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CARDIFF. HAXNAH-aTREET CONGREGATIONAL CHAPTI..— On Sunday, t!ie Rev. Thongs, of the Redland P.'rk Church, Bristol, preached the anniversary sermons at the above tbapel momiag and evening. The congregations fpr8cIa.te(! the eloquent orations given them by .eÜ' i';itol", who appealed for thou- .sympathy in the coltections towards liquidating the chapet debt, the result of which was that a fair amount wa. realised. BiCYCLixr..—The return inter-elub run of the Cardie and Newport Bicycle Clubs came otf last Saturday. The clubs met as before, at Md on arri.ing at Roath Court formed !-ingl<- file Mid rede aide by side straight out tô the Alex- andra, Park to witness the contest for the lUl1:\teur championship of Wales. This being over. they proceeded to tha Philharmonic Res- t.a,ur:'nt, where a. tea, awaited them, provided by the Cardiff Club. ACCIDENT AT THE DOCKS.—On Saturday after- aoc'n. a, labourer named Michael Dempgey, living' &t 9, Tyndall-strcet, was on the East Dock con- verging with a friend, when, unpercei'ed by him, loll pugine ,pproH.(:hed, and hefore he could get; out &f the way he was knocked ooWl1, and the wheels of the engine parsed over his left foot. Ee was con'.eyed to the inSnnary, where amputation wa.s found necessary. S¡--f)AY-SCHÕOL AxxivERSARY.—The twentieth Miniversary of the Sunday-school in connection tfith the Salem Welsh Baptist Chapel, Moira.- place, took place on Sunday, when the sermons, morning and evening', were preached by the Rev. R. Lloyd, Capetown, to large congregations. Liberal collections were made in aid of the Sun- jay school fund. At the Tabernacle Baptist Chapet, Haye-t, the Sunday-school anniversary .as also held. Here the sermons morning, after- M)(m. and evening, were preached by the Rev. Professor Davies, Principal of Llangollen College. !R the morning and evenÜ the sermons were in English and Welsh, and in the afternoon the aer- mon wa.s in Engh-h. The choir sang an excellent selection of music at the services during the (by. The popularity of Mr Davies is such that the large building was crowded to excess in the morning Mid evening. rrT-\Rr.L" SKRviczs.—On Sunday the Rev. T. L. Marshall, of London, the editor of the In- quirer, the chief organ of the U illtarian", preached at the Assembly-room of the Cardiff Arms Hotel. The subject in the morning was Christ s New Commandment;" &nd in the even- mg, Christ the Reconciler." Mr Marshall is one of the most poputar preachers in connection with the Unitarian Church, and a larg-e number of persona attended both the morning and evening tervices, the room being tilled on both occasions. THS GLAMORGANSHIRE IXFAXTKY MiLITIA.— The old soldiers mustered on Saturday, and before night all of them were placed under can- vas in the barrack field. The regiment now numbers about 1,000 rank and nie and non-com- missioned otBcers, a greater strength than it has hitherto had. The command, which has up to this time been m the hands of Captain and Adju- tant Hanley, is now taken byLieut.-Col. Gould. The whole strength of the regiment will remain up for 21 days, after which they will be disbanded. Excellent preparations have been made by the ofEcers for keeping the men as much as possible in !:he camp, and up to the present the recruits have, m the whole, behaved themselves remarkably well. DEATH OF Mas WALDRON.—We regret to an- nounce the death of Mrs Waldron, the ,ife of jur highly- respected townsman Mr Waldroa, tolicitor, which occurred about midday on Satur- day, <Mter a lung and painful illness. The deceased lady was well known in this part of the country, Mid much esteemed, and great sympathy has bsen waanifet;ted by a large circle of friends for the bereaved family in their sad adiiction. SALE AT MESSRS STEPHENSOY AXD MART.—At this mart, in Crock- lerbtown, on Saturday afternoon, 22 horses were ut up to auction, and were knocked down to dif- Metit purchasers at prices ranging from 36 to 55 guinea.. One horse fetched the price of x!57 15s, which was the highest price reached at the sale. BATTALION DRILL OF THE RitLE VoLCNTEKRS. —On Saturday evening a parade of the 2nd de- tachment was ordered for 6.30 at the Drill-haU. There was an excellent muster of the volunteers in consequence of the expressed wish of the i>fficer. as the new colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel CressweM, was expected to attend and take tommand. At seven o'clock about 200 volunteers had paraded at the hall, and Lieuten&nt-Colonel CressweII took command, as expected. There were also present—Captain &nd Adjutant Glendonwyn, Quarter-Master SimpaoR, Captains Sladen, Guthrie, Shackell, and Martin, Lieutenants Yorke, Spiridion, Maddox, Scott. W. E. Jones, and J. A. Jonea. Headed by the band the corps marched from the hal! to a neld near the new Barracks, where they met a detachment from Taff's Well, )md were put through battalion drill. This drill 1Va."5 ordered in view of the Windsor demonstra- !ton, at which numbers of local volunteers pro- "aee to attend. The evolutions were executed -y satisfactorily. ALEXANDRA PARK.—There was seme very good &pOrt in this park on Saturday ahernoon, but the attendance was limited. The first event was a. mile bicycle race, which, after some capitally con- tested heata had been run on, was ultimately de- cidt>d in favour of a boy 10 years old, named R. Hooper, who, it should be stated, was accorded the long start of 650 yards, and who was closely pressed towards the nnish by L. G. Edmund, who came in second, though he had only 120 yards start. The attraction of the after proceedings was the 25 miles amateur championship of Wales. From this G. Ace, of Swansea, had withdrawn. It seems a pity that through some misunderstand- ing this should have occurred, and Mr Edmund, the manager of the ground, alleges that Ace's withdrawal wa-s through no fault of hid. The starters were L. G. Edmund, Pontardulais E. Rastabrooke, Cardiff; W. Winslade, Car- M J. R. Thomas, Swansea; S. C. tViIliams, Swansea H. Colquohoun, Swansea,; S. Nicholl, Cardiff H. P. Williams, CardiS'. There was at first a very close contest, and the positions of the riders were constantly under- going change? even in the first few miles. At the fourth lap, Winslade, who seemed good enough, waa in the front rank, but he had an apparently cool and determined follower in young dmund, who went round the track in close company with Eagtabrooke, Colquhoun, and J. R. Thomas, When the second mile had been covered, Percy Williams led, Eastabrooke second, Winslade third, and Edmund fourth. Time, 8 mins. 15 sees. Williams kept his lead for a time, and the others kept on at a steady pace; but at the be- ginning of the third mile, Williams, who had been exerting himself, had to retire, &nd Edmund headed the procession. At the second of the fourth mile Eastabrooke !ed with Winslade, Edmund, and J. R. Thomas 'following. It soon became evident that these three were the winners. In the course of the race they repeatedly passed each other. Nieholls retired on the first lap of the seventh mile. At thp.t time young Edmund led, with Eastabrooke and WinsLde m clo-e attendance. The eighth mile was covered in 32 minutes 45 seconds, Edmund still teading, Eastabrooke 2n(L Winslade 3rd, Colquhoun 4th, and J. R. Thomas 5th. The 10 miles was finished in 41min. 45sec. Edmund frequently lost his position, but up to the 14th mi!e he was always managed to regain it. Col- quhoun, nudiug things getting too warm for him, teft the track on the 14th mile. Thomas, who had been reserving his power, forged ahead &t che hnish, and came very near beating Easta- brooke, who passed the winning post nrst. Ed- mund made a very fair third. THE BLCE RiBBON MovfME?T.—The weekly public meeting, held in the Old Circus, Westgate- street, in connecti'n with this movement, was held on Saturday evening', when the building was, usu.J, crowded. Spacious as i;- the Circus, the accommodation provided in the iuteri&p seemed insufficient, and hundreds of persons had to star.d during the whole of the evening. The chair was t&ken by Mr Councillor Beavan, and the platform was nlied with ministers and others who have for some tune past taken a prominent position in con- ? aection with the movement. The teetotal chun was present, and, the leader- selection of terRpcra.Kce inelodi'M in a manner t"'¡ "cTTcted much credit upon them. The Chair- man delivered an excellent opening speech. He was followed with an address from the Rev. W. Watkiss. The Rev. Gcthin Da.iea, "'£ Ll.g'llen College, a.] so delivered a thoroughly ¡tirrÜ:g temperance addre& rel;:¡,ting some per- IOnal rc:minisœuiiss of a very intere.sting charac- ter, interspersed with anecdotes full of humour, the audience loudly applauding Ilim one minute &nd the next laughing heartily at hia sarcastic remarks. Se'eral .olos were .sung', and ar.iong thtm Mr John Davlea, of Pontyptidd, saBg The White Squall," which wa.s enthueiastically en- eored. the interest in the mo'. enient seems as great as ever, and hundreds of persons entered and left the building- during the evening unable to tefaiTi the whole cf the time. ScHHMK.—Many of the valuable prizes i-i connection with the Innrmary scheme Me uow on view in various sh'p windows through- out the town, and they will doubtless lead many to purchase tickets ho.k.Ye not yet done -fu. The. secretaries are leaving nothing undone to tpve every satisfaction to the public. They beg to cdl the attention of friends tickets can &e obtaintõd at 6, St 11nd at the YictorÍ<.1 RofmK, where a ditpia.y of the prizes will be made on and after the 1st July np to the day of clr:twi1\g. THE UxiTARlAX-—We have received a com- muuication from M).' S. Lang and the Rev. A. N. BI..ichford, of Brismi, stating that at the recent Unitanan meeting Mr Hammett paid a warm to the present Mayor of Cardiff for his tdndne?a and courtesy in granting the use ot' the Town-hall to the Cardiff Luitariaiis. Monday au inquest was held on the !x)dy of Elizabeth Jenkins. a widow, who resided in Spring Gardens Court. It appeared from e evidence th¡>,t dece3.ied cam<3 to her house on Sundavevening\c-ryill. She went to her bed- '<x'm.and was found lying' upon the bed clothes on the anal' dead. She was subject to fits, and it ia oelic'.ed that when seized with one of those she fell d.-v.-n and died i;i the po.;itiull described. The )ury a verdict accordingly. Act tUttN'r.—Un Monday evening, a little boy, nnfii.d John Holder, residing ae RhyLQney-terrace, was br0,ht to the infirmary suffering ? .)\er" injuries. He,with a number of other playing tht evening in a ;îeld by the RhyutMy bridge, where several horses were r..¿:D' The boys seem to hf.e driven them a,bojt. 'vhen o:ie of the horses kicked Holder very teri.'usiy ou the liead. FLNRKAL OF THE LATE ,IH. WALURON. -The re"u",i¡: ')f the bte )Ir'i \Valdrùn were interred in the ,L\i<udaa Cathedral CemeMry on Wednetida.y. the relatives of the deceased, a large of friends .tended, among whom were Col —'I Hi!I, Mr A. Ba?ett. Mr G. Dornfo-d, Eev. V/. David, Major W?xl?, ?c. The Vicar .ffi.c:t,yl. The Cahedl"d choir were also present, and :ok part in the service. oy A RoAuv-AY.—A piece of the ,adWCJ,Y m Adh/ai-streer, near the Rhymney Rail- way subsided on Wednc -Jay afterno(.n. X'he f?lk-nporttci fon? the centre of the new traimtay iiuo to Grangeto\v:t. The conciete and arr=u)i'e Stocks hetwe;;n the mota! .uddeuly o'-mk &bout two feet, a.nd it M believed that the &rch o< the new sewer, which runa from :Moira-crescent to has from some cause been broken, a.nd the fallen arch carried the stone and concrete with it, downwards. The hole, which is aevor&I yards in length, was subsefluently hllad with earth to prevent accidents. AT THE DocK9.—On Wednesday afternoon, a dock labourer, named Henry Homes, residing at George-court, Harrowby-street, was engaged in muoaaing a. vessel in the West Dock, when, in wheeling aoarrov/along a, plank, his foot supped, and he fe'i on the quay, sustaining' severe inju.-ies to the head. Re was removed t& the inti l'Dl p,r. AN OLD OFFENDER.—At the bofough police- court, on Monday—before Aldermen AleaM.nderaad J. Welkins—Anne Edwards, 80 who had been 38 times previously convicted for disorderly conduct,was now sent to prison for one month, for behaving in a disorderly manner in We?6ga.te- street, on .Saturday evening. A MinriA MA"t r< TROUBLE.Ÿlicnael Alien, a young man from Rhymney, who had come to- CardiEf for the purpose of joining the Glamoi-gan- shire Militia, wa.s sent to prison for It days, for being drunk and assautting an old man named James Brewer, at the Hayes. on Saturday night. Ths defence wa.s that he got drunk and could not iini his way to the camp. THE LATE CHILD MuP.nKRCASK.-Su8a.nMog- foT-d, ch&rged with causing bhe death of her infant child on the Srd June, was ag?in remanded for a, week. Dr. Eyre stated that the prisoner was still too weak to attend the court. Cailaghan was remanded on the charge of wounding Elizabeth Parry, com- plainant being 1111 ,Ie to attend. ROBBERY AT A COFFEE TAVERN.—William John Thoma-i was sent to prison for 21 days for stealing 2s and two cases of cigars from the coffee-house in Custom House-street 0.1 Saturday. STEALING CABBASi.s.—A boy eleven years of age was brought up in custody charged with steal- ing a quantity of cabbages, the property of Wm. Godfrey, a gardener. The boy stole the cabbages and .sold them to a greengrocer, who said he was under the impression that the lad's father had t gent him with the cabbages. The father attended and said that he had great dii'ticulty with his ';on, who often got into scrapes. The Bench told the father to give his son a. taste of the birch rod and the youth, whose mother is dead, was dis- charged with a caution. CONFESSING Hin GuiLT. — William Lewis, a working shoemaker, lodging at 35, Scott-street, was charged with stealing 18s, the property of John Crowley. Crowley and Lewis shared a bed- room, in which Crowley had a money-box con- taining the amount named. In the absence of the owner the prisoner broke open the money-box, and spent the contents in drink. He admitted his guilt immediately after Mr Hamingway had said that he had not sutncient evidence against him.—He was sentenced to one month's imprison- ment, with hard li'bour. STEALING MONEY AT A COFFEE TAVERN.—Wm. John Thomas, who said he came from Swansea, was sent to prison for 21 days with hard labour for stealing 2s from the till of the Custom House CoSee Tavern, where he had been staying. THE THEFT OF A HoRSE AND TRAP.—Edward Lewis, the young man who was charged with stealing a horse and trap belonging to Abraham Lane, was brought up on remand. It was proved that whilst the owner was in a public house Lewis drove away in the trap, and that lie sold both the pony and trap at Neatli fair, the pony for J64, and the cart for three guineas. He was committed for trial at the quarter sessions. ROBBERY AT A PunLic-HOCSE.—At the borough police-court on Tuesday, before Alderman Alex- ander and Alderman Jones, Elizabeth Price, a young woman of bad character, was charged with stealing J23 8s from the person of George Strone. The prosecutor is a labourer, and on Monday evening went to the Fishguard public- house, Bute-street. Prisoner was there, and en- tered into conversation with him. While talking, he felt her hand in his trousers' pocket. She ran away immediately, and on a, man giving chase, prisoner dropped a, sovereign on the foot pave- ment. When on the way to the police-station she became very violent, and some money dropped from her pocket. Prisoner denied that she stole the money, and she was committed for trial at the quarter-sessions. LARCENY.—Sarah Morgan, a married woman, living in Stanley-street, was charged with stealing a shawl of the value of 7s from a house in Stanley-street, the property of Emma Fry. The shawl waa missed, and soon afterwards the prisoner gave the shawl to a young woman to pledge. The shawl was pledged for 2s, most of which seemed to have been spent in drink. Pri- soner when in custody admitted having stolen the shawl. Prisoner had been previously convicted. and was committed for trial at the quarter-sessions. ANOTHER CHARGE OF LARCENY.—John Dick- son, a lad, was charged with stealing six electro- plated forks from 58, Topaz-street, the property of William Brimble. The prisoner, after stealing them, gave them to a boy to pledge, and he pledged them at a shop in Ruby-street for 9d, out of which prisoner gave the boy who pledged them 2d. The forks were new ones, and the prosecutor stated the value to be 9s 6d. Prisoner admitted having taken the forks, and was sent to prison for 14. days, and to receive 12 strokes with the birch rod. POLICE COURT, Wednesday.—There were only a few cases for investigation at the police court on Wednesday, and none of them were of any public interest.











------EBBW VALE.




[No title]



















--------PENART-11 BOAT CLUB.