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TEA CHEAPER THAN EVER. STRONG BLACK TEAS, IB. 6d„ 2s.,28.4d. RY EXCELLENT BLACK TEA is now only 28.6d. per pound. PHILLIPS & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, JL 8, KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY, LONDON, E.C. P. A HE CilOICE OliNUINB COFFEE, Is. id. per pound. A PRICK CCRRKNT 10ST TK £ £ SUGARS AT MARKET PRICKS. PlffLMPS Sl Co. send Teas, Coffees, and Spices carriage free to any lii: ivay Station or Market Town in England, Ireland, Scot I ■ i.it, and Wales, :1" to tho value of 1rfis. PIIILLIl'S S: CO., have no agents, and no connection with *nv l.a«s iu Worcester or Swansea. L^ANOI SILKS. PATTERNS FREE. J.1 NEW COLOURED SILKS from ]5s. 6d. per 14yards. BTRIPED aud CHLOKi-R) GLACIS iMi, YOUNG LADLES, L, ft?. 6d. per 14 Bent makes in Black Dncapes u,j Poult de Soie. io-lill llk-VEf-and IIILI,. LONDON. .A XAAPATTER'S .SILKS, Post-free. V/black SILK, i*« '• to 5 (guineas adresi, COLOURED SILKS Fi:OM J GUJNKA TO 1U GUINEAS. 1'r « NIC HOLSOX & CO.. So to 32. Saint ulA Cliurch-yd., E.C. i.HdiesjsViouid write t >v before purchasing, T'UWiL "A"- \VA.-IL 1; •} MACHINE, £3 101. Od. with INDIA RUSHES vVEINL'K, Y,4 15s. Od. The most successful Wttshinu Muc-i ever introduced." Bradiwu.'s New -VOWEL" vr\s! ■» MACHINES. See new (Jatale'-iie. l*;7, Free bv post— r»>! -mowed. TIIOMAS BRAM'TTRD AND Co., 63, Kcst Str. «t. LONDON, MA.VCITESTFR, and DUBLIN, "IV OTHING IMPOFESIVS: — The greatest and most useful invention of 'J ;.iv, AGUA AMARELLA — Messrs. JOHN GoSNKIiL A Co. ;m Wharf, 93 Upper Th:.mes Street, (late Throe r,ombard Street), per- tinners to l! I: Mnjesty, t.er to the public this truly /narvc-.Ums tluiJ, which sru.liisil'v restores the human hair to line-no matter :it v.r ^e. The Asua Amarella has none of the properties of dyes i t. i, the contrary, is bene- itti'M to Die system. a:i<J when the Jiaj;- is once restored oneap- plieatiou pev month will keep it in t.a->ct colour. Price one guinea per bottle, h«.lf bottiex. \'U. ••• Te.-tiinonials from ar- tistes of TLe lushest order, ami fro-ii idtiali; of undoubted respectability. n.ay bo inspected. -1' Jno. (iosnell and Co. have, been appointed perfumers to: rl:e Princess of Wales. £ WORDING'S GUINEA POCKET COAT. Gume, Storm Coat. Cording's F'sliiii;r Boot-, ;»ud stockings. C0H1)1>.(,S, tttrnr.d. V~ ENUSTAS, a New Poiiiade; ASTRING- ENT IOTIOX, a specific in ai! iwei of the Hair falling off; and and Hair Wash in ono clear Huiil. WALTER 11.: .1 HAIR CUTTING ROOMS, ]. New Bond street, :.o>; vii W. Price, 3. 6d. to 18. TORN GOSXELL NR. CO.'S PATENT e TLICnoS.VP.ON. or newly-invented HAIR-BRUSH, thf pec!il:r mechanical constractioii of which accomplishes ti o two oprrations of cleansinp and polishing simultaneously. — Ret! Bull .i:trt'. <j:). Uptier Thames Sli cet, London. I VALFCCRIJLI^CT' F-TIL)M THE LOOM. ) GRTiAT SAVING. Oilicoes. nanrtfls. P.Iaii'KV. s, 4 Prints in any quantity, forwarded t" ,t, J>"rt oi ti:« Vuitfd Kingdom. Samples post free. Parcels of r-i. s ami upwards. Carriage Paid to any Railwav Station. A IS~(».-• jViJJY. 2S, PALL MALL, MANCJIF9TBB. V. W r.I J3 ;VEAT'H.- HOOPER'S CACH- N-5 OUSfor correeiinK 'be Breath after Smoking, 4c., first made in 1"1. by chemist, London Bridge, E.C., a;v» t'.e ,1; an-i ,C still ackuowledged to be the best. Run e i-ox. post free for 7 stamps. Soli also by most re r. i t «'i-eiiiisi s and Tobacconists. ecareful to observe tin i ■ -o.idi.n IfriilKe" on the boxes. 1;\t"- M. Y O UN GER AND C O.'S » » EDINBURGH ALES. May be had of the leacli ag bottlers in town and country. KI)( |APIAXOFORTES'by'O.HAMFRON attest the worth of this maker's principle of coDStruetion. The new Illustrated Catalogue, shewin recent i improvements,post free. Ti Cliariotte-st.. Fitzroy-sq., London. CALLARD & BOWSER'S Celebrated London UTTER SCOTCH, d pure and wholesome Sweetmeat, id. a packet. Sold by Confectioners A Grocers. Wholesa!" of the Manufacturers, St. John's Wood, London. | Kamptulicon. INDIA RUBBER HOSE. INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BANDS. B- st and Cheapest; Wholesale only at the NATIONAL INDIA IIL PHKR COMPANY'S Warehouses,41 to 44, Gresham Street, Lon nil, K C. WILLIAM COXHEAD. Manager. LAWN MOWERS.—Cheapest and Best. 1[30YD,s Brush Lawn Mowers are warranted to Cut, Sweep, and Roll the Grass, wet or dry, at one operation. Te.«:imouials free. JOHN BOYD ft CO., 48, Cannon 'o,i, 6irw, londou, l'.C. Cheapest and best IRON HVllDLES. NO MORE DAMP BUILDINGS. SZBREI.JMEY'S Preservative Compositions. THE MLICATE ZOrIA and GRANITIC COMPOSITION eirectualiy prevent Dccay of Wood. Stone, Brick, or Iron Struct- ural Successfully iis-d at the new Palace of Westminster, and the -edecorition of St. Paul's Cathedral. Apply to SZERKLMEY &_OO.V'A, Kins Wiliiamjst., City, London, E.C. Agents Wanted. To Floclrmasters and Farmers. THE "GLYCERINE" DIP. Xov.-r(ji*tmou8. Price Sixpence per pound. The best ronipo-iiion for dipping or pouring Sheep. Certain Cure for s. ab, and deadly to Acari. Fags, Ticks, Lice, and all ether parasites. Free from every poison detrimental to man or live stock. DOFS :OT DISCOLOUR THE WOOL, but improves the growth anil quality. 1 aniph,et» treating on the special merits of the Glycerine" I>.p containing Testimonials and directions, to be had gratis, aud a Samnle Ke^ of Twenty Pounds weight sent Carriage free to aDV Railway Station for 10s. fid. on application to HAKDWICKE, GUEUIN. and CO., 876, STRAND, London,or their local a-ents..AGENTS WANTED. THOMSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS Sold by best retailers everywhere. THE NEW FILTER, patented by Mr. L1PS- COMBE, Temple-bar, London, is the only one that removes lead, lime, and sewage from water. Prospectus post-free. ^XCELSl6li''PRIZJtrMEDALFAMILY SEWING and EMBROIDERY MACHINES, with Stands, &:c.. co-.iiolcte, piiee £6 6s.; Cheapest, Stmpleat, and Best.— W11IGTIT ft MANN, I IS. HOLBORN lULL. LONDON. Lists tree. "WALKER'S CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are superseding all others on account of their great stveneth and accuracy. Silver from 96 qW Gold from El.-) l'a. 6S Cornbill, E.C. A liegent-.st., W. Descriptive Pamphlet free. EDROOM Completely Furnished £ 312S T>d. A PARLOR for £ 12 6s. Cd. A DRAWING ROOM for £ 22 5s. Od. CII;(llo(JIU" Foul Free. All goods warranted. SIMMONS, 171 and 172. Tottenham Court-road, London, W. T AM PLO U GTLKYY RETIC "SALINE is a Specific in CHOLERAIC DIARRHOBA, Headache, Mckuess, Fevers, and Biliousness, it immediately rcneves. Sold by all Chemists, and the Manufacturer, IL L:.mp¡;1Igl1, 11:¡ JI"lborll-llilJ, next Hatton Garden, London, E.C. WHY SUFFER RHEUMATISM, GOUT, Lumbago, Sprain, Bruise, or Weak Limbs ?—ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBR<JCATION, externally applied is an infallible remedy. Sold at Ill. lid. a t-oz. bottle. Can be had of all Chem.sts. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION for HORSES, (used in the Royal and most leading studs), for sprains, curbs, .;¡¡lmts, sprung smews, over-reaches, chapped heels, wiuilgalls, and lameuess; also for broken knees, cuts, wounds, sore backs and shoulders, bruises, sore throats, and influenza. Of a!l < hemists and Sadilers, 2s., 2s. fid., and :5s. Gd. A THE ALBERT VETERINARY COLLEGE BAYSWATER, LONDON. PresidentHis GRACE THY. DUKK OF NKWCASTLK. PrincipalPROFESSOR JOHV GAMGJCE. Rules to be had from the Secretary, R. B. PUNNF.TT. 1/ LNLUCH S CATALAN.—This Pure7Fnll- bodied, Fruity RED WINE is of Port character ft has all the strengthening properties of Port without heat. Price 8s. 6d. per fal., or 20s. per doz.,including bottles. Sold only by C. KIN'LOCH ;('o., 14, Barge-yard Chambers, Buckiersbury, London. E.C. Each bottle has C. Kin loch & Co.'s capsule with trade mark. ATM 0 SPHERIC CHURN" (Clifton's Patent), warranted to make BUTTER FROM SWEET MILK in TEN MINUTES, and CREAM in FIVE MINUTES, to be had at all Ironmongers, price from 10s. Cd. ATMOSPHERIC CHURN COMPANY, LIMITED, 119. New Lond Street, London, W. ILLY-WHITE's La-r-e Work on CRICKET, in Four Volumes 700 paes in each volume) (is. per volume, or the four volumes for 21s. LILIA'WHITE'S GUIDE, post free, lq. id. Illmtrated Lists of Prices free. Address, JOHN I.ILLYWKITE, 10. Seymour street, Euston square. London. N.W. RHHE CASSIOBURY FLRE EXTIN- GUISTTER as designed for t'ae Right Hon. the Farl of Essex. —S. OWfc.\S and Ck ).. %Viiitefriars-.sLrtSG,_L(,ildon.r.(. FIALVAXIZED^WIRE POUM'RY AND GAME-PROOF NETTING. Width. Mesh. Price. Width. Mesh. Price. St L. urn. :iin. I3.perlinl.yd. lit. 0;n. 2in. 2id. per linl ydL 4ft. Oin. 3ia. 7d. „ I 1ft. 6iu. 2in. Sid. Bft. Din. &iu. 9d. 2ft. ('¡n. in. 441. „ 6ft. iiin. 3iu. lid. „ lift. Din. 2in. 7d. Orders for the above amounting to £ S and upward*. Carriage Free to any Railway Station in England. GALVAN- IZED WIi:r; R',PK for SHEEP and CATTLE FENCING iog., 12- and l"is. per 100 yds. STAPLES for ditto, 10s. per 1,000. STANDARDS for ditto, lite, per d'Mtou. Iron Gat" and Hurdle Makers, lih.u>trated Price Lints Post Free on Application to fcOHT. B. 11KE & CO., St. MARY'S WORKS. MANCHESTER. kx "Dipping" for Tick in Sheep. „ Specific" for Scab in Sheep. „ "Lotion" for Fly and Foot Rot. THOROUGHLY EFFECTIVE AND NOT POISONOUS. Testimonials sent on application. Wholesale-S. & E. Raasome & Co.. Essex. Street Strand, Londoa "<^E\V IN G MAC MINE ST TH ETFLORE NCE o It executes in a superior manner all kinds of Sewing ever required in a Family. Makes four different stitches, has patent reversible feed motion, fastens off its seam without stopping. IVO other Machine han these late Improvements, for which a Gold i/eJitl was awarded by the Committee on Sewing Machines, at tLH late ,I, the American Institute, tin competition Kith fceru i-»" kijiion Mu -kine held at New York, 1865. PY (., f C ) ILtce' lloport, and Prospectus, with Sample of Wor», post-tree. Agents Wanted. ADDRESS:—FLORENCE SEWING M\fHINE COMPANY. 97, CIIfMl'SIDE. L"SOOy, AJID AT 19 A,iD 21. ;;R.\CCYI! I A.HS STKKET, MANCHESTER. Rtad [IhthtrdUC': Provftei-tus, &c. ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT. C„ < INK r; N:VY ccr ii'.are foot. FiOGGON & Go.. MANUFACTURERS, (63, New Earl Street, 1T v n ( 't, Bread Street, | London, E.C. 59, (,eorlle Square, 2, Goree Piazzag, LiverpooL THE BARTLETT PATENT SEWING MACHINE. is unquestionably the Simplest Ana child can wcrr/e it l! now either way 11 i eery easy and very fast It ittes ft .<J./}"¡ straight needle il unes but o; thr aid It can be u«cd with or without a treadle The stitch is ■< rMslic It trorks equal', j f-'U on thick as on thin good* It Is i-ery tatiUf chrtnped to dtjTererU kinds of wort It is eery reh", ale and very durable It will all kinds of Kir.Ahtcfi, Fell, Hem, Tuck, Bind, all kind* of Family sewing COMBINES all the advantages of the best and most popular sewing-Machines, very much simplified, and is pre-eminently the Most Practical Fami y Sewing Machine pre- ever offered in this country. In a wori, it is a combination of all the requisites for a Good Practical Family bewmg Machine, -without auv intri-acies or comt«ieations. Sold by 1)R VPEIi- HOSIER., and HABERDASHERS, every- where. at about ONE-iiURD the price of any machinedoingso great a variety of work. 1;. not fail to see the BARTLETT before purchasing a 8t;T.' >i»c: Mac nice. TEAS—Very Chsap and Very Good. •\MTEBSTER BR(JS., 39. Moorsfatc-st., City, » ▼ arenowsupr lyinga V,-ry Ft)#StrotigRicACongou,is.ad.. Very Choice Soiwhcng. 2«. large assortment of well seiectea Biack Teas ironi is. na. tOrders for £ 2 woitb sent car- riage paid wall parts of England: Wales. Scotland, & Ireland. DENSHAWS DIARI1 S AND POCKET BOOKS ¡' for 1867, numerous sizes and styles. J). DVSfGAX, », 10, St. Mary-stroet, QtidJU BRISTOL STEAM CABINET WORKS. LAVERTON AND CO.'S JLj PRICK CURRENT for the COMPLETE FURNISHING if an EICiHT-ROOYED HOUSE, in a neat and respectable style, with ffood Modern Fumitura, Caqiets and Curtains, &c.. Kitchen. Hall. Din ins-room. Lrc-akfast-room, Stairs, Drawiiifr-room, best Bedroom, spare bedroom, and two Servants' Bedrooms. EVERY ARTICLE WAKRANTED. R. d. zO s. d Dal Table 0 S 6 Lar-_rc one-flap ditto 0126 Four, strong Chairs, at 3s. 6d. 0 14 0 La-20 ClothuS Horse, 7s. 6d.; Small ditto, as. 0 12 6 Knife-box • ■ ..0 5 6— 2 13 0 HALL. ?ay seven yards 4-4 Oil Cloth at 2s. 9d. 0 10 3 Cocoa Door.nI1'lt and Stair Foot ditto 0 8 6 Uijibrelia-stand and Hat-rail. 1 5 0- 2 12 0 DI.VING-ROOM. One set of Damask or Moreen Window Cur- tains, 3-1 yards Ion, fringe drapery, polished mahogany or gilt 6 feet pole. 3 10 8 3nper. Brussels Carpet, 18 by 151 feet, 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth-rug to match 1 1 0 Mahogany Sliding Table, with extra leaf, to dine eight 4 15 0 Six solid Mahogany hair-seated Chairs, stuffed -,vith borse-hair .4100 Mahogany Sofa. hair-seated 550 Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard, 5ft. 6in. 510 0—31 18 G BREAKFAST ROOM. ?nper.K:ddercn;nster Carpet, say 5 yds by 4 2 10 0 Hearth-rug to match 0 14 0 Mahogany Pembroke Table, nft. 6in. squar3 15 0 Six imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seated 1 4 0— 5 13 0 STAIRS. Strong Dutch Carpet, say 20 yards at Is. 4d. 1 8 I\airty-six Stair-rods and Eyes 015 0- 2 8 DliAWING-ROOM. Super. Rrussels Carpet, including making, 18ft by loi.fi., 42 yards • • ..770 Hearth-rug to match .110 Two rich Damask Curtains, 8f yards long, Window Drapery, and two 6ft. gilt poles ..700 Rosewood ChelToiiier, plate glass back and marble top 5150 Chimney Glass in gilt frame, best British plate, 40in. by 30in. ■ ■ • • 4 10 0 Rosewood Loo Table 41,1,0 Rosewood Conch in damask, to match Curtains 4 15 0 Six solid Rosewood Chairs, ditto 60(1-42 3 0 IKS'I' BF Mahogany Fosr-post Bedstead, with cornice, poles, rings, 6cc. 4 10 0 Moreen or Damask Furniture, with fringe dra- pery, complete 4 15 0 Mattress .150 Good Feather-bed, Eolstcr, and Fillow3 5 15 0 One pair best Russia Sheets 0 18 0 Three Blan kcts .170 White Counterpane 0146 Mahogany Washstand and T;;ble .330 Dressing Glass, large size 0 10 0 Mahogany Towel-horse •• ..046 Three imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seat 0 9 0 Mahogany Chest of Drawerg, French polished2150 Bedround Carpet, yard wide 0 18 0 Mahogany Night Commode 0 14 6-28 0 0 SECOND BEDP.OO)I. coN Tapanned full-size Half-tester Bedstead 2 2 0 sE Good Dimity Furniture, with fringe drapery 176 Mattress • ■ ..lie Good Mill-puff Bed & Bolster, Feather Pillows 2 12 0 One pair Russia Sheets. 0 12 0 Three Blankets 140 White Counterpane 0106 Painted Washstand and Table 0156 Ohest of Drawers, large size • 1 12 0 Two Chairs ..076 Dressing Glass 0106 Towel-horse • • ..080 3edside Carpet, 8 yar(Is 0 16 0—13 13 6 TWO SERVANTS' BEDROOMS. Two fnll-sizc doub'3 Bedsteads .110 Milipuff Bed,, Bolsters, and Pillows 200 Two Pair Sh sets 0100 Six Elanket 116o Two Coloured Counterpanes 0 10 8 Two Yvashstands 0110 Two Chc"ts of Drawers. ..2100 Four Chairs 0100 T-o Dressing Glasses • • ..0 5 0— 9 13 6 £ 138 12 5 A SINGLE ROOM OR A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE QUOTED PRICES. Now Ready, L. & Co.'s NEW ILLUSTRATED GDIDE, with 306 EnffniYings and valuable Information for Furnishing various sized Houses, free by post, or on application to LAVERTON & CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS, S6 & 37, MARYPORT-STREET, BRISTOL. 106 FUTURE KT'SllAXR OR IVIF E' S TRUE JL CARTE-PE-VISITE.—Mr. HOWARD, the Celebrated Wrologer, will send tbe true "Carte de-Yisite of your ntendeJ, -vith nqme, nge, and date of marriage, for 16 stamps. Three questions answered for 2s. 6d. State age and sex. Send stamped directed envelope. Address, Mr. HOWARD, Vic- toria Villa, Portland-road, Notting-hil], London.—Nativities 925 SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX. Is ROSS'S CANTFTAPIDES OIL. which speedily produces Whiskers and thickens Hair. 3s. fid., 5s. 6d.. and lf>s. 6d.; jent bv post for 54, 84, and 144 stamps. ALEX. ROSS, 248, High Holliorn. London, Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff, ind all Chemists. ■Tust Published, 21. sent by the Author for 3 Stamps. X^SLINESS & BEAUTY; being a Pamphlet I drscriptive of -1-ticips afirl iiierns used for improving s ""arance. by ALEX. ROSS, 248, High Holborn. London. Ot m TOILET MAGAZINE, Is.; Sent free for 14 iV smns, H.VI 3 CURLING^LUIDT2 TQ, HICRIRHOLBORN, iLondon. ALEX ROSS'S Curling* Fluid curls Ladies or Gentlemen's Hair immediately it is apiliei. Sold at 3s. 6d., "s. od., and 10s. fi1.; sent, free for ;)4, 84. and lit st8mps.- Had of Mes-rs. Jan-ies and Williams,Cardiff, and all Chemists. G_REY HAIR, 24ft, High Holborn, London.— ALEX ROSS'S If air Dye produces a perfect colour im- mediately it is nsed. It is permanent, and perfectly natural in effect. Price ")s. 6d., 5s 6d-, and 10s: 6r1 sent by post 'or 54, 84, and 144 stamps; Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff; and all Chemists. HAIR DESTROYER. 2High Holborn. Lon- don—ALEX. ROSS'S Depilatory removes superfluous hair from the face, neck, and arms, without effect to the skin. Price 3s. 6d., 5s Od., and'lOs. 6d. sent for 51, 84, and 144 stamps. Had of Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff, and an Chpmist". 712 K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS.— TEE BEST REMEDY FOR WStDTCTESTION\ 3old by all Chemists, &c., at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per Box. 107 AYE'S WOl SDE L I? S PIL I7s.— THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. 'old by all Chemists, &c., at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d per Box. n STARCH MANUFACTTTRERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELD STARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. THE LADIES are respectfuliv informed that f-his STARCH is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE SOYAL LAUNDRY, and Her Majesty's Laundress says, that although *he has tried Wheaten, Rice, and other Powder Starches, she has found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WOTHEITSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LO>>ON. 101 MR. HUGO (late Surgeon and Medical Superinten- dant of Longwood House Asylum) may be con- sulted daily from 10 to 4 and 6 to 10 on aJl cases which ire daily advertised by ignorant pretenders, and at one-third heir prices: also, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, on diseases )f the Eye and Deafness. All communications to enclose ,anii), and addressed to Mr. Hugo, Surgeon, 244, Bute- sd Cardiff. 111 T 1! E ROMAN T,0 A N. Agent for Great Britain and Ireland. 3m ITEnY "WINSTON BARRON, BART., M.P. Aent for Wales, W. J. JACOB, MELROSE, ST. MELLONS, NEAR 11 SEVEN and a Half pev Cent, guaranteed upon all Amounts invested. Granted in Shares of ±'13 4s. each. Half-year's interest paid on the 1st of October upon all amounts invested orevious to that dhte. Loans granted, and Life and Property ;),S1HPr], iinn the best terms. MONEY on Freehold and Leasehold Securky A'IENTS WANTED, in every Town and ViiJsge in South vVale'i.—N me but respectable Householders need apply. All Insurance claims paid within fourteen days of proof El death Agent for Wales of the British Economical Manure. 433 MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, UNITED LOAN AND DISCOUNT ASSOCIATION. 19, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. ,TONEY Lent in sums to suit the convenience of borrow ers. repayable bv easy instalments. 131 I M P O R T A N"T Y TF YCU WANT TO BORROW MONEY at a 1 Cheap jrd easy rate, go to Mr. \V WILLIAMS X. Dcck-strei t, Newport, Alen., and Insure your Life, !d iie will guarantee that, with approved persona' urity, you ran have any sum frani f.50 to £ 2,000. one, two, tiuee, four, crSve years, repayable byfixel, .)-f-vear)y or quarterly instalments. Loans alsa nego- '.isted on Shipvn: 162 WEST OFlrcNGLAND LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE. SOLOMON B L A I B ERG, PAWNBROKER, 2, BUTE TERRACE, CARDIFF, (THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BUSINESS IN TOWN) BEGS to inform the public that, he ADVANCES MONEY on PERSONAL SECURITY on the SHORTEST NOTICE A great variety of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, consisting of Jewellerj, Watches, Rings, Chains, &c., always on sale. « 431 KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, JL\- which are recommended by the Faculty for cough, and all disorders of the lungs, chest, and throat. Sold in boxes, Is. lid. and tins, 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. each, by T. Keating, chemist, 79, St. Pau I's- churchyard, London. Sold retail hv all druseist*. K-c. "USE M A Z 1 EN A A SAD 1 E T." Vide The Times, September 25th. Only Prize Medal Com Flour Reported by the Jury "EXCEEDINGLY EXCELLENT FOR FOOD." F THIS SHOUTD_MKET"TTTE-EYE of any one troubled with Wind in the Stomach, Indigestion, or Biliousness, take PAGE WOODCOCK S WIND PILLS. Their world-wide celebrity proves them of sterling merit. Of all medicine vendors, at b. lid., and 2s. 9d.; or free by post for 14 or 33 stamps from Page I). Woodcock, chemist, Lincoln. Post free, 5 stamps, from the Author, Coombe Lodge, Peckham. ON CONSUMPTION. New Edition of Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE'S W7ork, which has passed through 73 Editions of LXXJ each This remarkable book treats of the causes, symptoms, and progress of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT. With interesting and extraordinary CASES OF CURE. Treats also of Asthma, Bronchitis, ffce. EVERY ONE HIS OWN TEA MERCHANT.—APPLY TOR Shares in the National Tea Consumers and Trading Company, Limited. Capital, £ oii,0ti0, in Shares of £10 each. The iinest Teas are now being supplied. Prospectuses, &-e,, on application to the Secretary, 27, Birchin-lane, London. Agents wanted. J. W. ORAM, Chairman. y A.\KEF, RELISH.—The Richest Sauce out. y ANKEE RELISH.—For all Purposes. ANKEE PELISH.-Everybody should taste. y ANKEE RELISl:l.-One Shilling a Bottle. YANKEE RELISH.-At all Grocers, &c. ANKEE RELISH.—It. Letchford and Co., London. THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PI LL S. the Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach." Sold Every- where, in Bottles Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lis. CAUTION.-Be sure to ask for "NORTON'S PILLS," and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations. BAKER & BAKER'S Rich, Strong, Delicious, True Uoeoloured TEAS are imported and sold free from all adulteration. They can, therefore, be relied on for uni- form good quality, fine flavour, and lasting strength. Sold in Packets from 2 ozs. to 1 lb., at :25. d., 2s. Sd., and 3s. 4J. per lb. Choice qualities, 3s. 8d. and 4s. per lb. By chemists, confectioners, &c. LIST OF AGENTS :— Cardiff-Morgan, James-street, Bute Docks. Llandaff-Williams, grocer. Pontypridd—Thomas, grocer, Navigation. Aberanian—Williams, 12, Cardiff-road. Merthyr—Evans, Victoria-street. Aberdare-Dance, 2, Cardiff-street; Edwards, 1, Wind- street; Thomas, Bute-street. Pontypridd—Davies, chemist; Davies, grocer, Mill-street. Aberconaid-Thomas, grocer. 182 G. STONE'S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT STANDS unrivalled for moderate charges, com- bined with Coffins, Hearses, Mourning Coaches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Fune- rals of superior style And finish, and is conducted un- der the immediate superintendence of the proprietor. Everything necessary. for, completely furnishing fune- rals kept on the premises friends of deceased persons are thereby spared the troublo of consulting any second person. The proprietor, keeping horses, hearses, mourning coaches, &c., can offer advantages for fune- rals of every description, at prices lower than ajey other house in Cardiff. Arrangements for graves, &c., also made by proprietor. Funeral, with best hearse and coach, pair of horses and hanging velvets to each, supe- rior black cloth coffin r'.chly nailed, metal breastplate engraved, tannel linings, mat- tress in bottom, flannel shroud, best pall, batbands, and attendance to cemetery SL 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach complete .400 3rd Class, ditto ditto 30 4th Class, ditto ditto 2.15 0 5th Class, coffin, pall, hatbands, superior carriage to take corpse and Iriends 200 Oth Class 11.5 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. Children's coffins, covered with blue or black, from .049 Children's carriage funerals, from 0 9 6 The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls Hatbands, &c., on advantageous terms. Please note the Address :— 11, WORKING STREET (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. Entrance to Hearse and Mourning Coach Department, Workshops, &c., by Hill's-terrace. N.B.—Licensed to let Horses, Cabs, &c.; Dog-c&rt to let on Hire. 116 CORY BROTHERS & CO., AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF BROWN, LENOX, AND CO.S (NEWBRIDGE WORKS, PONTYPRIDD) CHAIN CABLES AND ANCHORS, PROVED TO ADMIRALTY TEST, SUPPLIED WITH BOARD OF TRADE LICENSED CERTIFICATE OF PROOF, FROM THE "BUTE" CHAIN, CABLE, AND ANCHOR TESTING WORKS, (OLD CANAL, CAEDIFI). Board of Trade License, No. 29. SANCTIONED BY LLOYD'S REGISTRAR OF BRITISH & FOREIGN SHIPPING." Rigging and other Chains, and Malleable Cast-iron Blocks &c., for Shipping. may be had at the shortest notice. 130, LANCASTER WAGON CO., (LIMITED). RAILWAY CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS, AND CONTRACTORS. This Company is prepared to execute Orders for RAILWAY CARRIAGES. AND WAGONS, And every description of RAILWAY IRON-WORK, For Cash, or on Deferred Purchase OFFICES AND WORKS — LANCASTER. I AOIEHTS FOR SOUTH WALES J. NICHOLAS AND CO., 13, MOUNT STUART SQUARE, CARDIFF. 527 GOOLD'S EUREKA BLACK INK IS NOW PERFECTION. THE great characteristics of this elegant discovery in JL Writing Inks, and which give it such pre-eminence over every other, are- I st.-Its PERFECT FLUIDITY and FREEDOM from SEDIMENT, however long kept, being a definite CBB. nIlCAL SOLUTION, clear, brilliant, and unchangeable, instead of a mere mixture of ingredients asall other Inks are. 2nd.—It writes a beautiful INTENSE BLACK immedi- ately it leaves the pen, and so indestructible is its colour that on paper it has stood the test of immersion in the most powerful bleaching gases unchanged, when every other ink submitted to the same test has more or less faded to indis- tinctness. 3rd.— It contains NO ACID or CORROSIVE PRO- PERTIES. Steel plas can be used with it for an almost indefinite period without becoming clogged or in any way acted on. It may, therefore,be pronounced with truth to be the only Perfect and Indestructible Ink yet discovered. Sold in bottles 3d., od., Is. each, and imperial pints Is. 6d., quarts 2s. 6d., gallons 8s. od., by H. J. Walker and Co., chemists, Broad street, Bath, Sole Consignees for the United Kingdom and Colonies, whose signature and trade mark will appear over the cork of every bottle. "The Ink when introduced is generally approved of, and after trial it is seldom that it is net asked for again." London and Export Agents Cooke and Sons, 84, Cannon- street (Depot); Barclay and Sons, Si), Farringdon-street; Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard. Bristol, Pearce and Co., Bridge-street. CARDIFF D. DUNCAN, Times Office. „ JONES. Stationer, Duke.street. „ JAMES and WILII^S, Chemists, Bute-street, and Arcade, St. Mary-street. NEWPORT: PHILLIPS, Chemist. JONRS, Chemist. MONEY ADVANCED on Personal Security, and on Mortgage. Bilk Discounted. Address to Mr. M. O SCOTT, Accountant, Dock-street, Newport, Moa. Office Hours, Ten to Four. 777 I V" R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, TALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABLISHED 1;)8. ~L^OR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, .i Gentry, and Private Families with PURE WINES of the highest character, at a Savins; of at least 30 per cent. per doz. I per doz. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY '27S SPIJ-.NDID OLD PonT.. iJ7s (The standard of excellence) (Eleven years in the wood) SHERRIES. Per doz. Per doz. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY ^7S Superior selected do SUs to ;!G,s (The standard of excellence). Fine Golden 4^s to 4 £ s Excellent dinner East India Sherry.. 42s to COs Excellent dinner East India Sherry.. 42s to GUs Sherry 20s to 24s Manzaiiilla 42s P O 11 T S. Per doz. Per doz. SPLRNDID OLD PORT 37a Port, Old Crnsted 42s to 4Ss (11 years in the wood.) High-flavoured Old "As to GUs Port from the wood 24s to 80s | Very Dry Old ^stol'iOs CLARETS. Per doz. 1 For doz ST. JULIEN CIAKET ',21- Rausan ana Mouton 42-; to 48s Medoc • to 18s Leoville and Lai-o.^e 4S-; to 54-; Bordeaux • 18s to 2»ts Sauteme it Chaiilis to Gos St. Estephe !KJs to 36s CHAMPAGNE. Per doz. I Per doz. Creaming Epernay ;34s Moet and Chandon's (1st Sparkling Verzeiiay 3(,s j quality) 6fls Av Mousseux 42s Madame Veuve Clicquot's 72s Chansarel and Co.'s Gold lloederer's Carte Blanche 80s Foil 48s In pints, 4s. per 2 dozen pints extra. In pints, 4s. per 2 dozen pints extra. GERMAN WINES. Per doz. Per doz. Sparkling Hock 42s to 66s Still Hock Sfis to 84s Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66s Cabinet Ditto 7SstolG0s SICILIAN WINES. Per doz. Per doz. Bronte Marsala 20s SPANISH PORT 15s Virgin 24s PRUSSIAN SIIERP.Y 15s Old Brown Syracuse 26s BEAUJOLAIS, 20s. per dozen (the finest imported). SPIRITS. (Of the finest quality only, and at wholesale prices.) Per Bet. Bi-andy-Old Colonial 2s 2d 3s Od Brandy-Cognac, Six years old 4s Od Brandy-Cognac, Ten years old. 4s 8d Brandy—Cognac, Martell's finest 5s 4d (Bottled on their Estate) Brandy-Cognac, Twenty yearô old 6s 4d Per gal. Per bot. Fine London Gin 13ii 28 2d Fiue Old Gin IGs 2s 6d Rum-Finest Old Jamaica 18s 3s Od Rum—Old Pine Apple ditto 22s 3s 8d Whiskey-ùish and Scotch 18s 3s Od Whiskey-Very Oid 21s 3s 6d Hollands-Schiedam, De ICuyper's 188 38 Od Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the Sole Agents for Cardiff-— PRITCHARD BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS & WINE MERCHANTS, 20, DCKE-STREET. PRITCHARD BROTHERS beg to state that they have made arrangements with the abeve Company for a regular supply of their CHOICE WINES, which are ottered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this Neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and they trust, by strictly adhering to their system, to secure a share of public patronage. PRITCHARD HHOLILKRS. 2,0, DUKE-STREET, C A it D IFF, ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEERATED DIAMOND IRISH WHISKEY, 20s. per Gallon, or in original Cases, 1 dozen Bottles, 428. Single Bottles supplied. 3s. Sd. per Bottle. 910 TOYS TOYS! TOYS! JOHN OWEN, 49, SHUDEHILL, MANCHESTER, IMPORTER and DEALER in all descriptions of FOREIGN and ENGLISH FANCY GOODS. SPECIAL ATTENTION. Shippers, shopkeepers, hawkers, auctioneers, and others, are requested to inspect the STOCK comprising toys, dolls, pnzzles, concertinas, workboxes, desks, dressing-cases, papier machie, tables and trays, vases, lustres, fruit, flower, and bird shades, pipes, stems, cigar cases, per- fumery, combs and brushes, brooches, bags, purses, ladies' companions, archery bows and arrows, targets, cricket bats, balls, wickets, leg-guards, stumps, gloves, solid and hollow india-rui ber balls, children's perambulators, rocking and shaped horses, &c. Cases of Goods always ready from ±2 tc £ 5 and Elo, up to £ 15. Terms, only for cash. NOTE: The Old-Establislied WHOLESALE TOY and GENERAL FANCY WAREHOUSE, 49, Shudehill, Man- chester, JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. N B.—No Travellers or Agents employed—prices thereby reduced. 47G GIVEN~A W AY7 the iiew M EIJlCAL W'OR K entitled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or a Warning Voice to Young Men, on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &c which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain directions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-evesf-ent Tavistock-square, London, W.C 426 GRAND PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD AND RESTORER OF HEALTH. SARSAPARILLA! CAIRD'S PURE CONCENTRATED SOLUBLE EX- TRACT has never been known to fail ia perfectly curing every kind of skin disease, blotches, pimples, and eruptions on the face and body. In bottles, Is. 9s., 2s. 9d,, Is. 6d., and lis. See the signature, "Alex. Caird" on the stamp over each bottle. Sir William Fordyce ('* Med. Obs. and Inq. vol. 1, page 162) observes—" Sarsaparilla is the great restorer of appetite, flesh, colour, strength, and vigour." The great objects of this medicine are—To search oat and purify the blood from all bad humoui s and secretions; to cleanse the stomach and bowels of acrid humours, and all eflete, worthless matter; to Fet up an alterative action, whereby the vitiated blood becomes new and pure; to cause the various organs to throw out all diseased, inapure, and poisonous matter; to give vitality and vigorous healtv action to the aiteries, veins, muscles, nerves, and pores of the skin. Prepared only by Alexander Caird, at his Laboratory, 51, Castle-street, Bristol. Appointed Agents for Cardiff: —MFSf-R JAMES AND WILLIAMS, Chemists and Druggists. Bute-street. 606 "THE ELECTRIC AND IN TERN ATION AL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. (INCORPORATED, 1846.) MESSAGES forwarded to all parts of the United King, dom aHd the Continent, by direct circuit, at greatly reduced rates. CARDIFF CHIEF OFFICES: I & 5, POWELL-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS. Open Day and Night. BRANCH OFFICES: SOUTH WALES RAILWAY STATIO-T.-Hours of attendance: Week Days, 8.0 a.m. to 8.0 p.m. Sundays, 9.0 a.m, to 10.30 a.m., and 0. p.m. to 6.0 p.m. TOWN HALL READING Pooms-Week Days only, 9.0. a.m to 9.0 p.m. BY ORDER ESPONIAD NEWYDD YN YR IAITH GYMRAEG~ YBEIBL TEULUA1DD CYNNWYSFAWR, sef yr HEN DESTAMENT A'R NEWYDD yn nghyd a Uuaws o NOD- IADAU BI:IRVNIADOL AC EOLURHAOL, CYFEIRIADAU YSGKYTHYROL, ¡ A GWAIUNOL DDABLLENIADAU, y cyfan wedi ei ddetbol a'i ojygu gan y Parch OWEN JONES, Awdwr yr Esboniad Beirn. iadol, itc. Gohgydd a Chyfieithydd Gweithiau Ruuyan, &c., c. At yr hyn y chanegwyd, SYLWABAU YMAEFEROL AC EFEN- GYLAIDD.y diweddar Barch PETLR WILLIAMS. Yn addurnedig gan gvfre, ddetholedig o ddarlunian-hanes- yddol, a ddrychleni gwarantedig o leoedd beiblaidd pwysig. Argreffir y Gwaith yn ofalus ar bapur da, o'r maintioli ped- wat- plyg amherodrol; ac fe'i cwblheir mewn tua 112 o Ranau, am 2s. 6c. yr un. Rboddir dau ddur-gerilun haxdd a thra pherffeitbiedig, gyda phob Rhan. Backie a'i Fab: Llundain, Edinburgh, a Glasgow. YFANSODDIADAU, ALLEGOL, CYFFELYB^ C 1AETHOL, AC ARWYDDLUNIOL, JOHN BUNYAN. Wedi ei gyfleithu i'r Gymraeg. yn ol y Testun Cywir a elvgwyd gan GEORGE OFEOR, yn nghyd a Nodiadau Detholedig a chyfieithiedig, o Argraffiad Mr. OFFOR, ac 0 weithiau ereill, an y Parch. OWEN JONES. Addurnedig a lluaws o Gerfiadau Rhagorol. Cyhoeddir y Gwaith yn Rhanau, swllt yr un; a chynwysa tua deunaw o'r cyfryw Ranau. Blackie a'i Fab: Llundain, Edinburgh, a Glasgow. Y PRAWF O VVIRIONEDD Y GREFYDD GRIST- IONOGOL, wedi ei glasglu o Gyflawniad Llythyrenol Prophwydoliaeth yn neillduol fel y mae yn cael ei eglnro yn Hanes yr Iuddewon, a thrwy Ddarganfyddiadau Teithwyr Diweddar. Gan ALEXANDER KEITH, D.D., Awdwr yr Ar- brofiad o Wirionedd y Grefydd Gristianogol, Cyssoudeb Pro- phwydoliaeth, &c. Wedi ei gyfieithu gan y Parch. OWEN JONES, Awdwr yr Esboniad Beirniadol, &c.; Golygydd a Chyfieithydd Gweithiau Bunyan, &c. Y cyfieitbiad hwn, yr bwn a wnaed o'r ail argraffiad ar bymtheg ar hagain o'r Gwaith, a addurnir ac a eglurir a lluaws o gerflunian o'r Ueoedd pwysiccaf y cyfeirir attynt yn nghorff y Gwaith: ac fe'i cyhoeddir mewn deuddeg o Ranau, swilt yr tin. Blackie a'i Fab Ll undain, Edinburgh, a Glasgow. 1210 BONA FIDE MONEY SPECULATION. 000 000 STERLING, guaranteed by Govern > ment, are annually divided in monthly allotments in various sums upwards to £ 25,000 Sterling. An investment of XI may secure X25,000 Sterling. For prospectus (which will be sent gratis) apply to Fre- J derick Sintz, Banker, Frankfort-on-the-Maine; or letters addressed to him at 8, Three King Court, Lombard-street, Loudon, E.C., will be immediately forwarded. 856 THE WELSH EMIGRATION OFFICE. 1 \7[7ELSH PEOPLE about emigrating to A5IERICA or AUSTRALIA are in- ^ormed that we book in Liverpool at the lowest X-TjT rates, per steamers and sailing vessels and they are hereby cautioned not to pay any passage money to apent-s in Wales. If they do so, who is to take cbarge of them in Liverpool, where many make a living out of specu- J lation. Every information mav be obtained by enclosing a postage stamp to LAMB & EDWARDS, Broker?, 41, Union-street, Liverpool. postage stamp to LAMB & EDWARDS, Brokers, 41, Union-street, Liverpool. \Ve, whose names are undersigned, request that all Emisrants from Wales entrust themselves to the care of the above-named gentlemen, inasmuch as we know they will have every fair-play whilst under their care. JA3IES OWENS, Liverpool, I THOMAS LEYI, Trefonis, (formerly of Aberdare) DAVID SAI-IZDERS. Liverpool. Baptist Minister. (formerly of A berfhn, I NOAII STEPHENS, Liverpool, Calvmistic Methodist (formerly of Sirhowy) Ministers. Independent Minister. H51 FUR VALPARAISO, TOUCHING AT STRVLNCENT (CAPE DE VERDE) AND MONTE VIDEO. 'T'O SAIL from LIVERPOOL positively •<11 ill b TTHUR»I>AY, MAY 9. the PACTFIC STEAM —NAMGATION CO.'S new Iron Paddle Steam-ship ARICA 875 Tons 2-50 Horse Power. J. H. MILLS, Commander. This Vessel will take First Class Passengers only, For Terms of Passage or Freight of Treasure (no other ¡ description of cargo will be taken) apply at the Company's Offices, Harrington-street, Liverpool; or, in London, to Messrs. N. Griffiths, Tate and Co., 4, East India Avenue, Leadenhall-street. W J. CONLAN, Secretary. rtiJj A Steam Tender will leave the Prince's Landing Stage at 11 a.m. precisely, on the day of sailing, with the Passengers for the Arica." Luggage must be put on board at the San- don Dock, not later than 11 a.m. on the previous day. J N.B.—The Arica wiH be followed by the new Steam-ship Quito, which will sail about the middle of June next. 1127 ¡ STEAM- FROM" LIVERPOOL TO NEW yol, EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, (LIMITED). T HE new full-powered British Iron Screw Steam-shi-ps SHIPS. TONS. SHIPS. T O,N Erance (building) 3-200 Pennsylvania, Lewis 2873 The Queen, Grogan. 3412 Virginia. Prowse 2876 England, Grace. 3400 I Denmark,Thompson 2870 Erin, Cutting 3200 1 Louisiana, Harrington 2266 Helvetia. Thompson 3325 1 Will he despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows:- PENNSYLVANIA WEDNESDAY. Mav I-irh. VIRGINIA. WEDNESDAY, May loth. And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is very superior. Raw of Passage from Liverpool to New York Fifteen Guineas. Return Tickets, Twenty-Five GUINEAS. There is excellent accommodation for Steerage Passengers, and a full supply of cooked provisions served up by the Com- pany's Stewards. Passengers booked through to Aspinwall, San Francisco, the inland towns of Canada, and of the United States on favourable terms. For Freight or Passage apply to the National Steam Navi gation Company (Limited), 14, The Albany, Oldhall-street and 23, Water-street, Liverpool; to N. & J. Cummins and Bros., Queenstown, or to MESSRS. J. NICHOLAS AND CO., Shipbrokers, 2, Mount Stuart square, Cardiff. EDWARD JENKINS, Maesycwmur, Newport. STEAM SHIP COMMUNICAlIoN BETWEEN CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. THE CORK STEAM SHIP ItiiK r COMPANY'S First Class Powerful U, JFCL STEAMERS,—DODO, Capt. RAJNES, 1000 Tons,300-hor,se power; CORMORANT, Capt. CROFT, 1,200 Tons, 800 horsepower; MINNA.Capt. HOLLAND, CROFT, 1,200 Tons, 800 horsepower; MINNA.Capt. HOLLAND, 1000 Tons, 300-horse power, are intended to ply as underneath, unless prevented by any unforeseen occurence, with or without a Pilot, with liberty to tow vessels, during the month of April, 1867. TO CORK. From Newport Saturday 6 0 morn From Cardiff Saturday 11) 12 noon. From Newport Saturday 2U G morn From Cardiff Saturday 27 10 morn FROM conK. To Milford and Newport Wednesday 3 li after To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 10 6| morn To Milford and Newport Wednesday 17 lj after To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 24 6 mom PASSENGERS' FARES BETWEEN NEWPORT, CARDIFF, AND ÇORK. To Cork and back in Best Cabin (Tickets available for one month), £ 1 7S. To Cork, Best Cabin (no Steward's fee), 17s. 6d. Deck, 7s. Goods conveyed to and from Limerick at Through Rates via Cork. Horses, Carriages, iive Stock, and Goods intended for Ship- ment, should be along-due two hours before the time of sailing. The Company also give notice, that they will not be account- able for Passengers' Luggage, unless the value thereof he de- clared, and freight paid accordingly, at the time of shipment; and that passengers from Newport or Cardiff must obtain their Tickets at the olfice before going on board. For Freights, &c., apply at the Company's Office, Cork, or to their Agents, Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Ship-broker, Bute Docks, Car- diff. Mr. JAMES MAPDOCKS, Cork Steam Ship Wharf, pmenlly, Newport, JI011., and Messrs WILSON, SON, aud WALTER, Corn Exchange, Liverpool. 108 LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, & PHILADELPHIA S.S. CO. INMAN LINE. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE COMPANY'S FULL- V.lLi. POWERED STEAMERS will be des- ,'liAgJ"gW patched as under:— FROM LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK. CITY OF NEW Wednesday, Mav 1 CITY OF DUBLIN Saturday, Mav 4 CITY OF BOSTON Wednesday, May 8 ETNA Saturday, May 11 A od every Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin Passage by the Mail Steamers sailing every Wednesday, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, acoording to the accommodation. Forward Passage includes a full supply of cooked Provisions. Passengers for CANADA and the UNITED STATES booked through on very advantageous terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water-street, Liverpool; or to R. BURTON & SON, Cardiff^ 775 BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY. THE SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE TO AND FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES, LIVERPOOL, AND THE NORTH. THE Splendid PASSE>,GER VSTEAMSHIPS of this Company are fyx/, intended to ply as u»ler, weather, &c., per- iAiipiiijriir' mitting. during APRIL, between BURNHAM AND CARDIFF. FROM BURNHAM. FROM CARDIFF. 4 15 p.m. FARES FROM 1 1 15 p.m.! „ 8 5 0 „ CARDIFF BOCKS 2 2 0 „ 3 6 0 „ TO— 3 3 0 „ CARDIFF LO— 4 3 30 „ 4 7 0 a.m.I — 5 3 30 „ 3rd els. 5 7 30 „ |Coudon 3rd cl. 6 4 30 „ s. d. 6 8 0 „ j(Waterloo s. d. Llandaff..06 1 Station) 13 6 8 6 0 „ Newbridge I 2 8 8 0 „ |Exeter.6 2 9 10 SO a.m.iAberdare..2 1 9 8 0 „ [Plymouth 10 6+ 10 10 30 „ 'Merthyr .2 2 10 8 0 „ Falmouth 15 10 11 —— Caerphilly 0 10* 11 10 30 „ (Penzance 17 2 12 930 IHengoed..1 i 12 12 30 p.m. ,Salisbury 7 3 13 10 30 „ Rhymney 2 li 13 1 15 „ |P°^rtsmth 9 4| Gosport..l0 4| 15 12 30 p.m. • 15 4 0 „ Southmptn7 10} 16 1 30 „ So 16 4 80 „ Jersey or) 17 3 30 a 1' —~ jGuernsy. j 18 3 30 S 05 18 7 15 a.m. Weymouth8 9 IQ 19 Toole 7 9 M 4 45 „ « s *> 8 0 „ CO u oo r. Ar W Cn '22 8 0 „ 23 10 C a'm. < t o] 1 24 10 30 „ to g 8 0 » 25 10 30 „ • 8 0 2 6 w 10 R> „ 27 9 90 a" a 27 12 30 p.m. o 29 10 30 „ -2 -g 29 2 0 „ 30 12 30 p.m. tg ;y 30 3 30 „ BURNHAMANDSWANSEA. With Merchandise only.—Particulars of Sailing can be ascer- tained on application to Mr. Pockett, South Dock, Swansea, and at the Burnham or Highbridge Railway Stations. BURNHAM AND PORT TALBOT. With Passengers and Merchandise.—Particulars of Sailing can be ascertained on application to Megsrs. Jenkins and Love- luek, Port Talbot, and at the Railway Stations, Highbridge and Burnham. FAkES :-SaJoon, 5s.: Fore Cabin, Ss. Return (available for one week), 7s. (id. and 5s. Parcels, Goods, and Cattle for conveyance by this route will be received at any Station on the Bristol and Exeter, Somerset and Dorset, London and South-Western Railways, and all packages should be plainly directed "By Steamer from Burnham," in order to prevent any improper charge being made. A well-appointed Stenmor is advertised to ply between POOLE AND CHERBOURG, As fol'ows:—Leave Poole at One p.m. on Mondays and Thurs- days leave Cherbourg at 11 p.m. ou Tuesdays and i rnlays. Through Tickets will be issued from CardiH, Burnham, and Highbridge, at the following Fares, viz.:—1st Class and Saloon, 20s.; 2nd Class and Saloon, 15s.; 1st Class Return. 30s.; Class Return, 25s. These Tickets arc available, by the Steamer which leaves Poole next after the arrival of the Tiaiu. Further particulars as to Freight, Ac., may be obtained on ap- plication to the Goods Manager, Glcstonburv, Bumham, or Cardiff; or of Mr. J. W. Pockett, agent, South Dock, Swansea; and of Messrs. Jenkins and Loveluck, agents, Port Talbot. ROBERT A. READ, Secretary and General Manager. Offices, Glastonbury, Feb., 1866. 234 THE SMOKERS BONBON. EFFECTUALLY removes the taste and smell of tobacco E from the mouth and breath, and renders smoking agreeable and safe. It is very pleasant and wholesome. Prepared by a patent process, from the recipe of an emirent physician, by SCHOOLING & CO., Wholesale Confectioners, Bethnal-green, London, in Sixpenny and Shilling boxes; post free, 7 and 14 stamps.—Sold by Chemists, Tobacconists, he* 107 I TWO HOUSES FOR SIXPENCE. PENYDARREN ART UNION. ELIM PRIZE DRAWING, IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE CHAPEL. THE DRAWING will take place at the Penydarren British School-room, Penydarren, on THURSDAY, MAY 16tb# 1807, in the presence of Dr. J. Emlyn Jones, W. Smytb, Esq W. L. Daniel, Esq., Merthyr; T. Davies E^q. Peny darren; E. Evans, Esq., D. G. Jones, Esq., Dowlais a*2 other Gentlemen. The following valuable Prizes wiH be drawn for :— FIRST PRIZE-TWO HOUSES, Situate at Elim-stieet, Penydarren, value .£1:1). Annufd Rent, XS 10s. Leasehola Property, 80 years unexpired. prize. Value. 2nd.—A Brilliant-toned Pianoforte 120 U 0 3rd.—A Gold Watch 00 4th.—A Harmonium s o0 5th.—A rich Paisley Shawl 3 3 0 6r.h.—A Galvanic Battery 1 19 ø 7th.—A Sofa ;) 0 *th.—A Six Barrel Revolver 2 10 0 9th.—J. Thumas's, Ef q., Collection of Welsh Melodies, 2 vols. 2 2 9 Inth.-A Suit of Gentleman's Clothes 2 io0 I ltli.-A good Iron Bedstead 1 ij 0 12th.—An Arm Cfair 1 00 18cli.-A Silk Urril rella 110 14th.-A Concertina 1 1 0 lr)tb.-A handsome Dressing Case 110 IC,tli.-A Lady's Work Box 110 1,ùl.-A Chimney Timepiece. 119 IStli.-A Waterproof Overcoat lid I qth.-A cish Flannel I)ress 1 10 0 20th.—A China Tea Service 1 1 21st. A handsr me Electro Silver Teapot 110 22nd.—A Writing Desk. 110 23rd.—A Looking Glass. 0 24th.—A Set of Trays o 10 0 In addition to the above Prizes, there will be numerous other Prizes of the value of 5s. and upwards making upwards of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS sterling in value, comprising articles both useful and orna- mental, which cannot fail to give general satisfaction. The Drawing will be on the principle of the Art UnioD, atl4 the successful numbers will be published in the GARBEE* TurEs, Merthyr Telegraph, Cambria Daily Leader, MMW Liprfss, mru, i nd GwUtdgarwr, for May 31st, 1,1367, A list of Winning Numbers will be forwarded to any persofl who will send a stamped addressed envelope for the same. Treasurer: W. H. James, Esq., West of England Bank, *p6rt i r' ^uc^'tors: Messis. J. Daniel and W'm, Davies, penydarren.—Hon. Secretaries Messrs. W. Jones, J. JoneS, avies, H. I. Rees, L. M. Bowen, J. Evans, and J. Davie9» enydairen—Corresponding Secretary: Mr. John Evan*j drsggist, Penydarren, Merthyr. Tickets—Sixpence each. AGENTS IN CARDIFF.-— v/' \> J?uncan> c.ard'ff Tim-s Office, 10, St. Mary-street. J, 'Qsner, Stationer and News-agent, Angel-street. Mr.. Haynes, BookseHer and Stationer, James-street. Mrs. Driver, Stationer and Newsagent, Stuart-street. 978 THE NEW TREDEGAR ART UNION PRIZE DRAWING, In aid of the Building Fund of the Uchdir Independent Chapel. THE DRAWING will take place at New Tredegar, oz» TUESDAY, 4th JUNE, 1867, in the presence of T BorBi T. S.Jackson. T. C. Henchley, R. Lonie, R. Bedlington, S' Buchan, D. Hughes, J. rhillips, D. Thomas, T. U. DaviOg and E. Foster, Esqs. The following Valuable Prizes will be drawn for:- THE FIRST FIVE PRIZES, VALUEe73 105. Prize. Value. 1st.—A magnificent Gold Lever Watch C-21 0 0 2nd.—A handsome fine-toned Pianoforte 18 18 0 3rd,-An elegant Gold Lever Watch 15 150 4th.—A Lady's handsome Gold Watch 10 10 0 5th.—A superior Silver Lever Watch 7 7 9 6th.-A Feather Bed 5 5 0 7th.-Electro Silver-plated Tea Service i> 5 0 Sth.-k Double Barrel] Gun 5 0 Hth.-A handsome Sofa (mahogany) 4 4 0 10,h.-A Silk Dress. a 3 0 1 ltl) -A i icii Paisley Shawl 3 3 9 I th.-A Musical Box 3 0 0 1311i.-A Counterpane and a pair of Blankets 2 10 0 14th.-A Barometer 2 0 ø 15th.—An Easy Chair 1 lO 0 16th.-Two Hams I I C)0 17th.—A piece of Welsh Flannel for a Lady's Dress. ] 10 0 18th.—A Violin 1 80 19tb.-A, Writing Desk, with materials 1 5 0 20th.—A Photographic Likeness of Winner 1 1 0 21st.—A splendid Metronome. 1 1 0 i 22nd.—A Siik Umbrella 1 1 I) 2.3rd.—A Damask Table Cloth 1 0 0 24th.—A pair of Gentleman's Boots X 0 Or 25th.—A piece of white Welsh Flannel 1 0 9 26th.—Half-a dozen Pounds of Tea 1 y 0 8" Also, a Choice Selection uf :íO other useful Articuot Taring in value from jel to 5s. I$W The Drawing will be on the principle of the Axt U ot Great Britain, and in the CARDIFF TIMES, Star (If Gwent, Merthyr Express, 1t1.e" ¿hyr Telegraph, the Byd Cymrcig, Hereford Times, Ca ntr* Doily Leader, and Baner Cymru. A list of Winning will be forwarded upon the receipt of a stamped directed envelope. TICKETS, SIXPENCE EACH. All Prizes will be delivered Carriage Free. Corresponding Secretary—Mr. Walter Hogg. Secretaries- Messrs. Spencer Jackson, Dd. Phillips, Hy. T. Watkins, (Jell. Hibbs, Henry Thomas (Hope), New Tredegar, Newport' Mon. Treasurers—Messrs. J. Jeremiah, J. Edmunds, Vi. Thomas. Auditors-Messrs. T. S. Jackson and J. Thomas. N.B.—Agents wanted. Liberal Commission allowed. Ar plications for Tickets, or for any further information to be made to either of the Secretaries. AGENT IN CARI)TFF Mr. D. DUNCAN, "CARDIFF TIMES" OFFICE, 10, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 952 M. EDW.ARDS AND SONS, COACH BUILDERS, f PARK ROAD, CARDIFF, BEG to thank their friends and customers for the support received from them and beg to announce that the} always keep a LARGE and CHOICE STOCK of bent and other kindij of English and Foreign seasoned Timbett Coach Ironmongery, Carriage Furniture (plain and in silver), Lamps in great variety, Carriage Trimmings, including me- roccos, plushes, woollen cloths, laces, &c., &c. Every othet article used in the trade kept in stock. M. E. & Soss devote their particular and most careful attention to all orders entrusted to them, employing HOO» but first-class workmen, from the leading carriage factories in Loudon and Bath, and so can guarrantee every turned out by them to be done in the best style, both iO workmanship and quality of materials. The greatest care is paid to the REPAIRING Branch o' the Trade, which is dene in the most expeditious and'econo- mical manner possible. Every new Carriage built for private use warranted for tWO years; all Carriages built for public use warranted for one year. N.B.—THE TR\DE SUPPLIED. 228 JJENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. By Special appointment to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES.. Prize Medal, London, Class 33 Dublin. Class 10. Maker of the Gold Cankets presented by the City of London JI.R.H. the Prince of ivales and II.R.H. the Duke of Ed. itburgli. WATCHES.—Chronometers, Chronographs, Keyless Re- peaters, Levers, Horizontals, &c. CLOCKS.—For Dining and Drawing Rooms, Carriages, Churches, &c. JEWELLERY.-Specialities in Monograms, Diamonds, Crys- tals, and fine Gold for Bridal and othet Presents. SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE.—For Presentation, Racing, Dinners a la Russe, or Tea Table.! WORKS OF ART, in Bronze, by the best Arti-ts. PRICES and Descriptions of Watches, Clocks, Plate, &c., see Illustrated Pamphlet, post flee. Watches, Clocks, &c., sent to all parts of the World. J. W. BENSON, Steam Factory and City Show Rooms, 58 and 60, Ludgate- hill, and at 25, Old Bond-street. Paris Exhibition, 1867.-English Section, Class 23. I33i IF you suffer from Headaches, Bilious Cons* 1 plaints, Indigestion, Costiveftess, Rheumatism, General 90* iiility. Nervousness, Tic Doloreux, TRY KERNICK'S VEGET- ABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very suagiff require no confinement in-doors, strengthen the system, and been tiried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the medicine in the world. The best aperient pills for ordinary use, in constipated habItS, that I know."—DR. BALBIRNIE. Sold in boxes, at 7^d., Is. lAd., and 2s. 9d. each.. WHOLESALE AGENTS.—London Barclay & Sons Sutton Co. Newbery & Son. Bristol: A. & J. Warren; Colllins aDg Roper; Ackerman and Leonard & Robinson. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. DISEASES OF WOMEN.—Medical science in all has been directed to alleviate the many maladies dent to females, but Professor Holloway, by diligent study an«* attentive observation, was induced to believe that nature boa provided a remedy for those special diseases; he has, afte* vast research, succeeded in compounding his celebrated Olnt ment and Fills, which embody the principle niturally de" signed for the relief and cure of disorders peculiar to wofflen of all ages and constitutions, whether residing in warm cold climates. They have repeatedly corrected disordered functions, which had defied the usual drugs prescribed by medical men, and still more satisfactory iB it, that the malady is relieved completely and permanently.