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CARDIFF. L'AFTIST ClIAPEL.—The 20t'' aT\niv.r:>ry lIt [¡i3 \:l1ai on Sund.y, ..hen sermons. Illornins ajideveui!)g,were preached by tha i'ev. Ur. late resident of the Ba:'t.st. to GREAT Rev. J. Cy'i-idyu'n J' uc9 a special seunon on Bur.d.v e'¡.-n¡U;i, on "the Et<dtyofP.iniahmeu6. Dr, Is Hdt the subject; froiU th. 2l..t chapl;et,f LLt..t VL'j. THE LICEN;"W ViCTKALLEM AD MR E.OBERI3'3 BiLL.—it 's ¡.:ene.aUy behoved hero i,h..C thèl ticen-td intend to make a. gr-a.t eSart o get the bun iay Closes (Wa:e.<) Btii blocked in ¡h; HouM of Conr.nous, so aa to prevent its being pa.<;3e.1 this >\e8,011. \VE notic.* i-t a. recent number of the Bu¿ldiug h .t;chn; d H. Brutoi), W ¡HI ha bc€H !or s'-me years pnucip.d &sni;<tant in the otiice of Mr Peter Fr.ce, h.(S beea e!ectt-'d .).u associate of the Kt'yal 0. Atcitit'ots, :Iud b.ts coni:!i?).ced practice &s an architect und tUtveyot 19, Queen-trte:. Carditf. A LOST CHtLD.—Tha other d )y, & buy, abo'.t seVe!: ye:Hi of age, w:\ f¡¡l1n.l lIy tbe !->ol:o.;e wan 'e' ill at.out in the ä<,n:ets, a.nd. a.:a he could nut give any !\CCllunt of h'msfit. ha "{,.8 tak-<n to the union workhouse, where '.e now regains. Q\1e,,i"ned a to where If c'tne from, t.e Pll.y I.n,¡wered, J<jy l3aker," :> "d ,H this II as all which K)uid be got from idn), and f'um ether c: sta.!Jce.<1; isbenc.edthe child ;n wea.k-.tdn ed. He i.-) rather & pret'y buy. fairly {igt'.t cllrly hair, and con:piexton. A.y mnuh-iesshou'L.t.'en'ade of Mr Putchard, the w"rrlJt "ttic..l' the of gun.td)nns. Dit. REPORT i'UBTHK lJIWAN 6AK'T\HY I'MTiitcT OF 75; rate per I, (iOO 4J.7 de.hs, rate p<-r 1,000 iu. h&bit,nt<, 14.'J; fion t). i seven cideE zytuotio diae aea, 2; I ate per 1,000 itJ ha,Litau!;s, l.; llJ:ll pox, nil U1ea¡;i, Ilil seadati! a, uii 1; w oOl}iuó co,¡gh, 1; fe\N, tiii; diarrhea, uil. iLerTnometer, 5u'5; barOllJet9r, tlJe;n mchel', :W)20; l'ait,faJl, t<ltal iuc.'es, 1'03. condition of town ,¡atiijÜct¡)ry. T:!E GROUXD AT THK CRXK. tERY'.—This gré;uud wdi. be opemd hi :t few The whicH wiU he but for g&tes uud :.00111. ;}, J"z"o sd..L¡;-wilt be t-oveied by the 3r:tsa which is to cut. The for tue crou!l.J, whicli M at pre-ent ptdd to ti.e tion. :\mol'utd, we to something hke £10 per annUta. If t.he exf<iri;ne<ft io f 'u<:d L.nsuc- ceMmi, <'r if it i'< j'"mjd lib.:e will iiotbfl ): euel! next 8U¡UUJer. 0<lweS, suc¡¡ as wiU bd [Jayed M awty from the cetretfry a.8 po-sibie, )md it; will be the ,luty of the metery l!,anaK-r to lep<lr to t.he burill.1 n, ,ard if itmia t'.At fuue"ai ce¡,e¡uollÚ" are interi'ei ed ith. Theft it a pifce of gronud w.dch wiit "ot be "ed for tLe of BMtt i<ptm-r between the proposed teereat'on grouD.! al1(t ti,e 're"'e"t cemetery. DEATH OF ULD HlDET.-Ùll Suadity,Mr W. J. lA.ke'¡. for '<LilY year:s a we¡¡,kllo n inhnbifant ftt died a.6 hia residence, l'euartil, ¡.ftcr (\ r"tiler protr.tCi.cd iUna-is. Mr Gwell tor a h'' g tillie carried on a. very extensive bu.iae.'<a, nix.er tiie nf Ho\leu and Uufkeii, their p'incip d ware!JOuse.< bei i a.h be to,' of the 'Wefit Jjock. an at; o..e tune they were among- the largest corn njfrchanta of the West of Eogiand. He resided in for nnd there took a very acuve iute:esr. in Church matters tad he and .Mrs GMkeii were amocg the c)':ef pronio era of many for the reHef of the poor, e:'lpecialiy Llio>\e of :t. J.,hn's !,arih, MEETING Of RAfLWAY SEUVcN!S.-At a very la.rgely &Mett')fd meeiug of ra.Üway servants, at the on Sunday evet.íng, the nine hours* iD')vci"ent was into eoa-'ider.ttfo". There were *t<out 200 raiiway serva:, (,<II pre'-ent from tue variolltl cou!JJ:<ni"s in the district. The foitowhig programme was adfpted :—(1) To limit the duration of ordinary duty to nine t.oura per day, or 54 homa per week; and iutheca-se of MI11.1mt.'Ö al!d lihllliterg, to t'ight I.wnrs vel' day, 01' 48 hours per week. (2) To obtain aa a.dequ:tie increasit'g r:tte of [jny for overtime or duty per- f&ttn<«t 'n exceaa of the ordiuary day'a duration of Blue hotns. (a, Tt) ne<:ure to every r:1.de payment ior Sua ay iuty aa for extra. duty. To reduce the amount of 3uu'iay toil. (4) To close goods yarda &t 1 p.to. ou Saturday: A eomodttee was ap- poh)t';d to carry out these views, i<nd ic ia iuteuded hold a Fubiic demollOltratior. in a "hort time. CORPUS festiv..d of the Homaa Cathoiic Churc: which ia celebrated during eight dV!I ill honour of the" real lJre8enCe," was c..m- oft eveniaar at S!: Peter's Church, Roath. witere there Wà3 a soiemn proce". Mon of the H.dy 8acra,¡;tnt. After vespers a.nd a aerttioa by the Rev. Father R)cb;trdf<?a, in which he save why the saciatneut should be carried in precession aud ltollOured, the pro- eeesioa took j'jace. First there came the children, ia white, earryio¡.{ bannera and emblems appro- priate to t'.e occasion, theo the croas bearer uud and chorMters; these were foiiowed uy the celebrant, the Rev. Father Richardsoii, the deacou, the Rev. Father Cormack, Mid the aub- deacon, the Kev. Father Gailini. The canopy horn by four sergeants. The hymns during the procession w the Lau )a Sb'n." The aitar was m&saineemtly decorated for the occafioM, itud the eonsresation seemed im pressed with the apirit ci the festival. BOARD 0)f GUARDIANS.—The weekly meeting WM hetd on Saturday, Dr. Paine in the chair. T'fo'n the report of the master of the workhouse, it appeared that there had been daring the wepk t7 admiasions, 2!1 diacuarge: 1 birth, 3 death. &eaving 352 in the home. a decrease of 33 on the week of last year. Vagrants rwtieved, 45; corresponding "eek 54. At Ely Schools there tmd been no admissions, 3 deaths, leaving 200 in the house, & decrease, the superintendent reported, of 3j on the cortea- poading week of last year. It frotn the repoft of the Schools Visiting Counnittee U'at t Tory t&tisfactory examinati<nt had been passed, and MMs Jenner remarked that to respect to the htfimts hardiy aaother school in the country could patis such an exainiuatiou. From the returns of out-door relief it appeared that JS274 2s 7d bee* distribul.ed a'nonnst2,614 persons, at ainst £290 15a lid tMioocgat 2.955 pec*oua in tiM co: rea- pea (i)tg week of Ltst year.—Mr JacMbamoved.Md Mr Ha1D.8dale 88CondeJ, moûon which was &g1'ee.\ to, titat the Ely Schools Corn mittee'B report should be ftdopted. Ttds report recommended that an tddttiouat number of hydcauts ahould be ptaced M the schools, and that the well should be altered Md deepeaed. —The Chairm.<n moved the adoption of report that jS50 should he voted to Dr. Lougher for ex'ra at-rvicea rendered during the paat few yeArs; thit was eecon'Jed by Mr Plain tnd adopted.—Mr Pl&in reported that 24 placea for central pay 8taion had been found. He said he had viaited ail ef theae rooms, and it was resolved that a conndttee should meet at *n early d&te and Sx upon the most suitable room for the parp<Me.—The tender of Messrs E. John and Company, for Bour, at 34s per sack, WM adopted, upon the motion < f Mr T. \V. J..tcob, seconded by Mr Kamadale.—Mr Richards' tender for the sup- ply ef meat was accepted, as were the tenders of Messrs Palmer and Company for funerals, Mr Ewus for coal, and Mr Thorna* Rees for 8tra;,V. TLefe WM no other business of public importance. THK BLUB RIBBON MOVEMENT ANO SUXDAT CLOSING.—Mr Councillor E. Beavan presided at thB weekiy meeting in the Circus on S&turday 8veLling. and there was & very large attendance. The chairman said they ha.d assembled that even- iD full of devout gratitude to Almighty Cod for what bad happened in St Stephen's during the pMt few -lays, the benefits of which would be con- ferred not oniy upon themselves, but upon their ehUdren's children. ,Cheel'l!o) We htd enterel ovon an era of which we nught aM be justly proud, for the House of Commons had approved of the principle of Local Option. aad the Welsh Suudày.cloaing B'U had passed ttrrough committee, and bad, indeed, passed a which it might be considered as good as passed altogether. (Cheers.) If we lived until October we '.vou)d Snd the public-homes in Cardiff closed on Sundayx. (Ap,jlau3e.)—Dr. Schol&eld, tn the course of a graphic account of the proceed- ings in the Houst; of Commons during the diacus- tMMj of the Local Option motion, and the passing tiMOuajh committee of the Welsh Sunday-closing Rti!, expressed him'elf conndent t! at they were now on the winning side. Sir Eiward Reed, though unable to be present through illness, had given Mr Bill a)l the support in his pDwer.-JIr Lewis \VmiamR, who was received witn loud and prolonged cheers, said they might h¡e t;dnga fio;n the work done in London daljlJ tiM week. There were, he remarked, snme persons in the town who did not Lcsi. ti<te to the Welsh with charges of :n, morality. 3.nd yet these were the very persona who tiieu to prevent others from Hfting men up, and from makin¡;( men more moral—.t manifest in- cons,steuey. (Ao! use.) Tr.:e the \\eløhh¡\d tht:ir fault, but they had alao tifir virtuea t..ere w.M Itss cr!i< e !n \V<tIes than in any other a)t of the land. aud when the Su'ida,y C!"sing Bill had beco'ne la.y we wonid less sti! (Cheers.) He instaoced Scotland as an example of the be' 'f:t9 tll be derived from S ui<t&y closing, and said that in Ire!:<nd. ainoe the ..dvautae of Snu- day ehsin¡r had been found ont, he belisved the towm no ex'tR))t<*d in that cou;try be ineIudt?{I. Wt;.tthad been g'odforScoMaud and would be goori for Walts. Sir Edward from taking p&i'i. ii! the debate on Mr BU], had fhown h:!i's?If very anxious for its futtherance, and the r<;su!t be!ng kno\vn. fent hitu (Mr They had alt done their par.s. ai.d tlie next thinK to be looked forward to, after the passing of the local option motion, was a practica.1 measure for the whole of EIIlan.]. (Cheers.)—Other Bakers Miu'Yed.—The proceed!gs were varied bytneslngin.; nf the Blue Ribbon choir, un'ier TStr J. Duvies's 1t:ershí1>. and two ex-slaves (in- troduced by Mr C'ounciUor Cory) a!so saug. SCAFFOLD AcciDEN'f.—On londa.y a workman Tayior felifrom ascan'.Jd, 10 feet high. to the ground when engaged in tlie erection of i. ne v house at Cathay a. He suat:uned injuries, and was conveyed ho:ne. SAL. OF AMERICAN CATTLE.—On Monday 1\les,ir Stephenson and Alex-.uder put up for aale by pubife a .ctiun 100 head of Americnn just arrived, at the Lairs. Docks. There w?s a lar?e atiendance, :ud t):e bidd:"g9 were brisk. The priCM realised ra' ged from JE22 to Jb28. TUN I.09T CHILD.—On Monday the boy who waa fou'.d by Lhe police wandering about iu the streets "as taken home by the who proved to be workman at AbsrtiIIerv. The lad I)ad found his way to Newport a eek ago, and from thence :walked to Cardiif. His f:dh(;r had written to the .secretary of the Infirmary (Mr Coleman) on the sabject, and he communicated with the Clerk of the r Stephensou), who found that .the 1tiven tallied. SBMOC3 AcjiDEXT.—On Monday a ma.n named Daniel DriscM, a driver tuthe service of Mr t'Eenry Oamoc!, contractor, met witii & serious ',àocident. In trying, it is supposed, to get out of the \?y of a passing cart he got his cart on to the !):erb stone opposite Westbourne-crescont, and by S?e Eudden tiitin? of the cart be lost his balance, !{eMout, and the wheel passed over hia DriscoIJ, who resid?s at: Sandon-place, aBd who .was drunk at the time, was taken to the Iufirm\ry, ?Ie positive!y refused to be conveyed there in a t&rt, or in his own cart, and, notwithstanding th*t he had hia head cut open, he walked to the ptt:lJ, "here he now lies. JA48Ü8& th* CardiS Free Library Committee was held at the on Monday evening, the Mayor in the chair. There were preacnt. Counciilors Henry Jones, Thomas R as, W. J. Tronuce, Mt'sara Robiuf'n, \V. H. Thorn 's. J. W. Thoma", Dr. Vacaell, Rev. W. E. Winks, Mr Sewar. and Mr T'.urp, deputy-town clerk. At: the fast; Meet- ing, Mr Crtitt'en, had resigned hid ap- pointment, and in reSlJonse to the advertiasments inferted in the local paj.en by the library com- mittee, several cn,Jida ea app.ied for the position. The tnuse'jtt) sub-committee seiecMd three of the candidates, but recomme<.ded that Mr John Storrie, who formerly hfid the a.Pt oi:, tme:J., be elfuted. This was to. 'i he sub-committee to the cases in the museum being lent to the coruruittee of the Car.i'S Free Exhibition for t'.vo months bnt to this sevMral me "ben' or tl. Free Littery Com.mttee ohjacte.l, aa t Lhe report wa.a adopted, witii c.eexc'ptic.u of thi3 Mr being of opinion that it oultl 1M we<y iujurlo¡¡" ¡ to rs.aove une c:'n'.enta fro it ti,e C;tse,¡, aa thetr I arran?en.ent had involved cons deiable trouble on the cui' .t.'r.—Tui'< w.t.? ail the bua:nfa?. lNt''lKMAHT ScHE3fS.—T e itun.aecretaripa to the above comiue dr..wiu,; will be ,l\sed it all ft.en.is having ticket. for disp .sal \vm kindly to C')!lIple,e their sa.!ss up to the :¿7r.ÍI, and Htake their ret"r'.s of ticker III1,;01!, wtuh a remittance the returned ,I ill b- disp sed o': du.ing Lhf 12 d ex"ilJit.iou of at the Vic:oii:tRuo<na. t M;1I'v-lStfet Cardiff. A11 tickets :.ota.cco;med fo.'atr.erthe 4'.h July v..H be pub'dsnedinthe) to participate i)i dr.twb g. A):T AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION.—A n'eeLing ol the ge'ier.tl in conuec'.ion with this exhibition, be:d in tite council cljamher, Town-iiaU. "n Tuesday evenicg, wnen Mr C. S. MHJll occ"e i t e ci'n.ir, and t)n-re wete preao.t—Mr -S. Alike¡¡, Mr \ViUia.m Dubba, !\tr D',UC,.II, Mr \.ldermall lv,lIs, Mr S. C. Fi.'out, MrJ. Garcy, Mr t<\ de C. Mr l;.Ho'p<r,Mr T. lIOi,kiu¡;Mr Johu .ienkin'<, Mr Contn;i!of .Henry ,J 0 I e, Mr Al. ;t:;rman Lewn, i.\tl' W. H, Lew;,¡, Mr C.)ulcL!r rrog'-r.MrJ. W. P'tJer, Mr T. It. \!r W. Scott, MrJ. \V. Thon'a. Mr. P. Mr Coimciilor Tru.iuce.ahd the Rev W. E.Wmks. ce:<ini'treeawere read, &ri,i iu each c<tse a¡opte,j. tt ullder;;oùd tn.tt a.u programm. being t for the o! elJii) da.— he caiie'i atteution to the fact that Joue,¡, had stated a.t <t 'devious meftilK the loa.u of feriM and shrub? woLdd ba gtea'.tyappie-;i.tted, <uid he no.v the opportunity "f reiëeraCÎlIg the state- tnent. The nausio com)nitt"e hMi <Il'rane,! a. pro- gr:nJlne fc" e'elJin;,ç d :rnaf which the exhibition wiH be o. e']. Th're was no other b'-TsjneS1< of pUl>!ie iuwl,t!st. V.OI.CNTE''8 DINNER.—T"e annual dinner of the Q of the 2'td RiHe Volunt-'orf, wLieh took pfaof at the J'hiU.&r?'.o.do Hest.tUta?t on Tue'day eveniu- w?s & very aSair. Thj to tae nun'ber of 40 or 50. were through thepubiicstreeiatotiie restaurant by the band, and :m exceUfnt dinner waa seh before theill, tl)e f-veni!)g'a entett.iiumer.t tnu'jh eujoyed. C;u*t. M, W. Shacke'd t(ok the chair, and was eupported by the Mayor (Mr Hees ,Jone), Capt. Guthrie, CiltJt. ¿.iartlll, t.'apt. Sladen, lu<\fi.er- Maate) Simson, Lieutenant Yotke. L!euten..)!t Scott, Lieutenant .Simp (.')), Lieutenant \V. E. J.tnea, Lieuten.mt J. E. Jone:). Lie.tteuant Spiridron, Lientena.ut MadJox, Surgeon 'ife- &c. Dinuer uvet', tihl cotu; atfy euthllsias- ticatly honoured the toast-s of the Queen and the Prh'ce of W.des, The (.'hairman t''ea proposed the t')a.1t of the Ar'uy and Navy, ventured a:t f.pitnon that although their forces had experienced tiomerebuSfa and t..ey theBntish ar.nywun to take up again ita ) osttion ill the forefr"ut of the of the world. There !i;ver w.M n titue, however, when the reserve forces became of :nore importance than at p.eae')t, when ru."ours of war Gllthrie, of tiie Penarth detachment, re-ponded, and expressed a hope that the Government would soon improve their tce.ø.tll¡tmt of the ..rmy, which iea'dted at prese;¡t in few but very young men jl)inill the army—tbe volunteers being in a bet'.er io?itiou in thiii respec! He also hoped th-} m?n w'-uld be able to gather together in cn.'np next and kpe)J up by thia and other meana their position aa tha big-gest battaiion iu the kiug- dou). The bisho,j and clergy were after- wards toasted.—The Chairman then proposed the toaac of the M:\yor and Corporatn'n, whidl was reaper ded to by the Mayor, who ;.¡bteti thac he had had the picture of seeiug- riae fi'om the p..)sn.ion of havum ti.e hiirest deat-h. race iii the kingdom to that of one of the IU\Ye3t, by tile endeavours of tbe Corporatiun to improve the to.vn'a hanitary state. Amung the other were tt.ose of tne tiewoSlcer commanding, Colonel CreMweIl (who waa nut pre"ent),rcsp.>DdeJ to by that of Caf'tain Staden, cap ain commandent ut the 2nd detachment (proposed by the Mayor in han'i'y terms) and Captain Martin, captain co mandiug the 1st detachment. Apleaaaut evening was :ftet'war:s s')nt by the COlU¡,auy. Nox-MAHfTa?ANCE.—At the borough police- court. on Saturday—before t! e M?tyor. Alderman Jones, ttnd Dr. P?i ?e—Alfred W. Horton, t'?e Mr Pritc?'ard, the warrant omeer for the <'afd)2 guarÚiau", for leaving hia wife and four children ct:a.rgfab!a to the Cardin Union. On the appli- cation of Mr Pmch&rd, the defendant wa. remanded till Monday week, to enable him to pay the a'nou"t due to the gu"r,iiaas £5 IDs. A TRJlI!:T ARAB.—At the borough police-court ou Monday—before Mr R. 0. Jones, Dr. Paiue, and Mr A. Hood—a little boy named James SutHvan, 10 yeara of age. was brought before the magistrates, hwin been tonad in the streets without the meana of subsistence. Inapectoi Price said that the lad was an orphan. Mf had bfen bmuKbt up by & widow iu Stanley-street, who sent him out to obtain & living as a shoebi&ck. He was, however, qnite destitute, alHl hen found by tt.e police was without shoes of stockings. He was <<Iso frequently found in the company of dis- orderly young meu, and when at tittle moMey w&a earned it was spent in playing pitch 1111\.1 toaa. The bench sent him to the Havannah School for 6ve A LABK.-Jeremiah Boulton MMi John 0'Brian were chMRed with stealing & hat from the head of Henry Burrows, while in t st&te of intoxication. As the prosecutor d!d not appear, imd the h&t aeemed to have been taken as a Ifnk, they were cautioned only. ALLEGED FALM PRETENCES BY A LAD.—John Taylor. a lad 14 years of age. WM clu,rged with obtainia? three poaada of 8u¡;ar from a Mrs TLomM. grocer, of Great Frederick-street, The boy on Saturday went to the shop and stated that he had been sejJt by a Mrs Stroud for three pounds of sogar. The sugar was handed to him, and this he shared with other boys, all t!.e sugar being ia a short time eatca between them. In conse- quence of the lad being so young, the bench directed the father of the lad to pay the money, and the case wat then withdrawn. THE CHtLD MuBDER CASE.—The young woman, Susau Mogford, was again remanded on the charge of murdering her infant. ))r. Paine stated th.tt the young woman was still nnablo to attend. THB CHAKGS AGAINST A SuBGEON.—At the police-court, last week, David Walsh, :t surgeon, of 'harles-streer, was committed for trial on the I charge of onnd:ns his domeat o servant. Mr McAIister and Mr Dacey, landlord of the Merthyr ?nd Dowtaia public hoaae, became surety in S100 for his appearance at the next asaizef. The two bails now brought the pri* aoner and surrendered him to the fearing that he would leaye the country before the time for holding t'.e assizes. Prisoner was now com- mitted to prison. Bo&ocOH PoHCE-ctMJBT.—On Tuesday John Pright was brought up before Dr. Paine, charged with indecently assaulting Eliza Gibby in the Sophia Gardens, and was remanded.—Patrick Qninlan was charged with assaulting Esther Condon. He alno as remanded. The complain- ant appe-ired to have been previously assaulted.— Severed disorderly u omen were also dealt with by the bench. DISORDERLY.—At the borough police-court, on Wednesday, before Mr R. 0. Jones and Mr A. Hood, Margaret Irvin, a young woman of bad ch,¡rader, was sent to p ison for one month for behaving in a disorderly manner in Bute-street, on Tuesday evening. AN UNFORTUNATE MKDIATOR.—Patrick Quiulan, a labourer, oi Pendoylan-streer, was charged with violently assaulting and baating a young woman naned Alary Condon. The defendant was having a quarrel with his wife, and after beating her the complainant interfered between them an d received some severe blows intended for the wife. Com- plainant did not now wish to press the charge,and the defendant was nued 20a a:id costa, or to go to prison for 14 day- 0 ROBBERY FROM THE PERSON.—Eileo Jenkin", a yonng woman, charged with stealing Bl IDa from the poson of a seaman named John Bowden, in Hope-st.eet, on Tuesday night. After hearing the evidence ot the -.vitnessca for the prisoner the case "'M dismissed. ASSAULT.—John Bright, a respectably dressed man, was ch;¡¡ ¡-{ed with indccntly a..saaulting a litd'* girl named Hiza Ann Gibby, on the 20th inet. Complainant, who is 11 of age, was in Souh'a Gardena. Th prisoner waa there, and s.poke to her about tbe wef.ther. She was in charge of a perambniator with a yonnger sister in it, and there were several oti.er children with her. She wanted to get up tree to get some nuts. The prisoner assisted her Mj). and in doing so behaved indecently towards her. After getting do.n he repeated the oSenee. The lodgekeeper and a gardener, m the employ of the Marquis ot Bute, corroborated the statement (.f t'.e conip)a.inant. but n.a the defendant desired to call a witness the ease was adjourned till Friday.















[No title]












Illa.Io.._...-:41i THE ROYAL…