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CARDIFP. BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—Mr. C. W. David pre- sided at the weekly meeting of this board on kiituiday. The master of the workhouse reported 24 admissions during the week, 17 discharges, and 3 deaths; leaving 499 persons in the house, an increase of 25 on the corresponding week of last Year. The number of vagrants relieved had been j?° against 30 in the corresponding week, uf Out-door relief 2,673 had partaken, an increase 45 on the number in the corresponding week of last year. The expenditure in this relief amounted to £270 lis. 10d., an increase of £1 6s. on the ft'Hount expended in the corresponding week. The Master of Ely Schools reported one admission and two discharges, leaving 182 in the house. Ð. decrease of 21 on the corrcspondon; Week. On the motion of Mr. Kamsdale, neeon<tc.i Iby Mr. Boulanger. a committee of the whole board '\VaR appointed to consider the question of the representation of the union. They will meet at the Workhouse next Wednesday at half-lmst two. The Jjlerk (Mr. Stephenson) applied to the board to have instituted an inquiry info the duties per- formed by the clerk, who was not allowed any The matter was referred to the General Purposes Committee. This was all the business. Staikkd GLASS WINDOWS AT ST. PRRRR's CHURCH. ""—On Sunday three large beautiful stained glass V'indows, which have been placed over the altar in l?t. Peter's Roman Catholic Church were unveiled in the presence of a full congregation. tin win- dows have been erected bv Messrs. Mayt-i "id of Munich, at a total cost of £ 595, of wh..b £ 590 Wave been raised by voluntary eunscrip- hons, the Marquess of Bute ami Mr. Prirnuvesi contributing £160 each. The fol- lowing is a description of the windows, viz.:— The chief subject in the centre window over the hIgh ahar is our Lord preaching from ttlC barque I of Peter. In the window to the right St. Peter Presiding over the first council at Jerusalem. In the Window to the left St. Peter is represented as being delivered from prison by nn ang") at the Jntercession of the whole Church. In the lower compartments of the window the work of St. Peter in his successors is illustrated. In the Window to the right St. Elutherius, Pope and martyr, is sending (A.D. 137), at the request of King Lucius, SS. Dyfan and Ffagan to evangelise the British I$le8. In the centre window St. Gregory the Great is sending St. Augus- tine (A.P. 596) to pteach the Gospel in England. In the window to the left St. Patrick is represented as lJrcachmg before the kjn ILt Tara. The group is particularly fino, St, Patrick is standing unawed by the presence of the king and his warriors, hold- ing the shamrock leaf in his hand, explaining the mystery of the Hoiv Trinity. Jn the rose at the top of the centre window is the delivery of the keys to St, Pela by our Lord. In the one to the light is tho scene" Domine quo vallis." In the one to the left is represented the criu'.itixioii of St. Peter, who, out of reverence to his Divine Master, begged of his executioners to crucify him with his head downwards. that his head might be where our Lord's feet were on the cross. At the foot of the centre window is the fol- lowing legend :—" Of your charity pray for Fedele Primavesi and Sarah, his wife, who gave this window for the love of God, and out of devution to the holy see." At the foot of the Welsh window is:—" Pray for the good estate of John, Marquess of Bute, who gave this window for the greater honour and glory of God." At the foot of the Irish window is:—" Of your charity pray for the good e9tate of those who gave this window for the good of their own souls." The sermon on the occasion of unveiling these windows was preached by the Rev. the Bishop, who took as his subject the Divine virtue of charity. In the evening the pulpit filled by Cn J on Woods. An Alleged PIOUS FRAUD.—It appears that curing the last few days n man, giving himself the fcame of Richard Williams, has been calling on tradesmen for "subscriptions in aid of the new church at Canton," and that in several instances he has succeeded in obtaining contributions. "n Monday evening he made a can on a gentleman and invited assistance ns usual. In reply to the latter, he said he would be quite happy to accompany him to Mr. Lynche Blesse's house in order that it might be established beyond doubt that he was authorised to collect money on behalf of the new church fund. The tWo Started on this errand, but when fcear the old police-station in St. Marv-street. the SPntleman found that his visitor had disappeared, fiichard Williams is now wanted by the police, lie jasaid to be a Welshman, about 35 years of age he has sandy hair, whiskers, and moustache, and has the appearance of a carpenter. His height is about !5ft., 7in., and he wore a brown overcoat. PICTURES FOR THK FREE LIBRAEY.—A meeting Of the sub-committee appointed to make arrange- ments for the purchasing of pictures for the Free library was heid at the Town-hall on Monday eVening, and about £100 was voted for the pur- chase of various approved works. SOUTH WALES MERCANTILE BUILDING SOCILTY.— The profits of this society will enable a bonus of £2 lOs, per cent, to be paid to tho subscription and OdVllDCO shareholders, and 16s. 8d. per cent. to the holders of £10 fully paid-up shares. SCHOOL FOB THK DFAF AND DUMB, LLANDAFF.— Mr. Melville begs to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of a donation of £10 10s. from the Marquess of Bute, being a donation in aid of the school funds. CARDIFF MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (Li.IITKDJ. —The third annual general meeting of the CarriilT Marine Insurance Company (Limited) was held in the Chamber of Commerce on Monday, the 5\.il inst., ^r- J- H. Wilson in the chair. The directors'report lor 1882 was taken as read, and, in moving its adoption, the Chairman regretted that he was un- able to declare a dividend in consequence of the bumher of looses and averages which had fallen on the company during the past year, which was one that had been exceptionally disastrous to shipping IInd to the interests of underwriters especially. ■ The business of the company showed a satisfactory increase over the previous year. The retiring direc- tors and auditors were re-clccted, and Mr. W. 2*1 kry- •Jhurch was elected a director, in place of Mr. J. A. **ibbs, resigned. ORDINATION SERVICE AT ROATH ROAD CONGHK- OTIOAL rlfAPEL,-On Wednesday evening a ser- !¡<,e in connection with the ordination ef the Rev. Lloyd Williams, n.A.. of New College, London, the pastor of the lloath road Congregational J^hapel, was held in that place of worship. j\h$congregation was large, a»d among 'hose present were the Rev. K. Newth, W.A., D.D. Rev. J. Morris, D.D.. Professor Rowlands, B.A., of Brecon College Rev. T. Kvnns, Rev. M. Thomas, Canton; and the ■^ev- Jason Jenkins, Penarth. Dr. Newth delivered an address relating to the principles of the Church. and Professor Rowlands put the questions of belief, ^hieh were answered satisfactorily by the new ^'hister. A sermon, based on St. John xxi., 15, afterwards delivered by the Rev. J. Morris. jjle Rev. J. Lloyd Williams has officiated at this P'ice of worship for about ten weeks past, and the Rev. L. T. Maclaine as pastor. 4 NOTICE.—ESTABLISHED 1850. — Louis EARNKTT, "> Hut"-street, Cardiff, (he only Bliop in town where can obtain money on Plate, Watches, Jewellery, ??•» bi sums above £ 2 r.t the rate of fourpence in the P°Hnd per month. The ch.irge for tieket or contract. "'yoiie pennv, end all goods may be left for twelve Months, if required.


























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