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-=- HiUiCED HIS CASEJNCURABLE Whole Body Raw with Eczema- Life was Intolerable-Was Even Incased in Piaster- Discharged from Hospitals as Hopeless. SUFFERED 14 YEARS CURED BY CUTICURA « "From the age of three months until ^teen years old, my son Owen's life N, :1 -e- t I, was maae intoler- ftble by eczema in itsworstform. Ha was all right until a red rash broke out on his fore- head, but we were not alarmed at first. Very soon, however, the rash began to spread over his head and shoulders, and it caused him great discomfort. I took to a doctor ana inea nau a dozen. °ther treatments, all with the same Jesuit: no improvement at all. The gradually spread until nearly ^er7 part of his body was quite raw. r e bad to strap him down in bed, for P? Used to tear himself dreadfully in eleep. The agony he went through 18 Quite beyond words. No one thought would rear him. The regimental factor, a very clever man, pronounced tho case hopeless; at least, he said the SQly hope was that he might, if he long enough, outgrow it to some "We had him in hospitals four Junes and he was pronounced one of cases, if not the worst, ever .Admitted. From each he was dis- charged os incurable; in fact he goft yorse under the successive treatments. one hospital they incased him in plaster, and this seemed to aggravate the soreness terribly. He looked so badly that no one liked to go near him and his life was a burden to him. "We •tept trying remedy after remedy, but "e bad got almost past hoping for a Cure. Six months ago we purchased set of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, axid Resolvent Pills and persevered with them. The result was truly marvelous 411d to-day he is perfectly cured, his skin ?pt having a blemish on ifc anywhere. Lily Hodge, 51, Yaughan Road, Coldharbour Liane, Camblewell Green, £ Hg., Jan. 12, 1907." Send to nearest depot for free Cuti- CUra Book on Treatment of Skin Diseases. Cuttcura Remedies are sold throughout the world. yepots: London, 27, Charterhouse Sq.: Paris. 5, Rue S8 la Pais; Australia, R. Towa3 & Co., Svdney; 8°- Africa, Letnoc. Ltd., Capetown, etc.: t/.S.A„ hotter Drag & Chrca. Corp, Sole Props, Boston. DEAKIN'S A Most Reliable o?ONT 4Q& Eemedir EXP«1E«=E r^Verchett, Weak Chest, STF,ER Lungs, OLF-AR OF il-, Croup, la?,0 £ S' Whooping tuft Loosens SAP the %4tJArto Phlegm, Heals the ¡ Lungs. ? DElfe MIRACULOUS CHEST, GOUGH, AND lUNG HEALER. J^ill immediately arrest the course of the lReasfi and guard against all ill effects. It Assesses marvellous healing: and tonic pro- perties, and grives instant Relief to Coughs, Coide. Ploarseness, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Vieathiug, etc. It i.-« very beneficial, and has feoywl for mauy years a BOON and a, BLESS- to THOL"SA \1>S of SUFFEREB& Lli and Chemists abd Stores. *~rcn>x the -ole proprietors and inventors, *he u2*. dEaK1N & HUGHES, "R!Ml at A VV 00 MV. -t iion Remedies Co., BLAENftVON. BAtE YOU TBIED THE GREAT EJTGLISH EEMEBY GRASSHOPPER m I INH OINTMENT 111 ) Pa *OU J BAD llA VE K/ LEG ^3 -P Wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps {'on with inflammation and Bwollen, that when v a lm8 your on the inflamed part It leaves i'°i:sonPression? if so, under the skin you hawe 6<U t Vrnsls, if not extracted, you never can recdVer, Jiiit ? 0n suSering till death releases you. Perhaps J^trig "?<>s are swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the J'Scoin, j the ankles, round which the skin may be u^wre or 'here may be wounds; the disease, If vtf> continue, will deprive you of the power to tni rnay '1a ve attended various hospitals, and your case is hopeless, or advised to submit but do not- for I can cure you..1 .Send y perhaps, but I will. )'-liVoi1 once a P. Order, or Stamps, for 2a. 3d. to 5?t „ *r, Albert House, Farringdon-street, London, ft1' GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and S^d's IIP" is a certain cure for a Bad Leg, House- Poisoned Hunds, Abscesses, Swollen Ulcerated Joints, Carbuncles, Bunions, 4a and Store-. la lid. and 2s. 9d. per box. (UNIQUE OFFER. GENUINE FREE GIFT. a short time only we are prepared to Vtk- carriage paid, one of our well- 'n Tailor-mado Co^ttLme Skirts (hard- ^8. c^S Cloth; Kew Season'« Model), for Homestly worth domble. ^i^ill also rcceive six coupons far dis- among friends, and upon their vW t "s samo to u« with orders -we under- send yott a similar ekirt Absolutely All sizes; Black, Brown, Blue, ^>1)5 Maroon. Mail Order Manufacturing Oastle Green, Bristol. Money CtV.i efl if goods not fiatisfactory. Bankers, vrl588 important to All gU, PROM INDIGESTION, DYSPEOP- fetATiT. ,:sis 01,1 APPETITE, HEARTBURN, 2^IOt-^NCE' WIND, DULL HEADACHE. SLUGGISH LIVER, CONSTI- v>Jl. PILES. PEELING OP TIREDNESS OR WEAKNESS. Ac. Jw THORNE'S iff FESTIVE PILLS s. Saftst and Most Effectual Remedy for these NPv Distressing Complaints. ARE NOT A QUACK MEDICINE Prepared from the prescription of an Eminent >v Physician. ^ice 7id. or 1/- per Box. Obtainable of 13. Anthony & Co., Eoyal Arcade, St. i, ilnry-itreet und Queen-stroet. W» & Son, St. John's-square. r .Hicks Co., Duke-street & Hig'h-street. Agents: Messrs. Duck & Son. St. ^ablB tv John's-square. X»> th^ £ !OUK?1 an->' chemist or sent Post Free by fy Vw ^oprietor and Sole Manufacturer, Thorne, M.P.S., Chemist, SjNt f ^'Chacldean, Gloucester. 1 i'0,uitr-v Specialities, Boup Pills, Is?,: <irinliing water), Pills Rainess, and Ionic lills. i/1 per box post free. ^ffiwrmoifA SUCCESS. o,^nied Couple should read and „ latent book dealing with the Mal- i^Us^ b(3l?est1/ not ""wly a pamphlet, » hf^trvf 60 pa^ges, u-elJ written and A, copy W,U1 }>e by return ^.yn,Vftlop<' (without charge) on appli- Lv.^VV0 "without delay. Addref?e: — FIO AMR.EBT AND SON (Estab. 1860), • 64 r°loa-l Instrument Ma.kers, •i and 194, Queen's-road, DAL6TTON, | LONDON, N.E. wl430 I ¡,






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