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CHOLEBA—The best Preventative is RA G G' S VEGETABLE G H AR C O A L. JOSold throush all Chemists in bottles, 2s.. 4s.. & 6s.each: and the pra'- cr. -T 1" Hiunn. 2, Wiirmore-st.. Cavendish-sq., London. ^vv.±.jjbj.U±i'' _f±iiZE MEDAL FAMILY JCi SF/IVIXG and EMBROIIVRRY MACIITCKS, with Stands, Jfce. eomnleu1. price t6 Gs.; Simplest, clieapesf, and best.— IVHKJiiT & MANN. 14S Ilolborn Bar?, London. Re. Lists tree -V-V ALKER'S CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES arc superseding all others on account- of their sre:it strengtli and accuracy. Silver from £ C 6s. Gold from £ l-> l.S. <;s rpi-nhill. >1.0. & -j:»> UegsnNst-.W. Descriptive Pamphlet tree. OJSiiJ DAY AFTER SENDING A POST- OiTICK ORDER for Two Guineas, payable to A. LYNES, at 193 Shovediteh, London, you will have one of his unrivalled K By SING TON SUITS sent you, carriage free. WHY SUFFER RHEUMATISM, GOUT, Lumba.so.Spra.in.Bruise, or "Weak Limbs V—KLLIMAVS UNIVERSAl, EMBHOCATION, externally applied is ail infallible xeme(ly. Sold at ] s. Ud. a i-oz.bott,le. Can be rm.d of all Chemist?. SEWINLG IVIACHINES; the FLORENCE, for Family use, positively unequalled prospectus, with samples of w< rk, post-free. Address FLORENCE SEWING MACIIIN10^ COMPANY, 97 Cheapside. ondon,E.C. K. llfUlFlANCJiORTES byC.HAMPTON ♦J, v/attest the worth of this maker's principle of construction. The new Illustrated Catalogue, shewing recent improvement s. free. 7t. formerly 31. Cliarlotte-st., Fitzroy-sq., W. ILL I ART) TABLE CLOTHS— The Cheapest House in London for Billiard Table Cloths and Bagatelle Table Cloths, i t Oil 11LL, INMAN, and CO.'S, Cloth Fair, West Smithfield. Lon doii, E.C. THE NEW FILTER. patented by Mr. LIPS- COMB K, Temple-bar, J, oiuton, bas been supplied to above 3*00 physicians A surseons. This celebrated tliter is the only one tBa&jemoves lead.Jiibe, a sewage troln water, l'rost cctus free. TZ EEP your LOGS for a Penny a day.—Pure Fibrine. unsalted Prairie Meat Dog Biscuits; mny be Odetei ground: unsurpassed for Poultry: either. 'JOs. ewt. (for cash)Carriage&bas: free. J< HMSTBATT.gl.Middle-row.Bolborn. Dye your Kibhons, &c., with TUCSON'S SIMPLE DYES for the People" 0 Any one can use them." 12 BRILLIANT COLOURS-SIXPENCE PER BOTTLE. Of Chemists at home and abroad. T .AMPLOUGH S PYRETIC SALINE is a L Specific in CHOLERAIC IsIARPJICEA, Headache, Sickness, Fevers, and Biliousness, it immediately TelieTes. Sold by all Chemists, and the Manufacturer, H. Lamplotl,u:h.ll:; H<<lT>ora-Lul, next Hattou Garden, T.mdon, t> 0. ATENT~FASTENING, for covers and -N- cushions of chairs. Sold wholesale by JEJs'R^ >,nd HOLT, 55, Bread-street, Cheapside; CAR III AN and COIM»ii.i.> «<>, Camion-st.,St. Paul's. Chintz wimple post-free toi lS^tam- .«»- dressert Mr.' oehrane. patent oflice. -i7 Buckleisbmy.Cufcai.Mue. T LAST. 38. HAYMARKLT, CORNER OF COVENTRY STREET, LONDON. Manufacturer of all kinds of l'O R/i\M A-Vi'iJAL S, Ladies' Railway Imperial Bonnet-boxes. Biitrs of every description. liu. lock, and Overland Trunks. J. IJ. TESNEC f 11 calts the Public attention to his improved and much a re Mouth Hags. C sent to any part post-free. F~~ OR 1 Hx- JiL IJLION, Price ls.-The newly -'L' invented AMERICAN POCKET TIMEPIECE of average wnteh size. a correct indicator of time. warranted to kecp in gOÍlIK on!or for years. Gold accessories. gilt case, Sc..included. Sent post free to any part of the I ned Kingdom for k urteeu stamps. Four will be sent for the price of three. Hundreds forwarded daily to all parts of the world. Agents wanted everywhere.—Address FIELD and SON, 1G, Peclcham-grove, CamberweU, London, S, TEAS-UNEQUALLED IN GOODNESS. WEBSTER BROS.' Teas are the best in I,o rid on. Good Black, Is.Sd., la.Wd.,2s.; Fine Strong, -2s.4d„ 2a. 8d Choice, 3s.. 8s. 2d.; Extra fine Souchong, 3s.4d. Orders or dESCiwriagenaid to all parts or England; JEt Wales, Scotland, and Intend.—V?CBSTKR BROS. h;> Moor, ite-street. London. E.C. ABPHAL TE SOOFIiNG PELT. OKJS PKKNY per square foot. I^IROGGON & Co., MANUFACTURERS, ?!' f ™ Aatrl S?reet> I London, E.C. (34, Bread Street, J 59, George Square, Glasso-vr. 2, Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. CLEANLINESS. W G. NIXEY'S Refined BLACK LY-AD W • for polishing Stoves, &c., equal to burnished steel. The advantages of this elegant chemical preparation are, great sawing of time, cleanliness of application, sma ilness of quantity required, and the prevention of te, dust, and its destructive consequences. Further, it ultimately produces a pure Met allic Coating of a high degree of brilliancy and durability, reflecting both light and heat. Sold everywhere in id., 2d., 4d., & Is packets. C<)0NTIN(i HOU'E, 12, EQHQ SQUAKE, LONDON. 18s. per doz^—TAERAGON.E'S—per doz. 18s. BOTTLES AND CASES INCLUDED. Post Orders on Bruton Street. C, HARLES WARD AND SON, > WINE MERCHANTS, MATPAIR. W., LONDON. 18s. per doz.-TARRAGONES=l?er doz. 18s. JCM HOFF'S XALT EXTRACT. AN unfailing Remedy for Stomach and Chest complaints, Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lost Appetite, and Consumption. Testimonia Is as to efficiency and agreeab eflavour from most of the CROWNED HEAPS of EUROI-E, MH-ITAEY and JJAVAI. HOSPITALS, MOST KMINENT PHTSICIAMS, and trom THOU- SANDS of SumiHiiM. Six Exhibition Prize Medals from L ndon, JParis, & Berlin. Price is. 9d. per bot. Sole Dep6t. 30, Qxford-st., W. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, JD was pronounced PTJRK AND PUKFECTLY WHOUSOME, by Sha late Sir W. BUBNBTT, Director-General of the Medical De- nartment. on its introduction to the Navy. lir. HAMALL, author of "Adulterations Detected'pronounced it" Pure and Good," as also Dr. HAMILTON, Dr. ladoTT, and ether Eminent Medical Men. It has likewise been approved of fcj the Queen's Private Baker, &c. Extract irom Lancet, June 10th, 1865. "We were surprised to find that some Baking Powders weye tduiteritted with Alum to the extent of 20 per cent. The use •f Alum iB universally condemned." Lancet, July 22nd, 1865. -v. Borwiek's Baking Powder was analysed amongst ethers, «i>d fonJid to be PERFECTLY FREE from Alum." Totoehad of all respectable Dealers, and at the Factory, 2i, CHISWELL STREET, LONDON. y Be careful to look at the Label. CHOLERA. — The best remedy is Dr. J. V^COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Right Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T Davenport that he had received information to the effect that ittm only remedy of any service in oholera was Chlorodync,—See Lancet. Deo. 31, 18M. Dr. Lowe, Medical Missionary in India, reports (Dec. 1865) that in nearly every case of cholera in which Dr. J. Collia Browne's Chlorodyne was administered the patient recovered. CHOLERA.-DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE.—CAUTION.—None genuine without the -words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's CMorodyne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each Solo manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell street, Blooms bury, London. In bottles, H. Ifrd., 28. 9tL, 4s. 6d. tITARD'S FARINACEOUS FOOD for IN- N PANTS and INVALIDS. Sold at all chemists', patent medicine vendors', teadealers", and Italian warehousemen's in of is. and 2s. each, also tin cases 7s. 6d. All genuine wrtftn and cases are signed J AS. HARDS, and manufactured frftthe Roy al Victoria Mills, Partford, Kent. A bu v j. i Jfv.J. S3 A It X'EA. A LEADED PACKAGE, CONTAINING Ave pounds of the most delieioug BLACK TKA the world pi-OBuces (and which will please everybody', seist •«arri:ise tree to any railway station or market town in i- ng'-i^d. on n-eeipt of post-office order or cheque for 208., by PHIL..IPS ft Co., Tea Jffierch-'iits, 8, Kins Wi'Ham-street, City, London, B.C. PHIiiLIP^ & Co. have no agents, and no connection with any bouse in Worcester or Swansea. A general Price List sent post-free. PERRETT'S CITY RESTAURANT; 34, MILK STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. E.C. Amongst other questions asked when parties are visithis the 1. great metropolis is Where shall we d,ue? 'lhe renly, which is becoming as familiar as household words, is Whv at I'errott's • City li«stauraiir, wherethe best and cheapest Uiiuier is served in the most unique style in the City of Loudon; where, also, Chous and, Steaks are served fr in the Silver Gril1 This room, as well 300; theD¡ ning rooms, are admitted by thep .biic to be the most and luxuriant in she City; also will be found the most elegant j ,uncheon Bar yet fitted up. Piease Note the Address! PEREETT'S CITY' RESTAURANT, Si, -ML K STREET, CHi APSI.UE, JUONKON. E.C. SI L it S — F A T TE R N S ~¥ BEE. RICH STRIPKI)and CHECKKD GLACES, X2 9s. 6d. »er U yards. RICH BLACK ERKNCH ElGIJJiED GIiACES, £ t Os. 6.1. uer 14 yards. HARVET_ and Hi 1)1 >ATE HILL, LONDON. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE. — i'he greatest and most useful invention of the day, AGUA A MAEKLLA —SSessrs. JOHN GOSN BLL & Co.. Red Bull Wharf, 9-'> Upper Thames Street, flute Three irt, Lombiird Streets per- fmiiera to Her .M.-tjesty, respeotftili.v offer to the public this truly marvellous Hui.'I, which gradually restores the tinman hair .toits pristine line—uo matter at what age. The .-icua Amarella has none of the propnties or dyes; it, oil the contrary, js beue. ficial to the system, and wheu the hair is once restored oneap.. plication vermouth will keep it in perfect colour. Price one guinea per bottlei half bottles, 10s. ikt Testimoiiij.ls from ar- tistes of the highest order, and t'l-om individuals of undoubted respectability, in»y be inspected. Messrs. Jno. Gosnoll and Co. have been appointed perfumers toll. ii.H. the Princess of Wales. COIWING'S GUIN-FA STOILM (;OAT, 231 STRAND, TEMPLE-BAR. LONDON. ALOTlilCHOS.— Every attempt to com- bine the nourishing proper ies Of a pcuiaao with th.; eleanshig properties of a hair wasii ht.s hitherto lauod owing to the total absence of any allaiit' between ( it- »Vjn< to a series of expenraents, the formerlj iv c <>us matter is now superseded by a clear, allllnat, g tiuic!. wh eh preserves wll the properties of stimulating *i.f n uc ac- tion, so indispensable to the srowth, vigour art! i> va- tion of the colour of the h-air. Prepared only by WALTER TRITEPITT. No. 1. New Bond-street, London. Price iis. 6d.. 5s. ttt.. Ins. fld.. and 'Is. DO YUDK HHlllTS PIT YOU? THOMAS GOLSWORTHY, Practical Shirt Maker, 1, Foubert's-place, Regent-strew, Yi. govs' Shirts- Youths' Shirts-Men's Shirts—W mto Sim ts—Coloured Shirts— Wool Sh rts—Shirts in all Sizes—-Ishirts at all Prices. Best and Cheapes' Siiirts in the World. Illustrated instructions for self- measurement, with list of prioes sent post rree ou &pp-ioatioa miriE YOWEL" WASHING MACHINE (BRADFORD'S NEW PATENT), the most srvccessfu!, because most simple and durable. Family Machine ever introduced. Vowel A, jM 10s., with Wringer, Y.4 15s. See Catalogue, sixty-four pages, free by Post. BRADFORD AND Co., «3; 'FLEET STREET, LONDON, MANCHESTER, AND DUBLIN. X ATEST NOVELTY! "OMNIBUS" SEW- ■■ ING MACHINE, from SOs. each. Prospectuses post free» C. COLI/IN8 & Co.. Sole Manufacturers, 12. Circus, Minories, SPECIMEN BOOK OF ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD, containing a great variety of subjects to suit the requirements of PUELISHEES, PBIMTEKS, and AOVKETISKKA •ent free by post on application to J. P. NASH, Designer ana Engraver ou Wood. 114, Strand. London. W.C. Ui L OEAlit FOIL BRUSHIN G.HA-IR by MACHINERY. ■* Vvt Prospectus and tavticdlsrs apply to the Patentees *d Sole Maimf-icturers, J01IN UOSNELL and Co., late of 12 Thie'a.Kin^ Court. Lombard Street, K.C.; now Red Hull WliarC flytijiparThames Street. Loudon, E.C. SCRCOL FURNITURE. BANKS'S PATENT SCHOOL DESKS, Convertible into it. Seat or Table. Vrom 3s. per foot. „ Illustrated Catalogue aut t-irei. SIDE BOTH A if. BANKS, AND CO., Church and School Furniture Si iiiitfacturers, Albert-street, lliiriclnf.ter. ARlCK-OLOTB ROR EVERY PARMER. A Rick Cioths lo.Xd.. and Machinery Oil Covers Is. 8d. per yard; Iicpivived folding Sheep Fencing ejd. per yard, M,M)< hive oeen sold, and obtained the Silver Medals at Duolin. ftlas.T>w, Urnrpool, and Manchester. Address. G.C. HOUNSKLL 3tann!acturer of Canvas, Rope, Eishing and other Nets, Mar- nuees. Tents, Ac., 13. Circus, Minories. E.C., London. ICE in 6 Minutes. Send for list of TosellP.-o I Preecing Machtnea. Brown Brothers. 4yCraaboum-St., W.0 I THE HIMALAYA TEA CO.'S ) PURE TEA, I GROWN UNDER GOVERNMENT INSPECTION, IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST, S T RON G INVI GO RAT IN G-PURE, Having all the advantages of the REDUCED DUTY. IN PACKETS ONLY. AGENTS:- CAKDIFF.—Coleman, High-street; Davies,26, St. Mary-street; Rusher, 16, Angel-street. ABEBAMAN—Richards, 209, Cardiff-road; Sims, chemist and druggist. ABERDARE-Thomas, chemist, Commercial-terrace; Lloyd, bookseller, &c. F ARERS YCHAN- 1V ood, stamp. office. ABEB3AVENNY—Wyke, chemist. BRISTOL—Fardon & Co., Redland; Jeffery, Stokes •Croft- road; Juryan, 3, Nelson-place, Mall; Howell, W, Broad- insed; Fisher, 2, Queen's-road. RRIDGEND-James, grocer, efce. CHEPsTow-Harris, Beaufort-square. PONTTJPEIDD—Smyth, chemist. RHYL—Hilditch, chemist. CQWEEIDGE—Davies, fancy repository. DOWLAIs-Thomas, stationer, &c. HIRwAIN-Sims, chemist. MEETHYB—Smith, chemist. NEATH—Hay man, chemist, NEWPoRT-Clements, chemist Jones, chemist; Bowman, baker,&c. PONTYPOOL—Roderick, chemist, &c. RHYMNEY—Dixon, chemist, &c. Vsx-Williams, chemist, &c. Valuable Agencies still vacant. For particulars, apply tc. THE HIMALAYA TEA COMPANY, 37A, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C. 7091 BRISTOL STEAM CABINET WORKS. LAVERTON AND CO.'S JLJ PRICE CURRENT for the COMPLETE FURNISHING of an EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE, in a neat and respectable style, with good Modem Fumituro, Carpets and Curtains, &c., Kitchen, Hall, Dining-room, Breakfast-room, Stairs, Drawing-room, best Bedroom, spare Bedroom, and two Servants' Bedrooms. EYEBY ARTICLE WARRANTED. £ s. d. ze s. d. Deal Table 0 8 6 Large one-flap ditto 0 12 6 Pour strong Chairs, at 3s. 6d. 0 14 0 Lr-rae Clothes Horse, 7s. 6d.; Small ditto, 5s. 0 12 6 Knife-box 0 5 6— 2 13 0 HALL. Say seven yards 4-4 Oil Cloth at 2s. 9d. 0 19 3 Cocoa Door-mat and Stair Foot ditto 0 8 6 Umbrella-stand and Hat-rail 15 0— 2 12 0 DINING-ROOM. [ One set of Damask or Moreen Window Cur- tains, 3i yards long, fringe drapery, polished mahogany or gilt 6 feet pole 3 10 0 Super. Brussels Carpet, 18 by 15 £ feet, 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth-rug to match. 1 1 0 Mahogany Sliding Table, with extra leaf, to dine eight 4 15 0 Six solid Mahogany hair-seated Chairs, stuffed with horse-hair 4 10 0 Mahogany Sofa, hair-seated 5 5 0 Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard, 5ft. 6in. 5 10 0—31 18 0 BREAKFAST ROOM. Super.Kidderminster Carpet, say 5 yds by 4 2 10 0 Hearth-rug to match 0 14 0 Mahogany Pembroke Table, 3ft. 6in. square 15 0 Six imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seated 1 4 0— 5 13 0 STAIRS. Strong Dutch Carpet, say 20 yards at Is. 4d. 168 Thirty-six Stair-rods and Eyes 0 15 0— 2 1 8 DRAWING-ROOM. Super. Brussels Carpet, including making, 18ft by 15|ft., 42 yards • • ..770 Heaiih-rug to match •110 Two sets rich Damask Curtains, at yards long, Window Drapery, and two 6ft. gilt poles 7 0 0 Rosewood Cheffonier, plate glass back and marble top 5 15 0 Chimney Glass in gilt frame, best British plate, 40in.by30in. 4 10 0 Rosewood Loo Table ■ 4 15 0 Rosewood Couch in damask, to match Curtains 4 15 0 Six solid Rosewood Chairs, ditto. 6 0 0-42 3 0 BEST BEDROOM. Mahogany Four-post Bedstead, with cornice, poles, rings, &c. 4 10 0 Moreen or Damask Furniture, with fringe dra- pery, complete 4 15 0 Mattress • • • • ..150 Good Feather-bed, Bolster, and Pillows 5 15 0 One pair best Russia Sheets 0 18 0 Three Blankets. 1 7 0 White Counterpane 0 14 6 Mahogany Washstand and Table; 3 3 0 Dressing Glass, large size 0 16 0 Mahogany Towel-horse. 0 4 6 Three imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seat 0 9 0 Mahogany Chest of Drawers, French polished 2 15 0 Bedround Carpet, yard wide 0 18 0 Mahogany Night Commode 0 14 6—28 0 0 SECOND BEDROOM. Japanned full-size Half-tester Bedstead 2 20 Good Dimity Furniture, with fringe drapery 176 Mattress 1 1 0 Good Mill-puff Bed & Bolster, Feather Pillows 2 12 0 One pair Russia Sheets, 0 12 0 Three Blankets. 1 4 0 White Counterpane 0 10 6 Painted Washstand and Table 0 15 6 Chest of Drawers, large size 1 12 0 Two Chairs • • ..076 Dressing Glass 0 10 6 Towel-horse •• -• -.030 Bedside Carpet, 8 yards. 0 16 0-13 13 6 TWO SERVANTS' BEDROOMS. Two full-size double Bedsteads .110 Millpuff Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows 2 0 0 Two Pair Sheets 0 10 0 Six Blankets 1 16 0 Two Coloured Counterpanes 0 10 0 Two Washstands 0 11 0 Two Chests of Drawers 2 10 0 Four Chairs 0 10 0 Two Dressing Glasses 0 5 0— 9 13 0 zCl38 12 5 A SINGLE ROOM OR A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE QUOTED PRICES. Now Ready, L. & Co.'s NEW ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, with 306 Engravings and valuable Information for Furnishing various sized Houses, free by post, or on application to LA-VERTON & CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS, 36 & 37, MARYPORT-STREET, BRISTOL. 121 EN SON, J. W., by SPECIAL APPOINTMENT to H.R.H. the PRINCE OP WALES. IVENISON, J. W., 25, Old Bond-street, having re- > constructed these magnificent premises, invites an inspection of artistic works. T5ENSOFS. J. w., STEAM FACTORY for CLOCKS JD and WATCHES, 53 and 60, Ludgate Hill. » J. W., I>9, Westbourne-grove. I^ENSON, J. W., 164, Tottenham-court-rOad. EN SON, J. W., MAKER of the GOLD CASKET presented by the City of London to H.R.H. the PRLNCE OF WALES. BENSON. J. W., MAKER of the CASKET presented by B the City of London to H.R.H. PRINCE ALFRED. BENSON, J. W., PRIZE MEDAL, LONDON, Class 33. J»ENSONT, J. W., PRIZE MEDAL, DUBLIN, Class 10. ITENSONF J. W., HONOURABLE MENTION, LON- > DON, Class 15. BENSON, J. W., MAKEKT or the CHRONOGRAPH by which the DEP„BY is TIM ED. BENSON, J. w., MAIYEU, or THE GIUSAT CLOCK of the EXHIBITION, 1862. BENSON'S! Watch Pamphlet, illustrated, on every con- ST r;tction of Watch, with their prices; post free". 2(1. the ENSOFS WATCHES are sent to all parts of the ) World safe by post. EN SON'S WATCHES,—Gold and Silver, at 200 to 2 GUINEA^ SNSOFS^ GuineaTLondon-made patent Lever Silver B Watch, capped and jewelled, in all sizes. ENSON'S 2 Guinea Horizontal Silver Watch, in all B sizes. TjENSON'S WATCHES, CHRONOGRAPH, KEYLESS, .15 REPEATERS. BENIN'S WATCHES, CHRONOMETER, DUPLEX LEVER. 1i EN SON'S WATCHES," HORIZONTAL, CENTRE > SECONDS, &c. BENSON'S WATCHES in Sizes of Half to Three Inches in Diameter. ATCHES REPAIRED by ENGLISH, FRENCH, SWISS, and GERMAN ARTISTS. JGE N SON'S CLOCKS for the CARRIAGE. Five Gumeaa. BENSON'S CLOCKS for the DRAWING, DINING, and JD BED-ROOMS. BENSON'S CLOCKS for the HALL, LIBRARY^aod CARRIAGE. BENSON'S CLOCKS for CHURCHES, TURRETS, and STABLES. CLOCKS and GARNITURES DE CHBMI- BENSON'S CLOCKS and GARNITURES DE GHEMI- NEES. (LOCKS REPAIRED by ENGLISH, FRENCH, and VV GERMAN ARTISTS. (JANDELABRA in ORMOLU and BRONZE. ^JANLELABRA in SILVER and ELECTRO-PLATE. ^RWZESD'ART by ROSA and ISIDORE BONHEUR. J^RON ZES D'ART by CLODION, BARYE, an (F CARRIER. "JURONZBS d'ART by PRADIER, CHATROUSSE, &c. J EWELLERY, DIAMOND, of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. JEWELL ERYOFTBRIDAL and other PRESENTS. ~FR] WELLERY,designed by ITALIAN and FRENCH ARTISTS. JEWELLERY, GOLD, for MOURNING WEAR, in ?J great variety. OILVE R RLATE, desired expressly for PRESENTA- TION. ^NVLRRPLATB for RAGLNW, TTKLD, or AQUATIC ^ILVER PLATE %A^LES^AK"U' 1,JLNNEB> FTND CI I L V E R PLATE for INDIA. O ELVER PLATE for DINNERS 4 la RUSSE. 8 ^ILVER PLATE, FLOWER and (FRUIT STANDS. L" UDGATE-HILL, OLD BOND-STREET, WE8T- BOURNE-GBX>V|&TOTTENIHAMICOURT ROAD. Great ealing school, ESTABLISHED 1698. For Prospectus address Rev. E. HEDGES, M.A. For Prospectus address Rev. E. HEDGES, M.A. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4, TRAFALGAR-SQUARE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. PRINTED Instructions (gratis) as to the cost of Patents p for Great Britain or foreign countries. Advice and assistance in disposing of, or working inventions. Branch Offices and Agencies in every Continental State, and in America. Established gO years. Full information as to expired or existing Patents at home and abroad. Apply personally or by letter [0 Messrs. PRINCE and Co., Patent Office, 4, Trafalgar-square, Charing Cross, London, W.C. DEAFNESS.—THE ORGANIC VIBRATOR.—It fits into the ear Jjnot perceptible the unpleasant sensation of singing noises in the head is entirely removed. It affo.Tis immediate relief to deaf persons, and enables them to hear distinctly at church and public assemblies. Every other kind of hearing instrument. Messrs. SOLOMON, 39, Albermarle-street, Piccadilly, London. "USE VNftZIVK A DIE T," Vide The Times, September 2-Oth. Only Prize Medal Corn Flour Reported by the Jury' "EXCEEDINGLY EXCELLENT FOR FOOD." PETER PATTERNS FREE I ROBINSON'S 103 to lfi8, Q T T IT CS I OXFORD STREET, D JL _Li iv O. LONDON. THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS, the « Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach." Sold Every- where, in Bottles Is. Hd., 2s. 9d.; and lis. CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for'- NORTON'S PILLS,and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations. BARRY & CO.'S superior preparations of COCOA, Tested and recommended by Dr. Andrew Ure, M.D., F.R.S. PEARL COCOA, 8d. per lb. PREPARED COCOA, Is. 2d. per lb. I HOMCEPATHIC COCOA, Is. 4d. per Ip. NERVE COCOA, in 1 lb. and lb. canisters, 19. 8d. per Jb. 2 To be obtained of all Grocers and Wholesale at the Finsburv Steam Mills, London, E.C. K EATINGS PERSIAN INSECT- DESTROYING POWDER.—Fleas, Bugs, Beetles, Ants, Moths, &c.,are instantly destroyed by this Powder, which is quite harmless to animal life. Sold in packets, Is. and 2s. 6d. each, or Is. packet free by post for twelve stamps, and 2s. 6d. on receipt of thirty-six. Also in bottles with bellows Is. 6d. and 3s. each, by T. KEATING, St. Paul's-churchyard, London. Post free, 5 stamps, from the Author, Coombe Lodge, Pechbam. ON CONSUMPTION. New Edition of Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE'S Work, which has passed through 73 Editions of 1000 each I This remarkable book treats of the causes, symptoms, and progress of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT, With interesting and extraordinary CASES OF CURE. Treats also of Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS, at 7, Bank Buildings, I London. JE1000 AT DEATH FOR £1 10s. A YEAR. Agents in almost every town. J. W. ORAM, Secretary. THE Patent MECHANICAL CHAIR for BRUSHING HAIR by MACHINERY. For Prospectus and Particulars apply to the Patentees and Sole Manufacturers, JOHN GOSSfELL & CO., 12, Three King Court, Lombard-street, London, E.C. Removed to Red Bull Wharf, Angel Passage, Upper Thames- street, E.C. MESSRS. GRANT '& CO.'S CELEBRATED FRENCH SCOURING AND CLEANSING POWDER, The quickest and easiest ever yet discovered for its cleansing qualities without Soap or Labour. THIS celebrated Powder is a recent discovery, being a chemical preparation by which every description of cleansing or scouring can be effected in a very short time. Its purifying qualities far exceed anything yet ever brought before the public. Boarded Floors, however black and greasy, will, when once cleansed, look equal to new; Brick, and Stone Floors, however long neglected, will, by one application, be restored to their original colour. Walls, Wainscoating, Deal Tables, Counters, Weights, and Scales; Furniture of every description; Fire-Irons, Fenders, Pewter Pots, Brasses, &c., beautifully polished; Bedsteads and Old Walls cleaned. Wherever this Powder is used no, Vermin can exist, and the foulest places made clean, wholesome, and healthy. No Housekeeper once using French Powder will ever be without it, and one trial will show its value. House and Yacht Painters are now using this Powder for Cleansing Doors, Paint Work, Walls, &c, and find it to be the quickest and easiest scouring article ia the market. Price to public institutions on application. Sold by all respectable Grocers in every town in England, at 3d. per lb. lIb. equal to 3 lbs. of Soap. t Wholesale Agent: J; TILLEY. Stores at Messrs. .mes and Price's Yard, Penarth-road, Cardiff. 8014 1 A N T I C O R R O S I O N PAINT. Cheapness and durability combined. GRIMWADE, RIDLEY & CO. beg, panicalarly at this season of the year, to call the attention of the public to their improved ANTI-CORROSION PAINT, which will be found cheaper and more durable than ordinary white lead paint. It is superior to every other Anti Corrosion Paint that has yet been offered to the public, inasmuch as it con- tains a large portion of lead as a basis, thereby giving it cover- ing properties not possessed by thatof other makers. It does not require skilled labour for its use, the only instructions necessary are to mis the paini thick, and keep stirred whilst being applied, also to rub it well on to the surface of the work. It can be used with great advantage for all out-buildings, whether of wood, plaster, brick iron, or stucco, as it never blisters or peels off, and becomes hard by exposure to the weather. Specimens and testimonials may be seen, and orders exe- cuted, at the manufactory, St. Clement's, Ipswich, and 4, St. Helen's, London. 7762 The DUTY being REDUCED, HORNIMAN'S PURE TEAS H ARE EIGHT-PENCE CHEAPER. BLACK, GREEN, <t. MIXED Tea formerly 3s. 4d., REDUCED to 2s. 8d. Tea formerly 3s. 8d., REDUCED to 3s. Od, Tea formerly 4s. Od., REDUCED to 3s. 4d. Tea formerly 4s. 4d. REDUCED to 3s. 8d. TWO-OUNCE, QUARTER, HALF, AND POUND PACKETS. As a protection from Imitations all Packets are signed HORNIMAN & Co. Original Importers of the Pure Tea. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT.: Aberavon—Sims, Chemist I CAEDIF?—Wakeford, 265, Bute- Aberavon-Evan Evans, Stamp- street office Joy, 17, Duke-street Aberdare-Thoroas Jones, I „ Treherne, Chemist Chemist Canton—Thos. Yorath, Chemist Abersyehan—Wood, Chemist Chepstow—Taylor, Beaufort-sq. Bristol—Ferris, Union-street Dowlais—Hancock, Chemist Bridgend—Leyshon, Stamp- Hirwain— Sims, Chemist office Merthyr— Stephens, High-street Cowbridge—Thomas, High-st. Neath—Hutchins, Wind-street CARDIFF—Kernick, Duke-street Newport—Jones, 5, High-street office Merthyr-Stephens, High-street Cowbridge—Thomas, High-st. Neath—Hutchins, Wind-street CARDIFF—Kernick, Duke-street Newport—Jones, 5, High-street „ Prust & Johns, 100, Pontypool—Wood, Stamp-office Bute-street Pontypridd—James, Chemist „ James & Williams, 281, lihyamey—Prosser Bute-street, Cardiff j Usk—Edwaj-ds, Chemist 6498 KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. IF you suffer from Headaches, Bilious Com- plaints, Indigestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, General De- bility, Nervousness, Tic Doloreux, TRY KEPNICKIS VEGET- ABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no confinementin-doors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the best medicine in the world. The best aperient pills for ordinary use, in constipated habits, that I know."—DB. BALBIBNIE. Cured me of a severe liver complain.—RICHARD REES, the celebrated Cheap John. Many years a constant sufferer in my head and stomach. Have received great benefit from taking your valuable pillB. JOHN SULLY, Bridgwater. Hundreds of testimonials of a similar character have been re- ceived by the Proprietor, S.P. KEBXIOK, Pharmaceutical Chemist., Cardiff. Sold by the appointed Agents, and by most respectable Chemists, in boxes at nd., Is. l. £ d., and 2s. 3d. each, with direc- tions for use, and the best means for restoring and preserving health. WHOLESALE AGENTs.-London: Barclay & Sons; Sutton and Co. Newbery & Son. Bristol: A. & J. Warren; Colllins and Roper; Ackerman and Leonard & Robinson. AGENTS: Bute Docks-Prust & Johns, chemists, Rothsay-terrace Canton-Yorath, chemists, and Llantrissant— Slade, chemist, and Pitts, grocer and Williams, grocer Roath—Merchant, Castle-road Penarth—White, and Hicks Llandafif—E. Williams, grocer Pontypridd—Basset, chemist Bridgend—Price, chemist, and St. Mellons—Morgan, grocer Griffiths, Chronicle Office St. Pagans—Thomas, grocer Cowbridge—Lister, chemist,aNd Treherbert—Jenkins, chemist Thomas, chemist I HOLLuWAY'S PILLS. STOMACH AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS.-The stomach s is the commissariat of the physical system. It, furnishes the material sustenance of every organ. If disordered, the whole body languishes; but however severely affected its tone and vigour may always be restored by a couise of these irresistible Pills. Biliousness, indigestion, and liver com- plaints can easily be cured by the use of Hollowa) 's Pills. Thousands attest this assertion, and no sufferer who has ever tried them will deny their supreme efficacy. In every case of stomach disease, from the mildest case of dyspepsia to the horrifying cancer, from the nausea of the free liver to the vomiting accompanying ulcerated stomach, these Fills imme- diately relieve—generally cure. i V. liiJiJiyyii R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABLISHED 1858. |X)R the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and JC Private Families with PURE WINE& of the highest character, at a Saving of at least 30 per Cent. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY 27s. per dozen (The Standard of Excellence.) SPLENDID OLD PORT 37s. per dozen (Eleven Years in the Wood.) SHERRIES. Par doz. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY 278 (The standard of excellence.) Excellent Dinner Sherry. 20s to 24s Superior Selected Ditto 30s to 36s Fine Golden 42s to 48s East India Sherry 42s to 60s Manzanilla 42s P 0 R T S. SPLENDID OLD PORT 37s (11 years in the Wood.) Port from the Wood 24s to SOs Old Crusted 423 to 48s High flavoured Old 54s to 60s Very Dry Old 72s to 120s CLARETS. ST. JULJEN CLARET. 24s Medoc. 14s to 18s Bordeaux 18s to 20s St. Estephe 30s to 36s Rausan and Moutoia 42s to 48s Leoville and Larose 48s to 54s Sauterne and Chablis 368 to 60s CHAMPAGNE. Creaming Epemay 34s Sparkling Verzenay 36s Ay Mousseux 42s Chansarel and Co.'s Gold Foil. 48s Moet and Chandon's (1st quality) 60s Madame Veuve Clicquot's 72s Roederer's Carte Blanche 80s In Pints, 4s. per 2 doz. Pints extra. GERMAN WINES. Sparkling Hock 42s to 66s Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66s Still Hook 36s to 81s Cabinet Do. 78s to 100s SICILIAN WINES. Bronte Marsala. 20s Virgin. 24s Old Brown Syracuse .„ 26s SPANISH PORT 168 PRUSSIAN SHERRY 15s. BEAUJOLAIS 20s. PER DOZEN. (The finest imported.) SPIRITS. (Of the finest quality only, and at wholesale prices.) per bot. Brandy, old colonial 2s. 2d. 3s. Od. „ Cognac, 6 years old 4s. Od. ,,10 „ 4s. 8d. D u Martell's finest 5s. 4d. (bottled on their estate.) u 20 years old 6s. 4d. per gal. per bot. Fine London Gin 13s. 2s. 2d. Fine Old „ 15s. 2s. 6d. Rum, Finest Old Jamaica 18s. 3s. Od. „ Old Pine-apple ditto 22s. 3s. 8d Whiskey, Irish and Scotch 18s. 3s. Od. Very Old. 21s. 3s. 6d. Hollands, Schiedam, De Kuypers's 18s. 3s. Od. Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the Sole Agents for Cardiff:- PRITCHARD BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS, 20, DUKE-STREET. PRITCHARD BROTHERS beg to state that they have made arrangements with the above Company for a regular supply of their Choice WINES, which are offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this Neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and they trust, by strictly adhering to their system, to secure a share of public patronage. 8988 PRITCHARD BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND WINE MERCHANTS, 8.0, D U K E S T RE E T, CARDIFF, A BE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DIAMOND IRISH WHISKEY, 18s. per Gallon, or in original Cases, 1 dozen Bottles, 42s. Single Bottles supplied, 3s. 8d. per Bottle. 7908 TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! J 0 H NOW E N, 49, SHUDEHILL, MANCHESTER, tj IMPORTER and DEALER in all descriptions of FOREIGN AND ENGLISH FANCY GOODS. SPECIAL ATTENTION. Shippers, Shopkeepers, Hawkers, Auctioneers, and others, are requested to inspect the STOCK, comprising Toys, Dolls, t' 0 Puzzles, Concertinas, Workboxl s, Desks, Dressing Cases, Papier Machie Tables and Trays, Vases, Lustres, Fruit, Flower, and Bird Shades, Pipes, Stems, Cigar Cases, Per- fumery, Combs and Brushes, Broaches, Bags, Purst s, Ladies' Companions, Archery Bows and Arrows, Targets, Cricket Bats, Balls, Wickets, Leg-guards, Stumps, Gloves, Solid and Hoi low India Rubber Balls, Children's Perambulators, Rocking and Shaped Rorses, &c. Cases of Goods always ready from X2 to £ 5 and £10, up to £ 15.—Terms, only for Cash. NOTE:— THE OLD-ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE TOY AND GENERAL FANCY WAREHOUSE, 49, SHUDEHILL, MANCHESTER. 8338 JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. *yj R. HUGO (late Surgeon and Medical Superinten- LTI dant of Longwood House Asylum) :may be con- sulted daily from 10 to 4 and 6 to 10 on all cases which are daily advertised by ignorant pretenders, and at one-third their prices; also, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, on diseases of the Eye and Deafness. All communications to enclose stamp, and addressed to Mr. Hugo, Surgeon, 244, Bute- road,Cardiff. 3027 GOOLD'S EUREKA BLACK INK IS NOW PERFECTION. THE great characteristics of this elegant discovery in Writing Inks, and which give it such pre-eminence over every other, qre- 1st-lis PERFECT FLUIDITY and FREEDOM from SEDIMENT, however long kept, being a definite CHE. MICAL SOLUTION, clear. brilliant, and unchangeable, instead of a mere mixture of ingrEdients asall other Inks are. 2nd.— It writes a beautiful INTENSE BLACK immedi- ately it leaves the pen, and so indestructible is its colour that on paper it has stood the test of immersion in the most powerful bleaching gases unchanged, when every other ink submitted to the same eest has more or less faded to indis- tinctness. 3rd -It contains NO ACID or CORROSIVE PRO PEHTIES. Steel flins can be used with it for an almost indefinite period without becoming clogged or in any way acted on. It may, therefore, be pronounced with truth to be t! e un Iy Perfect and Indestructible Ink yet discovered. Sold in bottles 3d., 6d., Is. each, and imperial pints is. 6d., quarts 2s. 6d., gallons 8s. 6d., by H. J. Walker and Co., chemists, Broad street, Bath, Sole Consignees for the United Kingdom and Colonies, whose signature and trade mark will appear over the coik of every bottle. Tlie Ink when introduced is generally approved of, and after Iri,d it is seldom that it is not asked for again.)' London and Export Agents Cooke and Sons, 84, Cannon- street (Depot); Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon-street; Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard. Bristol, Pearce and Co., Bridge-street. CARDIFF: D. DUNCAN, Times Office. „ JONES. Stationer, Duke-street. „ JAMES and W ILLIAMS, Chemists, Bute-street, and Arcade, St. Mary-street. NEWPORT PHILLIPS, Chemist. JONES, CL,CRO,SL4^85 Ladies do not find State Papers always interesting, but one has been pres< nted by command of Her Majesty to Parliamtr.t which is interesting to every lady in '"e It is the Report of the Board of Inland R venue m Aaultera. tion of Tea: the Commissioners state that so ong as lea arrives covered with mineral colour it will be largely adult, erated, for the Chinese find it profitable to use co or as a mask, as it enables the old cheap withered leaves to be passe undetected into consumption." The Times in a leading article reviewed this document, showing the absurdity of allowing the Chinese to use, for the sole purpose of increasing the profit, mineral color on an article intended for our food, operating as it does to the consumer's loss and injury. Reliable good quality, together with real cheapness, is the first consideration, there- fore Horniman and Co., London, have for many years past discarded the use of colour on all imports their Pure Green is a dull olive, not bluish, and is with the Black uni. formly strong, delicious in flavour and very cheap. Horni. man's Pure Tea can be obtained from 2,280 authorised agents, —Chemists, Confectioners, or Bookselters. As spurious imitations abound, see that the Importers' signature is on each packet. EMIGRATION TO CANADA. THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT having OPENED OFFICES at 15, WATER-STREET, LIVERPOOL, for the purpose of affording information to intending Emigrants ALL PERSONS desirous of Emigrating, are invited to apply, either personally or by letter, to the undersigned, who will furnish them with the Government publications on Canada, with any other information that they may require. WILLIAM DIXON, 8511 Canadian Government Emigration Agent. QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION OFFICES, LONDON. EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND. FREE GRANTS OF LAND. A LL persons not having before resided in XJL Queensland paying their own full passages to the Colony receive a s £ 30 Land-Order—equal to 30 acres of Land—for each member of their ''SsSiiSsbr families of 12 years and upwards, and a £ 15 Land-Order for each child between 12 months and 12 years. Free and Assisted Passages are now given to eligible persons without restriction as to age. HENRY JORDAN, Agent-General for Emigration for Queensland. Appointed Agent for Cardiff—Mr. JOSEPH ELLIOTT. Pontypridd-D. T. ALEXANDER. 7M2 STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, (LIMITED). new fill-powered British Iron JJScrew Steam-ships SHIPS. TONS. SHIPS. TONS. Queen, Grogan 3412 Pennsylvania, Lewis 2873 England, Grace 3400 Virginia, Prowse 2876 Erin, Cutting 3200 i Denmark,Thompson 2870 Scotland, Hall 3400 Louisiana, Thomson 2266 Helvetia, Ogilvie 3325 |' Will be despatched from Liverpool to New York as foHows:— SCOTLAND. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 29th HELVETIA. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 5 th ERIN WEDNESDAY, Sept. 12th And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is very superior. Rate of Passage from Liverpool to New York, Fifteen Guineas. Return Tickets, Twenty-Five Guineas. There is excellent accommodation for Steerage Passengers, and a full supply of cooked provisions served up by the Com- pany's Stewards. Passengers booked through to the inland towns of Canada and the United States on favourable terms. For Freight or Passage apply to the National Steam Navi- gation Company (Limited), 14, The Albany, Oldhall-street, and 58, Waterloo-road, Liverpool; to N. & J. Cummins and Bros., Queenstown, or to MR. ORBELL WHITEFIELD, House and Commission Agent, Canton, Cardiff. 7358 STEAM SHIP COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. THE CORK STEAM SHIP JL COMPANY'S First Class Powerful STEAMERS,—DODO, Capt. RAYNES, 1000 Tons,300-horse power; CORMORANT, Capt. CROFT, 1,200 Tons, 300-horse power; MINNA, Capt. HOLLAND, 1000 Tons, SOO-horse power, are intended to ply as underneath, unless prevented by any unforseen occurrence, with or without a Pilot, with liberty to tow vessels, during the month of AUGUST, 1866. TO CORK. From Cardiff Saturday 4 10 morn From Newport Saturday 11 5! morn From Cardiff Saturday 18 9 morn From Newport Saturday 25 5 morn FROM CORK. To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 1 6 morn To Milford and Newport Wednesday 8 12J after To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 15 6 morn To Milford and Newport Wednesday 22 12 noon To Milford and Newport Wednesday 29 6 morn PASSENGERS' FARES BETWEEN NEWPORT, CARDIFF, AND CORK. To Cork and back in Best Cabin (Tickets available for one month), £1 7s. To Cork, Best Cabin (no Steward's fee), 17s. 6d.; Deck, 7s. Goods conveyed to and from Limerick at Through Rates via Cork. Horses, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods intended for Ship- ment, should be alongside two hours before the time of sailing. The Company also give notice, that they will not be account- able for Passengers' Luggage, unless the value thereof be de- clared, and freight paid accordingly, at the time of shipment; and that passengers from Newport or Cardiff must obtain their Tickets at the office before going on board. For Freights, &c., apply at the Company's Office, Cork, or tp their Agents, Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Ship-broker, Bute Docks, Car- diff. Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Cork Steam Ship Wharf, Pillgwenlly, Newport, Mon., and Messrs. WILSON, SON, and WALTER, Corn Exchange, Liverpool. 2119 THE SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE TO AND FROM THE SODTH-EAST, SOUTH AND WEST|OF ENGLAND, SOUTH WALES, LIVERPOOL, THE CHANNEL ISLANDS, PARIS, AND ALL PARTS OF THE CONTINENT, VIA POOLE AND CHEBBOURO. BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY. Improved Steam Communication between BURNHAM AND CARDIFF, Passengers, Parcels, and Goods can be Booked Throughout between CARDIFF and POOLE, and all Stations on the SOMER- SET and DORSET RAILWAY, and CHERBOURG, PARIS, BORDEAUX, &c., and LONDON, PORTSMOUTH, GOSPORT, SOUTHAMPTON, GUERNSEY, JERSEY, LYMINGTON, WEYMOUTH, and all the principal Stations on the LONDON' and SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. Third-class Tickets for CARDIFF are issued from any Station between POOLE and HIGHBRIDGE, inclusive, by all Trains arriving at Burnham, immediately before the departure of the Steamer; and from Cardiff, available by any train leaving Burn- ham next after the arrival of the packet. rpHE Fine Fast Sailing Clyde-built Steamers, DEFIANCE E. L. BARRON, Commander, HEATHER BELL, W. DENSHAM, Commander, Or other suitable Steamer, is intended (wind and weather per- mitting, with or without a pilot, and with liberty to tow), the month of AUGUST, 1866, to ply, with Passengers and mercnan- dise as follows:- FROM BURNHAM T« CARDIFF. FROM CARDIFF TO BURNHAM. 27 Monday 4 0 after 27 Monday • • • 5 „ morn 28 Tuesday 4 30 after 28 Tuesday • • Q Jr m°rn 29 Wednesday 5 SC after 29 Wednesday • • » 0 morn 30 Thursday. 6 0 after 30 Thursday- • • » 0 morn 31 Friday .10 0 morn 31 Friday •• « morn 1 Saturday.11 30 morn J 1 Saturday 10 0 morn Trains Arriving^ leave Wey- South- Ports- Burnham. Poole. mouth, ampton. mouth. London. 8 5 a.m. 12 5 p.m. 118 p.m. 1 p'm- ° P,m- 2 10 p.m. 10 30 „ 2 5 „ 4 0 „ 3 30 „ 4 0 „ 4 20 >f 1 0 p.m. 4 5 „ 8 10 „ 5 30 „ 6 0 „ g 40 3 48 „ 9 25 „ 10 10 »_ -t21 10 40 From Burnham to Swansea, every Monday, Wednesday, and From Swansea to Burnham, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Tratoeleav?— Arriving Waterloo Ports- ™,vf+-k Bridge, mouth, ampton. ^mouth. Poole. Burnham. London. — 0 a.m. 6 25 a.m. 8 10 a.m. 12 25 p.m. 7 5a.m. 7 55 a.m. 8 35 8 35 „ i0 15 2 18 „ 11 40 „ 11 40 „ 45 p.m. 12 20 p.m. 1 20 p.m. 5 30 „ 3 50 p.m. 4 15 P-J 30 JL50 » 5 25 „ 9 30 „ The Steamers will wait at Burnham a reasonable time the arrival of the Trains. FaresSaloon and After Cabin, 8s.; Fere Cabin, 2s. Return Tickets between Burnham and Cardiff available on the day of issue on. Fore Cabin, 3s. Those issued on Saturday will be avaUable on the following Monday. The splendid first-class Clyde-built steamship ALBION is in- tended to sail from POOLE for CHERBOURG every Wednesday and Thursday, at 12.30 p.m. 1 The splendid firat-class Clyde-built steamship ALBION is in- tended to sail from CHERBOURG for POOLE every Wednesday and Saturday, at 8.30 a.m. J 3 Further information as to freight, &c., may be obtained by ap- plying Chief Offices, Glastonbury; at the Com- pany's Offices, Stuart-street, Bute Docks, Cardiff, or at Burn- ham °.riSe> Steam Packet Superintendent, Railway Station, Southampton; Mr. J. Smith, ship chandler, York House, Bridgwater; or Mr, Barton, 16, High-street, Bristol; or Mr. Wil- liams, 53, King WIlliam-street, London. BY order, ROBERT A. READ, „ Secretary and General Manager. Chief Offices, Glastonbury. 4468 ™ „ STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, T USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. HE LADIES are respectfully -V?81 THIS STARCH is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, and Her Majesty's Laundress 8AYS) that although she has tried Wheaten, Ivice, and other Powder Starches, she has FOUND„??TN4C^RTO THE GLENFIELD, which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LONDON. 196 GIVEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL WORK entitled DKRILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or a Warning Voice to Young Men, on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indig stion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &c., which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain directions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, Tavistock-square, London, W.C. 9043 Mr. Bonlton, Surgeon Dentist, 1, Charles-street, Cardiff Attendance daily, 7084.