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PREPAID TARIFF1 FOB fiMALL ADVERTISEMENTS V JBOUTH WALES DATTT KSW3.J»? I Daily S«w« WHU ONE | TBRE« SHE A O»«O IA lagertie*. [iasertioMu lasartioaa Cardiff 1 Tlaxa. a. d. I s. cL } a. ct.1.. d. "vrO 6 I 1 0 I 1 G I 2 0 Words J 0 9 j 1 I I a 3 I 3 0 awards j 1 3 I 2 6 I 3 9 I õ 0 W (lr\a I 1 6 I 3 4 6 I 60 SJh ntn I I | line oft 0 3 06 09 1 0 v t Words) charges only to t classes of advertiso ■kent soeeiiied ueiow, and are atrictly confined to thuse which ire-ordered ttr (.OIWKCIMV* insertion, and PAID Fea raavioi.s TO !Msx;iTiO!l; if either ol these conditions is Hot complied with, the advertisement will be charged by the Bu-ir. 'iS scale ;— I FTOUSBS TO K URA. APA IIMKNTS to LSI. MONXT WAXTID, ARTICLED I."ST, ilcssr TO LUND. A«PNCT.E3 I'ousn. MISCSI.I-AKBOTS WAJRNT :lSS.l t01: OffirOSAV I MRSCKLLANEOUA S.u.Jt. BOSI.-IKSS « W\SŒQ" WANT." Hoc* R.S TO LUT. SITUATIONS \Y Alfrxl>. SOUIIIM SlTUATJOKa WASR-HO. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PA r.UAMKSTART Nonces, GOHJrnment Announcements, HKI Parliamentary are charxred Ono Shilling per lino for each insertion. Pro.r;oetl1.>e!S ot Public vi>mpa:.ie» ::re charged Ninepenco per line for each Insertion. ttehooi Board Notices, TcmleM wild Contracts, are ^barged Sixpence per line for exeh insertion. Aactbn "L 0." ara charged Sixpence per line, 1U:<l ail othey e:s of Advertisement* Fourpeiice per iinc ;:er iuOtc. tion. Some 01 these chargvs Mil, however, subject t) n-i .eH >;j ia accordance with the dumber of insertions oruereii.-Partieuia.j-8 may bo obtained at our Chief ami Branch Offices. A"vnm'r".r.1t. when e"c1¡ng aavertisesaants in manu- tcrfpt. may isli-nla'.a -si-ht to a line, mid 12 linos to wu ineh. In cha.r;j¡,¡; sdvertisenienU the lines are not counted, Lut the tdvert:>i.-1i\ent, in,hldlrtt:" iarye line, da-ib" and white spaces, Is measured, aud the .pac O\I,uj)!eoi 1.5 charged at the ra of Twelve linss to inch. THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. Advertisers and others having occasion to remit small 811m" to tLi O'Hw are req^e.sted to send POSTAL NOTES, INSTEAD OF stamps. The n >(:es may be obtaineil at every Post-offico ill the kingdom for tLe follQwiJl Bums aud ehare :— Amount "f Postal Note. Cost of Note. On" Shilling' Ib¡fl)enllL Kightee.ipence Halfpenny. One Benny. Five hi:1i¡:gi One penny. f.e\.ell shillings and sbqenc6 One penny. Teu shilling Twopence. Twelve shillings anù sixpence Tivopencc. Fifteen aliiliinirs T"-op6ll<:e. Seventeen slui.iugs and sixpence Twopence. Twenty shi i¡n,;s Twopt>nu). The" Notes" may h transmitted just :1" received froin the Post Office; bnt if greater security is desired the VA-.v.e nud Posi, Office nt which it is ill- tended to make them payable (D. Vuncan an i j Sons, Ca clifn may be inserted. As postal noted aie (J1ily isued for t1,e fixed sums above r<;iveu, it "vill not always be pnssihle. by i«eu,ling one <>1" wore of them. to make 111) tJt6 exact remittance desired. In sncii ca>es the balance (which Niill ahv.tys be less than a shilling) may be added in postage stamps. HOW TO FILL Å" EMPTY PURSE HONKSTLY, hy either sex. No n'enU w:lilte,1 or capital re- quired.—Address Novelty (Jo., BUYING AGENT WANTED to represent a hislily JD respectabic London firm in thJ coal trade. those w $'1 good references and in a p0sition ta execute orders on heot terms need address Exporter," care oi Messrs O. Street and Co., 3 Cornhiil, Londoti..r_>:2 WANTED, part of a Furni.shed House, suir.aiile for a small family, in the neighbourhood of Llandarf or St. Pagan's, and within easy driving disUnce (Of Carvli r, lor purtiun ot ,ummer lIJonths.-Aùdre.ss C. A. I' Daily News" OCiee, Cardiif. !)1,! "IfTANTED, FLOVj, FRClT, SUOA. and other WW Soda and Ury Soap Works, ardiff. 9133 TffV) PRINTERS.—Wanted to Purchase, a O u'>lo i Hoynl of Dau1\I Demy Columbian Pre-* Soa'h Wales Printill$5 Works, Car aff. AT Cardiff, Aberdaro, ilerthj r, Svvanse.'1, Caimarthen, and Haverfordwest.—Wanted, AOi'.NT.i by a well- established Life and Fire Office, with special advantages. —Appiy, ^r vii!^ insurance experience and wit i roctr- ences, to Aiphi, South Wales Daiiy News" Otfio. ( ar- J mo OKOCKHS AND WINE JIEKC 1 ANTS.-AOE^CY A FOR W.\TKi>;S"-i iiOUSEHOLD ALES,- Wanted, in several towns in the West of lCngland and South Wales (where not repre enieii), sole Buyu tr A^em, for these famous AleJ, which comma! d large sales where iutio- ducvd, being' acknowledged to be the best quality and value in the market. The Household Pale Ale, at One Shilling- )>er <ailon, simply ui:riva!!ed for value, bril- liancy, flavour, and soundness. Price Lists, Show Car is, WiuOow Transparencies, &c., provided. A valuable all- dition to mi tstabbhetl bu;;u:e3, Liberal terms to lead- ing nseo ouh, with suitable premics and Cárt delivery. —Address M uiager, Imperial Hertford Brewerv.— (Estal;lihd 1,>4.) 875 SERVANTS WANTING PLACJS of any description anJ Householders requiring Servants, should vdvsrtise in the (JAIIDIFK TI.MES. LODGINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or to be LHT. sl1ou;,1 be advertised iu th0 CASUM?? TIMKS tf. FENAPITH.—TO LET, liunnuda Yiil-, Clive-road, also Dwel!\nj: and Offices, Mount ?tuart- >-4u: re,ppiy to U. S, Stowe, Caruitr. fc62 fB"'O L'iT, liRIDGEIiJ.—Two excellent BUSINESS i HOUSKS, most promineiit position. 1 and i, Wynd- 1'¡.uH.-t;'eet, oppusite Town HalI. with commanding frontairc, storeiiomca, and every aczomoiodaf ion suit ible for any business;—Apply to Mr D. Griifitbs oa the pi-eiaues (wh.) is about rtirin fr"'11 bU3in:i8). Si^i) ¡".4 I. T. WEB H E R, AUCTION EE U, 5, Sr. JOHN'S QU Alm. CARDIFF. TO BE L E T WOBKSH^PS now ill the occupation of IT Lane, and ■ OL K ROOMS aud CELLAR. at 5, St. John's-syuare, Jarditf, A HOUSE in Whitchurch-road. A s4>llli-detached VILLA in Upper George-street. 865G HOUSES or Pii EM It-ES to be LET, should be adve tisea in the CARDin i'liiss. tr Mt. HOUSES FOR SALE. CARDIFF AND COGAN PILL. — 10 ill Mortimer-road, Canton, cheap; 6 in Maud- itieet, Hoath, a lJa.r;1\iu; (j in Chai les-street, Hoath J In Lily-street, KoatU 2 in Breadway, Ki-atii, butcher's shop and villa; 2Villas, Richard's-terrace, Roatli 6 in Uewcll-struet, Cosrau fiU.—Apply Mr T. Beable, Il'»use md Mort?a-;e Agent, 67, Adam-sireet. Cardiff.9280 50577 BEAUTIFUL MONOGRA?IIS.—LOO sheets oi exeellent Note paper embossed in srolu, silver, or rich eoiours with any initials, Is 601, poet. free. -John Peury, 70, Bevenden-street, Hoxton, LU11.i,m. ¡:73 "SOUTH WALES PROPERTY GAZETTE." a MONTHLY KBOISTBR OF ESTATRS, HOISES, LAS os, Jcc., to 00 LKT or SOLO in Wales, Mou. mouth jiiire. West of England, &c. 1,000 Copies sent Monthly po-t-freo, to the leading- inhabitants of Waies and Monmouthshire. IIII!erllon8 Free. Copies, po6t free, troUl Messrs UKRV, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &c.. Masonic Hall Chambers, Cardiff. 2441 HOUSES a-nl PREMISES for SALE, should be adver- tised in the CARPIyf TI-vm 1LLIA M SANDERS, T T AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AND INSUJ'.ANi'E AGENT, 28, ST. MARV-STREET, CAKDIFF, Has the lollowiiu; for SALE :— CATHA l S". -Two houses ill Upper Georgc-Lr.d, ROATH" -Six in Pearl-street, six iu He.en- stieet, six in Ilarold-ctreet, Iwohou ei in Kmeiald-street, four in Harold- treef, ami two in Helen-street. CANTON.— Houses in Wyndham Crescent, and Market- road, six houses in Wyndham road, four in Wyndham Crescent, toree in Eijerton-street, and four in lii) nue- street GRANOETOWN.— V comer shop r.nd cottage in Hoiutsdale-street, and six houses in Ludlow-2treet, A liberal portiun of tl1 purchase lliOiJey Cdn be hall on mortgage. A;>p y as above. 125 DO YOU PROPOSE TO EMIGRATE ? If yes,' send f>r maps and pamphlets descriptive of the iertile and healthy legion t,a.vr6e,t by the Northern Pacific Kaiiroad. -iUiiuesioUi, Dakota, Montana, Washington. NQ otjwr part of America better de3ens Ittelltion,- Address, t e Norlheru Pacific Agency, 20, Water-street, Liverpi ol. 9201) J^AYE'S pILLS TilE gEST gPRING TyjEDlGINE Of:J. purely 'cg'etu.o1c nr.t e. ■J^AYE'S "^Y'ORSDELL'S pILLS Piev, nt.3 Spots and Rashes. AYE'S ^YORSDELL'S J>1LLS Purifv the Blood Ti oroughly. J^AYE'S ^yORSDELLS pILLS JUL W -6- A Mild but E Tectu.tl Aperient. J^AYES "YyORSDELL'S TRILLS Cure Indigestion, H*.ada^he. J^AYE'S ^yORSDELL'S pILLS -i- Cure Uiieuniatism, Gout. J^AYE'S ^TORSDELL'S pILLS Cure Dyspepsia,Constipation. AYE'S YY ORSDELL'S pILLS Curc Liver Comda.int.3, AYE'S pILLS Cure Se. votts Complaints. J^AYES pILLS Sold by all Chemists in the World. Price Is Ill, >830 2s 3d,mÜ 4d W per Box. J0349 GEOIGE KYTE AND CO., MILL LANE FOUNDRY, CARDIFF, OF ORNAMENTAL CASTINGS To Special Designs, or from Stock Patterns. In Tomb Uadings, Gates and Railings, Gallery Fronts aud Panels, Ornamental Cc umns. &.0.. &c., and all kinds oi Castings for Wagon Works, Steamboats, aud Sanitary Works. Builders and Contractors, and others, supplied on reusouable terms. 682 ESTABLISHED 18C7. T> C. LEACH, Bill-Poster stkJ Advsr- C\;# lisiiv'Contractor, 17, Wood-atreet, Cardiif. Kents all tht Principal and most Prominent Posting Sta- tions in Cardiff, Canton, aud Roath. INJECTION. HYGIENIO .HF 1NKALUBLK, ucd PRESERVATIVE. Curei uro:uptly, without a-iditioiirtl means, all rccent orchronis &cliar*es of the urinary onjans. Price ■<? Cd per bottle, flotd m Paris bv J. FernS (successor to BrotH. Pharrav cien, 10: Rue Fticiie.iieu in London by WlLCOXandCo., S3i;, Oxford-street, W.. who will forward i* oarriace paid to any Town in the United liiu^dOBl on 1 Aim b> sul ciieuiuta. uu—6u\» :L ubnt muStmtUfS. IVTEW THEATRE ROYAL, _13l WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. Leasee. Mr W. H. DAW. oie Manasrer. Mr E. 1!IJLDa. THIS lFRIDA Y) EVE.NŒG. MARCH 11th, FOl TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Mr JAMES BUCHANAN AND POWERFUL DRAMATTC COMPANY, In Andrew Halliday s Great Drama, N01RE DAME. Magnificent New Scer.ery by Whyatt. Ballet, Chorog, and numerous Auxiliaries. lOwing to Miss Jennie Lee having postponed NEXT ber provincial tour until June, will be pro- WEEK. duced Boltcicault.s Great Drama, FiLYlUG SCUD. Doors open at 7. Oommence at 7.30. Carriages at 10.30, Prices-Dr.:s Circle, 3s Pit Stai1-ø, 23; l'it. b; Gallery, 6d. Box plans at Mr W. Lewis's, IJllke-6treet. guMic @ctitt$. THE RillV. E. PAXTON HOOD JL (of Manchester) wm deliver his popular LECTURE, eutitled, "MAN AMONG TUX MoNKEVS; Or. A NIGHT' WIT1I i,Ir LIAHWIN," ill tile }toath-n.aù Con- gregational Church, Cvrdiif, OK WEDNESDAY, Iareh 2Jrd, 1831. 844 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES—101, CllEAPSWr;. LU.;iDON, F.C. APPLICATIONS for (111m gentlemen of position and inauerw0 are INVITED in'l11 ailtho principal Cities ann Towns 111 the United Killgù¡¡Ill.-A(1<!re. with fua ]particulars, he Jian iger. 50552—9278 G L .A M:: 0 R G A N S II I It E. NOTICE IS HEREBY ülnN. thatthellfX General Quarter Sessions uf tho. r"e feH. th<> Coanty of Ghmor- gan will h. hohlen at the '1'owlloi SWANSEA, ill.\IlÙ for tbe said Ccu ty, on MODA Y, t'e 4th day of April, 1881. at lhli- past One of tue clock ÎlI the Afternoon of tÍle S3.me day, when the Justices then "re"nt will proceed witil the Geuepl Busiuess rchtiu t, the Public and Financial Business 0; the County, ami the appyint.i eut of olle additional member to tbe County loaù", HuarJ, and also to the CUll tabiliary. The Grand ar.d Petty Jurors must attend <>11 Tuesday, the 5th day of April, 18jil. at Tell o'cbel{ in the Fore- noo i, win.n they w.1I Le sworn. Ali Pro eeutors and Witnesses bound by reco;:uiZ\1Ieo. anÚ sui p AJUa. iruIll tho sc\}ral di-tiicts oi Swansea, Neath, rlriogend, 1\n1rÜa.wc, Gov.er, :\rerthyr and Aberdare, 11lU,;t attend mi the same day. ant at the 8am hour; 3.1111 on Wednesday, tlit; Gth ùayof April, liS81, roll Prosecutors :111'.1 Witu,,3¡;e, I) und by rec ig- niztnee and subpeena frolU the scyer; districts of G:nlJlf, Cowbriiige. LL,uJarf. Dina-powis, Pontypridd, and Caerp.'iiiiy, must atcend at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, All Appeals must be entered before the sitting of the All Appeals must he entered bcfol"(J the sitting of the Court, 011 ¡ond".r. tae 4h day of Apri]. 1S81, alltl the same wi 1\ be heard at the sitting of the Court 011 he i.-i- lowhig day. Ko C< sis will be allowed unless taxed at the same Session, in accordance with the standing orders oi the Court. Depositions and Rec"hizallee;¡ a e to be delivered to me by the 25th day of M<vch. 1SS1. — T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, Clerk tof the Peace. Bridgend, March ?tll, lc31. _2\>4 QLAMORGANS HIRE. C()NT.GIüU3 VIEAS" (ANIMALS) ACT, 1S7S. FOOT AND MOUTII DISEASE ORDER (AMENDMENT) UF 18S1. R.E ULA" IUXS Illde by the Local Authority of the j County of Gj:1l1:or1I Oil the 26th day oi February, 1681, with the view of p. evc1Jtirw the intro iuction uI Foot awl,Motlt,h Disease illto their District. No 10 ttie, Sheep, or Pig may ue moved (except for the purpose oI immediate slaughter as undermentioned) into tile l/istrict of tI, Locd Authority for toe County of Glamorgan frolll th iustricc oi any other Local Authority ia EI1!a.:d or Wales. o Cattle. Sheep, (or Pj of any description, whether intended for immediate slaughter or not, llIaY he moved into tbe district of the Local Authority lor the County of Glamorgan from tile LÍi.4r:ct of e tlier of the Local Authorities of the 1 oruugh of Cardiif, the Lorough oI Neath, th", Borough uf Swansea, ur the Borough of l'ew- POI-t. Mon. All animals that may bo admitted into the district of the Local Auchoritv for the County of Glamorgan for the purpose of j'"U1clÍ¡ate slaughter shall be su;,jec., to tbe following regulations :— Tile owner, at his own expense, shall mark the anilllHh in the following mauner — Ca¡;t1. by clipping:\ bioau arrow about ix inhes lo" 011 the left hind quarter of each or the c ittle. Sheep amI Pigs, hy painting or stanip ng a bro id "ITOW about five inches Ion" on the 1 it s de uf each of the sheep or swiue, with th following or 81)1IIe like C,JilJpus;tioll- rein, 5 parts; oil or turpentine, 2 parts and uiue or red ochre, one part, melted an.1 used warm. Btfore any movement int; till] County District or rc- moved from tbe railway truck in tile County District takes pLlce, the ewncl" consignee, or person ill charge of the annuals shall deliver to the rnôpcetor of the Local Authority a statement of tile particulars of the number and de-cription vf the animals, and that tbe Inspector shall thereupon deliver to uch person 1\ license specify- ing the conditions UpOII w hich such animals are admitted into the district. Tlu se Conùitbns -hall be M follow :— (1.) The aniinais "ball be tal,en to a place named in the lieeiuo. and shall not be again moved except to alaughter-iwu-ót! situate within two miies of suci] piace, for tbc purpose of slaughter. (2.) The animals shall be siau-htored within sixdiys from tbe iia:e of the 1Jeen;;c. Thi Iteguiation srail cotue inw, anti be iu. operation on th" expiration of the morning or the twenty-eighth day oi February instant, oi the Regulation IIlll,ic by the said Local Autbority oil he fourth instant, unù shall re- main ill operation ulltii the 3ldt day oi )larcil, 183i. T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, Clerk of the Pcacr, Clerk to the Local Authority of the Comity of Glamorgan. VG3 GLAMORGANSHIRE AND MON. lOUTa.:SH!R.8 PROPOSED NEW INFIRMARY, CARDIFF THE GEAXD DRAWING OF PRIZES, I:S- AID Ol Tlis Bl."lLD1SG FUXD, Will take placc in the GRAND Cl1WU3, CARDIFF iDy pennis-ion ol Ir Tayleure), ON WEDNESDAY, JULY Idl. In the presence of iuflu>JInL,1 Gentlemen and the Public interested. The f. Uowing valuable Prizes will be given, and, in addition, One Thousand others ;— £ s. d. 1 —One Hundred Pounds Storing.100 0 0 2—Fifty Pounds Skrli:IO! 50 0 0 3-í\n:uty-tive founds Sterling 5 0 0 4—Fine Toued Piano. 30 0 0 5—Handsome Gold Watch and Ol.ain 20 0 0 6—Silver Mounted H1HlJtcS. 10 0 0 7—Ca3e containing 1S3 Pieces (If l'hte alld Cut- lery, Dessert Knives and 1"ork:o; ,f first qua1!t.r, the complement for & dozea Guests .30 0 0 8—Sixteen Yarns of B*ack Silk .700 9 —Sewing Machine .10 0 0 10-2010. Caddy of Fine Black Tea, .300 11—Handsome Clock. fi 0 0 12-La'Iy. Gold Watch and Chain 10 0 0 13-Electro Tea anù ColTee Pot. Cream Jug, ami Sugar Basin .500 14—Special P¡-¡;e. by Cross Brothers. Cardiff. llectro Cruet Stand, Toast Hack, and Egg, Stan,1 6 0 0 15—Piece of Irish Lillen 3 1U 0 I&-Sloeci.1 Prize hy J. Newton and Co., T1.iiors. < rockherbtown, a Superior Suit of Clothes, value 5 0 0 17—Handsome Tea Set ,.500 13—Set of Dish Cover8 « a 10 0 19-Eiectro Liquor Stand (3 b0ttles) 4 0 0 20—Dessert Service 4 0 0 21—Side of Cumberland Bacon a 0 0 22— Cum be: land Ham (abou 401bs) 2 0 0 28—Piece of Horrocks'Long Cloth „ 2 a 0 24—Cruet Stand .300 25—Bank of EngJanJ Note 6 0 0 28—One Case of Cognac Brandy 3 0 0 27—One Case of Champasme .300 28-Box oi 500 Yauilla Cigars 6 0 0 V9—Sewing Maehitio, *• Wellington" .400 ?0—Englisn 8-Day Clock 300' 31—Lady's Gold Locket 1 10 0 32—Pair of Blankets 1 10 0 1,000 other l'rizes ot value fTOm &:1 to 305. TICKETlXPENCE EAClI, Book of 22 Tickets, 103. TXSASUBER llos. Sras G. F. STUCKEY, Esq., Bristol F, W. ARMSTRONG, aul We>t of Englaud aQk. H. D. MORI!;TON. AUDITORS WM. BURNETT, Alùerman W. ALEXANDER, J.P. 1). W. EVANS, „ C. W. DAVID, J.P,, 8.Hll:EL W. ALLEN, D, JONES, J.P., I V. w. LOCK J. McCONNOCHlP., Esq., J.P., E\-M.iyor of Cardiif. Tickets may be had of either of he Secretaries, at the office, 6, St Ma.- v-stieet, Ca.rditr. Ttw Drawing, which will ba on the plan of the Art T;:iio», will take place in the Circu->, Cardia;ol1 WED- NESDAY, 13th JULY, 18S1, and the Winning Number* will be ¡;ubli6hed Ín the 8ou:h Wales Daily N etc*, iFexUrn Mail, d Bristol Mercury, 23rd July.50^613217 Smte and £ 0Utr;icts. £ JARDIFF UNION. Tiie Board of Guardians are prepared to receive TENDERS for the supply of Meat, Groceries, Cheese and Butter, Flour, Potatoes Tinned Ie:at. S ilt Pork, Bath Chaps, Dru, Clothing, Flantic-l, Boots, Shoed. anù Cogs, Leather, Straw, Stones for breaking. Coal. ami other articled reqnireù fllr the W o¡-¡,¡hou, Biy Schools, anù Out.liOOT hupeu during tbe quarter commencing 26th Mirch. ISjl, and ending 24ti. June. 1>SI. '1 he Board invite separate Tenders lor. the supply of Tread anù Groceries tu out-door paupers III the Parishes pf St John and St Miry (olù town of Cardiff), Roath, and Can 011. freJlli tradesmen residing in thuse places reo spectively. The Board require Tenders for the supply of 1ilk separately to the Workhouse and Ely SchoolS during the year ending 3bt March, 18S2. So 2'('¡¡dercan be 1\?c:iced except in the loyally authorised fqrm. which man.be obtained on application 0,[ ill: Union Ojicl's. }¡o, 2, Chaittbers, tatrii i. Tenllers sealed anù endorsed to be sell to the Work. houó aecompauied hv (but not enclose I in) samples where practicable Oil or befure Friday, 13th March, lSil. Dy order. W. p. STEPHENSON, Clerk. DateJ. 8th March, 1S81 9235—00566 ALL I01'HERS SHOULD READ MYRA'S MID-MONTHLY JOURNAL l'f.1 anil D;&8S. Frice 6d. by Po;t Bd. (Pua:i3hd on the 15th of cack Month,) M-.YRAc;-lHIDal\iOTHL1- JOTFRNAL contains information uI-Qn all the newest Modes for Children fr!J1ll infallt3 t 14 years of age. YLTA'S MID-MONTHLY JOURNAL. Trie Novelties for MARCH are 1. Coloured Fashion Plate. for Children, and Cos- •2. Diagram Sheet, contain-l tuuies Models from leg jug Patterns for cutting Gr..nd Magasius du 3ft out the Mad6je Costume, Louvre, Paris. Night Dres., for a Girl vf: S. La Mode in Paris; Our tell, the Ashleigh Pale-j Children Modes for tot, and the Aimdet Children and where to Drese. ( sec them Notes on 3. Cut-out Paper Pattern Novelties. cf a Blouse Costume for 7. Myra'sAnswers on Dress, a Little Boy. Health and Personal At- 4. 'the Silkworm's^ Gift. \( tention, the Cuisine, Design for a Chairback Miscellaneous, &c. to be worked in outliiie. & Needlework, Einbroi- 5. Costumes, Toilettes, dered Bolster Cushion Mantles, l'alctots, Cha- Knitted Stocking for a peaux, and Parures, for Child Wa'ch stand II, Litle Boy. Health and Perdonal At- 4. 'the Silkworm's^ Gift. \( tention, the Cuisine, Design for a Chairback Miscellaneous, &c. to be worked in outliiie. & Needlework, Einbroi- 5. Costumes, Toilettes, dered Bolster Cushion Mantles, l'alctots, Cha- Knitted Stocking for a peaux, and Parures, for Child Wa'ch stand Ladies, young Ladies, Designs in Crochet and and Chiidrou Fashions Berlin Wool work. Suhscriptbus Yearly. 8s Half-yearly, 4s. GOCDAUV aud SON. 3V & 40, Bùiord.8¡;reet. London. W.C. 9283 IND-EPENDENT COLLEGE, TAUNTON. Rw, F. WILKINS AVEL1NG, M.A., B.Se., Principal, assisted by e"ei"al ljulifid Masters. Pupils prepared for Cambridge Local1!:xsllIlllatJolIs, fur entrance to auy University, tor their degree at London, and for Commercial Life, Eight Seholanlillp8, Splendid Gym- n:13Îum Swimmiug Bath, & Sep, Junlór School unoer re of 1In MILSK. Private studies for the elder students. Board and. Eùuc-tioR. from 27 to 39 Guineas • year. For particulars apply te Principal Qr Secretary, Mr ALBERT GOODMAN, Taunton. The Summer term will COnllDCnCe on Thursday, April th. 81,,5 Tip-top" Dandelion Coffee is the only kmd made with. uine freshly-ground Dandelion Boot aud tfiaest Coifctf. fid 8I1à Is tins. <* £ 6Ma wnmc mm. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COM. PANY. CIIIEF OFFICK: IIOLBOKN BARS, LONDON, E C. SUMMARY OF THlRTY,SECOSD ANNUAL REPORT, For thD Year ending 31st I>eçemuer. 1880, Ths Directors have mUMure in presenting their Revur and Accounts for the Jear 18S0. In every respect the accounts are satisfactory, the progression of the income is particularly gratifynu, the. increase of the Assun\nce Kiui'Is very consiilcriiblii, while the percentage of each item of expenditure again shows a reduction. ORDINARY BRANCH. Ii this Branch Ule New Busines cnnrpleteù during the year !t<)IIsjst3 of 5,089 l'ojic¡e< assuring the sum of ktt;ii),!>35, allll vrooucillg I/o New Aiuiual Premium income of £ 22,529 lis lid. The Expenses of the Brandl re 11*22 per cent, on the PreIUlUw Income, and are a trille less than those of It year. The Annual Premium Incom" at the end of the vear is £ 122,t-;47 5s "al, showin2 all increase of j £ l3,0t)5 ios over the year 1879. At the clo-e of the yar 1381 the Quinquennial Division of Profits will take place, All Pei sons Wbo8b Proposals have LetOn aoceptod and the Premiums paid beluw the 31st December, 1Nil, will participate jn the Bonus. l'rom I hc results uf the uperatiulIs uf the four years of the pre>lent yuinquei li.uni, there seems eyery reason to believo toat a very satllltactory Btmu" will be declared, INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. Tiie Premiums actualiy rvcdyeù during the rear in thi" Ikalch"re £ 1,608,849 8s 71i. as compared with the sum of £ 1,407,143 10s ûtl 11I"e¡VeÙ during 1879, showing an ■i increase of Premium Receipts of E2')i,7l5 IS" Id. The Claims of the year amount to £ 57J,837 1 9J, while the tutal amount of Claims paiù in this Branch j;,¡ £ 3.146,360. The expc:nsc9 of conducting thc existing hnsillcSII "fthi;,¡ Branch are now 31 oj t'ec cent, uvon the Premium III- cume, showing a further leduction irum tho-" 1.[ hst year, IIonú heing 10 per cent. led" than the amount pio- v.ded at the 1:lst valuation. Theso expenses are necessarily higher than those in the Ordinary Branch, as the premiums are collected weekly, but they are t-till less tinn those of any uther similar Company transacting purely Life A",ura:¡ctS ùu, lIIes. Tho mte of the New Busincss charges i upwards of one liaif per cent less than tbat oi last year, tint jn",iI1ucll as specilic provision is nude fur these charges in tite lirst year's premium, amI they are defrayed by new entrants, IHmug- no charge whatever U:)On renewals, their inci- dence is of 1\0 practical moment. Tiie process ui. reducing th i xcnsj)n Expenses Ims Veen e()r:Üllue,1 during the past year. The expeases incurred under thb head show a JimlUutjutI of more than one-half per cent., and the same remarks apply to hese "s to the New Du."iuEI<;s cLargc. Tlw organisation 01 this Blanch t; still maintained in a high state ui eificiency. The result (Ii the valuation at the end of the year 1.7i; COBJpletdy d'jlll()IIlr:Lte:1 th safety and soundness ot the system 0:' whicn the Company's Industrial Busi- lleoS L" earrieù 011. The Directors have since that dale caused statistical returns of the ui' st minute and exhaustive eh:1fwec relating to the transactions vf this Branch to 1J cOl11pil,:ù. The books containing the-e returns have ucel1 from ti1l1e to t me examined with all anxious desire to illtruùuec all improvements for tile benetit oi the Assurea which may wltil safety anJ propriety be adopted. TIlt: uu"illeb8 of the rmst four years has been attended with the most satisiactory recults anl tb" Directors propose, if the v dilation at the cluse of the year realizes their expectations, t", introduce such additional altera- tions and iruprOHJlIlents ad they cutlsitier call be uiide with Üue regard to tile stability ul the Company, Lns Assvz&scx COMPANIES ACT, 1870. FOURTH :cnw, LX, BALANCE SHEET OF '1 HE PRUDENTIAL ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY (Ordinary Branch), uti the olst December, 1380. LIA BILITlZS. £ 8. d. Vie Assurance Fud 063,485 1 2 Sickneis and Assurance Fuud 41)1 16 7 £ 6do,976 17 9 Claims under Life Polities admitted but. not yet tJaid. u 12,f)72 1 3 £ 076,948 19 0 .ASSF.TS. M irtgages on Property wiLhil1 the United Kingdom 137,110 4 1 Loans un the Compmy's Policies 23,653 0 11 Investments :— III British Government Securities 95,13 2 3 Indian and. Colonial ditto 49,Srt9 7 3 Foreign ditto 13,307 15 3 Railway and other Debentures and Debenture 44,139 10 11 Ditio Shares (Preference and urúi¡¡ary) 21,697 16 7 Hous; Property £ 97,228 14 S Less Lcaseiiol Re- d,nptiol1 Fund Tr R:fcrred. 6,0(0 0 0 91,228 14 8 inversions 57,U¿û 3 G Life Interests 70 12 6 Mortgages of Reversions 2,848 f) 2 Loans ';11 :Ü unic:pal and other Iiatoa 19,013 7 (j Agents' Balauces 4,411 8 7 Outstanding Premiums 1,273 3 5 Ditto Interest and Rents 5, 9 7 Amount dae fmm OJlieial liquidator oi IlItuna.tionalll1l!I'allce Society 8,Otii 15 0 Dew. ils at Three Months' nutiee 50,000 0 0 C.:il-(}lI deposit £ 20,CO J 0 0 1111 enneut ac-:ount.. 11,-60 17 10 1uuau,1 • luO 0 0 31,3Ga 17 10 £ 676,948 19 0 BALANCE SHEET of the PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY (industrial Branch), ou the 31st December, ls3A LfABlLIIIES. & s. d. Shareholders Cl\¡)ital. 2,2() 0 0 LUt: Assurance Fuud .1,318,547 1 2 Contingency Fund 10,000 0 0 Claims uuder Lile Policies admitted 15,^30 15 5 £l,Ú:(:;¡7 10 7 ASSISTS; Mortgages 011 Property wiUiin we United hll1;low 72,930 011 Iii vc,tment: 111 British Government Securitis 114,600 11 6 Railway Debenture Stocl; 48,032 9 11 Freehold Gn u:idRents 45v,001 0 1 House Property £ 219,121 i 8 Less Amount written vff New Oltlcetl 2,000 0 0 217,121 7 S Scotcll:Feu Dutic3 i,1J4714 0 Freehold Estates 50,073 8 4 Life nud otiler Interests and Revsr- sions 43,003 5 2 Furniture and Fittings £ 24,500 0 O. Less Amount written uff 500 0 0 24,000 0 0 Loans on Municipal and other ltC3 166,070 14 10 Loans on Per,on:\1 Security 30,026 us, 5 8i>,42> 14 2 Outstanumg Interest aad Rents 10,3o0 0 10 Deposits at Three Mouths notice 5,000 0 0 \:al.-On current acccunt £ 23,320 10 9 Iii hand 250 0 0 23,5iO 10 9 £ 1,398,697 16 7 EDGAR HORNE, Chairman. I/ENUi' HAUUEN, ) n. PATRICK FRASER,/D'rect0,s' TUOS. C. DEWEY, ) WILLIAM HUGHES, j Malla'ers- W. J. LANCASTER, Secretary. We have examined, U40nth by mouth, the various Receipts and Payments 01 tùe l'ruúenlial Assurance Company. We have atso examinetl tho foregoing Accounts, find them to be correct, and hereby confirm the same, We have been and examined the various securities. JAMES ALLANSON, ) ROBERT BARNES, I Auait°rJ. 14th February, 1881. Further information may be obtainell from J, R AMSALE, St. John's Chambers, St. John." Square, Cardi1f, Superintendent for Súuth Wals an I Monmouthshire. 0236 BROWN and POLSONS PATENT CORN FLOUR. Is equal to the fbet arrowroot. BROWN and POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR Has a world-wide reputation, BROWN and POLSONS PATENT CORN FLOUR 39557 Is d",tinui8bcd ior uniformly superior quality, ij I TRADE SI ARK, ë BULL'S HEAD. J. & J. COLMAN, THE LARGEST MUSTARD MANUF AC- TURERS IN THE WORLD. ASK FOR C 0 L 1\1 AN'S "JYJ U S TAR D. TRADiJ 2LAUK, j B"Lu S HEAD, j S836—4S302 -"YORTH A GUINEA A nos. BEECHAATS PILLS ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a GLINKA À BOX for bilious and nervous disorders, such a3 wind ,nd pain ju tLe stomach, sick hea.<lache, giddiuess, fulluess andllwellin¡:- aiter meab. ùizzineds and drowsiness, cold chills, thuhillgs of heat, 1000s oi a.ppc. tite, shortness of breath, costiveness, 5curvv. blotchc3 on the skill. dbturbed sleep, fri:5htful ureains, and all nervous an tembJjDg 3ca.satior:J3, &c. The first dose 1,1 give rehef In twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for ney have ù<;>ne. it in thoUSiUlJS of cases. Every sufferer u,ea.mestly invited to try one box of these Pil13 and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few dose3 of thetn carry off all 01J8 humours, open :0.11 obstructions, aud bring :l1out all that is required. No female "bowd be WlthtJut them. There is 110 medicine w befo:md to equal BEECHA>T3 PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity oi the ¡¡yst¡}W, li t&ke aceordiug to the directions :.¡-iveu with each box. they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For Po weak stomach, Impaired digestion, and aU disor- ders of the liver, the" act like "MAGIC," and a fewdoHS will be found to work wonders upon the moat important orl,f.J.T13 in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, lrinsr back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FA(?1& ad. roittd by thousand^ cmbracig aU classes of society, and one oi the best guarantees to the nervOU9 anù debilitated is, BEECHA)t'8 PILLS have the largest sale cf any patent medicine in the world. MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As & remedy for Coughs in general, ssthma, diíficult1 of breathing, ahortneas of 1>rO:,h. tightness ana opprell- sion of the chest, wheezing, &c., these l'ills stand nval. They 8pedily remove that sense of opreë810n and difficulty 01 breathing whicJ1 njht1y deprne the ptient of rm. Let any pn give BBBCHAM S PILLS a trial, and the ID06t vielent cough will in. short tinie be removed. CAL"1'IO,-The pub1ic are queted tl) notice that the wordø PILLa, St Helen's," are on the Govern- ment Stamp affixed to each box of the PiJI". U not on, t.1Jey are a forgery. Prepare only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the I Proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St Helen's, Lancashire, I in boxes & 1.s ld and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from 1 the proprietor for 15 or 3IJ sbmps.-SoId by all Druggist: j end Patent Medie'ne Dealer*. M.&-JfuU du-eetiao* art ffivco ai txue. WM l, ¡ttc.s by gUtrticw. MAUEET PLACE. COWP.R1DGE. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- .1., 1 IJElt and CO., are i 1)1,1' ruuk'l by lIfr Daniel Vi CHtherley, of Builth Nurseries, tv SELL hy AUCTION i at tLe Market Phee, Cowbri.lge, en TUESDAY, March 15t!i, at Lwu &ock, a consignment of ornaUlental SHRUBS, lOdES. FRUIT TuJSES, FOREST TREES, &c" Consist.ng ol magiiifioint two-years Iraniiplallted larch, fir. spruce, Scotch lira, Austr¡:I!1 pine, pinos, laricio, pear, apple, and plum tre.s, cllOic;} uW3ri rvS3 (named), moss roses of sorts (named), choice ivies (lrih and variegated), hawthorn quick, rhoduJend 10:19 of sorls, <&c. Goodgon view th n1<Jr¡1Ín; vÎ Sale. Ca.fa.1ogue3 may be luw 01 Lhe AUc"lOlIe(;rs 929 l BALLAS FARM. CAIRA, NF.M CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and Co., are instructed by Mr liowell Tnomas, to SELL by AUCTION, 011 this Farm, ou THUlt"UA Y, the Inh day of rareh, thc FAI;lIN 1 STOCK, STRAW, .AND IMPLEMENTS, Comprising fat cattle, 2 two- ear-ul,1 cattle, a yew- lings, 3 milking cows with calves, 10 fat sheep. 10 breed- nig ewes ill lain. sow alld pis, 4 very ooil useful cart f horses,viz bJ-Y mare, in foal to Mr Jacob Lcwis's '1"'111- my Brown," six years old bay 111a.e, six: yeara olù; cream mare, four years 0111; powerful black cob, four years, 14 hands, very and quiet to ride and drive; two-year-old colt. Mow of tmw, about 11 tons, IMPLEMENTS.—Wagon, car 2 pairs of h'lrr,w3, 3 wheel I'llJuh liI. scariSer, sculiicr, turnip pulper, mowing machine, chaff machine, 2 WIlIllOwil1; machines, iron roller, rick cloths, sheep neti, cheese press, 2 shurns, shaft anJ c,ther harness, &c, &c, Three months' credit for £ 5 and n;war,ls. 9273 IIORSE ANi) CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, CROCK- ULRBTOWV, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- ..l'iï DER ami CO.'8 NXT FORTNIGHTLY SALE of COI..LIEltY, CART, AND OTHER HORSES, CAR- HIAGE" AND HARNESS, Will 1,e he'.d at their Repository, 011 SATURDAY, the 19th of March, 1S81, st 2.30 p. III. precisely. Total expense of each HUr3J Qiïerell\uù not sold, Five Shillings, 50129 IH9ù GREEN FARM, DUSry FORO, NEAR CARDIFF. jVI'ESSRS. STEPHEN .SON, ALEXAN- i-VJL I'ER and CO. are m->truetc 1 by Mr Thomas Entlls to SELL hy AUCTION, on this Farm, on MON- DAY, till) 2Lt of March next. at Two p.m., the fO.1ow;lIó very excellcllt surplus FAT STOCK: 1(1) Fat and Store sheep, principally dm and Cots- wolds. 15 F- t; Cattle, and 12 3-year-old Hereford Store Cattle. A fortnight's keep (ii required) will bo g-iven on the Fat bLock. 0111: month's credit on ap¡;r,we,1 security. l'ullr particulars ill po.;tcrs,m\Í future advertisements. Car,Ii,Y, Wth March, 1881. 9003 ALTERATION OF DATE OF SALE. GYLYN1:-i FAiUl. RADYlt, NAI: CARDIFF. mHl SALE OJ!" FARMING STOCK, ï CROPS, and IMPLEMENTS, advertised at this Faun for 10th March, WILL NOT TAKE PLACE until the 14th APRIL, 9258 CORNERS WELL FAIm, PENARTII, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- 1.1 DER, ullll CU., are ilbtrtlcted by Mr Tinker to SELL by AUCTION, ill the first weck of April next, the ST. Civ AND IMPLEMENTS On this farm, awl at a subsequent ùate, of which no.ice 11'111 appear, the ..c-. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c, 92&2 Queen's Chambers, \)"rtliff. March t-th, 1S61. 60501 PRELIMINARY ANOUN(]E..}lENT. 1%/J" ESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- J3JL BER and CO. are instructed by the Adminis- tratrix of the late M. A. Lislc, Eq to LL by AUC. TION. iu Aplil, 1.381, the following ll!i'OIL'£A.:i1' AND VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES In th. low II oi Car,Hir. Con3i:;t¡lI of Woodileld House, Hoa.th-ro:J.t1, late the residence of the decease 1, with the large garden, stable, coach house, and outbuiidings Sos. 1 t" 5, Woo liield- place, Ko;\th-road; Nos. 12and 14, Charles-street; Shop 111111 i)wclli,.g-h,>tt8e. JS'0. W. St. Mary-street, ill the occupation or 11r liolhvay. Chemist; Nos. 32 auù 33, Griehtoii-street Nos. 29 and 30, Tredegar-strcet; No. 24, v:wis-öl1.eet; No, 20, Buzzard-street; and Nos. 1 to 6, Eclipse-street, Splotlands. Full particulars will appear in future Advertisements, and lUformatJOII call be ohtailleù of tite Auc- tioneers, Chambers, Car,!i¡I; or of Messrs Jeans and Morgan, oJ¡citur8, 78, Cross-3treet, lau- ch "str. 9257 PETERSTON-SUPER-ELY. REPOSITORY SALE. MESSRS SAMUEL and NICHOLLS .l.: will hoH au AUCTION at the Sporliuan's Hest Inll. Peters to 11, 011 "IO DAY, April 4th, ll, at 12 o'clock, fur the salt: of Fat and Stoic CATTLE, SflESl", HORE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Ac. Entries solicited, whicu mar aiso ÏJc made through Mr I), Thom.¡¡I, at the Inn. Dak-Ù \)11Urcl1-strcc, Carditi, March 3rd, 15S1. 9271 5, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF. 1\/|R WEBBER'S SALE on SATURDAY -i-V-JL EVENING, March liitii, will include about 30 or 40 lbs of London MUSTARD, 1 dozen sets of GARDEN TO1 iLS, 2 Deal Hanging Presses, Counter, Cft. long, Buob, FURNITURE, .b, WüO'4 9004 WEDNESDAY NEXT. AT 2 P.M. 'VICTORIA ROOMS, T, MARY-STllEE t', CAG.DlFF. Sale d valuable Ash, Fir, Portugal Laurels, Poplars, Sycamore, Limes, Pyrus Japonica, Chesnuts, i1vcr Weeping Lireh. Ycws. Ce"ar, Cupiessus Law- souiana, 111úrU::i, Weigelii Rosea, Virginian Creepers, Standard Pyramid Apples, Cherries, Filberts, Pears, l'luuis. Strong Raspberry Cane-, o.c- 1\ ,n. LEWIS GOTTWALTZ is instructed t" :1::LL by AUCTION at the above glooms, on V, EDNESDAY, 16th, a (;únsigll:1¡ellt of DECIDUOUS and other ORNAMENTAL TREES aad SH!tr)il, FOREST TREES, CHOICE STANDARD, PYRAMID, and BUSH FRUIT TREES, &e. May be viewed morning uf 8:1. wfudl WIll clJllllnence at 2 p.m. \,uudu"liy. Theatre Royal Buildings, C.lrclift. 9291—50601 SALE OF ELIGIBLE LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES AND .t;U3HiESS P1ŒJ\IIdES, &c" 6it,ua.te at METAL-STREET amI TIN-STREET, ROATH. C.\iWIFF. Mil GEO. BARTON DYEH. has beeu l.\ instructed to OFFER FOR SALE by AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, CardW, 011 TUESDAY, 1he 2!Hh day of March, Ibôl, at Threc p.m. precisely, subjec1 to such conditions as shall be thcu tmù there produced, the undermentioned LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES L1T 1.—All thoc Two MESSUAGES or DWL.LJNG- IIuUSES and SHOPS, situate awl iJ,,¡"g- Nos. 4J aml 51, Metal-street, Hoath. Carùl!I, in thc County d Glamorgan, now in the respective occupations of Wiiiiam John Adams (ironmonger) auù lienry Diuham (furniture ùea;er" No, 49 are valuable coi ner premises, and ale Itt ai a llct rental o £ 3 a mOntb. anù No, 51 13 let at 105 W'r week. This lot is hdti unùer a leate dated the 28th day of July, 1869, for the reicll1t: of a tenn of 99 yèard, commencing the 25th day of 1arch, 1368, at mi aiuiual ground relit uf £ 5. LOT. -2,-All those two other MESSUACES or DWEL- L1G BOUSES, and SHOPS, bim;t\! ami lein Nos. 53 and 55, 1eLa[,strcet aforesaid, adjoining the ks mcn- tioned lut, awl now in the respective occupation of Philip Junes basket dealer, anù Mary Ann Babb, refresh- mel1t house keeper, 11¡¡ weekly tenants, at a rental of 10s each. '1'hi" lot is held unJer a lease also dated the 8th Gay vf Julr. 169, ior th, like term, awl subject to the like ground rend the ùefore mentioned Ivt. LOT 3.—All that; MESSUAGE, or DWl-.LLlG-HùUSE allll SHOP, with large Stable, Coach-house, and Luft, situte at the corner of Tin-street and Piatinum-street, Uoath. Caidiil aiare5twl. 1'hee premises were lately occupied fur lit wrm or 'ear3 (which has recently ex- vired) at a net renial of £ 00 per annum. Thi; lot is held uuder a lease d 1ted the 19th day of September, 1874, ior the residue 01 110 term (of 99 yeár, Commencing the 2oth day of March, lb70, at the yery low "round rent of £ 2 10s per annum, The atteDtlon of investors i" particularly .awn to Lot 3. the premises, whicil have lately been put into ood tenantabie condition, being exceedingly commodious, anù situate in one of the most populous neighbourhoods of this important district. The stable affords ample ae- counnodation for tvral horses and carts. anJ above tile same a spacious loft or warehouse. It sbouJd be also noted that all the lots are in c10se proximity to tho leading thoroughfare (Ii Clixtou- Btreet, and that Lots 1 and 2 anI III the immediate vicinity of. wh 1st Lot 3 abut, UPOIl. proposed line of tramw:¡y anù the Roh Cattle Market, Having regard to the gelleral posItIOn of the properties, it is expcteu that ther will SOOI1 largely llIcreaS6 m value. Further particulars may be obtainell 011 applieatio to the Auctioneer, at his Offices, Albert C¡¡:1.luuers, lllgh- Street, Cardiff; or to W. H. CORY, Solicitor, Whartori-street, CanJ¡fj. Dated 10th lareh. 1881. 92Sí 505GO SALE OF DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES AND WAREHOUSE OP. WOIŒ,SHOP, WINDSOR-ROAD, AliCOT-STREET, ANI) LUDLOW- STREET, l'EAHTtJ. MR GEO. BARTON DYER has been 1: instructed to SIi1.[, by AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardi!Ï, on TUESDAY", the 29th daj of March, 1881, at Three o'clock ill the Afternoon, subject to.such conditions a:! shall then be produced, the undermentioned valuaule LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES :— LOT 1—All thosc TWO MESSUAGES 01' DWELLING- HOl1ES, situate in Windsor-road, Penarth. These Hou-es nre the third and fourth frctn the comer of Arcot- street, fond are at presel¡t unoccupied, having only been htely completed. 'lliis Lot is hdd unùcr a Ltase from Lord Windsor for a term of 99 year. from th3 1st May, 1679, at an annual ground rent 01 £ 5 5s. LOT .-A(J those TWO other MESSUAGES or DWEL. LINGHOUSES and WAREHOUSE, forming the jUIlCtiOll of Arcot-street an 1 Lud1ow-treet, Penarth. The Dwel- ling-house situate immediately at tile comer of Llw said streets ia in tlw occupation of the ownr. and has at thu rear a; la ge and spacious warehouse facing Arcot-street, now ue,1 Íor thc pUrp3SlJS of a workshop. Tile other dwelling house facing LUI..llow-treet Í3 lel to Mr Hooper as weekly tenant. This bt is helJ unùer a lease from the Trustecs of Lord Windsor for a term of 99 years from tiie 1st àlar. 187ti, at an annual ground rent (Jf £ 4 12s ed, LOT 3,—Ail that other MESSUAGE or DWELLING- Housi, situate in anJ being No. 21, Arcot-street, Penarth, lintl now in the occupation of Mr I), Rees, a3 weekly r.cn,\nt. This lot iA held under a lease from the Trustee of Lord Willsùor for a term of 9) years, also fro III the 1st Mai-, 1870, at aa aùnua.1 "rvund rent ol £ 2 103 Otl, The whole of the above pr31Uie ¡ are well and 6ubst:1n. tially built, ale near t" the railway station, alld centrally situate. I for business purposes. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Albert Chambers, Hi¡(h-8treet. Cardiff or to W. n. COtY, Solieiior, Wharton-Street, C'\ràiff, Dated 10th March, 1831. t>283 -505n MR. J. G. MADDOX, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT, (20 years' experience in coanectioIl with »"me ùf the principal Estates in South Wale3\ J..Agent to the Queen Fire and Life lnslI.-auce Company and other office& A laige extent of Duilùin Land to Let on Lease, upon advantageous tnns, in the Rbolldd Valley, adjacent to SQIne or the princiJl,1 Collieries. OF"IC-SOUTII WALES DAILY NEWS CH.utBERS. CARDIFF. 8494 MAGNESIA. This pur" Soluion is the best remedy for acidity of the Stom3.cÍ1. Heart- bUill. llcùache, Gout. and IlIdi.;e.>tiou. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most srentle aperient for delicate consti- tutions, L::die3, Children, IInd 111fllonts. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 9125 ARTHUR'S French Hair Grower Pro- duees Hair, Stren!{henJ1 Hair, Improves Hair; Cd bvlt1;:e, at all shops.-Nel80u.¡¡treet. Bristol. 50435 926. A Certain Cure for the Nerveus al1d Debilitded.. GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK showing 6u:TeFera how they may ùe cored and recover Health and Vitality, without the nhl ci Quacks, ,witli Recipes for purifying he Blood an4 removing Skin Affections. Also chapters QII Happy )1arr¡ae:l. When ami Whom to l'tfrry. The l'eml)eC¡>D1enl.ll. Stammering, Vital Force: How wasted and How Preserved, Galvanic Applr-uCCllo an 1 the Wonders uf h. Microscope lin Detecting Various CI.tnph\int8, Post for Two amp& -4. &.Iœ:etu'M'1Ö1Í ÂliAWwv. Birmingham. iü {l{tre;Ut TOASTERS AND COMPANY: XTHE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 2gaild 30, ST. MARY-STREET; THE SWANSEA CLOTHIERS, IS and 19, CASTLE-STREET. DEPARTMENT A.- Bespoke or Ordered Goods. In thitf department wo bold an imnien e stock of Scotch, Irish, and York- shire Tweeds and West of England Cloths. Trousers made to measure from 103 6d t) 2 !s Cd Suits from 42; to 107s Cd a perfect fit guaran- teed. DEPARTMENT B.—Serge Jackets, Trousers and Shirts, Dungaree Jackets, Trousers and Jumpers, Due'; good. Mole aud Cord goods aiu every requisite. DEP ARTIENT C.-Il;its and Caps of every description, Waterproof Clothing, ltugs, l'ort- manteaux, Hat Cases, Carpet Bags, paid Oilskin Coats. DEPARTMENT D.—Ready-made Clothing, Overcoats from 9s lid to 59s 6d. Suits from 17s 6d to 79s 6J. Cloth Trousers from 2s lid to <23* Cd. Pilot Nap and Beaver Reefer Jackets, Coats nud Vests to match, aud a great variet,- of materials. DEPARTMENT E.— Hosiery, Shirts, Pants, S.arfs, Um- I Ties, Alufllori Jers-ys, Fronts, Gloves, Hose and half-hose, Wrists, Cardigan Jackets, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Wool Vests, special line in Wool Shirts, from is lld to 93 lid. I DEPARTMENT F.—Juvenile Clothing, Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Youths' Suits and Over- coats, Boys' aud Youths' Jackets, Reefers, Vests, Trousers, aud Knickers. MASTERS AND COMPANY. X*JL THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS, 29 and 3d, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 9095 Terms cash, One price, all Goods marked iu plain figure ■> LEA 111 consequence of Imitations & of the Worcestershire Sauce, p ERITINS' LEA and PERRINS Be to say that the original bears SAUCE. their Signature 011 tho label, for which the purchaser should look to secure the genuine LEA jV/: WORCESTERSHIRE & 'tj SAUCE. TT^TrRT^TMa' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, BJEI-IvIJNS Worcester; Crosse and Blaekwell, London; S i> and Export Oilmen generally. ALCE. Retail by Dealers throughout the 47350 World. 8732 B OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER. FOUR GULD MEDALS. TjORW1C K' SBAKING PO YVDE LI. FOll WHOLESOME BREAD. ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. B OR WICK'S BAICING- POWDER. FOR PLUM CAKE. "OORWICK'S BAKING POWDE-rt FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. BORWICK'S BAKING-POWDER"o 2is0 40345 FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS 8 Invaluable on Board ^iiip. 0 2"]) GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS (Pena; th Detachment).—Orders for the week commencing March 14th, 1881.—Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, squad and recruit, drill at Penarth, at 7.30 p.m., 111 plain dllthe. Wed 11 e;¡day, squad and recruit drill at Dinas l'owis, at 7 p.m., in plain clothes. 011 duty for the week—Sergeant C. W. Griffiths, Corporal J. Vinni- combe, Bugler L. Angrove.—(Signed) John Guthrie, Captain, Commanding Penarth detachment. ND GLAMORGAN HIFL" VOLUNTBEB3 (2nd Cardiff Detachment).—Orders for the week commencing March 14th, ESl.-Monday. a inarch out under command of the Adjutaut, Captain Glentloiiwvii. The muster will be at 7.15, as the corps wi 1 march off punctually at 7.30 uniform with glengarries, officers undress. Bind to attend. The commanding officer calls special attention to th s parade, and hopes every member will do his best to attend. Wednesday and Friday, squad and recruit drill at 8 p.m. On duty for the week-Lieut. Simp- Bon, Sergeant Hard age, Corporal Good, Bugler Williams. —(Signed) .1, 11- Slailen, Captain. 2ND GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER Cor.r.s (1st Cardiff Dd¡eillu(wt.),-Onlers for week commencing March 14th, IHHl.-lonùay, muster at 7.15 p.m., in uniform with capj; baud to attend.—Wednesday and Friday.squad and recruit drill, 7.30 p.m. The non-com- missioned officers 011 duty for the week are requested to attend all parade? if they cannot do so, they must notify the sume to the tffieer cO:lIIwmùing,or they will be reported. On duty for the week—Lieut. W. Scott, Serjeant Win, 51 organ, Corporal Stow, Bugler Davie.— (Signed) W. H. Martin, Captain, Commanding 1st Cardiff Detachment.


Family Notices








.-''-*'',., FOREIGN..