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ADVISES MANY TO USECUTICURA er. It Cured Her of a Dreadful Rash-Over a Score of Friends are Defighted with Results and in Turn Recommend It to Others. WtlCURA'S ENDLESS CHAIN OF PRAISES y^^ave many times planned to write *Utr» out t^ie Cuticura Ointment but Mon thirty-fourth person has come I iir.8 to thank me for recommending it it about time I did write. Until *0'^ ago my face used to be (for *01 ro at a time) covered with a dre^d- waa most painful e&pc ially le^ I washed or if I went out in the bit gf wind. A friend df mine w e to stay with me and she had with t'n Cuticura Ointment. She me to try a little on my face but I tw -wag no use as I had tried several without any effect. However, 'tace k P^ease ^er> I Put a little on my tr, before going to bed and when I the next morning that the nasty had disappeared I went straight and got myself a tin of the Cuti- o^Pintment and I have not been with- since. I us4 it for ailments of jwT description and in every case it a success. of my friends whom I have rec- y-J^ended it to have been delighted results and they have recom- i j^ded it to their friends. I must X?^ori one Particular case which I everybody else thought never could v^Ured. A friend of mine had the '1 awful hands anyone ever saw. y were actually like a piece of raw I *Qd made one feel baa to look at I asked her to try the Cuticura Ciment- I gave her some and she and is more than grateful to me the results. Her hands now are as snow and smooth as velvet. Kj* Bride Walshe, 63, Waldemar Ave., London, S. W., Sept. 28, '08." t oora Soap and Cuticura Ointment (jy/^rivaled In the prw»entive and cura- treatment of cutaneous affections torture and disfigure little ones Stake life miserable for parents. No •eonL ^n°lii0nts are so safe, speedy and ^Oiical for infant or adult. Remedies are soM throughout the world. (U' London, 27, Charterhouse Sq.; Paris, 10. 7 11 ChauS9ee d'Antin: Australia. R. Towns India. B. K. Paul. Calcutta; So. Oiw1'ntxnn, Ltd., Cape Town* etc.; U.S.A. Potter • «»i.Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston. I vVi C^viticura Booklet, post-free, tells all one needs ^fc«^Tjlbout Diseases or the Skin. Soalp and Hair TO THE N RUPTURED. ^ome Method that has Cured I Without Pain, Danger, or | ■•joss of Time from Work. TEST FREE TO ALL. V> ca-n be cured without operation, W, or loss of time. When we say x ILC>t m€a:n to simply retain the Wy Aj?ut a. cure that allows you to com- JLJ oonvi^ard y°ur tru6s- V.1 omj. you and yoar ruptured friends it actually cures we want you f^j^itho-ut expense to youreelf. A cure J j £ ]y from pain and suffering, a 2T^egec' physical and mental vigour. Uw\S o« yhjoyment of life's blessings, and W««i*t>r>nJfo(rt an<i satisfaction added to °* your life. We offer you a free Jin iitoTrf a, treatment that has perfectly Rlr^ls of cases. kJi any money, simply All out the Sty i°n of indicate on the diagram the t'™.raPtTire, awd post it to ue. Do com- important matter a smgrle .Hp. ivj.nue to be tortured any longer by trusses. a^5arfeable offer is" the fairest ever should be taken advantage of "11 rupture TEST COUPON. L°"<?on' E-°- (IF. I í Time Ruptund? f M I Does Rupture I ll X. m fi pain? -Do. I | II Ufr> M D° V011 wear a I, X 0ft0P MOMENT. jr w\ uT;'JDKAR, DOCTOR, m^st MY DARLING jL Wto TO DIE? 1S VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY U^' Ji. 011 n WILLIAMS' SAfc PATENT OF HONEY, Hh^d <m ^be hills of Wales, being when their ih, m full perfection. SV ai. BRONCHITIS. thousands of ohildren who die Wd im..Bronchitis, Whooping Oough, vt .^f ifn^njs is a grand discovery for the Complaints. r'l for Weak-chested Men. MJM Children. It cures when of a"'d™° « v.ttt' 'V oopmg Oough. vlt. F°R CHILDREN'S COUGH CN AFTSR MEASLES. Shilling when Pounds have iC' try 'ft v^n- TEY IT. If you haw a e t,?. hav. i, If 7°'^ ?• °old. try it. Bronohuis, try it. It looe«na k,V Promotes expectoration, pro- an,d comfort to the chest, and r^tlnS sleep when you have lost PAC,P TT AND INTERESTING wUlft ?M A POLICE-OFFlCEJi. i r, 1 suffered from a severe oold, W'^s u^f1, tightness on the ohest, and «.§bt i hen .a severe cough came on youi rupture a blood-vessel. ^7^ 'n pj bills was handed to me on the W1,1, v8 &h^^ow'1 wtDt nearest s^()r T.7',rnd purohased a bottle of £ S«t W,,llams Balsam of Honey. I there and then in the shop. The Marv liois-it eased my cough f>l^er rbave found nothing so effectual. k1- a Golden Remedy. Words are KV*U1 j^ng adequate to describe how am to you foT making known i^ovei^ to the world.—Yours V!- Mackintosh (Police-constable). vf^lh *Wl-GiaSS°W WS* and Public Speakers it haa 1 ^akesthe voioe as clear as a bell WW the genuine article. Tudor V°M T€NT Balsam of Honey. So >w bv^-tions and fraud. "i V Chemists and Stores in la., »V1W 6d. bottles. Sample bottle sent toT 13- 3d., 3s.. and 5e„ from the )t. '^Arx-fiurehasing the large size bottle. R WILLIAMS, M.P.S., I ^xArtwAs., Aph., London. Ll /^L^BrNG CHEMIST. ABEEDARE. E YOU A BAD LEG SCiv"1 diKharge or otherwise, perhaps b, lw:h mflairrniiition and ewollen, tjut y°!lr finger 011 Uio inflamed paiFii If so- UBdor the skin you h ? defies all the remedies you have iSw^bs 1 tn not extracted, you never can rc- Jo-jf. °n suffering tin death releases you. tVS'" are swollen, the joints being rtia.v ^we^with the ankles, round which rt.be dlsoclourwi, or there may be fcTSi 6'J if allowed to continue, will \%L V5i-vr,l the r,OWPr walk. You may have ^!c 8 hos.pita.ls and bad medical advice! «-tnr1n,?"r 0386 18 hopeless, or adriaed to | ''tuition; but) do not, for 1 CAN CURE YOU. |^S SAY PERHAPS; BUT I WILL. failed ts no reason. I should. f\ M- 10 c- M- ALBERT, O^V » boi o? LONDON, and you irr HSSHQPPER OINTMENT Handf tv loerated Joints, t I! tOlll },(pI3ON'S BLOOD PURIFIER. jh^-chS?ul have kL Pure blood givea W dCLct,re<l by these ''b: liJ. bOeø *6' 18 pay. and '.IJt atand 2s. C)d.

Seemly in their Own Eyes.












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