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itauid. |>OOKS '()Pl^XElTAND"ArDITE^l-iafai^ a.'i l Profit and Loss Accounts prepared by an experienced j/v.-xwutnt, on moderate terms.—Address. Accountant," Car- i rf Oiliee, ,trdi1f. Wl ■sv i#RVANTS WANTING PLACES of an V dl's- •* oription, and Householders requiring- Servants, should ivwtise in the CARDIFF TniKS. Price Is. for 24 words, psspAir*. f dlXHN&T^d APARTMENTS W ANTED, J or tD be LET, shü;¡ld bc advertised ill the CARDIFF TIMES. f'lice Is. fui '.M words. l'KKi'AiD. _0" Cct. > iu LET, No. S, EAS't GROVE, TREDEGAR- <* VI;,CARDIFF.—Apply n' letter to Palmer, Morgan, C.O. Do :ks. 45^7 |at' juIe. RHONDDA VALLEY.—HOUSE and SHOP for SALE in Hrito'inia, Porth. Good Rakchouse, and extra tinl to build two Cottages. Apply, William Evans (late Britannia,) Pontypridd. 4474 VH&E-PROOF >.AFES. CVUl r-. PRICE and J- CO.'IS Patent Wrought iron Eire and Burglar Proof Holdfast and Powder Magazine > wit11 all modern improvements and SttUnliwitii Cyrus Price's patent Pri. Medal and Gunpowder Proof Looka, from £ 4 awl upwards. A jto-A at Cross Brothers, Iron- vuongtrs, Cardiff. 3473 0723 PSXUITH. To be -SOLD, or LET (Fur- ní<\¡e,j or unfurnishe!) the convenient eleven-roomed .MOUSE, named North View, facing the Hotel Grounds. Large ir !<jn Cr04uet Lawn. III 45 by 30 feet; Hot and Cold » .t.hrt. kc. -Apply II. Vollf.c.tt, Bute-street, Docks, or North Poiurtb. 1497 MESSRS. W. and S. HERN S MONTHLY REGISTER of Estates, Houses, Lands, &c., to be LET or SOLD: Capitalists seeking profitable and sound investments iliouid consult it. Builders and Property Owners should send particulars oi Properties to be Let or Sold. Insertions free, Copies, ean he obtained at the Offiees, Masonic Hall Chambers, 'Working-street, Cardiff. 2444 MUSICAL BOXES.—Very best Manufacture. Playing six Grand Operatic Airs, £ 3 15s; eight airs, C~> 10»; tell airs, £ 6 Us; twelve airs, £ 7 7s. "ery large size uiiid-iotne inlaid cases, and all improvements. Carriage free Others with accompaniments to £100. James Richardson, mixwter, 114, Eerndale-road, Clapham, London. Wholesale. a951J IJIAMM'ORTKS, Harmoniums, and American Organs to be Sold at a Great Reduction tor Cash, previous to alteration premises. Several tirst-class Pianos by Briusmead and other pood makers. New Cottage Pianos, best walnut, the years' guar- froui 20 guineas. During thc sale the octave harmoniums, :><\st make, will be sold at £ 5 10s; 3 stop^, £ 6 5 stops, £ 7; -eond-hand harp by Ernt, £ 10. Persons about purchasing any j;' ;;uMiiovc ivim'J tt) \C:! to inspect our stock. Hamloll:ull1"3 *n.l Auieriean Organs on the monthly sjftem, from 10s Od per iio»>tl>.—J. Webb and Co., Music Warehouse, 184, Bute-road, au-diff. 4530 31 rflObe SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT.-CANTON Several X Nine-room*! Houses, lease 990 years. Eight Houses, rent £ 124 los, price, £ ,200. Six Hvuses, nmt £1;)., 6j; price .£1,0:,0. Two Houses, inclu ung a. shop; rent £W 8s price £:,00. iiOATH Four Houses, including a Comer Shop, "ent £ 05 i>v £ t>00. Two Houses, rent £ 31 4s; price £ :*20. Three ..»iuo8, rent £ i2 ISs; price £ 100. Two Shops, incltl<1in; two ight-roomc.1 !louó,,¡g, with ba, k entrance awl stable in C,tlc. j»ui. Two Eight-roomed Villas in Partridge-road price £,).J\J, TO be LET, to a butcher or cab proprietor, a Shop, including seven-roomed House, with a stal>lo £$° three or four horses and three cabs; rent 12s per week. E?giit-roomed Villa in Partridge- road reni. £ 30. A Shop III Castle-road, including seven-roomed House, with stable and back entrance, lor shoes, .01' draper, or yreengrocer, or poultry, or a butcher, or grocer. Several Houses at Ely, with large gardens, at 4s. Gd. per week, For reply, please enclose a stamped envelope.pply to '\[1'. Thomas Davies. House and Land Agent, 34. Cowbridgu-roaA. Canton. Cardiff. 34S0 \\r L L L I A M S A N D E R S VV AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 23, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, Has the following PROPERTIES for SALE CARDIFF. No?. 10, 17, and 18, Buzzard-street; and four tOtttea In UMiiseU street. KOATH.—Eleven l.ou-cs. in Topaz-street, six genteel residences ■v. Metai-stieet, and seven*in Gold-street; and Bath and Myrtle js, Parti idge-road. CATIf AYS.—Six nouses in Letty-street; and two semi-detached cottages in Lettv-street. CANTON. —Eligible site of FTechold land at the corner of Clive road, and Ely-road; and 50 feet frontage in the best position in Conway-road, Canton GRANGETOWN.—A corner shop in Rromsgrove-street; and corncr shop and house in IIolmesdnle-st reet abv four houses 1\1 Ludlow-street. A liberal proportion of the purchase money may be had on Mortgage —Apply as above 125—2o ^ubUations. THE MATRIMONIAL NEWS, a Weekly Family Newspaper, publis11Cd every Saturday, price 3d., post free 31d., as a letter 4,d., has now been established 6 years, and contains the announcements of about 300 cau,lId;Üe8 f0f Matrimony every week. AU who wisl, t.) marry should read it. Published at 302, STRAND, LONDON, and may be had through say Newsagent. The trade supplied ou .sale or return. 3201 lT N N l"NG H A M "goo S E Y S "CNIVERSAL MFSIC," TV.'OPENyE EACH. Catalogues v.ny be had on ppplication to COOPER, CO tj T T S and CO., Sole Agents for Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire, 4412 PIANOFyil'i'M & MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 50, CROC K HERETO VVN, CARDIFF. LANCASHIRE COUNTY NEWSPAPER. THE Preston HERALD; Wrdne9Day: 48 Cot.r MXS-OXE Pk.VNY. SATURDAY 76 CoLc.M.Na—Twoi-fixcis. Chief Oflices: FISIIERGATE, PRESTON. Branch Offices: BLACKBURN, ACCRIXGTOX, BURXLEY, AND DARWEN. The attention of SOLICITORS, Aui-tionrkrs, ESTATK AOEsr8, £ >ai»BKRS, MACHINKKT At; rs, ami PRAUTICAL ADVKR- Tf3*Rs generally is directed to the "PRESTON HERALD" as the READING BI-WEEKLY PAPEH INr THE NORTH OF ENGLAND, With all extensive circuiatilln over the whole of the COUNTY OF LANCASTER And portions of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Westmoreland, and Ch<ll!hire, In the densely populated districts of "NORTH, EAST, and parts of SOUTH ANU WKSI LAKCASHIRE, embracing ilANUPACTURlSO, AGKICUI/TUKAI., ENGINEKRIXG, AND Mixijfa IxntRtsrs, ITS SALE IS CONSIDERABLY GREATER "Than that of any other Paper, and It Is recognised (as ita columns will testify) IT An. CI.ASSBU—irrespective of party or scet-as thø BEST MEDIUM ■Wat giving the widest possible publicity to their announcements. Copies of the Paper and Scale of Charges forwarded on application. 4446 ifiwilrtimj gMktks, J" ARDIFF BUILDING sac IE-T-Y: SUMS from jMO to £3,000 ready to be LENT on Mortgage. SHARES MAY BE TAKEN AND DEPOSITS MADE DAILY ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Third Triennial Investigation Report of the Consulting Actuary, A. Scratchley, Esq., just received. Prospectus and all information may be obtained on application ■ to the undersigned. TV-B.—-TERMS OF BORROWING reduced, and REDEMPTIONS be effected without loss—full discount being allowed under IPe new Rules. PETER PRICE, Secretary. Dated, 3, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 4523—10101 iPRINCIPALITY PERMANENT INVEST JL 11ENT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1S60. INCORPORATED MARCH, 1873. OFYICR-28, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. the Oldest, Largest, and most Equitable Society in the District. Total Income of Society since formation £ 262,458 3s. lld. „ Amount lent on Mortgage jE169.52399.0d. Income for the year 18ï6 £ 60,252 5s. 3d. Amount of unappropriated Profits £2,V30 7s. 7d. The Offices are open DAILY for the issue of NEW SHARES and ceipt of DEPOSITS, bearing inter\1st at 5 pel" cent, per annum, I tt-yabIe half yearly. r WM. SANDERS, 14561 124 Managing Secretary. TSP^ BUILDING sU^CIETY. £.100 SHARES. 10s. PER MONTH SUBSCRIPTION. THE NEXT SUBSCRIPTION MEETING OF THE SOUTH WALES MERCANTILE BUILDING SOCIETY, Will be held at the Offiees Xo. 1, the Haves, Cardiff, on THURS- DAY, June 7th, 1877, from 10 a.m., to 4 p.m., and 1 to 9 p.m. I OFFICERS. Trustees. Henry Bowen. Esq,, J.P. Daniel Jones, Esq., J.P. Directors. Mr E. W. Skackell, (jueen-street. Chairman. nWr Rich. Benjamin, Triiiitv-st. Mr W. H. Davies, Ship Hotel. „ H. Saunders, Crockherbtown „ .1. Ramsdale, 8, The Parade. John Isaac, Millicent-street. „ Wni. Jones, 28, Park-strc n H. Jones, 3, Wharf-street. „ P. W. Carv, Bute Dock Hotel „ T. W. Jacobs, Bridge-street. „ Thoma3 Cross, Working st. v David Hopkins. The Walk. Bankers.—Ihe National Provincial Bank of England. Solicitors.-Me98rs, Morran and Scott, High-street: C,\rdilf. Treasurer.—Mr J. G. Proger, Trinity-street. tBurveyor.—Mr David JOMS (Messrs. Jones Brothers), ('ardili. Secretary.—Mr Samuel J. Davies, No. 1, the Haves, Cardiff. SHAKES may be taken up and DEPOSITS made daily. The Directors are prepared to receive applications for ADYAN'CE.S. "Further particulars may be obtained by applying to the SecrcUir. 41')': JARYIS AND SON BEST VENETIAN BLINDS FIXED COMPLETE, 7Jo. PER FOOT. OLD BLINDS RENOVATED EQUAL TO NEW. -ITTEAM VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER 40GS-l»i>7i' 82, 23, & 24, METEOR STREET, SPLOTLANDS, CARDIFF. KEATINO's Fnsect FODDER. KILLS BUGS, FLEAS, BEETLES, w 1' P O W D E R K.E A TING'S S, BEETLES, MOTHS. Tltis Powder Is quite haroiless to animal life, but is unrivalled dtistioyiog1 rleas, Bugs, Beetles, Moths in furs, and cverv :peeid of Insect. Sold by all Chemists, in tins, ts and 2s elL or by post, 14 and 33 Stamps, from THOMAS KEATING Bfc. Paul's Churchyard, London. A*jid worthless imitations: Ask for t( KEATIKG's PowDER" md taka no other, and you will not be disappointed. 4405' BETTER TO BE BORN LUCKY THAN J > RICH.—J. THOMPSON, 34, High-street, Swansea, has discovered a. new remedy in the extract of Burdock for all diseases ff the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Thousands of < cures have been effected by the power of those wonderful Pills < dter all other medicincs have completely failed-a proof that < •foulness of the blood is the sole cause of every disease, II,,¡ well a3 the life of every living creature. Therefore at the spring of the A year, and during the hot weather, the Great blood Purifier, 1 THOMPSON'S BLKDOCK P)t,M, should be freely taken, as they tmrify the foulest state of the blood. A few dose; cleanse and strengthen the stomach, regulate the bowels, and remove all 1 diseases of the liver and kidneys. Pains in the head, and all dc- s rangemcnts of the nervous system, are speedily and effectually t :ttred by the same extraordinary medicine. All Sufferers are a itghly receommended to try them. Sold bv all Chemists c Mid Patent Medicine Vendors. In boxes b, lid. and 2s,fkl, s 3120. lu (Mncatiou. 9 JT ARROW ifoirsHr, DU MFillEB-PLACE. 11. -l.ü H CARDi;'?.. Principals-The MISSES The Next Term Coninuncoj on the 10th ')rt pared for the Cambridge Examinations. April 3rd. 1S77. 4*11 ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, CARDIFF Private Tuition 10s. Gd. per Quartet". Mr. F. ROWEN, Member and Associate of the College of Pro- ccptorSj Au^hov of "(2 yie Acts." Life of St. Paul," Upper Clai-i" acliool Ärhh)11Ct:C,' knglisb Parsing and Analysis," &c. Position on GovernSiient Cfa..>iJ List By Exainination First Class. By .Service First Class. All tile advantages of a good MiDDLE CLASS EDUCATION. Jisttej, MONEY.—The folio-Wing SUMS ;ue ready to be ADVANCED upon Freehold or Leasehold Security £ 2,000, £1 ,000. £ 0(«' £ 800, £500, £400. £2.50, £ 200, .MOO, and £ 100. Apply to Mr J. Samuel, Auctioneer, &c., Church-strcnt, Cardiff. 134 ESSRS. W. & S. HERN, Estate Agents* 1- 8, Working-street, Cardiff, are prepared to advance from £ 50 to £5,000 on Mortga-g-c of Freehold or Leasehold Property, and from £ 20 to £1\00 on personal security. iiotH MONEY.—The Westminster Deposit Bank, 1\l. 216, Westminster Bridge-roacl, London, advances from £ 10 to £ 1,000, in England or Wale", on personal security, deeds, leases, policies, also UpOIJ furniture, plant, crops, or farming stock, without removal or publicity. No costs. -Applj- personally, or prospectus forwarded, R. Parnell, Manager. 4477 MONEY LENT, by the Lombard Bank, Limited, 43 and 44, Lombard-street, City, and 147, Regent- street, W., on Deeds, Reversions, Policies, Warrant<, Trade Stocks, Faim Produce, Fumiture (without removal), and Personal Security. Deposits rco:cived. On demand, 5 per cent; ,subJ?ct to notice, 10 per cent. Opens Drawing Aecounts. Supplies Cheque Books. Prospectus and Balance-sheet free.—J. PRY OR, Manager. 4205 CASH immediately advanced without sureties y from jEfi to £ 1,000 to Householders, Tradesmen, Publicans, Farmers, Mechanics, and others, )-n town or country, on their Fur- niture, Stock-in-Trade, Cattle, &c., w ithout removal. The strictest secrcsy ensured. Repayments by instalments to suit borrowers. All inquiries immediately attended to. For full particulars applv personally, or by letter, to Mr William Usher, 28, Argyle-strer-t, Swansea. 3299 — 8022 MONEY MONEY !—Cash Advanced from £5 to £500 to Householders, No Preliminary Fees. Farmers, awl otbers at it few 1'<0 Inquiry Fees. hours' notice. DISTANCE No Sureties. NOOB.!t:CT.—Apptyper-,oa- No Delay. ally or by letter to SOI.OMON FKKEDXAX (Private House). AVestbou rne-«'res^ent, or 117, 4073 -13795 Cowi.ridjre-rouU. Cardiif MONEY.—XI>risate Gentleman, with surplus capital, is desirous of making IMMEDIATE AD\ ANCES to gentlemen, manufacturers, farmers, tradesmen, and others, male or female, requiring the same in town or country, in sums from £10 to £;\00, on note of band (no law costs). Terms from £ 5 per cent, extending from three months to five years: mort- gages negocfated at less interest. Distance no object, as persons can repay bv P.O.O. or cheque. By applying personally from 10 till 4, or if by letter, inclosing a sUmpeil directed envelope stating the amount required, to Mr A. BKADP.CRY, Iii1, Walworth-road, London, S.E., particulars will he sent by return of post.— :K.B.-Xo connection with loan offices. Residing 1Il the same dis- trict ever since 1841. Secrecy with despatch. 4500 LA MORGAN FINANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital, £lO,i11.H\ fully subscribed. Incorporated under the Companies' Acts, 1802 and 1367. OFFICES: 32, ROYAL AROADE, CARDIFF. Money ready to be advanced on all kinds of securities. All advances are jnade in full, and may be repaid by equal Monthly or Quarlltor!1 Instalments, to suit the convenience of the Borrowers. Scale of Repayment*, Prospectuses, and all other Information may he obtained at the office of the Company. The present rate of Interest on Deposits is 5 per cent. THOMAS WEBBER, Secretary. Applications by Post should contain stamped euwlope for free postage of reply. 209 THE TAUNTO¥TNTTWE.ST OF EXGLAND JL PERPETUAL BENEFIT BL'ILDTNG SOCIETY. The oldest, the most equitable, and safest in the Principality. Established 1857. Investing Shares, 53 per month, £ 60 each; Borrowing Shares, 10s por month, £ 60 each, This Company lias always allowed Members to withdraw at any time by ghing three months' notice, or by paying one month's jnterest instead of notice. No interest charged beyond this. Profits added to Members' Subscriptions every year. Three per Cent of the Profits may be withdrawn, on redemption, ar.y time after ifrst five years. Applications to be made by Borrowers, Investors, or Depositors, at 32, Royal Arcade. Cardiff THOMAS WERBER. District Manager, or 3. Han. ^-street, Taunton, 139 'assert <;uO!>MAN, Secretary. UPE RTORTC A~RT ES-d e^VISITET gs. QD. PER DOZEN gS. gD. E. P. LEE & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS TO THE QUEEN (BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT), 9, CROCKHERBTOWN, 2418 CARDIFF. 4091 Ipswich nUY-¡Jc- described as the birthplace of Chemical Manures." JOSEPH FISON IT'CO, IPSWICH, MANUFACTURERS OF SULPHURIC ACID & CHEMICAL MANURES (OXE OF THE OLDEST FIRMS tX THE TRADE.) MESSRS. JOSEPH FISON & CO. Having ESTABLISHED A DEPOT AT SWANSEA, are now pre- pared to DELIVER THEIR MANURES Free hy Railway AT ANY STATION UN SUCTH WALES To These MANL'RES have been found not only to produce a large yield, but also to improve the (juality of the crops for which they are appIied,to strengthen the soil, and to benefit succeeding crops, Full particulars may be obtained upon application to any of the Agents of the Firm, 01" to the Head Offices. To Merchants and other» having a connection with Farmers :— Messrs. JOSEPH FISOX & Co. are prepared to appoint AGENTS for their Manures in districts in which they are not already repre- sented, and gentlemen of position and influence, who may wish for such agencies, are requested to apply by letter to the Head Offices, and to enclose a bankers' I'efereuee. WORKS: IPSWICH AND BRAMFORD. HEAD OFFICES EASTERN UNION MILLS, IPSWICH. N.B.—No SUB-Agents are appointed, but all Agents being in direct communication with the Firm, orders received through them will have the same attention as if handed to the principals. 4352 GUINNESS'S Extra DUBLIN STOUT, 1 3s. Highest quality brewed, in fine condition. j per doz. C, HOWELL, 1, QUF.EN STREKT, CARDIFF. BASS'S Highest-class INDIA PALE^i« 61 ALE. in very superior condition. ) per doz. C. HOWELL, 1, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. BASS'S BURTON ALES, in splendid A -I-) condition. f ,), J per uoz. C. HOWELL, 1, QCESSy-STREET, CARDIFF. BASS'S\~MILD ALES, in splendid\2 condition. f J per doz C. HOWELL, 1, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. QHERRY, Pure Spanish WINE, 18s. per doz. IO Is. 6d. 3ampie Bottle. 1, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ORT/PureOPORTO^WINE^Or'OTtoY^^ ") Wine Warranted.) Sample bottle Is 8d.| V. per doz. 1, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ZiLARET CLARET 7T 12s. per doz., Is. Vy sample Bottle. C. HOWELL, 1, QUEEN-STREET, STORE S—A DAM STREET, CARDIFF. Wine and Soirii List on Application. 3(;11S TENTS AND MARQUEES ON HLRE. JL JOHN SMAHT ft CO. The old-established Tent and Marquee Proprietors, 41, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. Tents and Marquees, of all shapes and sizes, suitable for flower shows, eisteddfodau, galas, races, picnics, &c. t. Ail orders executed on the shortest possible notice distance 1'0 ob ject.. nr. 4503 Estimates given on application. A RIDE TO KHIVA BT CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says :—" Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also *«ken and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of.the-wav places — some quinine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects pro- duced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was im- pervious to all native medicines, when I administered to hint five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fetde from my memory and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, in- formed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure waa evetviheu a theme of conversa- tion in the bazaar." See > BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA Page 13. A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST with prudent use, has saved many a life; and yet we tnink the idea. might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and weights, or little mvsterious compartments, or euehanted bottles with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, but COCKLES PILLS :lIS tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so well, may be set down as the best.—Observer. A' RIDE TO K HI V A BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Koyal Horse Guards. Page 13 says :—"Two pairs of boots liped with fur were alsc taken and for physic-with which it is as well to he Supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way p1aces some gulnine, one Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medlcirtf with the which I have used on the natives of CentraWus effects pro- greatest possible success. In fact, tbn Arab Sheik, who was dueea upon the mind and lvules, when I adminbtered to him impervious to aU nativo five :COCKLE'S PILLS «r fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, in- formed me that my fame a.3 a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure w-Meven then a theme of conver- satton 111 the bazaar." See BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA Page 13. 0 OCKLErS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS In use amongst all Classes of Society. SEVENTY-SEVEN YEARS, May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In Boxes at Is. ltd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. 13, NEW 0 R M 0 N D STREET, LONDON. 4464 WILLIAMS'S (PONTARDAWE) WORM v T LOZENGES are universally considered the most ettective remedy for ridding the human system of all kinds of worms. sjir, I have for some time used vour Anthelmintic or \V orni Lozenges in my family, and find them a very speedy and efficacious cure for ascarides, and their agreeable' and con- yenient form is a great recommendation for Children — W.Hutchinson, vicar of Howden."—Sold at fHd., I3.id. and -s. 9d. per box, or for 14 or 34 stamps, from J. DAVIES, Chemist, Swansea. Any of the following symptoms Indicate worms arable appetite, foetid breath, acid eructation, pains in the stomach and head, grinding ot teeth during sleep, paleness of the countenance, occasional griping pains, more particularly about navel, short dry cough, and emaciation of the body, often mistaken for decline, slow fever and irregular pulse sometimes convulsive fits-often causing sudden death.—Sold by most Chemists at laid,, wad 3a, &i, p§r twx. 4183 I CHARLES STREET CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL, CARDIFF. THE ANNIVERSARY SERMONS Will be preached by THE REV J. H. LOCIIORE, Of Haverfordwest, "t. On WHITSUNDAY, 1fA'ÿ 5(3, 1877, ^Morning at 11. Evening at 0.30. • se:?v^ Pieces will be Sung. Collections at the c!o36 of "eacTi s^vice in aid of the School Fuiici?.- 10000 4515 I ,0 A T H RAILWAY STATION. Inhabitants of Roath desirous' of signing the MelHOi'Ul to the G.W.R. Directors will oblige bv doing so forthwith. Copier me lying at the Roath Post Office, Cast'.3-road; Splotlands ditto, Clifton-street; also at the Tredegar, Cu.;on, Splotlands, and Great Eastern Hotels. 160t)i) 4520 T. WEBBER. gOPHIA GARDEN FIELD. FORESTERS' FETE, WHIT-TUESDAY, MAY 22ND, 1877, Vocal, Instrumental, Gymnastic, and other Eutertaimueuts by a Cumpanyof LONDON STAR ARTISTES. Sensational Flight of MONS. D. ARLANDES ox TilE BACK OF A FIERY DEAGON. FOUR FIRST-CLASS BANDS. FIREWORKS!! 16061 ADMISSION—SIXPENCE. 4500 A BAZAAR and FANCY FAIR will (o.v.) be held by kind permission of the MAYOR, in trie TOWN HALL, Cardiff, 011 TUESDAY, the 5th June. 1877, and following days, in aid of the Building Fund of St Mark's Church, Gabalfa, under the distinguished patronage of Lady TREDEGAR, Mrs OLLIVANT, The Hon. Ladv WALKER, Mrs WILLIAMS (The Deanery), The Hon. Mrs'LINDSAY, Mrs THOMAS (The Heath), Mrs PICTON TURBERVILL, Mrs BOoKER, Mrs F. E. STACEY, Mrs HENRY LEWIS. Mrs HELY RICKARDS, Contributions of Needlework and Fancy Articles will be thank- fully, received by either of the following I.adios, who have con-' seated to keep stalls :—Mrs John Davis, The Parsonage, Gabalfa, Cardiff Mrs G. Thomas, The Heath, Cardiff; Mrs Henrv Jones, Carlton Villa, Canton Mrs M. C. Lewis, Heathfield, Car- diff Mt-s R. Rickards, Castlefield, Gabalfa, Cardiff; Mrs Heath, Northlands, Cardiff Mrs Hill, Maindy House, Cardiff Mrs Cope, Quarry Hill House, St. Mellons, Cardiff. A Band will be in dany attendance. 4443 15522 CAE R A"U PLO U G H IN G CL U B Competition for the GROWTH of ROOT CROPS within the limits of the CardilI C niou. The following Prizes are offered for the present Season 1. Fur the best Six Acres of Swedes, uutnurell entirely by Lawes's M inures (sold by Messr:, Hall, Reynolds & Co, Cardiff.) Prize, a "Tea and Coffee Service," value Eight Guineas. 2.—For the Second best Crop, same Manures. Prize Cup value Four Guineas. 3.—For the best Acre of Long Red Mangolds, grown with same Manures, a Prize of Two Guinea.< 4.-For the best Six Acres of Swedes, manured entirely by Odams's Manures (sold by Mr. HenrJ" Yorath, Cardiff,) a Prize Cup value Eight Guine<ts. 5.—For the best Four Aeres of Swedes, grown with same manures, a Prize Cup value Fonr Guineas. 6.-For the best Acre of any kind of Mangolds, grown with same manures, a Prize of Two Guineas. 7.- A Prize of £ 3 3s will be given for the best piece of Swedes of not loss than Three Acres, gTown by auy kind of manure. S.—A Prize of £:2 2s will be given for the best Acre of Mangolds, grown hv anv kind of 111anlll\). 9.—A Prize of £;1 8s will be given for the best General Root Crop, arrangeù suitably to the size of the Farm. 10—A Prize of £111) will be given to the best hocr that has hoed Root. Crops, to the Competitors competing for the above Prizes. Entrance Fee, 2s Od. II.—A Prize of £:2 28 will be given to the Farmer that has the most compact, rlclIle"t, and best thatched Riekyard. AU Competitors to give notice to the Secretary on or before the 1st September next, and pay a Fee of 5s for each entry. No Persons shall compete unless they have subscribed a Member's Fee of 10s 6d. GEO. THOMAS, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. Ely Farm, Cardiff, May 3th, 1877. 4403 fTemkrisi mid Contract! 1-:>-Ö R 0 U G H O F C A R D I F F. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The Urban Authority for the Borough of Cardiff invite TENDERS for ALTERATIONS required at CANTON MARKET, for converting the Old Barn into a HAY and CORN STORE, &c., for the Corporation Stabling, and other work. 't Drawing, Specification, and form of Tender, may be seen at the office of Mr. J. A. B. Williams, C.E., the Borough Surveyor, Town llal1, Cardiff, on alld after the 22nd day of Ma inst. Sealed Tenders, properly endorsed, to he delivered at my office on or before the :2bth day of May Inst. The Gouudl do not hilld themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. B\ order, GEO. SALMON, Town Clerk. Town IIaU, Cardiff, 17t.h May, 1S77. 4534 J^LANDAFF DISTRICT HIGHWAY BOARD. PARISH OF PENTVRCH. Persons desirous of CONTRACTING for the WIDENING and otherwise IMPROVING of a portion of TINCOED-ROAD, in the p,rish of Pentyreli, according to Plan and Specification, to be seen on application to me, at Lower Cat1;edral-road, Cardiff, are requested to send in sealed Tenders, endorse,1 Tincoed-road, P-Hityrcb," and addressed to Mr W. P. Stephenson, Clerk to the L';ind;ttf Highway Ihard, and to he delivered at the Union Workhouse, Cardiff, before 1 p 111. on SATURADY, May 26. Toe Board do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order, WILLIAM PRICE, District Surveyor. Date 1 May 12, 1877. 4532 TO B C ILD E R S. —M A G"O"R7 M O N. JL TENDERS are required for ERECTING a FARM HOUSE at SKEVIOG, near Magor. Plans an 1 8pecifie;1.tions are to he seen at our offices, and at S-koviog, on application to Mr HILLIER, on and after MONDAY Next. Tenders are t:) he sent to our officeii On or before Twolve o'clock, on the 19th inst., endorsed "Tender for Farm House, Skeviog." The Lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be acœpted.. FOSTER ft WOOD, Architects, 6, Park -street, Bristol. 4th May, 1S77. 4490 rjT O B U I L D E R" "S Persons desirous of contra ting for the ERECTION of a POLICE- STATION at Glyncorrwjr, near Neath, in the county of Glamorgan, may now see plans and specification at No. 0, Working-street, Ca-diff, where copies of the spocification aud bill of quanti tie" may be had on application. Tenders, under cover, to be endorse 1 "Tenders for Glencorrwg Station," and addressed to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the 21st day of MAY instant, and must be accompanied by the names and '1ddrtIBieS of two responsible sureties for the due com. pletion of the works, or they will not be attendeù to, The Justices do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. THO. DALTOK, Clerk of the Peace, :6, Working-street, Cardiff, 1st May, 1877. 4472 ifttWMW. PEARL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, J. (LIMITED). CHIEF OFFICE ;-39, CITY ROAD LONDON, E.C. At the annual meeting of this Company, it was stated that notwithstanding the depression of tmde, the income and assur- anee fund of the Company have more than doubled dming the last two years."—Reynolds, Aug. 20th, 1876. Respectable Men Wanted as Agents and Canvassers. For particulars apply to J. S. FOSTER. 37, PARTRIDGE ROAD, ROATH, CARDIFF. 4531 ACCIDENTS" BY FLOOD AND FIELD. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS Mav be provided against by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. THE OLDEST & LARGEST ACCIDENTAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. Hon. A. KINNAIRD, M.P., Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £1,()I)O,OOO. ANNUAL INCOME, £205,000. £1,120,000 have been paid as COMPENSATION. A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a Weekh Allowance in the event of Injury, may be secured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of five years' standing. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or v 64, CORNHILL. LONDON. WILLIAM J. YIAX, Secretary. AGENT. W. WILLANS, 11, HENRY STREET, BUTE DOCKS. 4135 SUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. HENRY F. SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq., Chairman and Treasurer. FRANCIS B. RELTON, Esq., Secretary. Total sum insured in 1876, £.248,930,367, Claims paid during the last Ten years, upwards of TWO MILLIONS STERLING. All information respecting Fire Insurances may ùe obtained from anLof the ulldermelltioued Agents of the Society. AGENTS. Cardiff Mr Peter Price, 3, Crockherb- town „ Mr W. Cross Mr J. Jenkins, 20, High street Aberavon Mr David E. Jones Aberdare Messrs Hollier and Williams Aberkenfig Mr William Lewis Bridgwnd Mr William Gladdish Cowbridge Mr John Parsons Crickhowell Mr William Lewis Ebbw Vale MrThos. G. Powell Ferndale, near Pontypridd Mr Joseph J. Thomas Glyn Neath Mr David T. Morgan Llandaff Mr John Howe Maesteg jjr David Davies Merthyr Tydfil Mr David Price Mountain Ash Mr George H. White Mumbles Mr James Orrin Neath Mr Charles Old Pontardawe Mr David Smith Pontypridd Mr William Merchant Swansea Mr Witliam Merchant, 23,Gower- street t „ Mr Frederick Tucker, W- England Bank Tredegar .Mr George Ystahfcra.Mr Edw!- 1:;891. 4047 j lON AND CO., P, -XJJORS AND WOOLLEN MERCHANTS, 13, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Beg to Intimate to their numerous Customers that their STOCK is ,< now replete for the Season. They also beg to state that ther have been appointed Agenta to H. J. NICOLL, 4397. OF REGENT-STREET, LONDON, FOR THELR REGISTERED AND OTHER CLOTHING? TIMOTHY DONOVAN;- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALT AND SCOURING BRICK MERCHANT 31. THE HAYES, CARDIFF. FINE SALT, BAY SALT, AGRICULTURAL SALT, CHALK STONE! AND WHITING, Delivered to either of the Railway Stations in Cardiff. MARINE STORE DEALER. Highest Price given for Horse Hide" TRUCKS ON HIRE. 4215 gHAW'S D S °A r* I THE BEST FOR WASJETING EVERYTHING. THAW'S "El RENCH T>LUE X JL> 3091—10543 1 iff SQUARES. THE BEST FQK frAfffiDRY PifRPOgpa t I JMe.0 gwefifltt. Blake's Livery Stable. Entrance to Penarth-road, Cardiff.—W Hotel Kceper8, Cab Proprietors, and Others. MR D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed ùv 1\1:1' Edward 11 osgood, of the Commercial Inn, A bèrdare, who 1S retlnng from the Posting Business to SELL by AUC- TION, on F-UIDAY, the 18th of May, at the above bb})!es, the who'e of hhj very useful .Lot of CARRIAGES, &c., viz Large Broltgnafn, m very goou condition. Brake, suitable to carry 22 people. Y* aj'id Dog- Cart, Two Sets of dou'oie Harness, Four Sets of Single, Silver and Brag<plated ditto. I At the sarile time will be sold a very useful Omnibus, suitable to carry 80 passengers. Immediate1}' after the sale of the Carriages wiIJ be offered a very strong afid useful Black Horse, Prince, 16 hands, 4 off, quiet JO ride and drive together w ith a capital Dog-Cart, and a set of Sh{er-phted Harness, in good condition, haying h{td yery little use, the property of Robert Johnston, Esq" of Cardiff A v'e. c capital Brougham Horse, 5, with black points, 16.1 would nift^e a splendid Brougham horse. Light tw?S=v heeled Dog Cart, in good condition. A four-wheeltsd Phaeton, in excellent condition, by Edwards, of Cardiff. Fseful Dog' Cart, by Miles. Four-wheeled Phaet<Th;. ditto. Dark bay Cob, rising 4, hands, quiet to df1YC or under the saddle. Two Ayrshire Cows and Calves' Two Durham Cows in Calf, 20 Hogi3he tds of good sound Harvest Cs^er- Also an iron-grey Pony, G yrs, 13'2. NeV Trap, Also 2 sets of Harness. 13 Beer Horses, froUl Sft. to 9ft. long. Óther Horses and Carriages will be sold at tlx; jSZKnc tUlle, par. ticulars of wh1çh may be had on morning of sale. Sale to commeuce at 2 o'clock, 76, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 45H 16044 Sale of a Compact Residential Property, near Cardiff. MR D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed by £ he Executors of the late Mr Joseph Huckwoll, to SELL by AUCTION at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of June next, at Three o'dock in the afternoon, that capital compact and substantially erecte.. MARINE RESI[)ENCE, known as Lavernock House, situate at Lavernock, near Cardiff, wit,h the spacious iawns, shrubberies, gardens, Rnd paddock attached thereto. Tho nouse contains, dining, drawing, and breakfast rooms, good entrance hall, servants' hall, and the usual offices on the ground floor. It has, In addition, nine bedrooms, w.e" and bath-room, good oellarage, and two lead cisterns capable of con- tallllng over 3,000 gallons of soft water. '1'1wre ill an exeenent two-stall stable and loose hox, a large and commodious coachhouse, harness and saddle room. and an ex- ceedlllgly SpaClOUS hay 10ft 01' granary over the whole, There Is another coach house, and in addition a stable, cow house large enough for the cows, fowl house, piggeries, walled gardeu and orchard; the garden and orchard being- planted with Choice fruit and other trees. Ciose to the beaeh has been crected a bathing-house, furnished with a shower bath, and appliances laid down to low water mark fur pumping up salt water. The house is approached by a good carriage drive, and the grounds, which are about 3^ acres in extent, are tastefully hud out. The premises are situate within six miles üf the town of Cardiff, in a charming situation, having a southern aspect, and command- ing extensive yiews of the Bristol Channel, the whole forming a most attractive property, The proposed Penarth, BalTr, and Su1Jy Railwar wm pass within convenicnt distance of the premises. Tltere are 29 acres of araù1e and pasture lalld In the oceupation of the pr.-seut tenant, and held by the executors upon all annual tenancy. Thc purchaser of the housj and grounds can be per- mitted, subjl;çt to the approval of the landlord, to hohl this taking 011 the terms of the preBeut rental. The present tenancy expires iu June, and early possession can ùe given. The house and grounds are held for the unexpired t.c1111 of 99 years, from 2nd February, 1853, at an annual ground rent of £ 0. Persons desirOl1.8 of viewing the premises may dQ so on app1ica- tion to the Auctioneer. For further particulars apply to Messrs Dalton, Spencer, and Corbett, Solicitors; or to tile Auctioneer, ïG, 8t AIan-street, Cardiff. 4513 10005 To Farmers, Contractors, Colliery Proprietors, and others. Unreserved Sale of a very excellent jot of valuable Cart Horses. MR D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed to SELL 1. ùy AUCTION, at the Canton Market, on MOXDA Y, tho 218t day of May next, heing Canton Fair day, at 12 o'dock pre- cisely, the following very, excellent lot of valuaùle CAIn 1I0W:iER 1—Captain, bay gelding, 15.3 high, 6 years. 2-Black Bird, black gelding, 14.3 high, 7 yea rat 3—Spanker, black gelding, 15.0 high, 6 years. 4— Smiler, bay gelding, 15.2 high, ï years, 5-Boxer, hrown horse, 15.2 high, 8yea.rs. 6—Tiger, bay gelding, 15.2 high. 7 years. 7— Collier, black gelding, 15.3 high, 6 years, 8—Derby aud colt, ùay mare, 15 high, ï year* 9. -Star, grey mare, 15.2, aged. 10— Duke, grey horse, 15.2 hIgh, aged. 11—Captain, bay horse, 16 high, 6 rears, 12——Very prùmlsing brown gelding, 3 off. 13 Very promising 3 year old black cart colt, by A1 H- Silver, chesnut horse, 1D hauds, 6 years. 15 -B?llfjt, hrown 14 6 ,t 10—Diamond, bay 10 I ,( 17-Nelson, black" 11 8 Ii 18—Traveller, brown" 15 S n 19-Windsor, bay 152 „ 6 „ 20—Lester, bay 15 9 These horses arû all staunch workers, young- and healthy, all fresh from their work, and aU in fine fettle, and will bo sold without the least reserve, the present proprietore having no further use for them. Tbey are strongly reconllllcnded to persons requiring first-class Cart Horses. 70, 8t Mary-street, Cardiff, April 30th, 1877, 15908-4533 Brlrhh)11 House, Conway-road. Canton, Cardiff.—l-nregerved Sale 01 the well-appointed Household Furniture, Antique China. and Effects. MR D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed, by .1' the Executors of the late Mr Joseph Huckwell, to SELL bv AUCTION, at the above Residence, on WEVNESDA Y, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of lIray, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD lTIIX1'1TH.E, PICTURES, BOOKS, and EFFECTS comprising contents of diniug. roorn and library, in Spanish mahogany, and upholstered in morocco, including a massive and handsomely carved sideboard 6 fcet 6 ÜI. hv 5 feet 6 in., bookcase with six shelves, 14 feet br 7 fect high the contents of the drawing-room In walnut, haIH.I5ome gilt cornice, fringe and <,urtaills, pier and other glass, Brussels and other carpets, fenders and fire-irons, ornaments, gilt and marble time- pieces, parian statuettes, fillC toned piano, oceasiollal and other tablet1, walnut davenport, oak hall table, stands and cl1à!rs, two musical boxes, several specimens of Dresden and other china, It hrg-e quantity of eut and other glasJ, dinner IInd othe:" ware, together with the usual furniture of the outer offices. The apJJolntments of several bedrooms, i neluding half-tester, mahogany, anù birch edsteads. mahog1\ll,}" and birch winged ward robes, chest of drawers, toilet g1asses, stands, feather beds. mattresses, towel rails, &e. Several valuanlc oil paintings and engravings. A large assortment of legal aud other books, awl a small quantity of office furniture. The goods, which luwe heen principally manufactured hy Messrs. Daniel Lewis and Son, of Cardiff, mar be viewed on Tues- day, the 22nd day of May, betwecn the hours of 12 a.m. and 5 p,111. Onlors to view the same lllHY be had upon appliClttlon to the A¡;ctioncer. Order of Sale- \Vcdncsday, 23rd day of May-The oontents of dining-room and library, occasioual roum, and tile outer officC8, the glass and china. Thursday, 24th day of May—The contents of drawing-room anù the bedrooms Friday, 25th day of :lIay-The legal and other books. t-ialo to commence—first two days, at 12 o'dod. last day, at 2 o'cloek. Catalogues can he had on application to the Auctioneer. Tiie premises TO LET, apply to the Auctioneer, 16077 70, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. Llantrissant, "Olanwria,nsi1ir-e.-Prelimiríary Announcement. MR D. T. ALEXANDER is ins ructed by David Evans, Ksq.; to SELL by AUCTION, about the middle of Junè, at the Cardiff Arms Hotel, in the town of CardifY, several VALUABLE PROPERTIES, situate in the town of Llan- trissant, comprising that capital Dwelling-house, with lawns. orlh Ird, gardens, 4-stall stable, coachhouses, &c., known as Llan- tris-ant House; also all that capItal Dwelling-house, Garden, Stables, Coachhouse, and Outbuildings, known as Llantrissant Cottage together with a Third Share in several Leasehold Dwel- ling-houses 11) the town, and a's > a number of shares in the Llan- trissant Gas Company. Full particulars and date of Sale will hercafter appear, or can be had upon application to Messrs Drake and Sons, 3, Cloak-lane, Can nUll-street, London Messrs Spickctt and Price, solicitors, Pontypridd or to the Auctioneer, 70, St Mary-st., Cardiff. 15907 SALE THIS D.H. Victoria Rooms, 8t Mary -street, Cardiff,-To Clergy, Gentry, Furniture Brokers, and Others. » TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the above- named premises, on THURSDAY, May 17, 1877, and follow- iug days, until the whole Is disposed of, the property of lIlr N. Lawrence, who is rctiring frrím business 0'1 account of ill healtli, the whole of the STOCK-IN-TRADE of CABINET FURNITURE and other Effects, comprising dining, drawing, bedroom and office furniture in mahogany, walnut, rosewood, and deal painted furniture, full compass* pianoforte, ditto semi-grand, chimney, pier, toilet, and other glasses,bookcases, cheffonmeres, office and other tables, Devonport writing desks, easy and other chairs, iron and wood bedsteads, feather and milpuff beds, palllasses and mat tresses, hlankets alld other bedding, Brussels, Kidderminster, tapestry and other carpets; also a quantity 01 albums, plate. glass cheffonnieres, chimney ornamentsl glasses, washstands, dressing table and wa-re. Capital horse spring furniture van with patent brakes, phaeton, 2 gigs, double and smgle harness, a quantity of mahogany and other timber, veneering, and other effects too numerous to particularise. The premises to be Let witll immediate possession. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock ill the Afternoon, and it 1 o'clock in the Evening. On view, and by private treaty up to the day of sale. 4535 JAMES QORDON AND £ JO., CORN AND SEED MERCHANTS, 15, ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENTS FOR BURNARD, LACK, & ALGER'S MANURES. TURNIP OR ROOT MANURE, SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR GREEN CROPS. DISSOLVED BONES. NITRATE OF SODA. GUANO. AGRICULTURAL SE1<:D::) OF ALL KINDS. NEW AND t»«'R0VED VARIETIES OF SWEDB AND MANGLE SEED. OATS, BEANS, MAIZE, MEALS, AND OTHER FEEDING STUFFS. HAY, STRAW, AND CHAFF. 4230 14947 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES ON A¡>PLICATION. }' 0 R I'V I N D 0 ,V TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, PRINTING PROVISION TINS, &c. KEEPING BROS., B R 0 ADM E AD. B R I S ,£ 0 L. K.B,-TICKET8 KEPT IX SrOCK. 4525 gTARCH." gTIFF'S gTARCIL7' One Trial of thl3 Beautiful Starch Will prove its superiority. TRADE MARft. "QUEEN gESS" REGISTERED 10th April, 1877. gTIFFS gTARCH." « gTIFF'S gTARCH." Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen, 15275 and Wholesale at 29. REDCLIFFE-STREET, BRISTOL. 4391 RPO. BUILDERS ATIV CONTRACTORS. "Hoofing glates. Chimney Pieces, London Portland Cement, filter of Paris, Stoneware Pipes, Chimney Tops, Stable Bricks, White Pressed Bricks, Mouldings, ArohitraveS ana SkirtIngS, poors. Sashes, and Frames, and all Building Materials for fne lowest prices, ALEX. MoKINNON & Co., Canal Wharf, Fast fnext door t? f I < rjIHE GREAT CABINET AND QARPET I i- \jr "^yAREHOUSE. JQANIEL" LEWIS AND SON, CARDIFF: J^ANIEL^LEWlS" AND SON; CARDIFF: ) DANIEL LEWIS AND SON, CARDIFF. JJANIEL LEWIS AND SON, CARDIFF. JQANIEL LEWIS and"SON, CARUIFF\ JQ VN1EL LEWIS AND~~SON7 CARDIFF. 1 ———————————————————————————— THE GREAT JJOUSE JjVJRNISHERS JLLU ST R ATED~C ATTLOGUE GRATIS^ 530 ENGRAVINGS GRATIS. IIIGH CLASS JjlURNITURE AND QARPETS DANIEL LEWIS AND SON, CARDIFF. JJANIEL LEWIS AND SON, CARDIFF. JQANIEL LEWIS AND SON^ CARDIFF? JQANIEL LE WIS AND* SON, CARDIFF. JJANlEL LEWIS~In^ SON, CARDIFF. JQANIEL LEWIS AND SON, CARDIFF. CABINET ]yj[AN UFACTUREItS, TIMBER MERCHANTS, AND UNDERTAKERS, 24. 25, & 26, HIGH STREET, *2-11 "CARDIFF. 14448 QNE S H ILL I N G. COLLECTION HARDY ANNUALS, 12 SPENDID VARIETIES FOR FLOWER GARDEN j. VELVET LAWN GRASS, Is. per lb. LAWN MOWERS, LAWN ROLLERS, &c., &c. JOHN H I B B E R T, 17, ANGEL STREET, 15710 CARDIFF. 4147 TENTS, MARQUEES, AND BOOTHS ON -L HIRE. URIAH SMART, TENT AND MARQUEE PROPRIETOR, 24, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, Begs to inform the Public that he has the LARGEST and BEST STOCK of TENTS, MARQUEES, and BOOTHS of all Sizes, suit- able for flower shows, eisteddfodau, and galas, picnics, races, or fairs. Estimates given on 8pplkation, Orders punctually at- tended to. Erected on the shortest notice. DIstance no object. 4505 15009 G-REAT REDUCTION IN TDRICES. \J< -ti -t OF THE HEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. ^yTIEELER&^nLSON'S For Ladies No. 1, 2, 3, & 8 MACHINES K LtcUe« ARE THE VERY BEST. ^{|J f t 1^ -g s\ For Ladies PRiCES FROM Jb/O I01' For Ladies GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. "VirHEELER & \%f ILSON'S For Families Vf T 7 For Families No.1, 2, 3, & 8 MACHINES, M £ } -C' or anuHt',S ARE THE VERY BEST. For Families t* 1 r\ For Families PRICES IKOM 10s For Families GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. ~WTHEELER & "1 riLSON'S For Dress Makers YY For Dress Maters ■NT C 1. O TIT 1 HTYT.'Q For Dress Makers °- 0 & 8 MA ( HINES For Dvem ,lftk0rg ARE THE VERY BEST. for Dress Mftk«rs <r»r* For Dress Makers PRICES FROM Jww I For Dress Makers GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. ^HBEELER & "^TILSON'S For Shirt Makers No. 8 MACHINE For Shlr^ tfakors IS T II E VERY BEST. £ or ^ft'Kers p q J? or Shirt- Makers PRICE FROM (HwO For Sliirt Makers GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. WHEELER &ILSON'S I For Tailors yy TV No. C and 7 MACHINES For Tailors ARE THE VERY BEST. |,or ^a|],or3 PO "I A r Iai'or3 PRICES FROM »bo JLvr3 For Tailors GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. WHEELER AWTILSON'S For Shoemakers VV For Shoemakers No. 0 and 7 MACHINES For Shoemakers ARE THE YE JY BEST. ^Lkev, TRICES FROM abo X(/S For Shoemakers GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. •ypiEELER&^TILSON'S £ «§$ £ No. 6 and 7 MACHINES For Saddlers ABE TBE VERY BE^ g £ PRICES FROM £9 For Saddlers GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. WHEELER i vvriLsoN's [»K2s: No. 6, 7, & 8 MACHINES p" For Manufacturers, ARE THE VERY BEST. For Manufacturers. For Manufacturer*, for Manufacturerg. PRICES FROM for Manufacturer#, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. ^yHEEI,E6«^yILSON'S For S^Tbog. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, & 8 £ or |veryMy. MACIIINks £ or Everybody, ARE THE VERY BEST. |W Everybody, PRICES FROM £ 5 5s j For Eyer^body! j THREE AWARDS. THREE AWARDS. THE VERY HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITION. CARDIFF A DDRESS WHEELER AND ^IIoSON, 10, ST. MARY STREET. r Chief Office— r Chief Office— WHEELER 21, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. ANI> (Near the Mansion House). WILSON. Central Depot— 73, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. LONDON, E.G. AND (Near the Mansion House). WILSON. Central Dopot- 73, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. ——— 11717 EVERY MACHINE made by the Wheeler and ^Yllson Jj»nn fitcturtM Company baa the iw-nie of the ftrm impressed on th cjotfo pttte, and the Trado mark affixed to the bed plate. &bo8 MR CARLTON RICHES, AMERICAN DENTIST, DUMFRIES-PLACE (nearest house to the Drill-hall), CARDIFF. <471 JOHN H. B A G R I D G ET, PLUMBER, ZINC WORKER, &c. (Late of No. 4, Castle road, Roath), Begs to inform the Public that he has RE-OPENED The OLD BUSINESS, at No. G, ST. JOHN-STREET, CARDIFF. 4408 NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR SOQTT'S tnuous .ilm LIVER PILLS. Pfepaf-ed without (nercUrv. are InvaluftDje to all who puffer from BuJomj aid LIVHR Qpihitm, iMPfflMfiw, Wuq, Jfovt §{Ua,¥&, NBiiyo&S DijfftiWaiorf. iaRiTABiwf¥, XiMm/Dii Was ojr Arrwrm, Drsre&su, hba*totoh, boor mrjqtatiom. LOwwwfl of smrts, wM >ewation of whew fct the pit tU B^ouaob, 6pt)jit9a«. of thj Er^a, ajid all those other BJTOjjtoiijjg tfhloh none put a sufferer edt> describe. For H^rruAi, suffering1 from the Pi LBS, th 6y will be M 4$fMRAL jwplT Apbmwt MapicrttB they h*ye no eguaL teljur mlld fc their dpOTatlon, a&4 gralfflW w fn$stpjhAch. tw give a hewQjy tone a&d Twour to aifferenf secrewans, caueiS tW neo««Worg^Mthl6it<»^oh »nd LlvW w .Jesumg activity, thus reftormi the appetite, ^romotini: cUjrogtldo, and I GO YLE AND O S. PERFECT FITTING BOOTS. OLD PLAN-The Feet must fit the Boots. NEW PLAN-The Boots fit the Feet. BOYLE AND CO.'S NEW SPRING AND SUMMER BOUTS AND SHOES. ALL THE LATEST STYLE, FIRM AND COMFORTABLE, DURABLE AND ELEGANT, MODERATE IX PRICE. BOYLE AND CO.'S FRENCH BOOTS AND SHOES ARE PERFECT NOVELTIES. Full Dress BOOTS. BOOTS made to Order. BOOTS of every Style. BOOTS of every Quality. BOYLE AND CO.'S LADIES' AND GENTS WALKING SHOES, Immense Stock, endless variety. IJOYLE AND CO.'S NEW STOCK is complete with every article de. sirable for SPRING and SUMMER WEAR, consisting of GLOVE KID, CALF KID, 8.VTTEEN and CASH- MERE, in BUTTON, BALMORAL, and ELASTIC SIDE. BOYLE AND CO, BOOT AND SHOE. MERCHANTS, 10, CHURCH STREET, AND 31, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. 4344 RECKITT'8 PARIS BLUE. Used in the PRINCE OF WALES'S LAUNDRY. KECKITTTS~PAR"ISBLUE. Used 111 the DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH'S LAUNDRY. RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE. Is used by the poorest on account of its Cheapness, 4503 And by the richest on account of its Beauty. 15939 NOT ICE OF REMOVAL. -D. R. AMBROSE, IRONMONGER, REMOVED FROM 19, ST. MARY-STREET, TO 30, CASTLE.ROAD, ROATH. 4530 ALL GOODS SOLD AT TOWN PRICES. 16113 GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM. WHEN OTHER REMEDIES FAIL to cure your COUGH, COLD, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, or any Disorder of the CHEST or LUNGS, go to your Chemist and get a Bottle of GEORGE'S COUGH BALSASt. Take it according to the directions given, and report its Marvellous Power to your Friends. NOTE.—One dose relieves, a few doses cure. Sold in Bottles at Is 1!d and 28 9d, by most chemists. Proprietor, B. A. George, Pentre, Pontypridd. Important and interesting testimonials around each Bottle. 4420—16115 "KEEP D. & CO. MOVING." EMPLOY THE STAR FURNITURE VANS, THE LARGEST AND BEST IN WALES. FURNITURE REMOVED BY ROAD OR RAIL, To any part of the United Kingdom. Estimates free. S. J. DAVIES ANDCO., 1, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. 2309_ "^TATER YOUR QARDENS. SIXTY FEET OF EXTnA STRONG INDIA-RUBBER GARDEN TOTCSE, Complete, with Brass Pipe, Rose, and Jet, FOR 21s. SOUTH WALES INDIA-RUBBER COMPANY, WEST BUTE-STREET, DOCKS, 450t CARDIFF. 15941 T IEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest Meat flavouring Stock for Sonps, Made Dishes, and Sauces. Oaotion—Genuine ONLY with fac-shull of Baron Liebig'a signature across Label. 115 10207 GRIFFITHS. There IS but one GRIFFITHS \JT SECOND-HAND FIRE-PROOF SAFE DEALER in the world, who has always tho most extensive assortment 0. Safes by Chatwood, Miluer, and other eminent makers, at ataou half the price of new. A Guarantee with each. Illustrated Prico Lists Post free. GRIFFITHS, the SAFE MAN, 43. CANNON STREET, E.C. M "TRUTH MUST PREVAIL."—COMMON SENSE SILK & FELT HATS & CAPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. S. WEICHERT, MANUFACTURER, St, BUTE STREET; DEPOT, 8, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF, (Established 1858,) OFFERS nothing extraordinary, but really Good Articles at fair and reasonable prices, He does not keep an immense stock," but sufficiently large for iiur person to select from. He does not sell cheaper than any other house in the trade," but quite as cheap as jinv. S. W. 18 in possession 01 Allie-Aine's Patent Conformateur, tho only Instrument which takes the exact Size, and thus secures a Perfect Fit. A VISIT WILL AT ALL TIMES BE VERY MUCH 16480 APPRECIATED. 4400 JJROWN & POLSON'S CORN FLOUR Ie EQUAL TO THE FINEST ARROWROOT. HAS TWENTY YEARS' WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. COMMANDS THE HIGHEST PRICE. 22t AND THE LARGEST SALE. '1 (THE OLD HOUSE.) J OHNSTO N'S OORN FLOUR 11066 8666 Is THE BEST. QUITE FREE FROM ADULTERATION.—Lancet. "IS DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR—lancet. J. SESSIONS AND SONS, CANAL WHARF. EAST, AND JOHN-STREET, o à R D I F Fe BEST DERBYSHIRE GRINDSTONES, EQUAL TO BILSTON, AND MUCH CHEAPER. Used in Government Factories. Special Prlcø for fuU Truck Loads, AND AT 4080 DOCKS, 14008 GLOUCESTER, AUMG ARTE N S INVIGORATIVE -D NERVINE ESSENCE. A most powerful nutritive cordial, which restores to their nor- mal condition all the secretions on the integrity of which perfect health depends- TTlc,alTT REPORT BY DR. HASSALL. Having analysed the preparation to which Messrs Baum- garten and Co. have given the name of INVIGORATIVE NERVINE ESSENCE," I am of opinion that it is a combination well calcnlated, from its containing, among other ingredients, Pepsine and Phosphate of Soda, to prove most serviceable to the Debilitated, the Nervous, and the Dyspeptic. Price 8s per bottle, or four 8s bottles in one, 22s., carriage free. Sole agents, BRANT and Co., 233, Strand, London, W.C. 3369 A P 0 L L I N A R IS NATURAL MINERAL WATER. Has the special qualities of purity, freshness, persistent effer- vescence, and agreeable flavour, alone or mixed with wines or spirits."—Practitioner. 60 QUARTS 26s, 100 PINTS 42s, In London, or 60 QUARTS 2fi»s, lOO PINTS 46s, Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the United Kingdom. Bottles included and allowed for On return. Smaller quantities ofOhemlsts, Wine Merchants, &o„ at Cs per DOZEN PMt>an^5?J»r DOZEN QUART< LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE. In coneequenoe of Spurious Imitations ov WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, Y Y whloa are calculated to deceive the Public, "F EA AND PERRINS HAVE adopted A JJ l,?™e, 4 WOR6MTERSWIRE SAUpE, and without whlop rt6ne w genujne. Bold wliolesal# by tho Proprietors, Worcester { CroM» And Black well, Lpftdon and Export Oilmen generally. RetftU ik amm la uugy tl^roii#tauLthe Wofcli, il79. 11 ( P"  l. p FILLER, p, ii- Llie Stollach, MfeDICl^X eurw Utfttnp and Pa^n in the Stomach, Dia-r- rlicea, Dysentery, anu T) A I N KILLER cure* Col&; Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and any DiseaJ? Chest 01 Lungs. PAIN KILLER cures Rheumatism, Gout, and Neuralgill. I PAIN KILLER cures Dyspepsia, Headache, and Fever. PAIN KILLER cure3 Kidney Complaints, Lumbago, &j. I PAIN KILLER cures Burns, Bruises, Sprains, and Woun Is 210 TRAIN KILLER is sold by a,! JH- Ciien&U and Medicine Vendors. Price Is. ljd., 2s. f'd., is. Cd., and lis. Od. per Bottle. (Largo Bottles cheapest.) .<W



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