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CARDIFF WATCH COMMITTEE. A meeting of this committee was held on Wednesday, Alderman Pride presiding. Supt. Stockdale sent in a report, stating that during the last three months 108 seaman had been arrested for deserting, refusing to go to sea, <bc. Of these 40 had been imprisoned for various terms, 37 sent on board, and 21 discharged. Eight crimps bad been fined, and five discharged for want of evidence. Forty of the sea- men belonged to foreign ships sailing from northern ports. The consideration of Sopt. Stockdale's application for an increase of salary was deferred, the Superintendent and the Mayor being absent, attending the Assizes at Swansea, and there being only eight members of the committee present. P.C. James Porkitt was charged with having been drunk and asleep on his beat in Loudoun-place on the 28th ult.—Inspector Glass said he had been 15 months' in the force, with a good character. At the last Watch Committee he had been complimented for a dexterous ,0 capture, and 30s. awarded to him.—Mr. EVANS sugges- ted that he had got drunk on the 30s. awarded at the last meeting.—Porkitt was called in, admitted the charge and expressed contrition, stating that he had met an old acquaintance who was master of a ship, and who had treated him to two glasses of rum, which took effsct on him, as he was suffering from a bilious attack and head- ache at the time.—Mr. EVANS You should not take rum for a bilious attack a black draft would have done you more good.—Mr. P. BiiiD Doctor, you are pushing your trade now.—The CHAIRMAN suggested that Porkitt should be let off with a reprimand, in consideration of his pre- vious good character.—Mr. JOHN BIRD Fine him 20s. —OQ motion of Mr. EVANS, a fine of 10s. was inflicted. A DRUNKEN LARK." P. C. Tamplin was called in to answer the charge brought forward by Mr. John Bird at the last meeting, in regard to his arresting and subsequently letting go Mr. Gibbon, butcher, on a charge of felony, allowing the charge to be compromised for money. Mr. Gibbon, a grey-haired little man in top-boots, was called in, and on being interrogated about the affair, spoke as follows:—It's a frivolous matter, gentlemen, altogether. About three weeks ago I was at John Rees's, and Johc Jones came there, dinnk, and got drinking people's beer and their gin and water out of their glasses. He stood next to me, with his peeket-band- kerchief sticking out of his pocket, and I took it out of his pocket and threw it across the room. I did it right before his face, and he must have Eieen it if he hadn't been drunk. Somebody across the room picked up the handkerchief. I went home about an hour after, and thought no more about it. In the morning, while I was in bed, between four and five o'clock, there came John Jones, and a man on horseback, and this police- man (Tamplin). They knocked at the door. I opened it and asked, What's the matter ? The policeman aaid, John Jones has preferred a charge against you, of stealing his pocket-handkerchief." I said, "I recol- lect taking his handkerchief out of his pocket in a lark, and I threw it to some one else, who picked it up. I couldn't see who it was that picked it up, as John Jones was standing between him and me." The policeman said he bad nothing to do with tbat-I was given in charge, and he must take me to jail. 11 That's a pretty trick, at all events," said 1. I was in my shirt down stairs all this while. The policeman said, You come with me." I said, All right, but allow me to put my clothes on." He said, Then be very quick about it, for I'll stand no nonsense." Rather insolent, I thought be was. I put my clothes on, and came out with him, and be said Here's John Jones—he's got a witness with him." That was the man on horseback. I thought it looked as if they were come to take Jack Sheppard, or some such man. So I said, "John Jones, what's the matter." "You've took my handkerchief out of my pocket," says be. •* I admit that," says I. 1 threw it away, and now what's on about it ? 11 Why, I want ten shillings," says he, for my trouble. I've been up during the whole night and had a deal of troable; and then, there's the boy," he said, "I don't know what he's going to charge." Says I—"I don't know, John, I've not got the money to pay yon. I've only got a few shillings in my pocket-about nine shillings-will you have that?" "No," says he, I'll have the whole money or nothing at aH." Says the policeman, You'd better settle it with John Jones, or I must take you to jail." I said Can you change a sovereign, John Jones?" "No," says be. "Can't you change it, policeman," gays 1. "No," he said, he couldn't. It's hardly worth while bothering here," said be; "I must take you to jail unless you settle with John Jones." So we walked on up as far as West Bute- street, and then I said to the boy John Jones had with him, What do you want ?" and he said Five shillings, and that's little enough for my trouble." So I gave him 5s., and then I turned to Jones and asked him what be wanted, and he said, ten shillings. I said You can't change a sovereign, and how can I pay yon ten shillings out of it else?" He said I'd come back with you, if I were sure yoa'd get the money." I said No question About that." He said he would go back, fheu we went to Mr. Clode's and knocked at the door. A boy opened it and I ran up stairs, and found Clode and his wifo in bed and I said "I want ten shillings." What's tho matter?" he said. "Nothing particular," says I. "Will that be enough," he said. "Yss," says I, acd he gave it to me and I ran down again and found the policeman and John Jones standing on the pavement. So I gave John Jones the ten abillingf, and he went away, and the policeman went one way and I the other. I went home again and to bed. On the Sunday morn. ing John Jones came down to me again, and said, Gibbon, I was very drunk, and I'd been drinking all the week. I wouldn't have had it happen for ten pound, and if you'll take the money back itll be all right." I said I haven't got your handkerchief." He said Never mind that, you take the money back." I toek it. Three or four days after, I saw the policeman, and asked him if he hadn't exceeded bis duty, and he said, no, he was perfectly right. I said "You will hear of this again." He said he knew his duty as well as any man in the force, and he didn't care what he beard about it. So I spoke to Mr. Bird, who said it was a rascally shame, and he would have the policeman up for it. P.C. Tamplin, in reply, said that Mr. Gibbon was wrong in material portions of his statement. He was not taken into custody, Jones having said he would not press the charge. He (Tamplin) after bringing Jones to Gibbon, said, if you like to settle this between you, you can, but if you make the charge to me, Gibbon will have to go to the station and they settled it between themselves. Mr. J. BIRD You knew Gibbon, where be lived, and where you could find him, and yet you knocked him up at five o'clock in the morning on this charge. If you went as far as that, why did you not hold him in custody ? P.C. Tamplin I had a right to see into it, having heard the charge made by Jones. Mr. J. BIRD Having a charge of felony preferred, wnj did you allow it to be compromised ? P.C. Tamplin Because when I had the parties face to face, they all said it was only a lark. Mr. J. BIBD But you apprehended Gibbon for felony. P.C. Tamplin: Jones at first said he charged him with feloey. Mr. J. BIRD Then that was authority for you to take him, and you did take him. Having done that, be was in your eUbtedy-why allow it to be compromised after that ? P. C. Tamplin: Because Gibbon said it was a lark, and Jones then said the same, and that he would not press the charge. They had both been drinking. Jones Lad had cna man locked up before, on another charge, Tamplin then produced a sealed letter from Jones, who is a pork butcher of Canton. It was addressed to the Watch Committee, and assured them that the police- man had no money irom either party in the transaction. He (Jones) had charged Gibbon 5s. for his lost handker- cbiet, and 5s. for his trouble. Gibbon borrowed 10s. of Clode and paid Jones, and also 5s. to the witness. The otScer stood by when the money was paid. It was his (Jones's) own act and deed, and since then he bad been advised by Mr. Sparkes, cattle dealer, and others, to #turn the money, as it was only a lark. He (Jones) was so rv that the policeman should have been brought into trouble in the matter, as he was entirely innocent. Mr. V\ UIFFEN said it appeared to be a drunken spree zti the part of the men, and the policeman did not s,eetn to have exceeded his duty, as Gibbon's house was on his beat. Mr. P. BIRD thought the policeman exceeded his ¿ ul) in arresting a man well known in Cardiff. The r,ame thing might occur to one of the committee, if a drunken man made a charge against them. Why was Gibbon not summoned ? The CHAIRMAN "aid that in case of a charge of felony a summons was not necessary to authorise an arrest. Mr. P. BIRD Then we are at the mercy of any police- man to whom a drunkon man may say that we have stolen a handkerchief. Mr. J. BIRD It was indiscreet of Tumplin to taka the statement of a drunken man. Inspector Glass sail Tamplin was a good officer. Tamplin was then by the wish of the committee cauti -ned by the CHAIRMAN to be more discreet and careful in future about at resting a respectable resident on the word of a drunken man. The sum of X2 1*. 6d., contributed by the Norwich Union Insurance Company toward defraying the expense of extinguishing a fire in Mr. Hughes Thomas's premises, on Dec. 20, was divided between the police, and the fire brigade fund. The commiitM then adjourned.




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