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^REPAID TARIFF woa SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. &OL-TH WALES DAILY tWMIB I | Daily N»wt WORM. One Thraa I Hx & One* is Insertion. ,!i18erUowl. f¡uen,¡ Cardiff i j I Tim—. I a. d. i. 1 l8 Words j 0 6 I 1 0 I 1 6 I 20 71 Words I 0 9 I 1 6 ) 2 3 t 3 0 36 Words ) 1 0 I 2 0 I 3 0 < 4 0 45 Words I 1 3 2 6 I 3 9 I 6 0 64 Words i 1 6 I 3 0 I 4, 6 I 6 0 jSach extrv „ line of >03 06 00 1 0 9 Words) These chargea apply only to the dim of advertise. Bent specified below, and are strictly confined to tboM which are t"J("cd for COS.-JECUYIVK insertion, and PAID rea nucviots TO iNSEitTiC'X if either of these condition* fa t oomplieJ with, tbe advertisement will be charged b1 the Business 5,1i: Al Ar.THBNTS W ACTIO. I HoUSBS TO BS 1ST. Al A*r*KSTS TO Ln. MoNBT W ASTRD. Artic^W LOST. }iOX1!T TO LK.NI>. AKTU.T.BS FoCJI#. MlSCKLLANROHS WANTS, BrSiNMKKK POK DiSrOSAL. I MlSCEU,AStOtt8SAl.HS. Bumxzsbm W'AxriSD. rA.TTNaiwmps IIol'SBK TO LXT. SrruAnon# Wanted. Jiouasa Wanted. SuLADuas W ANTSB. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PARLIAMBNTART Notre* 8, Government Announcements, and Parliamentary Kleet.ons are charcred One Shillinf P r line for each insertion. Prospectuses of Public Companies are charged YinepenctJ pur line lor each I Insertion. !eZ;lJ. Municipal, raoch¡"I, and School Board Notices, 'landers and Contracts, &c. are ehanred ixpel1ce per line for each insertion. Auction }\(¡tce" art; charged Sixpence per line, and ail .otiler Classes of Advertisements Vourpence per line per inser- tion. Souio of these charges are, however, subject to reduction In accordance with the number ot insertion* ordere.1.-P",rtiCll¡a.ra may De obtained at our Chief and Branch OJ,e.:8. ADVBRT!8kr.i .hen sending ad$'ertl5fment81n manu- 8Cript, may e<tkUll\te eisrht words to a liuo. and 12 linea to "11 inch. I:. charging a.dvertis"ment8 the lines are oot counted, lmt th" aùvc!t:g"\Jent, including i:.r1:(e lin. dllo8he, anù white :9:Cf S. i measured, ald the space occupiei ia charged at the rate of Twelve lines to all inch. THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. Advertisers and others having occasion to remit small sunvi t,) this OtHce are requested to send POSTAL NOTES, INSTEAD OF STAMPS. The may be obtained at every Post-office in the kingdom for the following Bums and gharges :— Amount of Postal Note. Cost oi Note. Onhillillg Halfpenny. Eightee"pence Halfpenny. Half-a-orown Onepeuny. Five Shillings Onepeuny. S.veIl8hillillS and sixpence One penny. Ten shillings Twopence. Twelve shillings and sixpence Twopence. Fifteen sh ill; ng, Twopence. SeI'ellte"n.hl11nl.9 anl sixpellce Twopence. Twenty shrliug3 Twopence. The" .Notes" aiav he transmitted just as receive 1 I from the Post Office; but if greater security is desired the Post Office at which it is in- tended to make the<n payable (O. Duncan and Bons, Caditf) may be inserted. As postal notes are only issued for the fixed joins above given, it will not always be possible, by sending one or more of them, to make ud the exact remittance desired. In auch cases the balance (which vill always be less than a shilling) may be added in postage stamps. waima. WANTED, aa ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. who has l' had practical experience in Metallurgical Chemistry.—Apply by letter oniy, giving full particulars regarding previous occupation, reference, and salary expected, to Laboratory, aire of Messrs G. Street and Co., 30, Cornhill, London, E.C. 9.00 WANTLD immediately, respectab e Apprentices and TV Improvers to the DRESSMAKING. Apply at 37, Union-street, Cardiff. A GKNKRAL SERVANT wanted.—Apply to Mrs if. Brukewick, 109, Albert-house, iiute Docks, Cardiff. 888 N ON-INTOXICATING BEER. — GROCERS, HOT- TLKRS and others wanted to bottle the above in every town where agencies are not already est iblished. The beIIt D,)n-íntoxica.t.ing beer yet ore the publio. No licence required. Excellent }>rofit. Suitable either for bottling or draft.—Botanic P-ecr Company, Low nill, Lfverpool. 811 BOOT TRADE.—30 Rivetters and Finishers Wanted, on all classes of nailed work, at W. B. WitchellV, South WaJes Boot Manufactory, AbersycUan. 905 r T throughout South Walesjor the United Assurance Society. Terms liberal to small Shopkeewrs or others having spitre time. — Addrase Manager, 10, St David's- place, Swansea or, 0, tjueen-street, Cardiff. 939 WASTEU, FLOUR. FRUlT, SODA. and other t T UAltRKL.S —Dohson, Sovia and Dry Soap Worics, Cardiii. i)133 49874 WALTtlAH WATCH CLUBS —Respectable men are invited to form Wateh in connection with the Waltham Watch Club Association. Unrivalled suc- eesjt. Cheape-st place in the kinguom for Waltham Watches. Illustrated Cataloarues and all particulars post free.—T. Hall, Manager Waltham W-itch Clubs' Association, Crafton-street, Leicester. 38 SERVANTS Wanting PLACBS of any description and Householders requiring Servants, should vlvertise ill tho CARDIFF TIMBS. LODGINGS and APARTMENTS^VANTED, or to be Jt_J LET. should be advertÏtied in the CARDIPF Timim LET, two or three Unfurnished ROOMS. Mode- I rate tenns, in AVellington-terrace. Apply at 37, Union-^tiect, Cardiff, 884 fITtO LET at the SEASIDE, iittingroom and Two Bed- 1 rooms, comfoi a >ly turnished, situated in very good position close to the railway station.—Apply Mr R. Bam]>son, Porthcnwl. 907 A SUALi. COTTAGE, furnished, at Barry, to LET. /A —For further particulars apply to Jrlr3 Green, Etriy. 95 MB. T. WEBBER, .l.1' AUCTIONEER, 5, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF. FOR 6ALE. A HOUSE in Whitchurch-road. Two semidetached VILLAS in Upper George-street. And a HOUSE in Newport-road. I > LET, A HOUSE in Newport-road. 8650 Four Rooms for Otfiees, 5, St uSQuare, Cardiff, HOUSES or PREMISES to be LET, should be adve JtjL tised in the CAJKDIFF TIMKS. tp 'alt. "SOUTH WALES PROPERTY 10 GAZETTE. a MONTHLY RIOISTBR OF ESTATES, HOUSBS, LANDS, &C., to be LKT or SoLD in Wales, Mon- mouthshire, West of England, &c. 1,0)0 Copies sent Monthly po ,t-free, to the leading inhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire. Insertions Free. Copies, post free, front Messrs HBRN, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, 4c., Masonic Hall Chambers, Cardiff. 2444 HOJSES and PREMISES for SALE, should be adver- JH. tised in the CARDLKP Turn Th L I TTi SANDERS, f AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 38, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Has tlie following PROPERTIES for SALE :— CATHAi.S -TWO houses ill L'r uor¡.:e-treet. ROATH. -Six hoa-e8 in Pearl-street, six in Helen- street, ix ill Harold-street, two hou.s8:i in Emerald-street, four in Harold- treet, ano two in Helen-street. CANTON.— louses ia Wyndham Crescent, and Market- road, six lou,es in Wyndham, road. four ÍIl Wyndham Crescent, three in Egcrton-street, and four in Glynne- .treet GRANGETOWy.— V corner shop and cottage in Holmsdale-strcet, Mid six houses in Ludlow-street. A liberal portion of the imrcha.se money can be had on nortgage. App y aa above. 125 u_- > itntttr autI Coutnrts. LLANDAFF DISTRICT HIGHWAY JLj BOARD. TENDERS arc invited for the wideniug, raising, form- ing. and ot.hen"I86 improving of Pontcaniia-voad, in the parish of Llundalf, according to plan ólOJ speCl1icatlon, to be seen 00 application to me. at 14, Westbourue-place, Cardiff. Send tenders to be sent in to Mr W. P Stephenson. Clerk tot-he BQard, Queen's-chamber-, Ca.rJitl, not later than Twelve o'cluclc, no..n. on Wednesday, the 13th 01 July next, an l endorsed Pontcanua Road." The Board do not bind them-elves to accept the lowest er auy temler Toe Surveyor wiU ineeL. iutendln on&r. ctor,¡ near the Hli Way Hotel, on Wednesday, the 6th of July next, at Tw he o eiock noon. By order, WILLIAM PRICE, District Surveyor. Dated June 16th, 18S1. 9781 r»ECKITT'S PARIS BLUE. IJ Used in the PRIXC. O LAUNDRT. KEOKITTS PARIS'liLUE. Used in the DUOKBBS oy LAUNDRY. BECKlTT'S PARIS BLUE. J, 1 Is used by tile poorest ollacount of ita cheapness. t1' An- by h., vicin-st on account ut its Beauty. §=,27 WORTH K N'OWIMG. GEORGE NAISH, 79, GltEAT FRE- \jr DKRICK-ThEe-T, CARDIFF, Is the OLDEST K8TABH&ilED PUBLIC POSTER, who rCI,t:> the ,ge;;t nnmbsr and be-t private hiii post- ing stations in the town anil noighbourhoo«l. A!! work •ntmsted to him will be speedily and faithfully executed. K.B.—P.ill Posting sent by post or raii will have imme- diate attention. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs, in either sex, acqxvred or constitutional, gravel, and pains in tl.e hack. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by ail ci.onosta and patent medicine rendois "nt to anv address for GO stanics bv the maker. F. J. Clarke, c. iisulting chemist, High .-treet, Lincoln. Wliolesale Agents, Dare ay and Loudon, and all the wh^ale fcftU5CS, US CHHERFULNKSS INDUCED. Arpetiie reswreJ .ni'i Digestion promoted b) DR. SCOTT.S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, Which, w.,dst Md soothin- in their effect, are cer- tain to give tone an-I vi'^oui to the ditfeient secretions of the stomach, causing the Liver to resume it. activity, and stimulating an the organs of the body to a healthy action These Pills have now been before the public for over 70 years, an n>av be relied UI oil as a Mire fw.I3ILIOt.:s.allll LIVKk Coari.AiN*s, iNuiiissTioN, WI!J, Spasms, Fooi liaKATH, KKRYOLa I.SSI'jV, iKRrTABlI.lTV, LASStlUI>B, Loss o Aei-mm, Drsi EfsiA, Hk ip-TUI ujf, Soi'K ERI ITA- noxs, L(,w:\1Io;.I or Sriiirrs, with tejisation of iU!lle.-s at the of tl-.jStomach,G'bsiiNK-s, Dizzinkss OfTiieEYBS. an i al1 those other symptoms which Bone but a sutferer Celli describe. HEADS Of ttOLrsj?i;oLus should always have a box by them to resort to on any slight occasion oi ailing 011 the part of tlw-e u: der their cliarae, as bv |<aying attention to the regular th]t¡OIJ of the ,¡t,)!J1[\c(¡, Liver, an,1 Bowels, many a ftvere iiiness is or mitigated. They will be found, in slight cases, by a simie dose, to restore ¡ health to the boo)", wIth a happ, frame of mind. SOME IInprill"! !Iied vendors, in "nle" to make a larger I profit, "11 try topersuide you to) buy medicine prepared I' by themselves 1.10 not do so, but insist on having Dr. Scott's Billions and Liver Pills,wrapped in a square graen package. Th.e genuine Pills are prop* ed. without mercury, by \V. Lambert, 173, Seymour-place, London, Wami toltt in Roxes at 18Jd and M, l>y all respect- aUe wdisine vsndora, or poat free foe 14 or s* stamps. public gMWtwatSe EW THEATRE ROYAL, Xl WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. Lessee. Mr W. H. DAW. I Sole Manager. Mr E. BQ^WRR. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, JUNE 24tti. Mr C. Bernard's iloches dc Co.n; ville Company. Splendid Chora-. Augmented Baud. To-Night, and during the week nt 8 o'clock. Planquotte's enormouslv successful Comic Opera: I LES CLOCHES DE (JORNEYILLE, NEXT | WEEK. j The Popular Authoress, MRS. A. BRIGHT (nde Kate Pitt), In her own .-ucc-issiul Dramas, "Broken Hollow" it "Noblesse Oblige" Doors open at 7.30; commence 8. Carriages at 10 30. Prices of Admission (this week)—Dress Circle, 4s Pit Stalls, 2s 81; Pit, 11 Gallery, 6d. Private Boxes, 21a .,¡d 31s 6d. No ha;i price. Box Plana at Mr W. Lewis, Duke-street. 42603 nblic ctitt.!í. LLANDAFF HIGHWAY BOAED. NOTICE. The MAESYBRYN-ROAD, in the Parish of Llane- I darne, WILL HE CLOSED daring repairs, until further notice. By Order, i WILLIAM PiUCE, District Surveyor. Dated, Juno 16t.b, 1S81. 97S2 TO FARMERS, CATTLE DEALERS, AND WOOL MERCHANTS.—The Swansea Great Wool a"d Cattle FAIR will be he.d this year at Swansea, on MONDAY, Juiy 4tli, 1881, instead of Juiy 2nd. —! y order. 690 G LAIVIO R G AN SHIRE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEY, that the NEXT GEN EliAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace, for the County oi Glamorgan, wiil be hoiden at the Town of Carllilf. inawi for the said County, on MONDAY, the TWENTY-SEVENTH day of JUNE. l&Sl, at Oue of the clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the Justices then present will proceed with the General Busine-s relating to the Public and Financial Business of the County, and also to the Constabu ary. The Grand and Petty J u "ors lIlat attend ou Tuesday, the Tweu'.y-eiirhth day of J tln, 1661, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, when they will be sworn. AI Prosecutors and Wituesses, bound by recognizance and subpeen i ir >m the several districts of Cardiff, Caer- philly, Cowbrioge, Dinaspowis, Llandaff, Pontypridd. Merchyr Tydfil, and Abeniare, must attend OIl the same flay, and the same hour. and on WENDESDAY, the Twenty-n:iisb day of June, 1881. all Prosecutors and Witnesses, hound by recognizance and subpeeua from the several distriet-i of Swans*.a, Neath. Bridgend, Pontar- dawe, :1nl (iower, must attend at Ten o'clock in the Foreuoou. All Appeals must be entered before the sitting of the Court on MONDAY, the Twenty-seventh day of June, 1881. and the same will be heard at the sittiug of the Court ou the following day- No Costs will be allowed unless taxed at the same Session in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Court. Deposition and recognizance s are to be delivered to me by the Twentieth day of Jane, 1881. T. MANSEL FLTANKLEN, Clerk of the Peace. Bridgend, June 7tb, 1831. 9532 HOMES IN THE NORTH-WEST. MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, MONTANA, WASHINGTON. Rich Wheat Lands, Good Grazing Lands, healthy Climate. Railroa.d facilities, rapid progress of Settlement, solid advantages for thrifty people with small means, anil wide scope for Capital and Enterprise. Northern Pacific Railroad Agency, 20, Watei-street, Liverpool. 9567 TYJYRA'S JOURNAL. EYEiY LADY SHOULD READ THE BEST AND CHEAPEST JOURNAL OF FASHION IN THE WORLD. MYRA7S~ JOURNAL OF DRESS AND FASHION. Price 6d by Post 8d. NOVELTIES FOR JULY. 1. Coloured Fashion Plate, 7. Latest from Paris, showing new Mo.iels of Illlutrations 0f the New- Costumes for Ladies and, Mo ,es in Costumes Child.. and Toilettes, Indoor, 2. Diagram Sheet, contain-! WJki and Evening ing Patterns of the Du-| pres8es; Mantles, Palc- vergier. Mantle, Drawn Chapeaux Coif- Sleeve, Morning Coif. fures. Lingerie. &c. fure, and Bathing Coe-| tume complete. 9. Models of Spring Co3- 3. Cut-out Paper Pattern oil tumes, Mantles, and a new Lawn Tennisi Chapeaux from Las Apron. Grands Magasins du 4. Dress Si Fashion in Paris Louvre, Paris. • Mvra'ri3nslJrs V,l)re9S 10* Needier ork. Designs for •• Answers, L»re9S,; Embroidered Lamp Mat Fashion m Furniture, T7o„ Cn,. t, uu i r» i ami liana ccreen. coi- Health, anil Pcrsonul » c ». f-* ncr or u orlieu oatcnei, Attention, Furniture & p in Beriia Wool Furnisiung the Cu.sme, w | Crochet, and StVSi £ S^St>, laneous. initius, Sc. Subscriptions Yearly, 8s Half-yearly, 43. GOUBAUD and SON, 39 & 40, Bedford-street, London, W.C. 9594 GLAMORGANSHIRE AND MON- MOUTHSHIBE PROPOSED NEW INFIRMARY, CARDIFF. THE GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES, IN AID or TUJ4 SUILDlXO FUND, Will take place in the GRAND CIRCUS, CARDIFF (By permission of Mr Tayleure), Ox WEDNESDAY, JULY 13TH, 1881. In the presence of influential Gentlemen and the Publle interested. The following valuable Prizes will be given, and, ia addition. One Thousand others £ 8. d. I-One Hutidre-i Pounds Sterling.» _100 0 0 2-Fifty Pounds Starlin* mm 60 0 0 S-Twenty-five Founds Sterling « 25 0 0 '-Fine Toned Piano, « so00 5—Handsome Gold Watch and Chain u 20 0 J 6—Silver Mounted Harness. 10 0 0 T-Castg containing 133 Pieces of Plate and Cut- lery, Dessert Knives and Forks of first quality, the complement for a dozen Ouests 30 0 0 8—Sixteen YarUs of Black Silk T00 9 Sewing Machine 10 0 t 10-201b. Caddy of Fine Black Tea 800 11—Handsome Clock. 11—Handsome Clock.500 12— Lady's Gold Watch and Chain .10 0 0 13—Electro Tea and Coffee Pot, Cream Jug, and Sugar Basin 6 .0 0 14—Special Prize, by Cross Brothers. Cardiff, Electro Cruet Stand, Toast Raek, and Egg ■< Stand 6 00 15-Piece of Irish Linen 8 10 0 16-S).ccial Prize by J. Newton and Co., Tailors, Crockherbt-own, a Superior Suit of Clothes, value .500 17-Handsome Tea Set 600 IS-Set of Dish Covrl 3 10 0 Id—Electro Liquor Stand (3 bottles) a 400 20—De-Bert Service 0 0 21-Sidt) of Cumberland B) eon .300 22— Cumberland Ham (about 401bs) ..200 2J-Pleco of Hurrwa Long Cl oUi ..200 24—Cruet Stand 300 25—Bank of England Note M I) 0 0 20—One Case of Cognac Brandy 300 27 -vile Case of CbaJUpne 300 28—Box of 500 Manilla Cigars 600 !)-Sewina' Mac-hia., Wellington" ».400 M-English 8-DAy Clock 300 31—Lady's Gold Locket 111)0 32-Fair of Binnkets 1 10 0 1,000 other Prizes of value from 58 to 30s. TICKE18-SIXPENCE EACH. Book of 2i Tickets, 10s. THSA3UR3R: I G. F. STUCKEY, Esq., Bristol G. F. STUCKEY, Esq., Bristol aud West of England Bank. AUDITORS Akierman W. ALEXANDER, J.P. C. W. DAVID, J.P., D. JONES, J.P., J. JicCONNOCHIE, Esq., J.F., Ex-Mayor of Cardiff. Hos. SKCS F. W. ARMSTRONG, H. B. MORETON, WM. BURNETT, D. W. EVANS. SAMUEL W. ALLEN, F. W. LOCK. Tickets may be had of either of the Secretaries, at the office, 6, St Mary-street, Cardiff. The Drawing, which will be on the plan of the Art Union, will take place iu the Cireus, Cardiff, on WED- NESDAY, 13th JULY, 1881, and the Winning Numbers will be published in the South ifaUt Daily Votc4 VTettern Mail, snJ Urintol Mercury, 23rd July.50261-9217 NAJUS OF FUIKXDS VOLCSTARIW CONTRIBUTING VALUABLE PRIZKS TO TUB COMISO INFIRMARY DRAWING Messrs Thompson and Shackell, Crockl)erbtown-Har- monium, value £7 7s, Ur Amhton, Fishmonger, St Mary-street—Finest salmon in the shop on presentation of winning ticket. Messrs Heath and Sons, Crockherbtown—American Orguinette, value 42 15s. Mr Churchman, Rummer Hotel, Duke-strftt.Caae of Hollands, value £ 1 10s. Messrs Stewart and Co., American Provision Merchants, Bridge-street- Ojie klam, 40ibs. Ditto, ditto-Olle Ha.m, 401b. Master Willie Moreton, Roath—S-day Timepiece in hand. some fretwork case, his own workmanship, under glass shade, value 22 10s. Clock by Mr Heitzman. Master W. Moreton-A- Fretwork Basket, his own work- manship. Mr Richards, Guusmith, Arcade—Six chamber Revolver. Mr Wm. Thomas, Nursery, No. 6, Crockherbtown -Ch..);ce Plants. Bulb?, &c., value a. Mr T. J. Williams, Chronometer Maker, Bute Docks- Aneroid, value Cl 10. Mr J. Cording, Arcade-Case of Stuffed Birds, value R.I. Messrs Wheeler and Wilson, 17, St. Mary-fstreet- SeNving Machine, value L4 4s. Messrs N. Powell and Co., Wine and Bottled Ale Mer- chants, Docks-One Dozen Dow's Port, value £.2 14s. M D. W. Jones, Beaconsfield House-Pair of Worked Slippers, yalite.El. Mr D. W. Jones. Beaconsfield House—Telescope, value ZS Cardiff Fish Company, St. Mary-ótreet-Fineac Salmon in Shop. Cardiff Fish Company, St. Mary-street—Finest Turbot in Shop. Mr Thatc! eOptician, Bute DoWis-Pair of Opera Glasses, value 11 Is. Mr H. Pnillips, Pilot Inn, Bute Docks-Case of Claret, vaiue £ 1 10s. Mr it. Wadiey, Butcher, Churili-rftreei—Finest Leg of Mutton in Shop. Mr T. R. Wadiey, Butcher, Clifton-street, Roatli-Half Fat Sheep. Mr C. o. Rnndle, Steam Trawl Owner—Finest Turbot. Mr J. N. Flint, 10, Duke-street—Stilton Cheese. Messrs Fulton, Dunlop. and Co., Wine Merchants—Case Champagne, value Z3. Mi l. Traveh, Rumney Court, Cardiff-else of Claret, value £ l 10'. Sir E. V. Robinson, West Bute Dock Vaults—Half Dozen of 20 Years O d Port. Messrs Stevens and Son. Wine Meicliants, Cardiff—One Dozen of Ginger Bran-iy, value £3. Mr W. C. Peace, Bedwelltj House, CTockherbtown-Pair of Ladies or Gs itlemen's Boots, value 1:1. Mr D. flutchine,ti, Circus, Cardilf-Cudwo Clock, value 40s Pencoed Brick and Tile Company-Pair of Garden Vases, value 30s. Mr J. M. Dykes, 271. Bute-street—Silk Hat, value el is. Mr S, Mil kins, Bedford Hotel, Cattle-road—1 Dozen of Sherry, value £2 2s. Mr J. Thomas, Carpenter, Ca,tie-road—Pair of Oleo- rnphs, value A2 2s. Mr Tope, Outfitter, Bu e-streecf—Uml.re'b, value £ 1 Is. Mr Noah Bees, Working-street— Special Prize, value, £ 2 2s. Mrs Furse, Millinery Show Room 5, Dunifriea-place, Ca diff- .Miliinery Bonnet, to order, v ine £11:1, Messrs Walker Brothers, Queen-street—Sack of Finest Flour. Misi Wakeford, Brighton—Anti-Maccaitar, value 21s. Mrs Banning, Duke-street -Qu-^en Amic Fire Screen, value Att Is. I Mr W. P. Strawsoii (ot the Firm of J. Wood Astott and Co.). Stourbridge—Spades and Shovels to the v lue of £. From a Friend—An Anchor, suitable for a yacht, value £ 2 10s. Messrs W. Hiliier and Co., Bottled Ale Merchants One Dozen Quarts of Cow-lip Wine, value £.2 8s. Mr J. Woodman, Gasfitter, W Ila rtoi, -street-Chandelier, value 408. Mr A. Ridge, Sheffield, per Cross Brothers—One Chest of Carpenters Tools, valueZ3 ;)8, Further contributions will be duly acknowledged by the Hon. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF ENGLAND WHO SUFFER I FROM NERVOUS DEBILITY. Just Published. THE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID: designed as a Warning and a Caution to others supplying at the same time the means of self-cure, by one who has cured hiiaeeLf, after under- going tlie u nal aniouut of medical imposition and quackery. Sinirle cooies may bo had feost free) fey send- ing a damped addressed envelope W tNeiuthor, Arthur DtsoB. &a.. Hotfnsiow. near ijoatoh* 4S4 -_?1\tt by §wrti0H. j CARDIFF ARMS ROYAL HOTEL. CARDIFF. ABSOLUTE SALE of the FURNITURE and CONTENTS of the Hotel, fic., in c.njequeuc of the pullin; down of tÍle entire building. ( ji/J ESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- 1 JLf J. DER 4 CO., are instructed by the Proprietor, Mr F. Matthews, to SELL by AUCTION, in JUNE, unless previously disposed of in one Lot by Private Contract, the whole of the VALUABLE FURNITURE, CHOICE WiNiCS, And Contents (Ii the Hotel, together with CAH.iUAGES, HOKSES, and outdoor Effects. Fùr further p.ut culars apply to the Auctioneers. Queen's Chambers, Cardilf. 95o7 5l7 L-ARGE SPECIAL STUD S ALE OF SIXTY HORSES, Including Hunters, Harness, and other Horses, at the CarJiff Repository, on Friday, the 1st, of July next. Entrance fee, 10s 611. Stalls shùuH be secured un. mediately. Entries close on Friday, the 24th lIlst. 9500 STEPHENSON, ALEXANDER and CO., 51885 9560 _roprieto UNRESERVED SALE OF GENUINE OIL l'AI1nGS AND DRAWINGS IN WATER COLOUR. \/F ESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- | X-vJl DER CO., will SELL by AUCTION at their Mart, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff, oil THURSDAY, Juiy 1831, at three o'clock p.m., SIXTV'-filGHT PAINTINGS, t, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff, 011 THURSDAY, Juiy 1831, at three 0 IOC\{ p.1li" PAINTINGS, by tlie foi owinir artists :—Her'<ert, Broome, Barland, Boyle, Copley, Joel, Clarke, Muscliamp, Sidney Percy. Lang ois, De Vogel. Hulk, Weatherhead, Sinclair, Doll, Pullincks, &c, Pullincks, &c, The I'iutiugs were ou view aud for Private Sale at the Royal Hotel, C;\rdi¡f. during the Jast allll preceding weeks, all i have beeu sent t" the Auctioneers for absolute Saie. to cuver advances maae by tlHml. They wia bc on view at the Mart from Saturday, the ::5th iu-t., up :o and including the day ur Sale. 52t.7ö 9197 IMPORTANT SALE OK WINES AND SPIRITS. DUTY PAlu AND n BO.ND. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER & CO. will SELL the remainder of the WINES and SPIRITS, at their Office;, Queen's Chambers, Car->iff, by Private Treaty. 6'io02 9583 WINES and SPIRITS, at their Office;, Queen's Cha.mher;>, Ca.rliff, by Private Treaty. 6VO 9583 OLD AND NE\VTIRFILKIJSS AD HOPE I COLLIERIES, NEAR BLACKWOOD. MONMOUTHSHIRE. MESSRS S'TgPHENSON, ALXAN- 1-, DElt ami CO. are just¡ u2ted by Henry Powell, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, at tliesc Collierits, on THURSDAY aud FRIDAY, the 21st and 22nd July next, the whole of he valuable PLANT and )1ACHIEltY, SluRES awi EFFECTS. Fùr further particulars apply to th," Auetioueer¡;. 5i0o9 Detailed catalogues a week previous 10 date of Sale.9o98 Mu T. WEBBER'S SALE by AUCTION, .l: at 5, St. Johu's Square, CarJitf, wli include a Itood F.lectro-plated TEA aud COFFEE :sE:YIC. fouro wheel BABY CARRIAGE, with hood complete, Furni. ture, &C. 52126- 9599 PORT OF CARDIFF. FùR THE BENEFIT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. MESSRS SHORT and DUNN are re- .1\ quested to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on MON- DAY, the 27th Junc, 1881, about 1,492 tons of STEAM COAL, ex Buckhurst," The Sale will take place aç Noon, at the north side of Peuarth Dock, where the coal lies. t'or further particulars apply to Messrs Barnes, Guthrie, and Co., Mount Stuart-square or to the Auc- tioneers, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 9595 52086 IMPORTANT AND UNRESERVED SALE OF PAINT- ISGS, E.\GRA VINGS, OLEOGRAPHS, & VICTORIA ROOMS, ST. )tAll. Y -STRbT, CARDIFF. MR H. E. NEIGHBOUR will SELL by AUCTION, at t11e above address, on SATUR- DAY, 25th. MI)VAY, 27h IIIt., and subsequent days, uutil cleared out, the whule 01 a bankrupt's St e'e of OIL PAINTINGS, OLEOGHAPHS, C11ROMO-, STEEL ENGHA VbG: anti other Works of Art, comprising various werks by well kuown artists, and impre3sio!Js oi first diss quality. Sale eaah day at 3 and 7 p.m. 5110 9591 FREEHOLD HOUSES AND LAND IN CO¡SWAY- HOAD, CANTON, CARDIFF. MESSRS W, & S. HURN will SELL 1\:1 by AUCTION, at the Qaeen's Hotel, Cardiff, on lO¡SlJ.A Y, the -ith day of July, 181, at 3 p.m. pre. cisely, under the powers of sale ill mortage deeds, the ollowing FREEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES. LOT 1.—A pice of FREEHOLD LAND, situats iu Conway-road, Canton, adjoining Trafal^ar-plai e, lor. merly belonging to Mr F. T. Goo 1 fell.iw, deceased, hav- ing à frontage W Couway-road of 109 fct, and a depth of 165 feet 0. thereab;}tltd. LOT 2.—A FRKEflOLD ùW¡LLINGHOUSE and GAIU>EN, in the olJcupaion of Ir livbart. Lor 3.—A FREEHOLD DWELLINGHOUSE anti GAR. DEN. adjoining Lot 2, and lately in the occupation 0: Mr Wilham George. LOT 4.—A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and GARDEN, adjoining Lot 3, in the occupation of )11' Elldd, with three cottages at the rear thereof. | For further pa.rtÜ:ular3 apply ti) the Auctioneers, or to Messrs WALDRON & SON, Solicitors, 51986 H, St. h,rY-8treet.. Cardiff. GREAT SAU: OF PIG. MR J. E. GUNN will SELL by AUC- TION, ou SATURDAY NEXT, July 2n i, at 3 p.m., at the Circus Yard, Westguge-stre&t, C"rJl!Ï, uu behalf of whom it may concern, unless previously dis- posed of privately, 50 FAST-GROWING, HEALTHY PIGS, f ranging in ag from 12 to 20 weeks. No reserve. m 9596 Il" THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVl.;IO. The WEST O{O. ENGLAND ANI) SOUTH WALES DIS- TRICT BANK v. WRCif, 1879, w. 1S2; aud In the Hatter or THOS W, BÜ(JKt.:R & CI)., Limited. GLA)IOlWASHlHE, IN THE NEIGHBOUR HOOD OF CARDIFF. Highly-Important SALE If Valuable FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD ESTATES, COLLIERIES, MINKS, "lid MINEHALS, including "THE MKLIN GRIFFITH WORKS," and THE l'ENTYRCH WOlŒS," ill the seve,al Parishes of WHITCHURCH, RADYR, PEN- TYRCH, EGLWYSILAN, anù LLANTWiT YARDRE, situate and lying, :111 regards the lelill Griffith Works, about ;)! miles, and as regar .s the Pentyrch Works, about '>1- miles Ïrùm the important and rising Town (If C .niitf. witn convenient sidings to the main line of the Ta1f Va,e Raiiway, and with tÍle Glamorgan- shire Canal rutiuing throulíh the Meliu Gntiith Works, containing together about 865 ACRES, 611 Acres being Freehold, an t 254 Acres bciug Lease. holJ. ~j\/fR GEORGE NICHOLS, by direction J_»JL of the Hon. Mr Justice Fry, lias received in- IItructions to SELL by AUCTION. at the Royal Hntel, L'aroifF, on W ElJ £SUA Y, the 13,h day of July, 1881, at TwO) fur Three of the clock in the Afternoon precisely. LOT 1.—The HW auù TIX-FLATE WORKS, kuown as thy "MELIN GRIFFITH WORKS" and tht) PEN- TYRCH WORKS, 'together with the FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES connecteli therewith, 61tu"te iu the stYeral Parishes of Whitchurch, Radyr, Pentyrch, anfl Eglwysilan, or some of them, in the Coumy of Glamorgan. These Properties c unprise an area ot 513 aeres, or thereabouts. There are 69 Cottages Qn th Fre<;Í1:,IJ. PNperty com. prised III this Lot, together with a Residence 1,:¡owu as Yi.is House." The Melin Griffith Worke. with 31 acres of Wood. land. are l.e'.d fùr the remainder of a term of 200 years from Lady-day, 1772, at a yearly relit of £ 205. At these Works there are six Tiii-plat-e Mills,four driven by steam jow_>r and two bv water power, and a laf)CtI Tin Howe with an appliances also fhe Sheat Iron Mills, two driven by steaiu power and three by water power, and aiso larg., Ochre Works. There are 1a Cottages on this Pro¡.>erty. The Pentyrch Works and Lands are held ior the re- maillller of a term uf 73 yearó from Michaelmas, 1867, at rentd of £ 200 and £ 21 6s. At the50 Works tlJero is 0. Colliery equal toa¡:et of 400 tons a day, S2 Coking Ovens, an Iron Ure Mme, and three Blast Furnaces Brick Works with CJ¡jjr"):t1 and Coke Bar lroll Forges with all appliances. There are 50 Cottages 011 this Property. Also, the valuable Mines :\11<1 linerab under tli3 Free- hold Land, and the Leasehold Mines and Minerals under Tin-y-Coed, Gwaiu and Hhwy-r-Ceiliog, or any otber of the Lands ill the Pa.ris:1 of ill to E. R. Win-field, Esq., containing I&bout 2,500 acres. or thereabouts ami the Mines and Minerals unuer Garth Hill, about 266 acres, and the Freehold Mines aud Milles under a portion ol the Lian Farw. Also the fixed Plant nù Machinery and loose Plut and Stock. If this Lot IS not sold as 1& whole it will lie divided into two Lots, excluding "Ynis House," the vendurs dllterwuling the orùer. There ill Biaing communication with the Taff Vale Rail W!\y Lot 2.—A good FARMHOUSE, Farm Buildings, aud Putur and Arable Lands aud Woodland, being- portions of the LLAN FARM aud GEDDRYS, containing 17;) acres or thereabouts, situate Jll tile parish of LLANTWIT VARDKK. This Pruperty is Freehold. Lot 3.—A FAlUIHt)USE, Farm Buildings, three Cot- tages, Stable and Gardens, Pasture and Arable Land, with a siding to the Taff Vale R<\iiway. the whole con: taining 53 acres or thereabouts, kl.OWll aa GEDDkY8, situate in tie aforesaid parish of TJ.ANTW1T V ARDRE. This Property ili Freehold. Lot 4.—A Cvmtortable FAJUfHOUi)E, with convenient Farm Buildings and Ptur an.I Arable Land. known as TY NEWYDD, úr Newhouse Farm, containing 107 acres or thereabouts, situate ill the aforesaid parish of LLAN- TWIT VAltDl<.E. This Property is Freehold. Ltot 5. -A piece of productive MARKET GARDEN GROUND, known an CAE PWLL, in the parish of RADYR, and ccntailtin 3a. 3r. 6p. or thereabouts. This Property ill l'reebold. Lut 6.—Two Leasehold Pieees of üP.OU.1IiD, in the parish of WHITCHURCH, wIth Lhe DlESlSUAGE or lJwdliug-llOUlle thereon, known as Heoldon. This Property i5 held for a term or 60 years, from July, 1839. Lot 7.—The Leasehold MINES ami MINERALS under a Farm c311eÜ F-wr, containing 85 acres or thereabou¡¡", situate ill the said parish of PENTY RCH, hel,1 for a term of 42 years from March, 1S73. Lot 8.—The Leasehold MINES and MINERALS under a Farm containing 14Ga. 2r. 2;p, Qr thereabouts, siuate in the parishes of RADYR and PENTYRCH, held for a term ol6O ye.Lls from September, IS44. Lqt 9.—The Leasehold Parcels of LAD. being part of and Skibbor Fawr Farms, or onc uf them, slLuate in the said Parish of RAVY¡;, and containing 8a. lr, 27p. or thereabouts, h",1:1 fur a term of 99 years from February, ISH. Lot 10.—Tlie LeasEhol.1 Piee of LAND, being palt of a Field called l'ae Pwll, in the aforesaid Parish of iiADYR, contalllmg 71 perchesan<i 46 feet or thereabouts, together with the Six MESSUAGES erecteÜ titere<HI, known as Teamans-row, held for a term of 09 years from Augwt, 1347. Plans, pa: ticulars, and conditions of sale may lJe ob bined of the Auctioneer Broad-street, Bristol; or of TUttQüA.ND, YOUNGS, i CO" 4r, Colemau-street, KC.: TIUUE. CLARKE, & CU., Bristol, Swall8f\a, anJ Car- diff; HENRY JEKFERIES, Jsq., The Ynis, Pentyrch, near Cardlif; ROGERS & CUAVE. H. Queen Victoria- street, E.C. CLAIŒE, \rOùVCOCK, & ltYLAND, H, W,C.; ord FU-SSKLL, PRIL'HARD, SWA:\N. & HENDERSON, 52032 9585 Liverpool-chambers, C:>m,stre<t, Bristol. SWANSEA, SKETTY. THE COED SAISuN ESTATE. A highly important and valuable Freehold BuHùillg Propertr of abGut 5u acres, occupv iug a charming position on rising ground, at the west and fashionable end of the town, and "it the confines of a picturesque viliatre of Skeity, with au extClIsive frontage to the uiaiu road, being of :>.11 ulldulatillg character, with a southern aspect, "nd commanding magnificent views of the MUl1lo!c, Swansea Bay, t-' e Glamorgallsilire Hlll, and over tbe Bristol Channel to the Vevuushire cuaat beyond, overlooking the delightful grouuds of Sinarletou l'ar and Park Wem, and eurrounded by picturesque villas and country Heats. The estate ill bounded 011 three sides, by good roads. aud a.t.Ill1irably adapted Îor the ercction of villa residences, which are in illcreasill denllmd in this fwourite ad healthful locality, being within two miles of the town and easily accessible therefrom. Together with Freehold Ground u Rents, amouating to £ -1 PS per anuuin, arising out of th Bush Inu ahU sixteen othtr huu5es aud premises 10 I the village of Sketty the Sketty Schools and othor 4 property, with early reversion to "the rack relltals of the principal portion, estimated at £ 198 per annum; ;\180 a valuable Freehold Property, know. as Hack Pill }leadow. situate 011 the Mumbles-road, pruùuciu £ 15 per annum. IVI ESSRS CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY JLT-L and CHIN NOCK, are instructed by the Trustees under the will of the late Kev. Caivert Richard JOUel, to SELL by AUCTION, at the fa.ckworth Arms Hocel, Swansea, on TUESDAY and WEDESlJA Y. July the 19th and 20th, at Two o'clock precisely, in Several Lots, tl'R alove valuable ESTATES. Particulars and Plans may be obtained of Messrs Hun- ter, Gwatkin, and Hityties, Solicitors. 9, New-square, Lin- coln's-inn, W.C.; of Messrs Stricks ant' Bcllingham, Solicitors, Swansea of Mr Evan Daniel, Civil Engineer, Swansea at the principal hotels in Swansea, Newport, and Canliff the Auotion Mart. London; the place of Sale; alld of Messrs Chinnock, Ga18wori.by. an.1 Chin- nock. Land Agents and. Surveyors, 11, Waterioo-place, Pali MtH, Leutlou. S.Yf. i by Alt ctioil. 1 SWAN SEA, SOUTH W AIÆ8. Important Sale in numerous Lots of a Portion of the valuable Freehold Estates of the late Rev. Calvert Richard Jones, comp;i ing neady ájO acres of ùc- lands, lying ciose to the town of Siv ui.se i, and consisting of ground rents, sccured by numerous houses, factories, and other bu luuig-, building plots of the most eligible character, accommodation lands, &c. MESSRS CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHINNOCK are instructed by the Trustees to bELL hy AUCTION, at the Mackworth Arms Hotel, Swa.nsea.n TUU¡UA ¥ and WED.N l'.SDA\'v July lOw and 2)th, at 2 o'clock precisely, in about 180 Lots, arranged so as to suit the requirements of all cUssos of pun.;ilase,s, the First Portion of the above 1MPO -T,k,"F ESTATES, comprising free;. old, giouud, and other rents, amounting to about £790 per annum, secure 1 by the Swansea Tin- plate Works, Cwmdu Foundry, copper work-, factories, aDd tit)-,vards, f 793 houses, public-houses, shops, chapels, mission-rooms, Ac., situate at Cwmowrla, Cwmdu, Raven- hiil, Peiitre-e,.iiin, Brynii\fryd. l'entrc, Pea-fiiia, Tre- boeth, &with reversions, at various dates, to the rack rentals, estimated it about C6,510 per annum, together with i!ie Weig-fawr Brie:: works, numerous enclosures of building and accomodation land,situate in and about the before-mentioned districts, with excellent road frontages, the capital residence lilld grounds, known as Raveniiill House with other lands adjoining, also the Pen-filia, Pen- lau.bwr. and Mjnydd Newydd properties, vhic i have been diviaed illtu conven entb^.ilaiiig and accommodation plots. Tiia attention of trustees, capitalists, builders, and speculators is particularly invited to this property as an exceptionally good opportunity for investment, the increase of the export trade of iron an 1 steam coals, the establishment of numerous factories in the copper and tinplate trades causing house3 and bu llings in Swansea to be in greatly increasing request, and the further ue. velopment of the town by the increased dock and railway facilities now ueillg carried out must tend still more to enhance the pros|>erity of Swansea, which is now one of the mOit thriving towns iu the kil1;!Üom. Particulars and plans may be obtained of Messrs Hun- ter, Gwatkin, and Hayues, Solicitors, 9, New-square, Lin- coln's Inn, W.C. of Messrs Strick and Beliingham, Solicitors, Swansea; of Mr Evan Daniel. Civil Engineer, Swansea at the principal hotels in Swansea, Newport, and Cardiff; the Auction Mart, London; tha phec of Sale and of Messrs Chinnock and Co., Laud Agents and Surveyors, No. 11, Waferloo-pince, Pall MaJl, Lon- don, S. W. SWANSEA. 9530 I SWANSEA: SEVERAL VALUABLE FREEHOLD FArmS AND Ai COMMODATION LA N DS. Situate within three tniies of the town, in the parishes of Swansea and Lian^ifelaeh, and known as Waun Cidiau, Pwll-yr-hwyaidU, Cetnymaes, Caereithin, Tir- bach, and Weig-Fawr, with Farmhouses and Buildings, ellluraciug altogether an area of about 22.) acres, mo-tly with possession. MESSRS CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY i-r-JL an I CHINNOCK, are instructed by the Trustees under the will of the late Rev. Calvert Richard Jones, to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mackwor-th Arms Hotel, Swansea, oil TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, July the Wtll and 20th, at 2 o'clock precisely, in convenient lots, the above valuable FREEHOLD FARS. Particulars and plans may bo obtained of Messrs Hun. ter, Gwatkin, and Haynes, Solicitors, 9, New-square, Lin- coln's-inn, W.C. of Messrs Strick and beliingham, Solicitors, Swansea; of Mr Evan Davies, Civil En- gineer, Swansea, at the principal hotels in Swansea, Newport, and Cardiff the Auction Mart, Loudon the place of Bile; and of 3lessri Chinnock and Co., Land Agents and Surveyors, 11, Waterloo place, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 95:;1 1)1)Oiutntt1n. CARDIFF UNION INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS, ELY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVES that the Board of Guardians of the Cardiff Union will, at their meeting to be held on the 16 Ji July next, proceed to tppri-litt Sin-,ie Man or Widower, without encumbrance, to he I Working Gardener at the above Schools salary, A:30 per annum, with board, lodging, and washing. The duties n;ay be ascertained from the Master, at tho Ely Schools, who will supply forms of a;-plication to any nersons II requiring them. 52108 9592 uurautt. HE CITY OF LONDON FIRE JL INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). HEAD OFFICE-101, CUKAISIDE. LONDON, E.C. CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. PAIL). UP. LIO,),GM. CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLED. ALDF.RMAN RENUY E. KNIGHT, Chairman 1 L. C. PHILLIPS, General Manager. AGEN'TS FOR CARDIFF- Mr Nichol Winchcomoe, London House, Newport-road Mr Hubert S. Ciarke, 10, Wood- ville-roail.$533 0 R W I C H UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1797; CHIEF OFFICES SURREY STREET, NORWICH, 50, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. PRESIDENT—HENRY S. PATTESON, ESQ. ) SECRETARY—C. E. BICNOLO, Esq. I THE RATES of this Society are exceedingly moderate ani the Insured are free from all Liability. This Office is distinguished for prompt and liberal settlement of claims, R-3,764,000 having been already paid for Losses by Fire. TOTAL AMOUNT INSURED exceeds £ 150,000,000. Losse* caused by Lightning or Gas covered. AGENTS in all principal Towns, from whom Prospec- tuses and Information as to mode of effecting Insurances may be obtained. Norwich, June 21th, 1S31. 9593 QUN FIRE OFFICE~ LONDON, K5 ESTABLISHED 1710. FREDERICK HENRY NORMAN, Esq., Chairman aud Treasurer. FRANCIS B. Esq., Secretary. Total sum insured in 18S0, £ 2?>2,745,653. Claims paid during the hist Ten years, upwards of TWO MILLIONS STERLING. All information respecting Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the undermentioned Agents of the Society. AGENTS CARDIFF Mr Peter Price, 3, Crock- herb town „ Mr Charles Cross Illc J. Jenkins, Chaitere Accountant, Philharmonic Chambers, St Mary-st. Aberavon Mr David E. Jones Aberdare 1 r. It. O. Gery i Aberkenfiir Mr William Lewis Blaenavon, near Pontypool ..Mr Stephen Barwell „ ..Mr John Gill. Bridgend Mr William Gladdish Brvnmawr Mr G. W. Walters Cowbridge Mr T'nos. J. Parsons Crickhowell Messrs Lewis & Williams Ebbw Vale Mr Thos. G. Powell Fenidale, near Pontypridd.Mr Alfred Jenson, Hirwain, (Aberdare) Mr Gen. '1'. Tuckficld Llandaff Mr John Howe Maesteg Mr Davitl Davies Merthyr Tydfil Mr David Price Mountain Ash Mr George H White Mumbles Mr James Orrin Neath Mr Charles Old Pontardawe Mr l'avid Smith Pont', pridd Mr William Merchant Mr William Williams Swansea Mr William Edmond, 23, Gower-street Mr Fredk. Tucker, Bristol & West of England Bank Tredegar Mr Martin Harrtiy Ystalyfera Mr John Rees. 60123 9328 PROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN! A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a weekly allowance In tho event of Injury, may be eecured by < poliev of the KAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, Th# oldest and largest Company, insuring against Acct» dents of all kinds. The Rt. Hon, Lord Kinnaird, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. PAID-UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE, 99-40.000. Moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to lisurtro after five years. £ 1,630,000 Has been paid as Compensation. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the LOW Agents, or 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. 48886 130 WILLIAM J .VI AN, Saaretary. Agent:-W. Wlllaila. 11. Henry-street. Bute Docks. 12, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. DAVIli pARRY & CO. Are now showing a first Choice Selection of SCOTCH, IRISH, & WEST OF ENGLAND SUITINGS; BLUE. BLACK. GREY, and uRAB SERGES, For SUMMER SUITS; A Large Assortment of SUMMER TILOUSEELINGS; The NEW MATERIAL for SUMMER VEST, Warranted Fast Colour. JQAYID pARRY AND CO., 12, HIGH-STREET. 12, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. JQAYID pARRY AND CO., For the Summer Season are showing a very Large and Choice selection of Goods in the following departments;— SHIRTS—Freuc, Print, White, Oxford, and Ctickct; COLLAM-All the new shapes GLOVES—Kid, Calfskin, and Thread, HOSIERY—Singlet, Pants, Sex, and Hose; lf,iTS-Fell, Silk. Tweed, and Straw; CAPS—Cricket, Polo, Travelling, aud Smoking. ——— 510C5 DAVID pAHRY AND Co., 12, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Tity w IIITEHORN'S AMERICAN JglRUIT CITRATE, A COOLING AND REFRESHING SALINE BEVERAGE BLOOD IS LIFE." But it i8 absolutely necessary that it :s kept free from im. purities, WUITEHORN'S IFUUIT CITRATE. If taken, wiil do thi. A mild but efficient aperient for botlisexes. Sold by all Chemists in Bottles Is 6d; or direct from the Manu- facturer R. PRUST. CHEMIST, CLIFTON-ST., CARDIFF. Preparcd from the recipe of Dr. T. Whitehorn, Frank- lyu-avenue, N. Y. I London Agents Newberry and Sou. 37, Newgate-street. Cardiff: Treharne and Duck, Docks T. Howell, Bute- road; A. Hatfon, Bridge-street; Mumford, Splotlands Greaves,Canton. Swausea Griffiths, Wind-street; Trick, Oxford-street, and Davies, High-street, Neath; Hay. man, Bridgend: Lloyd. Pontypridd: Key. Mountain Ash Jamas. Aberaman Sims. Hirwain J. Siut-. 9409-51059 CAKE FLOUR.-WBEELER'S SELF- RAISING, in lib. bajfs, 3id each, makes delicious cake, at a coat of only 31d per lb. 50485—0264 BROU'S INJECTION. — HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PRESURVATIVE. Cures promptly, without additioual means, ail rcceut orchronie discharges of the urinary organs. Price 45 ûd per bottle. Sold in l'ads by J. Ferr6 (successor to Broil), Phftru*. cien, 102, Kue Hiclielieu; in London by WILOOXandCo 3S6, Oxford-street, W., who will forward it carriage pale to any Town in tlie United Kingdom »a recifcrt «1 ff.vMX Ai— ht dtt OhtmlUfc 11.si1.\?$S I OVER fJlWENTY THOUSAND. SCARFS AND TIES TO SELECT FROM, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES, From 4d, to 3s. 61. WHITE DRESS SHIHTS AND OXFOR J SHIRTS Of Exception il Value, it o:ii 2; 9d to 7s &1. EVERY DESJRIPTION Ob1 HOSIERY AND UNDER CLOTHING, Suitable for any Climate. •'DENT'S GLOVES," SPECIAL LINE, Is lid per pair. BEST SELECTED STOCK OF UMBRELLAS IN SOUTH WALES, Fro -1 1::1 6,\ to 25.), EXTRAORDINARY VALUE IN BRACES AND BELTS, From 4 £ d to 3s (H, ALL GOODS WABHANTSD OF GENUINE QUALITR, At tho lUust reasonable price; at W. j\0llNER AND cvs- THE CAltDIFF HOSIERS, 27,29, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, Please to note the old established address- THREE SHOPS ADJOIN ING EACH OT HER We have no connection with any other Establish- ment in the Arcade. 51076-0396 THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore sub- sisting between MESSIiS PARRY & BAKER, AS TAILORS & HOSIERS, AT 12. HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF, Has been DISSOLVED. The TAILORING BUSINESS is now resumed by Mr BAKER, at 5, CROCKHERBTOWN, late Miss Hiliyar.i's, wit:1 an entire new Stock of the Ciioicest Materials. 9101- 5ID2, IANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS, ON THE THREE YEARS SYSTEM. Liberal Discount allowed for Cash. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. MUSIC, HALF PRICE. R. J. HEATH AND SONS, (FROM BROADWOOD'S, LONDON;, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS, POST FREE. 9131-50239 :Ilc E4 EP MOVING. FAMILIES REMOVING •re respectfully solicited to employ the g T AR jjjIURNITURE yANS, THE LARGEST, BEST, & OLDEST ESTABLISHED IN WALES. S. ANDREWS, PROPRIETOR, (Late S. J. DAVIES & Co.) LARGE AND DRY ROOMS FOR WARE- HOUSING FURNITURE. Fiirniture, &q., carefully and expeditiously removed, without packing or exposure, in Town, or to or from any part of the United Kingdom, by road or rail. FULL PARTICULARS and ESTIMATES rosf FREE. S. ANDREWS, PROPRIETOR of the "STAR" FURNITURE VANS No. 31, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. BRANCH OFFICES j THE MEWS. CASTLB-ROAD, ROATH, THE MEWS, S KV E It N ROAD, CANTON, 9411 AND GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. 61240 IFIlIE I FIRE FIRE! !!I s' EVERY MAN HIS OWN FIRE BRIGADE DICKS' CELEBRATED CHEMICAL SE LF-ACTING EXTINCTE URS, "FIRE QUEEN," "EXPRESS," AND EXCELSIOR FIRE ENGINES. DR. TYSDALL'S SMOKE RESPIRATORS. HOSE REELS, CANVAS llOSE, FIRE BUCKETS, And General Fire Appliances. AGENTS- CROSS BROS., CARDIFF. W. JACKSON, 23, OR ANGE-ST., SWANSEA. Or JAMES SINCLAIR, 104. LEADEXIIALL-STREET, LONDON, E.C. 51140 9424 JQUNCAN AND CO's 0 LIVOLINE IS A PERFECT LUBRICANT, !1wi ;0111 exery respect superior to Olive and Callipoli. Price delivered, Ss 2d per gallon casks free. Sample barrels iieut on approval. Liberal terms given to dealers. DUNCAN AND CO., LUBRICATING OIL,,NIANUFACTUtIURS, 2 & 3, Glovers' Ilall Court, Barbican, London. E C 511S2—9438 HENKY WATSON, Manager. BROWN AND POLSOITS PATENT CORN FLOUR Is equal to tte finest arrowroot. BROWN AND POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR Has a world-wide reputation, BROWN and POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR 39557 Is distinguished for uniformly superior quality, 226 TAKE CARE OF THE PIECES. AND RE-JOIN THEM AT YOUR LEISURE WITH m UMFORD,S HERCULEAN CEMENT. The best and cheapest for Repairing Broken Articles of GLASS, CHINA, EARTHENWARE, IVORY, WOOD. MARBLE, LEATHER, PAPIER-MACHE, JET ORNAMENTS, &c.. &c, Sold by aU Chemists, in bottles, 3d. each or a bottle will be seut free for four stamp* by the sole manufacturer, R. MUMFORD, Chemist, Cardiff. Wholesale Agents.-BARCLAY & SONS; MAW, SON, and THOMPSON SANGER and SONS, London. SMYTH, Duke-street, Cardiff. 9529-51806 ^JOANDSO'S "Tip-top" Dandelion Coffee KJ is the only kind made with genuine freshly-ground Dandelion Root aud Finest Coffee. 6 1 and Is tins. 9265 60486 SCHWEITZER'S\FOn Blood, Liver, Isj JL aud digestion, drmk Win; SCHWEITZER'S Dandelion BlMnPlTnTJ Coffee, a universal beverage AWL/MJIUII recommended by Surgeons, in tins, Cd, Is, and Is 6d, of Chemists and Grocers. See I^IOFFEE. you have SCHWEITZER'S. V/ Proprietors, Allan, Pearce, & Co. Bristol. 9345 50243 T. SESSIONS AND SONS) MANUFACTURERS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER, Have been Awarded THE FIRST ORDER OF MERIT At the MELBOUltNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1881, AND PRIZE MEDAL AT THE SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879, FOR THEIR ENAMELLED SLATE & MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, BATHS AND SANITARY APPLIANCES. Illustrated Price Lists on Application, J. SESSIONS AND SONS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER. 9509 gTIFFS SEARCH. gTIFF S STARCH. ks TlFk'S STARCH. ks TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCa S TIFF'S' STARCH. ks TIFF'S STARCH. KS TI[FF'S STARCH. I 'I TirFs STARCH. Is specially suitable low COLLAR3, WRISTBANDS, SHIRT FRONTS, &c., im- parting a BEAUTIFUL GLOSSY SURFACE to these Articles, and making the Linen look like new. IT The GENUINE AR- TICLE is sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen, in lib boxes and aibptpera, each box or packet bearing the Trade Ilark-" Queen BeSSt STIFF k CO.. 29, RBDOLIFF-STKEET, BRISTOL. 50396-936.2 F. I THOMPSON, BILL POSTER, TOWN CRIER AND RENT COLLEOTOR, THE GRAIG, PONTYPRIDD. Onlan (Mugiif ckecated on the most maeuehU I Tarma» JUt,$inc!5.5 ¿\(h'r($.t,$- g PRING C L O THING! SPRING CLOTHING SPRING CLOTHING RASTERS AND QOMPANY. THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 29 and 30, ST. MARY-STREET; MEN'S SUITS, Complete from 12s lltl to 59d 6L1. YOUTHS' SUITS, Complete from 10s to -15.3. BOYS' SUITS, Complete from Is lid to 35s G. ALL NEW STYLES. BLACK WORSTED DIAGONAL COATS AND VESTS TO MATCH, At 25 6d to 4.!J.. Cd. FANCY TWEED AND CLOTH TROUSERS. From 2s lltl to 21s. NEW GOODS IN EVEltY DEPARTMENT Suitable for Spring Wear. RASTERS AND 0OMPANY, THE SWANSEA CLOTHIERS, 18 and 19, CASTLE-STREET. Terms Cash.—One Price.—Plain figure». 9036 QENTS' HALF GUINEA BOOTS, NEAT, STYLISH, AND DURA3LE, FOR WALKING AND BUSINESS PURPOSES, Are certainly the Cheapest Boots ever introduced. SEP. JJOYLE AND 19. CHURCH-STREET, & 2, HIGH-STREET, 9379 CARDIFF. P 501*83 J PIKE, ARTIST, EMBOSSER, GLASS WRITER, GILDER, AND DECORATOR. DESIGNER AND SOLE WRITER OF MESSRS JOTHAMS' BENT GLASS FACIA, AND MANY OTHER IMPORTANT WORKS IN THE TOWN. REMOVED FROM BROOK-STREET, TO LOWER CATHEDRAL -ROAD, CARDIFF. 9300 A vacancy for a respectable apprentice, ^SB ESTOS ASBESTOS ENGINE PACKING, ASBESTOS MILLBOARD JOINTING, ASBESTOS BOILER COVERING, ASBESTOS CEIIENT, ARE UNRIVALLED. PRICE LISTS AND ALL INFORMATION FltO.M TIIE UNITED ASBESTOS COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OKKICE :— 11, QUEEN VICTOKIA-sTitF.ET, LONDON, E.C. WORKS — ROME, TURIN, GLASGOW. 7425 j TKADE MARK, < BULL'S HEAD. J. & J. COLMAN, t THE LARGEST MUSTARD MANUFAC. TUUERS IN THE WORLD. ASK FOJi QOLMAN'S U S T A R D. TRAPS MARK, j BULtiS_IIEAD. j 8836-48302 J> OBT. J>OBERTS & ^O^S JL\ CELEBRATED TAS. t. 1JLBS, AND UPWARDS CARRIAGE PAID. QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL. ESTABLISHED 1240. 0179 No AGKNTS.—All Orders and Communications Direct, DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- burn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate consti- tutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 9125 F A S H ION, SPRING AND SUMMER. NEW POLISH BUTTON AND LACE WALKING BOOTS, SMART, NEAT. AND COMFORTABLE. Price 6s lid, 9s Gd, 10s 9J. Suitable for wearing with Short Costume. SEE JJOYLE AND CO'S, 19, CHURCH-STREET. & 2, HIGH-STREET 9380 CARDIFF. F 50990 LEA In consequence of Imitations i! J & of the Worcestershire Sauce, JpERRINS' LEA and PERRINS Beg to say that the original bears Cj AU CE. their Signature on the label, for which the purchaser shoulJ look to secure the genuine LEA WORCESTERSHIRE & SAUCE. TDERRINS* Sold Wb°-esale j,y the Proprietors, Crosse and Blackwell, London; /st and Export Oilmen generally. SAUCE. Retail by Dealers throughout the O 47850 World. 8732 OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER FOUR GOLD MEDALS. BORWICK'S BAKINCTPOWDEr D FOR W llOLESOHE BREAD. BORWICK'S" BAKING PO WDER. FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. B OR WICK'S BAKING PO W DER." FOR PLUil CAKE. B OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER. JL) FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. OR WICK'S BAKING POVVDER." FOl NORFOLK DUMPMNGi g Invaluable on Board Ship. C) REMINISCENCES OF ESCAPES from the Old Prison at Cardiff loill appear in tne CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS as foUom No. 2.—THE ESCAPE ON CHBISTMAS KIGHT June 24 No. 3.—RECAPTURE OF HABRT July 1 No. 4.—THE ESCAPE OF THOMAS THOMAS July 8 No. 5.-THJ!: ESCAPE OF Two WOMEN July 15 2nd GLAMORGAN liFLJ: VOLUNTEER CORPS fist Cardiff Detachment).—Orders for week commencing June 25th, 1881.-Battalion drills under the command of Lieut.,C ,lonel Cre¡¡swel; muster at 6.30 p.m., in uni. form, with busbies anù black pouch; band to attend. Monday, the 27th inst, Adjutant's parade, 7.80 p.m.; uni- form, with caps. Wednesday anù Friday, squad and recruit drill, 7,30 p,m., plain clothes. Wednesday and Friday, class firing, from 3 p.m., weather permitting.— Special Notice Rifles, bayonets, slings, &c., must be brought into store, for Lieut.-Col. Cresswell's inspection, on Friday next, the 24th iust. without fail.—On duty for the week-Lieut. J. A. Jones, Sergt. Hardess, Coiporal A. Hybart, Bugler R. Briscoe.—By Order (Signed), W. H. Martin, Captain, Commanding 1st Cardiff Detachment. 2ND GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS (2nd Cardiff Detachment.) — Saturday, 25th, Battalion drill for the united Cardiff, Tad's Well, and Penarth de- tachments under Lieut,-Colonel Cress well. Muster at the Drill-hall at 6.30 p.m.; all full dress, with busbies; band to atteud. —Orders for the week commenc- ing June 27th, 1881. Monday—Company Drill ill the Sophia Gardens; muster at the Hall, at 7.30 p.m. Uniform with glengarries, ofiicers undress, band to at- tend. Wednesday and Friday—Squad and Recruit Drill at 8 p.m. On duty for the week-CaptaIn Shackell, Sergeant Collins, Corporal Wiiidsor, Buler Beames, (Signed) J. H. Sladen, Captain,—Notice The Second Competition for Sir E. J. Reed's Challenge Cup will take place on the East Moors Rauge, on Wednesday, June 29th, at 2 p.m. Open to members of Volunteer Corps realtlent in C,rdi1f, Cow bridge, or Llantrissant. En. trance fee Is, payable on the g-round.-S Comp:1ny (No. 3.)—The annual dinner of this company will take p ace early In July. Names of members intending being pre- sent must be handed in at once to Colour-Sergt, Bissett, that proper arrangements may be made. The 17th anniversary festival of the Newspaper Press Fund was celebrated on Saturday, at Willis's Rooms, London, Sir Stafford Northcote presiding. The toast of "the Foreign Ministers" was proposed by Cardinal Manning, and responded to by Mr Lowell. United States Minister. Sir Stafford Nortbcote, in proposing the toast of the evening, referred in happy terms to the class of inter- viewers, of whom he believed Horace was the first specimen. The other speakers were Lord Houghton, Sir A. Borthwick. tile Earl of Galloway, the Solicitor-General for Ireland, Mr E. Clarke, M.P., Sir Julius Benedict, 6co. The tiat ef subsoriptiQna amounted to £1.100.


Family Notices

SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1881.