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r MFFFD Emulsion! H Before taking SCOTT'S Emulsion I suffered a | great deal with my chest and lungs, had become ■ ■. —— very thin, was troubled with a. bad cough and I cold sweats and was generally &9h jpfik] very weak J was told I had a tendency to con- 'Wlmr sumption and was recommended to take Jpl^ y||p^ cod liver oil. i could not, however, digest the plain oil, so tried SCOTT'S Emulsion which suited me splendidly 1 from the first. I soon began to put on J flesh, lost the chest pains and breathing !0j$- ■ I was much easier. My lungs are now z:B> § quite healed and my health is com- 1 pletely restored, thanks entirely to I I SCOTT'S Emulsion." R. COOKE MRS. COOKE. 9a Isis street, Ear'sfield, London, S.W. 6/6/07. _=..== 1 ABOVE IS THE PROOF IN THE FACTS. —————— 1 HERE IS PROOF IN THE REASON WHY: co/vrni»o 1 This success illustrates the enormous advantage which SCOTT S 1 constantly accrues to SCOTT'S Emulsion by reason of « • I its perfect digestibility. This digestibi.ity is achieved by Emulsion! the SCOTT process,' which also does away with the | nauseous taste and smell of the plain oil.. I the superb quality of all the ingredients use in L TTS § and it is easy to see why SCOTT S Emulsion pos- 1 sesses a record for checking consumption which is I possessed by no other cod liver oil emulsion what- i soever. Therefore when purchasing, don't ask for ^rOTT'Q I Emulsion ask for and get SCOTT S Emulsion— 301/11 5 8 the differeice between them means a cure for you Emulsionf „ 1 scotrs SCOTT'S# Emulsion! Emulsion J £ L =========1 See that the Fishman with the Fish is on the Package. Write for free sample bottle (enclose 3d. for postage 1 and name this paper). SCOTT & BOWNE, Ltd., SCOTT'S 1 10-11 Stonecutter Street, London, E.C. ( ion ) ming (Sbqprtm" WATCHES CUABANTEED AND COLD PLATE. Nothing is more use- ful orvalu- ab1e than a RELIABLE Watch. These are of, good appear- anc e and modern make at purely Nominal Prices. AW,ma from of the many letters remved. YVISKXH, NsAit POHTH. "Watch t8 hand safe. Very satisfactory, feceee toward me another." AmaokvxNxy. BdoeiTed the Watch nfelj and very •httMd with it." 3 "I "Asnoiua. *»oehred UM Watch I ordered this pleaned with it. It is n r" at the price. I ftbA&l MOW it to all my fnecMis." BLARNAVON. tgmany thanks for Watch received this Btocniog. Am very pleased with it." LULNARTH. "The Watch arrived safe, and am very plemed with it. Just a nice size." These are the terms on which the "Abetting &xprt*& Watches may be obtained:- QClUXIC B/ Complete In Box for I W v/ Cash or Postal Order. if accompanied by lg Coupons cut tigm Page 1 of the (Stoettinfl < £ xyrtss," £ .r O Counnns from Page X of the QItukip Oail," at the following re- S** £ kabte prices :— GENT'S 3/- only. POSTAGE 34. EXTRA. These Watches may be obtained at HEAD OFFICE of the "(Ebttting CARDIFF, OP either of the foilowi, i Branches:— NEWPORT, SWAHSEA, MERTHYR or BRECOP. Readers will find them the very best ever offered at the price, and every JJatch is GUARANTEED by the Maker's Warranty for one year. BEaKM MIRACULOUS ^Hkst, COUGH, AND l-UNG HEALER. ^mnediatelv arrest the course of the and guard against all ill effects. It marvellous healing and tonic P £ 0- ^lds8> t?nri gives instant Relief to Coughs, .Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Difficulty of etc- Jt is very V,ex?fl0^L mMsa! f ^°r many vcurs a. BOON and a BLESS- THOUSANDS of SUFFERERS. and 2,3, of ail Chemists and totores. 3/6from the solo proprietors and inventors, TV DEAKIN & HUGHES, • Remedies Co., BLAENAVON. .1& GREAT BLOOD PURIFnm.- BURDOCK PILLS purify blood and relieve every Disease of S^altT^* Liver, and Kidneys. Pure blood givee jOHriT- Thooaands have been cured by those Pills whose diseases could not be k^Wc* ,by ally other medicine. For rneu- lumbago, piles, gravel. Fains in the 0^ 6c\xrvy ba<? leee, wouuda, or white 11 the face aud body, swelled feet 2! an\l7sipeia^, jaundice, dropey, aud fevers In boxes at Is. l{fl- an4 v, iHrP £ a" oberrists. or from bur- —-Cj^Manufactory Oxford-street, SwAHB&a, NEW FRENCH REMEDY. $JJERAPION w^Peau Hospitals by Ricord, lio&taE, Jobert, »w v«i f others, surpasses everything lii^iierto cm- „,?iiiDe pur-ty of blood, spots, blotches, pain « i-^ints, kidney, D^d^er, i uriBary diseases, KlUliatU^1Sctl''rge-s' piles, grr^vel, pains in back, gout, 1 2 1' <ahaustion, eloeplessness, Sec. fhree fbrms, rj* li according to diseases. Price 4,9 (pajticu- C post free in Great Britain frMa Iha ^fdicine Co., Haverstoct Boad, ilaropstead. D" principal Cbemisti. JJX)R THE MILLION. .JL THIRD EDITION, A^KVISED AND ENLARGED. LA-W U; RJLO DAM t'l' "—— CONTAINS 314 PAGES, BEF5t°M ALL BOOKSEMiBEfl NEwSAXJEKT^. OB FEOM MAIL LIMITED, NBWPQET. SWANSEA, xwrmyu, suswlq. (rheumaticI TORTURE "Suffered Six Years." s For six years I suffered from rheu- matism. Nothing that I tried gave me the least relief until I applied Dr. Sloan's I Liniment. I have never been troubled | with rheumatism since,and I shall always i have the remedy in my possession.— 1 Mr. Abraham Mudd, Pine Street, Wald- I have the remedy in my possession, 1 Mr. Abraham Mudd, Pine Street, Wald- B ridge Fell, Chester-le-Street. 8 B t SLOAN'S 1%1 LINIMENT § Gives Instant I Relief. 1. There is no form of rheumatism which cannot be relieved by Sloan's Liniment. The penetrative properties of this won- derful remedy ensure the removal of the pain, whether in muscles, organs, tissues Or joints. Though it isonlylaid lig-htly on the skin, Sloan's Liniment penetrates I right tc> ^the^ b^ne. immediately by pleasant warmth and perfect com- fort. Sold by all Chemists Ù1 111 Bottles. Depot: 32, Snow HiJI, London, E.C. GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. No Bought or Manufactured Testimonials. Cures Bad Anna, Hands, Abscesses, Poisoned and Swollen Glands, Carbuncles, Bad Breasts. Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Joints, Bunions. HAVE C f YOU |JBAD A Jm, LEG I With Wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps sur- rounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves the impression? If so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have <rie°- from which, i £ not extracted, you never can recover, but go 01 suffer ing till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the ioints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease, if allowerl to con tinue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attendedvarious hospitals andhad medicalad vice and been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, for I can cure you. I don't sav perhaps, but I wilL Because others ha ve tailed it is no reason I should Send at oncea PostalI Order for 2/6 to AT BERT, FARRINGDO.N STKHET, LONDON for a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMEKT a„fl PILLS which is a certain remedy for tne cure of Bacj Legs. (Copyright.) -n_ For postal Onler *s- f°r '3-«an>r*J ForPostal Order is. §A Silver Watch Free For postal Onler *s- f°r '3-«an>r*J Prosper rch<lir" ^or reliable inov<W^nts> ai:d are K^'dirp.nteed **|NVICT'A WATCH° NOBTHFLEET <KEI4TX .en ai:d are \Ie;: otir;zoo, (Dept.119). INVICTA WATCH cr,, II<IVICTA WATCH Ct».. NOBTHFLEET <KEI4TX P Pa-rticu 1 ars'ftee°Seitd'T^'H rtav. Mr. Gilbert riac,,v«;m^a!Ilam5nt-g| climrs., (it. Smith-'t- tmlnster, S.wg| Cured at Home WEAK MEN! Nervous and Physical Weiknessea-Uriiial-y Troubles. Lack of Vigour, Varicocele, and other aJlied troubles. Send for Treatise, with full particulars, including Hundreds ol Testimonials of complete Cures. No Electri- ty scaled free of all charge.—(Dept. Aj MUB2AY. 7, Southampton-row. Holborn. YPKWRITIXG TAUGHT AT THE WEBTEEN MAIL OFFICE, CARDIFF.










