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INDIGESTION. b^ttofWNBSS. PAXTITATIOK. Lp'MALI! TROUBLES. NERTOTTSKESS. ^KAKNBSS. NEURALGIA. K°»ST7KCTI0N. RHEUMATISM. r^*ALYB«. SCIATICA. T- VITUS' DANCE. PIMPLES, ETC. all other ailments due to Weak, t v Watery, or Impure Blood. t jt THESE Tablets fill the system with j RICH RED BLOOD. 1(åjJ' CURES IN TEN MINUTES Headache, Neuralgia IT all Nerve Pains One dose of Kaputiae, costing Id., cures *N ten minutes the most violent nerve M pain.-every time. «M FOPATINE is not an aperient, and causes V • no inconvenience, but is for one purpose V only-to cure Nerve Pains. M Kapatiae goes right to the seat of the M trouble—the Nerves—and gives immediate MF relief. W Kaputiae, unlike the dangerous WHITE I headache powders consisting of one crude D g, is composed of several approved ■ ingredients having the full confidence of M the Medical Profession. > E Kaputine IS sold by all Medicine Dealers, B Packets of 18 doses, 1/ Samples Id. each. VHT I Write now for samples free and post C. Kaputine, Huddersfleld BtRDS I CUSTARD POWDER CUSMBO Is Pare, Natritlaus. easily digested. EGGS often disagree; "^D'S CUSTARD sever. tCMyS CUSTARD is* the one thing !8tte". with all Stewed, Tinned, or Bottled J ^RUITS. It brings out their flavor and imparts 1:0 them a grateful mellowness. DO EOS! HO BISK! NO TROUBLE! I 4\1 T IMPORT AWT NOTICE I | {fieraudePs j pastilles 1 I Are a certain PREVENTMN and DURE of | P COLDS. CODFIHS, INFLUENZA, and all I 9 AFFECTIONS of the THROAT and LIINQ8. JL | 72 in a Tuba W%. Of all Chamiats. 5 t pass the 6ood Hews on. I •TAVE YOU A BAD LEG. A BAD ARM. I POISONED HAND. OB A CARBUNCLE? 1, I CAN CURE YOU. flfy?Cn\ say perhaps, but I wilL Became Ml*8™ nave failed is no reason I should. Too wbvy lia wounds that discbarge, and perhaps ■E;rounded with inflammation, and so swollen ■cU when you press your finger on the jKJamei pa.rt it leaves an impression If eo. aCt,er the skin you have poison which, if not a^aeted, yon may go on suffering till death *w*es you. A poiaoned hand may lead to an ,uta.tiol1 of the arm. Perhaps your knees swollen, the joints being ulcerated; the .with the ankles, round which the skin discoloured; the disease, allowed to may deprive von of the power to or work. Tou may have attended various »itals ant* been your case is hopeless, W*4viaed to submit to amputation; rto not. r h>h ,#n<i me a P.oT for 2a. 6d.. and I will post W a Box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and M t>t°' which has never failed to cure.—0. 1L 75. Farringdon-street. London. No Breakfast Table complete without GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. OOCOA The Most Nutritions and Economical TOOTH-ACHE T V CURED INSTANTLY BY iR|TW»1 1.1 11 9 Ct Prevents Decay, Savw nM |\J ■ K K. h Extraction. Kwpless A JUJLlf W Nights Prevented. gfewrstss NERVINE JETER'S NERVINE.W *A1 ^Wnistg, 1». L|d., or on receipt of atampi to Depot, 13, st- George-street, Norwich. WW THE BEST FAMILY ICEDICINB. JAYE'Swo^L, .PILLS W'OWTUN ewe for INDIRECT ton, Biliousness, Headache, H Coiiitlpaticra, LIVER and Kidney Complaints, LADIES of aU are# they are invahiaWe. Of all >J*U3TA, is. lid., 28. 9d., and 4«. 6D per boat, or poet reoefpt of stamps to Depot, 14, St. George- orwich. w351 ^Upture Can Be Cured. 8. the Weil Known SpeoMist, THTE Statement by Testimonials fJom all Parts of the Country. K^onsteEgiHg witti people from various parte of ? ooeis surprised to find how prevalent SbP* belief that nrpinre is inearable. This is no doubt by the failure of the operation as a radical enre. u well TAS BY ill-fitting trusses. But a treatment HAS been invented AND per- fected, and has been in USE lor years, that has effected thousands of cores in all parts of the ■world. The numerous testimonials received prove conclusively that rupture can be cared, and by a very simple home method, oausmg no pain, danger, opera- tion, or loss of time from work. A book de- scribing this method, of cure has been written LB. ""J. MANUELL. by Dr. W. S. Bice 2S. (Dept. 925), 8 and 9. I^*><1 » TOER street, London, B.C., who will gladly A COPT free of all cost, as well as a free »J4T °F his method, apon application. The por- MR- H. J. Mannell, 47. Marion Street, T- FLN-^PLOTLANDS. Cardiff, a well-known erector of •' has been cured by this method, after IG* U years. He says: It is a pleasure tosay method has cured my rupture. It is a God-send to ruptured peoplfl. I had (^VL 11 years, and although my work is TORY !BF$W*JIAVE had no further trouble from the NOTHING could give me greater pleasure W L'|cornmend this wonderfalmethod of cure." !^V»!DEIAY in sending for this valuable book. interesting READING to say the loafit, and if \I)5 method of treatment described therein I V T,NL well paid for your trouble. Write to-day I Tiotisauds of CUSES have been cured. J ^WATERPRO F LLBLLNMMAIIBLA andprecervesibeOf* J ^WATERPRO F LLBLLNMMAIIBLA andprecervesibeOf* iill IMMIM OF BOOTS UD HAB. PVMES|Q| MJ MWB. AHowepott*. | ^BS WV MR ■ ■ H in&. Fir—«nt odour. I W T.,A ExHiarnoif HIGHBST AWABM. -I A •«• *8 of Boetmaken Saddlers 8TARM,AE. MAOFYXNAT DnlwiahflX. A .1












