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1 JJON-OX I P TABLETS that Fagged, W orn-Oui Feeling. 1 ^en a P !?&ged ev?T complains of that K austed, tired-out feeling; Sj You cannot eat, work or sleep, ? 3re \veai.. certain that his nerves B (•- ^hat }jjs j\,rritatedf and deranged K p0o 0o^ 's impure, stagnant, E| £ "Sfent *^at he js thei^fcre in V ail(*b]0Qj °/ a good nerve tonic w TABLETS Punfier such as IRON-OX P the l)j j hey purify and enrich jg £ ive renl' JtrenSthen the nerves, §S tive anHWe^ a,ct'v'ty *° the diges- |s| rest0re (L assimiiative functions, jf.; sleep u • e a^ility to eat, work, and B| fece( br-rii^ back the colour to the ||| top and • tness *-° e3'e> and tone ffl| jv and ItlVlgorate the entire system. p Inty r>õi(:ltet fAlumlnlum Waist coat. Pochet Hi Sei.st ha« ,,lny Tablets for It Your SB Post f.„< f'°l them, they will be R £ I 111M mn I l&ENORA! With ordizwy I^K^FLQURG uiy'6 ti0 8° to the troubla^fi' I ««**i "l"c,s afc Bafc I fcVty -EE9,°RA" Oake Flonr the I fu 0Verc3me aud the resalts to ^Ej I "si^g *t thousands of hou'ewives are n ■ 0 bake de'ioiouo and economical n I ROVE • ^He-made cakea. H 1 BEF0RE Y0U BU* IT- 1' I and ?'f at 0l;!r 0xPsnac; send u« your H M *• statnos for postage, and we Sj A 7012 an s"oz- Sample FREE. » f^.1^ fi?re^NORA CO., M Ot t af 4 liNF*. '8 cot an aperient. tHH £ cure Headac^iL&S £ 11 in Ten Minutes. B to the seat °f the trouble B HE^C"ES" TH* 1 &So*!tCfle or Neuralgia. I n ^annV^e fceS.Whit'i Headache Powders, R I *> *m ^aPutin? condemned by the press. B | fir. ^icjj tit;.i' e reme<ly that is hacked H A iet»0f7i l y~the Safe Reaedy. H V °f alUH^r5-^ Id. each. M Med,c">e Dealers. M C.KyP F«*e from Proprietors: «»p«ttoe, Buddersfleld. F, YOU A BAD LEG. 4^ BAD ARM, ^ISONED HAND, m OB 4. CARBUNCLE P CAN CURE YOU. 11 '\a-y erhp.. but I will. g"e e falled II DO rea80n I ehoal.. y with ^rat duoh*rge, and perhaps and ao awoll«n Dart °? ifreM y°« fineir on tb« -f* 't leaTeo an lmfcreaaion If no, "KIn yon have poison which, if not Stffi* *rZ°a ma? go on suffering till death A poisoned hand may lead to aii J«Hh of the arm. Perhaps yoar knees *>»v ,Mth :,tlle joints being ulcerated; tlie S«> ankles, round which tha skin C^IV ^e, the disease, allowed to >rort?J^.dePrive vou of the power to ?* Hb*L- YOU may have attended various t°ld yoar case is hopeless, E w5 to amputation; do not, I ^uV farS?i ^r 2a. 6d„ and I will post • >hieh GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and *aT> has never failed to cnre.-O. M. arringdon-strest. London. | >V? YOU TRIED BRUNAK o> of TEA or COFFEE ? <li6?,QPer aflord to ignore the Importance j tW* ^et the, ani drink, or commit errors of I tk' te» an?nds 01 drink large quanti- t bray. which are most Injurious ? c%T°tl> thi and digestive organs. DT. 1 hi grea* Food Expert, has for years I ana Patients to give up Tea and C D>v lt0 drink the t "AIK ZL^era,10^ beverage; th* ONXiT B»ai- DYv ^hlch really benefits the system. ^5NAK **0XB, SMELLS. TASTES I 18 AB LIKE COFFEE, V 8 EASILY MADE AS TEA OB U>\ CXJFFEE. an0" of the disadvantages of Coffee or Q •*tjv »tW r>ntrary, it stimulates and nourishes I I "average does. It is a thoroughly I f ib by =)falat'able drink, and ia warmly -w <Wl who 1149 it- SAYS:- <?JJNAZ as tea as tasty as coffee, as I h# oocoft, and as harmless as water. Jo j*Je at any moal or at supper-time. 11I Ie drt?72k at any moal or at supper-time. > J* tK %stiLa hpadache in a barrel of it, and k Jo-J*3 to a ton of it. It may be drunk ^5' ths °ld, the weak, the strong, ft "*> ev««8n- or the athlete; also by all >k^Llv >n diabetes. toON' EX-L.B.C.P., &C„ Author of K^ld ^est^00'18 0,1 Health, 4, Spanish-placo, W. t it, ,Chemists, Grooery, Co-op. and j^tg 1'b. packets at Is. each, or List K Is j? Sample Free, or a pound post (ftL.Dy THE NATURAL FOOD CO., 208), PATRIOT-SQUARE, V'V I C K'S best OWDER I 'KING POWDER in the World. NC POWOER in the Worid. I c: f'P,fI' B D^BI and pre.ervcaiha 1-fo VOL R RAH of BOOTS and HAR. j. H NXSS. Allowsimlisb, Int. Pleatant odour. TI°N HIGKMST AWARDS. eAJ"• 8/8 of Bootmakers Saddlers J^LIS AND MOTORS I I UH £ A CUM" | < £ !0l00to £ l6460| 5 40AND45GUINEAS j V^W jl75 AMD £ 300 f °^ET ALL PARTICULARS FROM S, C £ T^L. SM^ 7%ssss% »«,. 3C0SSIS. Oxcl* ijvtta. k k










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