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PREPAID TARIFF MR SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. 'SOUTH WALES DAILY ..IOns In Dly News WO&DS. Otte Three Six & nnce in Insertion. 'Insertions. Inseftions. Cardii! (Times. -I-(CT-c1.-r-d.-¡ a. d. 0 6 1 0 1 6 t 8 0 0 9 1 0 2 5 } 5 0 1 0 t 2 0 ) 5 0 ) 4 0 t5 w..rds r-l 5 t 2 6 5 9 ] 5 0 1 6 t 50 ) _4 6 j O ? !??"o?0 3 0 6 0 9 1 0 9W?rds) These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specitied belowj and are strictly confined to those ttrhich a'-c ordered for CONSECUTIVE insertion, a.nd PAID FOR Píu;fOl' TO J:"SERl'IO:'I; if either of these con- ofitiolls i,; not complieÜ with, the :ulvertiement will be f.tMM-t;cd''vth" Business :ca!e:— I HOC.SESTOBESOLD. TO LET. WAITED. ART)Cf.S LOS". MofEY TO LEND. ARTtCH;sFOL'r'. DtSPOSAL I M(SCt:LLA'<EOUS S\f.ES. WAITED. HOUSKS TO LET. WAKTEO. WAITED. S!Tt'AT!0\S GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PARUAMF.XTAH.Y N'.ctf'ES. Government Announce- ments. and Parliamcut:r\- Elections Me charged One ShiMim per line for each insertion. Prospectuses of Public Comnanies are charged Ninepence hne for eaeh insertion. Public. Legal, Municipal. Paroehial, and School Board Notices. Tenders a.nd Co:)tr.M-ts, A:c.. Me charged Sixpence per line for each insertton. Auc- tion Notices are chafed Sixpence per Ime. and all other c!as.ses of Advertisements Foul-pence per hne per insertion. Some of these charges are. however, subject f to reduction in a.ccorda.nce with the number of inser- tions crdet-ed. — Partic.Uars may be obtained at our Chief "1111 Branch Onices. ADVKmiSF.R.s, when sending advertisements in man- uscript.may calculate eight words to a line. and 12 lines to an inch. In charging advertisements hnes are not cou::tpd, but the advertisement, inclndiug large lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured. a.nd the apace occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve lines to aD ineh. THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. Advertisers ajtd others having occasion to remit small *'?? POSTAL NOTES INSTEAD OF STAMPS. The Notes may be obta.med a.t every PostOnice in the jCingd.?n fo:- the f<J!owin? sams and ch&rgei}: Amo"nt ..f P'st:i.I Cost of Note. OncShiHing .Halfpenny. Eighteenpence Halfpenny. Hs.li-a,Crown. One Penny. FiveShiHings Cue Penny. Seven shillings Md Sixpence One Penny. TenShiIIinss Twopence. Twelve shillings ..nd sixpence Twopence. Fifteen shillinj{s Twopence. Seventeen shillings a.nd sixpence.. Twopence. TwentvshiUings Twopence. The Notes" ma.y be transmitted just M received from the Post Onice but if greater security is desired the name a.nd Post 0!Rce <tt which it is intended to ma.ka them pftya.ble (D. Dnncan and Sons, Ca.rdirf), may be tnserted. As postal notes 3,re only issued for the tixed suma tbove (Í.ven, it will not alwa.ys be possible, by sending one or more of them, to make up the exact remittance desired. Insuchca.sestheba.la.uce (whichwdI.Uwa.ys be let<s than a. shiUing) ma.y be .tdded in postage stamps. 'Qmanttb. ARciIÍTEcn-RE. -Wanted, a, well-educated young gentleman ae Articled Pnpil.—Apply Edwin M. R Vanghan. A.I.B.A.. 21, Dnmfnes-place. Cardiff. Gold Rings, Silver JeweUery, Electro- TV Plate and Cutlery. Wholesale iUustrated cata.- lo!!ut' iree. A!ent Wi\nre<i.-Jr.mes Simmon: 29, Dudlt'y street, Rfrmingham. FLOUR, othe BARRELS.—Dobson, Soda and Dry Soap Works, Cardiff. 9153—49374 W- .ÜTH.UI WATCH CLUBS.—Respectable men TV are invited to form Watch Clubs in connection with the Wa.!tham Watch Ctnb Association. Unrivalted success. Cheapest place in the kingdom for Waltham Watchttt: Ulustrated Catalogues and all particulars post fr«.—T. Hall, Manager, Waltham Watch Clubs' Association, Crafton street, Leicester. 382 SEK\-A:"tTS WANTING PLACES of any description. a.JId H,mseholdeN requiring Servants, should advertise in the CARDIFF TIMES. T CLINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or to be _LJ LET. should be advertised in the CARc'it't'Tt'iES. -«0 1f£t. 1\/1" R T. WEBB E R, AUCTIONKER, 5, ST. CARDIFF. FORSALE. A HOUSE in Whitchurch-road. semi-detached VILLAS in Upper George-street. And a. HOL'SE in eTg)rïfí;d. TO LET. A HOUSE in Newport-road. 8656 Four Rooms for 5, St. John'a-square, CardifF. TTJOUSES or PREMISES to be LET should be Jt_JL advertised in the CARDIFF TuiES. -)nr -alr- Y- OFR PORTRAIT FOR FRAMING.—Send CM-te JL and P. 0.0. for 7s 6d to Photo-enlarging Con.pany, 30A. Ti-iansle. Bristol. An excellent picture (12 x 10) will be returned. aJso at lowest charges. Cartes copied, 2s 6d doz. 965 "Q (VUT H'V ALES-PR \) P E R'rY ? GAZETTE," A MOXTHLY REGiSTER OF HOLSES, Ac., to be LET or Sen) in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England, &c. 1,000 Copies sent Monthly, post-free, to the leadittg inbabt- tant/! of Wn.les and )bnmmÜhshire. Imertiom; free. Copiea post free, f'-om Messrs Hp;R\. Hstate Aa:entN. Anctioneers, Ac., Masonic Frail Chambers, Cardiff. 2444 H°I;SF.S and PREMISES for SALE'should be Jl advertLSfd i;: the C\RD! FF T:MES. SANlfBTR'S, tv AU<TIOXKKR. ESTATE AND ISCR.XCE AGENT, 28. ST. MARY STREET. CARDIFF. Ha. the foUowii).; PROPERTIES f..r S.\LE — CATHAYS.—Tv/o houses in Upper Georfe-street. ROATH.—Sixh'.nse., in Peart-street, six in Helen- stree, 3Íx in H!r()l,l-tred, two hou:-<es in Emerald- etreet. four in lla.rolrl.street, anJ two in Helen-sl:,ret. CANTON. -Houses tn Wyudhajn Crescent, and garket road. six house-; m Wyndliam-road, four m WyndhAm Crescent, three in F.g?rtou-street, and four in GJvMte street. comer shop and cottage in 11.1].1. six houses in Ludlow-street. A libM'a'portion of ttM purchase money can be had on mortgage. Apply ahove.125 QLtttÎ)trS ant! <!tl1utrnds. rp 0"B U I L D E R S TENDERS are required for BUILDING a CHURCH at Cwmbach, Abel'llare. The Plans and .:3peiftcation'" can 1)e seen and Bills of Qmmtities ohtained :1t my offict' Teuders to hp. ;;ent in not later tllan 12 o'clock moon on the llth July prox., to the Rev J. W\ Wynne Jone;>, M,A., The Vicarage, Aoerdal'e. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. EDWIN M. B. YAUGHAN. A.I.B.A.. Architect. J?ne1?'188L?' '9604 52185 J ns ur nUll. rpHECITY *OF LONDONFIRE .i- INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). HEAD OFFICE—101. CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, B.C. CAPITAL, JEl.OOO.OOO. PAID UP. BMO.OOO. CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLED. ALDERMAN HENRY E. KNIGHT. Chairman. L. C. PHILLIPS, General AGENTS FOR C'ARMFF—Mr Nicol \Vmchcombe, Lon- Woo<hiJ?road??? ''? ? ? ?gg UpHE 'LONDON" ASSURANCE. (Incorporated hv Royal f'h&i-ter, A.D.. 1720,) FOR MRE. LIFE. AND MARINE ASSURANCES, Head Omce: No. 7, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. E.C. Soo<o/—WILLIAM RENNIE, Esq. StW-GonmlOr.-GEOROE L. M. GIBBS, Esp. Dl'pUty-GQveTMr.-LEWIS A. WALLACE, Esq. DÙ'ecUrr8. H. Gongh Arbuthr< t, Esq. A. C. Guthrie, Esq. Robert Rurn Riyth, Esq. Perciva! Lewis Hamb'-o Esq. WiDiam T. Brand, Esq. Robert Hendet-son, Edward Rudd, Msq_ iLouis Huth, Esq. Ma.)or-(.enHi-U H.P. Bum. IHenry.J. B. Kendall. Esq. George W. Campbell. Rsq. Charles, Lva.11. Esq. Mark Wilks Co)!et, Esq. Greville H. Palmer, Esq. George B. Dewhurst, Esq. Capt R. W. PeUy, R.N. RohertG]I!espip.E-;q. P.F.Rohertson.Esq. Howard Gil:iat, Esq. Robert Ryrie, Esq. Henry Goschen, Esq. David P. Sellar, Esq. Edwin Gower.Esq. Co!. Leopold Seymour. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fifteen d&ys of of ('race allowed for Renewal of Midsummer Policies will expire, ,'1 the 9th Jnly. The Qllil1(iUennial Valuation ill the LUe DepartmeJlt has. now he en completed, :ud a. Øünns declared, loy which the Assured are entitled to their option, either to a sum in ca.sh equivalent to 25 oer cent of the amount paid ill 1?remiu during the last five years, or to a cor. respon<lm a.d,ht.lOn to the :mm a.'Jsured. Profpectuses, copies of Accounts, and other informa- tiQlt CI'1 be had nn applic.ation 96CO JOHN P. LAURENCE, Secretary. TTYROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS! JC ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. A fixed ,um in case of Death by Accident, and a wetJkly allowance in the event of Injury, may he secured by a policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY The oldest and largest Company, insuring against AccIdents of :dl kinds, The Rt. Hon. Lord Kinnaird, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, jBl.000,000. PAID-UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE, :B230,OCO. Mooerate Premium". Bonas allowed to Insurers after Sve ye&rs. I £1 ó30 000 Has been pMd as Compensation. Appty to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Locttt Agents, or 64. CORNHTLL. LONDON. ?886 9MO WILLIAM J. VIAN. Secretary. Agent—W. Willans, 11, Henry street, Bute Docks. -CI1ERRFrL}t;S INDUCED. Appetite rottM-ed aHfi Digestion premote<l by T?R- SCOTT S BILIOUS AND LIVER JL? PILI?!. Which, whilst warm a<? soothing m then eneci, are certain to give tone and vigour to th<3 d:ffert'nt secre- tio'.l8. of the ,tollla('h, ca.usíng the Liver to reSllnH' Its eettVlty, and stimulating all the organs of the body to a healthy action. These Pills have now been before the pabHc for over 70 years, and mav )'e relifd upcn as a cnre for and LfYER COMPLAINTS. l\t)!GHS- T!0t<. Wt.'<t). SPASMS, FOFL BREATH, NERVUL-' DE- PRE&S)0. LASS!fCDE, Of APPE- TnTK. DY?PRPSIA, HEARTHURN, SOUR ERL'CT\TX.\S, Low?.ESS OF Sr!R;Ts. with sensation of fulness at thf, ptt of the stomach, 01001.< D)zx)!<tsss Of fHH EYES. and all those other symptoms which none but a an&erer can describe, Bft:AiM< Ot-' HorsEs should aiws.ys ha\c a box by them to res' rt to on any slight occasion of ailing on the ptrt of tho-e und?r their cuargc, as by paying ?tteu. tton to the rugn'ar action of the stomach. Liver, aud j?store hcatt.h to the bodv, w;lt a l):n'py f:me of tnind. murder to btrRer pront, v.i!! try tn p<-rs')pu.) you to bt:y prepared bv thc'u.-elv(; do uot do so. b«t :h?L. < N&vi))?r'r.'S<<,t's t;i''?.s.?'d Liver Pi"s..t'?.; ;:< t9qn;tr"nti;c:tpa.c!?. 'J'i;s??e:nm:t. ";U..r. ?.. pMo< with<:Kt :t.-<t"y, oy V. JLA?bci-? 1: -?. fol'n, W R .d :I"h1 m t.Xt-<xt J'.<{ .<d ? '.U, Lty?Ur?r t?htet':t.)?i!<4:v ?dur. fn' '.<. ??'.?.? ??? ?- 'uhlir mustmttd5. NEW THEÁTRE ROYAL, WOOD STREET. CARDIFF. Leasee Mr W. H. DAW Sole Manager. Mr E. BuLWER THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, July 1st. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE of the Talented Authoress, Mrs A. BRIGHT (nee Kate Pitt), At Eight o'clock Mrs Bright' successful Comedv-Drama. "NOBLESSE OBLIGE." To Conclude with the Highly-amusing Farce COOL AS A CUCUMBER, PLUMPER .Mr BULWER. ?SATURDA?)) BRACKEN HOLLOW. NEXT WEEK. "THE COLO?EL? _Mr CHAS. COLLETTE A COMPANY Doors open at 7.50 commence at 8. Usual Prices. _BoxPIa.nt; at Mr W. Lewis's, Duke-street. 42695 tlublic ntÍ!tz. CARDIFF S E S cTc I E T Y. THE FIRST ROSE SHOW Of thia Society will be held in THE DRILL HALL. CARDIFF, On WEDNESDAY. JULY 6th, 1881, Doers open for Subscribers from One o'clock p.m. There will be a c?n'.netent BAND in attendance. 52170-9614 A. PETTI! ;REW. Hon. Secretary. 'llHE TREFERIG VALLEY RAILWAY JL COMPANY AND THE TAFF YALE RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the TAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at their Head OfHce, situate in Crockherbtow:i, Cardiff. on the 14th day of July. 1881, at One o'dnck in the Afternoon, to SANCTION an A(i REMMENT euteied into between the Treferig Valley Railway Company .ind the Taft Vale Railway Company for the il)ll,)w,n purpose, that is to ,y, thL' llse by the Tff Yale Ra.ilway Company of the Railways of the 'l\'efel'ig V¡tby Ra.ilway Company when cOIl:>tructed, a.nd the payments to be made a.wt the conditions to be performerlwith respect to the pUi'pose aforesa..id. J!Jè.ted this 50t!t .i.y ft June, 1881. HENRY BRI1TA\. Chairman. 9609 52205 GEORGE ROBHRTSON, Secretary. TDOUGHROOD HOUSE," STRUET, BRECON. MISS DUCK, Agsisted by accomplished a.nd elficient English a.nd Foreign ltesident Teachers, in acknowle(tging the kind confidence for so many year" placed in her by friends who have elli;l'usted their (laughters to her care, begs to state t1:la.t she continues t,) offer the advanta.ges of a happy home and ca.refully supel'intended instruction in ?Miss Bu?k wiU b? prepared ?o?ECEIVE PUPILS JULY 25th. 1881. Referent:es awl terms on application. 9613 JD SEMINARY, BRECON.—In connection with the l\lid,smlllller èxamination the following report has heen made by the K'Caminers :-In accordance with Miss Bu\:k'" request we ùa.ve examined the pupils of Bough- rood HOll.se in the work dune during the past half-year, alHl have pleasure in sllbmittillg the followin report:- Taking the school as a whole, we can testify to the continued care which is evidently bestowed upon all branches of work, and have no hesitation in saying that individual puoils are not lost sight of in the desire to pu!-h on the studies of any class as a whole. The results obtained in English History. English Grammar, Geography. Literature, and Scripture History are ex- tremely gratifying. In French, the work on the whole was very satisfactory, considering the short time that most of the pupils have been learning the language. They showed a fall' knowled;e of the grammar, and all seemed to be weil :¡,ble to unrlerstan(l the easier forms of conversational phrases. The trans- iatioll was carefully prepared an,] well known. In Al'ithmt'tic, the results were on the whole very crewt" aMe. The paJ?ers were exceedingly neat, and the sums cle.n-ly and distinctly worked out. The accuracy of the work is more commendable, as the larger number of <jll'stil1us were selected from text books not nsed by the pupils. Several of the classes were examined IJiva !lQce, and we are glad to say that a8 a rule the pupihl showed by their really perception of the drift of the questions, and their ready answers, that they had studied their subjects inteliigently. Ta.king the chool a. a wh')l, we are satif'.e,l that good y;nrk ha,¡ been done ,luring the yea.r, ::iTlII a sound fomulation aid for the future. We heartily congratulate Miss Buck and her aS8istant teachers on the successful i:>Slle of this year's ,"xamination. JOHN MORRIS, Memorial CoHege. Brecon. D. ROWLANDS, Memorial College, Brecon. W. S. RAWSON, Christ College, Brecon. T. BUTCH ER, Middle Class School. W. OLIVER, Memorial College. GLAMORGANSHIRE AND MON- MOUTUSHIRE PROPOSED NEW INFIRMARY. CARDIFF. THE GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES, IN AID OF THE ItCILDIXG Will take p!aco in the GRAND CIRCUS, CARDIFF, (By perH:¡l)n of f¡' 'l';¡,yleure) ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 15TH, 1881, In the presence of innuentia.1 Gentlemen and the Public inter('te(l. The fon[)will valuable Prizes will be given, and, in addition, One Thousand others :— B s. d. I—One Hundred Pounds Sterling. 100 0 0 2—1'ifty Pounds Sterling 50 0 0 5—T?-e:ity-in-ePoundsStt:r!ing. 25 0 0 4—Fine T.?od Piano .50 0 0 20 0 0 Mounted Hn.rness 10 0 0 7—Case contai)'mg 133 Pieces of Plate and Cut- lery, Desse-rt Knives and Forks of tirst Guests' 50 0 0 8—Sixteen Yards of Black Silk. 700 9—Sewi ngMachine 10 0 0 M—2GIb. Caddy of Fine Bl?.ck Tea 5 0 0 ll—Ha.uds('meCL.,ck. 500 12—Lady's Gold Watch a,d Chain. 10 0 0 13-Ele.:tru Te:1 and Cffee Pot, Crealu Jug, a'HI ltgar Basin. 5 0 0 PriM, by Cross Brother- Cardiff, Egg Stand 5 0 0 15—P!ec? ot Irish Linen 5 10 0 16—Special Prize, by J. Newton and Co., Tailors, Crocklierbtowu, a Superior Suit of Clothes, value 5 0 0 17-Handsome Tea Set. 500 18—Sctof Dish Covers. 510 0 19—Electro Liquor Stand (5 bottles) 4 0 0 20-Dessert Service 4 0 0 ¿I-Side (If CumbÜl'l&nd üacun, 3 0 0 22—Cumberland Ham (about 401bs.) 2 0 0 25—Piece of Horrocks Long Cloth. 200 500 25-BMkofHng!a,ndNote. 500 26 —One Case of Cos.na.e Brandy 5 0 0 500 2d Sowing Machine. "Wellington" 400 50-K:)glish3-Da.v Clock 500 51—lady's Gold Locket 1 10 0 52- P.ir of Blankets. 1 10 0 1,000 "ther Prizes of value from 6s to 3Cs. TICKETS—SIXPENCE EACH. Book of 22 Tickets 10s. TREASURERS I HON. SECS. G.FSTUCKEY.Esq. BrMtoI F.W.ARMSTRONG &.nd West of Euglfrnd Bank. ?.? AuurfORS H. B. MORETON. Alderman W. ALEXANDER, j.p I WM. BURNETT. D ?FS'"V ?- ? ????- J. SAML. W. ALLEN. Ex-Mayor of Card! ft. F. W. LOCK. Tickets may be had of either of the Secretaries, at the oSRce, 6, St. Mary-street, CM-din'. The Drawing, which will be on the plan of the Art Union, wiU take place in the Circus, CardiS, on WED- NESDAY, 15th JULY, 1881, and the whining numbers will be published in the South Wales Daily News," "'V ,tt'rn »r.il," and" Bristol )lercury," 23rd July. NAMES OF FjR.!ENDSVOLrNTARTLY CONTRIBUTING VALU- ABLE PKtZKS TO THE COMING INFIKMARY DRAWING M::an£'7. Shackell, Crockherbtown-Har. Mr Ashtan, Fish.monger, St. Mary.treet-Finest salmon in the shop, L'!l presentation oi winning ticket. MeSsM Heath and Sons, Crockherbtown —American Orguinette, value jB2 15s. Mr Churchm!i.n. Rummer Hotel, Duk&-street-Case of Hollands, value :S1 10s. Messrs Stewart and Co., AmericanProTiaion Merchants, Bridge-street—One Ham, 401bs. Ditto, ditto—One Ham, 4Nhs. Master WiUie Moreton, Roath—8-da,y Timepiece, in handsome fretwork case, his own workmanship, ander glass shade, value .S2 10s. Clock by Mr Heitzman. Master W. Moreton—A Fretwork Basket, his own work- ma.nshIP. Mr Richards, Gunsmith, Arcade—Six Chamber Revolver Mr Wm. Thomas, Nursery, 6, Crockherbtown—Choice Plants, Bulbs, &c., value .E5. Mr T. J. Williams, Chronometer Maker, Bute Docks— Aneriod, value Sl lOo. Mr J. Cording, Arcade—CiMe of Stuffed Birds, value BL Messrs Wheeler aud Wilson, 17, St. Mary-street—Sewing Machine, value .E4 4s. Messrs N. PoweIJ Md Co., Wine and Bcttled AJe Mer- chants, Docks—One Dozen Dew's Port, value £2 14s. Mrs D. W. Jones, Beaconsnald-house—Pair of Worked Slippers, value .81. Mr D.W.Jones. BeaconaReld-house—Telescope, value S5 Cardiff Fish Company, St. Mary-street—Finest Salmou ill Shop. C.rJiff Fish Company, St Mary-street—Finest Turbot Mr Thatcher, Optician, Bute Docks—Pair of Opera Mr H. Phill'ips, Pilot Inn, Bute Dock—Caae of Claret, value Sl lOtt. Mr R. Wadley, Butcher, Church-street—Finest Leg of lutton in Shop. Mr T. B. Wadley, Butcher, Clifton street, Roath—Half Fat Sheep. Mr C. 0. Rundle, Steam Trawt Owner—Finest Turbot Mi- J. N. Flint, 10, Duke-street—Stilton Cheese. Me;I'S Fulton, DUlIlop, and Co., 'Vine )lerchants-C'ase Mr R. Traveh. Ruuincy Court, Cardiff—Case of Claret, value 21 !& Mr E. D. Robinson, West Bute Dock Vaults-Half Dozen of 20 Years Old Port. ;I,¡-s Stevens and SOl1, Wine :\lercbauts, Canliff-OIle J)ozeu of Ginger Brandy, value E5. :VIr W. C. Peace. Beùwellty House, CrocJrJlcrhtown- Pair of Ladies or Gentleman's Boots, vMne jBl. Mr D. Hutchinson, Circus, Cardiff—Cuckoo Clock, value C¡¡. Pencoed Brick a.nd Tile Company—Pair of Garden ases, value 3Os. Mr J. M. Dykes, 271, Bute-street—Silk Hat—value Bl Is. Mr s. Milkins, Bc.Ifjrd Hotel, Caatle-road—1 Dozeu of Sherry, value S2 2a. Mr J. Thomas, Carpenter, Caatle-road—Pair of Oleo- g-raphs, value £2 2s. Mr Tope, Outfitter. Bute-street—Umbrella, value Sl Is. Mr Noah Rees, Working-street—Special Prize, value ?E22s. Mts r'urse, Millinery Show Rooms, 5, Dumfries-place, (a;'(liff-)lillillery Bonnet, to order, value £11s. Mt-,srs Walker Brothers, Queen-street—Sack of Finest Io'luur. Miss Wakeford, Brighton—Anti-Maccasar, value 21s. Mr-! Banning, Duke-street—Queen Anne Fire Screen, vaiue JE1 l.s. Mr W. P. Strawson (of the Firm of J. Wood Ashton and Co.), Stourbridge—Spadea and Shovels to the of B5. From a Friend—An Anchor, suitable for a yacht, value B210s. Mt-sars W. Hillier and Co., Bottled Ale .Merchants— One Dozen Quarts of Cowslip Wine, value JE2 8s. Mr J. Woodman, Gasntter, Wharton-street—Chandelier v::tlne 4Os. Mr Henry F. Bool, Handily—A Concertina, with steel vibrator, value £1 2s ód. Mr G. Other, 17, High-street, Pair of Gentlemen's Boots. Do Lady a do. Do Boy's do. n" Girls do. Further Contributions will be duly acknowledged by the Hen Secretaries.9490-52069 1t1hli! ppojntt5. C UIDIFF- "UNION INDUSTRIAL ?/ SCHOOLS, ELY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Guardians of the Cardiff Union will, at their meeting to be held on the 16th J'y next, proceed to appoint a Singh'M.t.n or Widower, without {ncumbf'ance, to be Working Gardener at the al'ove Schools sa'ary, S50 f'C' :Uln\i)U, with board, lodill; awl wa.hjn The '!utif;' !tt&y bo ascertained from the Master, at the Ely ,.Ilfon\ wh'J.will supply forms of applica.tioll tü allY :2q:I:,I:)g tbMU. 52103—9592 I IS! I'S "Tip-top Dandelion Coffee ,"7 i. h, 'ùy kiuù UlàlÚC wilh c:nuínc fi,g;'üml\l o..?. '?—M?o ?alM ?uftion.? SALE OF FAT CATTLE AT COWBRIDGE. '?fESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- J?'JL DER,andCO.,are instructed bv Mr Tho:na9 Jenkins, Crosstown, to SELL by AUCTION, near the Sheep Market, Cowbridge, on TUESDAY, the 5th July next, at 11.30 a.m., 10 VERY EXCELLENT FAT CATTLE application to the Auctioneers, a.t th-'ir oinces at Ca.rdiff or Cowbridge. 52153 UNRESERVED SALE OF GENUINE OIL PAINT- INGS AND DRAWINGS IX WATER COLOUR. T\TESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- ?jL DEB ? CO., will SELL by AUCTION, at their Mart, Queen's Chambers, Cardin. on THURSDAY, July 7th, 1881, at three o'clock p.m., SIXTY-EIGHT PAINTINGS. Boyle, Copley, Joel, Ctarke, Muschamp, Sidney Percy, Langloia, De Vogel, Hulk, Weatherhea.<t, Sinclair, DoU, The Paintings were on view and for Private Sale at the Royal Motel, Cardiff, during ttie last and preceding the Mart up to and including the dav of Sale. 52076 9597 PASTURE LAND TO BE'LET BY AUCTION AT CADOXTONJUXTA BARRY. T\/TESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- J?JL DER & CO. wit! LET by AUCTION, on WED- NESDAY, 6th Jnty, 1381, at Three p.m.. on the pre- mise; a.t Golden Grove, Cadoxtou-juxta-Barry, in con- venient lots, About 40 acres of PASTURE LAND, with the crops Credit wilFbH given. 9615 52184 npHE SALE advertised to -L take place at the Circus on SATURDAY, July 2nd, is POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. 9616 J. E. GUNN, Auctioneer. FREEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES IN CONWAY- ROAD,CANTON, CARDIFF. W. and S. HERN will SELL ?LvJL by AUCTION, a.t the Queen's Hotel. Cardiff. on MONDAY, the 4th day of July, 1831, at 2 p.m., pre- FREEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES. LOT l.—A piece of FREEHOLD LAND. Mit.ua.te in merly belonging to Mr F. T. Goodfellow, deceased, Lci 2.—A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and GARDEN, in the occupation of Mr Hvhart. Loi 3.—A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and GARDEN, adjoining Lot 2, and lately in the occupa- Lor 4.—A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and Budd, with three cottages at the rear thereof. Messrs WALDRON A SON, Solicitors, 51986 74, St. Mary-street, Cardin. MERION HOUSE, OXFORDTERRACE, COW BRIDGR ROAD, CANTON. TO PARTIES FURNISHING. THE TRADE, AND OTHERS,' SALE OF A FURNITURE DEALER'S STOCK-IN- TRADE. J. G. MADDOX is Instructed by prior to leaving CardiS, to DISPOSE of bv PUBLIC AUCTION at the above premises, on FRIDAY, July 8, 1881, the whole of his stock-in-trade of useful (new) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, miUpuff beds, American easy, Windsor, cane, hal!, and other chairs mahogany sideboards (pla.te-gta.ss backs), marble-top washstands and dressing-tables, carved nursery ya.cht, pictures, and numerous sundries. the Sa!e win commence at Two o'clock precisely. 9611 South Wales Daily News" Chambers, Cardiff. 52194 SALE OF A VALUABLE LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE ?\,TR. E. J. EVANS ha,a' been instructed -l?JL to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mackworth Arms Hotel, Swansea, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th July, 1881, at Two for Three o'clock in the Afternoun (subject SCHOOL.HOUSE AND PREMISES The Property is held under leasa granted by John Ivor Evans, Esq., for the term of 86 years, from the 23rd The Auctioneer respectfully invites the attention of the suburbs, and within easy reach of the tow; Messrs. MORGAN AND SCOTT, High-street, CardifF. June 24th, 1881. _9610 52139 ?'——" CHRPSTOW.' VERY ATTRACTIVE SITE FOR ONE OR MORE RESIDENCES. A PLEASURE FARM OF 7?A. On. 3p. '?/!TESSRS DOWSETT aud WOODS are J3?L instructed to SELL bv AUCTION, at the Mart, London, on TUESDAY, -fxly 26, at Two o'clock ??'PLE'ASURE' FARM OR BUILDING LAND. Known as the C)a.y Pit Estate, sKu&te adjoining t!ie favourite town of Chepstow. TIie land is rich, having a. thus ensuring eiEcient natural drainage. The meadows society, {ishing, hunting; ga.s and water laidonnear and Wye Rivers. Messrs DOWSETT and WOODS. 9612 70, Linc.)m's Inn Fields, Lo!idon. ?(?A MORGAN THE VICTORIA PATENT FUEL WORKS, of modem capable of turning out 200 tons a day, and well ated at Briton Fen'y, on the River Neath, with Tram- ?/rESSR'S'" PRIOR and NEWSON are ?JL Instrncted to SELL by AUCTION, at the Cameron Arms Hotel, Swansea, on WEDNESDAY, LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Particulars, with plan a.ud of sale, when ready, may be had from Messrs Farr(;r, Ouvry, and Co., Solicitors, 66, Lincoln's-inn-tields and of the Auc- Canterbury. 9608-*52151 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION, The WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES DISTRICT BANK r. MURCH, 1879. W. 182; In the Matter of THOS. W. BCOKER & CO., Limited. GLAMORGANSHIRE, IN THE NEfGHBOUKHOOD OF CARDIFF. Highlv-Important SALE of ValuaMe FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD ESTATES, COLLIERIES, MINES, and MINERALS, including THE MELIN GRIF- FITH WORKS," and "THE PENTYRCH WORKS,' in the several Parches of WHITCHURCH, RADYR, PENTYRCH, EGLWYSILAN, and LLANTWIT VARDRE. situate and lying, as regards the Mclin Pentyrch Works, about miles from the rmportant a.nd rising Town of Cardiff, with convenient sidings to the main line of the Tad Va!e Railway, and with GrifEth Works, containing about 865 ACRES, hold. T\/TR GEORGE NICHOLS, by direction ?-JL of the Hon. Mr Justice Fry, has received in- structions to SELL by AUCTION, a.t the Roya! Hotel, Cardiff, on WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of July, 1881, at Two for Three of the clock in the Afternoon pre- cisely, LOT.—The IRON and TIN-PLATE WORKS, known as the "MELIN GRIFFITH WORKS' and the PENTYRCH WORKS," a ?70? coMco-):, together with the FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PRO- PERTIES connected therewith, situate in the several Parishes of Whitchurch, Ra.dyr, Pentyrch, a.nd Eglwy- prised in this Lot, together with a. residence known as The Melin Grimth Works, with 31 acres of Woodland, are held for the remainder of a term of 200 years from Lady-day, 1772, at a. yearly rent of B205. At these Works there are six Tin-plate Mills, four driven by steam power and two by water power, and a, large Tin House with all appliances also nve Sheet Iron Mi]ls, two driven by steam power and three by water power, and also large Ochre Works. The Pentyrch Works acd Lands are held for the re- at rents of B200 and B21 6s. At there is a Colliery equa! to a get of 400 tons a day, 32 Coking Ovens, an Iron Ore Mine, and three Blast Furnaces Also, the valuable Mines a.nd Minerals under the Freehold Lands, and the Leasehold Mines and Minerals under Gwain Coed-y-Bedw, and Rhwy-r- Ceiliog, or any other of the La.nds in the Parish of Pentyrch, belonging to E. R. Wingfield, Esq., contain- ing about 2,500 acres, or thereabouts and the Mines a.nd MijiersJs under G'arth IIiJ!, about 266 acres, and the Freehold Mines and MineraJs under a portion of the Also the Sxed Plant and Machinery and !oose Plant and Stock. If this Lot is not sold as a who'e it will* be divided into two Lots, excluding "Ynia House," the Lot 2.-A good FARMHOUSE, Farm Buildings, and Pasture and AraMe Lands and Woodland, being portions of the LLAN FARM and GEDDRYS, conta.in- mg 179 acres or thereabouts, situate in the parish of LLANTWIT VARDRE. Lor 3.—A FARMHOUSE, Farm Buildings, three Land, with a siding to the Ta<t Vale Railway, the whole situate in the a.foresa.id parish of LLANTWIT VARDRE. LOT 4.—A comfortable FARMHOUSE, with conve- nient Farm Buildings and Pasture ajtd Arable Land, known as TY NEWYDD, or Newhouse Fium, contain- ing 107 acres or thereabouts, situate in the aforesaid parish of LLANTWIT VARDRE. This Property is Freehold. LOT 5.—A piece of productive MARKET GARDEN GROUND, known &s CAE PWLL, in the parish of LOT 6.—two Leasehold Pieces of GROUND, in the parish of WHITCHURCH, with the MESSUAGE or Dwelling house thereon, known as Heoldon. This Property M held for a. term of 60 years, from July, 1939. LOT 7.—The Leasehold MINES and MINERALS under a Farm cabled Llyn y-Brain Fa.wr, containing 85 PENTYRCH, held for a term of 42 years from March, 1875. LOT 8.—The Leasehold MINES and MINERALS under st Farm containing 146a. 2r. 20p. or thereabouts, aituate in the piu-ishtM of RADYR and PENTYRCH, held for a. term of 60 from September, 1844. Lor 9.—The Leasehold Parcels of LAND, being part of and Skihhor Fawr Farms, or one of them, situate in the said parish of RADYH, and con taining 8a. Ir. 27p. or thereabouts, held for a term of 99 years from February, 1844. LOT 10.—The Leasehold Piece of LAND, being part of a Field called Cae Pwll, in the aforesaid Pansh of RADYR, containing 77 perches and 46 feet or there- abouts. together with the Six MESSUAGES erected thereon, known as Teaman's-row, held for a term of 99 Pians, parHeuia.rs, and conditions of sale may be ob- tained of the Auctioneer, Broad-street, Bristol; or of TURQUAND. YOUNGS, <x CO., 41, Colcman st., B.C. TRIBE. CLARKE, & CO., Briato!, Swansea, and Cardiff: HENRY JEFFMRIMS, Esq.. The Ynis. Pen- tvrch. near Cardiff; ROGHRS A- CHAVE. 14. Victoria street. E.G. CLARKE. WOODCOCK & RYLAND. 14, LincuIn's-itm-iMdt!. W.C.; or of I'tUCnARD.SWAXN.&HHNDKRSON, 62(QP '.ivftrtMwt-etMtMbcr: Bt-ftot. ?atM btt ?u?:on. SWANSEA. SKETTY. THE CUED SAISON ESTATE. posi'io:i on rising ground, at the west and fashionable picturesque villas and country seats. The estate is adapted for the erection of vi!!a residences, which are in fncreasing detnand in this favourite and healthful Rents, amounting to JE21 9s per annum, arising out of the vitiate of Sketty the Skctty Schools and other the principal portitin, estimated at JB198 per annum; also a. valuable Freehold Property, known as B!a.ck T?/rEsRS'CHiNNOCK, G ALSWORTHY, JLVJL and CHINNOCK, are instDtcted by the Trustees under the will of the Rev. Calvert Richard Jones, to SELL by AUCTION, ?t Mackworth Arms Hotel, Swansea, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. July the 19th and 20th, at Two o'clock precisely, in several lots, ESTATES. Particulars and Plans may be obtained of Messrs Hunter, Gwatkin, and Haynes, Solicitors, 9, New- square, Lincoln's-inn.W.C.; of Messrs Stricks and Helliusham, Solicitor: of Mr Evan Daniel, Civi) Engineer, Swansea at the principal hotels in Swansea, Newport, and Cardiff the Auction Mart, London the place of Sale and of Messrs Chinnock, GaJsworthy, and Chinnock, Land Agents and Sur- vevors, 11, Waterloo-place, Pa.11 Mall, London, S.W. 2552 SWANSEA. SOUTH WALES. Important Sale in numerous Lots of a Portion of the valuable Freehold Estates of the late Ror. Calvert Richard Jones, comprising nearly 550 acres of de- houses, factories, and other buildings, building plots &c. T\/rESSRS CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY, ?JtL and CHINNOCK are instructed by the Trustees to SELL bv AUCTION, at the Mackworth Arms Hotel, Swansea, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, July 19th and 20th, at 2 o'clock precisely, in about 180 Lots, pure ?ers, ?j'p????????? Tinplate Works, Cwmdu Foundry, Copper works, fac- Pen-Hlia, Treboeth, Ac., with reversions, at various dates, to the rack rentals, estimated at about S6.540 numerous 'enclosures of building and accommodation tricts, with excellent road frontages, the capital resi- other lands adjoining, also the Pen-tUia, Penlan-fawr, and Mynydd Newydd properties, which have been divided into convenient building and accommodation plots. The attention of trustees, capitalists, builders, and speculators is particulary invited to this property as an crease of the export trade of iron and steam coals, the railway facilities now being carried out must tend still more to enhance the prosperity of Swansea, which is Hunter, Gwatkin, and Haynes, Solicitors, 9, New-square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.; of Messrs Strick and Bellingham, Solicitors, Swansea of Mr Evan Dauiel, Civil Engineer, and Cardiff; the Auction Mart, London the place of Sale; and of Messrs Chinnock and Co., Land Agents don, ?' ? '9530 SEVERAL VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARMS AND ACCOMMODATION LANDS. embracing altogether an area of about 220 GALSWORTHY -ITJL and CHINNOCK, are instructed by the Trustees to SELL by AUCTION, al the Mackworth Arms Swansea, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, July the 19th and 20th, at 2 o'clock precisely, in convenient Lots, FREEHOLD FARMS. Swansea, Newport, and Carditf; the Auction Mart, Pall MaU, London, %551'° 12, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. IpARRY & (FORMERLY PARRY & BAKER), SUMMER SUITINGS, Goods that will be well shrunk n.nd tested TWEED SUITS vary from 50s to Ms. SERGE SUITS „ 45s to 70s. Best TWEED for OVERCOATS of all Descriptions. 'SilkHats. TT?AVID DARRY & ?0. JL? -a. <U 12, HIGH-STREET. 9599 51065 SCHWEITZER SCHWEITZER'S Dandelion CorFee, a universal beverage 'tiMS,6d,ls,a.ndls"6d,'of COFFEE. ?? SCHWEITXKR'S. ? 'Co., UristoL' 9M5-50245 STIFF'S STARCH, s ?TARCH ??IFF'S?TARCBL k? SHIRT FRONTS, Ac., im- r? 'T'TrdFf'c'T ? T) r'TJ parting a BEAUTIFUL ?lH'-f ? &iA??H. GLOSSYSURFACEtothese ?-?_ Articles, and making the C? TIFF'S STARCH Linen look like new. ?±?r o o?j?tv??. ?. The GENUINE AR .—_————— TICLE is Sold by Grocers, STIFF'S STARCH. Druggists, and Oilmen, in ?3 lib boxes and 51b papers, STIFF'S STARCH. ? ?? ?_ Bess." ?, ? TIFF'S S'TARCH, ? REDCLIFFE-STBEET, BRISTOL. 'WORTH ?EORGE NAISH, 79. GREAT FRE- ?r DERICK STREET, CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC DILL POSTER, whe rents the largest number and best pri- vate bill posting stations m the towrt and neighbour- hood. AH work entrusted to him will be speedily ajtd faithfully executed. N.B.—Bill Posting sent by post or rail will have immediate attention. IS A PERFECT LUBRICANT, a.nd is in every respect superior to Olive and Gallipoli. Price delivered, 3s 2d per gallon, casks free. Sample barrels sent on approval. Liberal terms givan to dealers. DUNCAN AND CO., LUBRICATING OIL MANUFACTURERS, 2 & 3, Glovers' Hall-court, Barbican, London, E.G. 51182—9438 HENRY WATSON, ? MAUK, BULL'S HEAD. J. ? J. THE LARGEST MUSTARD MANUFAC. TURERS IN THE WORLD. ASK FOR DOLMAN'S JRADS MARK.f BrLL'S HEAD.' 48302 PARIS BLUE. Used in the PRINCE WALES S LAUNDRY. PARIS BLUE. Used in the DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH'S LAUNDRY. ECKITT'S PARIS ?NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS ?-? is warranted to cure all discharges from the uritiary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, grave!, and pains in the back. Sold iu boxes, 4s 6d sent to &ny address for 60 stampa by the maker, E.' J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, Apothecaries' HaJl, Lin- coln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay &nd Sons, London, and all t6e wholesate houses. 9 HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PBESKRVATIVE. Cures chronic discharges of the urina.ry organs. Price 4s 6d per bottle. Sold in Paris by J. Perre (successor to Brou)) PIiannacicn, 102, Rue Richelieu in London by WILCOX and CO., 556, Oxford .-treet, W.. who will forward it cart i;tge paid to any Town in the United Kingdom on receipt of P. 0.0. Also by all Chemists. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF ENGLAND WHO SUFFER FROM NERVOUS DEBILITY. Just Published, rpHE CONFESSIONS and EXPERI- JL KNCR OF AN IX VALID; deigned as a Warn- t'mc the ntetms "f selt-curt', !'y uno who hiM cured him- self. :i.ft<:r undergoing the amount of imposition tmd ?'mckory. SiuRle c"p!ci. be lta.d by 6ta-muc<I envelope to the Mtthfv, ArthtM- LeRttea. t&t hmitttzz J\brtztfí. pl11' E R OOB1NSON, OXFORD STREET AND REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. GREAT ANNUAL JULY SALE OF SILKS, DRESSES, COSTUMES, MANTLES, LACE, GLOVES, HOSE, SUNSHADES, FANCY GOODS, LINENS, DRAPERY, &c. W.:tr 1f:L"'<(' of P¡wtlenbrs. 9602 SPRING CLOTHING! SPRING CLOTHING!! SPRING CLOTHING ly/fASTERS AND COMPANY. THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 29 and 50, ST. MARY-STREET. MEN'S SUITS, Complete from 12s lid to 59s 6d. YOUTHS' SUITS, Complete from 10s to 45s. BOYS' SUITS, Complete from la lid to 35s 6d. ALL NEW STYLES. BLACK WORSTED DIAGONAL COATS AND VESTS TO MATCH. At 25s 6d to 49s 6d. FANCY TWEED AND CLOTH TROUSERS, From 2s lid to 21s. NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Suitable for Spring Wear. MASTERS AND COMPANY, THE SWANSEA CLOTHIERS, 18 and 19, CASTLE-STREET. Terms Cash.—One Price.—Plain ngures. 9095 FpHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore sub- slstmg between MESSRS PARRY & BAKER, AS TAILORS & HOSIERS, AT 12, HIGH -'STREET. CARDIFF, Has been DISSOLVED. The TAILORING BUSINESS is now resumed by MR BAKER, AT 5, CROCKHERBTOWN, Late Mi.s.-i Hillyard's, with an entire new Stock of the Choicest Materials. 9401—5102.! -s_- -DIANOFORTES, ORGANS, JL AND HARMONIUMS BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS, OX THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. Libera! Discount aHuwed for Cash. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. MUSIC, HALF PRICE. R. J. HEATH AND S01\S (FROM BROADWOODS, LONDON), 12, CROCKHERBTOWN CARDIFF, ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS, POST FREE. _9451—&0239 TbROWN and POLSON'S PATENT JLF CORN FLOUR Is e5!o.h! fint;st arr::>wr. BROWN "and POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR Has a world-wide reputatiûn. TDROWNandPOLSON'SPATENT CORN FLOUR 39557 Is distinguished for uniformly superior quality. 226 '?' SESSIONS AND SONS, MANUFACTURERS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER, Have been Awarded THE FIRST ORDER OF MERIT At the MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1881, AND PRIZE MEDAL AT THE SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TION, 1879, FOR THEIR ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, BATHS AND SANITARY APPLIANCES. Illustrated Price Lists on Application. T SESSIONS AND SONS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER. 9509 RENTS' HALF-GUINEA BOOTS, NEAT, STYLISH, AND DURABLE, FOR WALKING AND BUSINESS PURPOSES, Are certainly the Cheapest Boots ever introduced. SEE BOYLE AND C°.'S, 19, CHURCH-STREET, & 2, HIGH STREET, 9579 CARDIFF. P—50988 AND BKJOIN THEM AT YOUR LEISURE WITH TAKE TMTUMFORD'S CARE HERCULEAN CEMENT. The best. and cheapest for repairing broken articles of „_ GLASS, CHINA, EARTHENWARE, OF THE IVORY, WOOD, MARBLE, LEATHER, PAPIER-MACHE, JET ORNAMENTS, &c., Ac. PIECES. SoM by', aU Chemists, m bottles, 3d each or t. bottle will be sent free for four stam by the sole manufacturer, R. MUMFORD, Chemist, CardiS. Wholesale Agents.—RjLRCLAY and SONS, MAW, SON, and THOMPSON.jSANGER and SONS, London. SMYTH, Duke-street, Cardiff. 9529—51806 CAKE FLOUR.—WHEELER'S SELF- ?-? RAISING, in lib. ))Ms, 3d each, makes delicious cake at a coat of 3!d -n-> 50485—9264 TTMNNEFORD'S iMAGNESIA This pure Solution is the beat remedy for acidity f— of the Stomach, Heart- bum. Headache, Gout, and Indigestion TTMNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA The safest and most gen- & tie aperient for delicate constItutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. _OF ALL? ?CHEMISTS. 9125 T?OBT. Tr?O?ERTS & ?O.'S" JL? J? ? CELEBRATED rpEAS. t t 12LBS. AND UPWAAs CARRIAGE PAID. QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL. EaTAHLMHED 1840. 9479 No and Communnations Direct. I T EA In Ctmaequeuce of Imitationa & ofthe Worcesters!)ire Sauce, 'DERRINS' LR!L and PBRRINS Beg ht say that the triginal bears SAUCE tbeir>1;ignature on 1b.e label, for whictfthe purchaser Hjould look to secure the gemine T EA ?RCESTERSHIRE JL? & t SAUCE by t!h Proprietors, f? Worceste-; Creese and Nackwq), London ?? A ? r?t? M? K-Y{)ort Oihnc< ?cuc):)!!). ?'AL?ii.. Ret&a by Pca'era t??)-?? th.- S ? *7850 ? W?rtd. ?32 ?uaht?a ?tn?as?a. STRANGE AND JL DISEASE OF THIS COUNTRY. and sometimes in the bn.ck. They feel dni) and sleepy the mouth lias a bad t.i.ste. especially in the mcrmng. at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. greenish coloured expectoration. The afflicted one feels tired all the white, and sleep does not seem to irritable, and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a, giddiness, a. sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bowels become costive the skin is dry and hot a.t times the Mood becomes tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high- eyes there is a. feeling of great prostration and weak- this di.scaso in some of its varied form. It has been Scigel's Curative Syrup will etfeet a perfect cure in and from the proprietors, A. J. White (Limited), 21, FarringdoM-road, London. READ WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. Chelmaford, March 25th, 1881. To Mr White.—Mr G. Brown, of Stock, near Chelma- Yours truly, SEATON & METCALFE, Chemists. 41, Warwick-street, Woohvich, Kent. 9th April, 1880. they tried to do was to get my money. A friend of mine advised me to try a bottle of your truly valuable Cura- the Hrst two or three doses f felt great relief, and by the time I had Brushed tho second bottle, I had quite lost all symptoms of my old ailment and from the very to ask you if you have any vegetable ointment for old ANNIE MCCOMBE. Mr John Brown, Chemist, 24, High Ousegate, York, writes under date Dec. 20th, 1880 :—" I have sold several gross of Seigel's Syrup and Pills this year, and best of any medicine I have ever known during an ex- perience of 56 years in the trade." Mr George Drury, Chemist, Market Place, SouthweII, Notts, writes nnder date Dec. 2rd, 1880 :—"It is really wonderfu! what a sate I have had for Seigel's Syrup a.nd the good it has done in this neighbourhood." DISCHARGED FROM THE INFIRMARY AS INCURABLE. West Wylam Ten-ace, Prudhoe-on-Tyne, July 5rd, 1879. Dear Sir,—Enclosed is P.0.0., and I may inform you that the Curative Svrup" Igot from you is no stranger in my house my wife has taken two bottles for liver complaint, and it has done her a great deal of good; but a far more wonderful cure than any I know of is that of one of my sons, a tad aged 18 years, who is a living witness to its emcacy. For eleven years he was in a fearful state from running ulcers about the neck and chest. I had him in the Infirmary at Newcastle, and he was discharged as incurable, and feared that he would live but a short and miserable life. I was persuaded to give Mm your medicine amend- ment was rapid, and after taking four bottles the ulcers had entirely disappeared, and his skin, once rough and scurvy, is now clear and healthy as one could wish to see. You are at liberty to publish this, as my son can be seen any day at work, and such a, wonderful Thanking you for your kindness, I remain, yours truly, JAMES GiBSON. To Mr R. Wright, Chemist, Byker, NewcastIe-on-Tyne. Mr J. B. Senior, Chemist, Kirkgate, Wakeneld, writer, Dec. 15th, 1880 :—" I have sold a great number of bottles, and numbers of patients speak wonders of it. The above is the truth in regard to Seigel'a Syrup." SEVERE CASE OF RHEUMATISM. Cowper-street, California, Ipswich. July 27, 1878. Dear Sh',—1 have much pleasure in informing you that after taking Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup I a.m to work and walk free frcm pain. I send you this that benefit I have received after taking your valuable medicine. I found great relief after taking it for two 9607_CHARLES SLATE. FASHION. SPRING AND SUMMER. NEW POLISH BUTTON AND LACE WALKING BOOTS. SMART, NEAT, AND COMFORTALE. Prices 6s lid, 9s 6d, 10s 9d. SEE AND 19, CHURCH-STREET, & 2, HIGH-STREET, 9380_ _CARDIFF. _F—50990 T?ORWICK?SBAKINGPOWDER, JL? _FOUR GOLD MEDALS. IDORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, FOR WHOLESOME BREAD. BAKING POWDER, _FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. TOORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. JLP FOR PLUM CAKE. BAKING POWDER, _FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. TD?ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, JL? FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS. 51707_Invaluable on board Ship. _9607 ?J?7?Y,SC'JB'?C'? ?C'?.P.ES ?e OM ?MOM tMK oppeco' tM <Ae ?OE/2'F ?E'?'jCZ y ?V?F? as :— No. S.—RECAPTURE OF HARRY.July 1 No. 4.—THE ESCAPE OF THOMAS THOMAS July 8 No. 5.—THE ESCAPE OF TWO WOMEN .July 15 2ND GLAMORGANSHIRE RiFLE VOLUNTEERS (2nd Detachment).—Saturday, July 2nd, battalion drill under tlie adjutant, muster at 6.50 p.m. sharp, aU full dress with busbies and pouches, band to attend. Orders for week commencing July 4th, 1881—Monday, company drill at 7.30 p.m., uniform with glengarries, omcera undress, band to attend Wednesday and Fri- day, squad and recruit drill at 8 p.m On duty for the week—Captain Newbery, Sergeant D. Thomas, Corporal Cntchley, Bugler Williams. Special Notices—The men selected to attend the Windsor Review must attend at the Hall for special drill each evening next week, at 7.30, undress uniform.—Signed, J. H. Sladen. Captain. 2ND GLAMORGANSHIRE RiFLK VOLUNTEER CORPS (Penarth Detachment).—Orders for the commencing Monday, 4th July, 1881—Monday, squad drill and riHc exercise at 7.30 p.m., in plain clothes Tuesday, class tiring on the East Moors Wednesday, squad drill at Dinas Powis, at 7.50 p.m., in plain clothes Thursday, squad drill, at Penarth, at 7.50 p.m., in plain clothes. Thursday, squad drill at Penarth, at 7.50 p.m., in plain clothes Saturday, no drill. On duty for the week -Colour-Sergeant T. Grifnths, Corporal R. Percy, Bugler L. Angove.—Signed, JOHN GfTHRiE, Captain Commanding Detachment. 1ST CARDIFF DETACHMENT 2ND GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.—Orders from 2nd to 9th July, 1881, inclusive.—Saturday, July 2nd, Adjutant's parade. Muster at Drill Hall at 6 p.m. punctually. Review siMe of the Windsor detachment are requested to be the Windsor Review must friend this parade, when the railway ticket.-) (price 6s each); slings and havresa.cs, wi!I be issued. No tickets can be obtained after this date. Band to attend..Saturday, July 9th.—The Windsor dctachmer twill parade at tlie Drill Hall, at havresacs worn with the band outside the belt. Each knife, water bottle, and aufHcient rations for the the Quartermaster. The detachment will be due back at Cardiff at 5.10 a.m. on Sunday, 10th inst. The non- acquainted with the instructions laid down for railway travelling in the Held exercise, as they will be held re- sponsible for the carrying out of the regulations. Wednesday, July 6th.—CIas;s Hring as usual no drill. Friday, July 8th.—No class firing or drill.—By order, W. H. MARTIN, Captain commanding 1st Detach. 2nd G. R. V.

Family Notices


SA TURDA Y, JULY 2, 1881.