IKantefo. WANTED, an Apprentice to the House Decorating, Painting, Glazing, and Paper Hanging Business. Apply to James Moore, No. 7, Bute-street, Cardiff. 5468 WANTED, in the Drug Trade, a respectable well educated Youth as Apprentice. Apply to Messrs. James and Williams, Chemists, Cardiff. 5495 WANTED, a good Plain. Cook, with unexceptionable W references. Apply at Eason Villa, Roath, between the hours of ten and twelve a.m. 5490 WANTED, a respectable Woman as Cook. She must W thoroughly understand plain cooking, and be able to milk a cow. Apply at the office of this paper. 5500 w ANTED, a good Plain Cook, in a small family, W where a housemaid is kept. Apply at the Cardiff Times Office, 10, St. Mary-street. 5506 WANTED, a Collector. None need apply who cannot yV give security, and also satisfactory references for the last seven years. Application to be by letter only to Mr. Hodkinson, 80, St, Mary-street, Cardiff. W" ANTED, a goed~Servant of All-Work, about 40 years of age preferred, to take the management of a house good references must be given. Apply, stating wages expected, H. A., Cardiff Times office. 5504 THREE or FOUR VACANCIES in an OLD-ESTAB- LISHED BUSINESS now under new management, are open to G ENTLEM EN:who are capable of introducing from £100 to £ 200. Salary from £100 per aniiuin.- Address C. D., Housekeeper, 37, Essex-street, Strand London, W. 54'13 CTIia ht Lirtt or Soto. TO be LET, a Cottage and Outbuildings, with Five Acres of Land, near Llandough. The cottage con- tains three good rooms, kitchen, pantry, cellar, &c., and is very pleasantly situated. Rent low. Apply to C.White, on the premises, or Mrs. Claudy, Dinas Powis. 5011 TO be LET, a rare chance, the Grange inn," Pen- artb-road, the most improving and thriving district in South Wales. This is an opportunity seldom to be Diet with, well worth the attention of the small and enter- prising capitalist. Application to be made to J. Stubbs, Bute Arms, Bute-st,, or to Mr Lawrence, auctioneer. 5437 TO be LET, on a building lease, a first-class Premises, suitable for wholesale warehouses, public offices, large retail businesses, &c. The above is well situated, being near the Market-house, Town-hall, Banks, and prin- cipal Hotels Nos. 12 and 13. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. Apply personally, or by letter, to Mr. Thomas Rees, 8, Romilly-terrace, Canton, near Cardiff. 5133 TO be LET, in Primavesi Chambers, either as offices or as a place of business, two Large Rooms, at present occupied by the Cardiff Pilotage Board, two Underground kitchens, two rooms on second floor, and five attics. If taken for a shop, the premises may be largely increased, as there is an ample back-let. Also Part of adjoining premises, consisting of two underground kitchens, parlour on ground floor, four rooms, dressing- room, bath and closet on second floor, and three attics A.pplyto Mr. Primavesi, James-street, Bute Docks. 5339 BOIWUGH OF CARDIFF. Market and Slaughter House Tolls. TO be LET, by Tender, from the 1st day of January next, the several MARKET PLACES in Cardiff, known by the names of The New Market," and ''The fig Market, with the TOLLS arising therein respec- tively also, the new SLAUGHTER HOUSE, with the TOLLS arising therein. The Town Council of the Borough of CardIff are pre- pared to receive TENDERS for renting the above men- tioned Market Places, Slaughter House and Tolls. In January, 1860, they were let by Auetien for three years, at a rental of -01515 per annum. A deposit of 910 per cent. upon the rental will be required, and also a secu- llty for the due payment of the balance hy monthly in- in advance. The Council do not bind them- selves to accept the highest or any tender. The conditions of letting may be seen at my office, in the Town-ball, any day between the hours of Ten and Poitir o'clock, and tenders must be sent to me on or before the 17th day of December next, not later than iour o'clock p.m., endorsed, Tenders for Market Tolls." Bv Order, MONTAGUE GROVER, Town Clerk's Office, Town Clerk. Town-hall, 24th November, 1864. 5510 TO be DISPOSED OF. a Grocery Business, at 24, James-street, Bute Docks. For particulars, apply "On the premises. 5512 TO be SOLD, by Private Contract, a splendid Cob, Phaeton, and new silver-plated Harness. Apply at the Cardiff Times Office. 5438 To Grocers and others. TO be DISPOSED OF, at the Docks, a Grocery Business, in a good position. For further particu- l8rs apply by letter, addressed Y. Z., Bute Docks Post- 5491 To Chemists and Druggists. ""0 be DISPOSED OF, an Old-established Family and Îj Dispensing Business, well situated at the Hotwells, "ristol. Coming in moderat.e. No sum asked for good- Jill. Stock and fixtures at valuation. A Photographic ^oorn attached. Apply to W. H. Williams & Co., Agents, Exchange, Bristol. 5436 FOR SALE, ex Margaret Quayle," 1200 Tons of clean white SALT, at 10s. per ton, now lying m the Warehouse, east side of East Bute Dock. Any Quantity mav be had.—Apply to Mr. G. Smart, Britannia gildings, Cardiff. 5274 'k_' BUTE DOCK IRON FOUNDRY. To Iron and Brass Founders and Anchor Smiths. TO be SOLD by TENDER, the BUSINESS of the extensive IRON and BRASS FOUNDRY and AN- aOR SMITHEY, called The Bute Dock Foundry," ^ardiff, together with the STOCK, PLANT, and MA- CHINERY thereof. The Foundry is replete with all re- U.Isite Machinery and Tools, which are in excellent Audition, and cost within the last two years over £2000, nd within that period upwards of X1500 have been ex- pended on buildings, which include convenient stores, ^Unting-house, stable, cart-house, &c. The Stock, comprising Anchors, Capstans. &c., com- Meted or in process of manufacture, Bar, Sheet, and Pig ?l'on, and General Ironmongery Goods, amount as per ^ventory to £ 2975 3s. 3d. | The premises are held at the rent of e!50 per annum, Or a term of which 60 years are unexpired. The Stock will be sold either separately or together J!fh the Plant and Machinery and Lease, and sealed ten- t's, marked Tender for Stock," or Tender for Plant and Lease," or u Tender for Stock, Plant, and Lease, are be sent on or before One o'clock on the 7th day of ^CEMBEII next, to the offices of Messrs. Barnaid, Thomas, nd Company, Albion-chambers, Bristol. Inventories may be seen daily between the hours of iue and Five o'clock at the Foundry, and at the Offices I)f the Brokers and Solicitors; and all further particulars ay be obtained of Messrs. Barnard, Thomas, <& Co., Mr. Charles Bevan, Solicitor, Bristol, or of Messrs. M. Brittan Q!:Id Sons, Solicitors, Bristol. 5493 Valuable Leasehold Properties frOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, •v CANTON, NEAR CARDIFF. Woodfield Hotel, and House and Shop adjoining, ^Uate on the Leckwith road, Canton. „ ^Several Unfinished Houses, situate near the Cattle ^fiirket, Canton. FOllr Unfinished Houses at Canton Cross, Leek with-road Nos. 40 and 41, Clive-street, Roath. 1 Nos. 36, 37, 38, and 39, Scott-street, Temperance Town et at 7s. per week. s Piece of Freehold Land, Severn Road, Canton, frontage 130 feet by 100 feet. i Money to any Amount advanced on Freehold or Lease- Securities, either as private mortgages or from a Riding Society. Nos. 13,14, and 15, Peel-street. Two Houses in Bute-road. lf, -New Market Tavern and House adjoining, Union-street, Triton. ^os. 24, 25, and 26, Wellington-street, Canton. Two Houses in John-street, Roath. 'our Houses at the Grange. i. For priCe and particulars apply to Mr. Pusche, Auc- ^■eer, Post-office Chambers, Cardiff. 4592 LIFE, INVESTMENT, MORTGAGE, AND ASSURANCE COMPANY. 8, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London, E.C. rr Capital, £ 500,000. t &.E new features of this Company are that an Assu- sthl rar|ce can be made for the Premium to become pay- e le before death, at any given age. The policy once a.deClltl;Ü is indisputable. The policy holders have the Vantage of obtaining loans on mortgage of property on Vantage of obtaining loans on mortgage of property on is Vai!tsgeous terms. The new business of the Company Progressing at the rate of £ '1.0,000 per annum, tr; 0l' Particulars, and for Agencies in unrepresented dis- 8T>ply to Mr. PLASKETT, 52, Mount Stuart-square 5 if) L I gttsinjess ^bfonssw. IMPORTANT. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY at a Cheap and easy rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS 16, Dock-street, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee that, with approved personal Security, you can have any sum from jgoO to el,000, fo- one, two, three, four, or five years, payable by fixed Yi-t,f-yearly or quarterly instalments. Loans negociated also on Mortgage of Shipping. 352 FULTOI, BUNLOP, AND CD., WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, BEG to submit to the Public a LIST of their present WINES and SPIRITS, the First-rate Quality and Low Prices of which are well worth the attention of pur- chasers. BE It DOZEK. Port Wine 30s., 36s., 48s., 54s. Sherry 26s., 30s., 36s., 42s., 48s. Marsala (Ingham's) ] 8s., 20s. Claret 12s., 14s., 20s., 30s., 36s., 70s. Hock 30s., 36s., 42s., 48s., 00s. Ditto (Sparkling) 42s., 48s., 55s. Sparkling Moselle 36s., 42s., 48s., 55s. Ditto Burgundy 42s., 48s., 55s. Champagne 36s., 42s., 48s., 60s., 70s. Ditto (in Pints) 24s,, 30s.. Fort and Sherry In Wood, per Gallon 14s., 16s., 18s. Colonial Wines. Port 18s., 20s. Sherry 18s. Spirits. PER GAUION. Brandy (finest, Cognac, pale or brown) 28s. Ditto (good) 26s. Hollands Gin (finest quality) 18s. Scotch Highland Malt Whiskey (small StiU, finest to be h; d) .#0 19s. Finest Old Irish Malt Whiskey 19s. Good Whiskey 10s., 178. Rum (Best Jamaica) 16s., IRs. Best London Gin 13s. 6d. Good ditto 1 Is. 6d., 12s. 6d. 2950 CASSELLS~"COFF EES." SOLD BY NEARLY TWO THOUSAND AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. rrHESE CHOICE COFFEES have maintained their 1 high pre-eminence over a period of nearly seventeen years, and continue to be used as the regular Breakfast Beverage by families in all parts of the kingdom. Fine full flavour and great strength characterise these Coffees, and being packed fresh from the mill in Canisters and air-tight Packages, uniform freshness and quality can at all times be relied on. CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 1, Is. per lb. CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 2, Is. 2d. per ib. CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 3, Is. 4d. per lb. CASSELL'S COFFEE, NO, 4, Is. 8d. per lb. Sold in Canisters of 2! lbs., 1 lb., and i lb. each and 2 in air-tight Packets of 4 OZ., 2 oz., and 1 oz. each, by the appointed Agents throughout the kingdom. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT, Cardiff John Rees, George-street, Docks D. Davies, Hayes bridge John Thomas, Charlotte-street „ W. H. Milner, Bute Docks Hartneli, grocer, Canton Aberdare T. Jones, Tea-pot Abertillery Price, and Hiley Richards Aberarr,ati. Charles, dinggist, and Thomas Evans Argoed J. Jenkins, grocer Beaufort J. Davies, Phillips Bridgend Melmoth, Hopkins, Roberts Brynmawr O. Meredith, Anchor House Cefncoed-y-cymmer W. Jones, grocer, R. Price Cefn Works W. Jenkins, grocer Chepstow.. W. T. Williams, Beaufort-square Clydach R. Lodge & Co. Cowbridge Griffiths, Howe, Parsons Dowlais T. Davies, 30, Victoria-street, Mount- pleasant Ebbw Vale E. & W. Evans, grocers Hiley and John Williams Hirwain J. Sims, chemist Llantrissant Williams Bros., and John Thomas Mertbyr Rees Thomas, druggist, Scott Williams I). Evans, Victoria-street, Davies and Phillips, W. Harris Machen C. Alien, Meyrick Woodraffee Maesteg Phillips, Post-office Mountain Ash Bywater, Peters, and Coleman Neath Evans, Wind-street, W. Rees, grocer J. Jones, Skewen, W. Griffiths, grocer Nantyglo G. Pegler, grocer Newport • W. Frederick, Dock-street Pontardawe Thomas, Evans, Post-office Pontlottan (Rhymneyl, J. Morgan, grocer Pontypool W. Davies, Market-square Pontypridd Griffiths and Sons Rhymney.. John Evans, grocer Risca W. Howell, druggist Taibach Thomas Hibbert Tredegar Thomas Price, Circle Treforest James Richard, Robotham 1 ongwynlais John Jeremy Whitchurch Cornish & Co. COFFEE JOHN CASSELL ydywY goraf ei RYM ac a'i FLAS; Cydnabyddir ei ragoroldeb gan a miloedd o deultioedd, yn mhob ran 0'1' deyrnas, sydJ yn dal i'w yfed er ys blynyddoedd meithion. Yr ydys yn ei baccio mewn Canisters, a Bwndeli,a gellirei brynu mor bur a pherffaith yn mharthau mwyaf angi4ysbell y wlarl ag yn Llundain. Y Pris ydyw Is., Is. 4c., a Is. 8c. y Pwys, mewn bwn- deli o ddwyowns i bwys. GORUCHWYLIAETH ENNILLFAWR. Mae tisiau Goruchwylivvr yn mhob ardel lie nad oes un yn barod. Am y telerau, anfoner at CASSELL, SMITH & Co., 80, Fenchurch-street, London; neu at LEONARD, & BOBINSBN, Nelson-street, Bristol. 5261 HORNTman's PURE TEA SOLD IN PACKETS BY 2,800 AGENTS. ^TTOOrMAN'S PUEE TEA, Jtl It is CHOICE and STONG. BECAUSE it consists of most valuable growths that are full of rich essential properties. It is MODERATE in PRICE BECAUSE it, is supplied direct from the importers to the consumers by Agents. It is WHOLESOME to use BECAUSE the leaf is not I faced' with the usual powdered mineral colours. These COMBINED ADVANTAGES have secured for this Tea a general preference. It is sold in sealed packets, with the price printed on each, and signed Original Importers of the Pure Tea. Price :-38. 4d., 3s. 8d., 4s., and 4s. 4d. per lb. Elliez*w" AGENTS IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD. Aberaman Sims, Chemist. Aberavon Evan Evans, Stamp-office. 1 Aberdare ThomasJones, Chemist. Abersychan Wood, Chemist. Bristol. Ferris, Union-street Bridgend Leyshon, Stamp-office. Cowbridge Thomas, High-street CS.PDIFF KERNICK, 23, Duke-street. WHITEHORN, 100, Bute-street « JAMES and WILLIAMS, 281, Bute-street and New Arcade. WAKEFOPiD, 255, Bute-street. JOY, 17, Duke-street. TREHARNE, Chemist. Chep'stow Taylor Beaufort-square. Dowlais Hancock, Chemise. Hii wam Sims, Chemist Merthyr Stephens, High-street. Neath Hutchins, Wind-street, Newport Jones, 5, High-street. Cbeny, 41, Commerciai-oweet. Pontypool Wood, Stamp-office. Pontypridd James, Chemist. Rhymney Prosser. Usk Edwards, Chemist. 3010 usintss ^biinsscs. MR. HUGO (late Surgeon and Medical Superinten- dant of Longwood House Asylum) may be con- sulted daily from 10 to 4 and 6 to 10 on all cases which are daily advertised by ignorant pretenders, and at one-third their prices; also, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, on diseases of the Eye and Deafness. All communica- tions to enclose a stamp, and addressed to Mr. Hugo, Surgeon, 244, Bute-road, Cardiff. 3027 TO COLLIERY OWNERS AND OTHERS. HAMPSHIRE'S PATENT COAL. SLACK, AND MINERAL WASHING MACHINE IS A PERFECT CLEANSER, simple in'its construc- tion, and not liable to get out of repair. THE COST, including fixing, is very reasonable. WILL WASH 300 Tons of Slack per day, the coke from which meets with ready sale, from its strength and purity. May be seen at work at the Whittington Collieries, Ches- terfield ;Wharneliffe Silkstone Collieries, Barnsley; Silk- stone Coke Company (Limited), near Penistone Blaina Iron Works, Newport, Monmouthshire; and the North Staffordshire Coal and Iron Company (Limited), Talk- o'th'-Hill. Estimates given, including erection. Sole Licensee and Maker, S. J. CLAYE, Manor House Works, Long Eaton, near Derby. 4463 BRISTOL STEAM CABINET WORKS. rWERTON AND CO.'S Li PRICE CURRENT FOR THE COMPLETE FURNISHING OF AN EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE, K A KEAT AFD RESPECTABLE STYLE, WITH GOOD KOBESN FURNITURE, CARPETS, AND CURTAINS, &c. KITCHEK, HAIÆ, DINING-ROOM, BREAKFAST-ROOM, STAIRS, DRAWING-ROOM, BEST BED-ROOM; SPARE BED-ROOM, AND TWO SERVANTS' BED-ROOMS. v E ill y A P, T T C L WARRANTED. s d. £ s. d. Deal Table Ð 6 Large one-flap ditto T: Four strong Chairs, at Ss da 0 14 0 Large Clothes Horse 75 6d, Small 53 0 12 6 Knift-Box 0 5 6- 2 13 C HAIX-, Sav seven vds. 4-4 Oil Cloth at 2s 9(1 0 19 3 Cocoa Door Mat and Stair-foot do 0 8 6 r Umbrella Stand and Hat-rail 15 0- 2 12 0 DINING-ROOM. One set of Damask, or Moreen Win- dow Curtains, 3i; yards long, fringe, drapery, polished maho- gany or gilt 6 ft. pole 310 0 Super. Brussels Carpet, 13 by ISJft., 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth Rug to match. I1 0 Mahogany Sliding Table, with extra leaf, to dine eight 4 15 0 Six solid Mahogany hair-seated Chairs, stuffed with horse-hair. 4 10 8 Mahogany Sofa, hair-seated 5 5 0 Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard, 5ft. 6in. 5 10 0—31 18 0 BREAKFAST-ROOM. Super. Kidderminster Carpet, say 5 yds. by 4 2 10 0 Hearth Rug to match 0 14 0 Mahogany Pembroke Table, 3ft. 6in. square 1 5 0 Six imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seated ••• 1 4 0— 5 13 0 STAIRS. Strong Dutch Carpet, say 2Q yards, at Is. 4d. 1 6 8 Thirtv-six Stair-rods and Eyes 0 1.5 Q- 2 1 8 DRAWING-ROOM. Super. Brussels Carppt, including making, 18ft. by 15Aft., 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth Rug to match 1 1 0 Two sets rich Damask Curtains, 3l yds. long, indow Drapery and two 6ft. gilt Poles. 7 0 9 Rosewood Cheffonier, plate-glass back and marble top 515 Chimney Glass in gilt frame, best British plate, 40in. by 30in 4 1-0 0 Rosewood Loo Table 4 15 0 Rosewood Couch, uaniask, Curtains ••• Six solid Rosewood Chairs, ditto. 6 0 0 4* d BEST BED ROOM. Mahogany Fourpost Bedstead, with cornice, poles, rings, &e. 4 10 0 Moreen or Damask Furniture, with fringe drapery, complete 4 15 0 Mattress 1 5 0 Good Feather Bed, Boister,& Pillows 5 15 0 One Pair Best Russia Sheets 0 18 0 Three Blankets 1 7 0 White Counterpane 0 14 6 Mahogany Washstand and table 3 3 0 Bressing Glass, large size 0 16 0 Mahogany Towel Horse 0 4 6 Three imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seat 0 9 0 Mahogany Chest of Drawers, French polished 2 15 0 Bedround Carpet, yard wide 0 18 0 Mahogany Night Commode 014 6-28 0 0 ° J ° SECOND BED ROOM. Japanned full-size Half-tester Bed- stead e- Good Dimity Furniture, with fringe drapery 110 SdeMilpuff'Bed and Bolster*, Feather Pillows 2 12 0 One pair Russia Sheets 0 12 Q Three Blankets White Counterpane ••• 10 6 Painted Washstand and Table 0 15 6 Chest of Drawers, large size 112 0 Two Chairs 0 7 6 Dressing Glass 0 10 6 Towel Horse s 0 3 0 Bedside Carpet, 8 yds 0 16 0-13 13 6 TWO SERVANTS' BEDROOMS. Two full-size double Bedsteads. 110 Millpuff Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows 2 0 0 Two Pair Sheets 0 10 0 Six Blankets 1 16 0 Two Coloured Counterpane 0 10 0 Two Washstands 0 11 0 Two Chests of Drawers 2 10 0 Four Chairs 0 10 0 Two Dressing Glasses. 0 5 0— 9 13 0 J138 12 5 A SINGLE ROOM OR A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE QUOTED PRICES., Now Ready, L. and Co.'s NEW ILLUSTRATED GIJIDE, with 306 Engravings and Valuable Information for Furnishing various sized Houses. Free by Post, or on application to L A V E R rr 0 N & CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS, 36 AND 37. MARYP RT STRERT. BRISTOL. 12J GIVEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL WORK entitled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or a Warning Voice to Young Men, on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indig'Stion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Mus- cular Relaxation, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &c which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by which they were cured with plain directions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, Tavistoek-square, London W.C. 5417 Hoiieway's Ointment and Pills. BAD Legs, Wounds, Ciceis, and all descriptions of sores^ are cured by the proper and diligent use of this inestimable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by plastering the edges of the wound together, is a folly for should the skin unite, a boggy diseased condition re- mains underneath to break out with two-fold ftiry in a few days. The only rational and permanent treatment, as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and about the wound, to soothe the neighbouring nerves, to cool the heated blood as it courses along its vessels, and to render the thin, watery, ichorous discharge, con- sistent and healthy. Holloway's Pills should be taken at the same time, in order to purify the blood and expel the obnoxious humour from the system. usintas Abbrtssrs. DINING AND CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT. 220, BUTE-ROAD, CARDIFF. WALTER five years at the Cardiff Arms Hotel, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business as Cook and Confectioner as above; and hopes by the strictest attention to all orders entrusted to him, com- bined with moderate charges, to merit a share of public support. PBRSONAL attendance at Public or Private Parties, on reasonable terms. DINNERS, WEDDING BREAKFASTS, AND BALL SUPPERS, Supplied on the shortest notice. 4546 -+- LTFISTASSURANGE LOANS. LOANS, from £ 2b to in,000, upon approved personal or other security, repayable by easy instalments, ex- tending over any period not exceeding ten years, may be readily obtained, on advantageous terms.—For prospec- tus, forms of proposal, &c., and for all other information apply to Mr. JAMES GAWIT, Auctioneer, 77, St. Mary-street Cardiff. Agent to the British Mutual Life Assurance Society, No. 17 LV, 18, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London, EC. Established. 3 844. 2220 T7 6. GLASS'S ASNQUHCEMENTS TG. GLASS begs respectfully to call the attention • of his friends and the general public, ro his New and Well-selected Stock of MERCANTILE and FANCY STATIONERY, consisting of every description of WEDDING AND FANCY STATIONERY. SCHOOL AND OTflER STATIONERY. CARTES DE VISITE AND ALBUMS. POCKET-BOOKS, PORTMONNAIES, & PURSES. BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LEDGERS, ACCOUNT AND DAY BOOKS. Merchants, Captains, Public Companies, and the Trade supplied with any quantities on advantageous terms. A VISIT IS RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED. T. ëL G L A S S, MERCANTILE AND FANCY STATIONER, 20, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2923 CARDIFF AGENCY OFFICE, (Free Library Entrance—Left Side,) 80, SAINT MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. MR. HODKINSON'S PUBLIC NOTICES. THE CARDIFF REGISTER OFFICE. None but persons of first-class character dealt with. WANTED, a Situation as an Ironmonger's Assistant, or as Clerk, Shopman, Collector, &c. WANTED, by a Young Lady of some experience, a Situ- ation in a Draper's establishment. WANTED, a Nursemaid also, a Housemaid. Both ex- perienced. Ages from 25 to 3n years of age. WANTED, a General Servant, any age from 20 to 30. OUSE AND EST ATE AGENCIES.— JLjL Houses Let; Rents Collected; Surveys Made; Plans Drawn, and Repairs Superintended. COMMISSIONS— Debts Collected Tradesmen's Books kept; Disputed Accounts arranged Corres- pondence oRITied on; and Confidential and other Com- missions executed. WANTED, in every town in East Glamorgan, Agents for a Fire and Life Insurance Office. Terms liberal. Apply to Mr, Hodkinson. WANTED, a neat Villa, from £ 25 to £30. EMIGRATION. Applications received from female servants, of good character, for Passages to the colony of Victoria. Rate, 10s. each. Passages are also.granted, undervarious regu- lations, to South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales. Wales. LOANS.—Mr. Hodkinson is now in a position to grant Loaus from £ 50 to £ 2,000, on the security of one or more responsi6le sureties. BROKEN WINDOWS.—Every description of Plate Glass insured against all accidents. UARANTEES EFFECTED in the EUROPEAN IjT and ALBERT to «ny amount for honesty and fidelity in situations of trust. ACCIDENTS INSURED AGAINST.—A payment of 10s. will secure 15s. per week in case of injury, and £ 100 for the family in case of death. ADVERTISING for Professional and other gentlemen tradesmen, and private parties, in all the local metropolitan, and provincial papers. FIRE OR LIFE INSURANCES effected in the INDISPUTABLE, ATLAS, PROVINCIAL, EAGLE, LANCA- SHIRE, BRITON, and BRITISH NATION Companies. Hail- storm, Cattle, Provident, Shipping, and all kinds of Insurances. THE NEW FEATURE IN LIFE ASSURANCE.- Prospectuses and every information respecting the In- disputable Life Assurance Company of Scotland," may be had of Mr. Hodkinson. MR. HODKINSON, (Eight years Editor of the Cardiff Gltardian,) LOAN, FIRE, LIFE, HOUSE, ADVERTISING, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, Collector of Inland Revenue Taxes, SHARE BROKER, NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENT, AND SERVANTS' REGISTRAR, Has REMOVED his Offices to the FREE LIBRARY, 80, ST. MART-STREET, CARDIFF, STAR OF GWENT" aad -1 BRISTOL DAILY POST" Offices. References permitted to gentlemen of the highest standing in the town and county. ø- All letters must contain postage stamps for replies. Security given t9 any amount. 4421 STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLEKFIELD PATENT STARCH, Awarded the Prize Medal, 1862. THIS unrivalled STARCH is used in the ROYAL LAUNDRY, and pronounced by Her Majesty's Laundress to be the finest Starch she ever used. Her Majesty's Lace Dresser declares it to be the Best she has ever tried, and the above Award by some of the most eminent Scientific Men of the Age confirms its Supe- riority. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LONDON. I!/5 1 HUDSON'S 'EXTRACT -t- -L A OF SOAP. MAKES TUB WATER SOFT IS NOT INJURIOUS TO THE HANDS OR FINEST FABRIC; LATHERS FREELY, AND WASHES WITHOUT SOAP Sold by Grocer and Druggists in Packets, Id. each. Kaye's Worsdell's Fills, THERE is scarcely any form in which disease can assail the human constitution, but has been suc- cessfully met by these Pills. While they are perfectly free from mercurial and other poisonous substances, and may be safely taken by persons of the most tender age or delicate constitution, they are powerful to afford im- mediate and permanent lelief. They purify the blood, and promote its free circulation thioughout the system They quicken the appetite, strengthen the digestion, cleanse the stomach and boweis from all vitiated humours, and produce that cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirit which are the signs of a robust state of the general health. Randreds of testimonids are enclosed with each box attesting their efficacy on the afflicted of all ages and' both sexes, in every part of the kingdom. Pre- pared solely by John Kaye, Esq., of Prospect Hall, Woodford, "Essex. Sold by all medicine vendors, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale depet, 22, Bread- street, London.. 2062 '1:, ,1 I Sfripmg goliccS- CARDIFF AND LONDON TRADER. J'-V-. rilHE Schooner "ROSA HARRIETTE," T '5^. Captain Newby, will leave LONDON W/ CARDIFF on or about the 9th of .====>- DECEMBER. For particulars of Freight, &c., apply to Joseph Elliott, Bute Docks, Cardiff; G. W. Jones & Co., Newport, and at Symon's Wharf, Tooley-street, London. 5497 PENARTH STEANLI FERRY. NOVEMBER and DECEMBER, 1804. THE Steamers "JANE," or "KATE," are intended to ply between CARDIFF and PENARTH as follows FROM BUTE DOCKS. FROM PENARTH. Nov. Nov. 20th.—2 3, 4, 5 p.m. 26th.—2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30 p.m. 28th.—3, 4, ft p.m. 28th.—3.30, 4.30, 5.30 p.m. 29th.—8,9 a.m.; 4, 5 p.m. 29th.—8.30,9.30, a.m.; 430, 5.30 p.m. 30th.-S, 9, 10 a.m. 4, 5 30th.-8.30, 9.30, 10.30, p.m. a.m.; 4.30,5.30 pm, DEC. DEC. 1st.—8, 9, 10 a.m. I t. S. &.30,10.30, a.m, 2nd.—8, S, 10, 11 a.m. 2nd—8.30, 9.30, 10.30. 11.30 a.m. Fares, Threepence each person. 4545 E. J. THOMAS, Superintendent. "BLACK BALL" AND "EAGLE LINE OF British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets. LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE. Ship. Reg. Bur Capt. Date. Vanguard 1303.3000 Curwen, 5th Dec. Great Britain, ss., 500 h.p.3200 Gray 15th Dec. Persons who hold Passage Warrants or Bounty Tickets will please make immediate application to the under- signed. ———— LONDON FOR MELBOURNE. Chatsworth 25th Nov. Assisted Passages and Free Grants of Land. LONDON FOR SYDNEY. Sydney Dacres 10th Dec. FOR QUEENSLAND. (Free Grants of Land, value 30 Pounds.) Flying Cloud 10th Dec. STEAM TO NEW YORK. Louisiana, s.s., 2000 tons, from Liverpool, 6th Dec. LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE. TJACKET FOR THE 5TH DECEMBER, JL The splendid Clipper Ship, VANGUARD," Jglllllg? 1,303 Tons Register, 3000 Tons Burthen, Captnia CURWEN, Coppered and Copper-fastened. This fine clipper ship is well known in the Australian trade for the regularity of her passages, and the exceUent condition in which she has always delivered her cargoes. She will be loaded under the regulations of H.M. Emigration Surveyors. Her ac- commodation for all classes of passengers is of the most saperior order. For further particulars apply to JAMES BAINER and Co., Water-street, Liverpool; GIBBS, BRIGHT and Co., North John-street; or T. M. MACKAY and Co., 1, Leadenhall- street, London, E. C. 4354 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. OS" Passengers holding Victoria Passage Warrants or Bounty Tickets will please make immediate application to the undersigned. rnHE WHITE STAR" LINE of British, Australian, and New Zealand EX-ROYAL MAIL CLIPPERS ga-j on tjje 15th and 20th of each month Landing and forwarding passengers to every port of Aus- tralia, Tasmania, or New Zealand. The Line is composed of the following celebrated clippers: ROYAL STANDARD (s.s.) CHARIOT OF FAME. MORNING LIGHT. QUEEN OF THE NORTH RED JACKET. SHALIMAR. WHITE STAR. GLEN DEVON. BLUE JACKET ULCOATS. TORNADO. GOLDEN SUNSET MERMAID. And many others well known in the trade. FROM LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE, Tons Tons Regis. Bur. To sail. VERNON Th,rnliill 13 1 t.. IWHO Dec. 20 SHALIMAR Deighton.. 1700. 3500 Jan. 20 QUEEN OF THE NORTH, Forsyth .1030. 3200 Feb. 20 LONDON TO NEW ZEALAND. ULOOATS Canterbury In Dec. The White Star" Packet of the 20th December will be the magnificent new clipper VERNON, which has just been built by the eminent firm, Messrs. Thomas Vernon and Co., of Liverpool. This noble ship is 1314 tons register, and is classed A 1-12, and 20 years. Her accom- modations for all classes of passengers will be found to be of the most superior order. Passengers embark on the 20th December. Saloon pas- sengers on the 21st December. For freight or passage, apply to the owners, H. T. WILSON & CHAMBERS, 21, Water-street, Liverpool; or to WILSON BILBROUGK, and Co., 27, Leadeiihall-street, London'; or to ORBELL WHITEFIELD, House and Estate Agent, 11, Romilly-terrace, Canton, Cardiff. N.B.-Willox's Australian and New Zealand Hand beoks, sent post free for two stamps. 998 GREAT IN THE IMPROVEMENTS PROCESS GOOLD'S EUREKA BLACK INK IS NOW PERFECTION. THE great characteristics of this elegant discovery in Writing Inks, arid which give it such pre-eminence over every other, are— 1st.—Its PERFECT FLUIDITY and FREEDOM from SEDIMENT, however long kept, being a definite CHEMICAL SOLUTION, clear, brilliant, and un- changeable, instead of a mere mixture of ingredients as all other Inks are. 2nd.— It writes a beautiful INTENSE BLACK im- mediately it leaves the pen, and so indestructible is its colour that on paper it has stood the test of immersion in the most powerful bleaching gases unchanged, when every other ink submitted to the same test has more or less faded to indistinctness. 3rd.-It contains NO ACID or CORROSIVE PRO- PERTIES. Steel pens can be used with it for an almost indefinite period without becoming clogged or in any way acted on. It may, therefore, be pronounced with truth to be the only Perfect and Indestructible Ink yet discovered. Sold in bottles 3d., 6d., Is. each, and imperial pints Is. 6d., quarts 2s. 6d., gallons Ss. 6d., by H. J. Walker and Co., chemists, Broad street, Bath, Sole Consignees f the United Kingdom and Colonies, whose signature and trade mark will appear over the cork of every bottle. London and Export Agents: Cooke and Sons, 84, Cannon-street (Depot); Barclay and Sons, 95, Farring- don-street; Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard. Bristol: Pearce and Co., Bridge-street. CARDIFF: D. DUNCAN, Times Office. N JONES, Stationer, Duke-street. H JAMES and WILLIAMS, Chemists, Bute- street, and Arcade, St. Mary-street. NEWPORT: PHILLIPS, Chemist. JONES, Chemist. 4285 JAMES AND WILLIAMS 281. Bute-street, and New Arcade, St. Mary-street, AGENTS FOR EORNIMAN'S PURE T EA. I I jLl It is very CHOICE and STRONG. It is very MODERATE in PRICE. It is very W HOLESOM E to USE These ADVANTAGES have secured for this Tea a general preference. Sold in Packets with the price printed on each, and signed 3010 HORN MAN d CO., LONDON. THE ELECTRIC AND INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. (INCORPORATED, 184D.) MESSAGES forwarded to all parts of the United Kingdom and the Continent, by direct circuit, at greatly reduced rates. CARDIFF CHIEF OFFICES: 4 & 5, POWELL-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS. Open Day and Night. BRANCH OFFICES: SOUTH WALES RAILWAY STATWN.- Hours of atte, ndance: Week Days, S.O a.m. to H.O p.m. Sundays, 9.0 a.m. to 10.30 a.m and 5.0. p.m. to GO p.m. TOWN HALL READING ROOMS—Week Days only, 9.0 a.m. to 9.0 p.m. BY ORDiiK. SIjrphr0 poticcs. QUEENSLAND GOVERN EMIGRATION OFFICE, 17, GRACECHURCH- STREET, LONDON. ASSISTED EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND ASSISTEI) Passages are now granted to JtjL a limited number of eligible persons, /at Per head (adult). Female Domestic _^g|g!|JgOjg^ Servants, £ 4. The class of perosns alone eligibie are ploughmen, road-makers, quarry men, professed gardeners, and a few miners, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, ship- wrights, and female domestic servants of good character. Apply to Mr. J. ELLIOTT, Agent for Queensland Emi- gratioll for Cardiff. 1934 CARDIFF STEAM NAVIGATION CO-NIPA,,NY'S NEW AND FAST-SAILING STEAMER jpxT VELINDRA» :7.0- I?!AVID DAVIES, Commander, IS intended to ply (with liberty to tow) between CAR- DIFF and BRISTOL, with passengers and mer- chandise, during the Month of NOVEMBER, 1864. From Bute Docks, Cardiff. FromBathurstBasin, Bristol 28 Monday 3 after 2(5 Saturday 3Jafter 30 Wednesday 4|after 29 Tuesday 6Jmoni DEC 2 K IS LI A. DE CEMB ER. 2 Friday 1 Thursday 8 mora 5 Monday tUmorn 3 Satunlav 9 morn Î Wednesday. I0|:norn 0 Tuesday llimom 9 Friday lii noon 8 Thursday 2 after 12 Monday 3 after JO Saturday 3 after 14 Wednesday rafter 18 Tuesday 6 £ inoin 16 Fri iay Gjmoru 15 Thursday 8 morn 19 Monday 8 morn 17 Saturday 9 morn :21 Wednesday. 9 morn 20 Tuesday lOJmora 2 23 Friday in^morn 11 Thursday 12 noon 20 Monday lfafter 24- Saturday Ifafter 28 Wednesday 3 £ after n Tuesday 4 J after 30 Friday ifafter 29 Thursday 7 morn \jt Saturday Sitiiorn To-and-fro from Bristol, in conjlHlction with the Ely, 13th, 14th, 15th, 28th, 29th, and 30th. Fares:—After Cabin, 2s.; Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. To-and- fro, same day (provided a to-and-fro ticket be taken) After Cabin. 3s. Fore Cabin, 2s. To-and-fro tickets will also be issued on Saturday, available for the return trip m Monday. Further information as to freight, ifrc., may he obtained by applying at the Company's Office, Bute Docks, Car- diff; or to John Evered. Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. 1021 Steam Ship Communication BETWEEN COR K, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT. rpHE CORK STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S First- X Class Powerful STEAMERS, CORMORANT, Capt. CKOFT, 1,200 Tons, 300-horse power. IBIS. Capt. HOLLAND, 1,200 Tons, 300-horse power. DODO. Capt. Raynes, 1,000 Tons, 300-horse power. HALCYON. Captain Mowle, 800 Tons, 250-horse power. Are intended to ply a.s underneath, unless prevented^? any unforeseen occurrence, with or without a Pilot, with liberty to tow vessels, during the month of NOVEMBER. To Cork, From Newport SatiirdAv,581 morn From Cardiff Saturday, 12 4 after From Newport Saturday, 19 At morn From Cardiff Saturday, 26 3 after From Cork. To Milford and Newport Wednesday 2 i after To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 9 10k morn 2 To Milford and Newport Wednesday, 16 4 after To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 23 10 morn To Milford and Newport Wednesday 30 3 after Passengers' Fares between Newport, Cardiff and Cork. To Cork and back in Best Cabin (Tickets available for one month), £1 7s. To Cork, Best Cabin (no Steward's fee) l'is. 6d.; Deck, 7s. Goods conveyed to and from Limerick at Through Rates via Cork. Horses, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods intended for Shipment, should be alongside two hours before the time of sailing. The Company also give Notice, that they will not be accountable for Passengers' Luggage, unless the valne thereof be declared, and freight paid accordingly, at the time of shipment; and that Passengers from Newport or Cardiff must obtain their Tickets at the Office before going on board. For Freight, &c., apply at the Company's Office, Cork or to their Agents, Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Ship-broker, Bute Docks. Cardiff; Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Cork Steam Ship Wharf, Pillgwenlly, Newport, Mon. and Messrs. WILSON, SON, and WALTER, Corn Exchange, Liverpool. 2119 THE SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE TO AND FROM THE SOUTH-EAST, SOUTH AND WEST OF ENGLAND, SOUTH WALES, LIVERPOOL, THE CHANNEL ISLANDS, &0. BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY. Improved Steam Communication between BURNHAM AND CARDIFF. Passengers, Parcels, and Goods can be Booked Through. out between CARDIFF and POOLE, and all Stations on the SOMERSET and DORSET RAILWAY, and LON- DON, PORTSMOUTH, GOSPORT, SOUTHAMPTON, GUERNSEY, JERSEY, LYMINGTON, WEYMOUTH, and all theprincippl Stations on the LONDON and SOUl H WESTERN RAILWAY. Third Class Tickets for CARDIFF are issued from any Station between POOLE and HIGHBRIDGE, inclusive, by all Trains arriving at Burnham, immediately before the departure of the Steamer; and from Cardiff, available by any train leaving Burnham next after the arrival of the Packet^ rpHE Fine Fast Sailing Clyde- J- built Steamers, DEFIANCE, E. L. BARRON, Commander, HEATHER BELL, W. DENSHAM, Commander. Or other suitable Steamer, is intended (wind and weather permitting, with or without a pilot, and with liberty to tow), during the month of NOVEMBER, 1864, to ply with Passengers and Merchandise, as follows :— FRObt BURNHAM TO CARDIFF. FROM CARDIFF TO BURNHAM. 26 Saturday 4 15 after 26 Saturday 1 30 after 28 Monday 3 30 after 28 Monday 3 0 after 29 Tuesday 330 after 29 Tuesday 7 0 mom 30 Wednesday 4 15 after 30 Wednesday 7 30 morn 1 Dec., Thurs. 3 30 after 1 Dec., Thurs. 0 0 morn 2, Friday 9 30 inorn2, Friday 7 0 morn Waterloo Arriving at bridge VV'ey- Soutii- Ports- T London mouth, aaipton. mouth. ondoa 75 am — — — — — 75 am — — — — — 8 5 am 12 5 pm; 1 18 pm 1 7 pm 2 0 pm 2 10 pnj 10 30 „ 1 5(1 „ 4 0 „ 3 30 „ 4 0 „ 4 20 1 20 pm 5 5 „ 8 C „ 5 20 „ '6 0 „ 6 35 0 25 „ 10 15 — 12 57 am — 4 30 am Tram's leure ArriTilig Waterloo, Ports- South- Wey- T j at bridge mouth, ampron month. loole. Burnhm. London — 6 0 auij 6 25 am 8 10 am 12 0 piu 7 5 ami 8 0 am 8 50 10 35 „ 10 15 2 18 „ 11 40 11 40 12 45 pmjl.2 20 pm 1 5 pm 5 23 „ 3 50 pm! 4 15 pmi 4 50 „ 4 50 5 30 „ 11 20 „ 5 10 „ 6 3') 7 15 5 8 35 „ '11 20 The steamers will wait at Barnham a reasonable time the arrival of the trains. Fares:—Saloon and After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Cabin, 2>. Return Tickets between Burnham and Cardiff available on the day of issue only. Saloon, 4s.6d.; Fore 3s. Those issued on Saturday will be availaole on the fol- lowing Monday. Further information as to Freight, &c.. may he obtained by applying to Mr. SWAN. Superintendent, at. the Coia- party's Offices at Burnhi>mor 5, Stuart-street, Bute Docks- Cardiff; Mr. E. K. CORKE, Steam Packet. Supeiint"n- dent, Railway Station. Southampton Mr. J SMITH, Ship ("handler, York House, Bridgwater; or Mt-. A PATEY, 16 High-street, Bristol; or Mr. WILLIAMS, 53, Kum William- street, City. London. By order, ROBERT À. READ, Secretary fmd General ;lJ aI-Jager. Chief Offices, Glastonbury. HflR STARCH^MANUFACYURERO TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELB PATENT STARCH, Used in the Royal Laundry, and Awarded the Prize Medal BEING a confirmation by some of the most eminent r J Scientific Men of the Ag-e, of the Superior Quali- ties of this World-renowned Starch. Sold in Packets at £ d., Id., 2d., 4d., and 8d. each, by ili respectable Grocers, Ctiandlers, Oilmen, &c. J V,otherspoon & Co., Glasgow and London. 193