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:& BRISTOL STEAM CABINET WORKS. LAVERTO NAND C 0 S L PRIeR CURRENT for the COMPLETE FURNISHING of an KIGHT-ROOYIvD HOUSE, in a neat and respectable style, with pood Modem Furniturs. Carpet* and Curtains, &c., Kitchen, Hall, Dining-room, Breakfast-room, Stairs, Drawing-room, beet Bedroom, spare Bedroom, and two Servants' Bedrooms. EYERY ARTICLE WAKKANTED. £ S. d. £ S. d Dca) Tahle 0 8 6 Large (.ne-flap ditto 0 12 6 Four strong Chairs, at 3s. M. 0 14 0 Largo Clothes Horse, 7s. tid.; Small ditto, 5s. 0 12 6 Knife-box -• .0 5 6— 2 13 0 HALL. Say pcven yards 4-4 Oil Cldh at 9d. 0 19 3 Cocoa Door-mat and Stair Foot ditto 0 8 6 Umbrella-stand and Hat-rail 1 5 0— 2 12 0 DININD-BOOM. One set of Damask or Moreen Vtindow Cur- tain?. 35 yards long, fringe drapery, polished mahogany or gilt t> l'ei-t pole 3 10 0 Super. Brussels Cnrpot, 18 by ] ;)1 feet, 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth-rug to match 1 1 0 Mahogany Sliding Table, with extra leaf, to dine eight 4 15 0 Six solid Mahogany hair-seated Chairs, stuffed with horse-hair .4100 Mahogany Sofa, hair-peated • ..550 Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard. Hit. Gin. 5 10 0—31 13 0 BREAK R A ST AOOX. Super.Kidderminster Carpet, May 5 yds by 4 2 10 0 Hearth-rug to match • • 0 14 0 Mahogany Pembroke Table. 3ft. 6in. square 15 0 Six imitation Mahogany Chairs, c.nne-seated 1 4 0- 5 13 0 STAIRS. Strong Dutch Carpet, say 20 yards at Is. 4d. 1 8 SaV Thirty-six Stair-rous and F ves 0 15 0— 2 1 8 DRAWTNO-TIOO'U. Snper. Brussels Carpet, including making, 18ft by Hearth-rug to match .110 Two sets rich Damask Curtains. V, yai'ds long, Window Drapery, and two 6ft. gilt polos 7 0 0 Rosewood Cheffonier, plate glass back and marble top • 5 15 0 Chimney Glass in gilt frame, bed British plate, 40in. by 3<(in. • • 4 10 0 Rosewood Loo Table ■ • • 4 15 0 Kosewood Conch in damask, tomatch Curtains 4 15 0 Six solid Rosewood Chairs, ditto .6 0 0—12 3 0 BEST BEDROOM. Mahogany Four-post Bedstead, with eornice, poles, rings, tic. • • 4 10 0 Moreen or Damask Furniture, with fringe dra- pery, complete ■ • • 4 15 0 Mattress .150 Good Feather-bed, Bolster, and Pillows 5 15 0 One pair best Russia Sheets .0180 Three Blankets • • • • ..170 White Counterpane 0 14 6 Mahogany Washstand and Table .330 Dressing Glass, large size 016 0 Mahoganv Three imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-Beat 0 9 0 Mahogany of Drawers, French polished 2 15 0 Bedround Carpet, yard wide 0 18 0 Mahogany Night Commode 14 6-28 0 0 SECOND BEDROOM. Japanned full-size Half-tester Bedstead 2 2 0 Good Dimity Furniture, with fringe drapery 17 6 Mattress .110 Good Mill-puff Bed & Bolster, Feather Pillows 2 12 0 One pair Russia Sheets 0 12 0 Three Blankets 14 0 White Counterpane 0 10 6 Painted Washstand and TaMe 0 15 6 Chest of Drawers, large size .112< Two Chairs • • ..076 Dressing Glass 10 6 Towel-horse. 0 S 0 Uedside Carpet, 8 yards 0 16 6-13 13 6 TWO SERVANTS' BEDBOOMS. Two full-size double Bedsteads .110 Millpuff Beds, Bolsters, and PillowB ..200 Two Pair Sheets 0 10 0 Six Blankets 1 16 0 Two Coloured Counterpanes 0 10 0 Two Washstands .0110 Two Chests of Drawers 2 10 0 Four Chairs 010 8 Two Dressing Glasses .05<—9130 .&138125 A SINGLE ROOM OR A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE QUOTED PRICES. Now Ready, L. & NEW ILLUSTRATED GCLDE, with 300 Engravings and valuable Information for Furnishing various eized Hou,e", free by post, or on application to LAYERTON & CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS, 36 & 37, MARYPORT-STREET, BRISTOL. 106 EViiRY HOUSEKEEPER SHOUD USE WALKER'S PURE DISSOLVED SILVER or SIL- VERING SOLUTION, for instantly restor- ing all worn-off PLATED GOODS to their original ap- pearance, and keeping them equal to new. Directions with each Bottle. Price Is. and 2s. WALKER'S NON MERCURIAL PLATE POW- DER, the best sold, and highly recommended. Price Is- WALKER'S MARKING INK cannot be ebliter- ated; has stood the test 'of 20 years' experience. 6d. and 13. per Bottle. The%Ink when introduced is generally approved of, and after trial it is seldom that it is not asked for again." London and Export Agents: Cooke and Sons, 84 Cannon-street (Depot); Barclay and Sons, 95, Farring- don-street; Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard. Bristol: Pearce and Co., Bridge-street. CARDIFF D. DUNCAN, Times Office. JONKS, Stationer, Duke-street. „ JAMES and WILLIAMS, Chemists, Bate- street, and Arcade, St. Mary-street. NEWPORT: PHILLIPS, Chemist. JONES, Chemist. 141 YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIFE'S TRUE CARTE-DE-VISITE.—Mr. HOWARD, the Celebrated Astrologer, will seni the true "Carte de-Viaite of your ntended, with name, age, and date of marriage,.for 16 stamps. Three questions wiswered for 2s. 6d. State age and sex. Send stamped directed envelope. Address, Mr. HOWABD. Vic- toria Villa, Portland road, Notting-hill, London.—Nativities Ost, 925 COUGHS, COLDS, &c. "Earl Russell sent to the Colleqe of Physicians a commu- nication received by him from Manilla, where Cholera had been raging fearfully, to the effect that of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne was the most effective."—Lancet, Dec. 31, 1864. To \V L E SOH LOR 0 D Y N E, T the Original Preparation of known composition, re- nowned for giving instant reht-f in CHOLERA, D1ARRHCEA, SPASMS, also in Consumption, Coughs, Brochitis, Asthma. Price, 13 Jd., 2s. 9d and 4s. 6d. No household should be without it. Be sure to get TOWLE S CHLORODYNE. 746 SPANISH FLY is the act ng ingredient in ALEX, ROSS'S CANTHARIDES OIL, which speedily produces "Whiskers and thickens Hair. 3s. (id., 5s. fid., and 10s. 6d.; sent by post for ;)4, 84, and 144 stamps. ALEX, ROSS, 24S, Hi<^h Holborn, London, Messrs. James and Williams, CardiiT, and all Chemists. Just Published, 2-1.; sent by the Author for 3 Stamps, TTGLINESS & BEAUTY; being a Pamphlet descriptive of articles and means nsed for improving the appearance, by ALEX. HuSS, 248, High Hoiborn. London. ROSS'S TOILET MAGAZINE, Is.; Sent free for 14 Stamps. HAIR CULLING FLUID, 2iH, HighHolborn, Londi n. -M.EX ROSS'S Curling Fluid curls Ladies or G^ntieuoin's If air immediately it is applied. Sold. at 3s. fill" 5s. 611., hnJ 10s. Oil. sent free fur 64, 84, and 141 stamps.— Had of Messrs.Sanies and Williams,Cardiff, and all Chemists. GREY HAIR, '248, Hi<>li Holborn, London.— ALEX ROSS'S Hair Dye produces a perfect colour im- mediately it is used. It is permanent, and perfectly natural il. effect. Price .'is, Gd., 5s 61 and 10s: 6d sent by post for 51, 81, and 144 stamps; Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff; and ail Chemists. ALU 1) EST ROY LR, 2 1S, High Hülburu. Lon- Jon-ALEX. ROSA'S Depila"? removes superfluous hair from the face, neck, and arms, wlthont effect to the skin. Price 3s. 6d 5s, BJ., andjKK (id. sent for 54, 84, and 144 stamps. Had of Messt-s. James and Williams, Cardiff, and all Chemists. 712 AYE S WORSDELL'S PILLS.— I\. THE BEST KKM^DY VOLI INDIGESTION. Sold by ail Chemists, &c., at Is. lJd., 2e. M., and 4s. 6d. per Box. 2 107 K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS.— THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chenii»t.s, See. at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. and 4B. 6d. per Box. STARCH MANUFACTIJRERS TO H.R.K. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. 17 T 17, GLENFIELD STARGH, USED IN THK ROYAL LAUNDRY. THE LADIES are re-pectf'iily informed that this STABCH is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. :d Her Majesty's Laundress says, that although she has tried Wbeaten, Rice, and other Powder Smrches :.ir- Ins found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WOTHfctiSPOoN & CO., GLASGOW AN-Ð LoytON. 101 nOLLOWAY'S PILLS. IMPAIRED CONS'i ITUTIONS.—The infirm are unfor- tunate lv iuiftt ft rone to become the victims to dangerous maladies, unless the purity of the blood and functional regularity of the vital organs i>e carefully guarded. Holloway's Pills can be recommended wiih the most truthful earnestness as the beet, purihers, alteratives, and aperients, when the body is naturally weak or accidentally disordered. They never create di^appointmeu', and do not cause the weakness and oppression too often consequent on the ffequent repetition of the ordinary drastic druffs, wnich are sometimes thoughtlessly, though most disastrously, prescribed. These Pills, in truth, carelully guard the constituents of the animal frame; they enrich the blood when poor in quality they increase that iluid when deficient in quantity, and always strengthen. If you wish to be well and keep well, take BRAGG'S finely livigated VEGETABLE CH ARCOAL. Sold thrwuh all Chemist# in bottles at 2s., is., k6s. each A the maker. J. L. BtAOG. Wigmore at..Caven<t'sh-f«). THE NEW FILTER, patented by Mr. LIPS- COMBE, Temple-bar, London, is the only one that removea lead, lime, and sewage from water. Prospectus post-free. T^XCELSIOR^PRIZE MEDAL FAMILY SEWING and EMBROI DERY MACIIINRS, with Stands, fce. complete, price £ 6 6s.; Simplest, cheapest, and best.— WHIGHT & MANN, 143 Holborn Bars, London, iiO. Lists t'r.ie. ALKER,'S CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are superseding all others on account of their grpht itrength and accuracy. Silver from 26 68. Gold from £ 1. I s. Descriptive Pamphlet free. BASSINETTE one guinea, and half guinea B ASKET, in muslin or ohintz. Particulars by post. BABY LINEN in three or five guinea boxes. T. G. YOUNG, Ladies' Outfitter. Clapham Road, f .onflon. is K AAAHMOiMTBS by C. HAMPTON tr,v/"v attest the worth of this maker's principle ot construction. The new Illustrated Catalogue, shewing recent improvements, free. 74, formerly 31. Charlotte-st_Fit«ro.v-sq., w. ILLIARD "TABLE CLOTHS.— The Cheapest House in London for Billiard Table Cloths and BazaOllr- Table Cloths. MITCHELL IN MAN, and CO.'S, Oath Fair, West Smlthfield, London. E.O. Patterns post-tree. ¡ WHISKERS, Moustachios, Eyebrows.— » » Renewal of Hair on bald patches guaranteed in a few weeks. Bottle of fluid. 14 stamps. State require mentil G. BO IV LES. Jun., Scott's-yard, Bush Lane. London. KC. TQENZOLINE, Elegantly Perfumed, 3s. per gallon. DYERS, SCOURERS, and GLoVE CLEAN ft will find this a first-class article for removing Grease, Sc., from Carpets, Silks, Gloves, fee., fcc. DANIEL JUBSON and BON, Drysalters, 13a, Coleman Street, l/ondon. E.C. LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE is a Specific in CHOLERAIC HIARRIICEA, Headache, Sickness, Fevers, and Biliousness, it immediately relieves. Sold by all Chemists, and the Manufacturer, H. Lam plough, lis Holhorn-hiU, nextHatton Garden, London, B.C. WUHY SUFFER RHEUMATISM, GOUT, » » Lumbago, Sprain, Bruise, or Weak Limbs?—ELLIM AX'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION, externally appliod Is an infallible remedy. Sold at Is.-Lid- a-bottle. Can be had or all Chemists. E" LLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION for HORSES, (used in the Royal and most leading studs), for sprains, curbs, splints, sprung sinews, over-roaches, chapped heels, windfalls, and lameness; also for broken knees, cuts wounds, sore baoks and shoulders, bruises, sore tbro:U«, and influenza. Of all Chemists and Saddlers, JJs., 2s. 6d., and ;is. 6d. milE ALBERT "VETERINARY COLLEGE J- BAYSWATER, LONDON. President;-HIs GRACE THE DUKE or NKWCASTL*. Principal :-PP.OrKSSOIt JOHN GANGKK. Rules to be had from the Secretary. R. B. PPWWBTT. SUPERIOR EDUCATION for the DAUGH. TERS of GENTLEMEN, N.W. of London. A Lady of many Sears experience, has vacancies for pupils, the number be ng mited: the comforts and associations of home are combined with a due rescard to health, and a systematic plan for study. Eminent Professors attend. Resident Fansienne Governess. Prospectus and references, Mr. J. H. Webber. Solicitor, 6, Caroline Street, Bedford Square. W.O. KLNLOCH'S CATALAN.—This Pure, Full- bodied, Fruity RED WINE is of Port charactert has ali the strengthening properties of Port without heat. Price 8s. 6d. per KaL,Oty2Us.pei- doz., including bottlos. Sold only by 0. KINLOCH cCo.,14, Barse-yard Chambers, Bucklersbury, London E.C. Each bottle has C. Kinloch ft Co.'s capsule with trade mark. SEWING MACHINES. The FLORENCE. ♦sU It executes in a superior manner all kinds of Sewing ever required in a Family. Makes four different stitches, has patent reversible feed motion, fastens off its seam without stoppinz. No other Machine he& these late Improvement*, for which a Gold Medal was awarded by the Committee on Sewing Machines, at the late Exhibition of the American Institute, (in competition with every well known Machine), held at New York, 18S5. Copy of Committee's Report, and Prospectus, with Sample of Work, post-free. Agents Wanted. ADDRESS:—FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 97, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, AJTD AT 19 AND 21, BI.ACKFalAOS STKK.KT, MAM CHESTER. Read, Illustrative Prospectiu, <tc. TO BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS.— Closed Uppert, kip butts, tale butts, enamelled and Levant seals, calf patent, kids as imported, shoe mercery, and all other articles required by the trade, kept in stock, and marked in plain figures, at E. H. RABBITS'S Leather and Closed Upper Warehouse, Elephant Buildings, Newington-butts, Londou. Country buyers will generally save their railway fare by visit- ing the above warehouse. Terms cash. LAMENESS IN HORSES Is most effectually prevented and treated by the application of GAMGEB'S HOOF OINTMENT. Sample Tins and Hoof Brush sent free to any railway station in Great Britain on receipt of five shillings in postage stamps. HARDWICKE, GUERIN, & Co., 57, Bishopsyate Street Within, London, E.C. IT!HE GLYCERINE WHITE SOFT SOAP. -JL FOR, USE IN STABLES AND KEHNEL8. A Sample Tin, It lbs., sent free to any railway station in Great Britain on receipt of 30 postage stamps. HARDWICKE, GUERIN, ft Co.. 91, Bishopsnate Street Within, London, E.C. VINEGAR V IN £ GAB!! CONCENTRATED Pure Malt VINEGAR VV as analysed by Dr. Hassail, free from Sulphuric A cid. and all other deleterious matter. To be had of all Grocers & Italian Warehousemen, at IS pence per bottle. or of the manufnoturer In cases of i a dozen 6s. 6d. (the bottle is secured by a stamp bearing trade-mark). F. HAMMOND, Brentford. MMd)e<«!x. W. TEAS—Very Cheap and Very Good. WEBSTER BROS., 39, Moorgate-st., City, are now supplying a Very Fine Strong Rich Crmgw, 2F,. fill. Very Choice SQuc/rcnq, 28. llld. A large assortment of well selected Black Teas from 1.. 6å. to 2*. id. Orders for 22 worth sent car- riage paid to all parts of England; £ 4 Wales, Scotland, & Ireland, ASPHALTE ROOFING- FELT. ONJ: PIRN* per square foot. CROGGON & Co., MANUFACTURERS, 58, George Square, Glasgow. 2, Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. CLEANLINESS. W G. NIXEY'S Refined BLACK LEAD < for polishing Stoves, Ac., equal to burnished steel. The advantages of this e!egant chemical preparation are, great saving of time, cleanliness of application, smallness of quantity required, and the prevention of waste, dust, and its destructive consequences. Further. it ultimately produces a pure Metallic Coating of a high degree of brilliancy and durability, reflecting both light and heat. Sold everywhere in Id., 24., td.. & ts. packets. COUNTING HOUSE, 12, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. "I Qo a doa.-TARRAGONES-a doz. "| Qd BOTH.SS ALTD CASKS INCLUDED. KJ» Post Orders on Bruton Street. CHARLES WARD AND SON, V-/ WINE MERCHANTS, •f On MAYFAIR. W., LONDON, "f Qct loS.a doz.-TARRAGONES-a doz. los. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE. Vice-Chanoellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the Inventor of Chlo- rodyne, that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.—See The Times, July IS, 18M. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE". The Right Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport that he had received informa- tion to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne.-See Lancet, Dec. si. 1864. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE. Extract from Medical Times, Jail. 1^. 1866.- Is prescribed by scores of orthodox practitioners. Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want & iillapJafle^ R., J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE is the best and most certain remedy in coufhs, colds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, ftc. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE is a certain core in cholera, dysentry, diarrhoea, colics, ftc. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE. CAUTION.—None genuinewithoutthewords "Dr. J. Conis feowne's Chlorodyne" on tbeGovernmentstamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each battle. Sole manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London. The immense demand enables the Proprietors to reduce the price; it is now sold in bottles, Is. lid., 2L 9d. fid. and Us* watamag double quantity hitherto. TEA CHEAPER THAN EVER. STRONG BLACK TEAS, Is. 6d., !R., 2s. 4d. VERY EXCELLENT BLACK TEA is now only 2s. 6d. per pound. pHILIJIPS & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 8, KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY. LONDON, E.G. RARE CHOICE GENUINE COFFEE, Is. 4^. per pound. A PIIICE CUiRKfT POST KEEK. SUGARS AT MARK IT PRICKS. PHI 1,1,1 I>S & Co. send Teas, Co frees, and Spices carriage free to any Railway M.a fin or Market Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Yi ales, if to the value of Ws. PHILLIPS 4 CO., have no apents. and no connection with »ny house in Wovce:;8er or Swansea. tCOLORED FANCY SILKS. Patterns Free. J STRIPED DitAP DE LYONS, £ i 15s. 6rt. per 11 yards. PLAIN BL.ACK i)RAP DE LYONS, 2, ir>s 6U. per It yards. JOHN TIARYKY and SON, 69, UilM;ATE HILI" T^VDON^ XAA PATTERNS SILKS, Post-free. ;\0, BLACK 8ILK, 18s. 6d. to 5 nuineas across. JSJt COIflUEKD S1I.KS PKOM 1 GUINEA TO lu GUINEAS. Trade NICHOLSON & C0., 50 t0 52, Saint Paul's Ohui cli-ytl., E.C. Mark. Litdies should write lor the above before purchasing, ]VI OTH1NG IMPOSSIBLE. — The greatest and most useful inyention of the day, AGUA A5fARELLA —Messrs. JOHN GOi> ELL A' Co, Red Bull Wharf, y:; Upper Thames Street, (late Three King-court, Lombard .street), per- fumers to Her Majesty, i-esj>ectfullv o.Ter to the public this truly marvellous vluid, which gradually restores the human hair to its pristine lillo-no matter at what age. The Agua Ainarella has none of the properties of dyes it, on the contrary, is bene- ficial to the system, and when the hair is once restored one ap- plication per. mouth will keep it in perfed colour. Price one guinea per bottle, half bottles, l()s. *>d- Testimonials from ar- tiste* of the highest order, and from individuals of undoubted respectability, may be inspected. Messrs. Jno. Gosnell and Co. have hiien appointed perfumers t,oll.U.l/. the Princess of Wales. (JORDINU'S GUINEA STORM COAT, 231 STRAND, j TUMTLE-B A 1., LONDON. mHE "VOWEL" WASHINtS MACHINE— JL (BRAD?ORI>'R SEW PATKNT) received the. Only PRIZE M WIA!. at the York Exhibition (awarded November, ISfi). Vowoi A Washinix Machine, best family size £ S 10 0 Witu strong uidiarubber wringer 4 15 0 A B Combined W ashing, Wringing, & Mangling Machine 7 7 0 No. 1 Wringing nn-1 Manglm-; Machine S 10 0 See Catalogue, sixty-foyer paces, free by poet. BRADFORD & CO., (K. feet St. London, Manchester & Dublin. YENUSTAS, a New Pomade; ASTxMNG- KNT 1.0 ¡.IO N, a specific in all case* of the Hair falling off; and tALOi'RICIIOS, aConi'r.nation nf foinal ■ aad Har Wash in one clear linid. V'Alii'KH 'i RU l..?l I t S, il Vilt OliPl'INH ROOMS, No. I. New Bond street. I.ondoii W- Pr.ue, 1*. fid, to 2)«. ttlLK UMBRELL AS, Ladies' or Gentlemen's (Guinea Hrown Silk TTmbrellfts for Is. Gd., Warranted) are forwjtrd^ free to all »v::y on reC'-pt 01 the amount in stamp*. nrP.O.O..by the r?it.cnt ;.ook-°.i;n.h unibreija ft. The above are H' J'un'_ r"d#- ()H Mif CORNS A. frequent exclaraation. though quite unnecessary. An AltNICA PLASTER will give im.uudiate relief, and ia a week or leti riavs with a little a: nml.Hm, tne com whl be tone.—is. per l>ox of lb (jUilers; free by t«<'t.torjWMmp». UOi>P_i-.R,chennst. I.oudo-i Hr:-Ue. K C. GWfci-MT BREATII.-HOOPER'S CACH- OliS for correctii■.? the Rreat-h after Sjnoking. Ac., fii.-t mtlAtf" ill 18W. by HOOP Eft. chemist, London Brt.lze, B. C., are the original, and are still acknowledged tel be the b st. SiXiience per box. post free for 7 stumps. Sold ;i, o by most rc-iirfK'ta1! Ch^misU*and uibaci-oni,is. BecareTnl to observe ri the address l-.ri-'gv" on t >»xes. CALLARD & BOWSERS Celebrated London BUTTER SCOTCH, a pure and wholesome SweHrfteat, Gd. a packet. _SoI'i by Conrectionpr" V 'irooers. The PA TENT MECHANICAL CHAIR" Tj^OR BRUSHING HAIR bj MACHINERY. For Praspertus and P»rticu»an« apnlv to the Patentees snd Sole ManijfaetiirerK, JOI!X (;< is.VKLu and Co., late of 12 Three iCiit; Coffirt, I Kim bard Street, E.C.; now Red Bull Wharf, 8S U jjuer Thames .Street. London. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Vice-Chancellor Sir Wm. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the Inven- tor of Chlorodyne; that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.—See the Timet, July 13,1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Right Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians (and J. T. Davpnport, that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne.-See Laneet, Dec. 31, 1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Extract from Medical M'mes, January 12, 1866 Is pre- scribed by scores of orthodox medical practitioners. Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and fill a place. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'M 1) CHLORODYNE, is the best and most certain remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, &c. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, is a certain cure in cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, colic, &c. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CAUTION.-None genuine without the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell- street, Bloomsbury, London. The immense demand enables the proprietors to reduce the price; it is now sold in bottles Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. PROTECTION FROM FIRE. BRYANT & MAY-S PATENT SPECIAL SAFETY MATCHES, are not poisonous. Light only on the box. Fairfield Works, London, E. May be had of all grocers, ironmongers, chemists, &c. THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS, the Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach." Sold Every- where, in Bottles Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lis. CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for NORTON'S PILLS," and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Office for Patents, 4, Trafalgar-square, Charing Cross, London. PRINTED Instructions (gratis) as to the cost of Patents P for Great Britain or foreign countries. Advice and assistance in disposing of, or worlring inventions. Branch Offices and Agencies in every Continental State, and in America. Established 30 years. Full information as to expired or existing Patents at home and abroad. Apply personally or by letter to Messrs. PRINCE and Co., Patent Office, 4, Trafalgar-square, Charing Cross, London, W.C. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, which are recommended by the Faculty for cough, and all disorders of the lungs, chest, and throat. Sold in boxes, Is. lid.; and tins, 2s. 9d., 4a. 6d., and 11s. each, by T. Keating, chemist, 79, St. Paul's-churchyard, London. Sold retail by all druggists, &c. "USE VN3IZYK AS A DIET." Vide The Tima, September 25th. Only Prize Medal Corn Flour Reported by the Jury "EXCEEDINGLY EXCELLENT FOR FOOD." IF THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE of any one troubled with Wind in the Stomach, Indigestion, or Biliousness, take PAGE WOODCOCK S WIND PILLS. Their world-wide celebrity proves them of sterling merit. Of all medicine vendors, at is. ljd., and 2s. 9d.; or freety post for 14 or 33 stamps from Page D. Woodcock, chemist, Lincoln. Post free, 5 stamps, from the Author, Coombe Lodge, Peckham. ON CONSUMPTION. New Edition of Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE'S Work, which has passed through 73 Editions of 1000 each I This remarkable book treats of the causes, symptoms, and progress of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT, With interesting and extraordinary CASES OF CURE. Treats also of Asthma, Bronchitis, See. MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. ALL the best Books of the Season are in circulation at MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. gp Family and other Book Societies, Town and Village Libra. ries and Reading-rooms supplied on liberal terms. Prospectuses postage free on application. Mudie's Select Library (Limited), New Oxford st., London. BAKER h BAKER'S Rich, Strong, Delicious, True Uncoloured TEAS are imported and sold free from ill adulteration. They can, therefore, be relied on for uni- form good quality, fine flavour, and lasting strength. Sold in Packets from 2 ozs. to 1 tb., at 2s. -id., 2s. 8d., and 3s. 4d. per lb. Choice qualities, 3s. 8d. and 4s. per lb. By chemists, confectioners, &c. LIST or AGENTS :-Cardiff-Morgan, James-street, Bute Docks. Llaada ff- W illiaRls, grocer. Pontypridd—Thomas, grocer, Navigation. Aberaman—Williams, 12, Cardiff-road. Merthyr—Evans, Victoria-street. Aberdare—Dance, 2, Car- diff-street; Edwards, I, Wind-street; Thomas, Bute-street. Pontypridd—Davies, chemist; Davies, grocer, Mill-street. Abercaitaid-Thr,was, grocer. T<roeajrhiew—Knox, chemist, ANTI-CORROSION PAINT. Cheapness and durability combined. GRIMWADE, RIDLEY & CO. beg, particularly at this G season of the year, to call the attention of the public to their improved ANTI-CORROSION PAINT, which will be found cheaper and more durable than ordinary white lead paint. It is superior to every other Anti-Corrosion Pcint that has yet been offered to the public, inasmuch as it con. tains a large portion of lead as a baSil., tbereby giving it cover- ing properties not possessed by thetof other makers. It does not require skilled labour for its use, the only instructions necessary are to mix the paint thick, and keep stirred whilst being applied, also to rub it well on to the surface of the work. It can be used with great advantage for all out-buildings, whether of wood, plaster, brick iron, or stucco, as it never blisters or peels off, and becomes hard by exposure to the weather. Specimens and testimonials may be seen, and orders exe- euted, at the manufactory, St. Clement's, Ipswich, and 4, St. Helen's, London. 132 Gr. A- STOJXTIS'S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT STANDS unrivalled for moderate charges, com- S bined with Coffins, Hearses, Mourning Coaches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Fune- rals of superior style aud finish, and is conducted un- der the immediate superintendence of the proprietor. Everything necessary for completely furnishing fune- rals kept on the premises friend8 of deceased persons are thereby spared the troublo of consulting any second j person. The proprietor, keeping horses, hearses, j mourning coaches, &c., can offer advantages for fune- rals of every description, at prices lower than any other house in Cardiff. Arrangements for graves, &c., also made by proprietor. Funeral, with best hearse and coach, pair of horses and hanging velvets to each, supe- rior black cloth coffin richly nailed, nttia breastplate engraved, flannel linings, mat- l tress in bottom, flannel shroud, beet pall, I hatbands, and attendance to cemetery £5 10 0 1 Snd Class, with hearse and coach complete. 4 0 0 3rd Class, ditto ditto 3 3 0 I 4th Class, ditto ditto 2 15 0 5th Class, coffin, pall, hatbands, superior carriage to take corpse and friends • • 2 0 0 6th Class 1 15 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. Children's coffins, covered with blue or blaok, from ,049 Children's carriage funerals, from •• 0 9 6 The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls Hatbands, &c., on advantageous terms. Please note the Address 11, WORKING STREET (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CAI.DJFF. Entrance to Hearse and Mourning Coach Department, Workshops, &c., by Hill's-tecrace. N.B.—Licensed to let Horses, Cabs, &c.; Dog-etrt to let on Hire. 116 —— 11U1IIU ■»».—a—EEEPnm«a MR. HUGO (late Surgeon and Medical Snperinten- dant of Longwood House Asylum) may be con- sulted dailv from 10 to 4 and 6 to 10 on all cases which are daily advertised by ignorant pretenders, and at one-third their prices; also, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, on diseases of the Eye and Deafness. All communications to enclose stamp, and addressed to Mr. Hugo, Surgeon, 244, Bute- oad. Cardiff, 111 THE SMOKER'S BONBON. EFFECTUALLY removes the taste and smell of tobacco E from the mouth and breath, and renders smoking agreeable and safe. It is very pleasant and wholesome. Prepared by a patent procefis, from the recipe of an emirent physician, by SCHOOLING & CO., Wholesale Confectioners, Bethnal-green, Loudon, in Sixpenny and ShtMting boxes; post free, 7 and 11 stauipt.—Sold by Chemists, Tobacconists, &c.. 107 RENSIIAW'S DIARIES AND POCKET EOOKS for namerous sizes and styles. D. DUNCAN, Bookseller, 10, St. MTU^R-street, Cardift, v. .Lz R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABLISHED 1H58. FOR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families with PURE WINES of the highest character, at a Saving of at least 30 per cent. per doz. per dez. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY 27S STLENDIO OLD PORT 37s (The standard of excellence} (Eleven years in the wood) SHERRIES. Per dor. Per doz. Roy AL VICTORIA SHERRY 27s Superior selected do 306 to 36s (The standard of excellence). Fine Golden 42s to 48s Excellent dinner East India Sherrv.. 45is to 60s Sherry 20s to 24s Manzanilla 42s PORTS. Per doe. Per doz. SPLENDID OLD PORT S7S Port, Old Crusted 42s to 48s (11 years in the wood.) High-flavoured Old 54s to 60s Port from the wood 24e to 80s Very Dry Old 72s to 120s CLARETS. Per doz. I Per doz ST. JULIEN CLARET 124s Rausan and Mouton 42s to 48s Medoc • 14s to 18s Leoville and Larone 48s to 548 Bordeaux 18. to 20s Sauterne & Chablis 36s to 60s St. Estephe 80s to 36B CHAMPAGNE. Per doz. Per do«. Creaming Epernay S4s Moet and Chandon's (1st Sparkling Verzenay 36s quality) 60s Ay Mousseux 42is Madame Veuve Clicquot's 72s Chansarel and Co.'s Gold Roederer's Carte Blanche SOt; Foil 48s In pints, 4s. per 2 dozen pints extra. GERMAN WINES. Per doe. Per doz. Sparkling Hock 4 £ s t« 66s Still Hock 86s to Ms Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66s Cabinet Ditto 78stol00e SICILIAN WINES. Per doz. Per doz. Bronte Marsala 2(te SPANISH PORT 15s Virgin 24s PRUSSIAN SHEREY 15s Old Brown Syracuse 26ti BBAUJOLAKS, 20S. per dozen (the finest imported). SPIRITS. (Of the finest quality only, and at wholesale prices.) Per Bot. Brandy-Old Colonial 2s 2d 8s Od Brandy—Cognac, Six years old 4s Od Brandy-Cognac, Ten years old. 4s 3d Brandy-Cognac, Martell's finest 5s 4d (Bottled on their Estate) Brandy-Cognac, Twenty years old 6s 4d Per gal. Per bot. Fine Loudon Gin 13d 2s 2d Fine Old Gin 15e 2s 6d Rum-Fineflt Old JamaicA 188 3s Od Rum—Old Pine Apple ditto 22s 3s 8d Whiskey—Irish and Scotch 188 3s Od Whiskey—Vorv Old 218 3s 6d HoUacda—Schiedam, De Kuyper's Ma 3s Od Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the Sole Agents for Cardiff-— PRITCHARD BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS & WINE MERCHANTS, 20, DUKE-STREET. PRITCHARD BROTHERS beg to state that they have made arrangements with the above Company for a regular supply of their CHOICE WINES, which are offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this Neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and they trust, by strictly adhering to their system, to secure a share of public patronage. PRITCHARD BROTHERS, 2.0, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DIAMOND IRISH WHISKEY, 20s. per Gallon, or in original Cases, 1 dozen Bottles, 42s. Single Bottles supplied, 3B. 8d. per Bottle. 910 TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! JOHN OWEN, 49, SIIUDEHILL, MANCHESTER, ei IMPORTER and DEALER in all descriptions of FOREIGN and ENGLISH FANCY GOODS. SPECIAL ATTENTION. — Shippers, shopkeepers, hawkers, auctioneers, and others, are requested to inspect the STOCK comprising toys, dolls, puzzles, concertinas, workboxes, desks, dressing-cases, papier machie, tables and trays, vases, lustres, fruit, flower, and bird shades, pipes, stems, cigar cases, per. fumery, combs and brushes, brooches, bags, purses, ladies' companions, archery bows and arrows, targets, cricket bats, balls, wickets, leg-guards, stumps, gloves, solid and hollow india-rutiber balls, children's perambulators, rocking and shaped horses, &-c. Cases of Goods always ready from X2 to £ 5 and £ 10, up to £ 15. Terms, only for cash. NOTE — The Old-Established WHOLESALE TOY and GENERAL FANCY WAREHOUSE, 40, ShuelehiJ!, Man- chester, JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. N B.—No Travellers or Agents employed—prioes therebj reduced. 476 GIVEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL WORK entitled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or a Warning Voice to Young Men, on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &:c" which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain directions for perfect restoration to health, and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent Tavistock-square, London, W.C 426 KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. IF you suffer frora Headaches, Bilious Com- plaints, Indigestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, General De- bility, Nervousness, Tic Doloreux, TRY KKRNICK'H VEGET- ABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no oonfinementin-doors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the best medicine in the world. The best aperient pills for ordinary use, in constipated habits, that I know."—DR. BALBIRNIK. Cured me of a severe liver complain."—RICHARD REES, the celebrated Cheap John. Many years a constant sufferer in my hflftd and stomach. Have received great benefit from taking your valuable pills. JORN SULLY, Bridgwater. Hundreds of testimonials of a simHar character have been re- ceived by the Proprietor, S.P. KERNIOK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Cardiff. Sold by the appointed Agents, and by most respectable Chemists, in boxes at Ptd., Is. lid., and 2s. yd. each, with direc- tions for use, and the best means for restoring and preserving health. WHOLESALE AGENTS.—London: El1.rday &. Sons; Sutton and Co. Newbery & Son. Bristol: A. & J. Warren; Colllius and Roper; Ackeiman; and Leonard & Robinson. AGENTS: Bute Docks—Prust & Johns, chemists, Rotlisay-terraoe Cttntoll-Yorath, chemists, and I Llantriri^ant Slade, chemist, and Pitts, grocer and Williams, grocer Roath-Merchant, Castle-road Penarth—White, and Hicks LIandaff-R. Williams, grocer Pontypridd Basset, chemist Bridgend-Price, chemist, and St. Mellons—-Morgan, grocer Griffiths, Chronicle Offioe St. Fagans Thomas, grouev Cow bridge-Lister, chemist,and Tiehertoert Jenkins, chemist Thomas, themist 1U5 BYRON'S COMPLETE WORKS.—J«st Published, Mur- ray's Copyright Edition of BVBON'S COMW.KTK POETICAL WORKS, pearl type, 68& pages. Price 2s. 6d, paper covers, and 3s. 6d. cloth boards. D. DUNCAN, Bookseller, 10, St. Mary-street. POPULAR EDITIONS OF THE POETS HANDSOME EDITIONS of the Works of the following Poets, c-omplete in One Volume, containing steel and wood Engravings, printed on toned paper, and bound ir; bevelled and gilt boards, gilt edges, &c. Price 3s. 6d., or ir morocco binding, 6s. Od. Longfellow Scott Byron Burns Milton Cowper Pope Goldsmith Moore Montgomery Herbert Rogers CampbeH Southey Bloomfield Chaueer Wordsworth Crabbe Massey Thomson Also, uniform in sizo, style, and price, THE CASKET OF GEMS, a Seleotion from all the British Poets; Shakespear, 2 rols.; Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro- gress and Holy War, 1 vol.; and Lives of the British Poets. An Edition of" The Poets" may also be had bound in greec cloth, with illustrations by Gilbert and others, at Is. 6d. pet vol. Also, lloutledye's British Poets, superior edition, 0s. each. A Catalogue of Illustrated Books suitable for GIFTS or SCHOOL PRIZES may be had gratis. D. DUNCAN, BOOKSKLLEB, 10, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. THE ELECTRIC AND INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. (INCORPORATED, 1846.) MESSAGES forwarded to all parts of the United King- dom and the Continent, by direct circuit, at greatly reduced rates. CARDIFF CHIEF OFFICES: 4 & 5, POWELL-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS. Open Day and Night. BRANCH OFFICES: SOUTH WALES RAILWAY STATION.—Hours of attendance Week Days, 8.0 a.m. to 8.0 p.m. Sundays, 9.0 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.,and 0. p.m. to 6.0 p.m. Town HALL READING Rooms-Week Days only, 9.0. a.m to 9.G p.m. BY ORDER A FORTUNE for a Trifle, £ 25,000 for £ 1.—Full particu lars of this most advantageous money speculation, guaranteed by Government, will be sent Free on application, enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to John Foster, Esq., 16, Northumberland-street, Strand, London .W.C. 1079 guaranteed by Government, will be sent Free on application, enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to John Foster, Esq., 16, Northumberland-street, Strand, London ;W.C. 1079 STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, (LIMITED). r I new fu"'P0Wered British Iron Screw Steam-ships SHIPS. TONS. SHIPS. TFINS. Erauce (building) 3200 Pennsylvania, Lewis 2873 The Queen, Grogan 3412 Virginia, Prowse 2876 England, Grace 3400 1 Denmark,Thompson 2870 Erin, Cutting 3200 I Louisiana. Harrington 2266 Helvetia, Thompson 3325 1 Will be despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows:- FiXIN WEDNESDAY, Mar. 6th. VIRGINIA WEDNESDAY, Mar. 13th. PENNSLLVANIA WEDNESDAY, Mar. 20th. And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is very superior. Rate of Passage from Liverpool to New York Fifteen Guineas. Return Tickets, Twenty-Five '-fuineaa. There is excellent accommodation for Steerage Passengers, and a full supply of cooked provisions served up by the Com- pany's Stewards. Passengers booked through to Aspinwall, San Francisco, the inland towns of Canada, and of the United States on favourable terms. For Freight or Passage apply to the National Steam Navi gation Company (Limited), 14, Tibe Albany, OldhaU-street and 23, Water-street, Liverpool; to N. & J. Cummins and Bros., Queenstown, or to MESSRS. J. NICHOLAS AND CO. Shipbrokers, 2, Mount Stnart terrace, Docks, Cardiff. EDWARD JENKINS, Maesycwmur, Newport. 126 LIYERPOOL.'NEW' YORK, & PHILADELPHIA S.S. CO. INMAN LINE. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES HAILS. ^THE COMPANY'S FULL- POWERED STEAMERS will be des- ^1 patched as under:— FROM LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK. CITY OF BOSTON Wednesday, Feb. 27 EDINBURGH Saturday, Mar. 2 CITY OF BALTIMORE Wednesday, Mar. 6 And every Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin Passage by the Mail Steamers sailing every Wednesday, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to the accommodation. Forward Passage includes a full supply of cooked Provisions. Passengers for CANADA and the UNITED STATES booked through on very advantageous terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM IKMAN, 22, Water-street, Liverpool; or to R. BURTON & SON, Cardiff. 775 BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY. THE SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE TO AND FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES, LIVERPOOL, AND THE NORTH. ————— THE Splendid PASSENGER p JL STEAMSHIPS of this Company are VNJl intended to ply as under, weather, &c., per- sS^MltWMttU.lfamitting. during MARCH, between BURNHAM AND CARDIFF FROM BURNHAM. FROM CARDIFF. 1 8 30 p.m. FARES FROM 1 12 30 p.m.( 2 4 15,, CARDIFF DOCKS 2 115 „ c^FTO^. TO— 4 3 30 „ 4 7 0 a.m.L 6 Sri els. 5 3 30 p.m.fljondon 3rd cl. 6 3 30 „ s. d. 6 ^Waterloo s. d. 7 4 15 „ Llandaff..0 6 7 8 0 a.m.' Station) 13 6 8 5 45 „ Newbridge 1 2 8 8 0 tExeter.6 2 9 5 45 „ Aberdare..2 1 9 8 0 Plymouth 10 61 Merthyr ..2 2 {Falmouthl5 10J 11 10 30 a.m. Caerphilly 0 10| 11 8 0 „ Penzance 17 2^ 12 1130 „ llengoed..1 4 12 8 0 „ Salisbury 7 3 13 11 35 „ Rhymney 2 1^ 13 8 15 „ fPortsmth 9 4i 14 12 80p.m. 14 9 30 |Gosport..l0 4i 15 2 15 „ 15 11 0 „ Lsouthmptn7 10| 16 8 45 „ IN O 16 1 15 p.m. <Jersey or) a ;o fGuernsy. ( 13 5 C „ 2 95 18 2 30 „ 'Weymouth 8 9 19 £ 19 3 30 „ SPoole .7 9 20 8 30 „ 20 21 4 15 „ o3 g 21 8 0 a.m. 22 5 45 >4 fe 22 8 0 „ 23 5 45 „ 5 I 23 8 0 „ -t; co 25 10 15 a.m.. 4 25 8 0 26 10 30 „ g 26 8 0 27 11 80 „ a- 27 8 0 „ 28 12 30 p.m. § « 28 10 15 „ 29 12 80 „ .2-2 29 10 15 „ 30 1 15 „ 5 A 30 10 15 „ BURNHAM AND SWANSEA. With Merchandise cnly.—Particulars of Sailing can be ascer- tained on application to Mr. Pockett, South Dock, Swansea, and at the Burnham or Highbridge Railway Stations. BURNHAM AND PORT TALBOT. With Merchandise only.—Particulars of Sailing can be ascer- tained on application to Messrs. Jenkins and Loveluck, Port Talbot, and at the Railway Stations, Highbridge and Burnham. FARES :—Saloon, 5s.; Fore Cabin, 3s. Return (available for one week), 7s. od. and 5s. Parcels, Goods, and Cattle for conveyance by this route will be received at any Station on the Bristol and Exeter, Somerset and Dorset, London and Sonth-Western Railways, and all packages should be plainly directed "By Steamer from Burnham," in order to prevent any improper charge being made. Further particulars as to Freight, &c., may be obtained on ap- plication to the Goods Manager, Glestonbury, Burnham, or Cardiff; or of Mr. J. W. Pockett, agent, South Dock, Swansea; of Messrs. Jenkins and Loveluck, agents, Port Talbot. ROBERT A. READ. Secretary and General Manager. Offices, Glastonbury. Feb., 1866. 234 STEAM SHIP COMM U NIC AT ION BETWPEN CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. CORK STEAM SHIP if' X COMPANY'S First Class Powerful ,'R\RT2AMBRS,—DODO, Capt. RATNES, 1000 Tons, 300-horse power; CORMORANT, Capt. CROFT,"1,280 Tons, 300 horsepower; MINNA,Capt. HOLLAND, 1000 Tons. 900-horce power, are aitended to ply as underneath, unless prevented by any unforeseen occurence, with or without a Pilot, with liberty to tow vessels, during the month of March 1867. 70 CORK. Fro-n Cardiff Saturday 2 2 after From Newport Saturday 9 7 mem From Cardiff • Saturday 16 2 after From Newport Saturday 23 7 morn Froai Cardie Saturday SO 12 noon. FROM GOR."lL To Hilford and Newport Wedneeday 6 2! after To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 13 7 morn To Milford and Newport Wednesday 20 21 after To Milford and Card-ff Wednesday 27 7 morn FARES BETWEEN NEWPORT, CARDIFF, AND CORK. To Cork and back in Best Cabin (Tickets available for one month). RI 78. To Cork, Best Cabin (.no Steward's fee), 17s. 6d. Deck. 7s. Goods conveyed to and from Limerick at Through Rates via Cork. Horses, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods intended for Ship- ment, should be alongside two hours before the time of sailing. The Company also give notice, that they will not be account- able for P»8s«rt;7"rs' Luggage, unlese the value thereof be de- clared, and freight paid ØoCt"(Jrl!ing]y, at the time of shipment; and that pansengers from Newport or Cardiff must obtain their Ticket at the otSce before going on board. For Freights, &c., apply at the Company's Offioe, Cork, or to their Agents, Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Ship-broker, Bute Docks, Car- diff. Mr. JAMKS MADDOCKS. Cork Steam Ship Wharf, Pillgwenlly, Newport, Mon., and Messrs WttsoN, SON, and WALTER, Corn Exchange, Liverpool. 108 lilvLlirF T'ltO.M COUGH IN TEN minutes! HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOTJND for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. This preparation promotes expectoration, abates fever, and allays the eough. Being agreeable to the palate, it may be administered with ease and safety to children as well fs adults, it wili be found to give instantaneous and perfect relief, and if persevered in it will scarcely ever fail to eftect a rapid and lasting cure. It bas a most pleasant and luscious taKte. Prepared only by A. Haymas, 6bemist, Neath sold in bottles, at Is. 11,3. and 2s. 9d. each, by all respectable Chemists in Cardiff, Newport. Merthyr, and throughout the Principality. Wholesale agents, W. Sutton aad Co., and Barclay and Sons, London Collins and Roper, and Pearce and Co., Bristol; and Evans and Co., Liverpool; Kernick and Bowring, Cardiff. 200 GllANl) PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD AND RESTORER OF HEALTH. SARSA PARILLA: CAIRD'S PURE CONCENTRATED SOLUBLE EX- TRACT hss never been known to fail in perfectly puring every kind of skin disease, blotches, pimples, and erupt'ons on the face and body. In bottles, Is. 9s., 2a. 9tL, is. M.,and lis. See the signature, "Alex. Caird" on the stamp over each bottle. Sir William Fordyce ("'Med. Obs. and Inq. vol. 1, page 1G2) jbserves—" Sarsaparilla is the great restorer of appetite, flesh, colour, strength, and vigour." Th" great objeets of this medicine are—To search oat and purify the blood from all bad burnouts and secretions; to cleanse the stomach and bowels of acrid humours, and all efiete, worthless matter; to set up an alterative action, whereby the vitiated blood becomes new and pure; to oause the various organs to throw out all diseased, impure, and poisonous matter; to give vitality and vigorous healty action to the arteries, veins, muscles, nerves, and pores of the sktn. Prepared only by Alexander Caird, at his Laboratory, 51, Castle-street, Bristol Appointed Agents for Cardiff: —MESSP. JAMES AND WKLL1AMS, Chemists ahd Druggists, Bute-street. 606 BONA FIDE MONEY SPECULATION. nnn OOO STERLING, guaranteed by Govern IOjUUUjUUU are annuaiiy divided in monthly allotments in various sums upwards to f 2.5,000 Sterling. An investment of .91 may secure £ 25,000 Sterling. For prospectus (which will be sent gratis) apply to Fre- derick Sintz, Banker, Frankfort-on-the-Maine or letters addressed to him at 8, Three King Court, Lombard-street, London, E.C., will be immediately forwarded, 856 POSTPONEMENT OF THE RHYMNEY ART UNION. The Rhymney Art Union is Postponed until THURSDAY, the 2-5th day of APRIL, 1867. therefore the Duplicates will not be required until the 15th of the same month. TICKETS, SIXPENCE EACH. (All prizes to be delivered carriage free.) The Drawing will be on the principle of the Art-Union, and the successful numbers will be published in the Cardiff Timet, For further particulars apply to the Secretaries: Messrs. John Rees, Wm. Lewis, Benjamin Jones, Rhymney Office; J. Lloyd and J. Williams, Pontlottyn Shop J. Croft, Pontlottvn; A. Price and W. Miles, Rhymney Shop Miss Jones and Miss Roberts, Lower British School, Rhymney.—Corresponding Seeretaries: The Rev. M. Wright, Rh>mney, Mon.. and Mr Robert Thomas, Plantation Field, Rh)mney. 1032 TREE HAFOD, PONTYPRIDD. ART UNION PRIZE DRAWING IN aid of the Fund to BUILD Two BRITISH SCHOOLS, one in GWAEN YR EYRW aLd the other in HOPKINS' TOWN. The Drawing wiU take place at TreeHafod Assembly Room, near Pontypridd, on TUESDAY, the 7th of MAY next, ia presence of W. Wayne, Esq., Ty Mawr; T. Williams, Esq., Lan; M. W. Morgan, Esq., Hafod; and E. Thomas, Esq., Llwyncelyn. The following valuable Prizes will be drawn for:- First Prize.-Any Atficle or Articles chosen and purchased by the Winner, to the value of £ '21 0 0 2.—A good Cow and Calf. 15 10 0 3 -Edlea' Dial. 1212 0 4.—A good Pony. 8 0 (t 5.—A splendid Silver Lever Watch. 5 5 0 6.—A Chest of Drawers 5 5 0 7.—A good Sack of Flour 2 15 0 8.—A good Side of Bacon 2 10 0 9 —A good Sheep and Lamb. 2 5 O 10.— Twenty yards of Welsh Flannel 115 0 y 11.—A good Welsh Flannel Gown. 1 15 0 12.—Flannel Shawl 1 15 0 13.—A good Pembroke Table. 110 0 14.—Pair of home-made Blankets' 1 10 0 15.-Iron Bedstead 15 0 16.—Chimney Glass 1 1 0 li.-Two good Elbow Chans 1 0 0 18.—A Set of China Vases 10 0 j 19.—A Timepiece 0 15 0 J 20.—A good Set of Trays. 010 0 In addition to the above Prizes, there will be numerous others, making together upwards of two hundred, the smallest Prize exceeding 5s. in value. The list contains articles both useful and ornamental, which cannot fail to give general satisfaction. The winning numbers will be published in the Gwladgawr and Cardiff Times, on Saturday, 11th of May next, and a list will be forwarded on application, by enclosing a stamped envelope to the corresponding secretary. Treasurers—Mr. E. Plummer, colliery viewer; and Mr. J. Williams, Troed-y-trwyn. Auditors-H. Morgan, Esq., Pwll- gwaen Cottage Rev. J. Griffiths, Rhydfeloen and Mr. W. j Evans, Post-offioe, Gyfeillon. Committee of Management— Chairman, Rev. M. Moses; Mr. Morgan Morgan: Mr. W. Evan; Mr. Thos. Evans; Mr. D. Lawrence; Mr. W. Evans, Cwm George. Hon. Secretary—Mr. Lewis Davies, Neath- bran. Corresponding Secretary—Mr. J. Daniel, Bryn Hyfryd, near Pontypridd. TICKETS, SIXPENCE EACH, or a Book of 12 for 5s. 925 TWO HOUSES FOR SIXPENCE. j PENYDARREN ART UNION. ELIM PRIZE DRAWING, IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE CHAPEL. THE DRAWING will take place at the Penydarren British School-r»om, Penydarren, on THURSDAY, MAY 16thf 1867, in the presence of Dr. J. Emlyn Jones, W. Smyth, Esq., W. L. Daniel, Esq., Merthyr; T. Davies, Esq., Peny- darren E. Evans, Esq., D. G. Jones, Esq., Dowlais; and other Gentlemen. The following valuable Prizes will be drawn for :— FIRST PRIZB-TWO HOUSES, Situate at Elim-street, Penydarren, value £1:30. Annnal Rent, XS 16s. Leasehold Property, 80 years unexpired. Prize. Value. 2nd.—A Brilliant-toned Pianoforte. £20 0 0 Srd.-A Gold Watch 14 0 0 4th.—A Harmonium 8 0 0 5th.—A rich Paisley Shawl 3 3 0 6th.—A Galvanic Battery 2 10 0 7th.—A Sofa 300 8th.—A Six Barrel Revolver 2150 9th.J. Thomas's, Esq., Collection of Welsh Melodies, 2 vols.2 2 0 10th.—A Suit of Gentleman's Clothes.. 210 0 11th.—A good Iron Bedstead 1 0 12th.—An Arm Chair ] 0 0 18th.—A Silk Umbrella. 110 14th.-A Concertina. 110 15th.—A handsome Dressing Case. 110 16th.—A Lady's Work Box 1 1 O 17th.—A Chimney Timepiece. 110 18th.—A Waterproof Overcoat 110 19th.-A Welsh Flannel Dress 1 10 0 20tb.—A China Tea Service • • • 110 21st.—A handsome Electro Silver Teapot 110 22nd.—A Writing Desk. 1 1 0 20rd.—A Looking Glass 110 24th.—A Set of Trays 0 10 0 In addition to the above Prizes, there will be numerous other Prizes of the value of 5s. and upwards, making together upwards of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS sterling in value, comprising articles both useful and orna- mental, which cannot fail to giv$general satisfaction. The Drawing will be on the principle of the Art Unien, ani the successful numbers will be published in the CARDIFT TIMES, Merthyr Telegraph, Cambria Daily Leader, Merthyr Express, Sereit CyMrM, t.nd Gwladijarwr, for May 31st, 1867. A list of Winning Numbers will be forwarded to any person who will send a stamped addressed envelope for the same. Treasurer: W. H. James, Esq., West of England Bank, Merthyr.—Auditors: Messrs. J. Daniel and Wm, Davies, Penydarren.—Hon. Secretaries Messrs. W. Jones, J. Jones, D. Davies, H. I. Rees, L. M. Bowen, J. Evans, and J. Davies, Penydarren—Corresponding Secretary Mr. John Evans, druggist, Penydarren, Merthyr. Tickets-Sixpence each. Agent for Cardiff-Mr. D. Duncan, Cardiff Times Office, 10. St. Mary-street. 978 THE NEW TREDEGAR ART UNION PRIZE DRAWING, In aid of the Building Fund of the Uohdir IndepeBdent Chapel. THE DRAWING will take place at New Tredegar, on TUESDAY, 4th JUKE, 1867, in the presence of T. Burn, T. S. Jackson. T. C. Henchley, R. Lonie, R. Bedlingtcn, S.' Buchan. B. Hughes, J. Phillips, D. Thomas, T. LI. Davies and E. Foster, Esqs. The following Valuable Prizes will be drawn fer:- THE FIRST FIVE PRIZES, VALUE £ 73 10B, Prize. Value. I St.—A magnificent Gold Lever Watch j621 0 0 Snd.—A handsome fine-toned Pianoforte IH 18 0 ard.-An elegant Gold Lever Watch 15 15 Q 4th.—A Lady's handsome Gold Watch 10 10 0 5th.—A superior Silver Lever Watch 7 7 0 6 A.—A Feather Bed 6 5 0 7th.—Electro Silver-plated Tea Service 550 8th.—A Double Barrell Gun. 5 0 0 0th.—A handsome Sofa (mahogany) 4 4 0 10th.—A Silk Dress. 330 11 th.-A i ich Paisley Shawl 3 3 0 12th.-A Musical Box 30 0 13th.—A Counterpane and a pair of Blankets 2100 14th.-A Barometer. 2 t) 0 15th.—An Easy Chair 1 15 0 Ittdi.—Two Hams 110 t9 17th.—A piece of Welsh Flannel for a Lady's Dress 1 10 0 18th.—A Violin. 1 8 0 19tb.-A Writing Desk, with materials 1 5 0 20th.-A Photographic Likeness of Winner.. 110 21st.—A splendid Metronome. 110 22nd.-A Silk Umbrella 1 1 0 23rd.—A Damask Table Cloth. 1 0 0 24th.—A pair of Gentleman's Boots 1 0 0 25th.—A piece of white Welsh Flannel 1 0 9 26th.—Half-a dczen Pounds of Tea 1 0 0 8" Also, a Choice Selection of 2-50 other useful Articles, Taring in value from ZI to 5s. 4W The Drawing will be on the principle of the Art Union of Great Britain, and the successful numbers will be published in the CARDIFF TIHES, Star of Gtvent, Merthyr Express, ltlcr- thyr Telegraph, the Byd Cymreig, Hereford Times, Cambria Daily Leader, and Baner Cymru. A list of Winning Numbers will be forwarded upon the receipt of a stamped directed envelope. — TICKETS, SIXPENCE EACH. All Prizes will be delivered Carriage Free. Corresponding Secretary—Mr. Walter Hogg. Secretaries- Messrs. Spenoer Jackson, Dd. Phillips, Hy. T. Watkins, Geo. Hibbs, Henry Thomas (Hope), New Tredegar, Newport, Mon. Treasurers—Messrs. J. Jeremiah, J. Edmunds, W. Thomas. Auditors—Messrs. T. S. Jackson and J. Thomas. K.B.—Agents wanted. Liberal Commission allowed. Ap- plications for Tickets, or for any further information, to be made to either of the Secretaries. ABBXT IW CARDIFF :— Mr. B. DUNCAN, "CARDIFF TIMBS" OFFICE, 10, St. Mary-street, €ardi$95%