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DUTY OFF TEA. Reduction ef per lb. PHILLIPS AND co., 8 KXNG WILLIAM JL ■ STREET, CITY, LONDON, have SEDUCED all PRICES, Strang Blaclc Teas, 2a.Ss. *<1. te. M., toSe.. tfUemoet delieious Black Tea the world produces 48. p»r lb. A innoe-ottrrazit post-free. Forty Shillings' worth carnage tree to aoj Bail way Station or Market Town in England. Observe! PHILLIPS and 00. have no Ageotfi. TMffT.TATU,TH AND UNRIVALLED «TlWTNft 7MTACHINE for the Family acd the Factory. JLTA The SINGER MANtTFACTVEING CO. confidently offer their MAOUli* ES M t be most simple yet scientific in construction; waoet inexpensive yet effective in operation; most enduring; in a word, M the beet, and, being so, the cheapest in the world. Vass stitch, hem, fell, tuck, frill, hind, gather, cord, braid, &c. iwyjoe i& operation in all quarters of the globe. Shipping orders. Illustrated Pamphlet Free. Agents wanted. 147 Cheapeide, £ .0 J4ILKS.—PATTERNS FREE. K7 jTRiCE STRIPED and CHECKED GLACES, £ i 10& 6d. per 12 yards. RICH BLACK FRENCH FIGURED GLACES, £ 1 158. 6d. per 12 yards. JOHN HABTFTY and SON, 9 LPPOATB HILL. LONDON. *2W"OTHlNU IMPOSSIBLE.—The greatest and most rueful invention of the day, AGUA AHAR.ELLA. ■ Alosora. JOHN GOSSfELL & Co., Three King-court, Lombfu-d-et., perfumers to Her Majesty, respectfully offer to the public this truly marvellous fluid, which gradually restores the human hair to its pristine hue-no matter at what age. The Agna Araarella lias none of the properties of dyes: it, on the contrary, is Bene- ficial to the system. and'wfcen the hair is onee restored one ap- piicatito per month will keep it in perfect colour. Price one gniaeaper bottle; half bottles, 10s. 6d. Testimonials from ar- tistes ef the highest order, and from individuals of undoubted respectability may be inspected. Messrs. Jno. Gosnell and Co have been appointed perfumers toH.R.H. the Princess of Wales. COBDIMG'-S WAT/ER.PROOFS, SEl STRAND, TEMPLE-BAB, LONDON. A RTISTS' MATERIALS at HALF-PRICE. **■ CHARLES KEENE'S Patent Studio Easels, 18A Orchard-st., Portman Square. London. Samples of Deealcomanie or colours forwarded on receipt of six stamps. CUP OF COFFEE IN ONE MINUTE. ■*3L DUN-VS ESSENCE OF COFFEE. is. and 2s. per Bottle. :May be bad everywhere. Warranted to keep good im any climate. fflELESCOPES, TELESCOPES— SECOND- HAND TELESCOPES, by the beet London makers, are to be had at WHUAM LAWLESS, Famngdon-rtreet, City, E.C. Catalogues on receipt of stamps. <Sj3COND-BA.Nl) Photographic Lenses, Cameras, Microscopes, Opera, and Race.^Glasses, Mathe- matical and Surgieal Instruments, Marie and Dissolving-view Xaotecns, Slides, &c. at W. LAWLEY'S, 78 Farringdon-street, City, E.C. Catalogues on receipt of stamp. MAKER'S PATENT MANGLES.— Portable Mangle and Wringing Machines, from gse. first-class Lawn-mowers; Prae Medal Chums and Dairy Utensils. —45AKER and CO., Manufacturers, S09 Oxford-street, London. EstahHshed upwards of 68 years. BAD WATER.—Why drink it when the PATENT MOULDED CARBON FILTERS, tte newest and beat invention of the age, effectually purify it from lead, lime, iron, and other impurities, and render it invigorating and whole- some. Sponge, sand, gravel, and loose charcoal entirely dis- pensed with. Ilhistrated catalogue, pwees, &c., free by post. T. ATKINS & SON. Sturineers. Fleet-st., London. E.C. g^OCOA.—BARRY and CO.'S SUPERIOR PREPARATIONS OF COCOA, tested and recommended by Dr. ANDREW URE, M.D., F.R.S. *iee testimonials on packets. Finsbury Steam Mills, London, E.C. To be obtained-of all grocers. VERVE COCOA. 1B. 8d-; HOMCEOPATHIC COCOA, 18. id.; PREPARED COCOA. 1a. 2d.; PEARL COCOA, 9d.; SWEET TRINIDAD CHOCOLATE. Sd. per IB NFLHE PROVIDENT CLERKS- MUTUAL JL LIFEASt>VRAXCEASSOCTATION. iHabliehed l&iO, TRUSTEES. nomas Baring, EM., M.P. ) Wm. George Preecott, Esq. Thomson Hanfeey, Esq., M.P. I Baron L.N.deRothschild. M.P. The Report and Balanee Sheet presented at the 23rd Annual Keating, en the 3rd February, showed the following results The income for lSffi was £ 59;750 »e accumulated fond amounted to 221,695 The claims paid since the fouadatien of the Association in 1840 amount to 326.060 Bje cash bonus at the recent quinquennial division was so.ooo The reports and" balance-sheets may be bad by any person, "Whether a member or otherwise, on application at the chief of- fice, 15 Moorgate-etreet, E.C., or of the Agents to the Awoc-iation. JFTME 3. LUFTI. TM. TWOS. LINFOR'D, Sec. TMTARCATE.—" For licalth." says Sir Jas. Clark. Her Majesty's physician," Margate is unequalled." Brafwaus Wilson, P.R.S., says, My advice to you is, go to Margate." For spacious apartments, cleanliness, and comfort tfae YORK FAMILY HOTEL is unsurpassed on the coast.—R. WARDIXL. Proprietor. KSEAf-ES OF THE "NERVES, lle. fast published, with Illustrations, pri«e is.; tree, 1* stamps. DISEASES of the NERVES, BRAIN, and MIKD, the Origin, Symptoms, and. Effects of these Mala- dies, Containing Itutruetioss as to Ccux-titntioual pagimel)- What to Eat, Drink. and Avoid—Bathing, Exercirse, Sc.—Really plain and easy Directions for the complete and pesmanest Cure ■of every description of Kervousness.—Address. Mectieal Institu- tion, 52 Dorset-street, Manchester-square, London, W. FIN BOY'S CLOTHING HOUSE. ffKEOXLYHOUSE OF THE KIND IN LCTNDON; ESTABLISHED EXPESSLY FORECT'SCLOTHING. PATTERNS AND PRICES FREE. A. B. JOSEPti & Co., 150 KECEXT-STREET, LONDON. The finest TOILET SOAP in the world is the _T APLES TABLET of ARMAND et FILS, .1. used by the Queen. Ask for the tabletstamjied "Arinamd et ^la,NapleB,"& manufactured only at the City Soap W <>rks, London F. S. CLEAVERS PRIZE MEDAL FANCY SOAPS AND PERFUMERY.- s Medals, &c. awarded, 1851, 1858, 1855, and 1862-being ■positive proof nf worth. To be had ail over the United Kingdom SEWING MACHINE. NEWTON WILSON and Co.'s LOCK and KNOTTED STITCH, family & manufacturing. From t66S. complete. Cataioeue free by post. 144 High Holbors, London. A NYT^E CAN USE THEM."—A basin of wRter is all that is required to produce the most %nUiaHt and fashionable colours on Silks, tVooikscs, Cottons, Sibbcms, &< in ten minutes, by the use of JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES, "Tea Colours. 6d.. is. 6d., 2s. fid., and So. per bottle. These dyes ■will also be found useful lor imparting colour to Feathers, Fibres, tJrasses, Seaweed. Ivory, Bene, Wood, WiUow-shavrngs, Pnper; alse for tintiug Photographs and for I Humiliating.—May be bad ofChemiets throughout the United KingdowanclBirt'sh Colonies. Wholesale Depot, 19A Coleman Street. London. THE SWEETEST PERFUME OF THE DAY is the SPIRIT OF LOVE," price is. per bottle, prepared *>nly by J. M. ROBSON, 82 Lawrence-lane, Cheapside, London. To be had of all respectable Perfumers, Chemists, ftc. WASKIX G MACHINES-BRADFORD'S PATENT.—A recent improvement clinits the warmest commendation# or pureha»ei-s. Price List, including Mangles, "Wringers;, Linen Pre*s, &e.. on application. The Patentee's erms, a'montli's tri, 1. Carriage free.—6S Fleet street, London, 11d Cathedral-steps, )f1\1¡Chf,ter. TLr WALKERS PATENT RIDGED.EYED • NEEDLES FOB BAPXD SEWING. There is nothing like them for sj.'CCd. Pat cnteecl' the Penelope and UncotopicCroctiets. Samples for lsv post-free, of any lieaier.—K. Vi'ALKER, Queen's "Works. Alcester: and 47. Greslmm-ytreet, London. j TZ" ITCHEN RANGES._BROWN BROTHERS' are the bert ttdapted for heating BATHS, CONSERVA- TORIES, &i\, and perfectly performing every other culinary ope- latien. Require little or no fixing, save half the coals, cure smoky chiitiweys. The only Range which can use the PATENT AUTOMATON ROASTER. In operation daily at the Dep^t. 43 Cranbourn-st., London, W.C. Illustrated Catalogue post free ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! TRANSPARENT ICE, DESSERT ICES, CREAMS, &e., made in fix minutes, in any climate, by TOSELLI'S PATENT MACHINE, which can be used as a Refrige- rator or Wine-cooler. Price from 15s.—BROWN BROTHERS 43 Cranbourn-street. Leicester-square, London, W.C. Prospectus post-free. See in operation. THOMSON'S PRIZE MEDAL CRINOLINES. Tride mark a Crown. :-old everywhere. TTVXCELSIOR FAMILY SEWING and ■Mil EMBROIDERY MACHINES, with Stands, &c., complete, from £ 6 6«t.; the best, simplest, and cheapest in the world. WIIIGHT & MANN, 14S Hotbora Bars. London. E.C. Lists free. BRAGG'S CHARCOAL BISCUITS.—The best reinedy for indigestion, ftatu?«n« y.acidity, heartbsra, "Wle, &c. In tins, I:s., U., and Rs. See Dr. Hass&lV's Report. L. BliA<;<r. ilViiraiore-stree^.CavendUh-squarr". & all chemists. WALKER'S CRYSTAL CASEW,TCHES T are now superseding all others, on aecwmt of their IP-eat strength and accunwrr.—tW Cornhill; lio Regent-street; and 48 Prinees-strwst, Leice-ter-square. Safe and free per post. jQRINOLINES.—GEMMA, "9s. 6d. CRINOLINES.-Sansfl.ectums, 16s. :tEd 21s. VJ rHILPOTTS, S7 PICCADILLY. /CRINOLINES.—Ondina or Waved. 18s. 6d. PHILROTTS, S7 PICCADILLY. /CRINOLINES—"Sansflectum Jewelled 27s.6d. V^' RSIILWRS. s? PICCADILLY. CRINOLINES.-Piccadilly Puffed. 31s. 6d. PKILPOTTS, S7 PtCCA.DILLY. "CRINOLI.NE"in oni-Parks and Promenades, with im antique Illustration*, post-Vee twelve stamps. PHILPOTTS. :>7 PICCADILLY. «nd all Kooksfeilers. FOR CHEAP WATCHES, CLOCKS. GOLD CHAINS, and JEWELLERY, go to KIKBLE'S. 22 GracechurcU-st., City, and at is L1.Id¡:llt('-hi.ll. opposite Oid ¡;¡;,i!üy. an per cent cheaper than any otliw house.— Gold w*t ches, £ H H>8; Silver rto., ir* from IPs fed. Every artioie warranted. PAri'E RN S SILKS. Post-free. •IVV/ BLACK SHiKS.from 18s. 60. to 5 guineas the dress. <\>r/)i.-RKD SILKS FROM 1 GUINEA TO 111 (JUiNEAS. SICHt>LSON .V. C, V* to(, Saint I'avvi Clmrch-yard. London. Indie* should write for tue above l«fore purchasing. HA [I f*. HAMPTON'S COMPRESSED 'PIANO- • important and suct-essAil Invention iro. proves the lon, 1U'ft rct-ders the fOt1THtatioL1 of the inde- stmetlble. F«r illu»tration>. T)ric.e«. ic see Musical Monthly," or post-free from the in\ titor and i«ai!«fjw;turer, 8! yit/r'iv-*q..y. A warranty Livei^. wl'h ench lianoforte. A MORNING and EYENiA.G DRAUGHT .1:3. of LAMl'IXJUGU'S VYILKTTC SAT.INE is mort arreeable nndellieaciousinprevynliiig nmi cu;int Ivvevs.bowelcottiphiinte, skin disease and niiWmmatiott. It inst*»itl.v relieves the most i»- tenae headak-Ue and t hirst, and if given ivi:l; lime-juice syrup, k a specitio ia .gotttjc rheumatism.—lis llolborn-hill, Iionden. E C. ti W I S"S~ 0 H A i' A G N E. O BOrriEE FRERES.—Pr;see Medal 1""2- Drr or sweet. 4Ss. f-er d«ien Qua:t*: Pints, 24$. B A R O X" 111 .'<■ s O LI'S r, R o L i o 1N E, 13s. per doz. jf?i/tt e- included. ferrtiK, net: cash. Agent* Si K. V"C-I\A- KEN. 88 Queen street, E.C., London. PURE >V i IN J^S —See London Medical Review. Port and She' -n <tw. I ^r ^ozen Of. per gallon. Claret and MRI-SHU 20s. rer dozen 9s. per gallon. The invalid » » *t ul' o!upport! :w«. per dozen. Frtniei! ?-!)<* Hf'y. per cal.'on S».CD. per bottle. G. W\:JC UK vco <;•, KD/^P r- rd. &W' <t''rd-st. ?!e«entr;irrus.W. BO W E R B A is K S U A T A L O K IA N SHERRY. 17s. f a. per BOWlRliANK'S AND ALU SIAN PORT, 17s. 8d. per dozen. BO WEE BANK'S PALE COGNAC BltANBY, 4»R. per dozen.. Bottle- included. Terms. Cash. Carriage paid into tne Country upon Three D<vten .f V."iue.-E. P.OWKkL'AXK. &■ SONS, Wine Importers ati'i sun-st-Bisiionscate-st.. Ix>ndon, E.C. TEAS—THS BEST IN LONDON. "^TTEBSTEII BgOS. have reduced the prices » » of ail their Tetus. as followG'od Black, is., 2J; S- £ s. 4d., Js.<W.;Eiccilerit.is..vt., £ «.i<Hi.;Fine.S«.. is.2d.; Very Choice,S8.4d- 3s.Bd. Orders of "we to all puns of England; £ i Wales.Scotland »nd^Irela!id. '•*■' K^'iTEg-r.Rag.. Moonraie-street. C;tv, E.C. EGEWICX'S BAKING POWDER. Is U8t?d by » .fids of Families for raising Bread wit uau the trouble, and in a quarter the time required with len.-r, una for ^-ndering l-.tddiugs asd Pastry ligut and wiioU* H&visll's Report.. So3d ty ait <»roeer». and Curnchandler*, in packets, 14.2d., t/ii., juiaia otae*, ul, it., 2». id., and 5s. each. THOMPSON'S PRIZE MEDAL CRINOLINES, CCOMBINE Elegance and Late&t Fashions, are always ) c'«mped with a Crown. Sold by Good Drapers < Yerywbere. Use MAIZENA as a Diet." Vide THE Tiin, 2(>th. Only Prize Medal. KTIWFTTD by tlte Jury "Exceedingly Excellent for Food." OSTE6-EIDON.—Patent, No. U()0. GABRIEL'S Seif-acihes-ive Patent lndesUuetive Mine- ral TEETH and Flexible GUMS, without jsalates, springs, or wires, ansl without operation. Purest naate- jfcitonh", at half the U^UAL cost. MESSRS. GABRIEL, The Oid-cslabHshed Dentists, 34, Ladgate-hiU, 27, Ha.Iey.street, Cavendish-square London 1S4, Dub-st.reet, Liverpool; and 65, N ..y¡. stroot. Binning ham. One visit ONLY reqofsite frem coa'ntry patients. Ghiriel's Practical Treatise on the Teeth," gratis. 7 Bank Buildings, Old Jewry, London, E.C. Is the Chief Office of the KgiKNTAl DEATH INStfRM COMPANY. d. W. ORAM, Secretary. The Best Remedy for Indigestion. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS, THE "HATURAL STRENGTRENER OF THE HUMAN STOMACH." Sold Everywhere, in Bottles Is l^d, 2s 9d, and 11s. CAUTION. Be sure to ask for "NORTON'S PILLS," and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. QFFIPS FOR PATENTS, 4. TRAFALGAR eQETARE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. Printed instructions (gratis) as to the COST of PATEJTTS for Great Britain or foreigri coutilries. Advice and assistance in disposing of or workincr" inventirns. Brunei) offices and ajsencies in every eontinentiil state, and in America. Efts Wished 30 years. Full information as to expired w exiting patents at home and abroad.— A;>ply persotiiilij* or by letter to Messrs. PRI2STCE & Co., Pa,tent C2ice, 4, Trafalgar Sq., Charing Cross. Tendon, W.C. TRY TRY TRY! BAKER and MAKER'S True Urcoloured TFA. JD Tkiis tea is grown and PREPARED untler careful in- spection, and imported free from é.1I artificial colour, is hiphly iecmnn;e!nteti by irifdici.) :.t)(! ciet tific I!.en. It coMrtbiries purity, fine flavour, itHi L«stirg >trmgth. rlO!,j in packets by agents throughout ILE kingdom. LeCAL AGENTS. CARDIFF TttEHApNE, chemist. Bute.street. EVASS, chtntist, HIGLI-^TTTET. PEN ARTH PROCTDJJ, CHENJJFF. ABKHDALLG: CHEMiST, Commercial-street. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT NOTICE.—EC! ION FROM FIRE. BRYANT «nd WAY, Ffiiifield Works, LONDON, E., I-espectfully request, putctiaseis IMID cunt TIMERS of MHTDIES T ve;\W here to observe, that the NOTICE. "PATENT SPECIAL SAFETY MATCH," I which is not poisonsus, con-tains no phos- phorous. and LIGHTS ONLY ON TIIE Box, is mahlifal- inred ONLY by them, AND that without their address and •rtide U,»:K (an ark) none can he genuine Sold by i'Mtcharri Bros., Henry BIIHOP and Co., Sartkey Bios., ITML tnay BE #btnified of most respectable grocers, chemist. &c., in the rieighhomhood. Be very particular to observe Ihat every packae and every box tears our trade itiiiik—art ark. To Slotbers ard Nurses. VFJ'K ,10FNS(,'N'S AMERICAN SOOTHING- i».l SY ft UI'.—-This efficacious Remedy lias 1 eeri in pener; T.se lor npwauls EI fiuty \eats, HAS preserved ¡ RITIRRTF*S oliildren NHTRI sufieiir.G frcm convulsions xri-t' p FROM F>au<ful denlilii n. As FCOON as tiie gymp is IUII>CI I>R TIIE pnrns, the child WI'L L-e relieved, the gums cooled, Aij» the rnflatomation tetiutf D. This invalnabie PREPARATION TONLAIR'S no niiicotic. nor any dangerous in. Kreditnt whatever. It is THEREFORE as imuctm AS efiica- cious, tendirg to p'oriuce the teeth with ease; and so pleasant, HAT ro child will REFUSE to let its GUNS be rut: heii with if. Paierts should be verv particular to ask tor JOHNSONSAMEmCAN S< OTHING SYRUP, WND tu notice that ibe nanie of Eartlay and Sons, 95, Farrinjrc.cri-street, London, are or, the stamp affixed to each tsottle. Ptice 2s. 9<T. per Bottle. Ask for BUTLIE'S, estp-blished 14 years, and refuse recent imitations. Tt has a cleansing isrid rvfiesliirp exeeiletjce." t. It is truly escellent." Exceedingly useful." I'roved highly satisfactory." "Answered well." Thus write those who ha' e tried BUTLER'S ROSE.MARY HAIR CLEANER, an excellent preparation for the Toilet and Nursery, possessing in the highest degree the property of reIDoving scurf and dandritf from the head, and 10" its invigorating qualities IIIRREASINK the gitiwth AND. strength of the hair. Sold in packets Cd. each, tuaking a pint of tirsi-rate Hair Wash. Wholesale by all established honsts, find retail by all respectable chemists; or of Mr. Butler, Wyci»»ibe, Bucks, by sending stamps and address. KE E N'S~G E N UI NETMUSTAKIX First manufactured A.D. 1742, OR MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY YEARS. THIS well-known brand of Mustard JIBS Leen sold hy the tiade of GNAT Pritfiin LOR more than a eentarr, atlrl is hi-HL in high estimation tor its parity and pungency of FLAV our. TI:e qualities that are recoHiniended for family use are the Doui le Superfine and the Genuiue, both of which can be .obtained liora most family Grocers, in I:>IIJ->iers of lib. and I lb. eaeh. KEEN, ROBINSON, BFLLVILLE & CO., LONDON. ""ROCHE'S HERB A ITEM BROCATIONT J An Effectual Cure for the Hooping Cough, With (rut Internal Medicine. THIS is the only discovery affording a Perfect Cure, without administering internal medicine, the dtffi. cully and inconvenierite of which, in ail disorders particu- larly incident to childien, are 100 well known to need any coisment. M..ny thousands of children are cured annually by this remedy, and in most cases, one bottle will produce tbede- s red effect. The Proprietor therefaie earnestly anti con- scientiously recommends it to Parents, Guardians, and all 1I;0.,t' W ho have the care of children. For ti e protection of the Pnhlic, and to prevent imposi- tion, ,1. HOCHE" is MPNED on the Label outside each bi>!ile, and the NAME of the role Wholesale Agent, "Ed- IVMRRIF, 67, So. PINT V," ENYUIVED ori the government stamp. Price 4.. PER bottle. Sold by lJJu,t respectable Chemists and dealers in medicines. 0 MERCHANTS. SHIPPERS. AND, BROKERS. rRE CARDIFF FH3PP3NG AKD MEH- CAN TILE GAZETTE is published every Monday Morning, and contains an Official Record from the Bill of Entry Office, of all vessels ENTERED FOREIGN, with ¡ Registered Tonnage, Flap, ar.d Names of Cap win and Broker a List of*all Vessels CLEARED FOREIGN, their destination, nature, and quantitv of Carge, and name, I Of Shipper a List of EVER!' VESSEL ARRIVING, with Captain's nsice, wheie from, ilesctiption of cargo with Captain's IIHDf, wheie from, ilesctiption of cargo HTID REGISTER tonnape a List of A-LL VESSELS SAIL- ING with Captain's nume, destination, and character of cargo n Li?f of FREIGHTS for the Port; p..Monthly Sammary of the EXPORT TRADE; and otljer .valuable M'ormation, interesting to tieMeieantile CoriiBtntii^r." VI;-RLY SUESCP.IPHOS, Ur,stamped, ][¡s.; Stamped,.«61 h. Advertisements inserted at the rate of Three-pence per line. Address Cards (consisting of three lines only) of 1'1o\'isic>TI Merchants Bonded Store Keepers, Ship Chan- tilers, ifec., inserted for three months at tj". üd. All Orders to be addressed to D. DuxcAN, Cardiff Times office.Cardiff'. DEAFNESS.— Bv Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent.—SIMS'S PATENT BOTANICAL DIS- TILLATION cures DEAFNESS without pain. For teftiuionitds, see small hills. PI ice 2s. Ski., 4s. Od., and i)s. per hott'e,-41:2, Oxford-street, London. Agent for Cardiff. Mr. S. P. KEKNicx, Chemist. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The Berks Chronicle, of Oct. 24th, LSI O, ssys :—" A new medicine, intended to onre Deafness, has.just been patented by onr townsman, Mr. W. Sans, We are in- formed that there is already a very large demand for it, and that some really extraordinary CURES have been, effected by it," Sre., &c. The Oxford Times, of March 5th, 1864, says :—11 An in- valuable remedy for the cure of Deafness, without sub- jecting the sufferer to the slightest amount of paiu, has recently been discovered by Mr. Sims, Brewer, of Read- ing. So marvellous were the cures effected by it at Reading, tl1Ht Mr. Sims lias, tioleiv at the earnest solicits- | tion of who have Lenefited by it, been indact-d to give the public the option of profiting by it, by allow- ing it to be sold under the name of Siros's Patent Botanical Distillation.' The great merit of the prepara- tion is that it has proved equally successful with the aged' and infirm as with the young and vigorous, SN3 that its use is unaccompanied with any pain or inconvenience." The Brighton Herald, of May 7th, 1864, says ;—"WE are enabled, to state on reliable authority; that tcany per- sons suffering from deafness, of many years standing, have been cured of that distressing complaint, by the use (If Sims's Patent Botanical Distillation. We are certain t '.at time alone is needed fur its merits to be universally j I yprfceiated." 4742 j Every Housekeeper should use WALKER'S PURE DISSOLVED SILVER or SILVERING SOLUTION, for instantly re- storing all worn-off PLATED GOODS to their original appearance, and keeping them equal to new. Directions with each Bottle. Price Is. and 2s. WALKER'S NON.MERCURIAL PLATE POW. DER, the best sold, .and highly recommended. Price Is- WALKER'S MARKING INK cannot be obliter- ated has stood the test of 20 years' experience. 6d. and Is. per Bottle. London and Export Agents: Cooke and Sons, 84, Cannon-street (Depot); Barclay and Sons, 95, Furring- rion-sireet; Sultan at;d Co., Bow Churchyard. Bristol Pearee and Co., Bridge-street. CARDIFF: I). DUNCAN, Timhs Office. JONES, Stationer, Duke-street. „ JAMES and WILLIAMS, Chemists, Bute- street, and Arcade, St. Mary-street. NEWPORT: PmLLirs, Chemist. JONES, Chemist. 4285 TJUDSONSEXTRACT OFSOAP", UL FOR WASHING AND CLEANING. Makes the Water Soft-—Lathers freely without Soap-Is not injurious to the Hands or the Finest Fabric. WASHES WITHOUT SOAP. < WASHES WITHOUT RUBBING. WASHES WITHOUT WEAK WASHES AT LITTLE COST. ONE TRIAL WILL X'I'.OVE THIS T'RUE I Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, in Packets, One I Penny each. Manufactory, Royal Chemical Works, West Bronwich. a&oi pOUGHS, ASTHMA, AND INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, are effectunllv cured by KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Statistics show that 50,000. PERSONS annually fall victims to Pulmonary Disorders, inclufting Consumption, I)-"se.%ses af tl-,e Chest, and of the Respiratory Orgars. Prevention is at all times better tianr cure be therefore prepared. during the wet and wictsrv season, with a sup- ply of KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, which possess the virtue of averting as well as of curing a Cough or Coid they are goed alike for the young or for the aged- Prepared and Sold in Boxes, 3s. ljd., and Tins, 2s, 9d. each, hy THOMAS KEATTSG, Chemist, <tc., 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Retail by all Druggists in the World. HORN OMAN'S PURE TEA SOLD IN PACKETS BY 2,800 AGENTS. TJ ORNIM AN'S PUKE TEA, JUL It is CHOICE and STONG. BECAUSE it consists- of most valuable growths that are full of rich essential properties. It is MODERATE ill PRICE BECAUSE it is supplied direct from the importers to the consumers by Agents. It is WHOLESOME to use BECAUSE the leaf is not 'faced' with the usual powdered mineral colours. These COMBINED ADVANTAGES have secured for this Tea a general preference. It is sold in sealed packets, with the price printed on each; and signed Original Importers of the Fitre Tea. Price :—Ss. 4d., 3s. 8d., 4s., and 4s. 43. per lb. AGENTS IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD. Aberamnn Sims, Chemist. Aheravwn Eva R Evans. Stamp-office. A herd a re Thomas—Jones, Chemist. Aber^ytlicn Wooti, Chemist. Bristol Ferris, Union-street Bridger.d Leyshoc, Stamp-office. Cowbridge Thomas, High-street CARDIFF KERNICK, 128. Duke-street. WHITEHORN, 190, Bute-street JAMES and WILLIAMS, 281, Bute-street and New Arcade. „ WAKEFORD, 2[,5, Bute-street. JOY, 17, Duke-street. Chepstow Taylor, Rexi-tfort-equare. Hirwa.n Sims, Chet»ii#t Merthyr Stephens, Hitfh-street. Neath Hutchrins. Wind-street. Newport Jones, 5,'High-street. Cherry. 41, Ciimmeraai-Mvet. Pontypool Wood, St},i»p-cffice.. Pontypridd James, Chemist. Rhymney Piosser. Usk Edwards, Chemist. 3010 KERNICK.'S VEGETABLE PILLS. (They do not contain a particle of Mercury or any other Mineral ingredient. ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR Headaches Costiveness Asthma Giddiives> Scorl uiicaffections Rheumatism BLiolls Complains Flatulency GeneralDebriity Dipthetia Coughs and Colds Nervousness Indigestion Lumbago Tic-dolonreux AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE HEAP AND STOMACH Selections from recent Communications respecting the efficacy of the above valuable Family Medicine. LIVER COMPLAINT! From Mr. Richard Rees, the renowned Temperanoe Lecturer, Cheap John. Bristol, September 8th, 1862. SIR,-After trying fosr Doctors for the Liver Com- plaint, and all of them failing to do me any good, 1 called at your Shop on business. In the course of conversation, I mentioned the fact uftny being very poorly. You re- conunended your PILLS to me. At the same time I had no confidence in them. hut after taking one bos, to my astonishment, found much relief, and before the second box was consumed, I was entitely cured, and I can with gieat confidence recommend theruto the Public. "RICHARD REES.* Brecon, Jnne 9ih, 1863. DEAR SIR,-In my severeiiiness, from which I suffered a short time ago, I had recourse to your Pills, and my friends have beeti quite surprised to see me getting better so rapidly. Another tnatierofgratiiudeisthtntheyare bringing my poor aged mother to enjoy good health. She has lyeen suffering the last four tears, in bed nearly all the time, and when she did get up, she was in misery and p 'in. and could not sleep two hours a night all the week IOUIUI. I got her to take your Pills, and she took one every night. The first night she tor>k the pill, she sltp most surprising and without being disturbed in her sleep by odd dreams, hnd now she sleeps soundly every night aod Sf> you can rest assured I do all I can to let the good qualities of the Piiis be known to all my friends. Your obedient servant, Lanfaes, near Brecon." "JOHN JONBS." INDIGESTION AND STOMACH COMPLAINT! From M r. William Lewis, 8, J;tiriR;ca-iitreet, King's-s"'A're, Bristol. June 9th. 1S63. SIR,— I am elad to hear testimony !<•» the efScacy of your valuable Vegetable Pills, having tried thcrn fur Indige.-tion and disorders of the Stomach, for which I have found them most effectual. Your obedient servant, WILLI AM LEWIS." Oefogon, Plymouth, May 23rd. 1863. DEAR SIR.-I would with nieasnreheg to inform you that 1 have received Itg-reat benefit in taking your valuable Pills. I have for many years been a constant sufferer in fflV head and stomach, I feet it my bounden duty to re- commend the same to those who may be effected in like manner. I remain, dear Sir, y-tr, most respectfully, "GEORGE RICHMOND, Coach Builder." Two Pills tobe taken at bed-time for persons of debcate constitutions and children from I., io 19 years (If tlge, one will generally be found sufficient. Be careful to ask for KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PI LLS," and to observe his name and address on every box, as none other are genuine, PREPARED ONLY IN CARDIFF BY S, P. KERNICK, DISPENSING CHEMIST, Member of the Pharmaceutical Society ofGreat Britain, 23, DUKE-STREET. CARDIFF. J. A. MARCHANT, Castie road, Month. 'I Aberdate, Mr. P. John, LlandaiT Station,Mr, Lewis grocer Liandaff, Mr. Williams Benvilstofie, Mr, T, Wil- Penarth, Mr. HiclfS liams -Pontypridd, Mr. 15assert P-Lite Wliiteliorn St. Mcllons, Miss E. Mor- Caerphilly. Mr. Reynolds gan Canton, M rs. Hartneii ( St.. N'lchclas, Mr. Branch Cathay, air. Prosser St. Fagans, Mr. Thomas Uinas Pew is, Mr. David Tongw ynlais, Mr. Williams Dowlnis, Mr. Morgan, P.O. Treforest, Mr. Bassett Ely, Mr. Edmonds Upper Boat, Mr. Price Llancarvan, Mrs. Griffiths Wenvoe, Mr. David Jawes Liantrissant.Mr. Williams Whitchurch, Mr.-Reynold* IN TOWSS WHERE THERE IS NO APPOINTED AOWST, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST TO K0EP A SUPPLY OF THKSE FILLS; THEY MEFT WITH A IIKADY SALE IN EVERY 1 OWN WHERE THEY ARE INTRODUCED.—THK LARGER HOXES MAY EE OBTAINED OF MESSRS. BARCLAY & SONS, LONDON, OR MESSRS. T. & A. WARREN, i BRISTOL. Sold in boxes, price Is. and 7Jd. each, with orinted directions, and for the con vt-nience of She work- 'i ing cla*ses, in Id., 2d., and 3d. boxes. S IMPORTANT. IF WANT TO BORROW MONEY at a Cheap and easy rate, go tt. Mr. W. WILLIAMS 16, Dock-gtreet, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee- that, with approved personal Se-urity, you can have any sum frera 13M) to ff one, two, three, four, or five years, payable by fixed hoif-yeaxlv or quarterly instalment. IAans ncyociatsxl aJt j wi Mortgage of Shipping. 852 STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. BIENPIELB PATENT STARCH, Awarded tite Prine Medai, 1862. THIS u»-rivalled STARCH is used in the ROYAL JL LAUNDRY, and pronounced by Her Majesty's Laundress to be the finest Starch she ever used. Her Majesty's Lace Dresser declares it to be the Best she has ever tried, and the above Awsrd by scwee of the most eminent Scientific Met* of the Age'confirms its Supe- riority. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW and LONDON. m CAUTION TXT A R R S N, R USSEL L, AND C O., T ? Blacking', Ink, and Dye Manufacturers, { Late of 30, Strand.) CAUTION THE PUBLIC against persons trading under similar names, and professing tc be connected with them or their late Ettablishment, at Nu. SO, Stwtnd, their only Manufactory being REGENT WORKS. REGENT-STREET VINCENT- SQUARE, WESTMINSTER, S.W. 29;>S EAD;THE~ NEW M E DICAL GU11) E .—A I'hy'- sician, who has devoted fifteen years to the ftudv and treatment of Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight. Lassitude, and Indige*tion,haspubKthed sFREE EDITlêN of his valuable work, THE NEW MEDICAL GUIDE (120 pages), containing his highly successful mode of treatment, with necessary instructions, by which sufferers may obtain a cure. Every young man should persue this exceWent little work, if he Vitittes hit; health and peace of mind. The book witi be sent post-free in an envelope to any address on receipt of a directed enve- lope and two stamps. Address Messrs. Smith, 8, Burton- crescent, Tavtstock-square, London. W.e. 4402 IS VTHE HIMALAYA TEA GOMPASY'S w PURE TEA, WUohfor Flwow aad Strength is WnsgmiUed. TBE ONLY-UNCOLORED TEA. Sold in Packete at SL a, 4s.. & 4&4d. per lb. AGJMTN. Mr. D. DotCAN, Cardiff Ti-rte» Offioe, St. Mary-,itreet. Mrs. COLEMAN, Chemist, Hi^h-streeL Messt-f. JAMES and Williams, Chemists, 281, Bnte-st. 4015 STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. eiENTIEIll PATENT STABSX, Used in the Royal Laundry, and Awarded the Prize Medal BEING a confirmation by some of the most eminent Scientific Men of the Age, of the Superior Quali- ties of this World-renowned Starch. Sold in Packet,; at id., Id., 2d., 4d., and 8d. each, by all respectable Grocers, Chandlers, Oilmen, &e. Wotherspoon & Co,. Glasgow and London. 195 RECKITT. 'S DIAMOND BLACK LEAD. T"TSED IN THE QUEEN'S PALACES on account |_J of its superiority and cleanliness. SED IN T HET PMINCE'S HOUSE HOLD at^Shn- dringham Hall. SED IN HER MAJESTTS DOCKYARDS"^ its economy and quality. 0 U~ SED BY ALL WHO HAVE ONCE TRIED IT. Sold by all grocers, druggists, and ironmongers. ECKITT'S DIAMON D BLACK_LEAD. Reckitt and Sons, London',Bridge, E. C., and Hull. SOLD BY PRITCHARD BROS., Wholesale FannHy Grocers; J. N. FLINT. Family Grocer; J. and C. SANKEY, Wholesale Family Grocers A. H. BANNER, Wholesale and Family Grocer; and CROSS and HEKVE, IronmoBgers, Cardiff. 44:14) TO THE AFFLICTED. MR. WILLIAM TUCKER, APOTHECARY, begs the public to observe that bis Medicines may be bud at any time only direct at 66, Shakespeare-street Piucca-lane, Cardiff. Mr. TUCKER may be consulted GRATIS, for one month or six weeks, at hit) establishment, Cardiff, from 9 to 11 o'clock in the morning, and the whole of market days Saturdays and Sundays till five o'clock. Mr. TUCKER begs the public to observe that he has been visiting this town .nd neighbourhood for the last 49 years, and he is thankful to add that it has betn his study during that period to cure many of his fellow creatures who have been afflicted with the king's evil, scrnfula, ulcerated sore legs, scurvy in the blood, and other complaints.where secresy is required, with any man in England or WWs for one hundred sovereigns. He also can cure the worms of all descriptions in men, women, or children with any in the kingdom; he has worms to be seen from ne foot to 150 yards in length. He also can cure the gravel, nervous complaints, liver complaints, loss of appetite, deafness, bilious and sick headaches. He also can cure rheumatism and rheuma- tic pains. He has an exceiient medicine forconsumption and shortness of breath. He also can cure the ringworm M-scurf head it, children, the toothache, inflammation, dimness of tbeeje«, &c. A certain cure for corns, if of more than 20 years'standing. Also, a cure for strains, bruise, and weakness of thejoints. A certain cure for the itch. He has medicine by which he has cured hundredi-of indigestion, wind in the stomach and bowels, and he also can cure the piles, leprosy, scorbutic disorders, &c., and wens in any part of the hod v, and erysipelas. Mrs. Cook, the wife of William Cook, No. 7, Peel- street, Bute-town, Cardiff, voided a joint-worm, on the 15th of August, 1862. measuring 84 yards. 1 foot, 10 inches long, with 8,130 joints, by Mr. William Tuckej's medicines. Witnet-s my hand, Mrs. Cook. This worm may now he seen at No. 66, Shakespeare- street, Plucca-iane, Cardiff. Mr, Will. Tucker, No. 66, Shakespeare-street, Cardiff. —Sir, I am happy to inform you that I am quite cured of my sore legs with many wounds, through chill in the blood, of twu years' standing, by taking your valuable medicines, and that alter dying different men, all to no purpose. You are at liberty to publish this for the good of the afflicted. Witness my hand-HENRY GHEEN, a fireman, at Penarth, near Cardiff., May 25th, 1863. 4467 NELSON'S HERBAL DIGESTIVE PILLS. npHE H erb it bloometh in obscurity, it withereth, it JL dieth, and is forgotten—bnt for thou, oh man, was created, and lfunrisheth for thv service. LOOK TO YOUR STOMACH. When the machinery of a steam engine stops, or ceases to act in a proper manner, the engineer at once directs his attention to the fw.'ier. When any part of the body becomes disordered, the patient should immediately attend to the stomach. It has been stattd correctly, that almost all diseases may be traced to the derangement of the organs connected with digestion. This being the case, it follows that the medical practitioner, by directing his attention to the digestive organs and rectifying any diseased state that may exist, would stand more than a reasonable chance of curing, or at least mitigating, all the ills that flesh is !>eir to. But why wait for a phycisian ? TRY NELSON'S HERBAL DIGESTIVE PILLS. Every man can tel! when he has a head-ache, CT feels sick and giddy, or low-spirited without a cause. Every row) knows when he loses all appetite for food, and all desire for enjoyment. Let him" look to his stomach and take this-tile only true medicine. NI'LSON'S HERBAL DIGESTIVE PILLS. Equalled nowheie. Sold everywhere throughout Eng- land and Wales by all respectable Patent Medicine Venders, in boxes, at Is. lid.. 2s. 9d., and 4s. (id. each. Sole Proprietor, C. NELSON, Herbal House, 32, Work- ing-street., Cardiff. Wholesale Depot, Barclay & Sons, Purring don-street, London. CAUTION.—The increasing celebrity of NELSON'S Pills, has induced some unprincipled persons to hawk pills in his name; any travelling quack, or hawker, offer- ing pills as 11 Nelson's Pills," are I-MPOSTKRS, aq they can only be had of respectable Chemists and Licensed Patent Medicine Venders. RETAIL AGTNTS. Cardiff, M'Ca "\y, dm«gi>t, oppo>ite the Castle Gate; S. P. Kernick, D-ike'-I-reet, and Bute Dorks; Newport, #.jhr, SL)iilij>», 92, C«Mimercial->.treet; Kisca, W. Howell, stationer; Pontypool. Edwards, stationer; Caerphilly Joseph Davirs, stationer Newbridge, C. liassett, drug- gist, and Park street, Treforest, Tungwvnlais, John Jeremy, grocer; MOUNTAIN A-h. John Griffiths, grocer Cwmbach, Thos. Jeremiah, grocer: Aberaman, Charles, druggist; A be I'd A re, -T; Evans, druggist; Mill-street, Trerynon, Orchard, druggist; Hirwain, Sims, dmg- ijiat, Troedyrhiw, T'hixnas, druggist; Merthyr, Smyth, riiuggist; liowlaia. Lewis. druggist, High-street; JjJiyni. nejr, Evans, Post-office; Tredegar, E. Da vies, stationer, Ciroie; Briefly, HUI, J. Jones, weigher; Beaufort, fiwiliiti, grocer; lirynmawr, Edwards, Statr.p-offic*, Nantyglo, A1 len, Post-office. 9C8