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J. gESSIGNS ANB SQNS, CANAL WHARF EAST, CARBEFF. AN) DOCKS, GLOUCESTER, MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SLATE ANB MARBLE j CHIMNEY PIECES, t', VTIIS, URINALS, HALL TABLES msulbings, &C. — nUZE MEDAL SYBNEY INTEltNATIGNAL EXHIBITION 1879, AXB FIRST ORDER OF MERIT INTEHNATKJNAL EXHIBITION, 18S1. DBÂ.LER8 L'i ALL XIDS OF BUILIHNG MATERIALS. ILLUSTRATE D PRICES ON" 7742c "*• J^EYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. JgEYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Never Known to Fail. JJEYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. The Greatest Rheumatic Remedy in Exite1.i.ce. GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOD r SPECIFIC. JLY One Trial Alone Sultices. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. J[\) Has au Uiiparallelrd Reputation. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. HAS an Enormous bale in all Farts of the World. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Marvellously Efficacious in all Cnses of trout, Rheumatism, sciatica, LUl/lba:0, and all ellr¡ic Complaints. GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Innumerable Testimonials Received. JJEYXOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, Cures when all other Remedies have Failed. -+- REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Acknowledged throughout the World to be the Safest ,;JHí mot effectual Remedy. The Real iSnemy ot Gout, lie. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Dr. Brewster, for many yers otteot the leading; Physicians in Paris. Writes :—" I have prescribed Keynalda' Gout Slfecilic In all cases of Rheumatic Cvmplaiut, And found it all invaluable remedy. I have always recommended it, And consider it a safe and invaluable medicin# REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Has never been known to fail. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Each bottle is accompanied by A number of genuine Testimonials. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. Space here is too limited tQ quote The many fervent expressions of ratitude Accorded this Wonderful Medicine. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. The virtues of this Specifie Have been held Iu the highest reputation For the past 70 years. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, I the only Infallible Cure. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, For Rheumatic Ailments. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, Fer Gout. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, L\; Eor Rheumatism. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, L Fr 8i¡¡,tic. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. FÐr Lumbago. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, tL\< For all Neuralgic Complaints. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, The Oldest Remedy. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC iL\) TUe Safest Remedy. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, The most Effectual Remedy. REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, IN 2s. 9D. and 4s. 6D. bottles, at all Chemists', and Wholesale by Barclay and SOllS. 96, Farringdon-street, Lttndol1, E.C. REYNOLDS' GOLT r SPECIFIC. D EYNOLDS GOUT SPECIFIC. J^IEBIu'S ^FIEMICAL JjlOOD, OR WINE OF RKOTIPTTATES. WHAT IT IS. Broadly speaking, it is a carefully prep.rel1 compound if the subtle elements which £ EU<l to make A'JJRVE HUSCLS, BLOOD, HOSE, mid Bl.'XLS, and keeo the 7arious organs healthy 01'. in case ot loss, to restore to 11l their proper functions by imparting the power ¡hev lk. These Phosphates—af Lime, of Manganese, of Iron, of Immonia, of P'otassÏlan-u-e the main CONSTITUENT of Muscles, IFERVEA. Blood, Bone, and Brain. Through leeay, or tbe usin, up of the;E c<)n5tituents-wbeLb"r it consequence of age, overwork, or illness- he balance seoomes disturbed, prostration follow3, or convalescence is delayed. To restore this loss, to prevent 01' remove this prostra- ion 18 the mission of j^IEBIG'S QHEMICAL FOOD, OR WO K OF PHOSPHATES. AND IT IN VARIABLY SUCCEEDS. hoving itself i4 powerful, C rtain, yet ,Ü\50Iutelv afe •estorative. Helice it b especially adapted for the reliei IIId cure SERVE, MUSCLE, or BLOOD dis- turbance or Ii ise, AS :— Headache Hysteria Epilepsy Indigestion Paralysis Consumption Loss of Me1l181'y Sickne.5s Dyspepsia Flatulence DY8elltery Chronic Diarrhoea Co,ic RheumaUaiu 8t Vitus' Dance xnmbago Sciatica Numbness Pleurisy Abscesses Jaundice Scrofula Boils Loss of Appetite Skin Diseases Pour Blood Heart lJjSt"4:!e Noises in the Hd Nenous Debility Inactive Liver Neuralgia Diased JCidnevs In aU tbese cases, and in the many symptmus which peoede or accompany them. the use of j^IEBIG'S (JHEMICAL OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES, Jannot fail to prove beneficial; the numerous testi- monials already received justify this statement. More- over. this preparation posseslôes no property which would disqualify its use. It is not purgative; it contains no poisonous drug it is pleasant to the taste; though a wirie, it is non- alcoholic 18 NOURISHMENT TO THE NERVES, FOOD TO THE uliAlN, BONES, BLOOD, AND MUSCLES, and brings through them Renewed Health to the entire system ef that complex organisation, the a: uman Body. .B.—Insist upon your Chemist supplying ymt Kith J^IEEIG'S ^JHEMICAL FOOD, OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES. /\The is glne lL"1th.ut Government 8t.ml' and. Sir ''HAS. LO COCK'S testimonial wilit EACH BUTTLE. SOLD in bottl by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Carliiff and throuhoutthe United Kinjdora. lric..s-2s. 9d., ^s.6d., and lis. 7701c SCHWEITZER'S CCCUATINA K3 •A.Ttii'Jyfspcptic OT Chacolmtc Js&tcder, ^PABANTBEB FWRJE SOLUBLE C.Ci, {¡,t t. finest quality, witii the excess af t extracte4. The iaeultypr»nounceit "the most nutrltiaus, rtectly digestiklebeverage for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and INVALUABLE for Invalids and Children." HLFIKLT COXUNSKK BY THE K.VL'LR* MLDICAL FRXSS. Being WITHOUT SUGAR, spice, or ottier admixture, it suits ail palates, KEEPS tor YEARS IN ALL climates, and is four times the STRENGTH »F OOCO^S TKICXKNEB yet wuKtxtts HRITB Arrowroot, ST*RCK, AND M RKALXTY CXXAPJCR than SUCH Mixtures. IXXDE instantaneously WITH BAILING water, a teaspoonful to a Breakfast Cup, costing l*5a than a halfpenny. C»C«ATINA A °»*st deUcate,diges- tible, cheap*^ T*m 1 an<l may ke taken when richer Chocolate is prohibited. In Tina at la. ôd., 3ø., 58. W., *C-» *Y Choaista and Brocers. a'1224 MESSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, \Wrfr STTRGEONS.7.PARK-ST..BRI8TOL. TisiU, WBDNBSDAT, »ept-• m#nth BRIDGEND—1st THURSDAY J Next Visit, 22. Caroline-street, from 9 TO 4.M P-™ 3%WBRID0B-3rd THURSDAY J^P^NEXT Mr. J. THOMAS'S. Chemist,/rofflt 9-33 TE^OP.M. visit, September ldtk. „ „.„n+h CHEPSTOW—2nd aud*th THURSDAY IN ever> «« at 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE. Next Visits, AUG. a ad Sept. 11th. A VACANCY for a PUPIL. EA 111 censequeace of Imitations I £ of Lea k Perrins' Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the Public, T3ERPJNS' LEA and PERRINS beg to draw attention to the fact that CJAL CE. each bottle of the original and Genuine o Worcestershire Sauce bears their Signature on th label. LEA WORCESTERSHIRE ± SAUCE. PERRINS' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, T..1T1 London; and Export Oilmen gene- SALUL, rally. Retail by Dealers throughout the World. 735Ce jyNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. JQINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAG- NESIA. -NIkG.NESI-k, DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, Fer acidity of the Stomach. Fsr Heartburn and Headaehe. For Gout and Indigestion. LXNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, aad Infants. OF ALL CHEMMM. 7472c CoLMAN'S JVI USTARD. ,í'Á; :V ( t


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