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Wnwiul S-ERVANT-S WANTING PL AO KB of any des- criptiou, and Houschohters requiring Servants, should wvcrlÜic tit the CAMXKK TIMKS. Price Is. for 24 words, PRWAIO. L0lX3J N CIS ~-tud A P A H I' M ENTS WANTElJ, or to be LET, should be advertised ill the CARDin TIMES. P,íœ ts. for 24 wordf, ■■im-uP. TpO BE LET, and may be entered on imrne- ■ diately, about 12 acres of PASTURE LAND, situate within *ne mile of C'ariliff. -Appiy to -Mr D. David, '(tie Cottage, Ely. 4130 If"' LET, a G'XKI Farm, containing about 200 acrcs of | pasture and arable 'and, aituate in the Vale of Glamorgan, (^4 about seven miles from Cardiff, and eight from Cowbridge. ypagesaion :nnncdiatdy.-Furth,;r jwrt.ieulars may he obtained Upon application t<, 11. T. Alexander, auctioneer and hnd agent, 78, St Mary street, Cardiff. 4145—14423 TO CHEMISTS AND OTHERS.—To be LET, a capital BCSiNKS* PREMISES. in Touypandy, bein,' the most central position in i.he district. —A[ply tt: W. J. Powell, Auctioneer ani V'ai er, Pontypridd. "538 /ov CARDIFF. To beDisposed of, an" Old-established SHIP- CHANDLERV BUSINESS, situate in the best position at the Dorks. Stock, 1WIOUt £ 1,200, to Le taken at a valuation. For further particulars, apply to T. S. Huntley, General Agellt, 106, Batff Docks. 4058 13674 FT RE- PROOF SAFES.—C YRUS PRICE, and CO. 'S Patent Wr<>u: £ bt Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Holdfast ■5aSea and Powder Mairizines '.vith :111 modern improvements and liLtcd with Cyrus Price s ixitent Prize Modal and Gunpowder Proof Locks, from ,£4 and "upwards. A at-ock at Cross Brothers, iron- Mongers, Cardiff. 3478 \)72;: MUSICAL BOXES!—Very best Manufacture. Pt*yinj six. Grand Operate. Air?, t'3 1's; eight aira U IDs; U-n airs, £ 6 ,s twelve aiis £ 7 7*. Very large size, handsome inla'd cases, and all lmr.rovtmenta. Carriage fre j Oth'H \v th accompaniments *o »!li/0..fame1! Ri hardsoti, Importer, 111, F< r.:<<< it-read, Claphaio, London. W holt-sale. 30 9 I DRAPERY.'—To be DISPOSED OFimmedia- .1 J tely, an old-eswWished DRAPERY and OUTFITTING I5USjNES.s, where a large and profitable trade is being: donc; present proprietor retiring; situ:4te in tile most thriving alld :entra.1 part of Rhondda Ya,l1ey, surrounded by about a dozen of she largest steam "oal collieries in South Wales. -Apply to W. Jones Powell, Auctioneer and Valuer, Pontypridd. 3539 CCARDIFF.—FOR SALE. In various parts of J the Town and Suburbs, well-built and elegantly fitted 9d.J.A RESIDENCES. First-class PRIVATE HOUSES, and eon- -enicntly-arranged COTTAGE PROPERTY, BUSINESS and -ANUFAGTURlNa PREMISES TO f.F.T and FOR SALE in the ÎX'). rart of town.- -Full particulars of Messrs. W. and S. Hern, Estate, House, and Land Agent*, Working-street, Cardiff. 2444 mo be SOLD by PRIVATE COXTHACT. CANTON: Several B Nine-roomed tlouses, lease !!99 years. gig-ht Houses, rent £ 121 16s; price, .CI,). Six Houses, rent £ 105 <is; price £ 1,050. Two Houses, inctudh).t Shop rent £ 40 is price £ 500. ROATH Four Houses, including a Comer Shop, rent £ 05 Friee £ 000. Two Houses, rent £ 31 4s; price £ 310. Three louses, rent £ 42 lis; price £ 400. Tvo Shops, including two ■I :M. roomed Hons, wit;] back entrance and stahle ill Castle- ■J. Two Eig'ht-rfw'ioed Villas in Partridge-road price M000. TO be LET, to a butcher or cab proprietor, a Shop, including ici en-roonietl House, with a stable for three or four horses and three cobs rent 125 ner week. Ei;ht-roo1ll<<Í Villa m Partrid<re- road; rent £ 30. A 6hop ill Castle-road, iueludillg seven-roomed House, with stable and back entrance, for shoes, or draper, or greenjroecr, or poultry, or a butcher, or ,rro<-er. Several Houses at Ely, with large ganleris, at 4s. ,1. per week. For reply, please "snclosc a stamped env6k.)pe.-Al'pl,) to Mr. Thomas Davies, House •ud Land Agent, 34, Cowbridge-ro^l, Canton, Cardiff. 4105 TO be SOLD by Private Coutract.—Canton— One nine-roomed Uouu, with larjjfe ¡:ardell and block 1m twice, in the main street; lease a J9 years fr,)IT! 1871,price .£5.1). tflTi Houses, including a Cor cor Shop in.th* main street, price AJUKXX. Eight dousts. Rent i.121 lOsOl, price £1,300. MMkth Four Houses, mcluditv^' a Corner Shop, rent £65" year, price £ 600. Shop a.;d sevan-roomed House, in Caitle- price £ 600. Two Houses, rent £ 31 4s 0d, price £ 320, nmuid rent only £2 l.;g 01 for ot'1. TO BE LET, several five roomed Houses, with large garden, 4b Gd per week each. Kleven-roomed^ou e in the main street, C»oto t:85. Aiso nine -roomed Ilo'i ™ root £35. A Shop and ■f->vev>-rooiBed House in Castl»-r»a<), avitable for a butcher, or .ir«per, or greengro-er, or stationery, or a pawnrroktr. liiglit- -tooujCi Villa in Par.ri<i4re-roal, Koa.fi, rent £ 30 a year. Aply to Mr Thomas Pavie3, House A.e It,. 34, Cowbrid^e OOad, Canton. For reply please enclose a stamped envelope. 3480 \J(kf I L L I A M S A N D E R S VT AUCTIO^KEH, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 28. ST. MARY &TREET, CARDIFF. Has the :odowii:g PROPERTIES for sALK. CARD" t ;-No8. 16, 17, an 1 13, in l'uZ:iI:\rd-8treet; Four ttotuts in Hussell-streer. fioAtu.—Three Houses in Oiamord-street; One House in fitsevald-treet T«ji"« Houses in Topaz-street; Six Genteel te8;denccI in M"t,1.l street, and seven in 0010. street BMb and Hjrtlc Villas, Partridge Koao. CAT3ATS.—fix Kouaes in Let.y-street; anil Two Semi-ctatched Cottages, in Lettv-»treet. CANTON.—Eligible site of Freehold Laud at the corner o* Clive- roa lan l Eh-roatt. GRANOWIOWK.—A Co-ne-Sbop in Bromagrove-street, and cor- mcrSho > aad House in Ho:mesdale-s«r<;et. A liberal proportiüll of the t nrcluse money may be bad 0:1 Mortgage. Apply as above. 125 gubUatiousi. fTUIK MATRIMONIAL NEWS, a Weekly A Family Ntvspaper, publishetl every Saturday, price 3d., ptjStfrce 3jd., as letter 4jrd., had i>>w been e.stab]ishc,1 6 ycar; anil contains the iiinoun-ements of about 300 candidates for Matrimony every week, All who wish to marry should read it. Published at 302, STRATI*, LONDOV, and may be hail through .) Newsagent. The tr.8 suiijiiicl .>11 sale or return. 3207 r. — —: —— ^uiUUmj giBDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY. SUMS fram £50 to £:\00, reuly 'o he L'iNTon Mortgage. SHAllES MAY BE TAKKN AND DEPOSITS -Wo dai'y. Prescot ra.te of Iatere¡,t on de¡>Jsits, 4t per stilt., subject to six months' notice of withdrawal; 4 per cent .A\ three mpntths; and per cent reitavable on <1eIDól.nJ. TENTH ANNUAL REPORT, Prospet1.u, and all illf,.>rnla:ioil may be obtained on appliea- Qo* to thd^undersigned. H.Ii—TERMS of BORROWING and IiEDEJlPl'ION furtlier Seduced PETER PRICK, SB; KE'I'AU' Dated, 3, Croc*berotown. Cardiff, 3f-2 1>BINCIPAUTY PERMANENT BENEFIT BlTlLDiNG SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED, löôO. INcOR! ORATED, MAfiCH, 1876. Omc«:~ 28, ST. MARY STEET, CARDIFF, The Oldest, Largest, and most Kqu'taWs Society in the District. Income for the .,ea.r, lSiá £ 57,379 17 6 Profits i,'1j, 1G il Deposits of .£10 and up war Is taken daly, at 5 er cent interest 1.'b_- Society has now been in existence upwards of 16 )oa.rs _Id has NSVEK sustained a 10811. 6459 WM. SANDERS, 184 Managing Secretary "KEEP D. C O. MOVING." EMPLOY THE gTAR FURNITURE VANS, THE LARGEST AND BEST IN WALES. fTURNITURE REMOVED BY ROAD OR RAIL, v To any part of the United Kingdom. Estimates free. g J. DA VIES AND CO., I, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. 2899 #jpHE~ EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND THE r.t. CITY OF LONDON.—His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Of Russia has conferred on Mr J. W. Benson the appointment of Qoldsmith to the Imperial Court, in appreciation of AIr. Benson's tttMtic production of the Gokl Casket presented to the Emperor the (Corporation of the City of London. 1 W "RENsos. %} v ▼ -1—■™ To the yueeii and Royal Family. ( To n.R.H. the Prince of Wales (special afipointment). inventor and Maker of the Chronograph, by whieh the Derby feod all great races are timed. Prize MedaU, London, Dublin, *rui Paris. Steani Factory and City Show Rooms: t. U t) C A T E HILL, LON DON, E.C. J \VT T>ENSON invites attention to the ▼ ▼ -MJj unequalle<l advantages which he is en- 8b1cd to offer to pU1-ctUJ.sers by the use of steam power and the employment of a large ,t.:1.ff of skilled English and Foreign work- men. The highly >atisfactory performance of his Watches and Clocks is rccogniscd as an establislied fact by tho Press; whilst the rapidly augmenting demand, both at home and abroad., Mortis satisfactory eviùcnce of increasing appreciation by the pzb¡¡(.- The prices charged in every instance, are the lowest sonjpatible with sound workmanship and high finish. OYELTY. English Cloeks far superior to foreign, designed by English artists, manufactured on the premises, and tn bo ,.}¡¡aiu0fl only aL the above estab- lishments. Clock Cases made to harmonize with the architecture of mansions, country houses, &c., and with their furniture. ^fLOCKS. 1 to 1,000 Guinea. Carriage, Church, House, Presentation, Office and Shop. WATCHES. From 2 to 200 Guineas. Clirono- graplis, CTiroiiouit'tcrs, Ko\less, Levers, Presentation Repeaters. Railway Guards, Sailors, Soldiers, and Workmen's Watches (of extra strength). TEV/ELLERY. Special Novolfies for Presents. tJI New designs at I¡¡,xkr"te prices. Kronzcs, etC. PLATE. Hiuisehold, I'resentation, Pnxu, and Rt^mcntal (designs anil estimates furnished), &.c. W:1.t(":æ and Clod:" repaired by skilled workmen. OM Jewellery, Silver, and Watches exchanged. Watcfcea sent free t-o ail parts of the country. Merchants and Shippers supplied. Hie aew pmrjihtoto "» Turret an 1 Church Clocks (with testi- •>oni?.ls), Watches aid Clock?, .(o vciiery and Plate (profusely 1UUlltr;>,te<). aellt post iree eiicii (IIr two stamps. J. W. IkmsfJii's N'w Work, "Time cit,t! Time Tellers," pub- úbed iiy Hanhvick, I'kc"illy, Pbhl, J.s. 'j(1. WIt. 3s. C1AUT10N. The Public are can turned against J (nlarepreseutatioas and attempts sell Spurious imita- tion- :20!i_ KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM L O 2 E N G K S Aro the meet efficat:ious ReuiLdy ever jitrodueed for Worms. !'tt..y be taken by chridren of ali ages with perfeet. safety, and iro %iiH> ftseful ("f cluluien "j delicwte Komac U and pale com- alesTona. "Oir,—woman gavs two of the !c)zctlgfl or the mominl{ll, AIOd by so dvin6 t<-e elu-d ¡.;ot rid vi i tesa lhau eighty wonblL- Vakiw. Afow»AS, Nel'< n W. iiarris, of •'etneoed, rjiiuer'i!cMild, had got rid of 140 worms In a w eh, whilst tshi i; a 'stx { your Aomi lozenges, and she has toproved wcmdr<fnlf.r FA health siiice." JMf. PRICK, Cefn, Merthyr. "A cu:.1.o-.ncr of mil. a abort time »%<■, bought a box of your worm lozenges, to try thdr nffo-t ..n Ms child, who was very IU. The littlo boy ■ rid of forry large worms, and 80,manJ small ones flbtvttbey conVJ not rt.e.k.:n them. JAJIKS MBYKICK. IVom Mr Mo«ws, Pen lorwn. g"11d me twelve dosen of gour va-tiabie worm lozenges, t;¡,1' aire curing *11 the childran in fibro neigh *>urhood. Prcvnred only by 3. P. K Manufacturing Cliennfst, Dmke-Bto -et, Canliff. Soid in boxes, at ts. J^d., "mI71<1., by t'hf ntx>inted Agents, and most rcsp.-c-a.ole (Chemists and Orugg-i»> 1?7 DO YoU SUFFER FROM GOUT or RHEO M ATiSM T If isend to your Chcraiit, or to Coventry V*r a Po* of aHFUiiATIO PILia the only ocrtaifl ill": "orth a Guinea (t Ptn t DO YOU wOFt'R FKOM Coughs, Colds, Hoarscruts, SiiDV-mia tf Ciea.o, or A^eclions of. the fjanii? 1 so, 'ei.d to vci;r hrtrr; sv or to Coventry for a Pox ol BAlliW'iJ CKLr fiR iiL'O -MAGIC COUUtl PILLS! 1h only oo< *ia Cere Worth a Giiinraa P.ll DO YOU SUFFER FROM Riliousness, Sick Tleada-he, Tudigcstion, or Dheasod Uverf If r,o. ssod to aoiir Oh m'st or to Coventry for » Box of VEQETAUI-E ANTnJlLIOlH AND LIYEtt PJLLS. The "aiy certain Cure! Worth a Guinea a Pill I •Sfold by fd Cheroiata mvd T'V&nt Med cine VendOc8 In Boxes lit iid-. 1.. lio., 2s. 5'd.. 4s. and lis, each. Sent POJ„ Frelo Iw- I. 15, 85, 66, or 136 Stampfl. Prepared only by 1.118 THOMAS &AIL&Y. CaBUMaT. COV £ XTRY. 216. BUTE ROAD, CARDIFF. IV!" R. TAIN TON respecbfully announces the XVi. REOPENING of his S^IIO >Lf on MONDAY, JANU- AhY 8tb. '1 he Tcfrna which a.re msderate, may be bait on application. sasa 18, RICHMOND TERRACE, CLIFTON. MRS. and MISS NOHMAiV receive a limited number of PUPILS, to whcJrn they offer the comforts of homi, combined with a borough education. VacaucKS for three li arders. The next term will commence on MONDAY, January 22nd. 3934 THE PUPILS of the MISSES MARKS' JL will (D.V.) RF-ASSE-KBLE on lANUARY 23rd, 1877. Resident French and English Governf88C? Pupils Pre- paied lor the Cambridge (Loca:) examination. HARROW HOUSE, DUMFRIES PLACE, CARDIFF. gPRINGFIELD, CLEVEDON, SOMERSET. The MissesSNOXKLL receive the Daughters of Gent'emen, tell only. The tu;tiOll comprises all usual bonches of a complete and refined Education. The a.,co¡.uplisbmcn(8 uy II resi I. nt foreign Govunes8 and Professors. The salubrity of Climate and beauty of ,wcenery of Clevedon, are well known. Highest references. Prospectuses on application. 3865 I>IUDG\VATEK COLLEGE SCHOOL .> LONSDALE UOCSB (LATfci MK KLS.^ELL'S). Principals itev Dr N ICHOLAS, M.A., F.G.S.. and !!cv 'v p.f(f..1! Assisted by several Masteiu, F.nglisli and Foreign. A THOROrrtH EN'GLISH and COWMKRCUr, KDrCATfOV's given as a chief requisite; Classics and Mathematics, Natural Science, Laud Survey ing with Field Practice, SI<Klem Languages, and Drill awl Gymnastic Exerciscs. 3903 Terms strictly moderate. 11707 QOUTHGROVE HOUSE, FITZALLAN PLACE, ROATH ROAD, CARDIFF. DANCING AND CALISTHENIC ACADEMY, Sc., &c., kc. MISS GOV AERTS-HUNT Kegs to inform the Nobility, Clergy, and residents generally o Cardiff and the ncighbourhooo that she 11:1.8 taken the above rooms. Terms and particulars on application. 3064 ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, CARDIFF. Private Tuition iOs. ûd. per Quarter. Mr. F. BO WEN, Member and Associate of the College of Pro- ceptors, Author of Key to the Acts." Life of St. Paul," Coper Class School Arithmetic," English Parsing and Analysis," k<i. Position ..¡¡ Government Class List: By Examination First Class. By Serviec First Class. Ail the advantages of a good MiUDLK CLASS EDUCATION. 161 jaontB. MONEY.—The following SUMS are ready to be ADV'N^ED upon Fre, hold or Lejsjhold ce^ur tv: £ 2,0.0, £ 1,000, £900" £800, £ 5 0, .£100, .1:.250..£200, £ .00, and tlCO. Ap I ply to .Mr J Samuel, Auctioneer, S.c Church-street, Caruiff. J34 VI ESS; ,S. W. & s. HERN, Estate Agents, S, Working-strf et, C'a-uiff, aic prepared to sdva:.ce from £ 50 to to,000 on Mortgage < f Freehold or Leasehold Property, and irorn £ iJ0 to £ 590 on personal security. c664 CASH ioimediately ADVANCED without sureties from jM to £.1,((,0 to Householders, Tradesmen, Publicans, Farmers, Mechanics and others, in town or country, on their furniture, Stock-in-Trade, Cattle, &e., without removal. The strictest secrecy ensured. Repayments hy instalments to suit borrowers. All IIIquirica immediately attended to. For full particulars, apply, personally, or by letter, to Mr William Usher, 28, Argyle street, Swansea. 3299—8622 MONEY MONEY ? !—Cash Advanced from ,£5 to £.'>00 to Householders, Farmers, and No Preliminary Fees. others at a few hours' notice. No Inquiry Fees. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. — No Sureties. Apply personally or by Jetter to No Delay. SOLOMON FRKKOMAX (Private House, Westbounle Crescent, or 4073-13795 117, Cowbridge road, Cardiff. \f ONEY LENT FROM £ 10 UPWARDS IxJL to Householders. On their Furniture and Effects, WITHOUT RRMOVAL. Also, on Plates, Watches, Diamonc's, Jewillery, Piaros, Furni- ture, Stock-in-Tra.dp. &c.,by LOUIS BARNETT, BSLMONT HOUSE, CHARLES STREET, CARDIFF. 864 ]V'TONEY LENT, by the Lombard Bank, Li- all mited, 4t and 44, Lombard-street, City, and 147, Regent- ?t: ect, W,, on Deeds, Reversions, Policies, Warrants, Trade Stocks, Farm Produce, Furniture (wi hout remwal), and Per- sonal Security. Deposits received. On demand, 5 per cent. SUb] ct to notice, 10 per ccnt. OpfXis D;awing Accounts. Sup- plies Cheque Books. Prigj eetus and balance sheet free.—J. PRY i. R, Manager. 2823 MONEY TO BE LENT, in Town or Country, to Gentle-ren, Farmers, Tradesmen, or others, from F;fty Pounds and upwards, upon personal security. Interest fi\ e per cent. per annum, from one to seven years. No com- llli8sion or chirges made. Also lum3 from One Thousand Pounds on mortgages, at three and a half per cent. on freehold or hold propeity, for a:iy tsrm not exceeding twenty»one \e!\ri. pply to WM. HOLLAND, Et^q., Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 11, EUSTON SQUARE, LONDON. 4125 MONEY.—A private Gentleman, with surplus capital, is desiTous oi ma -ing IMMED1A iE ADVANCED to gentlemen, manufacturers, farmers, tradesmen, and others, male or female, requ ring the tame in town or country, insunm from U) £ 5.0, en note-uî-haud (no law costs}. Terms from £ 5 per cent, cxtlmdiu1; from three montb8 to five yeal8; mort- gages 1)(>tiaHu at less uteres^. Distance no object, as persons can repay ('.1,' P.O.O. or cheque. By applying personally from 10 ti I 4, o: if by lut'er, inclosing a. stamped diric ed envelope stat- ing the amount lequired.toMr. A. BUADBURY. 161, V/aiworthroad, London, S.K., vcitii u ats will be sent by retunl of post. N.B — No connection with loan offices. Residing in the same district ver sir>ce ;x41. Secrccy with despatch. 4606 L AM ORG AN FINANCE COMPANY? VJT LIMITED. Capital, £ 10.000, fuby sUDgcrioeJ. Incorpor ted u der the Companies' A'-ttt,lSG2 and ISO". OFFICES: 32, IlOYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. M"ney ready to te advanced on all kinds of j-ecurities. All advances are made in udl, and maybe repaid by equal Mo.itMy or Quarterly Instalments, to suit theconvenience 0; the Borrowers. Scale of Repayments, Pros; ectuaes, and all other Information may be obtained s-t the lBice of the Couipany. The present rate of Interest on Deposits Is 5 pep cent. 1 THOM 'S WE8BER, Secretary. Apt lications by Post should contain stamped envelope for free pe stage ef r pi v. 209 ri^lIE TAUNTON AND WEST OF ENGLAND L PERPI.TUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. The oldest, the most tquiiablc, iud safest, in the Principality.. E;ta.b':8hed 1t57. lnvesting Shares, 5s. per month, £60 «ach Borrowing Shares, 10s per month, £ 60 each. This Company has always ahewed Members to withdraw at any time by giving tbree mouths' notice, or by paying one month's interest, instead of notice. No interest charged Leyond this. Profits idded to Members' Subscriptioas every year. Th ee per Cent, of the Profits miy be withdrawn, on redemp- Th ee per Cent. of the Profits miy be withdrawn, on redemp- tion, any time after first five years. Applications to be made by Borrowers, Investors,or Depositors, at 32, Royal Arcade, Cirdiff. THOMAS WBBBER, District Manager, or 3, Hamraet-street, Taunton, 189 ALBERT GOODMAN, Secretary pRIZE gTOCK FEEDING jyjEAL. TRADE XLNT. MARK. The cheapest and beet feeder for Horses, Cows, &c., &c. Samples post free on application. 103. 6d. PER CWT. Sols AGlftT JOHN HIBBERT, 17, ANGEL STREET, CARDIFF. 4075 0ORNS CORNS'! CORN S I —— If warranted to effect a perfect cure DR. l'AVKY'3 in a few applicatons. his notan acid, C aLEBRATKD ioes not burn, an 1 gives no pain what- COltN ever. 7t4,090 sold last year. Sold by SOLVENT, all Chemists: Is Hd, post h 3d. PATENTED. —i Depot: 1#7, Bread street, Reading. Fed by the following sweats —Williams, Bute street, Car- diff; Davies, High street, Swansea; Hihbert and Hayman, Neath; White Brothers, Carmarthen; Phillips, Newport; Treweek?, Pembroke. 4193 MESSRS. W. H. SMITH & SON deliver the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS at aa Early Hour each Moin'i.g in al parts of t' e following Towns: CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MiiRTHV R PORTSIvEWETT CANTON ÅIERDARE BRISTOL B TE DOCKS PONTYPOOL ROAD HERtFORD BRIDGEND NEW MlLFORD GLOUCESTER NEATH PEV BROKE DOCK LAMPETKR LLANELLY ThNBY ABERYSTWITH HAVERFORDWEST CARMARTHEN The CARDIFF THIEi aiso delivered every Friday to any tdjreba in the above rained towns. ORDERS to be sent to the Managers of the various Bookstall TVTKRVOFS DFoILITV.—Gratis, a MEDICAL WORK showing Sufferem how they may be cured without the aid of (Quacks; free on receipt of postage stamp. Address, .Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 6870 "T 0 R T II A GUINEA A BOX. BE EC HAM'S PULLS. ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a Ginxs* a tox for bilious and nervoas disorders, such ai wind and pain in tho stomach, sick headache, giildmess, fu iness a; d swetlii u af- er m.41! dizziness and d. owsiness, cold chills, rtinhmgs of heats, loss of apoetite, f-hortneM of breath, co^tiveness, tcisrvy. III tches on tha skin, dldturb..d sleep, fri.-htful dre.m», and all nervous and trembling sensations, Ac. The first dose will give relief in twenty Doimt.s. This is ao fict. cn, :or t^ev have d .ne it io t,houpnd8 of cases. Every Buffcer •« earnestly invited to try one box cf these PIlI>. alld they wid be aoknow'eJsed *o b« WORTH A Off NBA A BOX. For femalejofaU%.i<s t'-eso Pils are invaiuakle. as a few dos;« of them carry o" :111 arose humours-, 0pen a'1 0bstruc- ti< ns, ard Ving about athat is required. No female should he without them- There ili GO medidr;8 to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction orirrfgu- iarity oi GLe sj Jtera. If i%itn 34:<Cor.;¡DI{ to the llinclion8 t;iven wiUi each ooxtbuy w :li SO^n re5tvt« females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak ^ton^ac! im; ai;ed die est on, and all disorders of the live, tbey act like M \GIC," and a few dotes will 0" fo., nd:o work wondeis upon the roost important orpn8 in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, res'orc the long !cst complexion, briug back the keen rcge of appetite, and" arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of neaith the w1:o\t physical ener,y of the human frame. These ira FACTS" admitted by thou- sands, embracing ¡II classes of locicty, ami one of thehest, guarantees to 'he nervous and debilitated is, BrECflAM'S KILLS hare thd !»rg»st tale of any pitent medicioe in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGrC COUGH PIUS. As a remedy for Coughs :.i ^sreral, isthma, difficulty of btealhng, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, whetzin?, Sc., the e ilia stroud umtvaLed. They speedily remove that serso (f oppre»ion aud difficulty of iiroattdiig which qi^htiy deprive tho path-ntof rest. Let any person give BKSCHAM's Cotuiu PILI.8 a trial, and the most volent cough T,;11 in "9hort tiwe 0') removed, CAUTIOK.—The public are rfqUteted to notice (hat the words BICKHAM'S l'u.i,s, St. Jie'ecH," aro in tha Government St'inp affixed t> each box of tha Pills. If not on they are a foreeiy. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail by the pro- pr etor, T. Becctam, Chemibt, St. Helenf, Lancashire, in bo^es at. ie 1§ J and it 9d each. Se.nt post free trom thenro- prii tf r for 15 or a6 stamps.—Sold by 4U Diuggists and Patent Medicine Dealer*. Fulf directions are srtrsn with each box. 8326 gttMfr §kriice& 1 gTUART HALL, CAR D I If F. A GRAND COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT Will be g-iven at the above Hall, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21st, 1877, TO MISS HAT TIE DAVIES, Now a Student at the University College of Wales. ARTISTES Sopranos—MissGAYNEY GRIFFITHS & Miss IIATTIE DAVIES, University College of Wales. Contralto—Miss ANNIE WILLIAMS, University College of Walest Tenor—Mr R. REES (EOS MORLAIS), Swansea. Baritones—Mr GWILYM THOMAS (America), & Professor PARRY (Pencerdd America), University College of Wales. Pianist Master JOSEPH HAYDN PARRY. Reserved Scats, 3s fid Front Seats, 2s 6d Gallery, Is Cd Promenade, Is. TICkets may be obtained at Messrs Thompson and <¿uecn street (where plan of the Ibll may be seen): of Mr Thomas Williams, Bute Docks; and of Mr Jacob Davies, Net- son-terrace, Canton. Doors open at 7.30. Concert to commcnce :¡,t Eight predseJy Carriages may be ordered at Ten o'clock. 14252 LAST 2 DAYS. LAST 2 DAYS LAST 2 DAYS. |" ^AST 2 DAYS. ^MERICAN PANORA3IA. • AMERICAN PANORAMA. AMERICAN PANORAMA. AMERICAN PANORAMA. ^IUARl' HALU j STUART HALL. | aTUART HALL. C^T U ART HALL. TO-NIGHT, at 8. Last Morning Entcrtaiumeut, SATURDAY, at 3 1',111. Pdccs-First Chtss, ii; Second, Is; Third, 6d. ^JONDAY, MUSIC HALL, SWANSEA. J^JONDAY, MUSIC HALL, SWANSEA. MONDAY, MUSIC HALL, SWANSEA. 4100 14227 Q L A M O R G A N S H IRE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the nevt GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, for the County of Glamorgan, will be holden at the town of Swansea, in and for the said County, on MONDAY, the 12th day of MARCH, 1S77, at One of the clock in the Afternoon of the same day, when the Justices then present will proceed with the General Husiness re1atill" to the Public and Financial Business of the County, and also to the C. ,ustahnIarv. The Grand Jurors must attend on TCESDA Y, the 13th day of MARCH next, at Tell o'clock in the Forenoon, Wl1ell they wilt ho swonJ. All Prosecutors and Witnesses, bound by recognizance, from the several districts of Swansea, Neath, Bridgend, Pon tarda we, Gower, Merthyr, amI Aberdare, must attend on the same day. and at the same hour, and on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of MARCH next, all Prosecutors and Witncsse8, houn.1 hy recognizance, from the several districts of Cardiff, Cowbridge, DandafF, Dinas Powis, Pontypridd, and Caerphilly, mmt attend at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. All Appeals must be entered before the sitting of the Court, on Monday, the 12th day of March next, aed the sallie will be heard at the sitting of the Court. on the following day. All Jurors and persons subpeenaed, or bound by ra-ogiiusance, are required to attend such Sessions at the days awl times aforesaid. All Claims on the County Stock must be delivered at my Office on or before the 15th day of February, 1877. No Costs will be aJlowellunless taxed at the same Session. Depositions are to be sent me by the Sth day of March, 1877. THOS.DALTON, Cardiff, 10th February, 1S77. Clerk of the Peacc. 41:,1 PEXARTII HARBW R~~DOCK, AND~RAIL- JL WAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVES that the 42nd ORDINARY GENERAL HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the Proprietors of the Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway will he held at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th day of February, 1877, ;j,t One o'clock in the Afternoon, for the tmnsactiun of the ordinary business of the Company. WILLIAM S. CARTWRIGHT, Chairma.n. The Transfer Books of the Company will he closed from the 19th day of February, 1877, until after the said Half-yearly General Meeting. BOOTH BACON. Secretary. Cardiff, 10th February, 1877. 41.")3 (tento and ffoutocts. C Á- R ri-iFF P-Ü L ICE CLOTH I N G. The Watch Committee of the Borough of Cardiff arc prejiared to receive TENDERS for POLICE CLOTHING, similar to the Metro- politan Uniform, such Tenders to be transmitted to the Town Clerk's Office on or before the 27th day of February instant, en- dorsed Tender for Police Clothing." Particulars and Forms of Tender may be obtained of the Chief Siirxjrintendent of Poiice, Cardiff. GEO. SALMON, Town Clerk. Cardiff, February, 1877. 4159 J^LANDAFF DISTRICT HIGHWAY BOARD. Persons desirous of contracting for the WIDENING, FORMING, and otherwise IMPROVING the MAESLAN-ROAD, in the parish of Lisvane, according to plan and specification w be Steen on application to me at Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff, are requested to send in Sealed Tenders, endorsed Maeslan-road, Lisvane, and addressed to Mr W. P. Stephenson, clerk to the Llandaff Highway Board, and to be delivered at the Union Workhouse, Cardiff, before one p.m. on SATURDAY, February 24th. The Board do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order, WILLIAM PRICE, District Surveyor. Dated Feb. 15th, 1877. 4178 TENDERS for TOWN HALL and MARKET JL at MAESTEG. The Cwnidu Local Board of Health invite separate Tenders for the above-named buildings. Plans and Specifications may be seen at their office, Maestcg, from the 12th day of February to the 12th day of March, both days ineh1.sive (SuutlaY!3 excepted), and sealed Tenders, marked Tenders for Town Hall and Market," are to be sent to the undersigned not later than the 22nd day of March, 1877. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any- tender, nor will they make any allowance for expenses "f tendering. By order, WILLIAM POWELL, 41,,0 Clerk to the said Board. 3jtt$urance. CCIDENTS BY FLOOD AND FIELD. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS May be provided against by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. THE OLDEST & LARGEST ACCIDENTAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. Hon. A. KINNAIRD, M.P., Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £,1,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME, £205.000.. £1,120,000 have been paid as COMPENSATION. A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a Weekly Allowance in the event of Injury, may be secured a.t moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of five years' standing. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. AOKNT. W. WILLANS, 11, HENRY STREET, BUTE DOCKS. 4135 FORTUNE FOR A TRIFLE— £ 20,00<3 for £ 1.—Full particulars of this most advantageous money speculation, guaranteed by Government, will be sent free on ap- plication, enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to JOliN FOSTER, Esq., 8, Craig's-court, Charing-cross, London, S.W. 41^2 G. A. S TON E' S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT 1 Stands unrivalled for moderate charges, combined with Coffins, Hearses, Mourning Coaches, and all the necessary j equipments for first-class Funerali of superior style ar/ finish, and is conducted under the immediate superintend- ence of the proprietor. Everything necessary for com- pletely furnishing funerals kept on the premises; friends of deceased persons are thereby spared the trouble of consulting any secund person. The proprietor keeping horses, hearses, mourning coaches, &e., can offer advan. tages for funerals of every description, at prices lower than any other house in Cardiff. Arrangements for graves &c., also made by proprietor. Funerals, with best hearse and coach, pair of horses and hanging velvets to each, superior black doth coffin richly nailed, me tal breast- plate engraved, flannel linings, mattress in bottom, flannel shroud, best pall, hat- bands, and attendance to cemetery £5 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach complete 4 10 0 3rd Class, ditto ditto 3 10 0 4th Class, ditto ditto 2 15 0 5th Class, coffin, pall, hatbands, superior car- riage to take corjise and friends 2 0 0 ûth Class. 1 15 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls, Ostrich Plumes, Hatbands, &c., on advantageous terms. ? Please note the Address 11 and 12, WORKING-STREET (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. N.B.—Licensed to let Horses, Cabs, &c. Dog Cart to IctonHire. 103 P R E s- T ° PRACTICAL CARVER AND GILDER, INTERIOR DECORATOR, ETC., 20 BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. Manufacturer of Lookiiig Glasses and Picture Frames, Window Cornices, and every description of Gilt Furniture. Ladies Needle- work artistically mounted. Paintings Lined, Cleaned, and Restored Rcnlding anil Modernizing m a superior manner. Pictures aud Glasses carefully packed and removed. 4133 SAMUEL CLARKE'S NEW PATENT 1DYRAMID FOOD WARMERS L SOLD EVERYWHERE. No. 1 Ho'ds half-pint Food, besides water 3s 6d No.2 Tbree-quarters Pint; Food. „ 58.d No. 3 Oso Pint Food „ „ tj&Od CLARKE7* PYRAMID NIGHT LIGHTS arc made expressly for burning in Pyramid Food War.iteis. Clarke's Pyramid Food Warmers will not answer h any o'her Night Light. /CLARKE'S PATENT PYRAMID NIGHT LIGHTS.—Consumers who find any difficulty in obtain- ing the Pyramid Night Llght8 In good cond t.ion are rcquesttd to write to the.Patenteu, at the Manufactory, HO, Albany Street, Regent's Park, London, N.W. 3951 KERUICK/S VEGETABLE PILLS. Fcr Headaches, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, CoItive- Bess, Rheumatism, or Tic-Doloreux. They we easy to (wallow, being very small, requtri no confinement in-doora, Strengthen the system, and nave been tried by thousands, who proaouuos them to be the best medicine in the world. Testimonial from J, Balbinue, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Phvsiology, author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," feo. I have examined the pil's known as Kernick's Vegetable Pill* I certify their composition to be purely vegetable. I oave also tried their effect, and consider them one ot the best aperient pilll for pons ti pa ted habits that I know. (Signed) "JOliN BALBttun*, M.A., M.D." Mr. Cranwcll, Apothecary, Monte Video, writing to a master ol tvetM). says:—" Bring mo a supply of' Kernick's Vegetable Pills f I have found them very efficacious; they cured me after many other mcdictnes had failed, and 1 hare since given then to my nation ts with equal success." Prcmred only by S. P. KEflNTCK, Manufacturing Chsnaiet Cardiff. Sutd in boxes at la. 144. and 7i<L, by thw ""JdD\iíi1 uruoi. and most renw^*1^ Cheiui3ta arid Druonstfc lit Jfaieg by gutrtifltt. Freehold Building Land, Cowbridge road, Canton, Cardiff. MH, W. P. STEPHENSON is instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Market Hotel, Canton, Cardiff, on TlIURSDA Y, the 22nd February, 1877, at 7 for 1) o'clock in the evening, in 19 Lots suitable for building, all that piece or parcel of LAND on the south side of the Cowbridge road, bounded on the east by land of Mr Davies, and on the south and west by land of J. Ilomfray, Esq. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may hc obtained of the AUCTIONEER, 21, Queen !>treet, Cardiff; Mr P. PRICE, 3, Crockherbtown, Cardiff Mr C. WALDRON, Solicitor, Cardiff Messrs GRIFFITH & CORBETT, Solicitors, Cardiff. 4118-13976 n_- Temple Dar Inn: Bute street, Cardiff. MR W. P. STEPHENSON is instructed to SELL by AUCTION at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, 011 TUESDAY, the 20th day of February, la77, at Two for Three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to he then pro- duced, all that valuable FREEHOLD l'üHLIC-HOGSE bituate at thc comer of Bute street and Millieent street, Cardiff, known as the Temple Bar iULI, and now in the occupation of Mr S. B. Williams. The situation is eomm3mlin!{, heing- at the comer of an import- allt thoroughfare, with an extensive double frontage. The premises are well adapted for a farg-e business, having a spacious Bar in three divisions, Tap-rooin, Offices, large dry Cellar, and five roouis upstaj¡-,5. The Prop0rty is held by the prescnt tenant for a term, of whieh ahout 14 years are unexpired, at a yearly rentalaf £ 85, subject to a considerable increase on a double licence hcin" obtained. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 21, Qneen- street, Cardiff, or to Mr II. Heard, Solicitor, Cardiff. 14001 Preliminary Noticc. —No. 1, Westhourne-crescent, Cardiff. MR. W. P. STEPHENSON has received in- structions from Mr Wm. Cross, who is removing from Cardiff, to SKLL by AUCTION the superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE awl other Effects on thc premises 11' above. Particulars in future advertisements and handbills. 4179 To Fanners, Colliery Proprietors, and Corn Merchants.—Important unreserved sale "f Grain. MR D. T. A LEX AN DER is instructed to SKLL by AUCTION, on account of whom it may concern, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on SATF1tDA Y, the 17th day of February, at Four o'cJo"k, p.m., from 1,000 to 1,500 Quarters Prineu Edward's Island OATS, more 01' less damaged, now dis- charging ex James Duncan." The Bulks may IJe ill,pected upon application to the Wharfinger, at the B Warehouse, at the top "f thc East Bute Dock. 41SJ Further particulars and Catalogues may ùc obtained npob- applieation to_- the Auctioneer, 76, Bt Mary street, Cardiff. 14176 Sale of Leasehold Villas at Roath. jVTR. D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed to JJjL SELL by AUCTION, at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, March 1 st, 1377, at Seven o'cloek precisely (and subject to such conditions of sale as shaH he thell produced), the fwjlowing recently completed aud newly-erected VILLA RESIDENCES ;— Lot 1.—AU that sutistantial detached Villa Residence and Pre- miscs, nearly opposite the entrance of Piaesnewydd, in Castle- road, Roath, rcecntly erected, and containing 7 bedrooms, dress- ing-room, and closet on the first floor dining and drawing-rooms, InU, good kitchen, 3 pantries, scullery un thc ground (loor. Also eoal-iiouse, closet, and good garden at the back and entrance. Gas and water laid on. The Prernises are hdd for a tenn of Of) years from the 2nd February, 1805, and are subject to an annual Ground Hent of £ 5 .5. per annum. Lot 2.—Al! those Two semi-detached Villas, situate near Lot 1, and also near to the Oak Villas, Castle-road, and rccentlv erected, containing five bedroOIl18, dressing-mom, and closet uil the first floors; dining an,1 drawing-rooms, kitchen, two pantries, and sculLcry on the ground floors, tJogether with closet, coach-house, greenhouse, and good gardens at the ùack, having a sidc and back ent,an<;c. G:t. and water htid 011. These are held for a term of 911 years frum the 2nel Feb. 1870, at a Gronn¡llleat of £ 0 4s, (id. each house. Lot 3. —All that substantial detached Villa Residence and Pre- mises known as Clyndar Villa, Ca ,tie-mad, Roath, recently erected, and containing 5 hedroums and closet on the tirst floor; I dining and drawing-rooms, with g-ood kitchen, 3 pantries, scullery on the ground floor; also coal house, closet coach-house, stahle and hayloft, yard. The Premises are held for a term of 99 years from the 2nd ¡ February, 1870, at a ground rent of £ 0 per annum. The premises may be inspected any time previous to the sale, upon application to Mr. Dix, builder, Castle-roail, Roath, or of tl1e Auctioneer. 70, St. Alary-street, Cardiff. 4177 Preliminary Notice.-Sale of desirable Freehold Residence, with Garden, 2-stall Stable, Coach-house, aud Piggeries, at Maindee, Cardiff. IVfR. D. T. ALEXANDER is instrnctûd to 1 SE-i.L hy AUCTION, in the early part of March next, all that capital FREEHOLD HOUSE and PRF.M1SES, situated at Maindee, Cardiff, lately ill the occupation of Mathew Copc, Esq., which has recently heen considerably altered and thoroughly repaired. Further particulars wil1 follow in the interim. Information ean he obtained upon application to the Auctioneer, 70, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 4175 A Valuable Double-licensed Premises to b" Sold or Let in the Centre of C'anliff.-1'o Publicans, Brewers, and others. "Ti MR. D. T. ALEXANDER is instructed to DISPOSE OF by PRIVATE CONTRACT, that capital Double-licensed Freehold HOUSE, known as the Red Cow, havinga frontage of 43 feet to Wom<1.nby-strect, and 39 feet to Westgate- street, Cardiff, and containinq in the whole !)S1 square yards 01' thereabouts. The premises heing situate in one of the best positions in the town afford a splendid site for the erection of a first-class Inn auJ Bar trade or Brewery, being for the former purposes inclose proximity tn the Cardiff slaughter-house> cattle and sheep market, and intended new poliee courts and also within a con- venicnt dbtance of the Circus. In addition to ttleæ a good country connection has for many years teen established, anel with accommodation could ve very considerably augmented, and the opportunity afforded is olle seldom present- ing itse1f to purchasers of this class of property in Cardiff. For terms IInd partieulars apply to 4176 D. 1'. ALEXANDER, 7G, St. }[ary-street, Cardiff. Ferndale V iila, 48, Woodville terrace, Catbays, Cardiff.—To Parties Furnishing and Others. MESSRS JOHN JENKINS and CO. have .l.'i been mstrueted by a Gentlenum who is leaving the neighbourhood to SELL by AUCTION, at the above [J,(1,Ires> on TGESDA Y, the 2ùth day "f February, 1077, aJl that new and superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of drawing- roum suite. covered wit-h figured green silk damask, walnut with trussed legs, cottage piano (by Burling and Burling), walnut Dal-en!,ort, walnut whatnot, 2 Iarge picr glasses, fancy clock, wal- nut Ion table, mahogany dining tahle, 8 feet by 4 6 'dining-room and 2 easy chairs, mahogany aid 2 board, Brussels and other car- pets, dessert service complete, brass and iron bedsteads, spring ll1»ttt. 2 cribs, mahogany dressing tabres, marble top wash stands,, dressing glasses, mahogany chest oi drawers, fenders aud irons, lot of fowls, &e., &e., &c. H, The above have aU been recently purchased, awl are wortoy the attention of persons desirous of buying good furniture. On view day of sale until two o'clock, when the auction will commence. Dated Auctioneer's Offices, 20, High-street, Cardiff, 7th Feh. 1»T7. 4141-14090 Ti Builders and others. — I'eiiarth. \| II. W. SANDERS will OFFER by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Maughan-ttreet, Penarth, at 6 for 7 o'clock in the Evening, on 1TJESDAY, the 20th February, 1877, (subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced), aJl those two unfinished DWELLING HOl"SES, sftuatc in Clive Place, Penarth, belonging to the estate of the late Sand. Jefferies, together with BUILDING MATERIALS in or about and belonging to the same. Tile Houses will he offered separately or together, as may be ddcrmined at the time of sale. A considerable portion of the money can remain 011 security of the premises if required. The premises will be on view from 10 a.m. on the day of Sale. For further partieulaN apply at the Auctioneer's Office, 23, St. Mary-street, or to 2>11' Josiah }lelTiJs, &>Jicitor, Church Street, Cardiff. 4140 112, Bute Doeks, Cardiff.—To Shipchandlers anel Others. MR T. S. HUNTLEY will SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, March 0, 1870, and Following Davs, the whole of the SHIPCHANDLERY, STOCK-IN-TRADE, FIXTURES, and UTENSILS of Mr Charles Tregarthen, who is retiring from business. Without Reserve. Catalogues ready on and after the 28th inst., after which date the Stock may be inspected. Auctioneer's Office, 106, Bute Docktt. (169 14242 Canton, Roath, anù Careliff.- Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Villa, and Cottage Property, situate in Severn-road, Canton; Russell-street, Mark-street, and Cpper George-street, Cardiff; and Helen-street, and Thistle-street, Hoath. MESSRS. w. & S. HERN are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on MONDAY, the 26th day of February, 1877, at Five for Six o'clock in the Evenmg precisely, the undermentioned PROPERTIES, .in I the following 01- such other Lots as may theu be dcemed advis- able — Lot 1.—All those two Dwelling-houses, situate and being Sos.- and —, in Thistle-street, Broadway, Roath, Cardiff, held under lease, dated 1st July, 1875, from William Bradley, Esq., for 99 years, from the 29th day of September, 1873, at the yearly ground rent of £ 5 10s. Où. Lot 2.—All those two Dwelling-houses, situate and being Xo.- and —, Thistle-street, Broadway, Roath, Cardi1f, held under lease, dated 2nd July, 18.5, frum William Bradley, Esq., for 99 years, from the 29th day of September, 1873, at the yearly ground rent of £ 5 10s. Od. Loè 3.—All those two Dwelling-houses and Premises, situate and being Nos. 35 and 37, in Russell-street, Cardiff, let to res. pectable tenants at 8s. per week, each, held under lease from )Ieasrs. J. and J. R. Ilomfray, for the residue of a term of 99 years, from the 29th of September, 1873, at the yearly ground rent of £ 4 16s. Od. Lot 4.—All those two Dwelling-houses, Shop, and Premises, being Nos. 7 and 8, Helen-street, Broadway, Roath, let to good I' tBSMBts, No.7, a; 7', No. 8, at 8/6 per week, held under lea8e from Mrs. C. G. Booker, for 82 years, from the 2nd of February, 1874, I at an annual ground rent of £ 4 16s. 3d. being Sos. D, 10, and 11, Helen-street, Broadway, Roath, let to good tenants at 7' per week each, held under lease from Mrs. C. G. Booker, for 82 years, from the 2nd of September, 1874, at au annual ground rent of £ 6 3s. 9d. Lot 6.—All those two Semi-detached Villa Residences, known as Ehn Villa and Apple Villa, situate in Upper George-street, Cardiff, held under lease dated 30th November, 1875, from C. H. Williams, Esq., for 00 years, frOIl1 2nd February, 1875, at the yearly ground rent of £ 8 3s. Od. Lot 7.—All that Semi-detached Freehold Villa Residence, known as Greenfield House, with large Garden at the rear, having a frontage of 20 feet and a depth of 164 feet, situate in Sevem- road, Canton, Cardiff, now let at £ 30 per anmun. Lot S.-An that Dwelling-house and Premises, with Garden and back eutrance situate and being No. 15, }(a.rk-stroot, Cardiff, let to a good tenant at 12s )>er week. held under lease dated 4th March, 1871, from Major-General Wood, for 99 years, from the 29th day of September, 1870, at an apportioned ground rent of.c3 ;>». Further particulars may be obtained as to Lots 1, 2, awl S, of Messrs. Daltons, Spencer, ami C'orbett, Solicitors, UIlidi1I; as to Lots 3 and 4, of Mr. J. H. Evans, Solicitor, Cardiff as to Lot 7, of Mr. Waldron, Solicitor, Cardiff; and as to all the lots, of the Auctioneers, Masonic Hall Chambers, Working-street, Cardiff. 14169 LONG LEASIC>K)LDS IN ClU)CK'Tl!?ltB'l'0\VN, CARDIF¡". Iri O R SAL E B Y TENDER, On THURSDAY, the 1st. of March, 1877, THE VERY DESIRABLE AND VALUABLE GROUND LEASE, (99 Years from the 25th March, 1874,) 01" TUB COMMANDING BUSINESS PREMISE S, With Entrance Ín Frederick-street, and situated in the best part of the Town, and in the rapillly improving Thnroughfare, KXOLVN AS 71, (;IWCKHE!WTO\VN, CARDIFF. This valuable property being nearly equal to freehold, is 11(1 ft. long- by 16 ft. wide, and well F<.¡ht,e.1. On thc upper Boor are con- venient sitting and bedrooms, forming a commodious residence. The premises have recently been greatly improved and put into a thorough state of repair, as wen a8 dmined under the directfon of the Local Board of Health, and they are now let to a highly- respectable tenant at the Ion- rental of £ 215 per IIlJtIIIlD on a repairing leiise for 14 years. The property is subjeet to a ground rent of £ 50 per annum, ami the improved rental of £ 165 is clear of all outgoings except property tax. TENDERS will be received by the Trustec np to 12 o'doclt on the above day, at the Office of Mr W. P.-Stephenson, Surveyor, 21, Queea-street, Cardiff, after which no Tender will be received. Tenders to be sent under cover to the Trustees, alld marked "Tender for Lease, 74, Crockherbtown." For further particulars apply to Mr W. P. Stephenson, Surveyor, 21, Queen-street, Cardiff .h)S8ph Gibbs, Esq., Solicitor, 10, Tredegar-place, Newport, Monmouth; Messrs Piesæ & Son, Solicitors, 16, Old Jewry Chambers, Lonoon, B.C. and of Mr FREDERICK LUCAS (one of the Trustees), 14246 4167 20, Groat Marlborough-street, London, W. y 1 C T O R I A A U C T !(f&-R o7)T >" TO BE LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Together with the whole STOCK OF FURNITURE, &c. For Particulars apply to the Proprietors, N. LAWRENCE & CO., iin Auctioneers, Valuers, St" Mary street, Cardiff TO FARMERS AND 0 ■ 1 CHEAP FEEDING STUFFS. PURE BARLEY MEAL. PURE INDIAN MEAJJ. and RYE MEAL, Lowest Prices for Cash, &ot. tho CROWN MILLS AND BISCUIT Wtr. JOHN STREET, BUTE STRECT, CARDlFl<. 4061 i prices reduced fQr Qriuding e.nd Crushing, ( by Preliminary Notice.—-Clemenstone, near Bridgend. MR. JOHN THOMAS has been favoured with instructions from Mr. Edward Norman, to SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, March 5th, 1877, at Picket Farm, the whole of the STOCK. IIORSKS, IMPLEMENTS, &c., further particulars whereof will appear shortly, and may be had on appli- cation to the Auctioneer. 4103 Cowl,ridge.- MR. JOHN THOMAS has been favoured with 1.fL illstmctions from W. J. Goddard, Esq. (who is leaving the town), to SELL by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, February 21st, 1877, on the premiscs at High-street, an assDrtmcnt of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, also a CHESTNUT COB, Two Light GIGS, Set of HARNESS, and sundry Stable Requisites. Sale to commence at Two o'clock in the Afternoon. 4102 Carmarthenshire. — Very Important Sale of Oak Poles, Ash, Alder, &c. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Brunant JL Arms, Cayo, on Thursday, the 1st of March, 1877, at Two o'eJock p.m. (subject to conditions to be produced and rew), the whole of the GROVE 0:1 Garth Farm, in the parish of Talley, a portIOn of tbe GROVE on Troed}rhiw-HeJlih\Vr, ill the parish of Cayo. Also the GOROF on the said farm of Troedyrhiw-Gellifawr, in three lots, viz. :— LOT 1. The whole of the Grove known as "Garth Grove," l>eing about five acres of fine oak poles, of 38 years' growth, now standing and growing on the said farm of Garth, situated about seven miles from the railway station at Llanwrda, on the Vale of l'owy H.n.ilway. All hedgerow timber and also those marked thus X arc re- served. The tenant will show the lot and its boundaries. LOT 2.—The lower portion of the Grove, known as Troedyrliiw Grove," which lies on the south side of the parish road that inter- sects the said grove, being about 20 acres of Oak Poles, Ash, Alder, &c., of 40 years' growth, now standing and growing on the said Farm of Troedyrhiw, and about 10 miles from Llanwrda Station. AH Hedge-row Trees, and also those marked thus x are reserved. The Tenant will show the Lot and its boundaries. LOT 3.—The whole of that Grove known as Gorof," being about 15 acres of Oak timber-like Trees, strong Oak Poles, A.C., of 56 years' growth, now standing aud growing 01\ the said fann of Troedyrhiw-gellifawr. 0 All Hedge-row Trees, and also those marked thus x are reserved. The Tenant will show the Lot an4 its boundaries. For further particulars apply to Mr D. P. Davies, Surveyor, Land Agent, Valuer, &c., Troedybryn, LlandiJo. 4154 y — —— GEORGE TTTOPKINS, AMERICAN FRESH BEEF SALESMAN, HA YES, CARDIFF, Will offer ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, THIRTY-TWO QUARTERS OF BEEF. STEAK 9d. per lb. SIRLOIN 8d. per lb. RIB 8d. per lb. BRISKET Gd. per lb. PEELED BONES Id. lb. This week's Beef is the Freshest yet received. 4163-14358 < IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. By Royal Appointment to Her Majesty, by Special Warrant dated December 27, 1865. To the Prince of Wales, by Special Warrant ditted February 10, 1866.. DAY, SON, & HEWITT .Inventors and Sole Proprietors of the "ORIGINAL" STOCK BREEDERS' MEDICINE CHEST, For all disorders in horses, cattle, calves, sheep, and lamhs, and the inventors of the first animal medicines ever known as Day's." This matchless chest contains all that a fa.rmer can require to keep his stock free from disease and in fine healthy condition, viz.: DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S CHEMICAL EXTRACT, OR GREAT PAIN DESTROYER," prevents paining and heaving in had lambing, cures swollen and broken udders and cows, and all gangrenous wounds, cuts, and sores in all animals. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S GASEOUS FLUID, OR BLACK MIXTURE," stops internal pain, colic, scour, or diarrhoea, debility, colds, shivering fits, and great exhaustion in horses, oxen, l'3lves, sheep, and lambs, imparting rare strength, vigour, and appetite. DAY, SON, & HEWITTS "RED DRENCH or INFLAMMATION POWDER," the almost marvellous cleansing drench. Is of immeuæ value in checking all feverish symptoms after calving and lambing, rendering the milk of the cow and the ewe copious, pure, and wholesome for their offspring. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S • BRONCHO- LINE," ior husk and hoose ill sheep and calves. It enters the blood and impregnates it with a pungent gaseiu9 odour destructive to the worm or parasite in the windpipe and lungs. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S RED PASTE or CONDITION BALLS" for mares after foaling, being a great purifier of the milk for the colt. It scatters and destroys all humours and feverish symptoms in horses, and is just the remedy to restore appetite, and imparts a mole-like condition. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S "GASEODYNE," M "CARMINATIVE CHALK," &c., are also contained in those chests. Price of chest complete, including" Key to Farriery," £2 168 6d sent carriage paid. Any article can be hud separately in boxes. These important inventions have stood the test of tune, and are the Farmer's true friend and guide in all his cattle diseases. CAUTION.—Beware of imitations and see that the names of DAV, SDs, and HKWITT are on all bottles and packets. DAY, SON, & HEWITT, 22, Dorset-street, Baker street, London, W, and Wantage, Berks. 4127 G. BROOK S. WINDOW BLIND MANUFACTURER, 21, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BLINDS MADE TO ORDER. Old Venetians Re-painted, Taped, and Lined. OLD WIRE BLINDS RE-WIRED AND RE-POLISHED EQUAL TO NEW. ORDERS PER POST PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 3886 JJILL-POSTING IN ABERDARE. R C LEACH BILL POSTER AND TOWN'CRIER, 63, CARDIFF-STREET ABERBARE, Rents all the principal and mo 1 prominent BILL-POSTING PLACES in Aberdare and district. N.B.—All orden should be sent to the abore address only CARDIFF DYEING AND SCOURING V/ WORKS, 1, NELSON TERRACE, CARDIFF, J. S. HOBBS, PROPRIETOR. Damask, Moreen, and Rep Window Curtains, Silks, Shawls, and Dresses of every description CLEANED, DYED, and finished in a superior STYLE. Gentlemen's Clothes cJeaned and returned in 24 hours. 3883 IF YOU WANT GOOD HOUSE COALS, TRY ILLIAM NAVIES, THE CARDIFF COAL MERCHANT, Who sells the BEST COAL at LOWEST MARKL1 PRICES. Addresses by Post to 91, BI TK STRKBT, BUTK DOCK, will meet with prompt attention. „ A TRIAL R E Q U E STEP- 3C00__ RPHE RHYMNEY COAL COMPANY. LLANTWIT (GWAIN MISKIN), RED, ASH AND OTHER COALS. QUANTITIES of Three Tons delivered at WHOLESALE PRICES, as per Wagon. ORDERS received at their Offices, 63, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, bv their Manager, JOHN MILES, 15, Great Frederick-street, Cardiff. 200 S T fFp S S TAR C H. <G T IFF'8 -.8- T A R C H. One trial of this beautifol Slaich will prore iU Superiority. TRADE HARK. QUEEN BESS, On each Packags. -STTF-F ;-S-STAR C-H. S T I JTS ARCH. Sold by Grocers, Drufrgist, and oilmen, and wholesale at 2G REDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL. 1639 I JPURNITURE! FURNITURE! FURNITURE! ALEXANDErT NEWI.ANDS, No. 42, CAROLINE-STREET. CARDIFF, Has much pleasure in announcing that he has lateiy OPENED The above premises with a large stock of NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI'tURL, Which he intends offering" to the public at the smallest remunera- tive prices. 4134 A LEX. McKINNON AND CO., CANAL -tjL. WHARF EAST (next door to the Custom-house), and JOHN-STREET, CARDIFF. T „ Slates, Chimney-pieces, Grates, Tj&ths, Joinery, Mouldings. Cements, Plaster, Chimney Tops, Drain Pipes, Closet Pans and Syphons, Fire Bricks, Fireclay, Flooring Boards, Deals, and Scantling, Plain and Ornamental Roofing, Cast-iron Gutters, Down Pipes, Encaustic Tiles, Ac., &c.—Estimates grvea for Greenhouses, Conservatories, Forcing Pits, Staircases, Church Fittings, Ward. robes, Counters, Roofing, Fencing, Ac., &C. —A11 orders promptly attended to. 4132 INSTANT RELIEF FROM NERVOUS DE- BILITY, MKNTAL WEAKNESS, DEPRESSION of SPIRITS, PALPITATION of the HEART, GIDDINESS, SLEEPLESSNESS. DESPONDENCY, DISINCLINATION for SOCIETY or BUSI- NESS, UNPLEASANT DREAMS, and all complaints arising from I a Disorganised System, &c., &c- The foregoing complaints cured ip 21 hours, by means of a remedy never before made publicly known, having been recently discovered among the prescriptions of tho lata Dr A. LOUIS, of Swansea, whose great skill in curing the above and similar com- plaints is sufficiently well known in Wales to require no recom- ipendations here. The above remedy win be sent to any distance along with full Instructions to eftcct Imltant and pcnnancnt .RelIef, along with any other information that taay be required, on receipt of a P.O.O. for 109 6d, and in extreme cases 21s, along with a full description of complaint, made payable to D. A. LOUIS, 1 8, PYNEVOR PLACE, MOUNT PLEASANT, SWANSEA. A* JLiiPfi Dally for Consultation from Ten till Three, and from | fire UU Nina, at hia NI abow -:r SPECIAL NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND READERS OF THB "CARDIFF TIMES." GRAND PREMIUM GIFT. ART UNION OF ENGLAND, ST. PAUL'S BUILDINGS, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.G., Have made arrangements to • PRESENT TO THE READERS OF "THE CARDIFF TIMES" A Copy (22J inches by IT inches) of the MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVING, ENTITLED THE HIGHLAND WHISKY STILL," PAINTED BY SIR EDWIN LANDSEER. The subject is the visit of a Huntsman to an illicit Whisky Still ill the Highlands, and is one of LANDSEER'S very happiest, efforts. The Stranger, who has just been tasting the Fann- tosh, is reclining carelessly on the dead body of • a Stag with a glass in his hand, his perfect ease being capitally expressed. Behind him stands an old woman, with a highly characteristic High- land countenance, holding a small cask, from which she has served the visitor, and still further back in the interior of the cave is seen a man engaged in the illicit work. A Scotch terrior stands close to his mistress, a pretty little girl, and is barking furiously at the intruder, white two of the huntsmen's hounds and a little boy complete the group. The picture is so full of incident that it is impossible in a few words to describe it adequately, but its great charm is its \1ueow.aw;ow.v striking ctfe.ct. The throe dogs aco particularly noticcable, as being in LANDSEER'S finest style, while all the powers of the great artist are displayed in the treatment of his subject. THIS PRESENTATION PICTURE Will be given or sent post free to any part of Great Britain or Ireland, securely packed, on receipt of the Coupon found below, together with 17d. in stamps, or a P.O.O. for 15il. (the latter preferred), to pay costs of case, transmission, copyright, and other charges. Post Office Orders should be made payable to Mr. J. HAROLD. General Post Office, London. mill COUroN TO BB COT OUT AND IJBNT TO THE ART UNION OF ENG- LAND, St. Paul's Buildings, l'awrnostcl..row, London, E.C. PAKMIUM COUPON. THE ART UNION OF ENGLAND • Hereby agrees to redeem this Coupon, by for- warding free, to any address in Great Bntftin or Ireland, one copy of the Engraving entitled, thk THE HIGHLAND WHISKY STILL. BY SM EDWIN LANDSEEB. t This Coupon is not available and will not be redeemed after the 31st day-ofJ March, 1877. No copy will be sent without a Coupon, together with 17d. in stamps, or P.O 0 for 15401" da Stated abore, except on receipt of two guineas, the ordiuary retail price of the Engraving. printed Instructions as to the best FramWf, &c., to bo used will be scut with each copy, and this announooment will not again appear In (his taper. JMPORTANTj NOTICE. GRANn PREMIUM GIFT. tfUff LONDON FINE ART ASSOCIATION, I 817, STRAND, W.C., Have concluded arrangements by which each Subscriber to this day's "CARDIFF TIME S," Will be entitled to receive One Oopy of a MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVING, t" B U R N E T. Of the Clebrated PAINTING by the late DAVID WILKIE, R.A., ENTITLED "THE CHELSEA PENSIONERS READING THE 'GAZETTE' OF tiik BATTLE OF WATERLOO". <*)PYIU<MT. 174in. by 33in. This picture commemorates one of England"* proudest days—the Battle of Waterloo liad been fought and won, and the official account of the victory was nowhere so eagerly reccived as by the true and gallant Chelsea Pensioners. Although then old and wounded, the vivid remembrance Of former campaigns would naturally excite their keenest interest in the Continental warfare which was then raging. It can therefore easily be imagined the intense excitement which must have prevailed amongst them upon the receipt of So authentic a report of the success of the British Troops. Wilkie, as usual, proved himself equal to the occasion in grasping the subject with his extraordinary skill, and by leaving behind him a picture of such a national character, painted in a manner which defies not only being sur- passed, but even equalled, an importance was certainly obtained which must ever be associated with his splendid works. Composed, as the picture is, of nearly fifty figures, description is perhaps a little difficult. The centre position is occupied by the most important thing, namely, the Gazette, which is being read aloud by an Old pensioner, to the perfect delight of the exuberant and motley crowd surroifliding him. Characters of every kind seem to be depicted, from the six-foot guardsman to the tiny child. Excitement is the only word with which to describe so animated a scene. All arc evidently absorbed in the momentous question. This engraving will form an admirable com- panion to Wilkie's other pictures, Duncan Grey." "The Rent Day," and "The Blind Fiddler," which have previously been published by the London Fine Art Association. The School with which WiijKirc, Cox, and TiutHKR were so closely associated is no doubt that which English taste has pronounced to be the most acceptable and popular. It is, in fact, open to question whether at any time there has been such a demonstrative feeling in favour of anyone style as has been shown in connection with pictures by the above celebrated artists. Engravings of Works which accord with the taste above described will be published in con- nection with the LONDON FINE ART ASSOCI- ACION, and the present is the fourth of a series of Engravings which will be published from time time. It is important that early application should be made for THE CHELSEA PENSIONERS by those who wish to become possessed of the whole Set of Engravings which will be published, as after the date mentioned below it will be too late to send for a copy of the above celebrated Work. It is particularly requested that the names and addresses of applicanta may be written as legibly as possible, and that the instructions below may be carefully attended to. INSTRUCTIONS. This Presentation Picture will be sent free to any part of Great Britain or Ireland, securely packed, upon receipt of the Coupon found below together with tweutypence in stamps, or Post Office Order for eighteenpence (the latter much preferred),to pay cost of case, transmission, copy- right, and other charges. Post Office Orders Should be made payable to Mr HENRY STANLEY, General Post Office, London. NO COPY will be sent WITHOUT A COUPON, together with tweutypence in stamps, or POIIt. OFFIOU Orl1cr for cightcenpcnce, as stated above, except on receipt of two guineas, the -&1 -1: .&.1, No. 213. PREMIUM VOUCHER. THE CHELSEA PENSIONERS. ONE COPY. FOR THE LONDON FINE ART ASSOCIATION. Branch Office -317, Strand, W.C. HENRY STANLEY, Secretary. "CARDIFF TIMES." IMPORTANT NOTICE Applications for copies of The Chelsea Pen- Bioners" must be made at the BRANCH Office of the London Fine Art Association, 317, Strand, W.C., and not at the Offices of this Newpaper, and with each application the above Voucher, which will not be available after the 14th March, 1877, must be enclosed and as the Premium Voucher for the above Engraving will not again appear in TIIE CARDIFF TIMES, early advantage should bo taken of tho prostyifcrps^ed* l«lti snov.'ie ir, Occasion. • lGØ QfREAT REDUCTION IN J3RICE& GREAT REDUCTION IN DRIOES. Q.REAT REDUCTION IN pRICES. QREAT REDUCTION IN pRIOES.. THE ^HEELER & "^r 1 L S 0 MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SEWING MACHINES OF ALL KINDS JJEBUCED IN DRICR THESE UNIVERSALLY CELEBRATED rpREADLE MACHINES from £5 1 Os THE SAME AS HITHERTO SOLD AT JM 6B. These machines arc admitted to be tho lightest I running, the most rapid and quiet of aU Lo&f Stitch machines; and to produce 611 the ftrioui kinds of work in the best and most reliable manner, also in point of durability they are ineomparabtf superior to all others. They are by far the moil economical and truly cheap, on account of thett superiority in all desirable qualities; and, mors* over, are made and sold by a responsible Company oC long standing and established reputation. QENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876. WHEELER and WILSON'S WAS THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE HONOURED WITH THREE AWARDS, THREE MEDALS OF MERIT, AND THREE DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR. It1f' Ø" fhree AwM-dt Three WHEELER Award* Three Awaro. Three A wardl Three AND A ward. Three A ward" I Three Awardt Three WILSON Awardø Three Awards Three Awards Three MACHINES, Awardl Three Awardi Three Aw&rd< Throe FROM Awardi Three A wardt Three Awards Three jffc K Awards Three 4^3. Award! Three Awardl WHEÈLER AND ^^ILSON'S STRAIGHT-NEEDLE, ROTARY-HOOK, LOCK* STITCH SEWING MACHINES, FOR HEAVY, MEDIUM, OR LIGHT WORK, AND FOR LEATHER STITCHING. ALL AT REDUCED pRICES. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ACHINES may also be obtained by SMAIJ. PERIODICAL PAYMENTS, Ry adopting the NEW SYSTEM OF HIRE. WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION, OR BY PCtf I GHEAT REDUCTION IN p^flOBS NEEDLES and ATTACHMENTS «f til kin* adapted to SEWING MACHINES of Mil MANU- FACTURE warranted tho BEST at rjjt LOWES* PRICES. SJHIOI Cotton. Machine Silk </ftv«ry shade. Linen Thread, and Machine Oil alwayi to stock at a» oar offices. Orders by Post fulfilled at the shortest notice. Stamps for amounts under Ten Shilling! received in payment, and Post Office Orders for large* amounts. THREE AWARDS. THREE AWARDS. QARDIFF A DDRESS '\T HEELER AND W I L SON. 16., ST MAlty STREET- ( Chief Offico- WHEELER 21( QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. ANO (Near the Mansion HouseX Central Depot— WILSON [ 7'' BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. EVERY MACHINE made by the Wheeler and Wilson Manufa* Ca.cturulg Company has the name of the linn inipressed on tW cloth plate, and the Trade mark affixed to the bed plate. Il7lf mm, gUPERIOR CARTES-DE VI SITE- OS. (JD. PER DOZEN 38 6D.. E. P. LEE & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS TO THE QUEElf (BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT), 9, CROCKHERBTOWN, 2413 CARDIFF. 4091 JONES AND g O TS> J^ISCOUNT JJOOKSELLERS, :?. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF Books at a Discount of Threepence in the Shilling « f Books at a Discount of Threepence in the Shilling!! Books a.t a Discount of Threepence in the Shilling Books at a Discount of Threepence in the Shilling New Books Lists post free New Books Lists post free New Books Lists post free Lista post free Lists post free Lists post free Lists post free Lists post free Lists post free Terms Lists post free Strictly cash Jones and Son, Booksellers,Cardiff, Jones and Son, Booksellers, Cardiff, Jones and Son, Booksellers, Cardiff, Jones and Son, Discount Boobenelt, Jones and Son, Discount Boekseltortii New Books Discount Booksellers, At a discount of Discount BookseBsr!> Threepence Booksellers, Oardift In the Shilling Booksellers, OardiJ Off New Books Booksellers, Cardij^ Lists post free, Booksellers, Cardij FrmJones&Sou Jones A SoR,Cardi* Discount Jones & Sot, Cardiff Booksellers, Jones & Soa, Cardift 38, St. Mary-st., 38, St. Mary-streei,Cardiff Cardiff. 38, St. Mary-street, Cardif New Books at a Discount of Threepence in the Shilling, at Jones and Sou's, Discount Booksellers, St. Mary-st., Cardiff. Jones and Sou. J ONES AND S 0 14, JJISCOUNT TDOOKSELLERS, 38, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. now ready, post free on application. 4060 1309S Q.E O irG E JJ1D G 0~0l?» JOBBING MASTER, 55, SHAKESPEARE STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. Ranges and Grates carefully get. All kinds of Jobbing iI brick, stene, or roofing, promptly attended to. Thirty Years experience in all branches of the trade, gHAW'S D H Y S 0 A p, THE BEST FOR WASHING EVERYTHING. gHAWS F11ENCH BLUB, IN SQUARES, THF. BEST FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES. J yyrTB~E, GROCER, CONFECTIONER, &c., 35, BRIDGE STREET, And UPPER STATION TERRACE (Opposite the 1'aff Vale Railway Station), CARDIFF. Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits. 40fi^. O T 7 C E 0 F REMOVAL ASHMAN'S CHINA AND GLASS SUPPLY Has been REMOVED from the Royal Arcade to 20, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. (Opposite the Free Library.) A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHINA, GLASS, EARTH#& WARE VASES, LUSTRES, Ac., to suit all Classes, at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. 4105 •jpj D U CTTI O N I N PARI ø, BOARDING SCHOOL FORYOUNG GENTLBM^ FOI:HI>K;> Uf 1814. OUBENS Principal, 48, RUE DU ROCnER, fjA TERMS Olf AFPMCATIO.V. jyjALESLIERBE'S WINE SHADB^ Medal, 1873. H. L\RG1ER & CO., 22. Boulevard, Malcbherbes, PARIS. Houses in BORDEAUX, 49, Pave des Chartons, LONDON* and MALAGA. FCRMISHBB APARTMENTS.—LISTS AND IHFORMATIOH GaATtf^; TUNMER'S ENGLISH AND AMERICA JL AGENCY. wn„p l,|'C Ncuve St. AUGUSTIN, PARIS. _»»» £ 1 ''rrTfi M. ll 'wjiisheil Apartments, Hotel, A RES i-«. ''If1, Mita, Couritra, I*#* I Oxford street, Londuiv, &nii wi t everywhere at 3s Gd w Buttle. 1