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CARDIFF. RSTBAN-GE MISHAP IN MAST AVN-STRRKT.—On evening, at about half-past six o'clock, j^lice-Constable Wakefield was called to No. 52, ry Ann-street, where he found a young woman famed Ann Connor suffering from a considerable l0^ of blood. It appeared that a blood vessel had J^oken in her leg while, as it is said, she was sitting H sofa. The case was evidently serious, and the J^cer at once engaged a cab and had the woman ^nveyed to the Infirmary. ANOTHER FATAL FALL DOWNSTAIRS.—On Satur- 2*7 night it was reported by Police-Constable "Sera (62) that at half-past ten o'clock he was for to No. 33, Sandon-place, Cardiff. He there the dead body of a woman named Ellen r'phens at the bottom of the staircase. The ecea.sed had only come from Bristol, where her ¡11sba.nd lived, during the day. She was said to j'^Ve been going upstairs to the bedroom at her new ^Sfings at about ten minutes to ten o'clock, and "en she had reached the fourth step 9he fell down, giving such severe injuries to her head that she led soon afterwards. Dr. Morgan Williams ^fived after death, and it appears that a post- ?°rtem examination of the body is likely to be SSRIOTJS ACCIDENT AT THE DOCKS.—About six on Saturday morning, as Mr. James Clat- of Kothesay-terrace, was passing along East Pier-head, he noticed a man lying on the Patching about 30 feet below the quay wall. His and face wasdreadfully disfigured and covered blood. He was conveyed to the Hamadryad jr^pital Ship in an unconscious state by Bute i Ck-Sergeant Davies. The man remains in a ery critical state. He is believed to be the car- nter of the steamer Sheikh, of Liverpool, now in e noath Basin. Ih. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH.—There was a racial musical service at this church on Whit- t, nday morning, when Gounod's grand Messe °'ennelle" was rendered with full orchestral ^°Dapaniment. This is the first occasion on which j has been rendered by a Catholic choir n Cardiff. Mr. Iltyd David (late of Llandaff >jl «edral) sang the tenor solos with telling effect. band was under the able leadership of Mr. E. tL.*wberts. Mr. Lionel Strina was the organist for occasion. The choir-master, Mr. M. C. in lony, conducted, and the choir by their render- of the choruses bore evidences of very careful joining. The Rev. Father Tunney was the THIRD BATTALION OF THE WELSH REGI- —On Saturday the men of the 3rd Bat- of the Welsh Regiment concluded the tlOd of this year's training in camp at Cardiff, Jl** delivered up their arms and kits. They were 1 Pnid off, and it is gratifying to know that the 8 "^ttianding officer took the precaution of at once i tty £ them in large campanies to their respec- railway stations, where they took train for Various destinations without delay. ^ALL-POX.—On Sunday another case of small- reported to have occurred in Helen-street, ho? ^e sufferer is a woman who lodges at the 4njSe of a man named Daniel Beddoes (No. 43), otj ^hich is next door to the residence where the oflj outbreak took place. Dr. Paine, medical his061, was communicated with, and, acting under to Inspector Leyshon removed the woman alotK Hamadryad Hospital Sheds. On Tuesday J" er death from small-pox occurred. It will oj ^collected that a short time since a little girl years, named Short, was removed to the tilfg ^rya,d Hospital Sheds from No. 4-1, Belen- et.' Roath. This little sufferer died on Tuesday ■tyj. n'ng. She is the second of the same family g has succumbed to the epidemic. FEVER.—We regret to hear that-scarlet O\¡tel! which was recently reported to have broken Helen-street, Roath, has also made its are rar,ce in Cathays. At Woodville-road there s^jj^eral houses where children have been QQe^ring from the epidemic, and two or three little Uinf*1"6 said to have succumbed to the ravages of Jever. • ^KT' THOMAS COOK.—This evangelist, whose here .In the great northern towns since his mission 8uctl 1n November last has been attended with 'n& l'emarkable success, conducted services morn- to tJd evening at Roath-road Chapel on Sunday ftdjj oWded congregations. In the afternoon he late eSd several hundreds of the converts at his ^^ission. VJC" ^VERSART SERVICES.—The anniversary ser- 8reea'? connection with the Charles-street Con- lefiA°na' Sunday School were held on Sunday, large V- Hope Davison, of London, preached to c°nSregations both in the morning and ati(} nS- The school children sang special hymns fund ^heois, and collections in aid of the school 8: were made. —feirtVrARY KEPORT.—Week ending May 31,1384. W hs registered, 70; 38 9 per 1,000. Deaths {9auaeS, 44; 24-4 per 1,000. Deaths from ^ean fh zyn°tic diseases, 7 3 8 per 1,000. 83,5^2 '"et'mometer, 55 2. Estimated population, I'his estimate is based on the census ^6an J0? April, 1881, with the addition of tlia Cectjjj dally increment obtained during the pre- I ten years. HEECECESXS AT ROATH.—On Monday Mr. E. B. bo(jv c°roner, held an inquest at Roath upon the °f the child Eva Roberts, who died by a the effects of injuries occasioned on g^naway horse in Woodville-road, Cathays, oCC(liUn<Jay morning. Tlie jury found that the 'was purely accidental, but suggested c°6 in utUre milk sellers should leave some }, c'8UVB F °F their vehicles while they were tr!Dgum3lIk'—The coroner also held an inquest ° of VV. Rogers, son of George Rogers, f Teet. The deceased had recently come 'nQ CI\ rom Australia. He was in delicate health, ftftg.. a cold on Friday. On Sunday morning, b*Pir ,?y*D% partaken of breakfast, he suddenly ^l* border attended after death. A ct of Death from natural causes was re- Acc ^le jurv. Q¡,\)lI1)ENT AT LOWER GT?AKGTTOWN.—On Tuesday ^atnes Newby, 60, of Aston House, Clive- >ayVr°Wei" Grangetown, ran out into the road- °V6rb 868 a wetlclipg party, when he was run VeTedf °ne t'ie wedding cabs. He was con- his thi ? Infirmary, where it was found that ACc £ h Was broken. l Of ENT AT ^anton-—Tuesday evening a ou^ ten years, named Henry Helland, r^k L'3,3 r'ng in Ely-road on the step of a an(Hu en'on gating off, he was knocked down ^lilkij, 0Ver by a horse and spring-cart driven by a Wckft(ja?. named Ackford. The latter at once ^efeth UP anc' took him to the Infirmary, ^artjg e lad's head was bandaged. He was after- prol11t back into the cart, the driver of which tOad 0 to take him home. When near Castle- 1111d thft th homeward journey, the horse slipped, driver fell forward out of the cart. He proceeded in the direction of Canton. f e same day, one of Mr. Andrews's 'bus ctieJI1 down in Angel-street, whilst at work, CItI> On the spot. FBOVE ARCHITECTURAL SKETCHING CLUB.—The i 6 an ordinary general meeting at ?s*> °r's Court, Town-hall, on Saturday evening the President (Mr. E. M. Bruce Vaughan) ^is inaugural address to an appreciative e- The following honorary members were v'^are*Bric* showed the interest they take in the °f the club by giving advice to the raule r ^embers, viz:—Messrs. S. W. Allen, W. psirj'^d G. Halliday. Votes of thanks to the '<*>orar 11 his excellent address and to the VjClatua?. Members present were carried with tSan 1 and the meeting then separated. ers of .bbey was visited on Monday by mem- t. V the club. S i?cha)N CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—On Monday eC.°ls ars attending the Canton Church Sunday lfi^iohain dumber about 500, proceeded to a by at El>"» which had been generously lo> George Thomas. The Ely Fife and U headed the precession, and in the tear 3>ai g the wagons carrying the infants. The A Were indulged in by the young folks, n il)te an.d al', thoroughly enjoyed themselves. J 118 the estlng feature in the day's proceedings j<v Presentation of a travelling bag to Miss at!3' who had been for more than six years ln these schools. HAT^'HP3*?TLLLE CHURCH SCHOOLS PENNY BANK. cJ b^n" the last few weeks the large sum of £ L'5 8n*tion ^'thdrawn for new clothing, &c., in anti- o '1 tK vthe Whitsuntide holidays. The balance if '1'. is upwards of £30ô. > THE tpn S SUNDAY SCHOOL.—The annual pic-nic Q sd&,y of this Sunday Schooljtook place on ^i,en a most enjoyable day was spent at Carved k e Party. numbering nearly 200, were MiPita'i l, the Rhymney Railway. After a v v«nt nc.'le°n the party separated, some "Of th 11 tli ,n8 a possible attack of inal de mer ih'Olv8 recon Canal. Everybody enjoyed SOQ^T?8' and the company returned to Cardiff q "me. V H^TIR»VLARYJS PIC-NIC.—St, Mary's Sunday School h!c Oh an their friends had a very pleasant pic- Tuesday to Raglan Castle. Special arrange- t been made with tlie Great Western 1 tI and the party started at 10.30 a.m., and b'v ret>ltn train started from Raglan at Mr, v»" A sumptuous luncheon was prepared 8a.l.rt°n>i St. Mary-street, Cardiff, and gave '? ct'on. The party numbered 120, and \¡t¡ds t emselves thoroughly in the beautiful 'in.thn £ TK—The annual fete in connec- IlIotbe Sope District of Foresters was held r, tlijng IQ, Gardens Field on Tuesday. In the 0» Procession of Foresters, wearing the »anrt Order, left Canton, headed by a brass ^s>^ through the principal streets of the "to f n the scene of the f6te. The rain,which f 6arly 'n the afternoon, prevented the Ji#l'.a»$t 'roui being as lai ge as was expected 8iv e aa' 15,000 persons were admitted to the of rel), on tertainmeut of the music-hall order was ^iid^^ci^KJ^^Porary stage, and there was no lack uts, shooting galleries, sky sweepers," The fdte concluded with a display of Chf?ARlTT'—meeting of the governors of was held at the Town-hall on itbg Keea Jones presided, and there were J. g Alderman Duncan, and Messrs. T J C°rbett, anc| Lewis Williams. The du S6nle(^ a certificate for the balance re- j0 6 to Mr. Robert Dav on account of his •8 {wv 8treet works, and cheques were drawn several amounts. The clerk to prepare a form of agreement to 0t> th 0 by builders before commencing ^ere 9 charity lands. Messrs. Corbett and appointed a sub-committee to confer tioua Veyor with a view of formulating tnE5u8crihing the materials to be used hon building to be employed in n!!IJtV4es on the estate of the charity. M R1 AT GRANGBTOWN.—The Windsor ^«etieQ S C°nservative Sick Benefit Club at the National Schoolroom, Lower Y li^cilloi-'v>tl ^ednesday. There were present MttJ^l'tg ul0r^the Rev. Mr. Gibbings, Messrs. • 'lv^ Blar.1 ? Wiia V(?ted chairman), C. James, II. ikolo^'g, j J* 1)um (secretary), J. Salt, G. Milford, StctT?' Urley> T. L. Leah, kc. Letters of rplJ.d from Messrs. Luard, Shirley, l6S>"ettV i ^G7-' v^nt'ent Saulez, and others, r lr* tK ^ere their inability to attend. some 50 members present, l. lQr io IY appreciated the addresses of adrti.5 and the Rev. Mr. Gibbings, Cou»i them. A vote of thanks wug ouiot Xoiatli for bis kindoesa io L attending. Although the club has only been started a. fortnight it has already enrolled 50 to 60 members, and bids fair to outrival those previously started on the same principles elsewhere. Their next meeting night will be Wednesday. June 18. DEATH OF AN OLD CARDIFFIAN.—There died in Quay-street on Wednesday Tom Taylor, an old Cardiffian, 94 years of age. The deceased had in former years been a rural postman, and he had latterly been supported to a great extent by the gifts which reached him from Courtyralla and L'.andaff House. He was one of the oldest men in the town, and he was very well known to most of the older residents. It may also be noted that his sister, a widow, named Wright, and with whom he lived in Quay-street, is reported to be the oldest woman in the town. She is 97 years of age, and is familiarly known as Nancy Wright. The bell of St. John's was tolled on Wednesday in recog- nition of the death of Taylor, whose father, it seems, was buried many years since in St. John's Churchyard. WORTJI NOTICE.—Pikes, Rake, Waggon Ropes, and anv kind of Farming Tools and all kinds ef Dairy tytensifa, of the best quality, lowest possible prices.— fprkins Bros., IrOOlmonJl:r8.8t. Mary-street. Oardiif.


























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