. Tickets and bills may be obtained of the booking clerks at the above Sta ions. BY ORRDER. Oct., ISiS. 6045 PUBLIC NOTICE. — To FARMERS, -α- HORSE DEALERS, &c. There will bo held at TRECASTLE, B11ECONSHIRE, OIl tho following dates, viz May 21st, August 14th. and October 14th (every yeur), a HORSE FAIR. in conjunc- tion with the Cattle Fairs Greedy established. The first Fair will be held on the 14th October, 1878. 5210 ANGLO-SOUTH AMERICAN AGENCY (Limited). SUB AGENCIES in the Argentine Confederation, Brzi1, ChiH, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Every description ofbusiness upon the prin- ciple of agency efficiently transacted. Consignments received and advances made. Goods anù parcels for- warded pes secured. For latest information reg&rd- ing the financed, climate, and local requirements of the above countries, apply at the offices, 14, Great Winchester- street, London. E.G. 5718 P. HAL E W O O D, BOOT, SHOE, & CLOG MANUFACTURER, STUART HALL, AND I 5, BRIDGE-STREET, 16, CANON-STREET, 5501 CARDIFF. ABERDARE. STATION ROW, YSTRAD AND PONTYPRIDD. WM. POWELL & CO., WHOLESALE TEA DEALERS, Have REMOVED from Angel-street to their New Premises, TELTTIL BUILDINGS. St. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF 6024—38196 t) OWATrS PETROLEUM LAMPS. PATENT SPLIT-WICK ANUCAPNIC BURNERS. WITHOUT CHIMNEY, WITHOUT SMOKE, WITHOUT SMELL. The New Split-Wick Arrangement increases the Capil- lary Attraction enormously, and thereby keeps a juU tfame till the last drop of oil is burned out. and it obvi- ates the necessity of filling the Lamp each time before being lighted. SPLIT-WICK SINGLE-FLAME BURNERS are made in Five Sizes, giving from 6 to 20 CANDLE LIGHT. The DUPLEX Registers 35 CANDLE LIGHT. These Facts ICe shall be glad to prove by the Photometer to anyone calling at either of OUT Showrooms. Tu be had of all Ironmongers, and Wholesale only of TIIOS. RO'IYATT & SONS, EDINBURGH AND LOx DON. 58,6- 34629 POSSESSING ALL THE PROPERTIES OF THE FINEST ARROWROOT. JJROWN & POLSON'S CORN JJLLOUR JL JT IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE OF 226 CONSTANT UTILITY. 41 NOTICE. — CHARLES RICHARDS, (formerly at Mr Thomas's. 3, Broad-street, Gun ind Piscoi Manufacturer) has REMOVED from H. St. Mary-street, to 23, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF, Where busi-ness will be carried on on and fterM ONDAY, Stptemler 16. ALL KINDS OF GLN IMPLEMENTS ON HAND. Hepairs pioxptly executed. Cartridges made to order at shortest notice. £ 809—39043 ( THOUSANDS can testify that I the I'LUKOPA -INFANTS' POW I-TT-. I n-moci DERS' arc safer and more active jNI' AJN 1 O than any yet introduced. For all ■{ di,jca.;es of Children they are invalu- able—They are free from OPIUM or POWDERS anvthing injurious to the youngest babe. Packets, Is IJd, by ail QQ1C7 I Chemists, or from the Maker, B. A. J VGBOEGE, Pentrs, Pontypridd. A PFLYSIUUVT? I I FT. A PFLYSIUUVT? I I FT. "TVTERVOUS DEBILITY. — HEALTH AND MANHOOL* RESTORED. A new Medical Work, srracls, addressed to Youth, Man- hoo and Old Ag-e, clearly showing the consequonces of youthful folly, and diseases arising from imprudeut In- dulgence with Hints and Remedies for speedy cure, by J. HAMILTON, M.D., N-Y., Wellington House. 7, Tavi- stock-streot, Bedford-oquarc, London, w.e C()14ul.u. letter free. fente mtrt Contr^rfs. GOROUGH OF CARDIFF. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The Council of the Bjrou^hare prepared to receive TENDERS for the erection of a NEW CATTLE SHED at C AN To N MAiiliiiT. Drawings, specifications, and conditions of the cou- tract may be at the ollices of Mr J. A. B. Williams, M. lust. C.E., Borough Engineer. Town-hall. 8ealed Tenders, endorsed according to the specifica- tion, to be delivered at my office not later than Ten o'clock on TUESDAY. the 20n i day of October, 1S78, The ClJundl do not Lind themselves to accept the lowest or tiny tender. By order, GEO. SALMON, Town Clerk, anl Clerk to Cardiff Urban Authority. Town-hall, Cardiff, 11th October, 1S78. GC46 LLANDAFF DISTRICT HIGHWAY JLJ BOARD. PARISH OF LIS VANE. Persons desirous of CONTRACTING for the Widening, Forming, and otherwise Improving the Cherry Orchnrd Road, ill the parish (If Lisvane, according to Flan and Specification, to be seer. on application t, me, at 4, L,wer Cathedral-road, Cardiff, are requested to send in Sealed Tenders, endorsed Cherry Orchard-road, Lis- v.ne," &. d addressed 11 Mr W. P. Stephenson, Clerk to the Ll:nda[f Highway Board, and tf) be delivered at the Union Workhouse, Cardiff, befoie One p.m., on SATUR- DAY, October 26th. Security "dll be required for the due performance thereof. The Board do not bind themselves to accept tbe Lowest or any Tender. By Order of the Board, WILLIAM PRICE, District Surveyor. Da.ted, October 10th, 1873. 6041 LANDAFF"DISTRICT HIGHWAY -i-J BOARD. PARISHES OF MICHAELSTONE-SUPER-ELY AND ST. FAGANS. Persons desirou-s of CONTRACTING for the Widening, Forming, anJ otherwise Iluproving the Drope-road, in the Pa.ri:3bea of Mictne!toue-super-Ely and St. ¡"ag-n3, according to Phn and Speciilcat;o!1s tv bc seen on appii- cation to me, at 4, Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff, are requested to send in Scaled Tenders, endorsed Drope- road, Iich&.c]¡¡tonc.;¡uper.Ejy and St. Fa.¡"r:1us," and addre.-sed to Mr W. P. Stephenson, Clerk to the Llan. daff Highway Board, and to be delivered at the Union Workhouse, Cardiff, before One p.m., on SATURDAY, October 26th. Security will be required for the due performance thereof. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. The" work wiJlnot be required to be carried DUt until the Spring of next year. By order of the Board, WILLIAM PRICE, District Surveyor. Dated October 10th, 1S78. 6040 (Mnatiflu. CARDIFF. RS S. J. DAVIES'S SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, will RE-OPEN on MONDAY, July 22nd, 181.3.29 Charles-street, Cardiff. 5674 LADIES' SCHOOL, HAIFFIOW HOUSE, DUMFRIES PLACE, CARDIFF. PBJCNCTPALS—TIIE MISSES MARKS, Assisted by English and French Professors and Resident Governesses. Pupils prepared for University and College of Preceptors Local Examinations. The Term commenced September 14th, 1878, till 243 SWANSEA. GLYN CERRIG SCHOOL, MUMBLES, SWANSEA. The Term commenced September 12th. Prospectus on application to Rev E. Griffiths. 5764 34390 ABERYSTWYTH. RS. GRIMLEY'S SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS, BRIGHTON HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH. MrsGrimley is assisted by Resident and Visiting Tutors. Classes in Drawing and Painting. Boys received at any time. Prospectuses on application. 5458 BEDFORD. FRENCH PROTESTANT COLLEGE, JL' BEDFORD. RIGEl CLASS EDUCATION FOR DAUGHTERS OF GENTLEMEN. The work of the whole College is tested annually by Examiners of the Oxford and Cambridge Examining Board. Since Midsummer, 1877, the College has won the following honours :—1 pupil has passed the Cambridge btghe: examinatiou ir woen, 1st class vith. honours; 1 has passed the senior Oxford I examination S the senior Cambridge local eX:J.111ma.tlOD, one In honourd with distinction ill French 13 have passed the junior Cam- bridge local examination, 3 in honours, < distinguished in French, 1 in Scripturo, 1 ill music; 4 passed the senior examination Trimty College of Music, London and ô the junior examination, 3 honours. For prospectuses apply to Madame la Directrice French Protestant College, Bedford. 6018 39131 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. GUSSAGE HOUSE, NEAR STROUD. (Briinscoinbe Station, G.W.R.)—In a. most beautiful and bracing but sheltered Sltt- -Hon, on a level with Minchin- hampton Common. PRINCIPAL J. SIBREE, ML A. (London), assisted by Two Resident and Four Vi,¡itin6 Masters. Preparation for the London and other Universities, and lor Professional and Mercantile pursuits. Special attention is given to the Modem Languages, to Chemistry, and to Drawing as required in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Thirteen pupils have matricu- lated in London directly from this Establishment (Three in Honours and Ninc in the First Class) and one at Trinity College, Cambridge and Two have graduated directly—one with High Scientific Honours (London), und whose name heads the Cambridge Natural Science Tripos List for IS74. Others have gained scholarships or distinc- tions at the School of Mines and the College of Surgeons, and Oxford1 Local Examinations. TWO-THUUJS annually pass the G-. vemmeat Schools of Science and Art Exam- inations. Terms (which are moderate) on application. Commencement of Second Term, Tuesday, April SO. 5157 BRIDGWATER, RIDGWATER COLLEGE SCHOOL, .D IONSDALE HOUSE. Principal and Head-Master—Rev WM. PARKES. Assistant Head-Master—F. F. THOMPSON, Esq. Exhibitioner of King's College, Aberdeen. French Master—MONSIEUR BOUKRECOND. Drawing Master—A. ELSWORTH, Esq. Music Master- R. GARTON, Esq., Organist of St John's, Bridgwater. Quarter began September 29th, 1878. Whilst those pupils destined for our Universities are instructed in ths Classics and Highet Mathematics, and those needing French, Spanish, er German have the aid of Foreign Masters, yet the fame of this School arises from ita thorough English and Commercial Course—as Penmanship, Good Reading, Rapid and Correct Arithmetical Calculation, Book-keeping, Land Survey- ing, Shorthand, English Composition and Grammar, In. cluding Letter-writing in puie English, free iroui loose grammar and bad spelling. This bran!;h:reœ:ve. specIal attention. Boys on leaving school often risk good ap- pointments from theIr imporfect letter-writing. Nme- teen out of every 20 failures in our Civil Service exami- nations come from this same (Ibfect. The Domestic Arrangements are under the immediate Supervision of Mrs Parke*. Food.—The best procurable, and liberal, Cricketfield, Playground, and GJ mnasium: Schoolrooms, spacious and airy. Baths and Dormi- tories so arranged a.nd supervised as to secure the con- stant health of the pupils. TEFMS, FROM 5 GUINEAS TO 71 GUINEAS PER QUARTER. A definite statement given, so that unexpected extras never appear. A Preparatory Department for Little Boy" Quarter began September 29th, 1878. Prospectuses on application. 4859 2C099 JJLURNITURE! FURNITURE I MESSRS. GOLDENSON & CO., UPHOLSTERERS & CABINET MAKERS, 78, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF (Next Door to the Free Library), ARB NOW OFFERING FURNITURE AT A GREAT REDUCTION. Oak or Mahogany Dining Room Suites, from £10 Oak or Mahoerany Dining Room Tables, screw action, £ 3 to £ 8 Mahogany Book Cases, complete, from.. £3 10s to £3 Walnut Drawing Room Suites, from £6 up to £40 Walnut Inlaid Tables, to j67 Easy Chairs, in Hair Seating, from C jEl 103 Couches, in Hair Seating, from j61 IS3 to £5 Easy Chairs, in test Cloth, from. 15s 6d Couches, in Cloth, from. £1 TAKE NOTICE. Qwe-s Chairs from 2s 8d each Kitchen Chairs from 3s each 4 by 3 Kitchen Tables, with drawers, turned legs, 11s Cd Kitchen Tables, 3ft square, one drawer, 9s; worth, 13s 6d Handsome 6J by 18 Gilt Pier Glasses, from Handsome 50 by 10 Pier Glass, from £4 10s 6029 39'05 J, DAY, 20, BUTE-STREET, CAR- DIFF, established 30 years. Has on o'Ter well selected Flour from the best m:1.kers. PUM Bread sold by weight. Good cake made daily, at 4d and 6d per Jb. Good Tea. witbout presents. A special sale day every Thursday of all stale goods, cleared out at a great reduc- tion, for ready money only. CO.15 F J. THOMPSON, BILL POSTER, JL' TOWN CRIER AND RENT COLLECTOR, THE GRAIG, PONTYPRIDD. Orders promptly executed on the moot reasonable Terms. RICKS, TILES, RIDGES, FLOORING JLF SQUARES. IMPORTANT TO CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS, CAHPENTEKS. J. G. PI FOLD is prepared to quote low prices (for cash) for the following goods loaded, either in vessels or railway trucks aa kinds ofpa.teut machine made briks solid or perforated, plain \11' omamellted single, double anù triple Roman roofhw tiles; single and double angn- lar pan or plain tiles; all kinds of plain and ornamenta ridges, red, dun, grey or glazed also 6, 0, or 12 inch squares red, black or grey socket or plain drain plpP.S; malt kiln tiles, pressed bricks, coping bricks. Goods guaranteed sound and of good colour. Price List, &c, apply to J. G. PINFOLD, ST. MARK'S ROAD, EASTON, BRISTOL. 6041 37, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. (OPPOSITE THE ROYAL HOTEL.) G. CARPENTER, BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER. Invites inspection of his NEW STOCK FOR THE SUMMER SEASON, COilTRISfiiG A SPLENDID VARIETY OF FASHIONABLE GOODS, t S253 OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE. Sl1 t 2ll.C,$ liy gUirtixm. SALE TO-MORROW ALLTLAES, PETERSTOXE-SUPER-ELY, GLAMORGANSHIRE. MESSRS STEPEENSON, ALEXAN- DER aud CO have been instructed to OFFER for SALE by PUBLIJ AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, the 19th day of October next, at Three o'clock precisely, the following lots of valuab e FREEHOLD LAND, with FARM HOUSE and OUTBUILDINGS: LOT 1.—Allt!ae3 FAlDI HOUSE, together with the Outbuildings, Garden and Yards adjoining, and also the throo closcs of Land, known as the Six Acres, by the house, and the three acres and the fie d on the north side of the road, numbered on the tithe map 172, 173, 175, and 1 £ 5, and containing altogether, according to a recent survey, 15a. Jr. 25p. or thereabouts. Lur .-All thuse two closes of LAND, numbered on the tithe map 171 and 174, and containing, by a recent snrvy, 13a. 2r. l:ip. or thereabouts. Lor 3.—Ail that Field or close of LAND, known as Ty Wittin, nu.ubjrea oi the tithe map 192, and contain- in according to a recent survey, 10.. 2r. 2p. or there. abouts. LOT 4.—All those two FIELDS, formerly called Cot- tings, numberoù on the tithe map 176, aud containing, by a recent survey, 20a. 2r. 34p. or thereabouts. LOT 5.—All those three FIELDS, numbered on the tithe map 163, 165, and 106, and containing, by a recent survey, :.a. 3r. 2p. or thereabouts. LOT O.—All that FnL:) and QUARRY, numbered on the tithe 182, containing a 3r 2Jp or thereabouts. Tho b,vc!¡j.l1d" are celebrated (1. being of the very highest quality, and they are well known in the di6triet fGr their richness an.1 feeding capacity. They are situated about ti* miles from Car diff, within a mile of Peterstone-station, from which a good road leads, and from the beautiful views wbich they command, anù their healthy situation, they wou]d form attractive building sites. Stone of the best quality for building and lime-burning i; tc be obtained on the property. Further particulars and plans and conditions of sale my be obtaiued from the Auctioneers and from Messrs Datton, Spencer, and Corb^tt, Solicitors, Cardiff; and from Messrs Griffith and Corbett, Solicitors, Cardiff. 5859 34767 34767 HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE AND UNRESERVED tjALE OF VERY EXCELLENT FAT AND STOltE TJCK. AT ABE RAMAN PAltK, NEAR ABERDAKE. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER and CO. are instructed by the Powell Dun'ryn Stcain Coal Co., Limited, to SELL by AUCTION, at Abcraman Park, Dear Aberdare, on MONDAY, 21st October next, commencing at Twelve o'clock, the fol- lowing very excelient FAT AND STORE STOCK, HORSES, PONIES, and MULES, Being the surplus Farming Stock of the company 48 head of very choice fat cattle, principally three-year- old Herdod steers and heifers; a tow very prime polled Galloway cattle; 6 barren cows, and 4 West Highland heifers. 513 sheep, 2 >0 of which are three and four years old, fat wethers, and 150 very choice Radnor ewes, which have been put to a Leicester ram; the remainder are black-faced Scotch and iro intain, fit for the butcher. 40 horses, cobs, and ponies. Ten of these are cart horses. The remainder are cobs, ponies, and pony mares and foals. Four very handsome tbree-year-01d mules, and a few half-bred Egyptian donkeys, all got by the celebrated Egyptian donkey, wiuner of thj first prize at the Crystal Palace Show. Aheraman Park is situated about midway between the towns of Abcrd<1.re alld Mountain Ash, within 10 minutes' walk of the Treaman Station of the Taff Vale Railway, and 15 minutes' drive from the Aber- dare and Mountain Ash Stations of the Great Western Railway. Luncheon will be provided at 11 a.m., for which a nominal charge will be made, returnable to pur- chasers. Purchasers should arrive by the early trains, as the sale will commence punctually, so as to enable them to return the same day. The Auctioneers also desire to intimate that the Stock is of superior quality, and that they have received the instructions of the proprietors to sell the whole abso- lutely. A week's keep will be provided free of charge, and two months' credit allowed on approved bills fur all pur- chasers above Catalogues are In COUISJ of p:epamtion, and may be obtained upon application to the Auctioneers seven daya priur to the day of sale. Queen's Chamber^Cardiff, October 2, 1S78. 39189 6026 AND GOLD-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- JjfJL DER and CO., are instructed by the Mortgagee, acting under his power of sale, to SELL by AUCTION, at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff, 0:1 TUESDAY, October 22nd, 1873, at Seven o'c!uck p.m., the undermentioned desirable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, in the following or such other lots as may be determined at the time of sale, aud subject to such conditions of sale a3 shall be then and there produced. LOT 1.—All those three convenient DWELLING- HOUSES, situate in, and numbered 7, 9, and l, Pierce- r.eld-place, now unlet, held under a lease from the Right Hon Lord Tredegar, for the residue of a term of 99 years from March 25, 1370 (less the last three days), at a ground-rent of £9 per annum. LOT 2.— All that DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in, and numbered 1, in Gold-stree;, cow unlet, held under a leaso from the Right Hon Lord Tredegar for the residue of a term of G9 years from March 2;" 18.0 (less the last three days), at a ground rent of £8 per annum. For further particulars apply to the Au ctioneer, or to Messrs W. J. and and H. G. Llojd, solicitors, New- port, Mon. Queen's-chambors, Cardiff, October 7,1878. 39227 THE NINTH SALE OF CHOICE JERSEY AND ALDFJINEY HEIFERS. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, Alexan- der aud Co, ara instructed by Mr "William H )it, of St He:icrs, Jersey, to SELL by AUCTION, at their Repository, Crocklierbtown. Cardiff, ou SATUR- DAY, OCTOBER 2G, at 2.30 p.m, punctually, a choice herd ot JERSEY AND ALDERXEY HEIFERS. The sales of the Importer having sivon so much satis- faction, tho Auctioneers have confidence in recommend- ing thi herd ol cattle as oi superior qua1ity, and of a character to afford the fullet satisfaction to purchasers. All being with calves at thcir hee1.3 01. close to calving will iumish a good supply of miik. Cata,lpgucs un:: bo hù of the AaJtioaee11l, Queen's Chambers, CardiS. 30308 SALE OF GUILDERS' PLANT AND MACHINERY. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and CO., are instructed by Mr John \Yiili:1.ms, Builder, who has completed his contract, to S1:LL oy ATOTiOX, without reserve, 011 THURSDAY, the 24th of October, at three p.m., at Mr Fedden's new house, situate near the Merry Harrier, and within a short distance of the Dillas Powis, L!aadough, Suny, and Cogan roads, the following MACHINERY, PLANT, AND MATERIALS, viz.. S-horse power portable engine, saw bench aud two Muva, mortar mil! nearly new, with 5ft 6in, pan water cask, cart, woolen shed, ladders, scaffolding poles, rope, be., &c. Also a very useful thr^e-year-old Cart Mare. en's Chambers, 14th October, 1878. OOil SHORT NOTICE. No. 1, SILVER-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MR LEWIS HOPKINS has been favoured with instructions from Mr Francis Bowen, who is leaving Cardiff, to SELL by AUCTION, at the above address, on FRIDAY next, October 18th, 1878, the remaining portion of his HOUSEHOLD FURMTURE, For particulars of which, sec posters. Sale to commence at Two o ciock precisely. Auctioneer' i Offices, 5, Queen-street, Cardiff. 39264 AUCTION ROOMS, 4,0, CROCKHEBTOWN, CARDIFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF PORTMANTEAUS, TRUNKS, BONNETT BOXES, BAGS, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, BELTS, STRAPS, PICTURE, &c., SMALL QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI. TURE. MR LEWIS' HOPKINS has received in- structions from Mr J. H. Corin, Bookseller and Stationer, to SELL bi AUCTION, at the above rooms, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Octo- ber 22, 23, 24 (and remainder of week if necessary), the whole of the STOCK-IN-TBADE. Comprising a great variety of the above-named articles. removed from his shop in Pentyrch, which be has lately giveu up, juid which will be sold without reserve. Sale to commence each day at Three and Seven p.m. Foj further particulars see posters. Auctioneers' Offices, 5, Queen-sUeet, Cardiff. 39279 NEW HOUSE FARMTLUANTRISSENT, NEAR CAERLEON, MON. UNRESERVED SALE OF FARMING STOCK, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, &C. MR. EDWIN T. LUCOCK is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, on the above farm, on TUESDAY, the 22nd day of OCTOBE14, 1878, the following Stock, Crops. Implements, Dairy Utensils, Household Furniture, &c. STOCK 20 sheep, 8 very superior milch cows, 5 young cattle, 2 superior cart horses. 10 store pigs. CROPS: 5 mows of hay (about 70 tons), crops of six acres of wheat, 8 acres of oats 3 acres of bar!ey, and 2 acres of swedes. IMPLEMENTS The usual description. Together with the dairy utensils and the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Refreshments at 12. Salj to commence at 1 o'clock punctually. For further particulars apply to the Auc- tioneer, at his offices. 19, Duke-street, Cardiff. 39294 GLAMORGANSHIRE. "MARLBOROUGH GtiANGE," NEAR COWBRIDGE IMPORTANT AND UNRESERVED SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, AND OTHER EFFECTS. MESSRS. JOHN THOMAS and ED- WARD T. ALEXANDER, have been favoured with instruction from the Executors of tbe late Mrs Entwisle, to SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 24th and 25th of Octobcr, ISíR, on the premises as above, situate two miles west of Cowbridge Railway Station, the undermentioned valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, etc., viz.— DINING ROOM.—Mahogany dining tables, 10 mas- sive chairs in morocco easy chairs, large couch, 2 ma- hogany book cases, paintings, Brus.-eis floor carpet. mahogany 8ided fitted up with drawers and cellaret, screens, stools, 2 sets cf superior red moreen window curtains, chimney anù other ornaments, c. DRAWING RCQd. — Rosewood suite consisting of writing, card and ocea¡;i01¡:d tab:es, Eet of 6 chain in green ami white damask, lady's dress and occasional chairs, oil paintings, 3 sets of window curtains, briiliant pier gla-ss, screen, cotta^c pianoforte, inkstand, Indian cabinet, several wool una other antimacassars, china and other ornaments. Sic ENTRANCK HALL.—Mahogany hall table, C mahog- any chairs. 2 sets of red moreen window curtains, muslin curtains, hat and ooat stand, brass suspending lamps, flow or stand, cocoa-nut mid wove rna's, Brussels carpet in ball, D.ndinsr and staircase, stair rods, timc-piece, &c. BEDROOMS comprise 4-post and other bedsteads with appropriate fittings, feather beds, hair nd wool mat- tresses, palJiasse3 chests of drawers, wardrobe, toilet tables, withstands and ware, toilet glasses, baths, can. and other chairs, and other bedroom fittings too numer- ous to particularize. KITcHEN AND PANTRIES contain deal table, Wind- sor chairs, clocks, several sets of handsome china, a quantit-yof cut and other glass, and a large assortment of culinary and dairv requisites.. COACH-HOUSE AND STABLE, viz. —Bath chair painted green, small pony carriage with head, old family coach, by Leet'er, Oxford -street, set of silyer-mouctca double harness, set of biiwss-tnounted single cob harness, saddle, bridle, and sundry lmrness and bits. &c., also a brown lJOny, 7 years old, 13 hauds high, quiet to ride and drive. The Furniture may be Viewed from 10 to 4 p.m., the day previous to the ule. Terms—cash. Sale to commence (in the yard) at 12 o'clock precisely. Punctual attendance is requested, it being intended to sell as much as possible the first day. Further particulars wiil appear in Catalogues, which may be obtained one week prior to the sale, on applica- tion to the Auctioneers, Cowbridge. 6013 LLANGAN. NEAR COWBRIDGE. MESSRS THOMAS and ALEXANDER are instructed to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, 011 TUESDAY, October 2Sth, 1878, at the Bear Hotel, Cowbridce, at Two o'clock in the afternoon (subject to such conditions as shall then be produced), six Lots of PROPERTY, Situate in the above village; Full particulars of which will appear, and may be had on application to the Auc- tioneers, at Cowbridge. 6014 THE MILLINERY AND DRESS ESTABLISH MENT. 2, WINDSOR-PLACE, CARDIFF. l Mourniusr end Wedding Orders punctually attended to. 2(ii Ladies' ownMaturiaJs made UJ). 6719 "ldt by 1tdiou. PORTSMOUTH DOCKYARD EXTENSION. MESSRS FULLER, HORSEY, SONS, -iT-B. and Co. arc instructed by Messrs Leather, Smith, and Co., who have finished their contract, and are de- sirous cf clearing the ground, to SELL by AUCTION", at the Dockyard Extension, Portsmouth, on TUESDAY, October 29th, and following days. at 12 precisely each day, the PLANT and MACHIN ERY LteJy uæl in the construction of the Dockyard Extension comprising two locomotive steam engines, four and six.whel coupled, made by the Hunslet Engine Company, with 12 and 11-inch cylinders, copper fireboxes and brass tubes; a 0-hor3e power portable engine, by Clayton and Shuttle- worth; cireuiac saw bench, a 9-in centresclf-acting screw- cutting lathe, self-acting vertical drilling machine, both by Shepherd, Hill, and Co.; û-inch centre lathe screwing machine, by Maclea and March; punching aud shearing machine, by Fai. bairn, Kennedy, and Navl< r. The follow- ing plant is by Tayior, of Birkenhead Three steam pile I engines, three skalll hoists, two steam winding engines, Ilol1 fitted with st.am cvliudclS au.l wroU<Tht-iron vertical hoik rs; five lO-wn steam crabs, 2 5-ton ditto, a 10-tou steam traveller, 59 feet span, and timber gantry; a 10-ton steam wharf crane, a 3-ton ditto, two Sissons and White's pilc-driving engines, with crahi, engines, and boilers; four hand ditto; cement testing machine, by Pooley; derrick crane with 28ft gib, 600 tons contractor's rails, from 30 to 721bs, 50 chilled crossings, 50 side and end tip waggons aud 50 trolleys 4 ft Sj gauge, portable crane for broa 1 gauge, 20 sets spare wheels and axles, 100 spare axles, a large assortment of stores and tools, wood an I iron blocks uti falls, wedges, spanners, picks, crowbars, chisels, u tigers, &c the tons nails anù spikes, two ten:, timber iiogs, five tons washers and nuts, 10 tons chain and chain din, 15 tOM scew ends and eyes, 5 tons holts anù nuts, 20 tons useful c.istings, 25 tons truss rods, 15 tons fra- veller work, 40 tons useful iron Jim Crows, tightening screws, Weston's blocks, fourteen 50-ton hydraulic jacks by Taugye six smiths' forges, bellows, anvils, smiths* tjols, ellgineeI"8' too's, stocks awl dies, vices and benchcs, Scheile's fan, 30 cwt and 20 cwt weighing machines, 12-ten weighbridge, all by Denison and Son centrifugal pump. contractor's ditto, powerful dredger (the Hercules), in good working order, with engines, boilers, gearing, ana stores; 11 timber barges from 50 to 70 tons, 70,003 cubic feet new and second-hand timber, a large quantity of useful cut stuff. The buildings com- prise the brick and timber erection, with slated roof, 200ft. by 29ft., timber building, with slated roof, 130ft. by:>2ft., stores, 1,000 blue Stafford shire bricks, and numerous other e'.ects. Maybe viewed three working daJ8 prior to the sle. and cat"lo;ue.>, 6d each, had at the olficcs of the Contractors, l'crtsmouth Dockyard Extension and of Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons, and Co., 11, Billiter-3quare, E.G. 6049 GEORGE JJ OPKINS, AMERICAN MARKET, HAYES, CARDIFF, 25 SHEEP. Necks, 7id; Breaats, nd; Loins, 9d Shoulders, 3d Legs, 9d, all sizes. FRESH OX BEEF. Sirloin, Ribs, aud Steak, lOd. Flat Rib, 8d Suet, 7d Brisket, GJ. CORNISH BUTTER (in pounds) Is 4d. LLANBOIDY PRINTS, Is 4J. FRESH PORK SAUSAGES, 8d per lb. Three times a day. Q.EORGE OPKINS, AMERICAN MARKET, HAYES, CARDIFF. 34372 JOHN W ILL I A M S, GROCER AND' PRUVISION MERCHANT, 16, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PROVISIONS. BEST HAMS (Small) per lb 6d. BEST BACON 5d. BEST CHEESE 6d. BEST LARD (Small Bladders) 6d. The above are of the BEST QUALITY that can bo bought, and the prices quoted being much below that of any other house m the town, are worth the attention of buyers. 5388 31936 THE ANOHOl VANS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS REMOVED, by Road or Rail EFFICIENTLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY, ECONOMICALLY* WOO D B R 0 S., 44650 WEST CANAL WHARF. CARDIFF. 586 BOYLE & CO., BOOT MANUFACTURERS, AND IMPORTERS OF FRENCH BOOTS AND SHOES. 10, CHURCH STREET, AND 2, HIGH- STREET, CARDIFF. Our STOCK for the AUTUMN and WINTER is now replete, which for extent anù variety is unequalled in the Principality, and never has tbe combinations of style, and durability, and comfort, been more exemplified thlm in the many pruductions of French and English Manufacture which we now submit for your inspection. BOYLE & CO., the fashionable [BOOTS for this season are tho PARISIAN'. OYLE & CO., LADY'S HESSIAN, BALMORAL, and BUTTON BOOTS. B OYLE & CO., to be had only at 2, HIGH-STREET, and 19, CHURCH-STREET. jgOYLE & BOYLE & CO., YOUNG LADY'S HOUSE; WALKNG and SCHOOL BOOTS. BOYLE & CO., for GOOD WINTER BOOTS ;at Establishment prices. OYLE & CO., for FILT FRENCH LUOTS and J[) WARM BOOT SLIPPERS. OYLE & CO., LADIES Elastic CLUMPED SOLES 4/11 to 5/11. BOYLE & CO., GENTLEMEN'S ELASTIC SIDE Marvellous Productions. BOYLE & CO., GENT'S ELASTIC SlLE,~cTUMPED _[) SOLES, for hard wear, 10/G t J 12jG. BOYLE & CO., GENT'S ELATIC SIDE, for style and comfort. BOYLE & CO., GENTS' ELASTIC SIDE, for durability anù elegance. OYLE & CO., GENTS' BALMORAL BOOTS for Winter Wear. BOYLE & co., GENTS CLUMPED SOLID WALK- nG BOOTS. I^OYLK & CO., GENTS' RIDING BOOTS BOYLE COTTGENTS7 PORPOISE HIDE SHOOTING BOOTS. BOYLF. & CO GENTS' BOOTS Made to order. 33287 W. A. ALLEN, 20, JJUKE STREET, QARDIFF. WATCHES JQIRECT FROM THE jyjANUF ACT U RER ZUTI — -—— TO THE WEARER. LEVER WATCHES, 10 Holes kl JEWELLED, and CHRONOMETER BALANCE, THREE GUINEAS. 6055 iJ A U S AGES, H. S. HAMMOND's NOTED GLAMORGANSHIRE SAUSAGES. MADE FROM CHOICE PORK. I These Sausages bave now been BEFORE THE PUBLIC FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS, And the CONSTANTLY INCREASINQDEMANu, WITHOUT A SINGLE FAILURE, Prove their Excellence. The Larsn&t Steam Machinery usea in the Manufacture of Sausages is Employed. WHOLESALE ORDERS SENT BY FIFST TRAINS. ADDRESS — H. S. HAMMOND, 5900 288, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 33044 -+- SAVORY & MOORE, 143, New Bond- skeet, London, prevare THE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS. JL Supplied to the Royal Families Of England and Russia. To be had of Chemists, &c., every- where. THE BEST FOOD for INFANTS. A Most Digestible. Contains the Highest amount of nourishment In the most convenient fonD. MALTED ON LIEBIG'S principle. 1YX Sweet and wholesomo in itself, Entirely free from Beet-root Sugar, The bane of Condensed Milk and Swiss Foods. THE BEST FOOD for INFANTS. JL More closely resembles Healthy Mother's Milk Than any other kind of Food. A THOROUGHLY COOKED FOOD. Always ready for use. Saving Mothers and Nurses Much time and trouble. THE BEST FOOD for INFANTS, JL Contains all the elements Necessary for the Growth, Health, and Vigour of the Child: PREPARED by SAVORY and MOORE, JL 143, New Bond-street, London, And sold by Chemists, &c., every- where. 5845 34727 ESTABLISHED 1867. T> C. LEACH, Bill-Poster and Adver- JLl/* tising Contractor, 17, Wood-street, Cardiff. Rents all tfat Principal and most Prominent Posting Sta- tions in Cardiff, Canton, and RoaUv gutter. LEA In consequence of Spurious & Imitatiousof Worcestershire Sauce LEA and PERRINS JJERRliNS hayo adopted A NEW LABEL, SAUCE. bearing their Signature, u hien is placed 8 on every bottie of EA WORCESTERSHIRE JL & SAUCE, and without which none is genuine. PERRINS' Wholesale by the Pi oprietors, Y> orcester Crosse & Blackwell, London; S TTrn7 and Export Oilmen generally. A U C-DJ. Retail by Dealers throughout the World. 33784 -5627 JpOUR GOLD MEDALb. JJORWiCK'S GOLD MEDAL -Ut.-a. JJAKING jpOWDER JB_ Has had the above extraoidinary Award for its superior ity over every other Baking Powder, and is used by manv thousands of families for making Bread, Pastry. Puddings &c., light and wholesome. Sold in Id an,! 2d packets, sind 6d, Is, 2s 6d, and 5s patent boxes, by ali Grocers. Schools, Families, and Hotels should purchase tho 2s 6d and 53 size, as there is a considerable saving. It is in- valuable on BoaruShip. 5473—SSI75 THE CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTH- SHIRE. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The Proprietors of the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOGTII WALKS WJSKKLY NlfWS" have thc pleasure of announcing that they hme made arrangements for the publication of a series of POPULAR HISTORICAL ARTICLES Upon the principal CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTH, BY J. ROLAND PHILLIPS, Barrister-at-Law, of the South, Wales Circuit, and Author of the "Jlemoirs of the Civil War of Wales and the Marches." The Articles will commence shortly in the CARDIFF TIMES &,SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NE t VS, and be continued weekly. They will include CARDIFF CASTLE. SWANSEA CASTLE. CAERPHILLY CASTLE. TINTJ5RN ABBEY. CARMARTHEN (A ITLE. HAVERFORDWEST CASTLE. MARGAM ABBEY. CARDIGAN CASTLE. CHEPSTOW CASTLE, LANTHONY ABBEY. NEATH ABBEY. TENBY OASTLE. And various other Local Castles and Abbeys. THE "CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS." THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER FOR WALES. 72 Long Columns—Price 2d—72 Long Columns.


Family Notices